You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
286 lines
13 KiB
286 lines
13 KiB
5 years ago
/***/ 3855:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "conf", function() { return conf; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "language", function() { return language; });
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Allow for running under nodejs/requirejs in tests
var _monaco = (typeof monaco === 'undefined' ? self.monaco : monaco);
var EMPTY_ELEMENTS = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr'];
var conf = {
wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\$\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\s]+)/g,
comments: {
blockComment: ['<!--', '-->']
brackets: [
['<!--', '-->'],
['<', '>'],
['{', '}'],
['(', ')']
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' }
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
{ open: '<', close: '>' }
onEnterRules: [
beforeText: new RegExp("<(?!(?:" + EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|') + "))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$", 'i'),
afterText: /^<\/(\w[\w\d]*)\s*>$/i,
action: { indentAction: _monaco.languages.IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
beforeText: new RegExp("<(?!(?:" + EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|') + "))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$", 'i'),
action: { indentAction: _monaco.languages.IndentAction.Indent }
var language = {
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '',
// ignoreCase: true,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
root: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.root' }],
[/<!DOCTYPE/, 'metatag.html', '@doctype'],
[/<!--/, 'comment.html', '@comment'],
[/(<)(\w+)(\/>)/, ['delimiter.html', 'tag.html', 'delimiter.html']],
[/(<)(script)/, ['delimiter.html', { token: 'tag.html', next: '@script' }]],
[/(<)(style)/, ['delimiter.html', { token: 'tag.html', next: '@style' }]],
[/(<)([:\w]+)/, ['delimiter.html', { token: 'tag.html', next: '@otherTag' }]],
[/(<\/)(\w+)/, ['delimiter.html', { token: 'tag.html', next: '@otherTag' }]],
[/</, 'delimiter.html'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
doctype: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.comment' }],
[/[^>]+/, 'metatag.content.html'],
[/>/, 'metatag.html', '@pop'],
comment: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.comment' }],
[/-->/, 'comment.html', '@pop'],
[/[^-]+/, 'comment.content.html'],
[/./, 'comment.content.html']
otherTag: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.otherTag' }],
[/\/?>/, 'delimiter.html', '@pop'],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
// -- BEGIN <script> tags handling
// After <script
script: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.script' }],
[/type/, '', '@scriptAfterType'],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@scriptEmbedded.text/javascript', nextEmbedded: 'text/javascript' }],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/(<\/)(script\s*)(>)/, ['delimiter.html', 'tag.html', { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@pop' }]]
// After <script ... type
scriptAfterType: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.scriptAfterType' }],
[/=/, 'delimiter', '@scriptAfterTypeEquals'],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@scriptEmbedded.text/javascript', nextEmbedded: 'text/javascript' }],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/<\/script\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
// After <script ... type =
scriptAfterTypeEquals: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.scriptAfterTypeEquals' }],
[/"([^"]*)"/, { token: 'attribute.value', switchTo: '@scriptWithCustomType.$1' }],
[/'([^']*)'/, { token: 'attribute.value', switchTo: '@scriptWithCustomType.$1' }],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@scriptEmbedded.text/javascript', nextEmbedded: 'text/javascript' }],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/<\/script\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
// After <script ... type = $S2
scriptWithCustomType: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.scriptWithCustomType.$S2' }],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@scriptEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '$S2' }],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/<\/script\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
scriptEmbedded: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInEmbeddedState.scriptEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '@pop' }],
[/<\/script/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop', nextEmbedded: '@pop' }]
// -- END <script> tags handling
// -- BEGIN <style> tags handling
// After <style
style: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '' }],
[/type/, '', '@styleAfterType'],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@styleEmbedded.text/css', nextEmbedded: 'text/css' }],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/(<\/)(style\s*)(>)/, ['delimiter.html', 'tag.html', { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@pop' }]]
