/// /// /// module Kubernetes { // controller for the status icon cell export var PodStatus = controller("PodStatus", ["$scope", ($scope) => { $scope.statusMapping = (text) => { return statusTextToCssClass(text); } }]); _module.controller("Kubernetes.TermController", ($scope, TerminalService) => { $scope.canConnectTo = (container) => { if (container.securityContext && container.securityContext.privileged) { return false; } return true; } $scope.openTerminal = (selfLink, containerName) => { var id = TerminalService.newTerminal(selfLink, containerName); log.debug("Created terminal, id: ", id); } }); export var DataLabels = controller("DataLabels",['$scope','$location', ($scope, $location) =>{ $scope.labelClick = (entity, key:string, value:string) => { $scope.$emit('dataLabelFilterUpdate', value, key) } $scope.labelClass = containerLabelClass; }]); // controller that deals with the labels per pod export var Labels = controller("Labels", ["$scope", "$location", ($scope, $location) => { $scope.labels = []; var labelKeyWeights = { "cityName": 1, "districtName": 2, "systemName": 3, "year": 4, "version": 5 }; $scope.$watch('entity', (newValue, oldValue) => { if (newValue) { // log.debug("labels: ", newValue); // massage the labels a bit $scope.labels = []; angular.forEach(Core.pathGet($scope.entity, ["metadata", "labels"]), (value, key) => { if (key === 'fabric8' || key === 'style' || key === 'status' || (key === 'isTarget' && value === 'false') || key === 'isExtract' || key === 'name') { // TODO not sure what this is for, the container type? return; } $scope.labels.push({ key: key, title: value }); }); // lets sort by key but lets make sure that we weight certain labels so they are first $scope.labels = $scope.labels.sort((a, b) => { function getWeight(key) { return labelKeyWeights[key] || 0; } var n1 = a["key"]; var n2 = b["key"]; var w1 = getWeight(n1); var w2 = getWeight(n2); var diff = w1 - w2; if (diff < 0) { return -1; } else if (diff > 0) { return 1; } if (n1 && n2) { if (n1 > n2) { return 1; } else if (n1 < n2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } else { if (n1 === n2) { return 0; } else if (n1) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } }); } }); $scope.handleClick = (entity, labelType:string, value) => { // log.debug("handleClick, entity: ", entity, " key: ", labelType, " value: ", value); $scope.$emit('labelFilterUpdate', value.title) } $scope.labelClass = containerLabelClass; }]); //服务状态过滤 export var Status = controller('Status', ["$scope", "$http", "$interval", "$location", "KubernetesApiURL", ($scope, $http, $interval, $location, KubernetesApiURL) => { /*$scope.$watch('entity', (newValue, oldValue) => { if(newValue) console.log(newValue); },true);*/ }]); export var TaskEdit = controller('TaskEdit', ['$scope', ($scope) => { $scope.showDeleteOne = { show: false, item: null, open: (entity) => { if(entity.status == 1) Configs.customAlert("提示", "操作失败: 正在迁移的任务,不能删除!", '',null, 0, "error"); else{ var showDeleteOne = $scope.showDeleteOne; showDeleteOne.show = true; showDeleteOne.item = entity; } }, onOk: () => { var showDeleteOne = $scope.showDeleteOne; $scope.$emit('deleteRow', showDeleteOne.item); }, onCancel: ()=>{ var showDeleteOne = $scope.showDeleteOne; showDeleteOne.show = false; showDeleteOne.item = null; } }; /*$scope.deleteRow = (entity) =>{ $scope.$emit('deleteRow', entity); }*/ }]); export var LoadMask = controller('LoadMask', ['$scope', ($scope) => { }]); }