/***/ 1000:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(312)(true);
// imports
// module
exports.push([module.i, ".ant-row{position:relative;height:auto;margin-right:0;margin-left:0;zoom:1;display:block;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.ant-row:after,.ant-row:before{display:table;content:\"\"}.ant-row:after{clear:both}.ant-row-flex{-ms-flex-flow:row wrap;flex-flow:row wrap}.ant-row-flex,.ant-row-flex:after,.ant-row-flex:before{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.ant-row-flex-start{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}.ant-row-flex-center{-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center}.ant-row-flex-end{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}.ant-row-flex-space-between{-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between}.ant-row-flex-space-around{-ms-flex-pack:distribute;justify-content:space-around}.ant-row-flex-top{-ms-flex-align:start;align-items:flex-start}.ant-row-flex-middle{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}.ant-row-flex-bottom{-ms-flex-align:end;align-items:flex-end}.ant-col{position:relative;min-height:1px}.ant-col-1,.ant-col-2,.ant-col-3,.ant-col-4,.ant-col-5,.ant-col-6,.ant-col-7,.ant-col-8,.ant-col-9,.ant-col-10,.ant-col-11,.ant-col-12,.ant-col-13,.ant-col-14,.ant-col-15,.ant-col-16,.ant-col-17,.ant-col-18,.ant-col-19,.ant-col-20,.ant-col-21,.ant-col-22,.ant-col-23,.ant-col-24,.ant-col-lg-1,.ant-col-lg-2,.ant-col-lg-3,.ant-col-lg-4,.ant-col-lg-5,.ant-col-lg-6,.ant-col-lg-7,.ant-col-lg-8,.ant-col-lg-9,.ant-col-lg-10,.ant-col-lg-11,.ant-col-lg-12,.ant-col-lg-13,.ant-col-lg-14,.ant-col-lg-15,.ant-col-lg-16,.ant-col-lg-17,.ant-col-lg-18,.ant-col-lg-19,.ant-col-lg-20,.ant-col-lg-21,.ant-col-lg-22,.ant-col-lg-23,.ant-col-lg-24,.ant-col-md-1,.ant-col-md-2,.ant-col-md-3,.ant-col-md-4,.ant-col-md-5,.ant-col-md-6,.ant-col-md-7,.ant-col-md-8,.ant-col-md-9,.ant-col-md-10,.ant-col-md-11,.ant-col-md-12,.ant-col-md-13,.ant-col-md-14,.ant-col-md-15,.ant-col-md-16,.ant-col-md-17,.ant-col-md-18,.ant-col-md-19,.ant-col-md-20,.ant-col-md-21,.ant-col-md-22,.ant-col-md-23,.ant-col-md-24,.ant-col-sm-1,.ant-col-sm-2,.ant-col-sm-3,.ant-col-sm-4,.ant-col-sm-5,.ant-col-sm-6,.ant-col-sm-7,.ant-col-sm-8,.ant-col-sm-9,.ant-col-sm-10,.ant-col-sm-11,.ant-col-sm-12,.ant-col-sm-13,.ant-col-sm-14,.ant-col-sm-15,.ant-col-sm-16,.ant-col-sm-17,.ant-col-sm-18,.ant-col-sm-19,.ant-col-sm-20,.ant-col-sm-21,.ant-col-sm-22,.ant-col-sm-23,.ant-col-sm-24,.ant-col-xs-1,.ant-col-xs-2,.ant-col-xs-3,.ant-col-xs-4,.ant-col-xs-5,.ant-col-xs-6,.ant-col-xs-7,.ant-col-xs-8,.ant-col-xs-9,.ant-col-xs-10,.ant-col-xs-11,.ant-col-xs-12,.ant-col-xs-13,.ant-col-xs-14,.ant-col-xs-15,.ant-col-xs-16,.ant-col-xs-17,.ant-col-xs-18,.ant-col-xs-19,.ant-col-xs-20,.ant-col-xs-21,.ant-col-xs-22,.ant-col-xs-23,.ant-col-xs-24{position:relative;padding-right:0;padding-left:0}.ant-col-1,.ant-col-2,.ant-col-3,.ant-col-4,.ant-col-5,.ant-col-6,.ant-col-7,.ant-col-8,.ant-col-9,.ant-col-10,.ant-col-11,.ant-col-12,.ant-col-13,.ant-col-14,.ant-col-15,.ant-col-16,.ant-col-17,.ant-col-18,.ant-col-19,.ant-col-20,.ant-col-21,.ant-col-22,.ant-col-23,.ant-col-24{-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;float:left}.ant-col-24{display:block;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}.ant-col-push-24{left:100%}.ant-col-pull-24{right:100%}.ant-col-offset-24{margin-left:100%}.ant-col-order-24{-ms-flex-order:24;order:24}.ant-col-23{display:block;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:95.83333333%}.ant-col-push-23{left:95.83333333%}.ant-col-pull-23{right:95.83333333%}.ant-col-offset-23{margin-left:95.83333333%}.ant-col-order-23{-ms-flex-order:23;order:23}.ant-col-22{display:block;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:91.66666667%}.ant-col-push-22{left:91.66666667%}.ant-col-pull-22{right:91.66666667%}.ant-col-offset-22{margin-left:91.66666667%}.ant-col-order-22{-ms-flex-order:22;order:22}.ant-col-21{display:block;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:87.5%}.ant-col-push-21{left:87.5%}.ant-col-pull-21{right:87.5%}.ant-col-offset-21{margin-left:87.5%}.ant-col-order-21{-ms-flex-order:21;order:21}.ant-col-20{display:block;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:83.33333333%}.
// exports
/***/ }),
/***/ 1001:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = exports.responsiveMap = exports.responsiveArray = void 0;
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
// matchMedia polyfill for
// https://github.com/WickyNilliams/enquire.js/issues/82
var enquire; // TODO: Will be removed in antd 4.0 because we will no longer support ie9
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
var matchMediaPolyfill = function matchMediaPolyfill(mediaQuery) {
return {
media: mediaQuery,
matches: false,
addListener: function addListener() {},
removeListener: function removeListener() {}
}; // ref: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/18774
if (!window.matchMedia) window.matchMedia = matchMediaPolyfill; // eslint-disable-next-line global-require
enquire = __webpack_require__(993);
var responsiveArray = ['xxl', 'xl', 'lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xs'];
exports.responsiveArray = responsiveArray;
var responsiveMap = {
xs: '(max-width: 575px)',
sm: '(min-width: 576px)',
md: '(min-width: 768px)',
lg: '(min-width: 992px)',
xl: '(min-width: 1200px)',
xxl: '(min-width: 1600px)'
exports.responsiveMap = responsiveMap;
var subscribers = [];
var subUid = -1;
var screens = {};
var responsiveObserve = {
dispatch: function dispatch(pointMap) {
screens = pointMap;
if (subscribers.length < 1) {
return false;
subscribers.forEach(function (item) {
return true;
subscribe: function subscribe(func) {
if (subscribers.length === 0) {
var token = (++subUid).toString();
token: token,
func: func
return token;
unsubscribe: function unsubscribe(token) {
subscribers = subscribers.filter(function (item) {
return item.token !== token;
if (subscribers.length === 0) {
unregister: function unregister() {
Object.keys(responsiveMap).map(function (screen) {
return enquire.unregister(responsiveMap[screen]);
register: function register() {
var _this = this;
Object.keys(responsiveMap).map(function (screen) {
return enquire.register(responsiveMap[screen], {
match: function match() {
var pointMap = _extends(_extends({}, screens), _defineProperty({}, screen, true));
unmatch: function unmatch() {
var pointMap = _extends(_extends({}, screens), _defineProperty({}, screen, false));
// Keep a empty destory to avoid triggering unmatch when unregister
destroy: function destroy() {}
var _default = responsiveObserve;
exports["default"] = _default;
//# sourceMappingURL=responsiveObserve.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 1004:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
if (true) {
module.exports = __webpack_require__(1014);
} else {
module.exports = require('./cjs/react-is.development.js');
/***/ }),
/***/ 1007:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = { "default": __webpack_require__(335), __esModule: true };
/***/ }),
/***/ 1008:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var _from = __webpack_require__(1007);
var _from2 = _interopRequireDefault(_from);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
exports.default = function (arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) {
arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
} else {
return (0, _from2.default)(arr);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1009:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var React = __webpack_require__(0);
var factory = __webpack_require__(1010);
if (typeof React === 'undefined') {
throw Error(
'create-react-class could not find the React object. If you are using script tags, ' +
'make sure that React is being loaded before create-react-class.'
// Hack to grab NoopUpdateQueue from isomorphic React
var ReactNoopUpdateQueue = new React.Component().updater;
module.exports = factory(
/***/ }),
/***/ 1010:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var _assign = __webpack_require__(76);
var emptyObject = __webpack_require__(1011);
var _invariant = __webpack_require__(1012);
if (false) {
var warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');
var MIXINS_KEY = 'mixins';
// Helper function to allow the creation of anonymous functions which do not
// have .name set to the name of the variable being assigned to.
function identity(fn) {
return fn;
var ReactPropTypeLocationNames;
if (false) {
ReactPropTypeLocationNames = {
prop: 'prop',
context: 'context',
childContext: 'child context'
} else {
ReactPropTypeLocationNames = {};
function factory(ReactComponent, isValidElement, ReactNoopUpdateQueue) {
* Policies that describe methods in `ReactClassInterface`.
var injectedMixins = [];
* Composite components are higher-level components that compose other composite
* or host components.
* To create a new type of `ReactClass`, pass a specification of
* your new class to `React.createClass`. The only requirement of your class
* specification is that you implement a `render` method.
* var MyComponent = React.createClass({
* render: function() {
* return <div>Hello World</div>;
* }
* });
* The class specification supports a specific protocol of methods that have
* special meaning (e.g. `render`). See `ReactClassInterface` for
* more the comprehensive protocol. Any other properties and methods in the
* class specification will be available on the prototype.
* @interface ReactClassInterface
* @internal
var ReactClassInterface = {
* An array of Mixin objects to include when defining your component.
* @type {array}
* @optional
mixins: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* An object containing properties and methods that should be defined on
* the component's constructor instead of its prototype (static methods).
* @type {object}
* @optional
statics: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Definition of prop types for this component.
* @type {object}
* @optional
propTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Definition of context types for this component.
* @type {object}
* @optional
contextTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Definition of context types this component sets for its children.
* @type {object}
* @optional
childContextTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',
// ==== Definition methods ====
* Invoked when the component is mounted. Values in the mapping will be set on
* `this.props` if that prop is not specified (i.e. using an `in` check).
* This method is invoked before `getInitialState` and therefore cannot rely
* on `this.state` or use `this.setState`.
* @return {object}
* @optional
getDefaultProps: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
* Invoked once before the component is mounted. The return value will be used
* as the initial value of `this.state`.
* getInitialState: function() {
* return {
* isOn: false,
* fooBaz: new BazFoo()
* }
* }
* @return {object}
* @optional
getInitialState: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
* @return {object}
* @optional
getChildContext: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
* Uses props from `this.props` and state from `this.state` to render the
* structure of the component.
* No guarantees are made about when or how often this method is invoked, so
* it must not have side effects.
* render: function() {
* var name = this.props.name;
* return <div>Hello, {name}!</div>;
* }
* @return {ReactComponent}
* @required
render: 'DEFINE_ONCE',
// ==== Delegate methods ====
* Invoked when the component is initially created and about to be mounted.
* This may have side effects, but any external subscriptions or data created
* by this method must be cleaned up in `componentWillUnmount`.
* @optional
componentWillMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Invoked when the component has been mounted and has a DOM representation.
* However, there is no guarantee that the DOM node is in the document.
* Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component has
* been mounted (initialized and rendered) for the first time.
* @param {DOMElement} rootNode DOM element representing the component.
* @optional
componentDidMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Invoked before the component receives new props.
* Use this as an opportunity to react to a prop transition by updating the
* state using `this.setState`. Current props are accessed via `this.props`.
* componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps, nextContext) {
* this.setState({
* likesIncreasing: nextProps.likeCount > this.props.likeCount
* });
* }
* NOTE: There is no equivalent `componentWillReceiveState`. An incoming prop
* transition may cause a state change, but the opposite is not true. If you
* need it, you are probably looking for `componentWillUpdate`.
* @param {object} nextProps
* @optional
componentWillReceiveProps: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Invoked while deciding if the component should be updated as a result of
* receiving new props, state and/or context.
* Use this as an opportunity to `return false` when you're certain that the
* transition to the new props/state/context will not require a component
* update.
* shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState, nextContext) {
* return !equal(nextProps, this.props) ||
* !equal(nextState, this.state) ||
* !equal(nextContext, this.context);
* }
* @param {object} nextProps
* @param {?object} nextState
* @param {?object} nextContext
* @return {boolean} True if the component should update.
* @optional
shouldComponentUpdate: 'DEFINE_ONCE',
* Invoked when the component is about to update due to a transition from
* `this.props`, `this.state` and `this.context` to `nextProps`, `nextState`
* and `nextContext`.
* Use this as an opportunity to perform preparation before an update occurs.
* NOTE: You **cannot** use `this.setState()` in this method.
* @param {object} nextProps
* @param {?object} nextState
* @param {?object} nextContext
* @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction
* @optional
componentWillUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Invoked when the component's DOM representation has been updated.
* Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component has
* been updated.
* @param {object} prevProps
* @param {?object} prevState
* @param {?object} prevContext
* @param {DOMElement} rootNode DOM element representing the component.
* @optional
componentDidUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Invoked when the component is about to be removed from its parent and have
* its DOM representation destroyed.
* Use this as an opportunity to deallocate any external resources.
* NOTE: There is no `componentDidUnmount` since your component will have been
* destroyed by that point.
* @optional
componentWillUnmount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Replacement for (deprecated) `componentWillMount`.
* @optional
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Replacement for (deprecated) `componentWillReceiveProps`.
* @optional
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: 'DEFINE_MANY',
* Replacement for (deprecated) `componentWillUpdate`.
* @optional
UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',
// ==== Advanced methods ====
* Updates the component's currently mounted DOM representation.
* By default, this implements React's rendering and reconciliation algorithm.
* Sophisticated clients may wish to override this.
* @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction
* @internal
* @overridable
updateComponent: 'OVERRIDE_BASE'
* Similar to ReactClassInterface but for static methods.
var ReactClassStaticInterface = {
* This method is invoked after a component is instantiated and when it
* receives new props. Return an object to update state in response to
* prop changes. Return null to indicate no change to state.
* If an object is returned, its keys will be merged into the existing state.
* @return {object || null}
* @optional
getDerivedStateFromProps: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED'
* Mapping from class specification keys to special processing functions.
* Although these are declared like instance properties in the specification
* when defining classes using `React.createClass`, they are actually static
* and are accessible on the constructor instead of the prototype. Despite
* being static, they must be defined outside of the "statics" key under
* which all other static methods are defined.
displayName: function(Constructor, displayName) {
Constructor.displayName = displayName;
mixins: function(Constructor, mixins) {
if (mixins) {
for (var i = 0; i < mixins.length; i++) {
mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, mixins[i]);
childContextTypes: function(Constructor, childContextTypes) {
if (false) {
validateTypeDef(Constructor, childContextTypes, 'childContext');
Constructor.childContextTypes = _assign(
contextTypes: function(Constructor, contextTypes) {
if (false) {
validateTypeDef(Constructor, contextTypes, 'context');
Constructor.contextTypes = _assign(
* Special case getDefaultProps which should move into statics but requires
* automatic merging.
getDefaultProps: function(Constructor, getDefaultProps) {
if (Constructor.getDefaultProps) {
Constructor.getDefaultProps = createMergedResultFunction(
} else {
Constructor.getDefaultProps = getDefaultProps;
propTypes: function(Constructor, propTypes) {
if (false) {
validateTypeDef(Constructor, propTypes, 'prop');
Constructor.propTypes = _assign({}, Constructor.propTypes, propTypes);
statics: function(Constructor, statics) {
mixStaticSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, statics);
autobind: function() {}
function validateTypeDef(Constructor, typeDef, location) {
for (var propName in typeDef) {
if (typeDef.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
// use a warning instead of an _invariant so components
// don't show up in prod but only in __DEV__
if (false) {
typeof typeDef[propName] === 'function',
'%s: %s type `%s` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from ' +
Constructor.displayName || 'ReactClass',
function validateMethodOverride(isAlreadyDefined, name) {
var specPolicy = ReactClassInterface.hasOwnProperty(name)
? ReactClassInterface[name]
: null;
// Disallow overriding of base class methods unless explicitly allowed.
if (ReactClassMixin.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
specPolicy === 'OVERRIDE_BASE',
'ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to override ' +
'`%s` from your class specification. Ensure that your method names ' +
'do not overlap with React methods.',
// Disallow defining methods more than once unless explicitly allowed.
if (isAlreadyDefined) {
specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY' || specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
'ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to define ' +
'`%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be due ' +
'to a mixin.',
* Mixin helper which handles policy validation and reserved
* specification keys when building React classes.
function mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, spec) {
if (!spec) {
if (false) {
var typeofSpec = typeof spec;
var isMixinValid = typeofSpec === 'object' && spec !== null;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
"%s: You're attempting to include a mixin that is either null " +
'or not an object. Check the mixins included by the component, ' +
'as well as any mixins they include themselves. ' +
'Expected object but got %s.',
Constructor.displayName || 'ReactClass',
spec === null ? null : typeofSpec
typeof spec !== 'function',
"ReactClass: You're attempting to " +
'use a component class or function as a mixin. Instead, just use a ' +
'regular object.'
"ReactClass: You're attempting to " +
'use a component as a mixin. Instead, just use a regular object.'
var proto = Constructor.prototype;
var autoBindPairs = proto.__reactAutoBindPairs;
// By handling mixins before any other properties, we ensure the same
// chaining order is applied to methods with DEFINE_MANY policy, whether
// mixins are listed before or after these methods in the spec.
if (spec.hasOwnProperty(MIXINS_KEY)) {
RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS.mixins(Constructor, spec.mixins);
for (var name in spec) {
if (!spec.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if (name === MIXINS_KEY) {
// We have already handled mixins in a special case above.
var property = spec[name];
var isAlreadyDefined = proto.hasOwnProperty(name);
validateMethodOverride(isAlreadyDefined, name);
if (RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS[name](Constructor, property);
} else {
// Setup methods on prototype:
// The following member methods should not be automatically bound:
// 1. Expected ReactClass methods (in the "interface").
// 2. Overridden methods (that were mixed in).
var isReactClassMethod = ReactClassInterface.hasOwnProperty(name);
var isFunction = typeof property === 'function';
var shouldAutoBind =
isFunction &&
!isReactClassMethod &&
!isAlreadyDefined &&
spec.autobind !== false;
if (shouldAutoBind) {
autoBindPairs.push(name, property);
proto[name] = property;
} else {
if (isAlreadyDefined) {
var specPolicy = ReactClassInterface[name];
// These cases should already be caught by validateMethodOverride.
isReactClassMethod &&
(specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED' ||
specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY'),
'ReactClass: Unexpected spec policy %s for key %s ' +
'when mixing in component specs.',
// For methods which are defined more than once, call the existing
// methods before calling the new property, merging if appropriate.
if (specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED') {
proto[name] = createMergedResultFunction(proto[name], property);
} else if (specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY') {
proto[name] = createChainedFunction(proto[name], property);
} else {
proto[name] = property;
if (false) {
// Add verbose displayName to the function, which helps when looking
// at profiling tools.
if (typeof property === 'function' && spec.displayName) {
proto[name].displayName = spec.displayName + '_' + name;
function mixStaticSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, statics) {
if (!statics) {
for (var name in statics) {
var property = statics[name];
if (!statics.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var isReserved = name in RESERVED_SPEC_KEYS;
'ReactClass: You are attempting to define a reserved ' +
'property, `%s`, that shouldn\'t be on the "statics" key. Define it ' +
'as an instance property instead; it will still be accessible on the ' +
var isAlreadyDefined = name in Constructor;
if (isAlreadyDefined) {
var specPolicy = ReactClassStaticInterface.hasOwnProperty(name)
? ReactClassStaticInterface[name]
: null;
specPolicy === 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
'ReactClass: You are attempting to define ' +
'`%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be ' +
'due to a mixin.',
Constructor[name] = createMergedResultFunction(Constructor[name], property);
Constructor[name] = property;
* Merge two objects, but throw if both contain the same key.
