## 这个模块的统计有很大的性能问题
# 可以在初始创建的时候
class Subject < ApplicationRecord
include Searchable :: Subject
#status :0 编辑中 1 审核中 2 发布
belongs_to :repertoire
belongs_to :user
has_many :stages , - > { order ( " stages.position ASC " ) } , dependent : :destroy
has_many :stage_shixuns , dependent : :destroy
has_many :shixuns , through : :stage_shixuns
has_many :subject_members , - > { order ( " subject_members.position asc " ) } , dependent : :destroy
has_many :users , through : :subject_members
has_many :tidings , as : :container , dependent : :destroy
has_many :stages , - > { order ( " stages.position ASC " ) } , dependent : :destroy
# 开放课堂
has_many :courses , - > { where ( " is_delete = 0 " ) . order ( " courses.created_at ASC " ) }
validates :name , length : { maximum : 60 }
validates :description , length : { maximum : 5000 }
validates :learning_notes , length : { maximum : 500 }
scope :visible , lambda { where ( status : 2 ) }
scope :published , lambda { where ( status : 1 ) }
scope :unhidden , lambda { where ( hidden : 0 ) }
after_create :send_tiding
def send_tiding
self . tidings << Tiding . new ( user_id : self . user_id , trigger_user_id : self . user_id , belong_container_id : self . id , belong_container_type : 'Subject' , tiding_type : " System " , viewed : 0 )
# 所有开课课堂的最大结束时间
def max_course_end_date
courses . pluck ( :end_date ) . max
# 挑战过路径的成员数
def member_count
shixuns . pluck ( :myshixuns_count ) . sum
def all_score
subject_shixun_score + subject_shixun_choose_score
def subject_shixun_score
Challenge . find_by_sql ( " select sum(score) as shixun_count from challenges where st=0 and shixun_id in
( select id from shixuns where status > 1 and id in ( SELECT distinct shixun_id
FROM ` stage_shixuns ` where subject_id = #{self.id}))").first.try(:shixun_count).to_i
def subject_shixun_choose_score
ChallengeChoose . find_by_sql ( " select sum(score) as choose_score from challenge_chooses where challenge_id in
( select distinct ( id ) from challenges where st != 0 and shixun_id in ( select id from shixuns where status > 1 and id in
( SELECT distinct shixun_id FROM ` stage_shixuns ` where subject_id = #{self.id})))").first.try(:choose_score).to_i
def my_subject_score
shixuns_id = shixuns . published_closed . pluck ( :id )
my_shixun_score = Challenge . joins ( :games ) . where ( games : { status : 2 , user_id : User . current . id } , shixun_id : shixuns_id ) . pluck ( :score ) . sum
my_choose_score = ChallengeChoose . joins ( challenge : :games ) . where ( games : { status : 2 , user_id : User . current . id } , challenges : { shixun_id : shixuns_id } ) . pluck ( :score ) . sum
return my_shixun_score . to_i + my_choose_score . to_i
def subject_challenge_count
Challenge . find_by_sql ( " select count(*) as challenge_count from challenges where st=0 and shixun_id in(SELECT distinct shixun_id FROM `stage_shixuns` where subject_id= #{ self . id } ) " ) . first . try ( :challenge_count ) . to_i
def subject_challenge_choose_count
Challenge . find_by_sql ( " select count(*) as challenge_choose_count from challenges where st!=0 and shixun_id in(SELECT distinct shixun_id FROM `stage_shixuns` where subject_id= #{ self . id } ) " ) . first . try ( :challenge_choose_count ) . to_i
def my_subject_progress
my_challenge_count = Game . joins ( :challenge ) . where ( user_id : User . current . id , status : 2 , challenges : { shixun_id : shixuns . published_closed } ) .
pluck ( :challenge_id ) . uniq . size
count = self . subject_challenge_count == 0 ? 0 : ( ( my_challenge_count . to_f / self . subject_challenge_count ) . round ( 2 ) * 100 ) . to_i
def my_consume_time
shixuns_id = self . stage_shixuns . map ( & :shixun_id )
shixuns_id = shixuns_id . present? ? shixuns_id . join ( " , " ) : - 1
my_shixun_time = Challenge . find_by_sql ( " select sum(g.cost_time) as score FROM challenges c join games g on g.challenge_id = c.id where g.status = 2 and g.user_id = #{ User . current . id } and c.shixun_id in( #{ shixuns_id } ) " ) . first . try ( :score )
return my_shixun_time . to_i
def member? ( user )
subject_members . exists? ( user_id : user . id )
def published?
status == 2
def shixun_tags
challenges = Challenge . where ( shixun_id : shixuns . unhidden )
@tags = ChallengeTag . where ( challenge_id : challenges ) . pluck ( :name ) . uniq
def learning? user_id
Myshixun . where ( user_id : user_id , shixun_id : shixuns ) . exists?