You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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878 B

5 years ago
class AddIndexToPollAnswer < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
5 years ago
remove_index :poll_votes, column: [:poll_question_id, :user_id]
change_column_default :poll_votes, :poll_question_id, from: nil, to: -1
PollVote.where(poll_answer_id: nil).update_all(poll_answer_id: -1)
sql = %Q(delete from poll_votes where (poll_question_id, user_id, poll_answer_id) in
(select * from (select poll_question_id, user_id, poll_answer_id from poll_votes group by poll_question_id, user_id, poll_answer_id having count(*) > 1) a)
and id not in (select * from (select min(id) from poll_votes group by poll_question_id, user_id, poll_answer_id having count(*) > 1 order by id) b))
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute sql
add_index :poll_votes, [:poll_question_id, :user_id, :poll_answer_id], name: 'poll_answer_index', unique: true
5 years ago