* @param {object} one The first object, which is mutated.
* @param {object} two The second object
* @return {object} one after it has been mutated to contain everything in two.
function mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(one, two) {
one && two && typeof one === 'object' && typeof two === 'object',
'mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): Cannot merge non-objects.'
for (var key in two) {
if (two.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
one[key] === undefined,
'mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): ' +
'Tried to merge two objects with the same key: `%s`. This conflict ' +
'may be due to a mixin; in particular, this may be caused by two ' +
'getInitialState() or getDefaultProps() methods returning objects ' +
'with clashing keys.',
one[key] = two[key];
return one;
* Creates a function that invokes two functions and merges their return values.
* @param {function} one Function to invoke first.
* @param {function} two Function to invoke second.
* @return {function} Function that invokes the two argument functions.
* @private
function createMergedResultFunction(one, two) {
return function mergedResult() {
var a = one.apply(this, arguments);
var b = two.apply(this, arguments);
if (a == null) {
return b;
} else if (b == null) {
return a;
var c = {};
mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(c, a);
mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(c, b);
return c;
* Creates a function that invokes two functions and ignores their return vales.
* @param {function} one Function to invoke first.
* @param {function} two Function to invoke second.
* @return {function} Function that invokes the two argument functions.
* @private
function createChainedFunction(one, two) {
return function chainedFunction() {
one.apply(this, arguments);
two.apply(this, arguments);
* Binds a method to the component.
* @param {object} component Component whose method is going to be bound.
* @param {function} method Method to be bound.
* @return {function} The bound method.
function bindAutoBindMethod(component, method) {
var boundMethod = method.bind(component);
if (false) {
boundMethod.__reactBoundContext = component;
boundMethod.__reactBoundMethod = method;
boundMethod.__reactBoundArguments = null;
var componentName = component.constructor.displayName;
var _bind = boundMethod.bind;
boundMethod.bind = function(newThis) {
for (
var _len = arguments.length,
args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0),
_key = 1;
_key < _len;
) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
// User is trying to bind() an autobound method; we effectively will
// ignore the value of "this" that the user is trying to use, so
// let's warn.
if (newThis !== component && newThis !== null) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
'bind(): React component methods may only be bound to the ' +
'component instance. See %s',
} else if (!args.length) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
'bind(): You are binding a component method to the component. ' +
'React does this for you automatically in a high-performance ' +
'way, so you can safely remove this call. See %s',
return boundMethod;
var reboundMethod = _bind.apply(boundMethod, arguments);
reboundMethod.__reactBoundContext = component;
reboundMethod.__reactBoundMethod = method;
reboundMethod.__reactBoundArguments = args;
return reboundMethod;
return boundMethod;
* Binds all auto-bound methods in a component.
* @param {object} component Component whose method is going to be bound.
function bindAutoBindMethods(component) {
var pairs = component.__reactAutoBindPairs;
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i += 2) {
var autoBindKey = pairs[i];
var method = pairs[i + 1];
component[autoBindKey] = bindAutoBindMethod(component, method);
var IsMountedPreMixin = {
componentDidMount: function() {
this.__isMounted = true;
var IsMountedPostMixin = {
componentWillUnmount: function() {
this.__isMounted = false;
* Add more to the ReactClass base class. These are all legacy features and
* therefore not already part of the modern ReactComponent.
var ReactClassMixin = {
* TODO: This will be deprecated because state should always keep a consistent
* type signature and the only use case for this, is to avoid that.
replaceState: function(newState, callback) {
this.updater.enqueueReplaceState(this, newState, callback);
* Checks whether or not this composite component is mounted.
* @return {boolean} True if mounted, false otherwise.
* @protected
* @final
isMounted: function() {
if (false) {
'%s: isMounted is deprecated. Instead, make sure to clean up ' +
'subscriptions and pending requests in componentWillUnmount to ' +
'prevent memory leaks.',
(this.constructor && this.constructor.displayName) ||
this.name ||
this.__didWarnIsMounted = true;
return !!this.__isMounted;
var ReactClassComponent = function() {};
* Creates a composite component class given a class specification.
* See https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/top-level-api.html#react.createclass
* @param {object} spec Class specification (which must define `render`).
* @return {function} Component constructor function.
* @public
function createClass(spec) {
// To keep our warnings more understandable, we'll use a little hack here to
// ensure that Constructor.name !== 'Constructor'. This makes sure we don't
// unnecessarily identify a class without displayName as 'Constructor'.
var Constructor = identity(function(props, context, updater) {
// This constructor gets overridden by mocks. The argument is used
// by mocks to assert on what gets mounted.
if (false) {
this instanceof Constructor,
'Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or ' +
'JSX instead. See: https://fb.me/react-legacyfactory'
// Wire up auto-binding
if (this.__reactAutoBindPairs.length) {
this.props = props;
this.context = context;
this.refs = emptyObject;
this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue;
this.state = null;
// ReactClasses doesn't have constructors. Instead, they use the
// getInitialState and componentWillMount methods for initialization.
var initialState = this.getInitialState ? this.getInitialState() : null;
if (false) {
// We allow auto-mocks to proceed as if they're returning null.
if (
initialState === undefined &&
) {
// This is probably bad practice. Consider warning here and
// deprecating this convenience.
initialState = null;
typeof initialState === 'object' && !Array.isArray(initialState),
'%s.getInitialState(): must return an object or null',
Constructor.displayName || 'ReactCompositeComponent'
this.state = initialState;
Constructor.prototype = new ReactClassComponent();
Constructor.prototype.constructor = Constructor;
Constructor.prototype.__reactAutoBindPairs = [];
injectedMixins.forEach(mixSpecIntoComponent.bind(null, Constructor));
mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, IsMountedPreMixin);
mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, spec);
mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, IsMountedPostMixin);
// Initialize the defaultProps property after all mixins have been merged.
if (Constructor.getDefaultProps) {
Constructor.defaultProps = Constructor.getDefaultProps();
if (false) {
// This is a tag to indicate that the use of these method names is ok,
// since it's used with createClass. If it's not, then it's likely a
// mistake so we'll warn you to use the static property, property
// initializer or constructor respectively.
if (Constructor.getDefaultProps) {
Constructor.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved = {};
if (Constructor.prototype.getInitialState) {
Constructor.prototype.getInitialState.isReactClassApproved = {};
'createClass(...): Class specification must implement a `render` method.'
if (false) {
'%s has a method called ' +
'componentShouldUpdate(). Did you mean shouldComponentUpdate()? ' +
'The name is phrased as a question because the function is ' +
'expected to return a value.',
spec.displayName || 'A component'
'%s has a method called ' +
'componentWillRecieveProps(). Did you mean componentWillReceiveProps()?',
spec.displayName || 'A component'
'%s has a method called UNSAFE_componentWillRecieveProps(). ' +
'Did you mean UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps()?',
spec.displayName || 'A component'
// Reduce time spent doing lookups by setting these on the prototype.
for (var methodName in ReactClassInterface) {
if (!Constructor.prototype[methodName]) {
Constructor.prototype[methodName] = null;
return Constructor;
return createClass;
module.exports = factory;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1011:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var emptyObject = {};
if (false) {
module.exports = emptyObject;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1012:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true.
* Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments
* to provide information about what broke and what you were
* expecting.
* The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant
* will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production.
var validateFormat = function validateFormat(format) {};
if (false) {
validateFormat = function validateFormat(format) {
if (format === undefined) {
throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument');
function invariant(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (!condition) {
var error;
if (format === undefined) {
error = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' + 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');
} else {
var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
var argIndex = 0;
error = new Error(format.replace(/%s/g, function () {
return args[argIndex++];
error.name = 'Invariant Violation';
error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame
throw error;
module.exports = invariant;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1013:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* Copyright 2015, Yahoo! Inc.
* Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
var ReactIs = __webpack_require__(1004);
childContextTypes: true,
contextType: true,
contextTypes: true,
defaultProps: true,
displayName: true,
getDefaultProps: true,
getDerivedStateFromError: true,
getDerivedStateFromProps: true,
mixins: true,
propTypes: true,
type: true
name: true,
length: true,
prototype: true,
caller: true,
callee: true,
arguments: true,
arity: true
'$$typeof': true,
render: true,
defaultProps: true,
displayName: true,
propTypes: true
'$$typeof': true,
compare: true,
defaultProps: true,
displayName: true,
propTypes: true,
type: true
var TYPE_STATICS = {};
function getStatics(component) {
if (ReactIs.isMemo(component)) {
return TYPE_STATICS[component['$$typeof']] || REACT_STATICS;
var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var objectPrototype = Object.prototype;
function hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, sourceComponent, blacklist) {
if (typeof sourceComponent !== 'string') {
// don't hoist over string (html) components
if (objectPrototype) {
var inheritedComponent = getPrototypeOf(sourceComponent);
if (inheritedComponent && inheritedComponent !== objectPrototype) {
hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, inheritedComponent, blacklist);
var keys = getOwnPropertyNames(sourceComponent);
if (getOwnPropertySymbols) {
keys = keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(sourceComponent));
var targetStatics = getStatics(targetComponent);
var sourceStatics = getStatics(sourceComponent);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!KNOWN_STATICS[key] && !(blacklist && blacklist[key]) && !(sourceStatics && sourceStatics[key]) && !(targetStatics && targetStatics[key])) {
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sourceComponent, key);
try {
// Avoid failures from read-only properties
defineProperty(targetComponent, key, descriptor);
} catch (e) {}
return targetComponent;
return targetComponent;
module.exports = hoistNonReactStatics;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1014:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/** @license React v16.8.6
* react-is.production.min.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var b="function"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for,c=b?Symbol.for("react.element"):60103,d=b?Symbol.for("react.portal"):60106,e=b?Symbol.for("react.fragment"):60107,f=b?Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"):60108,g=b?Symbol.for("react.profiler"):60114,h=b?Symbol.for("react.provider"):60109,k=b?Symbol.for("react.context"):60110,l=b?Symbol.for("react.async_mode"):60111,m=b?Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode"):60111,n=b?Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"):60112,p=b?Symbol.for("react.suspense"):60113,q=b?Symbol.for("react.memo"):
60115,r=b?Symbol.for("react.lazy"):60116;function t(a){if("object"===typeof a&&null!==a){var u=a.$$typeof;switch(u){case c:switch(a=a.type,a){case l:case m:case e:case g:case f:case p:return a;default:switch(a=a&&a.$$typeof,a){case k:case n:case h:return a;default:return u}}case r:case q:case d:return u}}}function v(a){return t(a)===m}exports.typeOf=t;exports.AsyncMode=l;exports.ConcurrentMode=m;exports.ContextConsumer=k;exports.ContextProvider=h;exports.Element=c;exports.ForwardRef=n;
exports.Fragment=e;exports.Lazy=r;exports.Memo=q;exports.Portal=d;exports.Profiler=g;exports.StrictMode=f;exports.Suspense=p;exports.isValidElementType=function(a){return"string"===typeof a||"function"===typeof a||a===e||a===m||a===g||a===f||a===p||"object"===typeof a&&null!==a&&(a.$$typeof===r||a.$$typeof===q||a.$$typeof===h||a.$$typeof===k||a.$$typeof===n)};exports.isAsyncMode=function(a){return v(a)||t(a)===l};exports.isConcurrentMode=v;exports.isContextConsumer=function(a){return t(a)===k};
exports.isContextProvider=function(a){return t(a)===h};exports.isElement=function(a){return"object"===typeof a&&null!==a&&a.$$typeof===c};exports.isForwardRef=function(a){return t(a)===n};exports.isFragment=function(a){return t(a)===e};exports.isLazy=function(a){return t(a)===r};exports.isMemo=function(a){return t(a)===q};exports.isPortal=function(a){return t(a)===d};exports.isProfiler=function(a){return t(a)===g};exports.isStrictMode=function(a){return t(a)===f};
exports.isSuspense=function(a){return t(a)===p};
/***/ }),
/***/ 1032:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
// load the styles
var content = __webpack_require__(1033);
if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
// Prepare cssTransformation
var transform;
var options = {"hmr":false}
options.transform = transform
// add the styles to the DOM
var update = __webpack_require__(313)(content, options);
if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1033:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(312)(true);
// imports
// module
exports.push([module.i, ".ant-form{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;padding:0;color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);font-size:14px;font-variant:tabular-nums;line-height:1.5;list-style:none;-webkit-font-feature-settings:\"tnum\";font-feature-settings:\"tnum\"}.ant-form legend{display:block;width:100%;margin-bottom:20px;padding:0;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);font-size:16px;line-height:inherit;border:0;border-bottom:1px solid #d9d9d9}.ant-form label{font-size:14px}.ant-form input[type=search]{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.ant-form input[type=checkbox],.ant-form input[type=radio]{line-height:normal}.ant-form input[type=file]{display:block}.ant-form input[type=range]{display:block;width:100%}.ant-form select[multiple],.ant-form select[size]{height:auto}.ant-form input[type=checkbox]:focus,.ant-form input[type=file]:focus,.ant-form input[type=radio]:focus{outline:thin dotted;outline:5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;outline-offset:-2px}.ant-form output{display:block;padding-top:15px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);font-size:14px;line-height:1.5}.ant-form-item-required:before{display:inline-block;margin-right:4px;color:#f5222d;font-size:14px;font-family:SimSun,sans-serif;line-height:1;content:\"*\"}.ant-form-hide-required-mark .ant-form-item-required:before{display:none}.ant-form-item-label>label{color:rgba(0,0,0,.85)}.ant-form-item-label>label:after{content:\":\";position:relative;top:-.5px;margin:0 8px 0 2px}.ant-form-item-label>label.ant-form-item-no-colon:after{content:\" \"}.ant-form-item{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;padding:0;color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);font-size:14px;font-variant:tabular-nums;line-height:1.5;list-style:none;-webkit-font-feature-settings:\"tnum\";font-feature-settings:\"tnum\";margin-bottom:24px;vertical-align:top}.ant-form-item label{position:relative}.ant-form-item label>.anticon{font-size:14px;vertical-align:top}.ant-form-item-control{position:relative;line-height:40px;zoom:1}.ant-form-item-control:after,.ant-form-item-control:before{display:table;content:\"\"}.ant-form-item-control:after{clear:both}.ant-form-item-children{position:relative}.ant-form-item-with-help{margin-bottom:5px}.ant-form-item-label{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;line-height:39.9999px;white-space:nowrap;text-align:right;vertical-align:middle}.ant-form-item-label-left{text-align:left}.ant-form-item .ant-switch{margin:2px 0 4px}.ant-form-explain,.ant-form-extra{clear:both;min-height:22px;margin-top:-2px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);font-size:14px;line-height:1.5;-webkit-transition:color .3s cubic-bezier(.215,.61,.355,1);-o-transition:color .3s cubic-bezier(.215,.61,.355,1);transition:color .3s cubic-bezier(.215,.61,.355,1)}.ant-form-explain{margin-bottom:-1px}.ant-form-extra{padding-top:4px}.ant-form-text{display:inline-block;padding-right:8px}.ant-form-split{display:block;text-align:center}form .has-feedback .ant-input{padding-right:30px}form .has-feedback .ant-input-affix-wrapper .ant-input-suffix{padding-right:18px}form .has-feedback .ant-input-affix-wrapper .ant-input{padding-right:49px}form .has-feedback .ant-input-affix-wrapper.ant-input-affix-wrapper-input-with-clear-btn .ant-input{padding-right:68px}form .has-feedback :not(.ant-input-group-addon)>.ant-select .ant-select-arrow,form .has-feedback :not(.ant-input-group-addon)>.ant-select .ant-select-selection__clear,form .has-feedback>.ant-select .ant-select-arrow,form .has-feedback>.ant-select .ant-select-selection__clear{right:28px}form .has-feedback :not(.ant-input-group-addon)>.ant-select .ant-select-selection-selected-value,form .has-feedback>.ant-select .ant-select-selection-selected-value{padding-right:42px}form .has-feedback .ant-cascader-picker-arrow{margin-right:17px}form .has-feedback .ant-calendar-picker-clear,form .has-feedback .ant-calendar-picker-icon,form .has-feedback .ant-cascader-picker-clear,form .has-feedback .ant-input-search:not(.ant-input-search-enter-button) .ant-input-suffix,form .has-feedback .ant-time-picker-clear,form .has-feedback .ant-time-picker-icon{right:28px}form .ant-mentions,form textarea.ant-input{
// exports
/***/ }),
/***/ 1034:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var React = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(0));
var PropTypes = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _createDOMForm = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1035));
var _createFormField = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(929));
var _omit = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(43));
var _configProvider = __webpack_require__(12);
var _type = __webpack_require__(70);
var _warning = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(40));
var _FormItem = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1067));
var _constants = __webpack_require__(930);
var _context = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(931));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var FormLayouts = (0, _type.tuple)('horizontal', 'inline', 'vertical');
var Form =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(Form, _React$Component);
function Form(props) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Form);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Form).call(this, props));
_this.renderForm = function (_ref) {
var _classNames;
var getPrefixCls = _ref.getPrefixCls;
var _this$props = _this.props,
customizePrefixCls = _this$props.prefixCls,
hideRequiredMark = _this$props.hideRequiredMark,
_this$props$className = _this$props.className,
className = _this$props$className === void 0 ? '' : _this$props$className,
layout = _this$props.layout;
var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('form', customizePrefixCls);
var formClassName = (0, _classnames["default"])(prefixCls, (_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-horizontal"), layout === 'horizontal'), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-vertical"), layout === 'vertical'), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-inline"), layout === 'inline'), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-hide-required-mark"), hideRequiredMark), _classNames), className);
var formProps = (0, _omit["default"])(_this.props, ['prefixCls', 'className', 'layout', 'form', 'hideRequiredMark', 'wrapperCol', 'labelAlign', 'labelCol', 'colon']);
return React.createElement("form", _extends({}, formProps, {
className: formClassName
(0, _warning["default"])(!props.form, 'Form', 'It is unnecessary to pass `form` to `Form` after antd@1.7.0.');
return _this;
_createClass(Form, [{
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _this$props2 = this.props,
wrapperCol = _this$props2.wrapperCol,
labelAlign = _this$props2.labelAlign,
labelCol = _this$props2.labelCol,
layout = _this$props2.layout,
colon = _this$props2.colon;
return React.createElement(_context["default"].Provider, {
value: {
wrapperCol: wrapperCol,
labelAlign: labelAlign,
labelCol: labelCol,
vertical: layout === 'vertical',
colon: colon
}, React.createElement(_configProvider.ConfigConsumer, null, this.renderForm));
return Form;
exports["default"] = Form;
Form.defaultProps = {
colon: true,
layout: 'horizontal',
hideRequiredMark: false,
onSubmit: function onSubmit(e) {
Form.propTypes = {
prefixCls: PropTypes.string,
layout: PropTypes.oneOf(FormLayouts),
children: PropTypes.any,
onSubmit: PropTypes.func,
hideRequiredMark: PropTypes.bool,
colon: PropTypes.bool
Form.Item = _FormItem["default"];
Form.createFormField = _createFormField["default"];
Form.create = function create() {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
return (0, _createDOMForm["default"])(_extends(_extends({
fieldNameProp: 'id'
}, options), {
fieldMetaProp: _constants.FIELD_META_PROP,
fieldDataProp: _constants.FIELD_DATA_PROP
//# sourceMappingURL=Form.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 1035:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends2 = __webpack_require__(18);
var _extends3 = _interopRequireDefault(_extends2);
var _reactDom = __webpack_require__(4);
var _reactDom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_reactDom);
var _domScrollIntoView = __webpack_require__(183);
var _domScrollIntoView2 = _interopRequireDefault(_domScrollIntoView);
var _has = __webpack_require__(1036);
var _has2 = _interopRequireDefault(_has);
var _createBaseForm = __webpack_require__(926);
var _createBaseForm2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createBaseForm);
var _createForm = __webpack_require__(1066);
var _utils = __webpack_require__(896);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function computedStyle(el, prop) {
var getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle;
var style =
// If we have getComputedStyle
getComputedStyle ?
