/***/ 1080:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
//# sourceMappingURL=css.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 1081:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;
var React = _interopRequireWildcard(__webpack_require__(0));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _rcInputNumber = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1213));
var _icon = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(24));
var _configProvider = __webpack_require__(9);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var __rest = void 0 && (void 0).__rest || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var InputNumber =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(InputNumber, _React$Component);
function InputNumber() {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, InputNumber);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(InputNumber).apply(this, arguments));
_this.saveInputNumber = function (inputNumberRef) {
_this.inputNumberRef = inputNumberRef;
_this.renderInputNumber = function (_ref) {
var _classNames;
var getPrefixCls = _ref.getPrefixCls;
var _a = _this.props,
className = _a.className,
size = _a.size,
customizePrefixCls = _a.prefixCls,
others = __rest(_a, ["className", "size", "prefixCls"]);
var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('input-number', customizePrefixCls);
var inputNumberClass = (0, _classnames["default"])((_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-lg"), size === 'large'), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-sm"), size === 'small'), _classNames), className);
var upIcon = React.createElement(_icon["default"], {
type: "up",
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-handler-up-inner")
var downIcon = React.createElement(_icon["default"], {
type: "down",
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-handler-down-inner")
return React.createElement(_rcInputNumber["default"], _extends({
ref: _this.saveInputNumber,
className: inputNumberClass,
upHandler: upIcon,
downHandler: downIcon,
prefixCls: prefixCls
}, others));
return _this;
_createClass(InputNumber, [{
key: "focus",
value: function focus() {
}, {
key: "blur",
value: function blur() {
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
return React.createElement(_configProvider.ConfigConsumer, null, this.renderInputNumber);
return InputNumber;
exports["default"] = InputNumber;
InputNumber.defaultProps = {
step: 1
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ 1211:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
// load the styles
var content = __webpack_require__(1212);
if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
// Prepare cssTransformation
var transform;
var options = {"hmr":false}
options.transform = transform
// add the styles to the DOM
var update = __webpack_require__(294)(content, options);
if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1212:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(293)(true);
// imports
// module
exports.push([module.i, ".ant-input-number{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;font-variant:tabular-nums;list-style:none;-webkit-font-feature-settings:\"tnum\";font-feature-settings:\"tnum\";position:relative;width:100%;height:32px;padding:4px 11px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);font-size:14px;line-height:1.5;background-color:#fff;background-image:none;-webkit-transition:all .3s;-o-transition:all .3s;transition:all .3s;display:inline-block;width:90px;margin:0;padding:0;border:1px solid #d9d9d9;border-radius:4px}.ant-input-number::-moz-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf;opacity:1}.ant-input-number:-ms-input-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf}.ant-input-number::-webkit-input-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf}.ant-input-number:placeholder-shown{-o-text-overflow:ellipsis;text-overflow:ellipsis}.ant-input-number:focus{border-color:#40a9ff;border-right-width:1px!important;outline:0;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2);box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2)}.ant-input-number[disabled]{color:rgba(0,0,0,.25);background-color:#f5f5f5;cursor:not-allowed;opacity:1}.ant-input-number[disabled]:hover{border-color:#d9d9d9;border-right-width:1px!important}textarea.ant-input-number{max-width:100%;height:auto;min-height:32px;line-height:1.5;vertical-align:bottom;-webkit-transition:all .3s,height 0s;-o-transition:all .3s,height 0s;transition:all .3s,height 0s}.ant-input-number-lg{height:40px;padding:6px 11px}.ant-input-number-sm{height:24px;padding:1px 7px}.ant-input-number-handler{position:relative;display:block;width:100%;height:50%;overflow:hidden;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);font-weight:700;line-height:0;text-align:center;-webkit-transition:all .1s linear;-o-transition:all .1s linear;transition:all .1s linear}.ant-input-number-handler:active{background:#f4f4f4}.ant-input-number-handler:hover .ant-input-number-handler-down-inner,.ant-input-number-handler:hover .ant-input-number-handler-up-inner{color:#40a9ff}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner{display:inline-block;color:inherit;font-style:normal;line-height:0;text-align:center;text-transform:none;vertical-align:-.125em;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;position:absolute;right:4px;width:12px;height:12px;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);line-height:12px;-webkit-transition:all .1s linear;-o-transition:all .1s linear;transition:all .1s linear;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner>*,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner>*{line-height:1}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner svg,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner svg{display:inline-block}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner:before,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner:before{display:none}.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner .ant-input-number-handler-down-inner-icon,.ant-input-number-handler-down-inner .ant-input-number-handler-up-inner-icon,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner .ant-input-number-handler-down-inner-icon,.ant-input-number-handler-up-inner .ant-input-number-handler-up-inner-icon{display:block}.ant-input-number-focused,.ant-input-number:hover{border-color:#40a9ff;border-right-width:1px!important}.ant-input-number-focused{outline:0;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2);box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(24,144,255,.2)}.ant-input-number-disabled{color:rgba(0,0,0,.25);background-color:#f5f5f5;cursor:not-allowed;opacity:1}.ant-input-number-disabled:hover{border-color:#d9d9d9;border-right-width:1px!important}.ant-input-number-disabled .ant-input-number-input{cursor:not-allowed}.ant-input-number-disabled .ant-input-number-handler-wrap{display:none}.ant-input-number-input{width:100%;height:30px;padding:0 11px;text-align:left;background-color:transparent;border:0;border-radius:4px;outline:0;-webkit-transition:all .3s linear;-o-transition:all .3s linear;transition:all .3s linear;-moz-appearance:textfield!important}.ant-input-number-input::-moz-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf;opacity:1}.ant-input-number-input:-ms-input-placeholder{color:#bfbfbf}.ant-input-number-input::-webkit-input-placehol
// exports
/***/ }),
/***/ 1213:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__ = __webpack_require__(76);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__ = __webpack_require__(25);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__ = __webpack_require__(10);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__ = __webpack_require__(12);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__ = __webpack_require__(13);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames__ = __webpack_require__(3);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__ = __webpack_require__(51);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__InputHandler__ = __webpack_require__(1214);
function noop() {}
function preventDefault(e) {
function defaultParser(input) {
return input.replace(/[^\w\.-]+/g, '');
* When click and hold on a button - the speed of auto changin the value.
