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<view class="root {{connected && 'connected'}} {{finding && 'finding'}} {{playing && 'playing'}} {{done && 'done'}}">
<view class="my-side">
<image class="avatar" src="{{myAvatar}}" mode="aspectFill" />
<image class="hand {{win == 'me' && 'win'}}" src="../../images/{{myChoice}}.png" bindtap="switchChoice"></image>
<text class="score">
得分 {{myScore}}
<text class="streak">
连胜 {{myStreak}}
<view class="your-side {{youHere && 'here'}} {{yourMove && 'move-' + yourMove}}">
<image class="avatar" src="{{yourAvatar}}" mode="aspectFill" />
<image class="hand {{win == 'you' && 'win'}}" src="../../images/{{yourChoice}}.png"></image>
<text class="score">
得分 {{yourScore}}
<text class="streak">
连胜 {{yourStreak}}
<view class="game-info">{{gameInfo}}</view>
<button class="start-game" type="primary" bindtap="startGame">{{startButtonText}}</button>
<button class="request-computer" bindtap="requestComputer">跟机器人玩</button>