/// /// /// /// /// /// module Kubernetes { export var context = '/kubernetes'; export var hash = '#' + context; export var defaultRoute = hash + '/apps'; export var pluginName = 'Kubernetes'; export var pluginPath = 'plugins/kubernetes/'; export var templatePath = pluginPath + 'html/'; export var log:Logging.Logger = Logger.get(pluginName); export var keepPollingModel = true; export var defaultIconUrl = Core.url("/img/kubernetes.svg"); export var hostIconUrl = Core.url("/img/host.svg"); // this gets set as a pre-bootstrap task export var osConfig:KubernetesConfig = undefined; export var masterUrl = ""; export var defaultApiVersion = "v1"; export var defaultOSApiVersion = "v1"; export var labelFilterTextSeparator = ","; export var defaultNamespace = "default"; export var appSuffix = ".app"; // kubernetes service names export var kibanaServiceName = "kibana"; export var fabric8ForgeServiceName = "fabric8-forge"; export var gogsServiceName = "gogs"; export var jenkinsServiceName = "jenkins"; export var apimanServiceName = 'apiman'; export var isOpenShift = true; export var sshSecretDataKeys = ["ssh-key", "ssh-key.pub"]; export var httpsSecretDataKeys = ["username", "password"]; export function kubernetesNamespacePath() { var ns = currentKubernetesNamespace(); if (ns) { return "/namespaces/" + ns; } else { return ""; } } export function apiPrefix() { var prefix = Core.pathGet(osConfig, ['api', 'k8s', 'prefix']); if (!prefix) { prefix = 'api'; } return Core.trimLeading(prefix, '/'); } export function osApiPrefix() { var prefix = Core.pathGet(osConfig, ['api', 'openshift', 'prefix']); if (!prefix) { prefix = 'oapi'; } var answer = Core.trimLeading(prefix, '/'); if (!isOpenShift) { return UrlHelpers.join(apiPrefix(), defaultOSApiVersion, "proxy", kubernetesNamespacePath(), "services/templates", answer); } return answer; } export function masterApiUrl() { return masterUrl || ""; } /** WARNING - this excludes the host name - you probably want to use: kubernetesApiUrl() instead!! */ export function kubernetesApiPrefix() { return UrlHelpers.join(apiPrefix(), defaultApiVersion); } export function openshiftApiPrefix() { return UrlHelpers.join(osApiPrefix(), defaultOSApiVersion); } export function prefixForType(type:string) { if (type === WatchTypes.NAMESPACES) { return kubernetesApiPrefix(); } if (_.any(NamespacedTypes.k8sTypes, (t) => t === type)) { return kubernetesApiPrefix(); } if (_.any(NamespacedTypes.osTypes, (t) => t === type)) { return openshiftApiPrefix(); } // lets assume its an OpenShift extension type return openshiftApiPrefix(); } export function kubernetesApiUrl() { return UrlHelpers.join(masterApiUrl(), kubernetesApiPrefix()); } export function openshiftApiUrl() { return UrlHelpers.join(masterApiUrl(), openshiftApiPrefix()); } export function resourcesUriForKind(type, ns = null) { if (!ns) { ns = currentKubernetesNamespace(); } return UrlHelpers.join(masterApiUrl(), prefixForType(type), namespacePathForKind(type, ns)); } export function uriTemplateForKubernetesKind(type) { var urlTemplate = ''; switch (type) { case WatchTypes.NAMESPACES: case "Namespaces": urlTemplate = UrlHelpers.join('namespaces'); break; case WatchTypes.OAUTH_CLIENTS: case "OAuthClients": case "OAuthClient": return UrlHelpers.join('oauthclients'); case WatchTypes.PROJECTS: case "Projects": urlTemplate = UrlHelpers.join('projects'); break; default: urlTemplate = UrlHelpers.join('namespaces/:namespace', type, ':id'); } return urlTemplate; } export function namespacePathForKind(type, ns) { var urlTemplate = ''; switch (type) { case WatchTypes.NAMESPACES: case "Namespaces": case "Namespace": return UrlHelpers.join('namespaces'); case WatchTypes.NODES: case "Nodes": case "node": return UrlHelpers.join('nodes'); case WatchTypes.PROJECTS: case "Projects": case "Project": return UrlHelpers.join('projects'); case WatchTypes.OAUTH_CLIENTS: case "OAuthClients": case "OAuthClient": return UrlHelpers.join('oauthclients'); case WatchTypes.PERSISTENT_VOLUMES: case "PersistentVolumes": case "PersistentVolume": return UrlHelpers.join('persistentvolumes'); default: return UrlHelpers.join('namespaces', ns, type); } } /** * Returns thevalue from the injector if its available or null */ export function inject(name):T { var injector = HawtioCore.injector; return injector ? injector.get(name) : null; } export function createResource(thing:string, urlTemplate:string, $resource: ng.resource.IResourceService, KubernetesModel) { var prefix = prefixForType(thing); if (!prefix) { log.debug("Invalid type given: ", thing); return null; } var params = { namespace: currentKubernetesNamespace } switch (thing) { case WatchTypes.NAMESPACES: case WatchTypes.OAUTH_CLIENTS: case WatchTypes.NODES: case WatchTypes.PROJECTS: case WatchTypes.OAUTH_CLIENTS: case WatchTypes.PERSISTENT_VOLUMES: params = {}; } var url = UrlHelpers.join(masterApiUrl(), prefix, urlTemplate); log.debug("Url for ", thing, ": ", url); var resource = $resource(url, null, { query: { method: 'GET', isArray: false, params: params}, create: { method: 'POST', params: params}, save: { method: 'PUT', params: params}, delete: { method: 'DELETE', params: _.extend({ id: '@id' }, params)} }); return resource; } export function imageRepositoriesRestURL() { return UrlHelpers.join(openshiftApiUrl(), kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/imagestreams"); } export function deploymentConfigsRestURL() { return UrlHelpers.join(openshiftApiUrl(), kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/deploymentconfigs"); } export function buildsRestURL() { return UrlHelpers.join(openshiftApiUrl(), kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/builds"); } export function buildConfigHooksRestURL() { return UrlHelpers.join(openshiftApiUrl(), kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/buildconfighooks"); } export function buildConfigsRestURL() { return UrlHelpers.join(openshiftApiUrl(), kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/buildconfigs"); } export function routesRestURL() { return UrlHelpers.join(openshiftApiUrl(), kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/routes"); } export function templatesRestURL() { return UrlHelpers.join(openshiftApiUrl(), kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/templates"); } export function getNamespace(entity) { var answer = Core.pathGet(entity, ["metadata", "namespace"]); return answer ? answer : currentKubernetesNamespace(); } export function getLabels(entity) { var answer = Core.pathGet(entity, ["metadata", "labels"]); return answer ? answer : {}; } export function getName(entity) { if (angular.isString(entity)) { return entity; } return Core.pathGet(entity, ["metadata", "name"]) || Core.pathGet(entity, "name") || Core.pathGet(entity, "id"); } export function getKind(entity) { return Core.pathGet(entity, ["metadata", "kind"]) || Core.pathGet(entity, "kind"); } export function getSelector(entity) { return Core.pathGet(entity, ["spec", "selector"]); } export function getHost(pod) { return Core.pathGet(pod, ["spec", "host"]) || Core.pathGet(pod, ["spec", "nodeName"]) || Core.pathGet(pod, ["status", "hostIP"]); } export function getStatus(pod) { return Core.pathGet(pod, ["status", "phase"]); } export function getPorts(service) { return Core.pathGet(service, ["spec", "ports"]); } export function getCreationTimestamp(entity) { return Core.pathGet(entity, ["metadata", "creationTimestamp"]); }; export function getAnnotations(entity){ return Core.pathGet(entity,["metadata","annotations"]); } //var fabricDomain = Fabric.jmxDomain; var fabricDomain = "io.fabric8"; export var mbean = fabricDomain + ":type=Kubernetes"; export var managerMBean = fabricDomain + ":type=KubernetesManager"; export var appViewMBean = fabricDomain + ":type=AppView"; export function isKubernetes(workspace?) { // return workspace.treeContainsDomainAndProperties(fabricDomain, {type: "Kubernetes"}); return true; } export function isKubernetesTemplateManager(workspace?) { // return workspace.treeContainsDomainAndProperties(fabricDomain, {type: "KubernetesTemplateManager"}); return true; } export function isAppView(workspace?) { // return workspace.treeContainsDomainAndProperties(fabricDomain, {type: "AppView"}); return true; } export function getStrippedPathName():string { var pathName = Core.trimLeading((this.$location.path() || '/'), "#"); pathName = pathName.replace(/^\//, ''); return pathName; } export function linkContains(...words:String[]):boolean { var pathName = this.getStrippedPathName(); return _.every(words, (word:string) => pathName.indexOf(word) !== 0); } /** * Returns true if the given link is active. The link can omit the leading # or / if necessary. * The query parameters of the URL are ignored in the comparison. * @method isLinkActive * @param {String} href * @return {Boolean} true if the given link is active */ export function isLinkActive(href:string):boolean { // lets trim the leading slash var pathName = getStrippedPathName(); var link = Core.trimLeading(href, "#"); link = link.replace(/^\//, ''); // strip any query arguments var idx = link.indexOf('?'); if (idx >= 0) { link = link.substring(0, idx); } if (!pathName.length) { return link === pathName; } else { return _.startsWith(pathName, link); } } export function setJson($scope, id, collection) { $scope.id = id; if (!$scope.fetched) { return; } if (!id) { $scope.json = ''; return; } if (!collection) { return; } var item = collection.find((item) => { return getName(item) === id; }); if (item) { $scope.json = angular.toJson(item, true); $scope.item = item; } else { $scope.id = undefined; $scope.json = ''; $scope.item = undefined; } } /** * Returns the labels text string using the key1=value1,key2=value2,.... format */ export function labelsToString(labels, seperatorText = labelFilterTextSeparator) { var answer = ""; angular.forEach(labels, (value, key) => { var separator = answer ? seperatorText : ""; answer += separator + key + "=" + value; }); return answer; } export function labelsFormat(replicas){ var annotion = getAnnotations(replicas); var lables = getLabels(replicas); var hasChineseVersion = lables["version"].indexOf("版本") == -1 ? "版本" + lables["version"] : lables["version"] ; return{ isExtract: lables["isExtract"], isTarget: lables["isTarget"], status: lables["status"], style: lables["style"], cityName: annotion["cityName"], districtName: annotion["districtName"], systemName: annotion["systemName"], year: annotion["year"], version: hasChineseVersion } } export function initShared($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, $routeParams, KubernetesModel, KubernetesState, KubernetesApiURL) { $scope.baseUri = Core.trimTrailing(Core.url("/") || "", "/") || ""; var injector = HawtioCore.injector; function hasService(name) { if (injector) { var ServiceRegistry = injector.get("ServiceRegistry"); if (ServiceRegistry) { return ServiceRegistry.hasService(name); } } return false; } $scope.hasServiceKibana = () => hasService(kibanaServiceName); $scope.hasServiceGogs = () => hasService(gogsServiceName); $scope.hasServiceForge = () => hasService(fabric8ForgeServiceName); $scope.hasServiceApiman = () => hasService(apimanServiceName); $scope.viewTemplates = () => { var returnTo = $location.url(); $location.path('/kubernetes/templates').search({'returnTo': returnTo}); }; $scope.namespace = $routeParams.namespace || $scope.namespace || KubernetesState.selectedNamespace || defaultNamespace; if ($scope.namespace != KubernetesState.selectedNamespace) { KubernetesState.selectedNamespace = $scope.namespace; // lets show page is going to reload if ($scope.model) { $scope.model.fetched = false; } } Kubernetes.setCurrentKubernetesNamespace($scope.namespace); $scope.forgeEnabled = isForgeEnabled(); $scope.projectId = $routeParams["project"] || $scope.projectId || $scope.id; var showProjectNavBars = false; if ($scope.projectId && showProjectNavBars) { $scope.breadcrumbConfig = Developer.createProjectBreadcrumbs($scope.projectId); $scope.subTabConfig = Developer.createProjectSubNavBars($scope.projectId, null, $scope); } else { $scope.breadcrumbConfig = Developer.createEnvironmentBreadcrumbs($scope, $location, $routeParams); $scope.subTabConfig = Developer.createEnvironmentSubNavBars($scope, $location, $routeParams); } if ($scope.projectId) { $scope.$projectLink = Developer.projectLink($scope.projectId); } $scope.link = (href) => { if (!href) { return href; } if ($scope.