var SPEED = 200;
* When click and hold on a button - the delay before auto changin the value.
var DELAY = 600;
* Max Safe Integer -- on IE this is not available, so manually set the number in that case.
* The reason this is used, instead of Infinity is because numbers above the MSI are unstable
var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
var isValidProps = function isValidProps(value) {
return value !== undefined && value !== null;
var isEqual = function isEqual(oldValue, newValue) {
return newValue === oldValue || typeof newValue === 'number' && typeof oldValue === 'number' && isNaN(newValue) && isNaN(oldValue);
var InputNumber = function (_React$Component) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default()(InputNumber, _React$Component);
function InputNumber(props) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default()(this, InputNumber);
var _this = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(this, _React$Component.call(this, props));
var value = void 0;
if ('value' in props) {
value = props.value;
} else {
value = props.defaultValue;
_this.state = {
focused: props.autoFocus
var validValue = _this.getValidValue(_this.toNumber(value));
_this.state = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({}, _this.state, {
inputValue: _this.toPrecisionAsStep(validValue),
value: validValue
return _this;
InputNumber.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
InputNumber.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
var _props = this.props,
value = _props.value,
onChange = _props.onChange,
max = _props.max,
min = _props.min;
var focused = this.state.focused;
// Don't trigger in componentDidMount
if (prevProps) {
if (!isEqual(prevProps.value, value) || !isEqual(prevProps.max, max) || !isEqual(prevProps.min, min)) {
var validValue = focused ? value : this.getValidValue(value);
var nextInputValue = void 0;
if (this.pressingUpOrDown) {
nextInputValue = validValue;
} else if (this.inputting) {
nextInputValue = this.rawInput;
} else {
nextInputValue = this.toPrecisionAsStep(validValue);
this.setState({ // eslint-disable-line
value: validValue,
inputValue: nextInputValue
// Trigger onChange when max or min change
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/11574
var nextValue = 'value' in this.props ? value : this.state.value;
// ref: null < 20 === true
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/14277
if ('max' in this.props && prevProps.max !== max && typeof nextValue === 'number' && nextValue > max && onChange) {
if ('min' in this.props && prevProps.min !== min && typeof nextValue === 'number' && nextValue < min && onChange) {
// Restore cursor
try {
// Firefox set the input cursor after it get focused.
// This caused that if an input didn't init with the selection,
// set will cause cursor not correct when first focus.
// Safari will focus input if set selection. We need skip this.
if (this.cursorStart !== undefined && this.state.focused) {
// In most cases, the string after cursor is stable.
// We can move the cursor before it
if (
// If not match full str, try to match part of str
!this.partRestoreByAfter(this.cursorAfter) && this.state.value !== this.props.value) {
// If not match any of then, let's just keep the position
// TODO: Logic should not reach here, need check if happens
var pos = this.cursorStart + 1;
// If not have last string, just position to the end
if (!this.cursorAfter) {
pos = this.input.value.length;
} else if (this.lastKeyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].BACKSPACE) {
pos = this.cursorStart - 1;
} else if (this.lastKeyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].DELETE) {
pos = this.cursorStart;
this.fixCaret(pos, pos);
} else if (this.currentValue === this.input.value) {
// Handle some special key code
switch (this.lastKeyCode) {
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].BACKSPACE:
this.fixCaret(this.cursorStart - 1, this.cursorStart - 1);
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].DELETE:
this.fixCaret(this.cursorStart + 1, this.cursorStart + 1);
// Do nothing
} catch (e) {}
// Do nothing
// Reset last key
this.lastKeyCode = null;
// pressingUpOrDown is true means that someone just click up or down button
if (!this.pressingUpOrDown) {
if (this.props.focusOnUpDown && this.state.focused) {
if (document.activeElement !== this.input) {
this.pressingUpOrDown = false;
InputNumber.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
InputNumber.prototype.getCurrentValidValue = function getCurrentValidValue(value) {
var val = value;
if (val === '') {
val = '';
} else if (!this.isNotCompleteNumber(parseFloat(val, 10))) {
val = this.getValidValue(val);
} else {
val = this.state.value;
return this.toNumber(val);
InputNumber.prototype.getRatio = function getRatio(e) {
var ratio = 1;
if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
ratio = 0.1;
} else if (e.shiftKey) {
ratio = 10;
return ratio;
InputNumber.prototype.getValueFromEvent = function getValueFromEvent(e) {
// optimize for chinese input expierence
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/8196
var value = e.target.value.trim().replace(/。/g, '.');
if (isValidProps(this.props.decimalSeparator)) {
value = value.replace(this.props.decimalSeparator, '.');
return value;
InputNumber.prototype.getValidValue = function getValidValue(value) {
var min = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this.props.min;
var max = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : this.props.max;
var val = parseFloat(value, 10);
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/7358
if (isNaN(val)) {
return value;
if (val < min) {
val = min;
if (val > max) {
val = max;
return val;
InputNumber.prototype.setValue = function setValue(v, callback) {
// trigger onChange
var precision = this.props.precision;
var newValue = this.isNotCompleteNumber(parseFloat(v, 10)) ? null : parseFloat(v, 10);
var _state = this.state,
_state$value = _state.value,
value = _state$value === undefined ? null : _state$value,
_state$inputValue = _state.inputValue,
inputValue = _state$inputValue === undefined ? null : _state$inputValue;
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/7363
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/16622
var newValueInString = typeof newValue === 'number' ? newValue.toFixed(precision) : '' + newValue;
var changed = newValue !== value || newValueInString !== '' + inputValue;
if (!('value' in this.props)) {
value: newValue,
inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(v)
}, callback);
} else {
// always set input value same as value
inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(this.state.value)
}, callback);
if (changed) {
return newValue;
InputNumber.prototype.getPrecision = function getPrecision(value) {
if (isValidProps(this.props.precision)) {
