/// declare module Developer { type LabelResolver = () => string; interface BreadcrumbConfig { href?: string; label?: string | LabelResolver; title?: string; class?: string; isValid?: () => boolean; isActive?: (subTab, path) => boolean; } function workspaceLink(): string; function projectLink(projectId: any): string; function createWorkspacesBreadcrumbs(developPerspective?: any): BreadcrumbConfig[]; function createWorkspacesSubNavBars(developPerspective: any): any; function createWorkspaceBreadcrumbs(children?: any, workspaceName?: any): any; function createEnvironmentBreadcrumbs($scope: any, $location: any, $routeParams: any): any; function createProjectBreadcrumbs(projectName?: any, children?: Array, workspaceName?: any): any; function createProjectSettingsBreadcrumbs(projectName: any, workspaceName?: any): any; function createWorkspaceSubNavBars(): any; function namespaceRuntimeLink(workspaceName?: any): string; /** * Creates a routing function that loads a template and inject the needed directives to properly * display/update the Developer module managed tabs and bread crumbs for when the route is active. * * Example Usage: * * var route = Developer.createTabRoutingFunction("/app/somedir"); * $routeProvider.when('/profiles', route('view.html', false, [{ * label: "Profiles", * title: "Browse the profiles of this project" * }] * )); * * @param baseURL * @returns {function(string, boolean=, Array=): {template: string, reloadOnSearch: boolean, controller: string|string|(function(any, ng.route.IRouteParamsService): undefined)[]}} */ function createTabRoutingFunction(baseURL: string): (templateName: string, reloadOnSearch?: boolean, children?: BreadcrumbConfig[]) => { template: string; reloadOnSearch: boolean; controller: (string | (($scope: any, $routeParams: ng.route.IRouteParamsService) => void))[]; }; function createProjectSubNavBars(projectName: any, jenkinsJobId?: any, $scope?: any): any; function createProjectSettingsSubNavBars(projectName: any, jenkinsJobId?: any): any; function forgeProjectHasBuilder(name: any): any; function forgeProjectHasPerspective(name: any): any; function editPipelineLinkScope($scope: any): string; function createProjectLink(workspaceName?: any): string; function editPipelineLink(workspaceName: any, projectName: any): string; function editMavenBuildLink(workspaceName: any, projectName: any): string; function projectSecretsLink(workspaceName: any, projectName: any): string; function secretsNamespaceLink(workspaceName: any, projectName: any, secretsNamespace: any): string; function projectWorkspaceLink(workspaceName: any, projectName: any, path: any, ignoreBlankProject?: boolean): string; function environmentsLink(workspaceName?: any): string; function environmentLink(workspaceName: any, environmentNamespace: any, path?: string, ignoreBlankProject?: boolean): string; var customProjectSubTabFactories: any[]; function createJenkinsBreadcrumbs(projectName: any, jobId: any, buildId: any): any; function createJenkinsSubNavBars(projectName: any, jenkinsJobId: any, buildId: any, extraOption?: any): any; function createEnvironmentSubNavBars($scope: any, $location: any, $routeParams: any): any; function environmentInstanceLink(env: any, projectName?: any): string; function namespaceLink($scope: any, $routeParams: any, path?: any): string; function normalizeHref(href: string): string; }