// After <style ... type
styleAfterType: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.styleAfterType' }],
[/=/, 'delimiter', '@styleAfterTypeEquals'],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@styleEmbedded.text/css', nextEmbedded: 'text/css' }],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/<\/style\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
// After <style ... type =
styleAfterTypeEquals: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.styleAfterTypeEquals' }],
[/"([^"]*)"/, { token: 'attribute.value', switchTo: '@styleWithCustomType.$1' }],
[/'([^']*)'/, { token: 'attribute.value', switchTo: '@styleWithCustomType.$1' }],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@styleEmbedded.text/css', nextEmbedded: 'text/css' }],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/<\/style\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
// After <style ... type = $S2
styleWithCustomType: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInSimpleState.styleWithCustomType.$S2' }],
[/>/, { token: 'delimiter.html', next: '@styleEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '$S2' }],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
[/<\/style\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
styleEmbedded: [
[/@[^@]/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@razorInEmbeddedState.styleEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '@pop' }],
[/<\/style/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop', nextEmbedded: '@pop' }]
// -- END <style> tags handling
razorInSimpleState: [
[/@\*/, 'comment.cs', '@razorBlockCommentTopLevel'],
[/@[{(]/, 'metatag.cs', '@razorRootTopLevel'],
[/(@)(\s*[\w]+)/, ['metatag.cs', { token: 'identifier.cs', switchTo: '@$S2.$S3' }]],
[/[})]/, { token: 'metatag.cs', switchTo: '@$S2.$S3' }],
[/\*@/, { token: 'comment.cs', switchTo: '@$S2.$S3' }],
razorInEmbeddedState: [
[/@\*/, 'comment.cs', '@razorBlockCommentTopLevel'],
[/@[{(]/, 'metatag.cs', '@razorRootTopLevel'],
[/(@)(\s*[\w]+)/, ['metatag.cs', { token: 'identifier.cs', switchTo: '@$S2.$S3', nextEmbedded: '$S3' }]],
[/[})]/, { token: 'metatag.cs', switchTo: '@$S2.$S3', nextEmbedded: '$S3' }],
[/\*@/, { token: 'comment.cs', switchTo: '@$S2.$S3', nextEmbedded: '$S3' }],
razorBlockCommentTopLevel: [
[/\*@/, '@rematch', '@pop'],
[/[^*]+/, 'comment.cs'],
[/./, 'comment.cs']
razorBlockComment: [
[/\*@/, 'comment.cs', '@pop'],
[/[^*]+/, 'comment.cs'],
[/./, 'comment.cs']
razorRootTopLevel: [
[/\{/, 'delimiter.bracket.cs', '@razorRoot'],
[/\(/, 'delimiter.parenthesis.cs', '@razorRoot'],
[/[})]/, '@rematch', '@pop'],
{ include: 'razorCommon' }
razorRoot: [
[/\{/, 'delimiter.bracket.cs', '@razorRoot'],
[/\(/, 'delimiter.parenthesis.cs', '@razorRoot'],
[/\}/, 'delimiter.bracket.cs', '@pop'],
[/\)/, 'delimiter.parenthesis.cs', '@pop'],
{ include: 'razorCommon' }
razorCommon: [
[/[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, {
cases: {
'@razorKeywords': { token: 'keyword.cs' },
'@default': 'identifier.cs'
// brackets
[/[\[\]]/, 'delimiter.array.cs'],
// whitespace
[/[ \t\r\n]+/],
// comments
[/\/\/.*$/, 'comment.cs'],
[/@\*/, 'comment.cs', '@razorBlockComment'],
// strings
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'string.cs'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'string.cs'],
// simple html
[/(<)(\w+)(\/>)/, ['delimiter.html', 'tag.html', 'delimiter.html']],
[/(<)(\w+)(>)/, ['delimiter.html', 'tag.html', 'delimiter.html']],
[/(<\/)(\w+)(>)/, ['delimiter.html', 'tag.html', 'delimiter.html']],
// delimiters
[/[\+\-\*\%\&\|\^\~\!\=\<\>\/\?\;\:\.\,]/, 'delimiter.cs'],
// numbers
[/\d*\d+[eE]([\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number.float.cs'],
[/\d*\.\d+([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number.float.cs'],
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F']*[0-9a-fA-F]/, 'number.hex.cs'],
[/0[0-7']*[0-7]/, 'number.octal.cs'],
[/0[bB][0-1']*[0-1]/, 'number.binary.cs'],
[/\d[\d']*/, 'number.cs'],
[/\d/, 'number.cs'],
razorKeywords: [
'abstract', 'as', 'async', 'await', 'base', 'bool',
'break', 'by', 'byte', 'case',
'catch', 'char', 'checked', 'class',
'const', 'continue', 'decimal', 'default',
'delegate', 'do', 'double', 'descending',
'explicit', 'event', 'extern', 'else',
'enum', 'false', 'finally', 'fixed',
'float', 'for', 'foreach', 'from',
'goto', 'group', 'if', 'implicit',
'in', 'int', 'interface', 'internal',
'into', 'is', 'lock', 'long', 'nameof',
'new', 'null', 'namespace', 'object',
'operator', 'out', 'override', 'orderby',
'params', 'private', 'protected', 'public',
'readonly', 'ref', 'return', 'switch',
'struct', 'sbyte', 'sealed', 'short',
'sizeof', 'stackalloc', 'static', 'string',
'select', 'this', 'throw', 'true',
'try', 'typeof', 'uint', 'ulong',
'unchecked', 'unsafe', 'ushort', 'using',
'var', 'virtual', 'volatile', 'void', 'when',
'while', 'where', 'yield',
'model', 'inject' // Razor specific
escapes: /\\(?:[abfnrtv\\"']|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})/,
/***/ })