return this.props.precision;
var valueString = value.toString();
if (valueString.indexOf('e-') >= 0) {
return parseInt(valueString.slice(valueString.indexOf('e-') + 2), 10);
var precision = 0;
if (valueString.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
precision = valueString.length - valueString.indexOf('.') - 1;
return precision;
// step={1.0} value={1.51}
// press +
// then value should be 2.51, rather than 2.5
// if this.props.precision is undefined
// https://github.com/react-component/input-number/issues/39
InputNumber.prototype.getMaxPrecision = function getMaxPrecision(currentValue) {
var ratio = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
var _props2 = this.props,
precision = _props2.precision,
step = _props2.step;
if (isValidProps(precision)) {
return precision;
var ratioPrecision = this.getPrecision(ratio);
var stepPrecision = this.getPrecision(step);
var currentValuePrecision = this.getPrecision(currentValue);
if (!currentValue) {
return ratioPrecision + stepPrecision;
return Math.max(currentValuePrecision, ratioPrecision + stepPrecision);
InputNumber.prototype.getPrecisionFactor = function getPrecisionFactor(currentValue) {
var ratio = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
var precision = this.getMaxPrecision(currentValue, ratio);
return Math.pow(10, precision);
InputNumber.prototype.fixCaret = function fixCaret(start, end) {
if (start === undefined || end === undefined || !this.input || !this.input.value) {
try {
var currentStart = this.input.selectionStart;
var currentEnd = this.input.selectionEnd;
if (start !== currentStart || end !== currentEnd) {
this.input.setSelectionRange(start, end);
} catch (e) {
// Fix error in Chrome:
// Failed to read the 'selectionStart' property from 'HTMLInputElement'
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/21177489/3040605
InputNumber.prototype.focus = function focus() {
InputNumber.prototype.blur = function blur() {
InputNumber.prototype.formatWrapper = function formatWrapper(num) {
// http://2ality.com/2012/03/signedzero.html
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/9439
if (this.props.formatter) {
return this.props.formatter(num);
return num;
InputNumber.prototype.toPrecisionAsStep = function toPrecisionAsStep(num) {
if (this.isNotCompleteNumber(num) || num === '') {
return num;
var precision = Math.abs(this.getMaxPrecision(num));
if (!isNaN(precision)) {
return Number(num).toFixed(precision);
return num.toString();
// '1.' '1x' 'xx' '' => are not complete numbers
InputNumber.prototype.isNotCompleteNumber = function isNotCompleteNumber(num) {
return isNaN(num) || num === '' || num === null || num && num.toString().indexOf('.') === num.toString().length - 1;
InputNumber.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber(num) {
var precision = this.props.precision;
var focused = this.state.focused;
// num.length > 16 => This is to prevent input of large numbers
var numberIsTooLarge = num && num.length > 16 && focused;
if (this.isNotCompleteNumber(num) || numberIsTooLarge) {
return num;
if (isValidProps(precision)) {
return Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, precision)) / Math.pow(10, precision);
return Number(num);
InputNumber.prototype.upStep = function upStep(val, rat) {
var step = this.props.step;
var precisionFactor = this.getPrecisionFactor(val, rat);
var precision = Math.abs(this.getMaxPrecision(val, rat));
var result = ((precisionFactor * val + precisionFactor * step * rat) / precisionFactor).toFixed(precision);
return this.toNumber(result);
InputNumber.prototype.downStep = function downStep(val, rat) {
var step = this.props.step;
var precisionFactor = this.getPrecisionFactor(val, rat);
var precision = Math.abs(this.getMaxPrecision(val, rat));
var result = ((precisionFactor * val - precisionFactor * step * rat) / precisionFactor).toFixed(precision);
return this.toNumber(result);
InputNumber.prototype.step = function step(type, e) {
var _this2 = this;
var ratio = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;
var recursive = arguments[3];
if (e) {
var props = this.props;
if (props.disabled) {
var value = this.getCurrentValidValue(this.state.inputValue) || 0;
if (this.isNotCompleteNumber(value)) {
var val = this[type + 'Step'](value, ratio);
var outOfRange = val > props.max || val < props.min;
if (val > props.max) {
val = props.max;
} else if (val < props.min) {
val = props.min;
focused: true
if (outOfRange) {
this.autoStepTimer = setTimeout(function () {
_this2[type](e, ratio, true);
}, recursive ? SPEED : DELAY);
InputNumber.prototype.render = function render() {
var _classNames;
var props = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({}, this.props);
var prefixCls = props.prefixCls,
disabled = props.disabled,
readOnly = props.readOnly,
useTouch = props.useTouch,
autoComplete = props.autoComplete,
upHandler = props.upHandler,
downHandler = props.downHandler,
rest = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default()(props, ['prefixCls', 'disabled', 'readOnly', 'useTouch', 'autoComplete', 'upHandler', 'downHandler']);
var classes = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_classnames___default()((_classNames = {}, _classNames[prefixCls] = true, _classNames[props.className] = !!props.className, _classNames[prefixCls + '-disabled'] = disabled, _classNames[prefixCls + '-focused'] = this.state.focused, _classNames));
var upDisabledClass = '';
var downDisabledClass = '';
var value = this.state.value;
if (value || value === 0) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
var val = Number(value);
if (val >= props.max) {
upDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-up-disabled';
if (val <= props.min) {
downDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-down-disabled';
} else {
upDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-up-disabled';
downDisabledClass = prefixCls + '-handler-down-disabled';
var dataOrAriaAttributeProps = {};
for (var key in props) {
if (props.hasOwnProperty(key) && (key.substr(0, 5) === 'data-' || key.substr(0, 5) === 'aria-' || key === 'role')) {
dataOrAriaAttributeProps[key] = props[key];
var editable = !props.readOnly && !props.disabled;
// focus state, show input value
// unfocus state, show valid value
var inputDisplayValue = this.getInputDisplayValue();
var upEvents = void 0;
var downEvents = void 0;
if (useTouch) {
upEvents = {
onTouchStart: editable && !upDisabledClass ? this.up : noop,
onTouchEnd: this.stop
downEvents = {
onTouchStart: editable && !downDisabledClass ? this.down : noop,
onTouchEnd: this.stop
} else {
upEvents = {
onMouseDown: editable && !upDisabledClass ? this.up : noop,
onMouseUp: this.stop,
onMouseLeave: this.stop
downEvents = {
onMouseDown: editable && !downDisabledClass ? this.down : noop,
onMouseUp: this.stop,
