You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
6.2 KiB

6 years ago
wb = xlsx_package.workbook
6 years ago
# wb.use_autowidth = false
6 years ago
wb.styles do |s|
6 years ago
sz_all = s.add_style :sz => 10,:border => { :style => :thin, :color =>"000000"},:alignment => {wrap_text: true,:horizontal => :left}
blue_cell = s.add_style :bg_color => "FAEBDC", :sz => 10,:height => 20,:b => true, :border => { :style => :thin, :color =>"000000" },:alignment => {wrap_text: true,:horizontal => :left}
6 years ago
wb.add_worksheet(:name => "统计结果") do |sheet|
sheet.sheet_view.show_grid_lines = false
6 years ago
obj_commit = polls_user_commit[:obj_commit] || []
sub_commit = polls_user_commit[:sub_commit] || []
poll_user_info = polls_user_commit[:poll_users_info] || []
user_commit = polls_user_commit[:user_commit] || []
6 years ago
6 years ago
if obj_commit&.size > 0
obj_commit.each do |obj|
sheet.add_row obj[:sheet_row], :height =>15,:style => blue_cell
sheet.add_row obj[:sheet_answer_row], :height =>15, :style => sz_all
sheet.add_row obj[:sheet_answer_percent], :height =>15, :style => sz_all
sheet.add_row obj[:sheet_answer_useful], :height =>15, :style => sz_all
6 years ago
sheet.add_row []
6 years ago
6 years ago
if sub_commit&.size > 0
sub_commit.each do |sub|
main_sub_title = sub[:sub_tile]
main_sub_content = sub[:sub_user_votes]
sheet.add_row main_sub_title,:height =>15, :style => blue_cell
main_sub_content.each do |con|
sheet.add_row con,:height =>15, :style => sz_all
6 years ago
sheet.add_row []
6 years ago
sheet.add_row poll_user_info, :height =>15, :style => blue_cell
6 years ago
if user_commit&.size > 0
user_commit.each do |com|
sheet.add_row com, :height =>15,:style => sz_all
6 years ago
sheet.column_widths *([25]*sheet.column_info.count)
sheet.column_info.first.width = 10
# sheet.sheet_view.show_grid_lines = false
# poll_users_info = %w(序号)
# poll_ques_titles = poll_questions.pluck(:question_title).map {|k| strip_export_title(k) if k.present?}
# poll_un_anony = poll.un_anonymous
# if poll_un_anony #是否匿名默认为false
# user_info = %w(登陆名 真实姓名 邮箱 学号)
# else
# user_info = []
# end
# poll_users_info = poll_users_info + user_info + poll_ques_titles
# poll_questions.each do |q|
# if q.question_type != 3 #问题不为主观题
# question_vote_user = q.poll_votes.find_current_vote("user_id",poll_commit_ids).size #该问题的有效填写量
# sheet_row = ["第#{q.question_number}题"] #选择题答案选项的数组
# sheet_answer_row = ["小计"] #选择题回答的答案人数,数组
# sheet_answer_percent = ["比例"]
# sheet_answer_useful = ["有效填写人次",question_vote_user]
# q.poll_answers.each do |a| #问卷的答案选项
# answer_users_count = a.poll_votes.find_current_vote("user_id",poll_commit_ids).size
# answer_percent = number_to_percentage((answer_users_count.to_f / question_vote_user.to_f)*100,precision:1)
# sheet_row.push(a.answer_text)
# sheet_answer_row.push(answer_users_count)
# sheet_answer_percent.push(answer_percent.to_s)
# end
# sheet.add_row sheet_row, :height =>15,:style => blue_cell
# sheet.add_row sheet_answer_row, :height =>15, :style => sz_all
# sheet.add_row sheet_answer_percent, :height =>15, :style => sz_all
# sheet.add_row sheet_answer_useful, :height =>15, :style => sz_all
# #合并单元格但无法填充style
# # sheet.merge_cells (Axlsx::cell_r(1,sheet.rows.last.row_index) + ':' + Axlsx::cell_r(sheet_row.count-1,sheet.rows.last.row_index))
# # sheet.rows[sheet.rows.last.row_index].style = sz_all
# sheet.add_row []
# else #主观题答案
# main_show_row = ["第#{q.question_number}题",q.question_title]
# sheet.add_row main_show_row,:height =>15, :style => blue_cell
# q.poll_votes.each_with_index do |v,index| #主观题的答案
# sheet.add_row [(index+1),v.vote_text.present? ? v.vote_text : "--"],:height =>15, :style => sz_all
# end
# sheet.add_row [], :style => sz_all
# end
# end #each_with_index
# sheet.add_row poll_users_info, :height =>15, :style => blue_cell
# poll_users.includes(user: :user_extension).each_with_index do |u,index|
# u_user = u.user
# user_answer_array = []
# poll_questions.each do |q|
# user_poll_votes = u_user.poll_votes.find_current_vote("poll_question_id",
# if user_poll_votes.present?
# user_poll_answer_ids = user_poll_votes.pluck(:poll_answer_id).reject(&:blank?)
# user_poll_vote_texts = user_poll_votes.pluck(:vote_text).reject(&:blank?)
# if user_poll_answer_ids.count > 0
# answer_content = q.poll_answers.find_answer_by_custom("id",user_poll_answer_ids)
# if user_poll_answer_ids.count >1
# u_answer = answer_content.pluck(:answer_text).join(";")
# else
# u_answer = answer_content.first.answer_text
# end
# elsif user_poll_vote_texts.count > 0
# if user_poll_vote_texts.count > 1
# u_answer = user_poll_vote_texts.join(";")
# else
# u_answer = user_poll_vote_texts.first
# end
# else
# u_answer = "--"
# end
# else
# u_answer = "--"
# end
# user_answer_array.push(u_answer)
# end
# user_cell = [index+1]
# if poll_un_anony
# user_login = u_user.login
# user_name = u_user.real_name.present? ? u_user.real_name : "--"
# user_student_id = u_user.student_id.present? ? u_user.student_id : "--"
# user_cell += [user_login,user_name, u_user.mail, user_student_id]
# end
# all_user_cell = user_cell + user_answer_array
# sheet.add_row all_user_cell, :height =>15,:style => sz_all
# end
# sheet.column_widths *([25]*sheet.column_info.count)
# sheet.column_info.first.width = 10
6 years ago
end #add_worksheet