$projectLink) { return Developer.namespaceLink($scope, $routeParams, href.replace(/^\/kubernetes/, '')); } else { return href; } } $scope.codeMirrorOptions = { lineWrapping : true, lineNumbers: true, readOnly: 'nocursor', mode: {name: "javascript", json: true} }; $scope.resizeDialog = { controller: null, newReplicas: 0, dialog: new UI.Dialog(), onOk: () => { var resizeDialog = $scope.resizeDialog; resizeDialog.dialog.close(); resizeController($http, KubernetesApiURL, resizeDialog.controller, resizeDialog.newReplicas, () => { log.debug("updated number of replicas"); }) }, open: (controller) => { var resizeDialog = $scope.resizeDialog; resizeDialog.controller = controller; resizeDialog.newReplicas = Core.pathGet(controller, ["status", "replicas"]); resizeDialog.dialog.open(); $timeout(() => { $('#replicas').focus(); }, 50); }, close: () => { $scope.resizeDialog.dialog.close(); } }; $scope.triggerBuild = (buildConfig) => { var url = buildConfig.$triggerUrl; console.log("triggering build at url: " + url); if (url) { //var data = {}; var data = null; var config = { headers: { 'Content-Type': "application/json" } }; var name = Core.pathGet(buildConfig, ["metadata", "name"]); Core.notification('info', "Triggering build " + name); $http.post(url, data, config). success(function (data, status, headers, config) { console.log("trigger worked! got data " + angular.toJson(data, true)); // TODO should we show some link to the build Core.notification('info', "Building " + name); }). error(function (data, status, headers, config) { log.warn("Failed to load " + url + " " + data + " " + status); Core.notification('error', "Failed to trigger build for " + name + ". Returned code: " + status + " " + data); }); }; } // update the URL if the filter is changed $scope.$watch("tableConfig.filterOptions.filterText", (text) => { //var filterText = Kubernetes.findValeOfLabels(text); $location.search("q", text); }); $scope.$on("labelFilterUpdate", ($event, text) => { var filterOptions = ($scope.tableConfig || {}).filterOptions || {}; var currentFilter = filterOptions.filterText; if (Core.isBlank(currentFilter)) { filterOptions.filterText = text; }else{ var expressions = currentFilter.split(/\s+/); if (expressions.indexOf(text) !== -1) { // lets exclude this filter expression expressions = expressions.remove(text); filterOptions.filterText = expressions.join(" "); } else { filterOptions.filterText = currentFilter + " " + text; } } $scope.id = undefined; }); } /** * Returns the number of pods that are ready */ export function readyPodCount(service) { var count = 0; angular.forEach((service || {}).$pods, (pod)=> { if (pod.$ready) { count++; } }); return count; } /** * Returns the service link URL for either the service name or the service object */ export function serviceLinkUrl(service, httpOnly = false) { if (angular.isObject(service)) { var portalIP = service.$host; // lets assume no custom port for now for external routes var port = null; var protocol = "http://"; var spec = service.spec; if (spec) { if (!portalIP) { portalIP = spec.portalIP; } var hasHttps = false; var hasHttp = false; angular.forEach(spec.ports, (portSpec) => { var p = portSpec.port; if (p) { if (p === 443) { hasHttps = true; } else if (p === 80) { hasHttp = true; } if (!port) { port = p; } } }); if (!hasHttps && !hasHttp && port) { // lets treat 8080 as http which is a common service to export if (port === 8080) { hasHttp = true; } else if (port === 8443) { hasHttps = true; } } } if (portalIP) { if (hasHttps) { return "https://" + portalIP; } else if (hasHttp) { return "http://" + portalIP; } else if (!httpOnly) { if (port) { return protocol + portalIP + ":" + port + "/"; } else { return protocol + portalIP; } } } } else if (service) { var serviceId = service.toString(); if (serviceId) { var ServiceRegistry = getServiceRegistry(); if (ServiceRegistry) { return ServiceRegistry.serviceLink(serviceId) || ""; } } } return ""; } /** * Returns the total number of counters for the podCounters object */ export function podCounterTotal($podCounters) { var answer = 0; if ($podCounters) { angular.forEach(["ready", "valid", "waiting", "error"], (name) => { var value = $podCounters[name] || 0; answer += value; }); } return answer; } /** * Given the list of pods lets iterate through them and find all pods matching the selector * and return counters based on the status of the pod */ export function createPodCounters(selector, pods, outputPods = [], podLinkQuery = null, podLinkUrl = null) { if (!podLinkUrl) { podLinkUrl = "/kubernetes/pods"; } var filterFn; if (angular.isFunction(selector)) { filterFn = selector; } else { filterFn = (pod) => selectorMatches(selector, getLabels(pod)); } var answer = { podsLink: "", ready: 0, valid: 0, waiting: 0, error: 0 }; if (selector) { if (!podLinkQuery) { podLinkQuery = Kubernetes.labelsToString(selector, " "); } answer.podsLink = podLinkUrl + "?q=" + encodeURIComponent(podLinkQuery); angular.forEach(pods, pod => { if (filterFn(pod)) { outputPods.push(pod); var status = getStatus(pod); if (status) { var lower = status.toLowerCase(); if (lower.startsWith("run")) { if (isReady(pod)) { answer.ready += 1; } else { answer.valid += 1; } } else if (lower.startsWith("wait") || lower.startsWith("pend")) { answer.waiting += 1; } else if (lower.startsWith("term") || lower.startsWith("error") || lower.startsWith("fail")) { answer.error += 1; } } else { answer.error += 1; } } }); } return answer; } /** * Converts the given json into an array of items. If the json contains a nested set of items then that is sorted; so that services * are processed first; then turned into an array. Otherwise the json is put into an array so it can be processed polymorphically */ export function convertKubernetesJsonToItems(json) { var items = json.items; if (angular.isArray(items)) { // TODO we could check for List or Config types here and warn if not // sort the services first var answer = []; items.forEach((item) => { if (item.kind === "Service") { answer.push(item); } }); items.forEach((item) => { if (item.kind !== "Service") { answer.push(item); } }); return answer; } else { return [json]; } } export function isV1beta1Or2() { return defaultApiVersion === "v1beta1" || defaultApiVersion === "v1beta2"; } /** * Returns a link to the detail page for the given entity */ export function entityPageLink(obj) { if (obj) { function getLink(entity) { var viewLink = entity["$viewLink"]; if (viewLink) { return viewLink; } var id = getName(entity); var kind = getKind(entity); if (kind && id) { var path = kind.