onMouseLeave: this.stop
var isUpDisabled = !!upDisabledClass || disabled || readOnly;
var isDownDisabled = !!downDisabledClass || disabled || readOnly;
// ref for test
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement(
className: classes,
style: props.style,
title: props.title,
onMouseEnter: props.onMouseEnter,
onMouseLeave: props.onMouseLeave,
onMouseOver: props.onMouseOver,
onMouseOut: props.onMouseOut
{ className: prefixCls + '-handler-wrap' },
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__InputHandler__["a" /* default */],
ref: this.saveUp,
disabled: isUpDisabled,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
unselectable: 'unselectable'
}, upEvents, {
role: 'button',
'aria-label': 'Increase Value',
'aria-disabled': !!isUpDisabled,
className: prefixCls + '-handler ' + prefixCls + '-handler-up ' + upDisabledClass
upHandler || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement('span', {
unselectable: 'unselectable',
className: prefixCls + '-handler-up-inner',
onClick: preventDefault
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__InputHandler__["a" /* default */],
ref: this.saveDown,
disabled: isDownDisabled,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
unselectable: 'unselectable'
}, downEvents, {
role: 'button',
'aria-label': 'Decrease Value',
'aria-disabled': !!isDownDisabled,
className: prefixCls + '-handler ' + prefixCls + '-handler-down ' + downDisabledClass
downHandler || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement('span', {
unselectable: 'unselectable',
className: prefixCls + '-handler-down-inner',
onClick: preventDefault
className: prefixCls + '-input-wrap'
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.createElement('input', __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({
role: 'spinbutton',
'aria-valuemin': props.min,
'aria-valuemax': props.max,
'aria-valuenow': value,
required: props.required,
type: props.type,
placeholder: props.placeholder,
onClick: props.onClick,
onMouseUp: this.onMouseUp,
className: prefixCls + '-input',
tabIndex: props.tabIndex,
autoComplete: autoComplete,
onFocus: this.onFocus,
onBlur: this.onBlur,
onKeyDown: editable ? this.onKeyDown : noop,
onKeyUp: editable ? this.onKeyUp : noop,
autoFocus: props.autoFocus,
maxLength: props.maxLength,
readOnly: props.readOnly,
disabled: props.disabled,
max: props.max,
min: props.min,
step: props.step,
name: props.name,
id: props.id,
onChange: this.onChange,
ref: this.saveInput,
value: inputDisplayValue,
pattern: props.pattern
}, dataOrAriaAttributeProps))
return InputNumber;
InputNumber.propTypes = {
value: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string]),
defaultValue: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string]),
focusOnUpDown: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
autoFocus: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
onChange: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onPressEnter: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onKeyDown: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onKeyUp: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
prefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string,
tabIndex: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number]),
disabled: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
onFocus: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onBlur: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
readOnly: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
max: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number,
min: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number,
step: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string]),
upHandler: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.node,
downHandler: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.node,
useTouch: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
formatter: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
parser: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseEnter: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseLeave: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseOver: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseOut: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseUp: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.func,
precision: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.number,
required: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.bool,
pattern: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string,
decimalSeparator: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_prop_types___default.a.string
InputNumber.defaultProps = {
focusOnUpDown: true,
useTouch: false,
prefixCls: 'rc-input-number',
step: 1,
style: {},
onChange: noop,
onKeyDown: noop,
onPressEnter: noop,
onFocus: noop,
onBlur: noop,
parser: defaultParser,
required: false,
autoComplete: 'off'
var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var _this3 = this;
this.onKeyDown = function (e) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var _props3 = _this3.props,
onKeyDown = _props3.onKeyDown,
onPressEnter = _props3.onPressEnter;
if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].UP) {
var ratio = _this3.getRatio(e);
_this3.up(e, ratio);
} else if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].DOWN) {
var _ratio = _this3.getRatio(e);
_this3.down(e, _ratio);
} else if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_rc_util_es_KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ENTER && onPressEnter) {
// Trigger user key down
_this3.lastKeyCode = e.keyCode;
if (onKeyDown) {
onKeyDown.apply(undefined, [e].concat(args));
this.onKeyUp = function (e) {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];
var onKeyUp = _this3.props.onKeyUp;
// Trigger user key up
if (onKeyUp) {
onKeyUp.apply(undefined, [e].concat(args));
this.onChange = function (e) {
var onChange = _this3.props.onChange;
if (_this3.state.focused) {
_this3.inputting = true;
_this3.rawInput = _this3.props.parser(_this3.getValueFromEvent(e));
_this3.setState({ inputValue: _this3.rawInput });
onChange(_this3.toNumber(_this3.rawInput)); // valid number or invalid string
this.onMouseUp = function () {
var onMouseUp = _this3.props.onMouseUp;
if (onMouseUp) {
onMouseUp.apply(undefined, arguments);
this.onFocus = function () {
var _props4;
focused: true
(_props4 = _this3.props).onFocus.apply(_props4, arguments);
this.onBlur = function (e) {
for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
args[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];
var onBlur = _this3.props.onBlur;
_this3.inputting = false;
focused: false
var value = _this3.getCurrentValidValue(_this3.state.inputValue);
e.persist(); // fix https://github.com/react-component/input-number/issues/51
