/// module Developer { var log = Logger.get('developer-navigation'); export type LabelResolver = () => string; export interface BreadcrumbConfig { href?: string; label?: string | LabelResolver; title?: string; class?: string; isValid?: () => boolean; isActive?: (subTab, path) => boolean; } function developBreadcrumb() : BreadcrumbConfig { return { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces"), label: "Teams", title: "View all the available teams", isActive: (subTab, path) => false }; } function operateBreadcrumb() : BreadcrumbConfig { return { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/namespaces"), label: "Manage", title: "Manage the projects and resources inside them" }; } export function workspaceLink() { return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace()); } export function projectLink(projectId) { var link = workspaceLink(); if (projectId) { return UrlHelpers.join(link, "/projects", projectId); } else { return link; } } export function createWorkspacesBreadcrumbs(developPerspective?) { return [developBreadcrumb()]; } export function createWorkspacesSubNavBars(developPerspective) { return activateCurrent([ developBreadcrumb(), operateBreadcrumb() ]); } export function createWorkspaceBreadcrumbs(children = null, workspaceName = null) { var answer = createWorkspacesBreadcrumbs(true); if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } if (workspaceName) { answer.push( { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces/", workspaceName), label: workspaceName, title: "View the project: " + workspaceName, isActive: (subTab, path) => false } ); return processChildren(answer, children); } return answer; } export function createEnvironmentBreadcrumbs($scope, $location, $routeParams) { var ns = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); var namespacesLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/kubernetes/namespace"); var workspaceName = $routeParams.workspace; var project = $routeParams.project; var environment = $routeParams.namespace; if (workspaceName && project) { var projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", project); $scope.$projectLink = projectLink; $scope.$projectNamespaceLink = UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "namespace", ns); namespacesLink = UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "namespace"); var children: Array = [ { href: UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "environments"), label: "Environments", title: "View the environments for this project" }, { href: UrlHelpers.join(namespacesLink, ns, "apps"), label: () => environmentName(workspaceName, ns), title: "View the runtime of the workspace: " + ns } ]; return createProjectBreadcrumbs(project, children, workspaceName); } else if (workspaceName && environment && workspaceName != environment) { // find label for namespace environment var children: Array = [ { href: environmentsLink(workspaceName), label: "Environments", title: "View the environments for this project" }, { href: environmentLink(workspaceName, environment), label: () => environmentName(workspaceName, environment), title: "View this environment" } ]; return createProjectBreadcrumbs(project, children, workspaceName); } else if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } var answer = createWorkspaceBreadcrumbs(workspaceName); answer.push({ href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "workspaces", workspaceName, "namespace", ns, "apps"), label: 'Runtime', title: "View the runtime of the workspace: " + ns }); return activateCurrent(answer); } /** * Returns the name of the given environment namespace */ function environmentName(workspaceName, environment) { /*var model = Kubernetes.getKubernetesModel(); if (model) { return model.environmentName(workspaceName, environment); }*/ return environment; } export function createProjectBreadcrumbs(projectName = null, children: Array = null, workspaceName = null) { if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } var answer = createWorkspaceBreadcrumbs(null, workspaceName); if (workspaceName) { if (projectName) { answer.push( { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects"), label: "Apps", title: "View all the apps in this project" } ); answer.push( { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName), label: projectName, title: "View the project: " + projectName } ); } return processChildren(answer, children); } return answer; } export function createProjectSettingsBreadcrumbs(projectName, workspaceName = null) { var children = []; if (!projectName) { children = [{ label: "New App", title: "Lets make a new app" }]; } return