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + kind.substring(1) + "s"; var namespace = getNamespace(entity); if (namespace && !isIgnoreNamespaceKind(kind)) { return Core.url(UrlHelpers.join('/kubernetes/namespace', namespace, path, id)); } else { return Core.url(UrlHelpers.join('/kubernetes', path, id)); } } } var baseLink = getLink(obj); if (!HawtioCore.injector || !baseLink) { return baseLink; } var $routeParams = HawtioCore.injector.get('$routeParams'); var projectId = $routeParams['project'] || $routeParams['project']; if (!projectId) { return baseLink; } return UrlHelpers.join(Developer.projectLink(projectId), baseLink.replace(/^\/kubernetes\//, '')); } return null; } export function resourceKindToUriPath(kind) { var kindPath = kind.toLowerCase() + "s"; if (kindPath === "replicationControllers" && !isV1beta1Or2()) { kindPath = "replicationcontrollers"; } return kindPath; } function isIgnoreNamespaceKind(kind) { return kind === "Host" || kind === "Minion"; } /** * Returns the root URL for the kind */ export function kubernetesUrlForKind(KubernetesApiURL, kind, namespace = null, path = null) { var pathSegment = ""; if (path) { pathSegment = "/" + Core.trimLeading(path, "/"); } var kindPath = resourceKindToUriPath(kind); var ignoreNamespace = isIgnoreNamespaceKind(kind); if (isV1beta1Or2() || ignoreNamespace) { var postfix = ""; if (namespace && !ignoreNamespace) { postfix = "?namespace=" + namespace; } return UrlHelpers.join(KubernetesApiURL, kindPath, pathSegment, postfix); } else { return UrlHelpers.join(KubernetesApiURL, "/namespaces/", namespace , kindPath, pathSegment); } }; /** * Returns the base URL for the kind of kubernetes resource or null if it cannot be found */ export function kubernetesUrlForItemKind(KubernetesApiURL, json) { var kind = json.kind; if (kind) { return kubernetesUrlForKind(KubernetesApiURL, kind, json.namespace); } else { log.warn("Ignoring missing kind " + kind + " for kubernetes json: " + angular.toJson(json)); return null; } } export function kubernetesProxyUrlForService(KubernetesApiURL, service, path = null) { var pathSegment = ""; if (path) { pathSegment = "/" + Core.trimLeading(path, "/"); } else { pathSegment = "/"; } var namespace = getNamespace(service); if (isV1beta1Or2()) { var postfix = "?namespace=" + namespace; return UrlHelpers.join(KubernetesApiURL, "/proxy", kubernetesNamespacePath(), "/services/" + getName(service) + pathSegment + postfix); } else { return UrlHelpers.join(KubernetesApiURL, "/proxy/namespaces/", namespace, "/services/" + getName(service) + pathSegment); } } export function kubernetesProxyUrlForServiceCurrentNamespace(service, path = null) { var apiPrefix = UrlHelpers.join(kubernetesApiUrl()); return kubernetesProxyUrlForService(apiPrefix, service, path); } export function buildConfigRestUrl(id) { return UrlHelpers.join(buildConfigsRestURL(), id); } export function deploymentConfigRestUrl(id) { return UrlHelpers.join(deploymentConfigsRestURL(), id); } export function imageRepositoryRestUrl(id) { return UrlHelpers.join(imageRepositoriesRestURL(), id); } export function buildRestUrl(id) { return UrlHelpers.join(buildsRestURL(), id); } export function buildLogsRestUrl(id) { return UrlHelpers.join(buildsRestURL(), id, "log"); } /** * Runs the given application JSON */ export function runApp($location, $scope, $http, KubernetesApiURL, json, name = "App", onSuccessFn = null, namespace = null, onCompleteFn = null) { if (json) { if (angular.isString(json)) { json = angular.fromJson(json); } name = name || "App"; var postfix = namespace ? " in namespace " + namespace : ""; Core.notification('info', "Running " + name + postfix); var items = convertKubernetesJsonToItems(json); angular.forEach(items, (item) => { var url = kubernetesUrlForItemKind(KubernetesApiURL, item); if (url) { $http.post(url, item). success(function (data, status, headers, config) { log.debug("Got status: " + status + " on url: " + url + " data: " + data + " after posting: " + angular.toJson(item)); if (angular.isFunction(onCompleteFn)) { onCompleteFn(); } Core.$apply($scope); }). error(function (data, status, headers, config) { var message = null; if (angular.isObject(data)) { message = data.message; var reason = data.reason; if (reason === "AlreadyExists") { // lets ignore duplicates log.debug("entity already exists at " + url); return; } } if (!message) { message = "Failed to POST to " + url + " got status: " + status; } log.warn("Failed to save " + url + " status: " + status + " response: " + angular.toJson(data, true)); Core.notification('error', message); }); } }); } } /** * Returns true if the current status of the pod is running */ export function isRunning(podCurrentState) { var status = (podCurrentState || {}).phase; if (status) { var lower = status.toLowerCase(); return lower.startsWith("run"); } else { return false; } } /** * Returns true if the labels object has all of the key/value pairs from the selector */ export function selectorMatches(selector, labels) { if (angular.isObject(labels)) { var answer = true; var count = 0; angular.forEach(selector, (value, key) => { count++; if (answer && labels[key] !== value) { answer = false; } }); return answer && count > 0; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the service registry */ export function getServiceRegistry() { var injector = HawtioCore.injector; return injector ? injector.get("ServiceRegistry") : null; } /** * Returns a link to the kibana logs web application */ export function kibanaLogsLink(ServiceRegistry) { var link = ServiceRegistry.serviceLink(kibanaServiceName); if (link) { if (!link.endsWith("/")) { link += "/"; } return link + "#/dashboard/Fabric8"; } else { return null; } } export function openLogsForPods(ServiceRegistry, $window, namespace, pods) { var link = kibanaLogsLink(ServiceRegistry); if (link) { var query = ""; var count = 0; angular.forEach(pods, (item) => { var id = getName(item); if (id) { var space = query ? " OR " : ""; count++; query += space + '"' + id + '"'; } }); if (query) { if (count > 1) { query = "(" + query + ")"; } query = 'kubernetes.namespace_name:"' + namespace + '" AND kubernetes.pod_name:' + query; link += "?