// Query it
// TODO: From CSS-Query notes, we might need (node, null) for FF
getComputedStyle(el) :
// Otherwise, we are in IE and use currentStyle
if (style) {
return style[
// Switch to camelCase for CSSOM
// DEV: Grabbed from jQuery
// https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/1.9-stable/src/css.js#L191-L194
// https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/1.9-stable/src/core.js#L593-L597
prop.replace(/-(\w)/gi, function (word, letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
return undefined;
function getScrollableContainer(n) {
var node = n;
var nodeName = void 0;
/* eslint no-cond-assign:0 */
while ((nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) !== 'body') {
var overflowY = computedStyle(node, 'overflowY');
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/36900407/3040605
if (node !== n && (overflowY === 'auto' || overflowY === 'scroll') && node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return nodeName === 'body' ? node.ownerDocument : node;
var mixin = {
getForm: function getForm() {
return (0, _extends3['default'])({}, _createForm.mixin.getForm.call(this), {
validateFieldsAndScroll: this.validateFieldsAndScroll
validateFieldsAndScroll: function validateFieldsAndScroll(ns, opt, cb) {
var _this = this;
var _getParams = (0, _utils.getParams)(ns, opt, cb),
names = _getParams.names,
callback = _getParams.callback,
options = _getParams.options;
var newCb = function newCb(error, values) {
if (error) {
var validNames = _this.fieldsStore.getValidFieldsName();
var firstNode = void 0;
var firstTop = void 0;
validNames.forEach(function (name) {
if ((0, _has2['default'])(error, name)) {
var instance = _this.getFieldInstance(name);
if (instance) {
var node = _reactDom2['default'].findDOMNode(instance);
var top = node.getBoundingClientRect().top;
if (node.type !== 'hidden' && (firstTop === undefined || firstTop > top)) {
firstTop = top;
firstNode = node;
if (firstNode) {
var c = options.container || getScrollableContainer(firstNode);
(0, _domScrollIntoView2['default'])(firstNode, c, (0, _extends3['default'])({
onlyScrollIfNeeded: true
}, options.scroll));
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback(error, values);
return this.validateFields(names, options, newCb);
function createDOMForm(option) {
return (0, _createBaseForm2['default'])((0, _extends3['default'])({}, option), [mixin]);
exports['default'] = createDOMForm;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ }),
/***/ 1036:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var baseHas = __webpack_require__(1037),
hasPath = __webpack_require__(935);
* Checks if `path` is a direct property of `object`.
* @static
* @since 0.1.0
* @memberOf _
* @category Object
* @param {Object} object The object to query.
* @param {Array|string} path The path to check.
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`.
* @example
* var object = { 'a': { 'b': 2 } };
* var other = _.create({ 'a': _.create({ 'b': 2 }) });
* _.has(object, 'a');
* // => true
* _.has(object, 'a.b');
* // => true
* _.has(object, ['a', 'b']);
* // => true
* _.has(other, 'a');
* // => false
function has(object, path) {
return object != null && hasPath(object, path, baseHas);
module.exports = has;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1037:
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
/** Used for built-in method references. */
var objectProto = Object.prototype;
/** Used to check objects for own properties. */
var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
* The base implementation of `_.has` without support for deep paths.
* @private
* @param {Object} [object] The object to query.
* @param {Array|string} key The key to check.
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `key` exists, else `false`.
function baseHas(object, key) {
return object != null && hasOwnProperty.call(object, key);
module.exports = baseHas;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1038:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var unsafeLifecyclesPolyfill = function unsafeLifecyclesPolyfill(Component) {
var prototype = Component.prototype;
if (!prototype || !prototype.isReactComponent) {
throw new Error('Can only polyfill class components');
} // only handle componentWillReceiveProps
if (typeof prototype.componentWillReceiveProps !== 'function') {
return Component;
} // In React 16.9, React.Profiler was introduced together with UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
// https://reactjs.org/blog/2019/08/08/react-v16.9.0.html#performance-measurements-with-reactprofiler
if (!_react.default.Profiler) {
return Component;
} // Here polyfill get started
prototype.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps = prototype.componentWillReceiveProps;
delete prototype.componentWillReceiveProps;
return Component;
var _default = unsafeLifecyclesPolyfill;
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1039:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var _validator = __webpack_require__(1040);
var _validator2 = _interopRequireDefault(_validator);
var _messages2 = __webpack_require__(1060);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Encapsulates a validation schema.
* @param descriptor An object declaring validation rules
* for this schema.
function Schema(descriptor) {
this.rules = null;
this._messages = _messages2.messages;
Schema.prototype = {
messages: function messages(_messages) {
if (_messages) {
this._messages = (0, _util.deepMerge)((0, _messages2.newMessages)(), _messages);
return this._messages;
define: function define(rules) {
if (!rules) {
throw new Error('Cannot configure a schema with no rules');
if ((typeof rules === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(rules)) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(rules)) {
throw new Error('Rules must be an object');
this.rules = {};
var z = void 0;
var item = void 0;
for (z in rules) {
if (rules.hasOwnProperty(z)) {
item = rules[z];
this.rules[z] = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item];
validate: function validate(source_) {
var _this = this;
var o = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var oc = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function () {};
var source = source_;
var options = o;
var callback = oc;
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
if (!this.rules || Object.keys(this.rules).length === 0) {
if (callback) {
return Promise.resolve();
function complete(results) {
var i = void 0;
var errors = [];
var fields = {};
function add(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
var _errors;
errors = (_errors = errors).concat.apply(_errors, e);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (!errors.length) {
errors = null;
fields = null;
} else {
fields = (0, _util.convertFieldsError)(errors);
callback(errors, fields);
if (options.messages) {
var messages = this.messages();
if (messages === _messages2.messages) {
messages = (0, _messages2.newMessages)();
(0, _util.deepMerge)(messages, options.messages);
options.messages = messages;
} else {
options.messages = this.messages();
var arr = void 0;
var value = void 0;
var series = {};
var keys = options.keys || Object.keys(this.rules);
keys.forEach(function (z) {
arr = _this.rules[z];
value = source[z];
arr.forEach(function (r) {
var rule = r;
if (typeof rule.transform === 'function') {
if (source === source_) {
source = _extends({}, source);
value = source[z] = rule.transform(value);
if (typeof rule === 'function') {
rule = {
validator: rule
} else {
rule = _extends({}, rule);
rule.validator = _this.getValidationMethod(rule);
rule.field = z;
rule.fullField = rule.fullField || z;
rule.type = _this.getType(rule);
if (!rule.validator) {
series[z] = series[z] || [];
rule: rule,
value: value,
source: source,
field: z
var errorFields = {};
return (0, _util.asyncMap)(series, options, function (data, doIt) {
var rule = data.rule;
var deep = (rule.type === 'object' || rule.type === 'array') && (_typeof(rule.fields) === 'object' || _typeof(rule.defaultField) === 'object');
deep = deep && (rule.required || !rule.required && data.value);
rule.field = data.field;
function addFullfield(key, schema) {
return _extends({}, schema, {
fullField: rule.fullField + '.' + key
function cb() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
var errors = e;
if (!Array.isArray(errors)) {
errors = [errors];
if (!options.suppressWarning && errors.length) {
Schema.warning('async-validator:', errors);
if (errors.length && rule.message) {
errors = [].concat(rule.message);
errors = errors.map((0, _util.complementError)(rule));
if (options.first && errors.length) {
errorFields[rule.field] = 1;
return doIt(errors);
if (!deep) {
} else {
// if rule is required but the target object
// does not exist fail at the rule level and don't
// go deeper
if (rule.required && !data.value) {
if (rule.message) {
errors = [].concat(rule.message).map((0, _util.complementError)(rule));
} else if (options.error) {
errors = [options.error(rule, (0, _util.format)(options.messages.required, rule.field))];
} else {
errors = [];
return doIt(errors);
var fieldsSchema = {};
if (rule.defaultField) {
for (var k in data.value) {
if (data.value.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
fieldsSchema[k] = rule.defaultField;
fieldsSchema = _extends({}, fieldsSchema, data.rule.fields);
for (var f in fieldsSchema) {
if (fieldsSchema.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
var fieldSchema = Array.isArray(fieldsSchema[f]) ? fieldsSchema[f] : [fieldsSchema[f]];
fieldsSchema[f] = fieldSchema.map(addFullfield.bind(null, f));
var schema = new Schema(fieldsSchema);
if (data.rule.options) {
data.rule.options.messages = options.messages;
data.rule.options.error = options.error;
schema.validate(data.value, data.rule.options || options, function (errs) {
var finalErrors = [];
if (errors && errors.length) {
finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, errors);
if (errs && errs.length) {
finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, errs);
doIt(finalErrors.length ? finalErrors : null);
var res = void 0;
if (rule.asyncValidator) {
res = rule.asyncValidator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
} else if (rule.validator) {
res = rule.validator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
if (res === true) {
} else if (res === false) {
cb(rule.message || rule.field + ' fails');
} else if (res instanceof Array) {
} else if (res instanceof Error) {
if (res && res.then) {
res.then(function () {
return cb();
}, function (e) {
return cb(e);
}, function (results) {
getType: function getType(rule) {
if (rule.type === undefined && rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
rule.type = 'pattern';
if (typeof rule.validator !== 'function' && rule.type && !_validator2['default'].hasOwnProperty(rule.type)) {
throw new Error((0, _util.format)('Unknown rule type %s', rule.type));
return rule.type || 'string';
getValidationMethod: function getValidationMethod(rule) {
if (typeof rule.validator === 'function') {
return rule.validator;
var keys = Object.keys(rule);
var messageIndex = keys.indexOf('message');
if (messageIndex !== -1) {
keys.splice(messageIndex, 1);
if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === 'required') {
return _validator2['default'].required;
return _validator2['default'][this.getType(rule)] || false;
Schema.register = function register(type, validator) {
if (typeof validator !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Cannot register a validator by type, validator is not a function');
_validator2['default'][type] = validator;
Schema.warning = _util.warning;
Schema.messages = _messages2.messages;
exports['default'] = Schema;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1040:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _string = __webpack_require__(1041);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
var _method = __webpack_require__(1047);
var _method2 = _interopRequireDefault(_method);
var _number = __webpack_require__(1048);
var _number2 = _interopRequireDefault(_number);
var _boolean = __webpack_require__(1049);
var _boolean2 = _interopRequireDefault(_boolean);
var _regexp = __webpack_require__(1050);
var _regexp2 = _interopRequireDefault(_regexp);
var _integer = __webpack_require__(1051);
var _integer2 = _interopRequireDefault(_integer);
var _float = __webpack_require__(1052);
var _float2 = _interopRequireDefault(_float);
var _array = __webpack_require__(1053);
var _array2 = _interopRequireDefault(_array);
var _object = __webpack_require__(1054);
var _object2 = _interopRequireDefault(_object);
var _enum = __webpack_require__(1055);
var _enum2 = _interopRequireDefault(_enum);
var _pattern = __webpack_require__(1056);
var _pattern2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pattern);
var _date = __webpack_require__(1057);
var _date2 = _interopRequireDefault(_date);
var _required = __webpack_require__(1058);
var _required2 = _interopRequireDefault(_required);
var _type = __webpack_require__(1059);
var _type2 = _interopRequireDefault(_type);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
exports['default'] = {
string: _string2['default'],
method: _method2['default'],
number: _number2['default'],
boolean: _boolean2['default'],
regexp: _regexp2['default'],
integer: _integer2['default'],
float: _float2['default'],
array: _array2['default'],
object: _object2['default'],
'enum': _enum2['default'],
pattern: _pattern2['default'],
date: _date2['default'],
url: _type2['default'],
hex: _type2['default'],
email: _type2['default'],
required: _required2['default']
/***/ }),
/***/ 1041:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Performs validation for string types.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function string(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, 'string') && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options, 'string');
if (!(0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, 'string')) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
_rule2['default'].range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
_rule2['default'].pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (rule.whitespace === true) {
_rule2['default'].whitespace(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = string;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1042:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var util = _interopRequireWildcard(_util);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }
* Rule for validating whitespace.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param errors An array of errors that this rule may add
* validation errors to.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function whitespace(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
if (/^\s+$/.test(value) || value === '') {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages.whitespace, rule.fullField));
exports['default'] = whitespace;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1043:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var util = _interopRequireWildcard(_util);
var _required = __webpack_require__(927);
var _required2 = _interopRequireDefault(_required);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }
/* eslint max-len:0 */
var pattern = {
// http://emailregex.com/
email: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/,
url: new RegExp('^(?!mailto:)(?:(?:http|https|ftp)://|//)(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?(?:(?:(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))|localhost)(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:(/|\\?|#)[^\\s]*)?$', 'i'),
hex: /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i
var types = {
integer: function integer(value) {
return types.number(value) && parseInt(value, 10) === value;
float: function float(value) {
return types.number(value) && !types.integer(value);
array: function array(value) {
return Array.isArray(value);
regexp: function regexp(value) {
if (value instanceof RegExp) {
return true;
try {
return !!new RegExp(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
date: function date(value) {
return typeof value.getTime === 'function' && typeof value.getMonth === 'function' && typeof value.getYear === 'function';
number: function number(value) {
if (isNaN(value)) {
return false;
return typeof value === 'number';
object: function object(value) {
return (typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value)) === 'object' && !types.array(value);
method: function method(value) {
return typeof value === 'function';
email: function email(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' && !!value.match(pattern.email) && value.length < 255;
url: function url(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' && !!value.match(pattern.url);
hex: function hex(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' && !!value.match(pattern.hex);
* Rule for validating the type of a value.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param errors An array of errors that this rule may add
* validation errors to.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function type(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
if (rule.required && value === undefined) {
(0, _required2['default'])(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var custom = ['integer', 'float', 'array', 'regexp', 'object', 'method', 'email', 'number', 'date', 'url', 'hex'];
var ruleType = rule.type;
if (custom.indexOf(ruleType) > -1) {
if (!types[ruleType](value)) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
// straight typeof check
} else if (ruleType && (typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value)) !== rule.type) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
exports['default'] = type;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1044:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var util = _interopRequireWildcard(_util);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }
* Rule for validating minimum and maximum allowed values.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param errors An array of errors that this rule may add
* validation errors to.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function range(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
var len = typeof rule.len === 'number';
var min = typeof rule.min === 'number';
var max = typeof rule.max === 'number';
// 正则匹配码点范围从U+010000一直到U+10FFFF的文字(补充平面Supplementary Plane)
var spRegexp = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
var val = value;
var key = null;
var num = typeof value === 'number';
var str = typeof value === 'string';
var arr = Array.isArray(value);
if (num) {
key = 'number';
} else if (str) {
key = 'string';
} else if (arr) {
key = 'array';
// if the value is not of a supported type for range validation
// the validation rule rule should use the
// type property to also test for a particular type
if (!key) {
return false;
if (arr) {
val = value.length;
if (str) {
// 处理码点大于U+010000的文字length属性不准确的bug,如"𠮷𠮷𠮷".lenght !== 3
val = value.replace(spRegexp, '_').length;
if (len) {
if (val !== rule.len) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages[key].len, rule.fullField, rule.len));
} else if (min && !max && val < rule.min) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages[key].min, rule.fullField, rule.min));
} else if (max && !min && val > rule.max) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages[key].max, rule.fullField, rule.max));
} else if (min && max && (val < rule.min || val > rule.max)) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages[key].range, rule.fullField, rule.min, rule.max));
exports['default'] = range;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1045:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var util = _interopRequireWildcard(_util);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }
var ENUM = 'enum';
* Rule for validating a value exists in an enumerable list.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param errors An array of errors that this rule may add
* validation errors to.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function enumerable(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
rule[ENUM] = Array.isArray(rule[ENUM]) ? rule[ENUM] : [];
if (rule[ENUM].indexOf(value) === -1) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages[ENUM], rule.fullField, rule[ENUM].join(', ')));
exports['default'] = enumerable;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1046:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var util = _interopRequireWildcard(_util);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }
* Rule for validating a regular expression pattern.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param errors An array of errors that this rule may add
* validation errors to.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
if (rule.pattern) {
if (rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
// if a RegExp instance is passed, reset `lastIndex` in case its `global`
// flag is accidentally set to `true`, which in a validation scenario
// is not necessary and the result might be misleading
rule.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
if (!rule.pattern.test(value)) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
} else if (typeof rule.pattern === 'string') {
var _pattern = new RegExp(rule.pattern);
if (!_pattern.test(value)) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
exports['default'] = pattern;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1047:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates a function.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function method(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== undefined) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = method;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1048:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates a number.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function number(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (value === '') {
value = undefined;
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== undefined) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
_rule2['default'].range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = number;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1049:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates a boolean.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function boolean(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== undefined) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = boolean;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1050:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates the regular expression type.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function regexp(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (!(0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value)) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = regexp;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1051:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates a number is an integer.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function integer(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== undefined) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
_rule2['default'].range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = integer;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1052:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates a number is a floating point number.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function floatFn(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== undefined) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
_rule2['default'].range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = floatFn;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1053:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates an array.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function array(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, 'array') && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options, 'array');
if (!(0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, 'array')) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
_rule2['default'].range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = array;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1054:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates an object.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function object(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== undefined) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = object;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1055:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var ENUM = 'enum';
* Validates an enumerable list.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function enumerable(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value) {
_rule2['default'][ENUM](rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = enumerable;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1056:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
* Validates a regular expression pattern.
* Performs validation when a rule only contains
* a pattern property but is not declared as a string type.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param callback The callback function.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function pattern(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, 'string') && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (!(0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, 'string')) {
_rule2['default'].pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = pattern;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1057:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function date(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
// console.log('integer rule called %j', rule);
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
// console.log('validate on %s value', value);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (!(0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value)) {
var dateObject = void 0;
if (typeof value === 'number') {
dateObject = new Date(value);
} else {
dateObject = value;
_rule2['default'].type(rule, dateObject, source, errors, options);
if (dateObject) {
_rule2['default'].range(rule, dateObject.getTime(), source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = date;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1058:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function required(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var type = Array.isArray(value) ? 'array' : typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value);
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type);
exports['default'] = required;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1059:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _rule = __webpack_require__(875);
var _rule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rule);
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function type(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var ruleType = rule.type;
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, ruleType) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
_rule2['default'].required(rule, value, source, errors, options, ruleType);
if (!(0, _util.isEmptyValue)(value, ruleType)) {
_rule2['default'].type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
exports['default'] = type;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1060:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.newMessages = newMessages;
function newMessages() {
return {
'default': 'Validation error on field %s',
required: '%s is required',
'enum': '%s must be one of %s',
whitespace: '%s cannot be empty',
date: {
format: '%s date %s is invalid for format %s',
parse: '%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid ',
invalid: '%s date %s is invalid'
types: {
string: '%s is not a %s',
method: '%s is not a %s (function)',
array: '%s is not an %s',
object: '%s is not an %s',
number: '%s is not a %s',
date: '%s is not a %s',
boolean: '%s is not a %s',
integer: '%s is not an %s',
float: '%s is not a %s',
regexp: '%s is not a valid %s',
email: '%s is not a valid %s',
url: '%s is not a valid %s',
hex: '%s is not a valid %s'
string: {
len: '%s must be exactly %s characters',
min: '%s must be at least %s characters',
max: '%s cannot be longer than %s characters',
range: '%s must be between %s and %s characters'
number: {
len: '%s must equal %s',
min: '%s cannot be less than %s',
max: '%s cannot be greater than %s',
range: '%s must be between %s and %s'
array: {
len: '%s must be exactly %s in length',
min: '%s cannot be less than %s in length',
max: '%s cannot be greater than %s in length',
range: '%s must be between %s and %s in length'
pattern: {
mismatch: '%s value %s does not match pattern %s'
clone: function clone() {
var cloned = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));
cloned.clone = this.clone;
return cloned;
var messages = exports.messages = newMessages();
/***/ }),
/***/ 1061:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var assignValue = __webpack_require__(1062),
castPath = __webpack_require__(887),
isIndex = __webpack_require__(894),
isObject = __webpack_require__(171),
toKey = __webpack_require__(882);
* The base implementation of `_.set`.