var newValue = _this3.setValue(value);
if (onBlur) {
var originValue = _this3.input.value;
var inputValue = _this3.getInputDisplayValue({ focus: false, value: newValue });
_this3.input.value = inputValue;
onBlur.apply(undefined, [e].concat(args));
_this3.input.value = originValue;
this.getInputDisplayValue = function (state) {
var _ref = state || _this3.state,
focused = _ref.focused,
inputValue = _ref.inputValue,
value = _ref.value;
var inputDisplayValue = void 0;
if (focused) {
inputDisplayValue = inputValue;
} else {
inputDisplayValue = _this3.toPrecisionAsStep(value);
if (inputDisplayValue === undefined || inputDisplayValue === null) {
inputDisplayValue = '';
var inputDisplayValueFormat = _this3.formatWrapper(inputDisplayValue);
if (isValidProps(_this3.props.decimalSeparator)) {
inputDisplayValueFormat = inputDisplayValueFormat.toString().replace('.', _this3.props.decimalSeparator);
return inputDisplayValueFormat;
this.recordCursorPosition = function () {
// Record position
try {
_this3.cursorStart = _this3.input.selectionStart;
_this3.cursorEnd = _this3.input.selectionEnd;
_this3.currentValue = _this3.input.value;
_this3.cursorBefore = _this3.input.value.substring(0, _this3.cursorStart);
_this3.cursorAfter = _this3.input.value.substring(_this3.cursorEnd);
} catch (e) {
// Fix error in Chrome:
// Failed to read the 'selectionStart' property from 'HTMLInputElement'
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/21177489/3040605
this.restoreByAfter = function (str) {
if (str === undefined) return false;
var fullStr = _this3.input.value;
var index = fullStr.lastIndexOf(str);
if (index === -1) return false;
if (index + str.length === fullStr.length) {
_this3.fixCaret(index, index);
return true;
return false;
this.partRestoreByAfter = function (str) {
if (str === undefined) return false;
// For loop from full str to the str with last char to map. e.g. 123
// -> 123
// -> 23
// -> 3
return Array.prototype.some.call(str, function (_, start) {
var partStr = str.substring(start);
return _this3.restoreByAfter(partStr);
this.stop = function () {
if (_this3.autoStepTimer) {
this.down = function (e, ratio, recursive) {
_this3.pressingUpOrDown = true;
_this3.step('down', e, ratio, recursive);
this.up = function (e, ratio, recursive) {
_this3.pressingUpOrDown = true;
_this3.step('up', e, ratio, recursive);
this.saveUp = function (node) {
_this3.upHandler = node;
this.saveDown = function (node) {
_this3.downHandler = node;
this.saveInput = function (node) {
_this3.input = node;
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (InputNumber);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1214:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__ = __webpack_require__(76);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__ = __webpack_require__(10);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__ = __webpack_require__(12);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__ = __webpack_require__(13);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_rmc_feedback__ = __webpack_require__(1215);
var InputHandler = function (_Component) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default()(InputHandler, _Component);
function InputHandler() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default()(this, InputHandler);
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments));
InputHandler.prototype.render = function render() {
var _props = this.props,
prefixCls = _props.prefixCls,
disabled = _props.disabled,
otherProps = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_objectWithoutProperties___default()(_props, ['prefixCls', 'disabled']);
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_rmc_feedback__["a" /* default */],
disabled: disabled,
activeClassName: prefixCls + '-handler-active'
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement('span', otherProps)
return InputHandler;
InputHandler.propTypes = {
prefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.string,
disabled: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.bool,
onTouchStart: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onTouchEnd: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseDown: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseUp: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
onMouseLeave: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (InputHandler);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1215:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__TouchFeedback__ = __webpack_require__(1216);
/* harmony reexport (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__TouchFeedback__["a"]; });
/***/ }),
/***/ 1216:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__ = __webpack_require__(25);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__ = __webpack_require__(10);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass__ = __webpack_require__(44);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__ = __webpack_require__(12);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__ = __webpack_require__(13);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames__ = __webpack_require__(3);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames__);
var TouchFeedback = function (_React$Component) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default()(TouchFeedback, _React$Component);
function TouchFeedback() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default()(this, TouchFeedback);
var _this = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(this, (TouchFeedback.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(TouchFeedback)).apply(this, arguments));
_this.state = {
active: false
_this.onTouchStart = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchStart', true, e);
_this.onTouchMove = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchMove', false, e);
_this.onTouchEnd = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchEnd', false, e);
_this.onTouchCancel = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('TouchCancel', false, e);
_this.onMouseDown = function (e) {
// pc simulate mobile
_this.triggerEvent('MouseDown', true, e);
_this.onMouseUp = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('MouseUp', false, e);
_this.onMouseLeave = function (e) {
_this.triggerEvent('MouseLeave', false, e);
return _this;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass___default()(TouchFeedback, [{
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.props.disabled && this.state.active) {
active: false
}, {
key: 'triggerEvent',
value: function triggerEvent(type, isActive, ev) {
var eventType = 'on' + type;
var children = this.props.children;
if (children.props[eventType]) {
if (isActive !== this.state.active) {
active: isActive
