const app = getApp(); Component({ properties: { course_id: Number, id_: Number, course_identity:Number, refresh: { type: Number, observer: function (r) { if (r) { this.refresh(); this.setData({ refresh: false }); } } } }, data: { }, attached(){ this.refresh(); }, methods: { onChoose(e){ }, onChange(e){ let {detail:{value}} = e; this.sort_type = value?'id':''; this.refresh(); }, refresh(){ let {course_id, course_identity} =; let {sort_type=''} = this; wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中', }); if(sort_type!='id') app.api("")({course_id, limit:1000}).then(res=>{ var {students,students_count} = res; this.setData({students,students_count}, wx.hideLoading); if(!this.imageMap) this.imageMap = new Map(); for(var item of students){ for(var stu of item.items){ this.imageMap.set(stu.user_id, stu.image_url); } } }); else app.api("courses.students")({course_id, limit:10000}) .then(res=>{ var students; if(this.imageMap) students =>{ i.image_url = this.imageMap.get(i.user_id); return i; }) if(res.students.length>0) students = [{letter:"#", items:res.students}]; else students = []; var {students_count} = res; this.setData({ students, students_count}, wx.hideLoading); }); let ext = {course_id, course_identity}; this.setData({ext}); } } })