* @private
* @param {Object} object The object to modify.
* @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.
* @param {*} value The value to set.
* @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize path creation.
* @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
function baseSet(object, path, value, customizer) {
if (!isObject(object)) {
return object;
path = castPath(path, object);
var index = -1,
length = path.length,
lastIndex = length - 1,
nested = object;
while (nested != null && ++index < length) {
var key = toKey(path[index]),
newValue = value;
if (index != lastIndex) {
var objValue = nested[key];
newValue = customizer ? customizer(objValue, key, nested) : undefined;
if (newValue === undefined) {
newValue = isObject(objValue)
? objValue
: (isIndex(path[index + 1]) ? [] : {});
assignValue(nested, key, newValue);
nested = nested[key];
return object;
module.exports = baseSet;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1062:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var baseAssignValue = __webpack_require__(1063),
eq = __webpack_require__(884);
/** Used for built-in method references. */
var objectProto = Object.prototype;
/** Used to check objects for own properties. */
var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
* Assigns `value` to `key` of `object` if the existing value is not equivalent
* using [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)
* for equality comparisons.
* @private
* @param {Object} object The object to modify.
* @param {string} key The key of the property to assign.
* @param {*} value The value to assign.
function assignValue(object, key, value) {
var objValue = object[key];
if (!(hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && eq(objValue, value)) ||
(value === undefined && !(key in object))) {
baseAssignValue(object, key, value);
module.exports = assignValue;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1063:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(1064);
* The base implementation of `assignValue` and `assignMergeValue` without
* value checks.
* @private
* @param {Object} object The object to modify.
* @param {string} key The key of the property to assign.
* @param {*} value The value to assign.
function baseAssignValue(object, key, value) {
if (key == '__proto__' && defineProperty) {
defineProperty(object, key, {
'configurable': true,
'enumerable': true,
'value': value,
'writable': true
} else {
object[key] = value;
module.exports = baseAssignValue;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1064:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var getNative = __webpack_require__(878);
var defineProperty = (function() {
try {
var func = getNative(Object, 'defineProperty');
func({}, '', {});
return func;
} catch (e) {}
module.exports = defineProperty;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1065:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _defineProperty2 = __webpack_require__(59);
var _defineProperty3 = _interopRequireDefault(_defineProperty2);
var _extends2 = __webpack_require__(18);
var _extends3 = _interopRequireDefault(_extends2);
var _classCallCheck2 = __webpack_require__(9);
var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
var _createClass2 = __webpack_require__(31);
var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2);
exports['default'] = createFieldsStore;
var _set = __webpack_require__(928);
var _set2 = _interopRequireDefault(_set);
var _createFormField = __webpack_require__(929);
var _createFormField2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createFormField);
var _utils = __webpack_require__(896);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function partOf(a, b) {
return b.indexOf(a) === 0 && ['.', '['].indexOf(b[a.length]) !== -1;
function internalFlattenFields(fields) {
return (0, _utils.flattenFields)(fields, function (_, node) {
return (0, _createFormField.isFormField)(node);
}, 'You must wrap field data with `createFormField`.');
var FieldsStore = function () {
function FieldsStore(fields) {
(0, _classCallCheck3['default'])(this, FieldsStore);
this.fields = internalFlattenFields(fields);
this.fieldsMeta = {};
(0, _createClass3['default'])(FieldsStore, [{
key: 'updateFields',
value: function updateFields(fields) {
this.fields = internalFlattenFields(fields);
}, {
key: 'flattenRegisteredFields',
value: function flattenRegisteredFields(fields) {
var validFieldsName = this.getAllFieldsName();
return (0, _utils.flattenFields)(fields, function (path) {
return validFieldsName.indexOf(path) >= 0;
}, 'You cannot set a form field before rendering a field associated with the value.');
}, {
key: 'setFields',
value: function setFields(fields) {
var _this = this;
var fieldsMeta = this.fieldsMeta;
var nowFields = (0, _extends3['default'])({}, this.fields, fields);
var nowValues = {};
Object.keys(fieldsMeta).forEach(function (f) {
nowValues[f] = _this.getValueFromFields(f, nowFields);
Object.keys(nowValues).forEach(function (f) {
var value = nowValues[f];
var fieldMeta = _this.getFieldMeta(f);
if (fieldMeta && fieldMeta.normalize) {
var nowValue = fieldMeta.normalize(value, _this.getValueFromFields(f, _this.fields), nowValues);
if (nowValue !== value) {
nowFields[f] = (0, _extends3['default'])({}, nowFields[f], {
value: nowValue
this.fields = nowFields;
}, {
key: 'resetFields',
value: function resetFields(ns) {
var fields = this.fields;
var names = ns ? this.getValidFieldsFullName(ns) : this.getAllFieldsName();
return names.reduce(function (acc, name) {
var field = fields[name];
if (field && 'value' in field) {
acc[name] = {};
return acc;
}, {});
}, {
key: 'setFieldMeta',
value: function setFieldMeta(name, meta) {
this.fieldsMeta[name] = meta;
}, {
key: 'setFieldsAsDirty',
value: function setFieldsAsDirty() {
var _this2 = this;
Object.keys(this.fields).forEach(function (name) {
var field = _this2.fields[name];
var fieldMeta = _this2.fieldsMeta[name];
if (field && fieldMeta && (0, _utils.hasRules)(fieldMeta.validate)) {
_this2.fields[name] = (0, _extends3['default'])({}, field, {
dirty: true
}, {
key: 'getFieldMeta',
value: function getFieldMeta(name) {
this.fieldsMeta[name] = this.fieldsMeta[name] || {};
return this.fieldsMeta[name];
}, {
key: 'getValueFromFields',
value: function getValueFromFields(name, fields) {
var field = fields[name];
if (field && 'value' in field) {
return field.value;
var fieldMeta = this.getFieldMeta(name);
return fieldMeta && fieldMeta.initialValue;
}, {
key: 'getValidFieldsName',
value: function getValidFieldsName() {
var _this3 = this;
var fieldsMeta = this.fieldsMeta;
return fieldsMeta ? Object.keys(fieldsMeta).filter(function (name) {
return !_this3.getFieldMeta(name).hidden;
}) : [];
}, {
key: 'getAllFieldsName',
value: function getAllFieldsName() {
var fieldsMeta = this.fieldsMeta;
return fieldsMeta ? Object.keys(fieldsMeta) : [];
}, {
key: 'getValidFieldsFullName',
value: function getValidFieldsFullName(maybePartialName) {
var maybePartialNames = Array.isArray(maybePartialName) ? maybePartialName : [maybePartialName];
return this.getValidFieldsName().filter(function (fullName) {
return maybePartialNames.some(function (partialName) {
return fullName === partialName || (0, _utils.startsWith)(fullName, partialName) && ['.', '['].indexOf(fullName[partialName.length]) >= 0;
}, {
key: 'getFieldValuePropValue',
value: function getFieldValuePropValue(fieldMeta) {
var name = fieldMeta.name,
getValueProps = fieldMeta.getValueProps,
valuePropName = fieldMeta.valuePropName;
var field = this.getField(name);
var fieldValue = 'value' in field ? field.value : fieldMeta.initialValue;
if (getValueProps) {
return getValueProps(fieldValue);
return (0, _defineProperty3['default'])({}, valuePropName, fieldValue);
}, {
key: 'getField',
value: function getField(name) {
return (0, _extends3['default'])({}, this.fields[name], {
name: name
}, {
key: 'getNotCollectedFields',
value: function getNotCollectedFields() {
var _this4 = this;
var fieldsName = this.getValidFieldsName();
return fieldsName.filter(function (name) {
return !_this4.fields[name];
}).map(function (name) {
return {
name: name,
dirty: false,
value: _this4.getFieldMeta(name).initialValue
}).reduce(function (acc, field) {
return (0, _set2['default'])(acc, field.name, (0, _createFormField2['default'])(field));
}, {});
}, {
key: 'getNestedAllFields',
value: function getNestedAllFields() {
var _this5 = this;
return Object.keys(this.fields).reduce(function (acc, name) {
return (0, _set2['default'])(acc, name, (0, _createFormField2['default'])(_this5.fields[name]));
}, this.getNotCollectedFields());
}, {
key: 'getFieldMember',
value: function getFieldMember(name, member) {
return this.getField(name)[member];
}, {
key: 'getNestedFields',
value: function getNestedFields(names, getter) {
var fields = names || this.getValidFieldsName();
return fields.reduce(function (acc, f) {
return (0, _set2['default'])(acc, f, getter(f));
}, {});
}, {
key: 'getNestedField',
value: function getNestedField(name, getter) {
var fullNames = this.getValidFieldsFullName(name);
if (fullNames.length === 0 || // Not registered
fullNames.length === 1 && fullNames[0] === name // Name already is full name.
) {
return getter(name);
var isArrayValue = fullNames[0][name.length] === '[';
var suffixNameStartIndex = isArrayValue ? name.length : name.length + 1;
return fullNames.reduce(function (acc, fullName) {
return (0, _set2['default'])(acc, fullName.slice(suffixNameStartIndex), getter(fullName));
}, isArrayValue ? [] : {});
}, {
key: 'isValidNestedFieldName',
// @private
// BG: `a` and `a.b` cannot be use in the same form
value: function isValidNestedFieldName(name) {
var names = this.getAllFieldsName();
return names.every(function (n) {
return !partOf(n, name) && !partOf(name, n);
}, {
key: 'clearField',
value: function clearField(name) {
delete this.fields[name];
delete this.fieldsMeta[name];
return FieldsStore;
var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var _this6 = this;
this.setFieldsInitialValue = function (initialValues) {
var flattenedInitialValues = _this6.flattenRegisteredFields(initialValues);
var fieldsMeta = _this6.fieldsMeta;
Object.keys(flattenedInitialValues).forEach(function (name) {
if (fieldsMeta[name]) {
_this6.setFieldMeta(name, (0, _extends3['default'])({}, _this6.getFieldMeta(name), {
initialValue: flattenedInitialValues[name]
this.getAllValues = function () {
var fieldsMeta = _this6.fieldsMeta,
fields = _this6.fields;
return Object.keys(fieldsMeta).reduce(function (acc, name) {
return (0, _set2['default'])(acc, name, _this6.getValueFromFields(name, fields));
}, {});
this.getFieldsValue = function (names) {
return _this6.getNestedFields(names, _this6.getFieldValue);
this.getFieldValue = function (name) {
var fields = _this6.fields;
return _this6.getNestedField(name, function (fullName) {
return _this6.getValueFromFields(fullName, fields);
this.getFieldsError = function (names) {
return _this6.getNestedFields(names, _this6.getFieldError);
this.getFieldError = function (name) {
return _this6.getNestedField(name, function (fullName) {
return (0, _utils.getErrorStrs)(_this6.getFieldMember(fullName, 'errors'));
this.isFieldValidating = function (name) {
return _this6.getFieldMember(name, 'validating');
this.isFieldsValidating = function (ns) {
var names = ns || _this6.getValidFieldsName();
return names.some(function (n) {
return _this6.isFieldValidating(n);
this.isFieldTouched = function (name) {
return _this6.getFieldMember(name, 'touched');
this.isFieldsTouched = function (ns) {
var names = ns || _this6.getValidFieldsName();
return names.some(function (n) {
return _this6.isFieldTouched(n);
function createFieldsStore(fields) {
return new FieldsStore(fields);
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ }),
/***/ 1066:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.mixin = undefined;
var _createBaseForm = __webpack_require__(926);
var _createBaseForm2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createBaseForm);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var mixin = exports.mixin = {
getForm: function getForm() {
return {
getFieldsValue: this.fieldsStore.getFieldsValue,
getFieldValue: this.fieldsStore.getFieldValue,
getFieldInstance: this.getFieldInstance,
setFieldsValue: this.setFieldsValue,
setFields: this.setFields,
setFieldsInitialValue: this.fieldsStore.setFieldsInitialValue,
getFieldDecorator: this.getFieldDecorator,
getFieldProps: this.getFieldProps,
getFieldsError: this.fieldsStore.getFieldsError,
getFieldError: this.fieldsStore.getFieldError,
isFieldValidating: this.fieldsStore.isFieldValidating,
isFieldsValidating: this.fieldsStore.isFieldsValidating,
isFieldsTouched: this.fieldsStore.isFieldsTouched,
isFieldTouched: this.fieldsStore.isFieldTouched,
isSubmitting: this.isSubmitting,
submit: this.submit,
validateFields: this.validateFields,
resetFields: this.resetFields
function createForm(options) {
return (0, _createBaseForm2['default'])(options, [mixin]);
exports['default'] = createForm;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1067:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var React = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(0));
var ReactDOM = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(4));
var PropTypes = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _rcAnimate = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(331));
var _omit = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(43));
var _row = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(986));
var _col = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(987));
var _icon = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(26));
var _configProvider = __webpack_require__(12);
var _warning = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(40));
var _type = __webpack_require__(70);
var _constants = __webpack_require__(930);
var _context = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(931));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); }
function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || Object.prototype.toString.call(iter) === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); }
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } }
var __rest = void 0 && (void 0).__rest || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var ValidateStatuses = (0, _type.tuple)('success', 'warning', 'error', 'validating', '');
var FormLabelAligns = (0, _type.tuple)('left', 'right');
function intersperseSpace(list) {
return list.reduce(function (current, item) {
return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(current), [' ', item]);
}, []).slice(1);
var FormItem =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(FormItem, _React$Component);
function FormItem() {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, FormItem);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(FormItem).apply(this, arguments));
_this.helpShow = false; // Resolve duplicated ids bug between different forms
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/7351
_this.onLabelClick = function () {
var id = _this.props.id || _this.getId();
if (!id) {
var formItemNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(_assertThisInitialized(_this));
var control = formItemNode.querySelector("[id=\"".concat(id, "\"]"));
if (control && control.focus) {
_this.onHelpAnimEnd = function (_key, helpShow) {
_this.helpShow = helpShow;
if (!helpShow) {
_this.renderFormItem = function (_ref) {
var _itemClassName;
var getPrefixCls = _ref.getPrefixCls;
var _a = _this.props,
customizePrefixCls = _a.prefixCls,
style = _a.style,
className = _a.className,
restProps = __rest(_a, ["prefixCls", "style", "className"]);
var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('form', customizePrefixCls);
var children = _this.renderChildren(prefixCls);
var itemClassName = (_itemClassName = {}, _defineProperty(_itemClassName, "".concat(prefixCls, "-item"), true), _defineProperty(_itemClassName, "".concat(prefixCls, "-item-with-help"), _this.helpShow), _defineProperty(_itemClassName, "".concat(className), !!className), _itemClassName);
return React.createElement(_row["default"], _extends({
className: (0, _classnames["default"])(itemClassName),
style: style
}, (0, _omit["default"])(restProps, ['id', 'htmlFor', 'label', 'labelAlign', 'labelCol', 'wrapperCol', 'help', 'extra', 'validateStatus', 'hasFeedback', 'required', 'colon']), {
key: "row"
}), children);
return _this;
_createClass(FormItem, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function componentDidMount() {
var _this$props = this.props,
children = _this$props.children,
help = _this$props.help,
validateStatus = _this$props.validateStatus,
id = _this$props.id;
(0, _warning["default"])(this.getControls(children, true).length <= 1 || help !== undefined || validateStatus !== undefined, 'Form.Item', 'Cannot generate `validateStatus` and `help` automatically, ' + 'while there are more than one `getFieldDecorator` in it.');
(0, _warning["default"])(!id, 'Form.Item', '`id` is deprecated for its label `htmlFor`. Please use `htmlFor` directly.');
}, {
key: "getHelpMessage",
value: function getHelpMessage() {
var help = this.props.help;
if (help === undefined && this.getOnlyControl()) {
var _this$getField = this.getField(),
errors = _this$getField.errors;
if (errors) {
return intersperseSpace(errors.map(function (e, index) {
var node = null;
if (React.isValidElement(e)) {
node = e;
} else if (React.isValidElement(e.message)) {
node = e.message;
} // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
return node ? React.cloneElement(node, {
key: index
}) : e.message;
return '';
return help;
}, {
key: "getControls",
value: function getControls(children, recursively) {
var controls = [];
var childrenArray = React.Children.toArray(children);
for (var i = 0; i < childrenArray.length; i++) {
if (!recursively && controls.length > 0) {
var child = childrenArray[i];
if (child.type && (child.type === FormItem || child.type.displayName === 'FormItem')) {
if (!child.props) {
if (_constants.FIELD_META_PROP in child.props) {
// And means FIELD_DATA_PROP in child.props, too.