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
children = _props.children,
disabled = _props.disabled,
activeClassName = _props.activeClassName,
activeStyle = _props.activeStyle;
var events = disabled ? undefined : {
onTouchStart: this.onTouchStart,
onTouchMove: this.onTouchMove,
onTouchEnd: this.onTouchEnd,
onTouchCancel: this.onTouchCancel,
onMouseDown: this.onMouseDown,
onMouseUp: this.onMouseUp,
onMouseLeave: this.onMouseLeave
var child = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.Children.only(children);
if (!disabled && this.state.active) {
var _child$props = child.props,
style = _child$props.style,
className = _child$props.className;
if (activeStyle !== false) {
if (activeStyle) {
style = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({}, style, activeStyle);
className = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_classnames___default()(className, activeClassName);
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.cloneElement(child, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({ className: className,
style: style }, events));
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_react___default.a.cloneElement(child, events);
return TouchFeedback;
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (TouchFeedback);
TouchFeedback.defaultProps = {
disabled: false
/***/ }),
/***/ 1327:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, "FormGroup", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _FormGroup.default;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "FormLabel", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _FormLabel.default;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "FormControl", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _FormControl.default;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "FormHelperText", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _FormHelperText.default;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "FormControlLabel", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _FormControlLabel.default;
var _FormGroup = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1447));
var _FormLabel = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1480));
var _FormControl = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1481));
var _FormHelperText = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1482));
var _FormControlLabel = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1483));
/***/ }),
/***/ 1346:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.hasValue = hasValue;
exports.isFilled = isFilled;
exports.isAdornedStart = isAdornedStart;
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _objectSpread2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(23));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _getPrototypeOf = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(19));
var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(14));
var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(15));
var _possibleConstructorReturn2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(20));
var _inherits2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(21));
var _assertThisInitialized2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(22));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var _Textarea = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1477));
// Supports determination of isControlled().
// Controlled input accepts its current value as a prop.
// @see https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/forms.html#controlled-components
// @param value
// @returns {boolean} true if string (including '') or number (including zero)
function hasValue(value) {
return value != null && !(Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0);
} // Determine if field is empty or filled.
// Response determines if label is presented above field or as placeholder.
// @param obj
// @param SSR
// @returns {boolean} False when not present or empty string.
// True when any number or string with length.
function isFilled(obj) {
var SSR = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
return obj && (hasValue(obj.value) && obj.value !== '' || SSR && hasValue(obj.defaultValue) && obj.defaultValue !== '');
} // Determine if an Input is adorned on start.
// It's corresponding to the left with LTR.
// @param obj
// @returns {boolean} False when no adornments.
// True when adorned at the start.
function isAdornedStart(obj) {
return obj.startAdornment;
var styles = function styles(theme) {
var light = theme.palette.type === 'light';
var placeholder = {
color: 'currentColor',
opacity: light ? 0.42 : 0.5,
transition: theme.transitions.create('opacity', {
duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
var placeholderHidden = {
opacity: 0
var placeholderVisible = {
opacity: light ? 0.42 : 0.5
var bottomLineColor = light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.42)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)';
return {
root: {
// Mimics the default input display property used by browsers for an input.
display: 'inline-flex',
position: 'relative',
fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
color: light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)' : theme.palette.common.white,
fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(16),
lineHeight: '1.1875em',
// Reset (19px), match the native input line-height
'&$disabled': {
color: theme.palette.text.disabled
formControl: {
'label + &': {
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit * 2
focused: {},
disabled: {},
underline: {
'&:after': {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary[light ? 'dark' : 'light'],
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
// Doing the other way around crash on IE11 "''" https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/issues/242
content: '""',
height: 2,
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
transform: 'scaleX(0)',
transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter,
easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
pointerEvents: 'none' // Transparent to the hover style.
'&$focused:after': {
transform: 'scaleX(1)'
'&$error:after': {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.error.main,
transform: 'scaleX(1)' // error is always underlined in red
'&:before': {
backgroundColor: bottomLineColor,
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
// Doing the other way around crash on IE11 "''" https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/issues/242
content: '""',
height: 1,
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
transition: theme.transitions.create('background-color', {
duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
pointerEvents: 'none' // Transparent to the hover style.