_a=(query:(query_string:(query:'" + query + "')))"; var newWindow = $window.open(link, "viewLogs"); } } } export function resizeController($http, KubernetesApiURL, replicationController, newReplicas, onCompleteFn = null) { var id = getName(replicationController); var namespace = getNamespace(replicationController) || ""; var url = kubernetesUrlForKind(KubernetesApiURL, "ReplicationController", namespace, id); $http.get(url). success(function (data, status, headers, config) { if (data) { var desiredState = data.spec; if (!desiredState) { desiredState = {}; data.spec = desiredState; } desiredState.replicas = newReplicas; $http.put(url, data). success(function (data, status, headers, config) { log.debug("updated controller " + url); if (angular.isFunction(onCompleteFn)) { onCompleteFn(); } }). error(function (data, status, headers, config) { log.warn("Failed to save " + url + " " + data + " " + status); }); } }). error(function (data, status, headers, config) { log.warn("Failed to load " + url + " " + data + " " + status); }); } export function statusTextToCssClass(text, ready = false) { if (text) { var lower = text.toLowerCase(); if (lower.startsWith("run") || lower.startsWith("ok")) { if (!ready) { return "fa fa-spinner fa-spin green"; } return 'fa fa-play-circle green'; } else if (lower.startsWith("wait") || lower.startsWith("pend")) { return 'fa fa-download'; } else if (lower.startsWith("term") || lower.startsWith("error") || lower.startsWith("fail")) { return 'fa fa-off orange'; } else if (lower.startsWith("succeeded")) { return 'fa fa-check-circle-o green'; } } return 'fa fa-question red'; } export function podStatus(pod) { return getStatus(pod); } export function isReady(pod) { var status = pod.status || {}; var answer = false; angular.forEach(status.conditions, (condition) => { var t = condition.type; if (t && t === "Ready") { var status = condition.status; if (status === "True") { answer = true; } } }); return answer; } export function createAppViewPodCounters(appView) { var array = []; var map = {}; var pods = appView.pods; var lowestDate = null; angular.forEach(pods, pod => { var selector = getLabels(pod); var selectorText = Kubernetes.labelsToString(selector, " "); var answer = map[selector]; if (!answer) { answer = { labelText: selectorText, podsLink: UrlHelpers.join("/kubernetes/namespace/", pod.metadata.namespace, "pods?q=" + encodeURIComponent(selectorText)), valid: 0, waiting: 0, error: 0 }; map[selector] = answer; array.push(answer); } var status = (podStatus(pod) || "Error").toLowerCase(); if (status.startsWith("run") || status.startsWith("ok")) { answer.valid += 1; } else if (status.startsWith("wait") || status.startsWith("pwnd")) { answer.waiting += 1; } else { answer.error += 1; } var creationTimestamp = getCreationTimestamp(pod); if (creationTimestamp) { var d = new Date(creationTimestamp); if (!lowestDate || d < lowestDate) { lowestDate = d; } } }); appView.$creationDate = lowestDate; return array; } export function createAppViewServiceViews(appView) { var array = []; var pods = appView.pods; angular.forEach(pods, pod => { var id = getName(pod); if (id) { var abbrev = id; var idx = id.indexOf("-"); if (idx > 1) { abbrev = id.substring(0, idx); } pod.idAbbrev = abbrev; } pod.statusClass = statusTextToCssClass(podStatus(pod), isReady(pod)); }); var services = appView.services || []; var replicationControllers = appView.replicationControllers || []; var size = Math.max(services.length, replicationControllers.length, 1); var appName = appView.$info.name; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var service = services[i]; var replicationController = replicationControllers[i]; var controllerId = getName(replicationController); var name = getName(service) || controllerId; var address = Core.pathGet(service, ["spec", "portalIP"]); if (!name && pods.length) { name = pods[0].idAbbrev; } if (!appView.$info.name) { appView.$info.name = name; } if (!appView.id && pods.length) { appView.id = getName(pods[0]); } if (i > 0) { appName = name; } var podCount = pods.length; var podCountText = podCount + " pod" + (podCount > 1 ? "s" : ""); var view = { appName: appName || name, name: name, createdDate: appView.$creationDate, podCount: podCount, podCountText: podCountText, address: address, controllerId: controllerId, service: service, replicationController: replicationController, pods: pods }; array.push(view); } return array; } /** * converts a git path into an accessible URL for the browser */ export function gitPathToUrl(iconPath, branch = "master") { return (HawtioCore.injector.get('AppLibraryURL') || '') + "/git/" + branch + iconPath; } function asDate(value) { return value ? new Date(value) : null; } export function enrichBuildConfig(buildConfig, sortedBuilds) { if (buildConfig) { var triggerUrl:string = null; var metadata = buildConfig.metadata || {}; var name = metadata.name; buildConfig.$name = name; var projectLink = Developer.projectLink(name); var ns = metadata.namespace || currentKubernetesNamespace(); buildConfig.$namespace = ns; buildConfig.environments = []; buildConfig.$creationDate = asDate(Kubernetes.getCreationTimestamp(buildConfig)); buildConfig.$labelsText = Kubernetes.labelsToString(getLabels(buildConfig)); if (name) { buildConfig.$viewLink = UrlHelpers.join("workspaces", ns, "projects", name, "environments"); buildConfig.$editLink = UrlHelpers.join("workspaces", ns, "projects", name, "buildConfigEdit"); angular.forEach([false, true], (flag) => { angular.forEach(buildConfig.triggers, (trigger) => { if (!triggerUrl) { var type = trigger.type; if (type === "generic" || flag) { var generic = trigger[type]; if (type && generic) { var secret = generic.secret; if (secret) { triggerUrl = UrlHelpers.join(buildConfigHooksRestURL(), name, secret, type); buildConfig.$triggerUrl = triggerUrl; } } } } }); }); // lets find the latest build... if (sortedBuilds) { buildConfig.$lastBuild = _.find(sortedBuilds, { metadata: { labels: { buildconfig: name } } }); } } var $fabric8Views = {}; function defaultPropertiesIfNotExist(name, object, autoCreate = false) { var view = $fabric8Views[name]; if (autoCreate && !view) { view = {} $fabric8Views[name] = view; } if (view) { angular.forEach(object, (value, property) => { var current = view[property]; if (!current) { view[property] = value; } }); } } function defaultPropertiesIfNotExistStartsWith(prefix, object, autoCreate = false) { angular.forEach($fabric8Views, (view, name) => { if (view && name.startsWith(prefix)) { angular.forEach(object, (value, property) => { var current = view[property]; if (!current) { view[property] = value; } }); } }); } var labels = metadata.labels || {}; var annotations = metadata.annotations || {}; // lets default the repo and user buildConfig.