} else if (child.props.children) {
controls = controls.concat(this.getControls(child.props.children, recursively));
return controls;
}, {
key: "getOnlyControl",
value: function getOnlyControl() {
var child = this.getControls(this.props.children, false)[0];
return child !== undefined ? child : null;
}, {
key: "getChildProp",
value: function getChildProp(prop) {
var child = this.getOnlyControl();
return child && child.props && child.props[prop];
}, {
key: "getId",
value: function getId() {
return this.getChildProp('id');
}, {
key: "getMeta",
value: function getMeta() {
return this.getChildProp(_constants.FIELD_META_PROP);
}, {
key: "getField",
value: function getField() {
return this.getChildProp(_constants.FIELD_DATA_PROP);
}, {
key: "getValidateStatus",
value: function getValidateStatus() {
var onlyControl = this.getOnlyControl();
if (!onlyControl) {
return '';
var field = this.getField();
if (field.validating) {
return 'validating';
if (field.errors) {
return 'error';
var fieldValue = 'value' in field ? field.value : this.getMeta().initialValue;
if (fieldValue !== undefined && fieldValue !== null && fieldValue !== '') {
return 'success';
return '';
}, {
key: "isRequired",
value: function isRequired() {
var required = this.props.required;
if (required !== undefined) {
return required;
if (this.getOnlyControl()) {
var meta = this.getMeta() || {};
var validate = meta.validate || [];
return validate.filter(function (item) {
return !!item.rules;
}).some(function (item) {
return item.rules.some(function (rule) {
return rule.required;
return false;
}, {
key: "renderHelp",
value: function renderHelp(prefixCls) {
var help = this.getHelpMessage();
var children = help ? React.createElement("div", {
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-explain"),
key: "help"
}, help) : null;
if (children) {
this.helpShow = !!children;
return React.createElement(_rcAnimate["default"], {
transitionName: "show-help",
component: "",
transitionAppear: true,
key: "help",
onEnd: this.onHelpAnimEnd
}, children);
}, {
key: "renderExtra",
value: function renderExtra(prefixCls) {
var extra = this.props.extra;
return extra ? React.createElement("div", {
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-extra")
}, extra) : null;
}, {
key: "renderValidateWrapper",
value: function renderValidateWrapper(prefixCls, c1, c2, c3) {
var props = this.props;
var onlyControl = this.getOnlyControl;
var validateStatus = props.validateStatus === undefined && onlyControl ? this.getValidateStatus() : props.validateStatus;
var classes = "".concat(prefixCls, "-item-control");
if (validateStatus) {
classes = (0, _classnames["default"])("".concat(prefixCls, "-item-control"), {
'has-feedback': props.hasFeedback || validateStatus === 'validating',
'has-success': validateStatus === 'success',
'has-warning': validateStatus === 'warning',
'has-error': validateStatus === 'error',
'is-validating': validateStatus === 'validating'
var iconType = '';
switch (validateStatus) {
case 'success':
iconType = 'check-circle';
case 'warning':
iconType = 'exclamation-circle';
case 'error':
iconType = 'close-circle';
case 'validating':
iconType = 'loading';
iconType = '';
var icon = props.hasFeedback && iconType ? React.createElement("span", {
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-item-children-icon")
}, React.createElement(_icon["default"], {
type: iconType,
theme: iconType === 'loading' ? 'outlined' : 'filled'
})) : null;
return React.createElement("div", {
className: classes
}, React.createElement("span", {
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-item-children")
}, c1, icon), c2, c3);
}, {
key: "renderWrapper",
value: function renderWrapper(prefixCls, children) {
var _this2 = this;
return React.createElement(_context["default"].Consumer, {
key: "wrapper"
}, function (_ref2) {
var contextWrapperCol = _ref2.wrapperCol,
vertical = _ref2.vertical;
var wrapperCol = _this2.props.wrapperCol;
var mergedWrapperCol = ('wrapperCol' in _this2.props ? wrapperCol : contextWrapperCol) || {};
var className = (0, _classnames["default"])("".concat(prefixCls, "-item-control-wrapper"), mergedWrapperCol.className); // No pass FormContext since it's useless
return React.createElement(_context["default"].Provider, {
value: {
vertical: vertical
}, React.createElement(_col["default"], _extends({}, mergedWrapperCol, {
className: className
}), children));
}, {
key: "renderLabel",
value: function renderLabel(prefixCls) {
var _this3 = this;
return React.createElement(_context["default"].Consumer, {
key: "label"
}, function (_ref3) {
var _classNames;
var vertical = _ref3.vertical,
contextLabelAlign = _ref3.labelAlign,
contextLabelCol = _ref3.labelCol,
contextColon = _ref3.colon;
var _this3$props = _this3.props,
label = _this3$props.label,
labelCol = _this3$props.labelCol,
labelAlign = _this3$props.labelAlign,
colon = _this3$props.colon,
id = _this3$props.id,
htmlFor = _this3$props.htmlFor;
var required = _this3.isRequired();
var mergedLabelCol = ('labelCol' in _this3.props ? labelCol : contextLabelCol) || {};
var mergedLabelAlign = 'labelAlign' in _this3.props ? labelAlign : contextLabelAlign;
var labelClsBasic = "".concat(prefixCls, "-item-label");
var labelColClassName = (0, _classnames["default"])(labelClsBasic, mergedLabelAlign === 'left' && "".concat(labelClsBasic, "-left"), mergedLabelCol.className);
var labelChildren = label; // Keep label is original where there should have no colon
var computedColon = colon === true || contextColon !== false && colon !== false;
var haveColon = computedColon && !vertical; // Remove duplicated user input colon
if (haveColon && typeof label === 'string' && label.trim() !== '') {
labelChildren = label.replace(/[::]\s*$/, '');
var labelClassName = (0, _classnames["default"])((_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-item-required"), required), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-item-no-colon"), !computedColon), _classNames));
return label ? React.createElement(_col["default"], _extends({}, mergedLabelCol, {
className: labelColClassName
}), React.createElement("label", {
htmlFor: htmlFor || id || _this3.getId(),
className: labelClassName,
title: typeof label === 'string' ? label : '',
onClick: _this3.onLabelClick
}, labelChildren)) : null;
}, {
key: "renderChildren",
value: function renderChildren(prefixCls) {
var children = this.props.children;
return [this.renderLabel(prefixCls), this.renderWrapper(prefixCls, this.renderValidateWrapper(prefixCls, children, this.renderHelp(prefixCls), this.renderExtra(prefixCls)))];
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
return React.createElement(_configProvider.ConfigConsumer, null, this.renderFormItem);
return FormItem;
exports["default"] = FormItem;
FormItem.defaultProps = {
hasFeedback: false
FormItem.propTypes = {
prefixCls: PropTypes.string,
label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.node]),
labelCol: PropTypes.object,
help: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.bool]),
validateStatus: PropTypes.oneOf(ValidateStatuses),
hasFeedback: PropTypes.bool,
wrapperCol: PropTypes.object,
className: PropTypes.string,
id: PropTypes.string,
children: PropTypes.node,
colon: PropTypes.bool
//# sourceMappingURL=FormItem.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 1141:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
//# sourceMappingURL=css.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 1142:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var React = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(0));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _rcInputNumber = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1351));
var _icon = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(26));
var _configProvider = __webpack_require__(12);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var __rest = void 0 && (void 0).__rest || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var InputNumber =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(InputNumber, _React$Component);
function InputNumber() {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, InputNumber);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(InputNumber).apply(this, arguments));
_this.saveInputNumber = function (inputNumberRef) {
_this.inputNumberRef = inputNumberRef;
_this.renderInputNumber = function (_ref) {
var _classNames;
var getPrefixCls = _ref.getPrefixCls;
var _a = _this.props,
className = _a.className,
size = _a.size,
customizePrefixCls = _a.prefixCls,
others = __rest(_a, ["className", "size", "prefixCls"]);
var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('input-number', customizePrefixCls);
var inputNumberClass = (0, _classnames["default"])((_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-lg"), size === 'large'), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-sm"), size === 'small'), _classNames), className);
var upIcon = React.createElement(_icon["default"], {
type: "up",
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-handler-up-inner")
var downIcon = React.createElement(_icon["default"], {
type: "down",
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-handler-down-inner")
return React.createElement(_rcInputNumber["default"], _extends({
ref: _this.saveInputNumber,
className: inputNumberClass,
upHandler: upIcon,
downHandler: downIcon,
prefixCls: prefixCls
}, others));
return _this;
_createClass(InputNumber, [{
key: "focus",
value: function focus() {
}, {
key: "blur",
value: function blur() {
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
return React.createElement(_configProvider.ConfigConsumer, null, this.renderInputNumber);
return InputNumber;
exports["default"] = InputNumber;
InputNumber.defaultProps = {
step: 1
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 1349:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
// load the styles
var content = __webpack_require__(1350);
if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
// Prepare cssTransformation
var transform;
var options = {"hmr":false}
options.transform = transform
// add the styles to the DOM
var update = __webpack_require__(313)(content, options);
if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1350:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(312)(true);
// imports
// module
exports.push([module.i, ".ant-input-number{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;font-variant:tabular-nums;list-style:none;-webkit-font-feature-settings:\"tnum\";font-feature-settings:\"tnum\";position:relative;width:100%;height:32px;padding:4px 11px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);font-size:14px;line-height:1.5;background-color:#fff;background-image:none;-webkit-transition:all .3s;-o-transition:all .3s;transition:all .3s;display:inline-block;width:90px;margin:0;padding:0;border:1px solid #d9d9d9;border-radius:4px}.ant-input-number::-moz-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf;opacity:1}.ant-input-number:-ms-input-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf}.ant-input-number::-webkit-input-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf}.ant-input-number:placeholder-shown{-o-text-overflow:ellipsis;text-overflow:ellipsis}.ant-input-number:focus{border-color:#40a9ff;border-right-width:1px!important;outline:0;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2);box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2)}.ant-input-number[disabled]{color:rgba(0,0,0,.25);background-color:#f5f5f5;cursor:not-allowed;opacity:1}.ant-input-number[disabled]:hover{border-color:#d9d9d9;border-right-width:1px!important}textarea.ant-input-number{max-width:100%;height:auto;min-height:32px;line-height:1.5;vertical-align:bottom;-webkit-transition:all .3s,height 0s;-o-transition:all .3s,height 0s;transition:all .3s,height 0s}.ant-input-number-lg{height:40px;padding:6px 11px}.ant-input-number-sm{height:24px;padding:1px 7px}.ant-input-number-handler{position:relative;display:block;width:100%;height:50%;overflow:hidden;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);font-weight:700;line-height:0;text-align:center;-webkit-transition:all .1s linear;-o-transition:all .1s linear;transition:all .1s linear}.ant-input-number-handler:active{background:#f4f4f4}.ant-input-number-handler:hover .ant-input-number-handler-down-inner,.ant-input-number-handler:hover .ant-input-number-handler-up-inner{color:#40a9ff}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner{display:inline-block;color:inherit;font-style:normal;line-height:0;text-align:center;text-transform:none;vertical-align:-.125em;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;position:absolute;right:4px;width:12px;height:12px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);line-height:12px;-webkit-transition:all .1s linear;-o-transition:all .1s linear;transition:all .1s linear;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner>*,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner>*{line-height:1}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner svg,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner svg{display:inline-block}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner:before,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner:before{display:none}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner .ant-input-number-handler-down-inner-icon,.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner .ant-input-number-handler-up-inner-icon,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner .ant-input-number-handler-down-inner-icon,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner .ant-input-number-handler-up-inner-icon{display:block}.ant-input-number-focused,.ant-input-number:hover{border-color:#40a9ff;border-right-width:1px!important}.ant-input-number-focused{outline:0;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2);box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2)}.ant-input-number-disabled{color:rgba(0,0,0,.25);background-color:#f5f5f5;cursor:not-allowed;opacity:1}.ant-input-number-disabled:hover{border-color:#d9d9d9;border-right-width:1px!important}.ant-input-number-disabled .ant-input-number-input{cursor:not-allowed}.ant-input-number-disabled .ant-input-number-handler-wrap{display:none}.ant-input-number-input{width:100%;height:30px;padding:0 11px;text-align:left;background-color:transparent;border:0;border-radius:4px;outline:0;-webkit-transition:all .3s linear;-o-transition:all .3s linear;transition:all .3s linear;-moz-appearance:textfield!important}.ant-input-number-input::-moz-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf;opacity:1}.ant-input-number-input:-ms-input-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf}.ant-input-number-input::-webkit-input-placehol
// exports
/***/ }),
/***/ 1351:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__ = __webpack_require__(75);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__ = __webpack_require__(18);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__ = __webpack_require__(9);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__ = __webpack_require__(10);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__ = __webpack_require__(11);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames__ = __webpack_require__(3);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__ = __webpack_require__(178);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__InputHandler__ = __webpack_require__(1352);
function noop() {}
function preventDefault(e) {
function defaultParser(input) {
return input.replace(/[^\w\.-]+/g, '');
* When click and hold on a button - the speed of auto changin the value.
var SPEED = 200;
* When click and hold on a button - the delay before auto changin the value.
var DELAY = 600;
* Max Safe Integer -- on IE this is not available, so manually set the number in that case.
* The reason this is used, instead of Infinity is because numbers above the MSI are unstable
var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
var isValidProps = function isValidProps(value) {
return value !== undefined && value !== null;
var isEqual = function isEqual(oldValue, newValue) {
return newValue === oldValue || typeof newValue === 'number' && typeof oldValue === 'number' && isNaN(newValue) && isNaN(oldValue);
var InputNumber = function (_React$Component) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default()(InputNumber, _React$Component);
function InputNumber(props) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default()(this, InputNumber);
var _this = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(this, _React$Component.call(this, props));
var value = void 0;
if ('value' in props) {
value = props.value;
} else {
value = props.defaultValue;
_this.state = {
focused: props.autoFocus
var validValue = _this.getValidValue(_this.toNumber(value));
_this.state = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({}, _this.state, {
inputValue: _this.toPrecisionAsStep(validValue),
value: validValue
return _this;
InputNumber.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
InputNumber.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
var _props = this.props,
value = _props.value,
onChange = _props.onChange,
max = _props.max,
min = _props.min;
var focused = this.state.focused;
// Don't trigger in componentDidMount
if (prevProps) {
if (!isEqual(prevProps.value, value) || !isEqual(prevProps.max, max) || !isEqual(prevProps.min, min)) {
var validValue = focused ? value : this.getValidValue(value);
var nextInputValue = void 0;
if (this.pressingUpOrDown) {
nextInputValue = validValue;
} else if (this.inputting) {
nextInputValue = this.rawInput;
} else {
nextInputValue = this.toPrecisionAsStep(validValue);
this.setState({ // eslint-disable-line
value: validValue,
inputValue: nextInputValue
// Trigger onChange when max or min change
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/11574
var nextValue = 'value' in this.props ? value : this.state.value;
// ref: null < 20 === true
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/14277
if ('max' in this.props && prevProps.max !== max && typeof nextValue === 'number' && nextValue > max && onChange) {
if ('min' in this.props && prevProps.min !== min && typeof nextValue === 'number' && nextValue < min && onChange) {
// Restore cursor
try {
// Firefox set the input cursor after it get focused.
// This caused that if an input didn't init with the selection,
// set will cause cursor not correct when first focus.
// Safari will focus input if set selection. We need skip this.
if (this.cursorStart !== undefined && this.state.focused) {
// In most cases, the string after cursor is stable.
// We can move the cursor before it
if (
// If not match full str, try to match part of str
!this.partRestoreByAfter(this.cursorAfter) && this.state.value !== this.props.value) {
// If not match any of then, let's just keep the position
// TODO: Logic should not reach here, need check if happens
var pos = this.cursorStart + 1;
// If not have last string, just position to the end
if (!this.cursorAfter) {
pos = this.input.value.length;
} else if (this.lastKeyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].BACKSPACE) {
pos = this.cursorStart - 1;
} else if (this.lastKeyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].DELETE) {
pos = this.cursorStart;
this.fixCaret(pos, pos);
} else if (this.currentValue === this.input.value) {
// Handle some special key code
switch (this.lastKeyCode) {
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].BACKSPACE:
this.fixCaret(this.cursorStart - 1, this.cursorStart - 1);
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].DELETE:
this.fixCaret(this.cursorStart + 1, this.cursorStart + 1);
// Do nothing
} catch (e) {}
// Do nothing
// Reset last key
this.lastKeyCode = null;
// pressingUpOrDown is true means that someone just click up or down button
if (!this.pressingUpOrDown) {
if (this.props.focusOnUpDown && this.state.focused) {
if (document.activeElement !== this.input) {
this.pressingUpOrDown = false;
InputNumber.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
InputNumber.prototype.getCurrentValidValue = function getCurrentValidValue(value) {
var val = value;
if (val === '') {
val = '';
} else if (!this.isNotCompleteNumber(parseFloat(val, 10))) {
val = this.getValidValue(val);
} else {
val = this.state.value;
return this.toNumber(val);
InputNumber.prototype.getRatio = function getRatio(e) {
var ratio = 1;
if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
ratio = 0.1;
} else if (e.shiftKey) {
ratio = 10;
return ratio;
InputNumber.prototype.getValueFromEvent = function getValueFromEvent(e) {
// optimize for chinese input expierence
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/8196
var value = e.target.value.trim().replace(/。/g, '.');
if (isValidProps(this.props.decimalSeparator)) {
value = value.replace(this.props.decimalSeparator, '.');
return value;
InputNumber.prototype.getValidValue = function getValidValue(value) {
var min = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this.props.min;
var max = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : this.props.max;
var val = parseFloat(value, 10);
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/7358
if (isNaN(val)) {
return value;
if (val < min) {
val = min;
if (val > max) {
val = max;
return val;
InputNumber.prototype.setValue = function setValue(v, callback) {
// trigger onChange
var precision = this.props.precision;
var newValue = this.isNotCompleteNumber(parseFloat(v, 10)) ? null : parseFloat(v, 10);
var _state = this.state,
_state$value = _state.value,
value = _state$value === undefined ? null : _state$value,
_state$inputValue = _state.inputValue,
inputValue = _state$inputValue === undefined ? null : _state$inputValue;
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/7363
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/16622
var newValueInString = typeof newValue === 'number' ? newValue.toFixed(precision) : '' + newValue;
var changed = newValue !== value || newValueInString !== '' + inputValue;
if (!('value' in this.props)) {
value: newValue,
inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(v)
}, callback);
} else {
// always set input value same as value
inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(this.state.value)
}, callback);
if (changed) {
return newValue;
InputNumber.prototype.getPrecision = function getPrecision(value) {
if (isValidProps(this.props.precision)) {
return this.props.precision;
var valueString = value.toString();
if (valueString.indexOf('e-') >= 0) {
return parseInt(valueString.slice(valueString.indexOf('e-') + 2), 10);
var precision = 0;
if (valueString.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
precision = valueString.length - valueString.indexOf('.') - 1;
return precision;
// step={1.0} value={1.51}
// press +
// then value should be 2.51, rather than 2.5
// if this.props.precision is undefined
// https://github.com/react-component/input-number/issues/39
InputNumber.prototype.getMaxPrecision = function getMaxPrecision(currentValue) {
var ratio = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
var _props2 = this.props,
precision = _props2.precision,
step = _props2.step;
if (isValidProps(precision)) {
return precision;
var ratioPrecision = this.getPrecision(ratio);
var stepPrecision = this.getPrecision(step);
var currentValuePrecision = this.getPrecision(currentValue);
if (!currentValue) {
return ratioPrecision + stepPrecision;
return Math.max(currentValuePrecision, ratioPrecision + stepPrecision);
InputNumber.prototype.getPrecisionFactor = function getPrecisionFactor(currentValue) {
var ratio = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
var precision = this.getMaxPrecision(currentValue, ratio);
return Math.pow(10, precision);
InputNumber.prototype.fixCaret = function fixCaret(start, end) {
if (start === undefined || end === undefined || !this.input || !this.input.value) {
try {
var currentStart = this.input.selectionStart;
var currentEnd = this.input.selectionEnd;
if (start !== currentStart || end !== currentEnd) {
this.input.setSelectionRange(start, end);
} catch (e) {
// Fix error in Chrome:
// Failed to read the 'selectionStart' property from 'HTMLInputElement'
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/21177489/3040605
InputNumber.prototype.focus = function focus() {
InputNumber.prototype.blur = function blur() {
InputNumber.prototype.formatWrapper = function formatWrapper(num) {
// http://2ality.com/2012/03/signedzero.html
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/9439
if (this.props.formatter) {
return this.props.formatter(num);
return num;
InputNumber.prototype.toPrecisionAsStep = function toPrecisionAsStep(num) {
if (this.isNotCompleteNumber(num) || num === '') {
return num;
var precision = Math.abs(this.getMaxPrecision(num));
if (!isNaN(precision)) {
return Number(num).toFixed(precision);
return num.toString();
// '1.' '1x' 'xx' '' => are not complete numbers
InputNumber.prototype.isNotCompleteNumber = function isNotCompleteNumber(num) {
