You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

257 lines
8.3 KiB

/// <reference path="../../includes.ts"/>
module Navigation {
export var pluginName = 'hawtio-navigation';
export var log = Logger.get(pluginName);
export var _module = angular.module(pluginName, []); =>{
_module.service('HawtioBreadcrumbs', () => {
var _config = [];
var self = {
apply: (config) => {
_config.length = 0;
_.forEach(config, (crumb) => {
get: () => {
return _config;
return self;
_module.service('HawtioSubTabs', () => {
var _config = [];
var self = {
apply: (config) => {
_config.length = 0;
_.forEach(config, (crumb) => {
get: () => {
return _config;
return self;
_module.directive('hawtioRelativeHref', ['$location', ($location) => {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: (scope, element, attr) => {
var targetPath = attr['hawtioRelativeHref'];
var targetHref = new URI($location.url());
element.attr('href', targetHref.toString());
_module.directive('viewportHeight', ['$window', '$document', ($window, $document) => {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: (scope, element, attr) => {
// log.debug("Window: ", $window);
// log.debug("element: ", element);
var win = $($window);
var resizeFunc = () => {
var viewportHeight = win.innerHeight();
// log.debug("Viewport height: ", viewportHeight);
var elTop = element.offset().top;
// log.debug("Element top: ", elTop);
var height = viewportHeight - elTop;
element.css('height', height);
win.on('resize', resizeFunc);
element.on('$destroy', () => {'resize', resizeFunc);
setTimeout(resizeFunc, 50);
_module.directive('hawtioMainOutlet', ['HawtioSubTabs', (HawtioSubTabs) => {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
scope.tabs = HawtioSubTabs;
scope.$watchCollection('tabs.get()', (tabs) => {
// log.debug("subTabConfig: ", subTabConfig);
if (tabs && tabs.length > 0) {
element.css({ 'margin-left': '' });
} else {
element.css({ 'margin-left': 'auto' });
_module.directive('hawtioTabsOutlet', ['HawtioSubTabs', (HawtioSubTabs) => {
var initialized = false;
return {
restrict: 'AE',
replace: true,
template: `
<div class="nav-pf-vertical nav-pf-vertical-with-secondary-nav" ng-controller="Developer.NavBarController" ng-class="getClass()">
<div class="list-group">
<div ng-repeat="subTab in subTabConfig" ng-show="true"
class="list-group-item {{ ? 'active' : ''}}"
<a ng-hide="subTab.template" href="{{subTab.href}}">
<span ng-show="subTab.class" ng-class="subTab.class"></span>
<img ng-show="subTab.icon" ng-src="{{subTab.icon}}">
<div ng-show="subTab.template" compile="subTab.template"></div>
link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
if (!initialized) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// ignore if we haven't loaded patternfly
initialized = true;
scope.HawtioSubTabs = HawtioSubTabs;
var collapsed = false;
scope.getClass = () => {
//log.debug("My class: ", element.attr('class'));
if (!scope.subTabConfig || !scope.subTabConfig.length) {
return 'hidden';
if (collapsed) {
return 'collapsed';
return '';
scope.$on('hawtioCollapseNav', () => {
collapsed = !collapsed;
scope.$watch('HawtioSubTabs.get()', (subTabConfig) => {
scope.subTabConfig = subTabConfig;
_module.directive('hawtioBreadcrumbsOutlet', ['HawtioBreadcrumbs', 'HawtioSubTabs', (HawtioBreadcrumbs, HawtioSubTabs) => {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
template: `
<div class="nav navbar-nav nav-breadcrumb nav-breadcrumbs" ng-show="breadcrumbConfig" ng-controller="Developer.NavBarController">
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li ng-repeat="breadcrumb in breadcrumbConfig" ng-show="isValid(breadcrumb) && label(breadcrumb)"
class="{{ ? 'active' : ''}}"
ng-class="$last ? 'dropdown' : ''"
<a ng-show="breadcrumb.href" href="{{breadcrumb.href}}">{{label(breadcrumb)}}</a>
<span ng-hide="breadcrumb.href">{{label(breadcrumb)}}</span>
<li ng-show="pageTitle">
<span ng-bind="pageTitle"></span>
link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
scope.breadcrumbs = HawtioBreadcrumbs;
scope.tabs = HawtioSubTabs;
scope.$watchCollection('breadcrumbs.get()', (breadcrumbConfig) => {
scope.breadcrumbConfig = breadcrumbConfig;
scope.$watchCollection('tabs.get()', (tabs) => {
var active = _.find(tabs, (tab:any) =>;
if (active) {
scope.pageTitle = active.label;
} else {
scope.pageTitle = undefined;
_module.directive('platformSubTabsOutlet', ['HawtioSubTabs', (HawtioSubTabs) => {
var initialized = false;
return {
restrict: 'AE',
replace: true,
template: `
<div class="nav-pf-vertical nav-pf-vertical-with-secondary-nav sj_menu" ng-controller="Developer.NavBarController" ng-class="getClass()">
<ul class="navbar-lf-menu " >
<li ng-repeat="subTab in subTabConfig " >
<div class="expandable closed " ng-show="subTab.items.length" style=" padding:0;">
<div title="The title" class="title sj_menu_nav" >
<i class=" sj_menu_01" >{{subTab.label}}</i>
<ul class="expandable-body sj_menu_ul" >
<li ng-repeat="item in subTab.items" >
<a href="{{item.href}}" >{{item.label}}</a>
<div ng-hide="subTab.items.length" class="sj_menu_nav" >
9 years ago
<i class=" sj_menu_02" ></i><a href="{{subTab.href}}">{{subTab.label}}</a>
link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
if (!initialized) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// ignore if we haven't loaded patternfly
initialized = true;
scope.HawtioSubTabs = HawtioSubTabs;
var collapsed = false;
scope.getClass = () => {
//log.debug("My class: ", element.attr('class'));
if (!scope.subTabConfig || !scope.subTabConfig.length) {
return 'hidden';
if (collapsed) {
return 'collapsed';
return '';
scope.$on('hawtioCollapseNav', () => {
collapsed = !collapsed;
scope.$watch('HawtioSubTabs.get()', (subTabConfig) => {
scope.subTabConfig = subTabConfig;