/// /// /// /// /// declare module Kubernetes { var context: string; var hash: string; var defaultRoute: string; var pluginName: string; var pluginPath: string; var templatePath: string; var log: Logging.Logger; var keepPollingModel: boolean; var defaultIconUrl: string; var hostIconUrl: string; var osConfig: KubernetesConfig; var masterUrl: string; var defaultApiVersion: string; var defaultOSApiVersion: string; var labelFilterTextSeparator: string; var defaultNamespace: string; var appSuffix: string; var kibanaServiceName: string; var fabric8ForgeServiceName: string; var gogsServiceName: string; var jenkinsServiceName: string; var apimanServiceName: string; var isOpenShift: boolean; var sshSecretDataKeys: string[]; var httpsSecretDataKeys: string[]; function kubernetesNamespacePath(): string; function apiPrefix(): string; function osApiPrefix(): string; function masterApiUrl(): string; /** WARNING - this excludes the host name - you probably want to use: kubernetesApiUrl() instead!! */ function kubernetesApiPrefix(): string; function openshiftApiPrefix(): string; function prefixForType(type: string): string; function kubernetesApiUrl(): string; function openshiftApiUrl(): string; function resourcesUriForKind(type: any, ns?: any): string; function uriTemplateForKubernetesKind(type: any): string; function namespacePathForKind(type: any, ns: any): string; /** * Returns thevalue from the injector if its available or null */ function inject(name: any): T; function createResource(thing: string, urlTemplate: string, $resource: ng.resource.IResourceService, KubernetesModel: any): ng.resource.IResourceClass>; function imageRepositoriesRestURL(): string; function deploymentConfigsRestURL(): string; function buildsRestURL(): string; function buildConfigHooksRestURL(): string; function buildConfigsRestURL(): string; function routesRestURL(): string; function templatesRestURL(): string; function getNamespace(entity: any): any; function getLabels(entity: any): any; function getName(entity: any): any; function getKind(entity: any): any; function getSelector(entity: any): any; function getHost(pod: any): any; function getStatus(pod: any): any; function getPorts(service: any): any; function getCreationTimestamp(entity: any): any; var mbean: string; var managerMBean: string; var appViewMBean: string; function isKubernetes(workspace?: any): boolean; function isKubernetesTemplateManager(workspace?: any): boolean; function isAppView(workspace?: any): boolean; function getStrippedPathName(): string; function linkContains(...words: String[]): boolean; /** * Returns true if the given link is active. The link can omit the leading # or / if necessary. * The query parameters of the URL are ignored in the comparison. * @method isLinkActive * @param {String} href * @return {Boolean} true if the given link is active */ function isLinkActive(href: string): boolean; function setJson($scope: any, id: any, collection: any): void; /** * Returns the labels text string using the key1=value1,key2=value2,.... format */ function labelsToString(labels: any, seperatorText?: string): string; function initShared($scope: any, $location: any, $http: any, $timeout: any, $routeParams: any, KubernetesModel: any, KubernetesState: any, KubernetesApiURL: any): void; /** * Returns the number of pods that are ready */ function readyPodCount(service: any): number; /** * Returns the service link URL for either the service name or the service object */ function serviceLinkUrl(service: any, httpOnly?: boolean): any; /** * Returns the total number of counters for the podCounters object */ function podCounterTotal($podCounters: any): number; /** * Given the list of pods lets iterate through them and find all pods matching the selector * and return counters based on the status of the pod */ function createPodCounters(selector: any, pods: any, outputPods?: any[], podLinkQuery?: any, podLinkUrl?: any): { podsLink: string; ready: number; valid: number; waiting: number; error: number; }; /** * Converts the given json into an array of items. If the json contains a nested set of items then that is sorted; so that services * are processed first; then turned into an array. Otherwise the json is put into an array so it can be processed polymorphically */ function convertKubernetesJsonToItems(json: