/// module Kubernetes { export var hostPorts =[]; /** * Sorts the the ip field * * @param ip the ip such as '' * @returns {any} */ export function sortByPodIp(ip) : any { // i guess there is maybe nicer ways of sort this without parsing and slicing var regex = /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/; var groups = regex.exec(ip); if (angular.isDefined(groups)) { var g1 = ("00" + groups[1]).slice(-3); var g2 = ("00" + groups[2]).slice(-3); var g3 = ("00" + groups[3]).slice(-3); var g4 = ("00" + groups[4]).slice(-3); var answer = g1 + g2 + g3 + g4; return answer; } else { return 0; } } export function ramdomPort(): number{ var hostPort=Math.floor(30000+Math.random()*(65535-30000)); while(hostPorts.indexOf(hostPort) === 0){ hostPort = Math.floor(30000+Math.random()*(65535-30000)); } hostPorts.push(hostPort); return hostPort } export function getRandomString(len : number) : string{ len = len || 32; var $chars = 'abcdefhijkmnprstwxyz'; // 默认去掉了容易混淆的字符oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1 var maxPos = $chars.length; var pwd = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { pwd += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos)); } return pwd; } export class resourceRCTemplate{ public image="s1:latest"; public names = ["admin","cfgtoollogs","checkpoints","diag","flash-recovery-area","oradata"]; public createRC(Obj){ var labels = { "style": "oracle", "status": "created" }; for(var item in Obj.labels) labels[item] = Obj.labels[item]; return { "apiVersion" : Kubernetes.defaultApiVersion, "kind" : "ReplicationController", "metadata" : { "name" : Obj.name, "labels" : labels }, "spec" : { replicas : Obj.replicas || 1, "template" : this.createTemplate(Obj) } } } public createVolumeMounts(){ var volumeMounts = []; for(var item in this.names){ if(this.names[item] === 'flash-recovery-area') volumeMounts.push({ "name" : this.names[item], "mountPath" : "/opt/oracle/app/flash_recovery_area" }); else volumeMounts.push({ "name" : this.names[item], "mountPath" : "/opt/oracle/app/" + this.names[item] }); } return volumeMounts; } public createVolumes(rootPath :string){ var volumes = []; for(var item in this.names){ if(this.names[item] === 'flash-recovery-area') volumes.push({ "name" : this.names[item], "hostPath" :{ "path" : rootPath + "flash_recovery_area" } }); else volumes.push({ "name" : this.names[item], "hostPath" :{ "path" : rootPath + this.names[item] } }); } return volumes; } public createContainers(Obj){ var containers = []; containers.push( { "name" : "oracle", "image": this.image, "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent", "command":["/assets/entrypoint.sh"], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 1521, "hostPort": Obj.port || ramdomPort() }], "volumeMounts" : this.createVolumeMounts() }); return containers } public createTemplate(Obj){ return { "metadata": { //"name": Obj.name, "labels": Obj.labels }, "spec" : { "terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 0, "containers" : this.createContainers(Obj), "volumes" : this.createVolumes(Obj.path) } } } } export function findLabelValue(value:string, key: string):string { var trueValue = ''; switch(value){ case '01': trueValue = '财政'; break; case '02': trueValue = '社保'; break; case 'A': trueValue = '批次A'; break; case 'B': trueValue = '批次B'; break; default: if(key === "version"){ var reg= new RegExp('^[0-9]$').exec(value); if(reg) trueValue = '版本' + reg[0]; else trueValue = value; } else trueValue = value; } return trueValue } export function labelToChinese(labels){ var answer = {}; angular.forEach(labels,(value, key) => { answer[key] = findLabelValue(value, key); }); return answer } }