createProjectBreadcrumbs(projectName, children, workspaceName); } export function createWorkspaceSubNavBars() { var workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); return activateCurrent([ { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName), label: "Dashboard", class: "fa fa-tachometer", title: "View the dashboard for the apps, environments and pipelines in this project" }, { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "apps"), label: "Apps", class: "fa fa-rocket", title: "View the apps in this project" }, { isValid: () => jenkinsLink(), href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "jenkinsJob"), label: "Builds", class: "fa fa-code", title: "View the builds in this project" }, { href: environmentsLink(), label: "Environments", class: "fa fa-cubes", title: "View the environments for this project" }, { href: namespaceRuntimeLink(workspaceName), label: "Runtime", class: "fa fa-cube", title: "View the Runtime perspective for this project" } /* { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "detail"), label: "Details", class: "fa fa-gear", title: "View the project details" } */ ]); } export function namespaceRuntimeLink(workspaceName = null) { if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "workspaces", workspaceName, "namespace", workspaceName, "apps"); } function createBuildsLink(workspaceName, projectName, jenkinsJobId) { workspaceName = workspaceName || Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName, "jenkinsJob", jenkinsJobId); } /** * Creates a routing function that loads a template and inject the needed directives to properly * display/update the Developer module managed tabs and bread crumbs for when the route is active. * * Example Usage: * * var route = Developer.createTabRoutingFunction("/app/somedir"); * $routeProvider.when('/profiles', route('view.html', false, [{ * label: "Profiles", * title: "Browse the profiles of this project" * }] * )); * * @param baseURL * @returns {function(string, boolean=, Array=): {template: string, reloadOnSearch: boolean, controller: string|string|(function(any, ng.route.IRouteParamsService): undefined)[]}} */ export function createTabRoutingFunction(baseURL:string) { return (templateName:string, reloadOnSearch:boolean = true, children?: Array) => { return { template: "
", reloadOnSearch: reloadOnSearch, controller: ["$scope", "$routeParams", ($scope, $routeParams:ng.route.IRouteParamsService) => { if( $routeParams["namespace"]==null ) { log.error("The :namespace route parameter was not defined for the route."); } if( $routeParams["projectId"] == null ) { log.error("The :projectId route parameter was not defined for the route."); } $scope.namespace = $routeParams["namespace"]; $scope.projectId = $routeParams["projectId"]; $scope.contentTemplateUrl = UrlHelpers.join(baseURL, templateName); $scope.breadcrumbConfig = Developer.createProjectBreadcrumbs($scope.projectId, children); $scope.subTabConfig = Developer.createProjectSubNavBars($scope.projectId); }] }; } } export function createProjectSubNavBars(projectName, jenkinsJobId = null, $scope = null) { var workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); var projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName); var buildsLink = UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "builds"); if (!jenkinsJobId) { jenkinsJobId = projectName; } var jenkinsBuildLink = null; var pipelinesLink = null; if (projectName && jenkinsJobId) { jenkinsBuildLink = createBuildsLink(workspaceName, projectName, jenkinsJobId); pipelinesLink = UrlHelpers.join(jenkinsBuildLink, "pipelines"); } function isJenkinsBuild() { var answer = jenkinsLink() && jenkinsBuildLink; if (answer && $scope) { var entity = Developer.projectForScope($scope); if (entity) { return answer && entity.$jenkinsJob; } } return answer; } var answer = [ /* { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName), label: "All Apps", class: 'fa fa-angle-double-left', title: "View the apps in this project" }, { template: `