'&:hover:not($disabled):before': {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.text.primary,
height: 2
'&$disabled:before': {
background: 'transparent',
backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(to right, ".concat(bottomLineColor, " 33%, transparent 0%)"),
backgroundPosition: 'left top',
backgroundRepeat: 'repeat-x',
backgroundSize: '5px 1px'
error: {},
multiline: {
padding: "".concat(theme.spacing.unit - 2, "px 0 ").concat(theme.spacing.unit - 1, "px")
fullWidth: {
width: '100%'
input: {
font: 'inherit',
color: 'currentColor',
padding: "".concat(theme.spacing.unit - 2, "px 0 ").concat(theme.spacing.unit - 1, "px"),
border: 0,
boxSizing: 'content-box',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
background: 'none',
margin: 0,
// Reset for Safari
// Remove grey highlight
WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
display: 'block',
// Make the flex item shrink with Firefox
minWidth: 0,
flexGrow: 1,
'&::-webkit-input-placeholder': placeholder,
'&::-moz-placeholder': placeholder,
// Firefox 19+
'&:-ms-input-placeholder': placeholder,
// IE 11
'&::-ms-input-placeholder': placeholder,
// Edge
'&:focus': {
outline: 0
// Reset Firefox invalid required input style
'&:invalid': {
boxShadow: 'none'
'&::-webkit-search-decoration': {
// Remove the padding when type=search.
'-webkit-appearance': 'none'
// Show and hide the placeholder logic
'label[data-shrink=false] + $formControl &': {
'&::-webkit-input-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
'&::-moz-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
// Firefox 19+
'&:-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
// IE 11
'&::-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
// Edge
'&:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder': placeholderVisible,
'&:focus::-moz-placeholder': placeholderVisible,
// Firefox 19+
'&:focus:-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderVisible,
// IE 11
'&:focus::-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderVisible // Edge
'&$disabled': {
opacity: 1 // Reset iOS opacity
inputMarginDense: {
paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit / 2 - 1
inputMultiline: {
resize: 'none',
padding: 0
inputType: {
// type="date" or type="time", etc. have specific styles we need to reset.
height: '1.1875em' // Reset (19px), match the native input line-height
inputTypeSearch: {
// Improve type search style.
'-moz-appearance': 'textfield',
'-webkit-appearance': 'textfield'
exports.styles = styles;
function formControlState(props, context) {
var disabled = props.disabled;
var error = props.error;
var margin = props.margin;
if (context && context.muiFormControl) {
if (typeof disabled === 'undefined') {
disabled = context.muiFormControl.disabled;
if (typeof error === 'undefined') {
error = context.muiFormControl.error;
if (typeof margin === 'undefined') {
margin = context.muiFormControl.margin;
return {
disabled: disabled,
error: error,
margin: margin
var Input =
function (_React$Component) {
(0, _inherits2.default)(Input, _React$Component);
function Input(props, context) {
var _this;
(0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, Input);
_this = (0, _possibleConstructorReturn2.default)(this, (Input.__proto__ || (0, _getPrototypeOf.default)(Input)).call(this, props, context));
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "state", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: {
focused: false
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "isControlled", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: _this.props.value != null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "input", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleFocus", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
// Fix an bug with IE11 where the focus/blur events are triggered
// while the input is disabled.
if (formControlState(_this.props, _this.context).disabled) {
focused: true
if (_this.props.onFocus) {
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleBlur", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
focused: false
if (_this.props.onBlur) {
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleChange", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
if (!_this.isControlled) {
} // Perform in the willUpdate
if (_this.props.onChange) {
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleRefInput", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(node) {
_this.input = node;
if (_this.props.inputRef) {
} else if (_this.props.inputProps && _this.props.inputProps.ref) {
if (_this.isControlled) {
var componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, nextContext) {
// The blur won't fire when the disabled state is set on a focused input.
// We need to book keep the focused state manually.
if (!formControlState(_this.props, _this.context).disabled && formControlState(nextProps, nextContext).disabled) {
focused: false
var componentWillUpdate = function componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState, nextContext) {
// Book keep the focused state.
if (!formControlState(_this.props, _this.context).disabled && formControlState(nextProps, nextContext).disabled) {
var muiFormControl = _this.context.muiFormControl;
if (muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onBlur) {
}; // Support for react >= 16.3.0 && < 17.0.0
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (_react.default.createContext) {
_this.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps = componentWillReceiveProps;
_this.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate = componentWillUpdate;
} else {
_this.componentWillReceiveProps = componentWillReceiveProps;
_this.componentWillUpdate = componentWillUpdate;
return _this;
(0, _createClass2.default)(Input, [{
key: "getChildContext",
value: function getChildContext() {
// We are consuming the parent muiFormControl context.