$user = annotations["fabric8.jenkins/user"] || labels["user"]; buildConfig.$repo = annotations["fabric8.jenkins/repo"] || labels["repo"]; angular.forEach(annotations, (value, key) => { var parts = key.split('/', 2); if (parts.length > 1) { var linkId = parts[0]; var property = parts[1]; if (linkId && property && linkId.startsWith("fabric8.link")) { var link = $fabric8Views[linkId]; if (!link) { link = { class: linkId }; $fabric8Views[linkId] = link; } link[property] = value; } } }); if (buildConfig.$user && buildConfig.$repo) { // browse gogs repo view var gogsUrl = serviceLinkUrl(gogsServiceName); if (gogsUrl) { defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.browseGogs.view", { label: "Browse...", url: UrlHelpers.join(gogsUrl, buildConfig.$user, buildConfig.$repo), description: "Browse the source code of this repository", iconClass: "fa fa-external-link" }, true); } // run forge commands view defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.forgeCommand.view", { label: "Command...", url: UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "/forge/commands/user", buildConfig.$user, buildConfig.$repo), description: "Perform an action on this project", iconClass: "fa fa-play-circle" }, true); // configure devops view defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.forgeCommand.devops.settings", { label: "Settings", url: UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "/forge/command/devops-edit/user", buildConfig.$user, buildConfig.$repo), description: "Configure the DevOps settings for this project", iconClass: "fa fa-pencil-square-o" }, true); } // add some icons and descriptions defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.repository.browse", { label: "Browse...", description: "Browse the source code of this repository", iconClass: "fa fa-external-link" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.jenkins.job", { iconClass: "fa fa-tasks", description: "View the Jenkins Job for this build" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.jenkins.monitor", { iconClass: "fa fa-tachometer", description: "View the Jenkins Monitor dashboard for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.jenkins.pipeline", { iconClass: "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right", description: "View the Jenkins Pipeline for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.letschat.room", { iconClass: "fa fa-comment", description: "Chat room for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.letschat.room", { iconClass: "fa fa-comment", description: "Chat room for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.taiga", { iconClass: "fa fa-check-square-o", description: "Issue tracker for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.issues", { iconClass: "fa fa-check-square-o", description: "Issues for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.releases", { iconClass: "fa fa-tag", description: "Issues for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.taiga.team", { iconClass: "fa fa-users", description: "Team members for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExist("fabric8.link.team", { iconClass: "fa fa-users", description: "Team members for this project" }); defaultPropertiesIfNotExistStartsWith("fabric8.link.environment.", { iconClass: "fa fa-cloud", description: "The kubernetes namespace for this environment" }); // lets put the views into sections... var $fabric8CodeViews = {}; var $fabric8BuildViews = {}; var $fabric8TeamViews = {}; var $fabric8EnvironmentViews = {}; angular.forEach($fabric8Views, (value, key) => { var view; if (key.indexOf("taiga") > 0 || key.indexOf(".issue") > 0 || key.indexOf("letschat") > 0|| key.indexOf(".team") > 0) { view = $fabric8TeamViews; } else if (key.indexOf("jenkins") > 0) { view = $fabric8BuildViews; } else if (key.indexOf(".environment.") > 0) { view = $fabric8EnvironmentViews; } else { view = $fabric8CodeViews; } view[key] = value; }); buildConfig.$fabric8Views = $fabric8Views; buildConfig.$fabric8CodeViews = $fabric8CodeViews; buildConfig.$fabric8BuildViews = $fabric8BuildViews; buildConfig.$fabric8EnvironmentViews = $fabric8EnvironmentViews; buildConfig.$fabric8TeamViews = $fabric8TeamViews; var $jenkinsJob = annotations["fabric8.io/jenkins-job"]; if (!$jenkinsJob && $fabric8Views["fabric8.link.jenkins.job"]) { $jenkinsJob = name; } buildConfig.$jenkinsJob = $jenkinsJob; angular.forEach($fabric8EnvironmentViews, (env) => { var c = env.class; var prefix = "fabric8.link.environment."; if (c && c.startsWith(prefix)) { var ens = c.substring(prefix.length); env.namespace = ens; env.url = UrlHelpers.join("/workspaces", ns, "projects", name, "namespace", ens); } buildConfig.environments.push(env); }); if (!buildConfig.environments.length) { // lets create a single environment var ens = ns; var env = { namespace: ens, label: "Current", description: "The environemnt that this project is built and run inside", iconClass: "fa fa-cloud", url: UrlHelpers.join("/workspaces", ns, "projects", name, "namespace", ens) }; buildConfig.environments.push(env); } buildConfig.environments = buildConfig.environments.reverse(); buildConfig.tools = []; angular.forEach($fabric8CodeViews, (env) => { buildConfig.tools.push(env); }); angular.forEach($fabric8TeamViews, (env) => { buildConfig.tools.push(env); }); } } export function enrichBuildConfigs(buildConfigs, sortedBuilds = null) { angular.forEach(buildConfigs, (buildConfig) => { enrichBuildConfig(buildConfig, sortedBuilds); }); return buildConfigs; } export function enrichBuilds(builds) { angular.forEach(builds, (build) => { enrichBuild(build); }); return _.sortBy(builds, "$creationDate").reverse(); } export function enrichBuild(build) { if (build) { var metadata = build.metadata || {}; var annotations = metadata.annotations || {}; var name = getName(build); var namespace = getNamespace(build); build.$name = name; build.$namespace = namespace; var nameArray = name.split("-"); var nameArrayLength = nameArray.length; build.$shortName = (nameArrayLength > 4) ? nameArray.slice(0, nameArrayLength - 4).join("-") : name.substring(0, 30); var labels = getLabels(build); var configId = labels.buildconfig; build.$configId = configId; if (configId) { //build.