namespace :poll_publish do
desc " publish poll and end poll "
task :publish = > :environment do
puts " --------------------------------poll_publish start "
# 统一设置发布时间的问卷
polls = Poll . includes ( :poll_users ) . where ( " publish_time is not null and polls_status = 1 and publish_time <=? " , Time . now )
polls . each do | poll |
poll . update_attributes ( :polls_status = > 2 )
if poll . unified_setting
PollPublishNotifyJob . perform_later ( poll . id , nil )
course = poll . course
teachers = course . teachers . where . not ( id : course . teacher_course_groups . select ( :course_member_id ) )
tid_str = " "
teachers . find_each do | member |
tid_str += " , " if tid_str != " "
tid_str += " ( #{ member . user_id } , #{ poll . user_id } , #{ poll . id } , 'Poll', #{ poll . id } , 'PollPublish', #{ course . id } , 'Course', 0, 'Poll', ' #{ Time . now . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) } ', ' #{ Time . now . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) } ') "
if tid_str != " "
tid_sql = " insert into tidings (user_id, trigger_user_id, container_id, container_type, parent_container_id, parent_container_type, belong_container_id, belong_container_type, viewed, tiding_type, created_at, updated_at) values " + tid_str
ActiveRecord :: Base . connection . execute tid_sql
poll . course_acts << CourseActivity . new ( user_id : poll . user_id , course_id : poll . course_id ) if ! poll . course_acts . exists?
# 分组设置发布时间的问卷
poll_group_settings = PollGroupSetting . where ( " publish_time < ? and publish_time > ? " , Time . now + 900 , Time . now - 900 )
poll_group_settings . each do | poll_group |
poll = poll_group . poll
if poll . present?
poll . update_attributes ( :polls_status = > 2 ) if poll . polls_status == 1
PollPublishNotifyJob . perform_later ( poll . id , [ poll_group . course_group_id ] )
puts " --------------------------------poll_publish end "
task :nearly_end = > :environment do
puts " --------------------------------poll_nearly_end start "
# 统一设置发布时间的问卷
polls = Poll . includes ( :poll_users ) . where ( " polls_status = 2 and unified_setting = 1 and end_time <=? and end_time > ? " , Time . now + 86400 , Time . now + 84600 )
polls . each do | poll |
if poll . tidings . where ( :parent_container_type = > " NearlyEnd " ) . count == 0
course = poll . course
tid_str = " "
poll . poll_users . where ( :commit_status = > 0 ) . find_each do | user |
tid_str += " , " if tid_str != " "
tid_str += " ( #{ user . user_id } , #{ poll . user_id } , #{ poll . id } , 'Poll', #{ poll . id } , 'NearlyEnd', #{ course . id } , 'Course', 0, 'Poll', ' #{ Time . now . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) } ', ' #{ Time . now . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) } ') "
if tid_str != " "
tid_sql = " insert into tidings (user_id, trigger_user_id, container_id, container_type, parent_container_id, parent_container_type, belong_container_id, belong_container_type, viewed, tiding_type, created_at, updated_at) values " + tid_str
ActiveRecord :: Base . connection . execute tid_sql
# 分组设置发布时间的问卷
poll_group_settings = PollGroupSetting . where ( " end_time <=? and end_time > ? " , Time . now + 86400 , Time . now + 84600 )
poll_group_settings . each do | poll_group |
poll = poll_group . poll
if poll . present?
course = poll . course
members = course . course_members . where ( :course_group_id = > poll_group . course_group_id )
if poll . tidings . where ( :parent_container_type = > " NearlyEnd " , :user_id = > members . map ( & :user_id ) ) . count == 0
tid_str = " "
poll . poll_users . where ( :commit_status = > 0 , :user_id = > members . map ( & :user_id ) ) . find_each do | member |
tid_str += " , " if tid_str != " "
tid_str += " ( #{ member . user_id } , #{ poll . user_id } , #{ poll . id } , 'Poll', #{ poll . id } , 'NearlyEnd', #{ course . id } , 'Course', 0, 'Poll', ' #{ Time . now . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) } ', ' #{ Time . now . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) } ') "
if tid_str != " "
tid_sql = " insert into tidings (user_id, trigger_user_id, container_id, container_type, parent_container_id, parent_container_type, belong_container_id, belong_container_type, viewed, tiding_type, created_at, updated_at) values " + tid_str
ActiveRecord :: Base . connection . execute tid_sql
puts " --------------------------------poll_nearly_end end "
task :end = > :environment do
puts " --------------------------------poll_publish end start "
polls = Poll . includes ( :poll_users ) . where ( " polls_status = 2 AND end_time <=? " , Time . now + 900 )
polls . each do | poll |
poll . update_column ( 'polls_status' , 3 )
poll . poll_users . where ( " commit_status = 0 and start_at is not null " ) . update_all ( commit_status : 1 , end_at : poll . end_time ) if poll . unified_setting
# polls = Poll.includes(:poll_users).where("polls_status = 2 AND unified_setting = false AND end_time > ?",Time.now + 900)
# poll_ids = polls.blank? ? "(-1)" : "(" + polls.map(&:id).join(",") + ")"
# polls_group_settings = PollGroupSetting.where("end_time <= '#{Time.now}' and poll_id in #{poll_ids}")
# polls_group_settings.each do |poll_setting|
# poll = poll_setting.poll
# if poll&.end_time <= Time.now
# poll.update_column('polls_status', 3)
# end
# users = poll.course.course_members.where(course_group_id: poll_setting.course_group_id)
# poll.poll_users.where(user_id: users.pluck(:user_id)).where("commit_status = 0 and start_at is not null").update_all(commit_status: 1, end_at: Time.now)
# # poll_users.each do |poll_user|
# # if poll_user.commit_status == 0 && !poll_user.start_at.nil?
# # poll_user.update_attributes(:commit_status => 1, :end_at => Time.now)
# # end
# # end
# end
PollGroupSetting . where ( " end_time < ? and end_time > ? " , Time . now + 1800 , Time . now - 1800 ) . each do | poll_setting |
poll = poll_setting . poll
# poll.update_column('polls_status',3)
users = poll . course . course_members . where ( :course_group_id = > poll_setting . course_group_id )
poll_users = poll . poll_users . where ( :user_id = > users . map ( & :user_id ) )
poll_users . where ( " commit_status = 0 and start_at is not null " ) . update_all ( commit_status : 1 , end_at : poll_setting . end_time )
# poll_users.each do |poll_user|
# if poll_user.commit_status == 0 && !poll_user.start_at.nil?
# poll_user.update_attributes(:commit_status => 1, :end_at => Time.now)
# end
# end