return isNaN(num) || num === '' || num === null || num && num.toString().indexOf('.') === num.toString().length - 1;
InputNumber.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber(num) {
var precision = this.props.precision;
var focused = this.state.focused;
// num.length > 16 => This is to prevent input of large numbers
var numberIsTooLarge = num && num.length > 16 && focused;
if (this.isNotCompleteNumber(num) || numberIsTooLarge) {
return num;
if (isValidProps(precision)) {
return Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, precision)) / Math.pow(10, precision);
return Number(num);
InputNumber.prototype.upStep = function upStep(val, rat) {
var step = this.props.step;
var precisionFactor = this.getPrecisionFactor(val, rat);
var precision = Math.abs(this.getMaxPrecision(val, rat));
var result = ((precisionFactor * val + precisionFactor * step * rat) / precisionFactor).toFixed(precision);
return this.toNumber(result);
InputNumber.prototype.downStep = function downStep(val, rat) {
var step = this.props.step;
var precisionFactor = this.getPrecisionFactor(val, rat);
var precision = Math.abs(this.getMaxPrecision(val, rat));
var result = ((precisionFactor * val - precisionFactor * step * rat) / precisionFactor).toFixed(precision);
return this.toNumber(result);
InputNumber.prototype.step = function step(type, e) {
var _this2 = this;
var ratio = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;
var recursive = arguments[3];
if (e) {
var props = this.props;
if (props.disabled) {
var value = this.getCurrentValidValue(this.state.inputValue) || 0;
if (this.isNotCompleteNumber(value)) {
var val = this[type + 'Step'](value, ratio);
var outOfRange = val > props.max || val < props.min;
if (val > props.max) {
val = props.max;
} else if (val < props.min) {
val = props.min;
focused: true
if (outOfRange) {
this.autoStepTimer = setTimeout(function () {
_this2[type](e, ratio, true);
}, recursive ? SPEED : DELAY);
InputNumber.prototype.render = function render() {
var _classNames;
var props = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({}, this.props);
var prefixCls = props.prefixCls,
disabled = props.disabled,
readOnly = props.readOnly,
useTouch = props.useTouch,
autoComplete = props.autoComplete,
upHandler = props.upHandler,
downHandler = props.downHandler,
rest = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default()(props, ['prefixCls', 'disabled', 'readOnly', 'useTouch', 'autoComplete', 'upHandler', 'downHandler']);
var classes = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames___default()((_classNames = {}, _classNames[prefixCls] = true, _classNames[props.className] = !!props.className, _classNames[prefixCls + '-disabled'] = disabled, _classNames[prefixCls + '-focused'] = this.state.focused, _classNames));
var upDisabledClass = '';
var downDisabledClass = '';
var value = this.state.value;
if (value || value === 0) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
var val = Number(value);
if (val >= props.max) {
upDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-up-disabled';
if (val <= props.min) {
downDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-down-disabled';
} else {
upDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-up-disabled';
downDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-down-disabled';
var dataOrAriaAttributeProps = {};
for (var key in props) {
if (props.hasOwnProperty(key) && (key.substr(0, 5) === 'data-' || key.substr(0, 5) === 'aria-' || key === 'role')) {
dataOrAriaAttributeProps[key] = props[key];
var editable = !props.readOnly && !props.disabled;
// focus state, show input value
// unfocus state, show valid value
var inputDisplayValue = this.getInputDisplayValue();
var upEvents = void 0;
var downEvents = void 0;
if (useTouch) {
upEvents = {
onTouchStart: editable && !upDisabledClass ? this.up : noop,
onTouchEnd: this.stop
downEvents = {
onTouchStart: editable && !downDisabledClass ? this.down : noop,
onTouchEnd: this.stop
} else {
upEvents = {
onMouseDown: editable && !upDisabledClass ? this.up : noop,
onMouseUp: this.stop,
onMouseLeave: this.stop
downEvents = {
onMouseDown: editable && !downDisabledClass ? this.down : noop,
onMouseUp: this.stop,
onMouseLeave: this.stop
var isUpDisabled = !!upDisabledClass || disabled || readOnly;
var isDownDisabled = !!downDisabledClass || disabled || readOnly;
// ref for test
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement(
className: classes,
style: props.style,
title: props.title,
onMouseEnter: props.onMouseEnter,
onMouseLeave: props.onMouseLeave,
onMouseOver: props.onMouseOver,
onMouseOut: props.onMouseOut
{ className: prefixCls + '-handler-wrap' },
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__InputHandler__["a" /* default */],
ref: this.saveUp,
disabled: isUpDisabled,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
unselectable: 'unselectable'
}, upEvents, {
role: 'button',
'aria-label': 'Increase Value',
'aria-disabled': !!isUpDisabled,
className: prefixCls + '-handler ' + prefixCls + '-handler-up ' + upDisabledClass
upHandler || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement('span', {
unselectable: 'unselectable',
className: prefixCls + '-handler-up-inner',
onClick: preventDefault
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__InputHandler__["a" /* default */],
ref: this.saveDown,
disabled: isDownDisabled,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
unselectable: 'unselectable'
}, downEvents, {
role: 'button',
'aria-label': 'Decrease Value',
'aria-disabled': !!isDownDisabled,
className: prefixCls + '-handler ' + prefixCls + '-handler-down ' + downDisabledClass
downHandler || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement('span', {
unselectable: 'unselectable',
className: prefixCls + '-handler-down-inner',
onClick: preventDefault
className: prefixCls + '-input-wrap'
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement('input', __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({
role: 'spinbutton',
'aria-valuemin': props.min,
'aria-valuemax': props.max,
'aria-valuenow': value,
required: props.required,
type: props.type,
placeholder: props.placeholder,
onClick: props.onClick,
onMouseUp: this.onMouseUp,
className: prefixCls + '-input',
tabIndex: props.tabIndex,
autoComplete: autoComplete,
onFocus: this.onFocus,
onBlur: this.onBlur,
onKeyDown: editable ? this.onKeyDown : noop,
onKeyUp: editable ? this.onKeyUp : noop,
autoFocus: props.autoFocus,
maxLength: props.maxLength,
readOnly: props.readOnly,
disabled: props.disabled,
max: props.max,
min: props.min,
step: props.step,
name: props.name,
id: props.id,
onChange: this.onChange,
ref: this.saveInput,
value: inputDisplayValue,
pattern: props.pattern
}, dataOrAriaAttributeProps))
return InputNumber;
InputNumber.propTypes = {
value: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string]),
defaultValue: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string]),
focusOnUpDown: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
autoFocus: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
onChange: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onPressEnter: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onKeyDown: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onKeyUp: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
prefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string,
tabIndex: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number]),
disabled: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
onFocus: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onBlur: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
readOnly: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
max: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number,
min: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number,
step: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string]),
upHandler: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.node,
downHandler: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.node,
useTouch: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
formatter: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
parser: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseEnter: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseLeave: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseOver: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseOut: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseUp: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
precision: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number,
required: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
pattern: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string,
decimalSeparator: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string
InputNumber.defaultProps = {
focusOnUpDown: true,
useTouch: false,
prefixCls: 'rc-input-number',
step: 1,
style: {},
onChange: noop,
onKeyDown: noop,
onPressEnter: noop,
onFocus: noop,
onBlur: noop,
parser: defaultParser,
required: false,
autoComplete: 'off'
var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var _this3 = this;
this.onKeyDown = function (e) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var _props3 = _this3.props,
onKeyDown = _props3.onKeyDown,
onPressEnter = _props3.onPressEnter;
if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].UP) {
var ratio = _this3.getRatio(e);
_this3.up(e, ratio);
} else if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].DOWN) {
var _ratio = _this3.getRatio(e);
_this3.down(e, _ratio);
} else if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ENTER && onPressEnter) {
// Trigger user key down
_this3.lastKeyCode = e.keyCode;
if (onKeyDown) {
onKeyDown.apply(undefined, [e].concat(args));
this.onKeyUp = function (e) {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];
var onKeyUp = _this3.props.onKeyUp;
// Trigger user key up
if (onKeyUp) {
onKeyUp.apply(undefined, [e].concat(args));
this.onChange = function (e) {
var onChange = _this3.props.onChange;
if (_this3.state.focused) {
_this3.inputting = true;
_this3.rawInput = _this3.props.parser(_this3.getValueFromEvent(e));
_this3.setState({ inputValue: _this3.rawInput });
onChange(_this3.toNumber(_this3.rawInput)); // valid number or invalid string
this.onMouseUp = function () {
var onMouseUp = _this3.props.onMouseUp;
if (onMouseUp) {
onMouseUp.apply(undefined, arguments);
this.onFocus = function () {
var _props4;
focused: true
(_props4 = _this3.props).onFocus.apply(_props4, arguments);
this.onBlur = function (e) {
for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
args[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];
var onBlur = _this3.props.onBlur;
_this3.inputting = false;
focused: false
var value = _this3.getCurrentValidValue(_this3.state.inputValue);
e.persist(); // fix https://github.com/react-component/input-number/issues/51
var newValue = _this3.setValue(value);
if (onBlur) {
var originValue = _this3.input.value;
var inputValue = _this3.getInputDisplayValue({ focus: false, value: newValue });
_this3.input.value = inputValue;
onBlur.apply(undefined, [e].concat(args));
_this3.input.value = originValue;
this.getInputDisplayValue = function (state) {
var _ref = state || _this3.state,
focused = _ref.focused,
inputValue = _ref.inputValue,
value = _ref.value;
var inputDisplayValue = void 0;
if (focused) {
inputDisplayValue = inputValue;
} else {
inputDisplayValue = _this3.toPrecisionAsStep(value);
if (inputDisplayValue === undefined || inputDisplayValue === null) {
inputDisplayValue = '';
var inputDisplayValueFormat = _this3.formatWrapper(inputDisplayValue);
if (isValidProps(_this3.props.decimalSeparator)) {
inputDisplayValueFormat = inputDisplayValueFormat.toString().replace('.', _this3.props.decimalSeparator);
return inputDisplayValueFormat;
this.recordCursorPosition = function () {
// Record position
try {
_this3.cursorStart = _this3.input.selectionStart;
_this3.cursorEnd = _this3.input.selectionEnd;
_this3.currentValue = _this3.input.value;
_this3.cursorBefore = _this3.input.value.substring(0, _this3.cursorStart);
_this3.cursorAfter = _this3.input.value.substring(_this3.cursorEnd);
} catch (e) {
// Fix error in Chrome:
// Failed to read the 'selectionStart' property from 'HTMLInputElement'
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/21177489/3040605
this.restoreByAfter = function (str) {
if (str === undefined) return false;
var fullStr = _this3.input.value;
var index = fullStr.lastIndexOf(str);
if (index === -1) return false;
var prevCursorPos = _this3.cursorBefore.length;
if (_this3.lastKeyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].DELETE && _this3.cursorBefore.charAt(prevCursorPos - 1) === str[0]) {
_this3.fixCaret(prevCursorPos, prevCursorPos);
return true;
if (index + str.length === fullStr.length) {
_this3.fixCaret(index, index);
return true;
return false;
this.partRestoreByAfter = function (str) {
if (str === undefined) return false;
// For loop from full str to the str with last char to map. e.g. 123
// -> 123
// -> 23
// -> 3
return Array.prototype.some.call(str, function (_, start) {
var partStr = str.substring(start);
return _this3.restoreByAfter(partStr);
this.stop = function () {
if (_this3.autoStepTimer) {
this.down = function (e, ratio, recursive) {
_this3.pressingUpOrDown = true;
_this3.step('down', e, ratio, recursive);
this.up = function (e, ratio, recursive) {
_this3.pressingUpOrDown = true;
_this3.step('up', e, ratio, recursive);
this.saveUp = function (node) {
_this3.upHandler = node;
this.saveDown = function (node) {
_this3.downHandler = node;
this.saveInput = function (node) {
_this3.input = node;
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (InputNumber);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1352:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__ = __webpack_require__(75);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__ = __webpack_require__(9);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__ = __webpack_require__(10);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__ = __webpack_require__(11);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_rmc_feedback__ = __webpack_require__(1353);
var InputHandler = function (_Component) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default()(InputHandler, _Component);
function InputHandler() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default()(this, InputHandler);
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments));
InputHandler.prototype.render = function render() {
var _props = this.props,
prefixCls = _props.prefixCls,
disabled = _props.disabled,
otherProps = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default()(_props, ['prefixCls', 'disabled']);
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_rmc_feedback__["a" /* default */],
disabled: disabled,
activeClassName: prefixCls + '-handler-active'
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement('span', otherProps)
return InputHandler;
InputHandler.propTypes = {
prefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.string,
disabled: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.bool,
onTouchStart: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onTouchEnd: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseDown: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseUp: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseLeave: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (InputHandler);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1353:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__TouchFeedback__ = __webpack_require__(1354);
/* harmony reexport (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__TouchFeedback__["a"]; });
/***/ }),
/***/ 1354:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__ = __webpack_require__(18);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__ = __webpack_require__(9);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass__ = __webpack_require__(31);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__ = __webpack_require__(10);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__ = __webpack_require__(11);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames__ = __webpack_require__(3);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames__);
var TouchFeedback = function (_React$Component) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default()(TouchFeedback, _React$Component);
function TouchFeedback() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default()(this, TouchFeedback);
var _this = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(this, (TouchFeedback.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(TouchFeedback)).apply(this, arguments));
_this.state = {
active: false
_this.onTouchStart = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchStart', true, e);
_this.onTouchMove = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchMove', false, e);
_this.onTouchEnd = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchEnd', false, e);
_this.onTouchCancel = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchCancel', false, e);
_this.onMouseDown = function (e) {
// pc simulate mobile
_this.triggerEvent('MouseDown', true, e);
_this.onMouseUp = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('MouseUp', false, e);
_this.onMouseLeave = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('MouseLeave', false, e);
return _this;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass___default()(TouchFeedback, [{
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.props.disabled && this.state.active) {
active: false
}, {
key: 'triggerEvent',
value: function triggerEvent(type, isActive, ev) {
var eventType = 'on' + type;
var children = this.props.children;
if (children.props[eventType]) {
if (isActive !== this.state.active) {
active: isActive
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
children = _props.children,
disabled = _props.disabled,
activeClassName = _props.activeClassName,
activeStyle = _props.activeStyle;
var events = disabled ? undefined : {
onTouchStart: this.onTouchStart,
onTouchMove: this.onTouchMove,
onTouchEnd: this.onTouchEnd,
onTouchCancel: this.onTouchCancel,
onMouseDown: this.onMouseDown,
onMouseUp: this.onMouseUp,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave
var child = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.Children.only(children);
if (!disabled && this.state.active) {
var _child$props = child.props,
style = _child$props.style,
className = _child$props.className;
if (activeStyle !== false) {
if (activeStyle) {
style = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({}, style, activeStyle);
className = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames___default()(className, activeClassName);
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.cloneElement(child, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({ className: className,
style: style }, events));
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.cloneElement(child, events);
return TouchFeedback;
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (TouchFeedback);
TouchFeedback.defaultProps = {
disabled: false
/***/ }),
/***/ 2427:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_antd_lib_checkbox_style_css__ = __webpack_require__(317);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_antd_lib_checkbox_style_css___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_antd_lib_checkbox_style_css__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_antd_lib_checkbox__ = __webpack_require__(314);
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setValue会调用到 codemirror的 o.scrollIntoView(i), 会导致滚动条跳动
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// this.contentMdRef.current.setValue(data.description || '')
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// showUploadList={false},然后外部拿到 fileList 数组自行渲染列表。
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// message: '人数不能为空'
// validator: this.personNumValidator
// required: true, message: '请输入最小人数和最大人数'
// }],
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var _createClass=function(){function defineProperties(target,props){for(var i=0;i<props.length;i++){var descriptor=props[i];descriptor.enumerable=descriptor.enumerable||false;descriptor.configurable=true;if("value"in descriptor)descriptor.writable=true;Object.defineProperty(target,descriptor.key,descriptor);}}return function(Constructor,protoProps,staticProps){if(protoProps)defineProperties(Constructor.prototype,protoProps);if(staticProps)defineProperties(Constructor,staticProps);return Constructor;};}();function _classCallCheck(instance,Constructor){if(!(instance instanceof Constructor)){throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");}}function _possibleConstructorReturn(self,call){if(!self){throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");}return call&&(typeof call==="object"||typeof call==="function")?call:self;}function _inherits(subClass,superClass){if(typeof superClass!=="function"&&superClass!==null){throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not "+typeof superClass);}subClass.prototype=Object.create(superClass&&superClass.prototype,{constructor:{value:subClass,enumerable:false,writable:true,configurable:true}});if(superClass)Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass,superClass):subClass.__proto__=superClass;}var confirm=__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_antd_lib_modal___default.a.confirm;var $=window.$;var MAX_TITLE_LENGTH=60;var NewWork=function(_Component){_inherits(NewWork,_Component);function NewWork(props){_classCallCheck(this,NewWork);var _this=_possibleConstructorReturn(this,(NewWork.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(NewWork)).call(this,props));_this.fetchCourseData=function(courseId){var isGroup=_this.props.isGroup();var url="/courses/"+courseId+"/homework_commons/new.json?type="+(isGroup?3:1);__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_axios___default.a.get(url,{}).then(function(response){if(response.data.course_name){var data=response.data;_this.setState({course_id:data.course_id,course_name:data.course_name,category:data.category});}}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);});};_this.fetchWork=function(workId){var url="/homework_commons/"+workId+"/edit.json";__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_axios___default.a.get(url,{}).then(function(response){if(response.data.name){var data=response.data;data.isEdit=_this.isEdit;_this.setState({course_id:data.course_id,course_name:data.course_name,category:data.category});_this.newWorkFormRef.initValue(response.data);}}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);});};_this.onCancel=function(){_this.props.toListPage(_this.props.match.params,_this.state.category.category_id);};_this.doEdit=function(params){var workId=_this.props.match.params.workId;var newUrl="/homework_commons/"+workId+".json";__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_axios___default.a.put(newUrl,params).then(function(response){if(response.data.status==0){_this.props.showNotification('保存成功');_this.props.toWorkListPage(_this.props.match.params,workId);}}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);});};_this.doNew=function(params){var coursesId=_this.props.match.params.coursesId;var newUrl="/courses/"+coursesId+"/homework_commons.json";__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_axios___default.a.post(newUrl,params).then(function(response){if(response.data.status==0){_this.props.showNotification('保存成功');_this.props.toWorkListPage(_this.props.match.params,response.data.homework_id);}}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);});};_this.handleContentUploadChange=function(info){if(info.file.status==='uploading'||info.file.status==='done'||info.file.status==='removed'){var contentFileList=info.fileList;_this.setState({contentFileList:Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_educoder__["C" /* appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll */])(contentFileList)});}};_this.handleAnswerUploadChange=function(info){if(info.file.status==='uploading'||info.file.status==='done'||info.file.status==='removed'){var answerFileList=info.fileList;_this.setState({answerFileList:Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_educoder__["C" /* appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll */])(answerFileList)});}};_this.onAttac
/***/ }),
/***/ 874:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
exports.convertFieldsError = convertFieldsError;
exports.format = format;
exports.isEmptyValue = isEmptyValue;
exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject;
exports.asyncMap = asyncMap;
exports.complementError = complementError;
exports.deepMerge = deepMerge;
/* eslint no-console:0 */
var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
var warning = exports.warning = function warning() {};
// don't print warning message when in production env or node runtime
if (false) {
