138 lines
4.6 KiB
138 lines
4.6 KiB
/// <reference path="../../includes.ts"/>
/// <reference path="kubernetesPlugin.ts"/>
module Kubernetes {
export var BuildConfigsController = controller("BuildConfigsController", ["$scope", "KubernetesModel", "KubernetesState", "$dialog", "$window", "$templateCache", "$routeParams", "$location", "localStorage", "$http", "$timeout", "KubernetesApiURL",
($scope, KubernetesModel:Kubernetes.KubernetesModelService, KubernetesState, $dialog, $window, $templateCache, $routeParams, $location:ng.ILocationService, localStorage, $http, $timeout, KubernetesApiURL) => {
$scope.kubernetes = KubernetesState;
$scope.model = KubernetesModel;
$scope.tableConfig = {
data: 'model.buildconfigs',
showSelectionCheckbox: true,
enableRowClickSelection: false,
multiSelect: true,
selectedItems: [],
filterOptions: {
filterText: $location.search()["q"] || ''
columnDefs: [
field: 'metadata.name',
displayName: 'Name',
cellTemplate: $templateCache.get("buildConfigLinkTemplate.html")
field: 'spec.source.type',
displayName: 'Source'
field: 'spec.source.git.uri',
displayName: 'Repository'
field: 'spec.strategy.type',
displayName: 'Strategy'
field: 'spec.strategy.stiStrategy.image',
displayName: 'Source Image'
field: 'spec.output.imageTag',
displayName: 'Output Image'
field: '$fabric8CodeViews',
displayName: 'Code',
width: "***",
minWidth: 500,
cellTemplate: $templateCache.get("buildConfigCodeViewsTemplate.html")
field: '$fabric8BuildViews',
displayName: 'Builds',
width: "***",
minWidth: 500,
cellTemplate: $templateCache.get("buildConfigBuildViewsTemplate.html")
field: '$fabric8EnvironmentViews',
displayName: 'Environments',
width: "***",
minWidth: 500,
cellTemplate: $templateCache.get("buildConfigEnvironmentViewsTemplate.html")
field: '$fabric8TeamViews',
displayName: 'People',
width: "***",
minWidth: 500,
cellTemplate: $templateCache.get("buildConfigTeamViewsTemplate.html")
Kubernetes.initShared($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, $routeParams, KubernetesModel, KubernetesState, KubernetesApiURL);
// $scope.isLoggedIntoGogs = Forge.isLoggedIntoGogs;
$scope.deletePrompt = (selected) => {
collection: selected,
index: '$name',
onClose: (result:boolean) => {
if (result) {
function deleteSelected(selected, next) {
if (next) {
deleteEntity(next, () => {
deleteSelected(selected, selected.shift());
} else {
deleteSelected(selected, selected.shift());
title: 'Delete Build Configs?',
action: 'The following Build Configs will be deleted:',
okText: 'Delete',
okClass: 'btn-danger',
custom: "This operation is permanent once completed!",
customClass: "alert alert-warning"
function deleteEntity(selection, nextCallback) {
var name = (selection || {}).$name;
if (name) {
console.log("About to delete build config: " + name);
var url = buildConfigRestUrl(name);
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
log.warn("Failed to delete build config on " + url + " " + data + " " + status);
} else {
console.log("warning: no name for selection: " + angular.toJson(selection));
function updateData() {