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# Bindings for ttk::panedwindow widget.
namespace eval ttk::panedwindow {
variable State
array set State {
pressed 0
pressX -
pressY -
sash -
sashPos -
## Bindings:
bind TPanedwindow <ButtonPress-1> { ttk::panedwindow::Press %W %x %y }
bind TPanedwindow <B1-Motion> { ttk::panedwindow::Drag %W %x %y }
bind TPanedwindow <ButtonRelease-1> { ttk::panedwindow::Release %W %x %y }
bind TPanedwindow <Motion> { ttk::panedwindow::SetCursor %W %x %y }
bind TPanedwindow <Enter> { ttk::panedwindow::SetCursor %W %x %y }
bind TPanedwindow <Leave> { ttk::panedwindow::ResetCursor %W }
bind TPanedwindow <<EnteredChild>> { ttk::panedwindow::ResetCursor %W }
## Sash movement:
proc ttk::panedwindow::Press {w x y} {
variable State
set sash [$w identify $x $y]
if {$sash eq ""} {
set State(pressed) 0
set State(pressed) 1
set State(pressX) $x
set State(pressY) $y
set State(sash) $sash
set State(sashPos) [$w sashpos $sash]
proc ttk::panedwindow::Drag {w x y} {
variable State
if {!$State(pressed)} { return }
switch -- [$w cget -orient] {
horizontal { set delta [expr {$x - $State(pressX)}] }
vertical { set delta [expr {$y - $State(pressY)}] }
$w sashpos $State(sash) [expr {$State(sashPos) + $delta}]
proc ttk::panedwindow::Release {w x y} {
variable State
set State(pressed) 0
SetCursor $w $x $y
## Cursor management:
proc ttk::panedwindow::ResetCursor {w} {
variable State
if {!$State(pressed)} {
ttk::setCursor $w {}
proc ttk::panedwindow::SetCursor {w x y} {
set cursor ""
if {[llength [$w identify $x $y]]} {
# Assume we're over a sash.
switch -- [$w cget -orient] {
horizontal { set cursor hresize }
vertical { set cursor vresize }
ttk::setCursor $w $cursor