exports.warning = warning = function warning(type, errors) {
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.warn) {
if (errors.every(function (e) {
return typeof e === 'string';
})) {
console.warn(type, errors);
function convertFieldsError(errors) {
if (!errors || !errors.length) return null;
var fields = {};
errors.forEach(function (error) {
var field = error.field;
fields[field] = fields[field] || [];
return fields;
function format() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
var i = 1;
var f = args[0];
var len = args.length;
if (typeof f === 'function') {
return f.apply(null, args.slice(1));
if (typeof f === 'string') {
var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function (x) {
if (x === '%%') {
return '%';
if (i >= len) {
return x;
switch (x) {
case '%s':
return String(args[i++]);
case '%d':
return Number(args[i++]);
case '%j':
try {
return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);
} catch (_) {
return '[Circular]';
return x;
for (var arg = args[i]; i < len; arg = args[++i]) {
str += ' ' + arg;
return str;
return f;
function isNativeStringType(type) {
return type === 'string' || type === 'url' || type === 'hex' || type === 'email' || type === 'pattern';
function isEmptyValue(value, type) {
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
return true;
if (type === 'array' && Array.isArray(value) && !value.length) {
return true;
if (isNativeStringType(type) && typeof value === 'string' && !value) {
return true;
return false;
function isEmptyObject(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
function asyncParallelArray(arr, func, callback) {
var results = [];
var total = 0;
var arrLength = arr.length;
function count(errors) {
results.push.apply(results, errors);
if (total === arrLength) {
arr.forEach(function (a) {
func(a, count);
function asyncSerialArray(arr, func, callback) {
var index = 0;
var arrLength = arr.length;
function next(errors) {
if (errors && errors.length) {
var original = index;
index = index + 1;
if (original < arrLength) {
func(arr[original], next);
} else {
function flattenObjArr(objArr) {
var ret = [];
Object.keys(objArr).forEach(function (k) {
ret.push.apply(ret, objArr[k]);
return ret;
function asyncMap(objArr, option, func, callback) {
if (option.first) {
var flattenArr = flattenObjArr(objArr);
return asyncSerialArray(flattenArr, func, callback);
var firstFields = option.firstFields || [];
if (firstFields === true) {
firstFields = Object.keys(objArr);
var objArrKeys = Object.keys(objArr);
var objArrLength = objArrKeys.length;
var total = 0;
var results = [];
var pending = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var next = function next(errors) {
results.push.apply(results, errors);
if (total === objArrLength) {
return results.length ? reject({ errors: results, fields: convertFieldsError(results) }) : resolve();
objArrKeys.forEach(function (key) {
var arr = objArr[key];
if (firstFields.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
asyncSerialArray(arr, func, next);
} else {
asyncParallelArray(arr, func, next);
pending['catch'](function (e) {
return e;
return pending;
function complementError(rule) {
return function (oe) {
if (oe && oe.message) {
oe.field = oe.field || rule.fullField;
return oe;
return {
message: typeof oe === 'function' ? oe() : oe,
field: oe.field || rule.fullField
function deepMerge(target, source) {
if (source) {
for (var s in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
var value = source[s];
if ((typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value)) === 'object' && _typeof(target[s]) === 'object') {
target[s] = _extends({}, target[s], value);
} else {
target[s] = value;
return target;
/***/ }),
/***/ 875:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _required = __webpack_require__(927);
var _required2 = _interopRequireDefault(_required);
var _whitespace = __webpack_require__(1042);
var _whitespace2 = _interopRequireDefault(_whitespace);
var _type = __webpack_require__(1043);
var _type2 = _interopRequireDefault(_type);
var _range = __webpack_require__(1044);
var _range2 = _interopRequireDefault(_range);
var _enum = __webpack_require__(1045);
var _enum2 = _interopRequireDefault(_enum);
var _pattern = __webpack_require__(1046);
var _pattern2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pattern);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
exports['default'] = {
required: _required2['default'],
whitespace: _whitespace2['default'],
type: _type2['default'],
range: _range2['default'],
'enum': _enum2['default'],
pattern: _pattern2['default']
/***/ }),
/***/ 896:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends2 = __webpack_require__(18);
var _extends3 = _interopRequireDefault(_extends2);
exports.argumentContainer = argumentContainer;
exports.identity = identity;
exports.flattenArray = flattenArray;
exports.treeTraverse = treeTraverse;
exports.flattenFields = flattenFields;
exports.normalizeValidateRules = normalizeValidateRules;
exports.getValidateTriggers = getValidateTriggers;
exports.getValueFromEvent = getValueFromEvent;
exports.getErrorStrs = getErrorStrs;
exports.getParams = getParams;
exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject;
exports.hasRules = hasRules;
exports.startsWith = startsWith;
var _hoistNonReactStatics = __webpack_require__(1013);
var _hoistNonReactStatics2 = _interopRequireDefault(_hoistNonReactStatics);
var _warning = __webpack_require__(324);
var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function getDisplayName(WrappedComponent) {
return WrappedComponent.displayName || WrappedComponent.name || 'WrappedComponent';
function argumentContainer(Container, WrappedComponent) {
/* eslint no-param-reassign:0 */
Container.displayName = 'Form(' + getDisplayName(WrappedComponent) + ')';
Container.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;
return (0, _hoistNonReactStatics2['default'])(Container, WrappedComponent);
function identity(obj) {
return obj;
function flattenArray(arr) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arr);
function treeTraverse() {
var path = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
var tree = arguments[1];
var isLeafNode = arguments[2];
var errorMessage = arguments[3];
var callback = arguments[4];
if (isLeafNode(path, tree)) {
callback(path, tree);
} else if (tree === undefined || tree === null) {
// Do nothing
} else if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
tree.forEach(function (subTree, index) {
return treeTraverse(path + '[' + index + ']', subTree, isLeafNode, errorMessage, callback);
} else {
// It's object and not a leaf node
if (typeof tree !== 'object') {
(0, _warning2['default'])(false, errorMessage);
Object.keys(tree).forEach(function (subTreeKey) {
var subTree = tree[subTreeKey];
treeTraverse('' + path + (path ? '.' : '') + subTreeKey, subTree, isLeafNode, errorMessage, callback);
function flattenFields(maybeNestedFields, isLeafNode, errorMessage) {
var fields = {};
treeTraverse(undefined, maybeNestedFields, isLeafNode, errorMessage, function (path, node) {
fields[path] = node;
return fields;
function normalizeValidateRules(validate, rules, validateTrigger) {
var validateRules = validate.map(function (item) {
var newItem = (0, _extends3['default'])({}, item, {
trigger: item.trigger || []
if (typeof newItem.trigger === 'string') {
newItem.trigger = [newItem.trigger];
return newItem;
if (rules) {
trigger: validateTrigger ? [].concat(validateTrigger) : [],
rules: rules
return validateRules;
function getValidateTriggers(validateRules) {
return validateRules.filter(function (item) {
return !!item.rules && item.rules.length;
}).map(function (item) {
return item.trigger;
}).reduce(function (pre, curr) {
return pre.concat(curr);
}, []);
function getValueFromEvent(e) {
// To support custom element
if (!e || !e.target) {
return e;
var target = e.target;
return target.type === 'checkbox' ? target.checked : target.value;
function getErrorStrs(errors) {
if (errors) {
return errors.map(function (e) {
if (e && e.message) {
return e.message;
return e;
return errors;
function getParams(ns, opt, cb) {
var names = ns;
var options = opt;
var callback = cb;
if (cb === undefined) {
if (typeof names === 'function') {
callback = names;
options = {};
names = undefined;
} else if (Array.isArray(names)) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
} else {
options = options || {};
} else {
callback = options;
options = names || {};
names = undefined;
return {
names: names,
options: options,
callback: callback
function isEmptyObject(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
function hasRules(validate) {
if (validate) {
return validate.some(function (item) {
return item.rules && item.rules.length;
return false;
function startsWith(str, prefix) {
return str.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0;
/***/ }),
/***/ 907:
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
* Helper function for iterating over a collection
* @param collection
* @param fn
function each(collection, fn) {
var i = 0,
length = collection.length,
for(i; i < length; i++) {
cont = fn(collection[i], i);
if(cont === false) {
break; //allow early exit
* Helper function for determining whether target object is an array
* @param target the object under test
* @return {Boolean} true if array, false otherwise
function isArray(target) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(target) === '[object Array]';
* Helper function for determining whether target object is a function
* @param target the object under test
* @return {Boolean} true if function, false otherwise
function isFunction(target) {
return typeof target === 'function';
module.exports = {
isFunction : isFunction,
isArray : isArray,
each : each
/***/ }),
/***/ 909:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var _createReactContext = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(316));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
var RowContext = (0, _createReactContext["default"])({});
var _default = RowContext;
exports["default"] = _default;
//# sourceMappingURL=RowContext.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 926:
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value: true
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = __webpack_require__(75);
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var _defineProperty3 = _interopRequireDefault(_defineProperty2);
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var _extends6 = _interopRequireDefault(_extends5);
var _toConsumableArray2 = __webpack_require__(1008);
var _toConsumableArray3 = _interopRequireDefault(_toConsumableArray2);
var _react = __webpack_require__(0);
var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react);
var _createReactClass = __webpack_require__(1009);
var _createReactClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createReactClass);
var _unsafeLifecyclesPolyfill = __webpack_require__(1038);
var _unsafeLifecyclesPolyfill2 = _interopRequireDefault(_unsafeLifecyclesPolyfill);
var _asyncValidator = __webpack_require__(1039);
var _asyncValidator2 = _interopRequireDefault(_asyncValidator);
var _warning = __webpack_require__(324);
var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning);
var _get = __webpack_require__(934);
var _get2 = _interopRequireDefault(_get);
var _set = __webpack_require__(928);
var _set2 = _interopRequireDefault(_set);
var _eq = __webpack_require__(884);
var _eq2 = _interopRequireDefault(_eq);
var _createFieldsStore = __webpack_require__(1065);
var _createFieldsStore2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createFieldsStore);
var _utils = __webpack_require__(896);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
/* eslint-disable react/prefer-es6-class */
/* eslint-disable prefer-promise-reject-errors */
var DEFAULT_TRIGGER = 'onChange';
function createBaseForm() {
var option = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
var mixins = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : [];
var validateMessages = option.validateMessages,
onFieldsChange = option.onFieldsChange,
onValuesChange = option.onValuesChange,
_option$mapProps = option.mapProps,
mapProps = _option$mapProps === undefined ? _utils.identity : _option$mapProps,
mapPropsToFields = option.mapPropsToFields,
fieldNameProp = option.fieldNameProp,
fieldMetaProp = option.fieldMetaProp,
fieldDataProp = option.fieldDataProp,
_option$formPropName = option.formPropName,
formPropName = _option$formPropName === undefined ? 'form' : _option$formPropName,
formName = option.name,
withRef = option.withRef;
return function decorate(WrappedComponent) {
var Form = (0, _createReactClass2['default'])({
displayName: 'Form',
mixins: mixins,
getInitialState: function getInitialState() {
var _this = this;
var fields = mapPropsToFields && mapPropsToFields(this.props);
this.fieldsStore = (0, _createFieldsStore2['default'])(fields || {});
this.instances = {};
this.cachedBind = {};
this.clearedFieldMetaCache = {};
this.renderFields = {};
this.domFields = {};
// HACK: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/6406
['getFieldsValue', 'getFieldValue', 'setFieldsInitialValue', 'getFieldsError', 'getFieldError', 'isFieldValidating', 'isFieldsValidating', 'isFieldsTouched', 'isFieldTouched'].forEach(function (key) {
_this[key] = function () {
var _fieldsStore;
if (false) {
(0, _warning2['default'])(false, 'you should not use `ref` on enhanced form, please use `wrappedComponentRef`. ' + 'See: https://github.com/react-component/form#note-use-wrappedcomponentref-instead-of-withref-after-rc-form140');
return (_fieldsStore = _this.fieldsStore)[key].apply(_fieldsStore, arguments);
return {
submitting: false
componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() {
componentWillReceiveProps: function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (mapPropsToFields) {
componentDidUpdate: function componentDidUpdate() {
onCollectCommon: function onCollectCommon(name, action, args) {
var fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
if (fieldMeta[action]) {
fieldMeta[action].apply(fieldMeta, (0, _toConsumableArray3['default'])(args));
} else if (fieldMeta.originalProps && fieldMeta.originalProps[action]) {
var _fieldMeta$originalPr;
(_fieldMeta$originalPr = fieldMeta.originalProps)[action].apply(_fieldMeta$originalPr, (0, _toConsumableArray3['default'])(args));
var value = fieldMeta.getValueFromEvent ? fieldMeta.getValueFromEvent.apply(fieldMeta, (0, _toConsumableArray3['default'])(args)) : _utils.getValueFromEvent.apply(undefined, (0, _toConsumableArray3['default'])(args));
if (onValuesChange && value !== this.fieldsStore.getFieldValue(name)) {
var valuesAll = this.fieldsStore.getAllValues();
var valuesAllSet = {};
valuesAll[name] = value;
Object.keys(valuesAll).forEach(function (key) {
return (0, _set2['default'])(valuesAllSet, key, valuesAll[key]);
onValuesChange((0, _extends6['default'])((0, _defineProperty3['default'])({}, formPropName, this.getForm()), this.props), (0, _set2['default'])({}, name, value), valuesAllSet);
var field = this.fieldsStore.getField(name);
return { name: name, field: (0, _extends6['default'])({}, field, { value: value, touched: true }), fieldMeta: fieldMeta };
onCollect: function onCollect(name_, action) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];
var _onCollectCommon = this.onCollectCommon(name_, action, args),
name = _onCollectCommon.name,
field = _onCollectCommon.field,
fieldMeta = _onCollectCommon.fieldMeta;
var validate = fieldMeta.validate;
var newField = (0, _extends6['default'])({}, field, {
dirty: (0, _utils.hasRules)(validate)
this.setFields((0, _defineProperty3['default'])({}, name, newField));
onCollectValidate: function onCollectValidate(name_, action) {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2 > 2 ? _len2 - 2 : 0), _key2 = 2; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
args[_key2 - 2] = arguments[_key2];
var _onCollectCommon2 = this.onCollectCommon(name_, action, args),
field = _onCollectCommon2.field,
fieldMeta = _onCollectCommon2.fieldMeta;
var newField = (0, _extends6['default'])({}, field, {
dirty: true
this.validateFieldsInternal([newField], {
action: action,
options: {
firstFields: !!fieldMeta.validateFirst
getCacheBind: function getCacheBind(name, action, fn) {
if (!this.cachedBind[name]) {
this.cachedBind[name] = {};
var cache = this.cachedBind[name];
if (!cache[action] || cache[action].oriFn !== fn) {
cache[action] = {
fn: fn.bind(this, name, action),
oriFn: fn
return cache[action].fn;
getFieldDecorator: function getFieldDecorator(name, fieldOption) {
var _this2 = this;
var props = this.getFieldProps(name, fieldOption);
return function (fieldElem) {
// We should put field in record if it is rendered
_this2.renderFields[name] = true;
var fieldMeta = _this2.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
var originalProps = fieldElem.props;
if (false) {
var valuePropName = fieldMeta.valuePropName;
(0, _warning2['default'])(!(valuePropName in originalProps), '`getFieldDecorator` will override `' + valuePropName + '`, ' + ('so please don\'t set `' + valuePropName + '` directly ') + 'and use `setFieldsValue` to set it.');
var defaultValuePropName = 'default' + valuePropName[0].toUpperCase() + valuePropName.slice(1);
(0, _warning2['default'])(!(defaultValuePropName in originalProps), '`' + defaultValuePropName + '` is invalid ' + ('for `getFieldDecorator` will set `' + valuePropName + '`,') + ' please use `option.initialValue` instead.');
fieldMeta.originalProps = originalProps;
fieldMeta.ref = fieldElem.ref;
return _react2['default'].cloneElement(fieldElem, (0, _extends6['default'])({}, props, _this2.fieldsStore.getFieldValuePropValue(fieldMeta)));
getFieldProps: function getFieldProps(name) {
var _this3 = this;
var usersFieldOption = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
if (!name) {
throw new Error('Must call `getFieldProps` with valid name string!');
if (false) {
(0, _warning2['default'])(this.fieldsStore.isValidNestedFieldName(name), 'One field name cannot be part of another, e.g. `a` and `a.b`. Check field: ' + name);
(0, _warning2['default'])(!('exclusive' in usersFieldOption), '`option.exclusive` of `getFieldProps`|`getFieldDecorator` had been remove.');
delete this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name];
var fieldOption = (0, _extends6['default'])({
name: name,
valuePropName: 'value',
validate: []
}, usersFieldOption);
var rules = fieldOption.rules,
trigger = fieldOption.trigger,
_fieldOption$validate = fieldOption.validateTrigger,
validateTrigger = _fieldOption$validate === undefined ? trigger : _fieldOption$validate,
validate = fieldOption.validate;
var fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
if ('initialValue' in fieldOption) {
fieldMeta.initialValue = fieldOption.initialValue;
var inputProps = (0, _extends6['default'])({}, this.fieldsStore.getFieldValuePropValue(fieldOption), {
ref: this.getCacheBind(name, name + '__ref', this.saveRef)
if (fieldNameProp) {
inputProps[fieldNameProp] = formName ? formName + '_' + name : name;
var validateRules = (0, _utils.normalizeValidateRules)(validate, rules, validateTrigger);
var validateTriggers = (0, _utils.getValidateTriggers)(validateRules);
validateTriggers.forEach(function (action) {
if (inputProps[action]) return;
inputProps[action] = _this3.getCacheBind(name, action, _this3.onCollectValidate);
// make sure that the value will be collect
if (trigger && validateTriggers.indexOf(trigger) === -1) {
inputProps[trigger] = this.getCacheBind(name, trigger, this.onCollect);
var meta = (0, _extends6['default'])({}, fieldMeta, fieldOption, {
validate: validateRules
this.fieldsStore.setFieldMeta(name, meta);
if (fieldMetaProp) {
inputProps[fieldMetaProp] = meta;
if (fieldDataProp) {
inputProps[fieldDataProp] = this.fieldsStore.getField(name);
// This field is rendered, record it
this.renderFields[name] = true;
return inputProps;
getFieldInstance: function getFieldInstance(name) {
return this.instances[name];
getRules: function getRules(fieldMeta, action) {
var actionRules = fieldMeta.validate.filter(function (item) {
return !action || item.trigger.indexOf(action) >= 0;
}).map(function (item) {
return item.rules;
return (0, _utils.flattenArray)(actionRules);
setFields: function setFields(maybeNestedFields, callback) {
var _this4 = this;
var fields = this.fieldsStore.flattenRegisteredFields(maybeNestedFields);
if (onFieldsChange) {
var changedFields = Object.keys(fields).reduce(function (acc, name) {
return (0, _set2['default'])(acc, name, _this4.fieldsStore.getField(name));
}, {});
onFieldsChange((0, _extends6['default'])((0, _defineProperty3['default'])({}, formPropName, this.getForm()), this.props), changedFields, this.fieldsStore.getNestedAllFields());
setFieldsValue: function setFieldsValue(changedValues, callback) {
var fieldsMeta = this.fieldsStore.fieldsMeta;
var values = this.fieldsStore.flattenRegisteredFields(changedValues);
var newFields = Object.keys(values).reduce(function (acc, name) {
var isRegistered = fieldsMeta[name];
if (false) {
(0, _warning2['default'])(isRegistered, 'Cannot use `setFieldsValue` until ' + 'you use `getFieldDecorator` or `getFieldProps` to register it.');
if (isRegistered) {
var value = values[name];
acc[name] = {
value: value
return acc;
}, {});
this.setFields(newFields, callback);
if (onValuesChange) {
var allValues = this.fieldsStore.getAllValues();
onValuesChange((0, _extends6['default'])((0, _defineProperty3['default'])({}, formPropName, this.getForm()), this.props), changedValues, allValues);
saveRef: function saveRef(name, _, component) {
if (!component) {
var _fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
if (!_fieldMeta.preserve) {
// after destroy, delete data
this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name] = {
field: this.fieldsStore.getField(name),
meta: _fieldMeta
delete this.domFields[name];
this.domFields[name] = true;
var fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
if (fieldMeta) {
var ref = fieldMeta.ref;
if (ref) {
if (typeof ref === 'string') {
throw new Error('can not set ref string for ' + name);
} else if (typeof ref === 'function') {
} else if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ref, 'current')) {
ref.current = component;
this.instances[name] = component;
cleanUpUselessFields: function cleanUpUselessFields() {
var _this5 = this;
var fieldList = this.fieldsStore.getAllFieldsName();
var removedList = fieldList.filter(function (field) {
var fieldMeta = _this5.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(field);
return !_this5.renderFields[field] && !_this5.domFields[field] && !fieldMeta.preserve;
if (removedList.length) {
this.renderFields = {};
clearField: function clearField(name) {
delete this.instances[name];
delete this.cachedBind[name];
resetFields: function resetFields(ns) {
var _this6 = this;
var newFields = this.fieldsStore.resetFields(ns);
if (Object.keys(newFields).length > 0) {
if (ns) {
var names = Array.isArray(ns) ? ns : [ns];
names.forEach(function (name) {
return delete _this6.clearedFieldMetaCache[name];
} else {
this.clearedFieldMetaCache = {};
recoverClearedField: function recoverClearedField(name) {
if (this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name]) {
this.fieldsStore.setFields((0, _defineProperty3['default'])({}, name, this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name].field));
this.fieldsStore.setFieldMeta(name, this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name].meta);
delete this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name];
validateFieldsInternal: function validateFieldsInternal(fields, _ref, callback) {
var _this7 = this;
var fieldNames = _ref.fieldNames,
action = _ref.action,
_ref$options = _ref.options,
options = _ref$options === undefined ? {} : _ref$options;
var allRules = {};
var allValues = {};
var allFields = {};
var alreadyErrors = {};
fields.forEach(function (field) {
var name = field.name;
if (options.force !== true && field.dirty === false) {
if (field.errors) {
(0, _set2['default'])(alreadyErrors, name, { errors: field.errors });
var fieldMeta = _this7.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
var newField = (0, _extends6['default'])({}, field);
newField.errors = undefined;
newField.validating = true;
newField.dirty = true;
allRules[name] = _this7.getRules(fieldMeta, action);
allValues[name] = newField.value;
allFields[name] = newField;
// in case normalize
Object.keys(allValues).forEach(function (f) {
allValues[f] = _this7.fieldsStore.getFieldValue(f);
if (callback && (0, _utils.isEmptyObject)(allFields)) {
callback((0, _utils.isEmptyObject)(alreadyErrors) ? null : alreadyErrors, this.fieldsStore.getFieldsValue(fieldNames));
var validator = new _asyncValidator2['default'](allRules);
if (validateMessages) {
validator.validate(allValues, options, function (errors) {
var errorsGroup = (0, _extends6['default'])({}, alreadyErrors);
if (errors && errors.length) {
errors.forEach(function (e) {
var errorFieldName = e.field;
var fieldName = errorFieldName;
// Handle using array validation rule.
