You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
42 lines
2.0 KiB
42 lines
2.0 KiB
5 years ago
<% define_breadcrumbs do %>
<% add_breadcrumb('实践课程') %>
<% end %>
<div class="box search-form-container laboratory-subject-list-form">
<%= form_tag(cooperative_laboratory_subjects_path, method: :get, class: 'form-inline search-form', remote: true) do %>
<div class="form-group mr-1">
<label for="status">状态:</label>
<% status_options = [['全部', ''], ['编辑中', 0], ['审核中', 1], ['已发布', 2]] %>
<%= select_tag(:status, options_for_select(status_options), class: 'form-control') %>
<div class="form-group col-12 col-md-3">
<label for="school_name">单位:</label>
<%= select_tag :school_id, options_for_select([''], params[:school_id]), class: 'form-control school-select flex-1' %>
<%= text_field_tag(:keyword, params[:keyword], class: 'form-control col-12 col-md-2 mr-3', placeholder: '创建者/课程名称检索') %>
<div class="form-check mr-2">
<%= hidden_field_tag(:homepage, false, id:'') %>
<%= check_box_tag(:homepage, true, params[:homepage].to_s == 'true', class: 'form-check-input') %>
<label class="form-check-label" for="homepage">只看首页展示</label>
<div class="form-check mr-2">
<%= hidden_field_tag(:ownership, false, id:'') %>
<%= check_box_tag(:ownership, true, params[:ownership].to_s == 'true', class: 'form-check-input') %>
<label class="form-check-label" for="ownership">只看自建</label>
<%= submit_tag('搜索', class: 'btn btn-primary ml-3', 'data-disable-with': '搜索中...') %>
<%= link_to '清空', cooperative_laboratory_subjects_path(current_laboratory), class: 'btn btn-default','data-disable-with': '清空中...' %>
<% end %>
<div class="box laboratory-subject-list-container">
<%= render partial: 'cooperative/laboratory_subjects/shared/list', locals: { laboratory_subjects: @laboratory_subjects } %>
<%= render(partial: 'cooperative/shared/modal/upload_file_modal', locals: { title: '上传封面', accept: 'image/*' }) %>