any): any[]; function isV1beta1Or2(): boolean; /** * Returns a link to the detail page for the given entity */ function entityPageLink(obj: any): any; function resourceKindToUriPath(kind: any): string; /** * Returns the root URL for the kind */ function kubernetesUrlForKind(KubernetesApiURL: any, kind: any, namespace?: any, path?: any): string; /** * Returns the base URL for the kind of kubernetes resource or null if it cannot be found */ function kubernetesUrlForItemKind(KubernetesApiURL: any, json: any): string; function kubernetesProxyUrlForService(KubernetesApiURL: any, service: any, path?: any): string; function kubernetesProxyUrlForServiceCurrentNamespace(service: any, path?: any): string; function buildConfigRestUrl(id: any): string; function deploymentConfigRestUrl(id: any): string; function imageRepositoryRestUrl(id: any): string; function buildRestUrl(id: any): string; function buildLogsRestUrl(id: any): string; /** * Runs the given application JSON */ function runApp($location: any, $scope: any, $http: any, KubernetesApiURL: any, json: any, name?: string, onSuccessFn?: any, namespace?: any, onCompleteFn?: any): void; /** * Returns true if the current status of the pod is running */ function isRunning(podCurrentState: any): any; /** * Returns true if the labels object has all of the key/value pairs from the selector */ function selectorMatches(selector: any, labels: any): boolean; /** * Returns the service registry */ function getServiceRegistry(): any; /** * Returns a link to the kibana logs web application */ function kibanaLogsLink(ServiceRegistry: any): string; function openLogsForPods(ServiceRegistry: any, $window: any, namespace: any, pods: any): void; function resizeController($http: any, KubernetesApiURL: any, replicationController: any, newReplicas: any, onCompleteFn?: any): void; function statusTextToCssClass(text: any, ready?: boolean): string; function podStatus(pod: any): any; function isReady(pod: any): boolean; function createAppViewPodCounters(appView: any): any[]; function createAppViewServiceViews(appView: any): any[]; /** * converts a git path into an accessible URL for the browser */ function gitPathToUrl(iconPath: any, branch?: string): string; function enrichBuildConfig(buildConfig: any, sortedBuilds: any): void; function enrichBuildConfigs(buildConfigs: any, sortedBuilds?: any): any; function enrichBuilds(builds: any): {}[]; function enrichBuild(build: any): any; function enrichDeploymentConfig(deploymentConfig: any): void; function enrichDeploymentConfigs(deploymentConfigs: any): any; function enrichEvent(event: any): void; function enrichEvents(events: any, model?: any): any; function enrichImageRepository(imageRepository: any): void; function enrichImageRepositories(imageRepositories: any): any; function containerLabelClass(labelType: string): string; /** * Returns true if the fabric8 forge plugin is enabled */ function isForgeEnabled(): boolean; /** * Returns the current kubernetes selected namespace or the default one */ function currentKubernetesNamespace(): any; function setCurrentKubernetesNamespace(ns: any): void; /** * Configures the json schema */ function configureSchema(): void; /** * Lets remove any enriched data to leave the original json intact */ function unenrich(item: any): any; /** * Returns the unenriched JSON representation of an object */ function toRawJson(item: any): string; /** * Returns the unenriched YAML representation of an object */ function toRawYaml(item: any): any; function watch($scope: any, $element: any, kind: any, ns: any, fn: any, labelSelector?: any): void; function createKubernetesClient(kind: any, ns?: any): any; function currentUserName(): any; function createNamespace(ns: any, client?: any): void; function createRC(obj: any, onCompleteFn?: any): void; function connectOracle($http: any, $timeout: any, url: any, operation: any, replicas: any, delayTime: any): void; function getOracleStatus(labels: any): number; function getExtractStatus(labels: any): number; function getOracleName(name: string): string; function extractDataToOracle($http: any, selectedReplicationControllers: any, targetOracle: Configs.oracleParam): void; function checkoutOracleIsRunning(rc: any): boolean; function replicasIsCreated(replicationcontrollers: Array, name: string): boolean; }