// ref: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/14275
Object.keys(allRules).some(function (ruleFieldName) {
var rules = allRules[ruleFieldName] || [];
// Exist if match rule
if (ruleFieldName === errorFieldName) {
fieldName = ruleFieldName;
return true;
// Skip if not match array type
if (rules.every(function (_ref2) {
var type = _ref2.type;
return type !== 'array';
}) || errorFieldName.indexOf(ruleFieldName + '.') !== 0) {
return false;
// Exist if match the field name
var restPath = errorFieldName.slice(ruleFieldName.length + 1);
if (/^\d+$/.test(restPath)) {
fieldName = ruleFieldName;
return true;
return false;
var field = (0, _get2['default'])(errorsGroup, fieldName);
if (typeof field !== 'object' || Array.isArray(field)) {
(0, _set2['default'])(errorsGroup, fieldName, { errors: [] });
var fieldErrors = (0, _get2['default'])(errorsGroup, fieldName.concat('.errors'));
var expired = [];
var nowAllFields = {};
Object.keys(allRules).forEach(function (name) {
var fieldErrors = (0, _get2['default'])(errorsGroup, name);
var nowField = _this7.fieldsStore.getField(name);
// avoid concurrency problems
if (!(0, _eq2['default'])(nowField.value, allValues[name])) {
name: name
} else {
nowField.errors = fieldErrors && fieldErrors.errors;
nowField.value = allValues[name];
nowField.validating = false;
nowField.dirty = false;
nowAllFields[name] = nowField;
if (callback) {
if (expired.length) {
expired.forEach(function (_ref3) {
var name = _ref3.name;
var fieldErrors = [{
message: name + ' need to revalidate',
field: name
(0, _set2['default'])(errorsGroup, name, {
expired: true,
errors: fieldErrors
callback((0, _utils.isEmptyObject)(errorsGroup) ? null : errorsGroup, _this7.fieldsStore.getFieldsValue(fieldNames));
validateFields: function validateFields(ns, opt, cb) {
var _this8 = this;
var pending = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var _getParams = (0, _utils.getParams)(ns, opt, cb),
names = _getParams.names,
options = _getParams.options;
var _getParams2 = (0, _utils.getParams)(ns, opt, cb),
callback = _getParams2.callback;
if (!callback || typeof callback === 'function') {
var oldCb = callback;
callback = function callback(errors, values) {
if (oldCb) {
oldCb(errors, values);
if (errors) {
reject({ errors: errors, values: values });
} else {
var fieldNames = names ? _this8.fieldsStore.getValidFieldsFullName(names) : _this8.fieldsStore.getValidFieldsName();
var fields = fieldNames.filter(function (name) {
var fieldMeta = _this8.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
return (0, _utils.hasRules)(fieldMeta.validate);
}).map(function (name) {
var field = _this8.fieldsStore.getField(name);
field.value = _this8.fieldsStore.getFieldValue(name);
return field;
if (!fields.length) {
callback(null, _this8.fieldsStore.getFieldsValue(fieldNames));
if (!('firstFields' in options)) {
options.firstFields = fieldNames.filter(function (name) {
var fieldMeta = _this8.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name);
return !!fieldMeta.validateFirst;
_this8.validateFieldsInternal(fields, {
fieldNames: fieldNames,
options: options
}, callback);
pending['catch'](function (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
if (console.error && "production" !== 'production') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
return e;
return pending;
isSubmitting: function isSubmitting() {
if (false) {
(0, _warning2['default'])(false, '`isSubmitting` is deprecated. ' + "Actually, it's more convenient to handle submitting status by yourself.");
return this.state.submitting;
submit: function submit(callback) {
var _this9 = this;
if (false) {
(0, _warning2['default'])(false, '`submit` is deprecated. ' + "Actually, it's more convenient to handle submitting status by yourself.");
var fn = function fn() {
submitting: false
submitting: true
render: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
wrappedComponentRef = _props.wrappedComponentRef,
restProps = (0, _objectWithoutProperties3['default'])(_props, ['wrappedComponentRef']); // eslint-disable-line
var formProps = (0, _defineProperty3['default'])({}, formPropName, this.getForm());
if (withRef) {
if (false) {
(0, _warning2['default'])(false, '`withRef` is deprecated, please use `wrappedComponentRef` instead. ' + 'See: https://github.com/react-component/form#note-use-wrappedcomponentref-instead-of-withref-after-rc-form140');
formProps.ref = 'wrappedComponent';
} else if (wrappedComponentRef) {
formProps.ref = wrappedComponentRef;
var props = mapProps.call(this, (0, _extends6['default'])({}, formProps, restProps));
return _react2['default'].createElement(WrappedComponent, props);
return (0, _utils.argumentContainer)((0, _unsafeLifecyclesPolyfill2['default'])(Form), WrappedComponent);
exports['default'] = createBaseForm;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ }),
/***/ 927:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _util = __webpack_require__(874);
var util = _interopRequireWildcard(_util);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }
* Rule for validating required fields.
* @param rule The validation rule.
* @param value The value of the field on the source object.
* @param source The source object being validated.
* @param errors An array of errors that this rule may add
* validation errors to.
* @param options The validation options.
* @param options.messages The validation messages.
function required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type) {
if (rule.required && (!source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field) || util.isEmptyValue(value, type || rule.type))) {
errors.push(util.format(options.messages.required, rule.fullField));
exports['default'] = required;
/***/ }),
/***/ 928:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var baseSet = __webpack_require__(1061);
* Sets the value at `path` of `object`. If a portion of `path` doesn't exist,
* it's created. Arrays are created for missing index properties while objects
* are created for all other missing properties. Use `_.setWith` to customize
* `path` creation.
* **Note:** This method mutates `object`.
* @static
* @memberOf _
* @since 3.7.0
* @category Object
* @param {Object} object The object to modify.
* @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.
* @param {*} value The value to set.
* @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
* @example
* var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };
* _.set(object, 'a[0].b.c', 4);
* console.log(object.a[0].b.c);
* // => 4
* _.set(object, ['x', '0', 'y', 'z'], 5);
* console.log(object.x[0].y.z);
* // => 5
function set(object, path, value) {
return object == null ? object : baseSet(object, path, value);
module.exports = set;
/***/ }),
/***/ 929:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends2 = __webpack_require__(18);
var _extends3 = _interopRequireDefault(_extends2);
var _classCallCheck2 = __webpack_require__(9);
var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
exports.isFormField = isFormField;
exports["default"] = createFormField;
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
var Field = function Field(fields) {
(0, _classCallCheck3["default"])(this, Field);
(0, _extends3["default"])(this, fields);
function isFormField(obj) {
return obj instanceof Field;
function createFormField(field) {
if (isFormField(field)) {
return field;
return new Field(field);
/***/ }),
/***/ 930:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.FIELD_DATA_PROP = exports.FIELD_META_PROP = void 0;
var FIELD_META_PROP = 'data-__meta';
var FIELD_DATA_PROP = 'data-__field';
//# sourceMappingURL=constants.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 931:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var _createReactContext = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(316));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
var FormContext = (0, _createReactContext["default"])({
labelAlign: 'right',
vertical: false
var _default = FormContext;
exports["default"] = _default;
//# sourceMappingURL=context.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 949:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
//# sourceMappingURL=css.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 953:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
//# sourceMappingURL=css.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 954:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var _Form = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1034));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
var _default = _Form["default"];
exports["default"] = _default;
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 986:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var React = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(0));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var PropTypes = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(1));
var _configProvider = __webpack_require__(12);
var _RowContext = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(909));
var _type = __webpack_require__(70);
var _responsiveObserve = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(1001));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var __rest = void 0 && (void 0).__rest || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var RowAligns = (0, _type.tuple)('top', 'middle', 'bottom', 'stretch');
var RowJustify = (0, _type.tuple)('start', 'end', 'center', 'space-around', 'space-between');
var Row =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(Row, _React$Component);
function Row() {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Row);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Row).apply(this, arguments));
_this.state = {
screens: {}
_this.renderRow = function (_ref) {
var _classNames;
var getPrefixCls = _ref.getPrefixCls;
var _a = _this.props,
customizePrefixCls = _a.prefixCls,
type = _a.type,
justify = _a.justify,
align = _a.align,
className = _a.className,
style = _a.style,
children = _a.children,
others = __rest(_a, ["prefixCls", "type", "justify", "align", "className", "style", "children"]);
var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('row', customizePrefixCls);
var gutter = _this.getGutter();
var classes = (0, _classnames["default"])((_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, prefixCls, !type), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(type), type), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(type, "-").concat(justify), type && justify), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(type, "-").concat(align), type && align), _classNames), className);
var rowStyle = _extends(_extends(_extends({}, gutter[0] > 0 ? {
marginLeft: gutter[0] / -2,
marginRight: gutter[0] / -2
} : {}), gutter[1] > 0 ? {
marginTop: gutter[1] / -2,
marginBottom: gutter[1] / -2
} : {}), style);
var otherProps = _extends({}, others);
delete otherProps.gutter;
return React.createElement(_RowContext["default"].Provider, {
value: {
gutter: gutter
}, React.createElement("div", _extends({}, otherProps, {
className: classes,
style: rowStyle
}), children));
return _this;
_createClass(Row, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function componentDidMount() {
var _this2 = this;
this.token = _responsiveObserve["default"].subscribe(function (screens) {
var gutter = _this2.props.gutter;
if (_typeof(gutter) === 'object' || Array.isArray(gutter) && (_typeof(gutter[0]) === 'object' || _typeof(gutter[1]) === 'object')) {
screens: screens
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function componentWillUnmount() {
}, {
key: "getGutter",
value: function getGutter() {
var results = [0, 0];
var gutter = this.props.gutter;
var screens = this.state.screens;
var normalizedGutter = Array.isArray(gutter) ? gutter : [gutter, 0];
normalizedGutter.forEach(function (g, index) {
if (_typeof(g) === 'object') {
for (var i = 0; i < _responsiveObserve.responsiveArray.length; i++) {
var breakpoint = _responsiveObserve.responsiveArray[i];
if (screens[breakpoint] && g[breakpoint] !== undefined) {
results[index] = g[breakpoint];
} else {
results[index] = g || 0;
return results;
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
return React.createElement(_configProvider.ConfigConsumer, null, this.renderRow);
return Row;
exports["default"] = Row;
Row.defaultProps = {
gutter: 0
Row.propTypes = {
type: PropTypes.oneOf(['flex']),
align: PropTypes.oneOf(RowAligns),
justify: PropTypes.oneOf(RowJustify),
className: PropTypes.string,
children: PropTypes.node,
gutter: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.number, PropTypes.array]),
prefixCls: PropTypes.string
//# sourceMappingURL=row.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 987:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var React = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(0));
var PropTypes = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _RowContext = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(909));
var _configProvider = __webpack_require__(12);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var __rest = void 0 && (void 0).__rest || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var objectOrNumber = PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.number]);
var Col =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(Col, _React$Component);
function Col() {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Col);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Col).apply(this, arguments));
_this.renderCol = function (_ref) {
var _classNames;
var getPrefixCls = _ref.getPrefixCls;
var _assertThisInitialize = _assertThisInitialized(_this),
props = _assertThisInitialize.props;
var customizePrefixCls = props.prefixCls,
span = props.span,
order = props.order,
offset = props.offset,
push = props.push,
pull = props.pull,
className = props.className,
children = props.children,
others = __rest(props, ["prefixCls", "span", "order", "offset", "push", "pull", "className", "children"]);
var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('col', customizePrefixCls);
var sizeClassObj = {};
['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', 'xxl'].forEach(function (size) {
var _extends2;
var sizeProps = {};
var propSize = props[size];
if (typeof propSize === 'number') {
sizeProps.span = propSize;
} else if (_typeof(propSize) === 'object') {
sizeProps = propSize || {};
delete others[size];
sizeClassObj = _extends(_extends({}, sizeClassObj), (_extends2 = {}, _defineProperty(_extends2, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(size, "-").concat(sizeProps.span), sizeProps.span !== undefined), _defineProperty(_extends2, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(size, "-order-").concat(sizeProps.order), sizeProps.order || sizeProps.order === 0), _defineProperty(_extends2, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(size, "-offset-").concat(sizeProps.offset), sizeProps.offset || sizeProps.offset === 0), _defineProperty(_extends2, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(size, "-push-").concat(sizeProps.push), sizeProps.push || sizeProps.push === 0), _defineProperty(_extends2, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(size, "-pull-").concat(sizeProps.pull), sizeProps.pull || sizeProps.pull === 0), _extends2));
var classes = (0, _classnames["default"])(prefixCls, (_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-").concat(span), span !== undefined), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-order-").concat(order), order), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-offset-").concat(offset), offset), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-push-").concat(push), push), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-pull-").concat(pull), pull), _classNames), className, sizeClassObj);
return React.createElement(_RowContext["default"].Consumer, null, function (_ref2) {
var gutter = _ref2.gutter;
var style = others.style;
if (gutter) {
style = _extends(_extends(_extends({}, gutter[0] > 0 ? {
paddingLeft: gutter[0] / 2,
paddingRight: gutter[0] / 2
} : {}), gutter[1] > 0 ? {
paddingTop: gutter[1] / 2,
paddingBottom: gutter[1] / 2
} : {}), style);
return React.createElement("div", _extends({}, others, {
style: style,
className: classes
}), children);
return _this;
_createClass(Col, [{
key: "render",
value: function render() {
return React.createElement(_configProvider.ConfigConsumer, null, this.renderCol);
return Col;
exports["default"] = Col;
Col.propTypes = {
span: PropTypes.number,
order: PropTypes.number,
offset: PropTypes.number,
push: PropTypes.number,
pull: PropTypes.number,
className: PropTypes.string,
children: PropTypes.node,
xs: objectOrNumber,
sm: objectOrNumber,
md: objectOrNumber,
lg: objectOrNumber,
xl: objectOrNumber,
xxl: objectOrNumber
//# sourceMappingURL=col.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 993:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var MediaQueryDispatch = __webpack_require__(994);
module.exports = new MediaQueryDispatch();
/***/ }),
/***/ 994:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var MediaQuery = __webpack_require__(995);
var Util = __webpack_require__(907);
var each = Util.each;
var isFunction = Util.isFunction;
var isArray = Util.isArray;
* Allows for registration of query handlers.
* Manages the query handler's state and is responsible for wiring up browser events
* @constructor
function MediaQueryDispatch () {
if(!window.matchMedia) {
throw new Error('matchMedia not present, legacy browsers require a polyfill');
this.queries = {};
this.browserIsIncapable = !window.matchMedia('only all').matches;
MediaQueryDispatch.prototype = {
constructor : MediaQueryDispatch,
* Registers a handler for the given media query
* @param {string} q the media query
* @param {object || Array || Function} options either a single query handler object, a function, or an array of query handlers
* @param {function} options.match fired when query matched
* @param {function} [options.unmatch] fired when a query is no longer matched
* @param {function} [options.setup] fired when handler first triggered
* @param {boolean} [options.deferSetup=false] whether setup should be run immediately or deferred until query is first matched
* @param {boolean} [shouldDegrade=false] whether this particular media query should always run on incapable browsers
register : function(q, options, shouldDegrade) {
var queries = this.queries,
isUnconditional = shouldDegrade && this.browserIsIncapable;
if(!queries[q]) {
queries[q] = new MediaQuery(q, isUnconditional);
//normalise to object in an array
if(isFunction(options)) {
options = { match : options };
if(!isArray(options)) {
options = [options];
each(options, function(handler) {
if (isFunction(handler)) {
handler = { match : handler };
return this;
* unregisters a query and all it's handlers, or a specific handler for a query
* @param {string} q the media query to target
* @param {object || function} [handler] specific handler to unregister
unregister : function(q, handler) {
var query = this.queries[q];
if(query) {
if(handler) {
else {
delete this.queries[q];
return this;
module.exports = MediaQueryDispatch;
/***/ }),
/***/ 995:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var QueryHandler = __webpack_require__(996);
var each = __webpack_require__(907).each;
* Represents a single media query, manages it's state and registered handlers for this query
* @constructor
* @param {string} query the media query string
* @param {boolean} [isUnconditional=false] whether the media query should run regardless of whether the conditions are met. Primarily for helping older browsers deal with mobile-first design
function MediaQuery(query, isUnconditional) {
this.query = query;
this.isUnconditional = isUnconditional;
this.handlers = [];
this.mql = window.matchMedia(query);
var self = this;
this.listener = function(mql) {
// Chrome passes an MediaQueryListEvent object, while other browsers pass MediaQueryList directly
self.mql = mql.currentTarget || mql;
MediaQuery.prototype = {
constuctor : MediaQuery,
* add a handler for this query, triggering if already active
* @param {object} handler
* @param {function} handler.match callback for when query is activated
* @param {function} [handler.unmatch] callback for when query is deactivated
* @param {function} [handler.setup] callback for immediate execution when a query handler is registered
* @param {boolean} [handler.deferSetup=false] should the setup callback be deferred until the first time the handler is matched?
addHandler : function(handler) {
var qh = new QueryHandler(handler);
this.matches() && qh.on();
* removes the given handler from the collection, and calls it's destroy methods
* @param {object || function} handler the handler to remove
removeHandler : function(handler) {
var handlers = this.handlers;
each(handlers, function(h, i) {
if(h.equals(handler)) {
return !handlers.splice(i,1); //remove from array and exit each early
* Determine whether the media query should be considered a match
* @return {Boolean} true if media query can be considered a match, false otherwise
matches : function() {
return this.mql.matches || this.isUnconditional;
* Clears all handlers and unbinds events
clear : function() {
each(this.handlers, function(handler) {
this.handlers.length = 0; //clear array
* Assesses the query, turning on all handlers if it matches, turning them off if it doesn't match
assess : function() {
var action = this.matches() ? 'on' : 'off';
each(this.handlers, function(handler) {
module.exports = MediaQuery;
/***/ }),
/***/ 996:
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
* Delegate to handle a media query being matched and unmatched.
* @param {object} options
* @param {function} options.match callback for when the media query is matched
* @param {function} [options.unmatch] callback for when the media query is unmatched
* @param {function} [options.setup] one-time callback triggered the first time a query is matched
* @param {boolean} [options.deferSetup=false] should the setup callback be run immediately, rather than first time query is matched?
* @constructor
function QueryHandler(options) {
this.options = options;
!options.deferSetup && this.setup();
QueryHandler.prototype = {
constructor : QueryHandler,
* coordinates setup of the handler
* @function
setup : function() {
if(this.options.setup) {
this.initialised = true;
* coordinates setup and triggering of the handler
* @function
on : function() {
!this.initialised && this.setup();
this.options.match && this.options.match();
* coordinates the unmatch event for the handler
* @function
off : function() {
this.options.unmatch && this.options.unmatch();
* called when a handler is to be destroyed.
* delegates to the destroy or unmatch callbacks, depending on availability.
* @function
destroy : function() {
this.options.destroy ? this.options.destroy() : this.off();
* determines equality by reference.
* if object is supplied compare options, if function, compare match callback
* @function
* @param {object || function} [target] the target for comparison
equals : function(target) {
return this.options === target || this.options.match === target;
module.exports = QueryHandler;
/***/ }),
/***/ 999:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
// load the styles
var content = __webpack_require__(1000);
if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
// Prepare cssTransformation
var transform;
var options = {"hmr":false}
options.transform = transform
// add the styles to the DOM
var update = __webpack_require__(313)(content, options);
if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
/***/ })