$configLink = UrlHelpers.join("kubernetes/buildConfigs", configId); build.$configLink = UrlHelpers.join("workspaces", currentKubernetesNamespace(), "projects", configId); } var creationTimestamp = getCreationTimestamp(build); if (creationTimestamp) { var d = new Date(creationTimestamp); build.$creationDate = d; } if (name) { //build.$viewLink = UrlHelpers.join("kubernetes/builds", name); var projectLink = UrlHelpers.join("workspaces", currentKubernetesNamespace(), "projects", configId); build.$viewLink = UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "builds", name); //build.$logsLink = UrlHelpers.join("kubernetes/buildLogs", name); build.$logsLink = UrlHelpers.join(projectLink, "buildLogs", name); } build.podName = build.podName || annotations["openshift.io/build.pod-name"]; var podName = build.podName; if (podName && namespace) { var podNameArray = podName.split("-"); var podNameArrayLength = podNameArray.length; build.$podShortName = (podNameArrayLength > 5) ? podNameArray[podNameArrayLength - 5] : podName.substring(0, 30); build.$podLink = UrlHelpers.join("kubernetes/namespace", namespace, "pods", podName); } } return build; } export function enrichDeploymentConfig(deploymentConfig) { if (deploymentConfig) { var triggerUrl:string = null; var name = Core.pathGet(deploymentConfig, ["metadata", "name"]); deploymentConfig.$name = name; var found = false; angular.forEach(deploymentConfig.triggers, (trigger) => { var type = trigger.type; if (!deploymentConfig.$imageChangeParams && type === "ImageChange") { var imageChangeParams = trigger.imageChangeParams; if (imageChangeParams) { var containerNames = imageChangeParams.containerNames || []; imageChangeParams.$containerNames = containerNames.join(" "); deploymentConfig.$imageChangeParams = imageChangeParams; } } }); } } export function enrichDeploymentConfigs(deploymentConfigs) { angular.forEach(deploymentConfigs, (deploymentConfig) => { enrichDeploymentConfig(deploymentConfig); }); return deploymentConfigs; } export function enrichEvent(event) { if (event) { var metadata = event.metadata || {}; var firstTimestamp = event.firstTimestamp; if (firstTimestamp) { var d = new Date(firstTimestamp); event.$firstTimestamp = d; } var lastTimestamp = event.lastTimestamp; if (lastTimestamp) { var d = new Date(lastTimestamp); event.$lastTimestamp = d; } var labels = angular.copy(event.source || {}); var involvedObject = event.involvedObject || {}; var name = involvedObject.name; var kind = involvedObject.kind; if (name) { labels['name'] = name; } if (kind) { labels['kind'] = kind; } event.$labelsText = Kubernetes.labelsToString(labels); } } export function enrichEvents(events, model = null) { angular.forEach(events, (event) => { enrichEvent(event); }); // lets update links to the events for each pod and RC if (model) { function clearEvents(entity) { entity.$events = []; entity.$eventsLink = null; entity.$eventCount = 0; } function updateEvent(entity, event) { if (entity) { entity.$events.push(event); if (!entity.$eventsLink) { entity.$eventsLink = UrlHelpers.join("/kubernetes/namespace/", currentKubernetesNamespace(), "events") + "?q=kind%3D" + entity.kind + "%20name%3D" + entity.metadata.name; } entity.$eventCount = entity.$events.length; } } var pods = model.pods || []; var rcs = model.replicationControllers || []; angular.forEach(pods, clearEvents); angular.forEach(rcs, clearEvents); angular.forEach(events, (event) => { var involvedObject = event.involvedObject || {}; var name = involvedObject.name; var kind = involvedObject.kind; var ns = model.currentNamespace(); if (name && kind && ns) { var entity = null; if (kind === "ReplicationController") { entity = model.getReplicationController(ns, name); } else if (kind === "Pod") { entity = model.getPod(ns, name); } if (entity) { updateEvent(entity, event); } } }); } return events; } export function enrichImageRepository(imageRepository) { if (imageRepository) { var triggerUrl:string = null; var name = Core.pathGet(imageRepository, ["metadata", "name"]); imageRepository.$name = name; } } export function enrichImageRepositories(imageRepositories) { angular.forEach(imageRepositories, (imageRepository) => { enrichImageRepository(imageRepository); }); return imageRepositories; } var labelColors = { 'region': 'k8s-badge-region', 'system': 'k8s-badge-system', 'isTarget': 'k8s-badge-target', }; export function containerLabelClass(labelType:string) { if (!(labelType in labelColors)) { return 'mouse-pointer'; } else return labelColors[labelType] + ' mouse-pointer'; } /** * Returns true if the fabric8 forge plugin is enabled */ export function isForgeEnabled() { // TODO should return true if the service "fabric8-forge" is valid return true; } /** * Returns the current kubernetes selected namespace or the default one */ export function currentKubernetesNamespace() { var injector = HawtioCore.injector; if (injector) { var KubernetesState = injector.get("KubernetesState") || {}; return KubernetesState.selectedNamespace || defaultNamespace; } return defaultNamespace; } export function setCurrentKubernetesNamespace(ns) { if (ns) { var KubernetesState = inject("KubernetesState") || {}; KubernetesState.selectedNamespace = ns; } } /** * Configures the json schema */ export function configureSchema() { angular.forEach(schema.definitions, (definition, name) => { var properties = definition.properties; if (properties) { var hideProperties = ["creationTimestamp", "kind", "apiVersion", "annotations", "additionalProperties", "namespace", "resourceVersion", "selfLink", "uid"]; angular.forEach(hideProperties, (propertyName) => { var property = properties[propertyName]; if (property) { property["hidden"] = true; } }); angular.forEach(properties, (property, propertyName) => { var ref = property["$ref"]; var type = property["type"]; if (ref && (!type || type === "object")) { property["type"] = ref; } if (type === "array") { var items = property["items"]; if (items) { var ref = items["$ref"]; var type = items["type"]; if (ref && (!type || type === "object")) { items["type"] = ref; } } } }); } schema.definitions.os_build_WebHookTrigger.properties.secret.type = "password"; }) } /** * Lets remove any enriched data to leave the original json intact */ export function unenrich(item) { var o = _.cloneDeep(item); angular.forEach(o, (value, key) => { if (key.startsWith("$") || key.startsWith("_")) { delete o[key]; } }); delete o['connectTo']; return o; } /** * Returns the unenriched JSON representation of an object */ export function toRawJson(item) { var o = unenrich(item); return JSON.stringify(o, null, 2); // spacing level = 2 } /** * Returns the unenriched YAML representation of an object */ export function toRawYaml(item) { var o = unenrich(item); return jsyaml.dump(o, { indent: 2 }); } export function watch($scope: any, $element: any, kind, ns, fn, labelSelector = null) { var connection = KubernetesAPI.watch({ kind: kind, namespace: ns, labelSelector: labelSelector, success: function (objects) { fn(objects); Core.