` }, */ { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName, "environments"), isActive: (subTab, path) => { var href = normalizeHref(subTab.href); //console.log("subTab: ", subTab, " path: ", path); if (path === href) { return true; } var rootPath = href.replace(/\/environments/, ''); if (path === rootPath) { return true; } return false; }, //href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName), label: "Dashboard", class: "fa fa-tachometer", title: "View the app dashboard for the activity, environments and pipelines" }, { isValid: () => isJenkinsBuild() && pipelinesLink, id: "pipelines", href: pipelinesLink, label: "Pipelines", class: "fa fa-ellipsis-h", title: "View the pipeline builds for this app" }, { isValid: () => !isJenkinsBuild(), href: buildsLink, label: "Builds", class: "fa fa-bars", title: "View the builds for this app" }, { isValid: () => isJenkinsBuild(), isActive: (item, path) => { if (path.indexOf('/log/') > 0) { return false; } if (path.indexOf('/jenkinsJob/') > 0) { return true; } return false; }, id: "builds", href: jenkinsBuildLink, label: "Builds", class: "fa fa-bars", title: "View the Jenkins builds for this app" }, { isValid: () => isJenkinsBuild(), href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName, "jenkinsJob", jenkinsJobId, "metrics"), label: "Metrics", class: "fa fa-bar-chart", title: "View the metrics for this project" }, /* { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName, "tools"), label: "Tools", title: "View the tools for this project" }, */ { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName, "buildConfigEdit"), label: "Settings", class: "fa fa-cog", title: "View the app configuration", isActive: (subTab, path) => { if (_.endsWith(path, '/buildConfigEdit')) { return true; } if (_.endsWith(path, '/forge/secrets')) { return true; } if (_.endsWith(path, '/forge/command/devops-edit')) { return true; } return false; } } ]; var context = { workspaceName: workspaceName, projectName: projectName, projectLink: projectLink, jenkinsJobId: jenkinsJobId, $scope: $scope }; angular.forEach(customProjectSubTabFactories, (fn) => { if (angular.isFunction(fn)) { var subtab = fn(context); if (subtab) { if (angular.isArray(subtab)) { angular.forEach(subtab, (t) => { answer.push(t); }); } else { answer.push(subtab); } } } }); return activateCurrent(answer); } export function createProjectSettingsSubNavBars(projectName, jenkinsJobId = null) { if (!projectName) { return []; } var workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); var projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName); if (!jenkinsJobId) { jenkinsJobId = projectName; } var answer = [ { href: UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName, "buildConfigEdit"), label: "Core", title: "View the core build configuration" }, { href: projectSecretsLink(workspaceName, projectName), label: "Secrets", title: "View or change the secrets used to edit source code in the source control system" }, { href: editPipelineLink(workspaceName, projectName), label: "Pipeline", title: "View the DevOps and pipeline configuration" }, { isValid: () => forgeProjectHasBuilder("maven"), href: editMavenBuildLink(workspaceName, projectName), label: "Maven", title: "View the Maven build configuration" } ]; return activateCurrent(answer); } export function forgeProjectHasBuilder(name) { var forgeProject = Kubernetes.inject("ForgeProject"); if (forgeProject) { return forgeProject.hasBuilder(name); } return false; } export function forgeProjectHasPerspective(name) { var forgeProject = Kubernetes.inject("ForgeProject"); if (forgeProject) { return forgeProject.hasPerspective(name); } return false; } export function editPipelineLinkScope($scope) { return editPipelineLink($scope.namespace, $scope.projectId || $scope.projectName || $scope.project); } export function createProjectLink(workspaceName = null) { if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "/forge/createProject"); } export function editPipelineLink(workspaceName, projectName) { return projectWorkspaceLink(workspaceName, projectName, "forge/command/devops-edit"); } export function editMavenBuildLink(workspaceName, projectName) { return projectWorkspaceLink(workspaceName, projectName, "forge/command/fabric8-setup"); } export function projectSecretsLink(workspaceName, projectName) { return projectWorkspaceLink(workspaceName, projectName, "forge/secrets", false); } export function secretsNamespaceLink(workspaceName, projectName, secretsNamespace) { var prefix = projectWorkspaceLink(workspaceName, projectName, "") || "kubernetes"; return UrlHelpers.join(prefix, "namespace", secretsNamespace, "secrets"); } export function projectWorkspaceLink(workspaceName, projectName, path, ignoreBlankProject = true) { if (ignoreBlankProject && !projectName) { return ""; } if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", projectName, path); } export function environmentsLink(workspaceName = null) { if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "environments") } export function environmentLink(workspaceName, environmentNamespace, path = "", ignoreBlankProject = true) { if (ignoreBlankProject && !environmentNamespace) { return ""; } if (!workspaceName) { workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "namespace", environmentNamespace, path); } export var