$apply($scope); } }); $element.on('$destroy', () => { console.log("Static controller[" + kind + ", " + ns + "] element destroyed"); $scope.$destroy(); }); $scope.$on('$destroy', () => { console.log("Static controller[" + kind + ", " + ns + "] scope destroyed"); connection.disconnect(); }); var oldDeleteScopeFn = $scope.deleteScope; $scope.deleteScope = function () { $element.remove(); if (angular.isFunction(oldDeleteScopeFn)) { oldDeleteScopeFn(); } } } export function createKubernetesClient(kind, ns = null) { var K8SClientFactory = inject("K8SClientFactory"); if (!K8SClientFactory) { log.warn("Could not find injected K8SClientFactory!"); return null; } if (kind === "projects" || kind === "namespaces") { ns = null; } else if (!ns) { ns = Kubernetes.currentKubernetesNamespace(); } return K8SClientFactory.create(kind, ns); } export function currentUserName() { var userDetails = HawtioOAuth.getUserProfile(); var answer = null; if (userDetails) { answer = getName(userDetails); } return answer || "admin"; } export function createNamespace(ns, client?) { if (!client) { client = isOpenShift ? Kubernetes.createKubernetesClient('projects') : Kubernetes.createKubernetesClient('namespaces'); } if (ns && ns !== currentKubernetesNamespace()) { var object = { apiVersion: Kubernetes.defaultApiVersion, kind: isOpenShift ? 'Project' : 'Namespace', metadata: { name: ns, labels: { } } }; client.put(object, (data) => { log.info("Created namespace: " + ns) }, (err) => { log.warn("Failed to create namespace: " + ns + ": " + angular.toJson(err)); }); } } export function createRC(obj, onCompleteFn = null){ var client = Kubernetes.createKubernetesClient('replicationcontrollers','default'); var RCTemplate = new resourceRCTemplate(); var rcTemplate = RCTemplate.createRC(obj); client.put(rcTemplate, function(obj) { if (angular.isFunction(onCompleteFn)) { onCompleteFn(obj); } },(err) =>{ console.log(err); }); } export function connectOracle($http, $timeout, url, operation, replicas, delayTime){ $timeout(() => { $http({ url: url, method:'POST', params:{oracleName: getName(replicas), operation: operation}, }).success(function(data,header,config,status){ console.log("success"); }).error(function(data,header,config,status){ //log.warn("Failed to connect " + connectParam + " " + data + " " + status); }); }, delayTime); } export function getOracleStatus(labels){ var answer = -1; if(typeof(labels) === 'object' && labels.hasOwnProperty("status")){ switch(labels.status){ case '0': answer = 0; break; case '1': answer = 1; break; case '2': answer = 2; break; default: answer = -1; } } return answer; } export function getExtractStatus(labels){ if(labels.isTarget === 'false'){ return parseInt(labels.isExtract); }else{ return 10; } } export function getOracleName(replicas):string { var annotation = getAnnotations(replicas); return annotation["cityName"] + "-" + annotation["districtName"] + "-" + annotation["systemName"]; } export function extractDataToOracle($http, url, selectedReplicationControllers, targetOracle: Configs.oracleParam, fn?:(data, status) => void){ //console.log(targetReplicationController.length); var answer = targetOracle && true; var inneedOracle = []; selectedReplicationControllers.forEach((rc) => { var annotations = getAnnotations(rc); answer = answer && checkoutOracleIsRunning(rc); inneedOracle.push({ "name": getName(rc), "ip": getHost(rc.$pods[0]), "port": rc.$pods[0].spec.containers[0].ports[0].hostPort, "dataId": annotations["id"] }); }); if(answer){ var data ={"name": targetOracle.id, "target": targetOracle, "inneed": inneedOracle}; var spinner; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: UrlHelpers.join(url, targetOracle.id+"", "extract"), timeout: 8000, dataType: 'json', //async: false, data: JSON.stringify(data), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", beforeSend: () => { Configs.create_mask(); //创建遮罩层 create_locadEffect("正在验证汇总库配置信息,请稍等!"); //创建数据加载效果层 var target = document.getElementById('loading') spinner = new Spinner(loadConfigs()).spin(target); }, complete: (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) => { if(XMLHttpRequest.status == 200){ //spinner.spin(); Kubernetes.createSuccessInfo("success", "连接汇总库成功,即将执行汇总或抽取操作!"); setTimeout("Kubernetes.removeMask()", 1500); } else{ //spinner.spin(); Kubernetes.createSuccessInfo("error", "连接汇总库失败,请检查服务集群中的汇总库配置是否正确!"); setTimeout("Kubernetes.removeMask()", 1500); } }, success: (data) => { } }); //Configs.oracleInfoOperate($http, "/java/console/api/oracle", Configs.OperateType.EXTRACT, data, fn); }else{ //alert("您选择的汇总数据库或需要汇总的数据库中存在未启动成功的数据库,导致汇总操作失败,请重新选择!"); Configs.customAlert("提示", "操作失败:需要汇总的数据库中存在未启动成功的数据库!", '',null, 0, "error"); } } export function checkoutOracleIsRunning(rc){ if(rc.$podCounters.ready && rc.$oracleStatus == 2){ return true }else{ return false; } } export function replicasIsCreated (replicationcontrollers:Array, name:string){ var result = false; if( replicationcontrollers !=null || replicationcontrollers.length<=0){ for(var i=0; i" + "" + msg + ""; var load = document.createElement("div"); load.id = "load"; load.innerHTML = tmp; document.body.appendChild(load); $("#load").addClass("load-effect-msg"); } export function createSuccessInfo(icon:string, msg:string){ $("#load").remove(); Configs.customAlert("提示", msg, '',null, 0, icon); /*var tmp = "
" + "" + msg +""; var result = document.createElement("div"); result.id = "exe_result"; result.innerHTML = tmp; document.body.appendChild(result);*/ } export function removeMask(){ var mask = document.getElementById("mask"); //var result = document.getElementById("exe_result"); if(null == mask) return; document.body.removeChild(mask); //document.body.removeChild(result); } }