customProjectSubTabFactories = []; export function createJenkinsBreadcrumbs(projectName, jobId, buildId) { var workspaceName = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); var children = [ { id: "builds", href: createBuildsLink(workspaceName, projectName, jobId), label: "Builds", title: "View the builds for this app" } ]; if (buildId) { children.push({ id: "", href: "", label: "#" + buildId, title: "Build #" + buildId }); } return createProjectBreadcrumbs(projectName, children); } export function createJenkinsSubNavBars(projectName, jenkinsJobId, buildId, extraOption: any = null) { var answer = createProjectSubNavBars(projectName, jenkinsJobId); if (extraOption) { // extraOption.active = true; answer.push(extraOption); } return answer; } export function createEnvironmentSubNavBars($scope, $location, $routeParams) { var ns = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); var workspaceName = $routeParams.workspace; var project = $routeParams.project; var environment = $routeParams.namespace; var projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/kubernetes"); /*console.log("=====================") console.log(projectLink); if (workspaceName && project) { projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/kubernetes", workspaceName, "projects", project); } else { projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/kubernetes", workspaceName || ns); }*/ var namespacesLink = UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "namespace"); return activateCurrent([ { href: UrlHelpers.join(namespacesLink, ns, "replicationControllers"), label: "服务管理", class: "fa fa-clone", title: "View the Replicas for this project" }, { href: UrlHelpers.join(namespacesLink, ns, "events"), label: "日志信息", class: "fa fa-newspaper-o", title: "View the events for this project" }, { href: UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "hosts"), label: "集群节点", class: "fa fa-server", title: "View the nodes for this project" } ]); } export function environmentInstanceLink(env, projectName = null) { if (env) { var envNamespace = env["namespace"]; if (envNamespace) { if (projectName) { return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(), "projects", projectName, "namespace", envNamespace); } else { return UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(), "namespace", envNamespace); } } } return ""; } export function namespaceLink($scope, $routeParams, path = null) { var ns = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); var workspaceName = $routeParams.workspace; var project = $routeParams.project; var projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/kubernetes"); if (workspaceName && project) { projectLink = UrlHelpers.join(HawtioCore.documentBase(), "/workspaces", workspaceName, "projects", project); } return UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "namespace", ns, path); } /** * Removes the URL query string if its inside the given text */ function trimQuery(text) { if (text) { var idx = text.indexOf("?"); if (idx >= 0) { return text.substring(0, idx); } } return text; } // Cater for the app running at some weird document base export function normalizeHref(href:string) { if (!href) { return null; } var regex = new RegExp('^' + HawtioCore.documentBase().replace('/', '\\/')); return href.replace(regex, '/'); } function activateCurrent(navBarItems) { navBarItems = _.compact(navBarItems); var injector = HawtioCore.injector; var $location = injector ? injector.get("$location") : null; if ($location) { var path = normalizeHref(trimQuery($location.path())); var found = false; function makeActive(item) { item.active = true; found = true; } function getHref(item) { var href = item.href; var trimHref = trimQuery(href); return normalizeHref(trimHref); } angular.forEach(navBarItems, (item) => { if (!found && item) { if (angular.isFunction(item.isActive)) { if (item.isActive(item, path)) { makeActive(item); } } else { var trimHref = getHref(item); if (!trimHref) { return; } if (trimHref === path) { makeActive(item); } } } }); // Maybe it's a sub-item of a tab, let's fall back to that maybe if (!found) { angular.forEach(navBarItems, (item) => { if (!found) { if (!angular.isFunction(item.isActive)) { var trimHref = getHref(item); if (!trimHref) { return; } if (_.startsWith(path, trimHref)) { makeActive(item); } } } }); } // still not found, let's log it if (!found) { log.debug("No navigation tab found for path:", path); } } return navBarItems; } function processChildren(answer, children) { if (children) { if (angular.isArray(children)) { answer = answer.concat(children); } else { answer.push(children); } } activateCurrent(answer); return answer; } }