// We don't want a child to consume it a second time.
return {
muiFormControl: null
}, {
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function componentDidMount() {
if (!this.isControlled) {
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.isControlled) {
} // else performed in the onChange
}, {
key: "checkDirty",
value: function checkDirty(obj) {
var muiFormControl = this.context.muiFormControl;
if (isFilled(obj)) {
if (muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onFilled) {
if (this.props.onFilled) {
if (muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onEmpty) {
if (this.props.onEmpty) {
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _classNames, _classNames2;
var _props = this.props,
autoComplete = _props.autoComplete,
autoFocus = _props.autoFocus,
classes = _props.classes,
classNameProp = _props.className,
defaultValue = _props.defaultValue,
disabledProp = _props.disabled,
disableUnderline = _props.disableUnderline,
endAdornment = _props.endAdornment,
errorProp = _props.error,
fullWidth = _props.fullWidth,
id = _props.id,
inputComponent = _props.inputComponent,
_props$inputProps = _props.inputProps;
_props$inputProps = _props$inputProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$inputProps;
var inputPropsClassName = _props$inputProps.className,
inputPropsProp = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(_props$inputProps, ["className"]),
inputRef = _props.inputRef,
marginProp = _props.margin,
multiline = _props.multiline,
name = _props.name,
onBlur = _props.onBlur,
onChange = _props.onChange,
onEmpty = _props.onEmpty,
onFilled = _props.onFilled,
onFocus = _props.onFocus,
onKeyDown = _props.onKeyDown,
onKeyUp = _props.onKeyUp,
placeholder = _props.placeholder,
readOnly = _props.readOnly,
rows = _props.rows,
rowsMax = _props.rowsMax,
startAdornment = _props.startAdornment,
type = _props.type,
value = _props.value,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(_props, ["autoComplete", "autoFocus", "classes", "className", "defaultValue", "disabled", "disableUnderline", "endAdornment", "error", "fullWidth", "id", "inputComponent", "inputProps", "inputRef", "margin", "multiline", "name", "onBlur", "onChange", "onEmpty", "onFilled", "onFocus", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp", "placeholder", "readOnly", "rows", "rowsMax", "startAdornment", "type", "value"]);
var muiFormControl = this.context.muiFormControl;
var _formControlState = formControlState(this.props, this.context),
disabled = _formControlState.disabled,
error = _formControlState.error,
margin = _formControlState.margin;
var className = (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.disabled, disabled), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.error, error), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.fullWidth, fullWidth), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.focused, this.state.focused), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.formControl, muiFormControl), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.multiline, multiline), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.underline, !disableUnderline), _classNames), classNameProp);
var inputClassName = (0, _classnames.default)(classes.input, (_classNames2 = {}, (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames2, classes.disabled, disabled), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames2, classes.inputType, type !== 'text'), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames2, classes.inputTypeSearch, type === 'search'), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames2, classes.inputMultiline, multiline), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames2, classes.inputMarginDense, margin === 'dense'), _classNames2), inputPropsClassName);
var required = muiFormControl && muiFormControl.required === true;
var InputComponent = 'input';
var inputProps = (0, _objectSpread2.default)({}, inputPropsProp, {
ref: this.handleRefInput
if (inputComponent) {
InputComponent = inputComponent;
inputProps = (0, _objectSpread2.default)({
// Rename ref to inputRef as we don't know the
// provided `inputComponent` structure.
inputRef: this.handleRefInput
}, inputProps, {
ref: null
} else if (multiline) {
if (rows && !rowsMax) {
InputComponent = 'textarea';
} else {
inputProps = (0, _objectSpread2.default)({
rowsMax: rowsMax,
textareaRef: this.handleRefInput
}, inputProps, {
ref: null
InputComponent = _Textarea.default;
return _react.default.createElement("div", (0, _extends2.default)({
className: className
}, other), startAdornment, _react.default.createElement(InputComponent, (0, _extends2.default)({
"aria-invalid": error,
"aria-required": required,
autoComplete: autoComplete,
autoFocus: autoFocus,
className: inputClassName,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
disabled: disabled,
id: id,
name: name,
onBlur: this.handleBlur,
onChange: this.handleChange,
onFocus: this.handleFocus,
onKeyDown: onKeyDown,
onKeyUp: onKeyUp,
placeholder: placeholder,
readOnly: readOnly,
required: required ? true : undefined,
rows: rows,
type: type,
value: value
}, inputProps)), endAdornment);
return Input;
Input.propTypes = false ? {
* This property helps users to fill forms faster, especially on mobile devices.
* The name can be confusing, as it's more like an autofill.
* You can learn more about it here:
* https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill
autoComplete: _propTypes.default.string,
* If `true`, the input will be focused during the first mount.
autoFocus: _propTypes.default.bool,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* The CSS class name of the wrapper element.
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* The default input value, useful when not controlling the component.
defaultValue: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]),
* If `true`, the input will be disabled.
disabled: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the input will not have an underline.
disableUnderline: _propTypes.default.bool,
* End `InputAdornment` for this component.
endAdornment: _propTypes.default.node,
* If `true`, the input will indicate an error. This is normally obtained via context from
* FormControl.
error: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the input will take up the full width of its container.
fullWidth: _propTypes.default.bool,
* The id of the `input` element.
id: _propTypes.default.string,
* The component used for the native input.
* Either a string to use a DOM element or a component.
inputComponent: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.func]),
* Properties applied to the `input` element.
inputProps: _propTypes.default.object,
* Use that property to pass a ref callback to the native input component.
inputRef: _propTypes.default.func,
* If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
* FormControl.
margin: _propTypes.default.oneOf(['dense', 'none']),
* If `true`, a textarea element will be rendered.
multiline: _propTypes.default.bool,
* Name attribute of the `input` element.
name: _propTypes.default.string,
* @ignore
onBlur: _propTypes.default.func,
* Callback fired when the value is changed.
* @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
* You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value`.
onChange: _propTypes.default.func,
* @ignore
onEmpty: _propTypes.default.func,
* @ignore
onFilled: _propTypes.default.func,
* @ignore
onFocus: _propTypes.default.func,
* @ignore
onKeyDown: _propTypes.default.func,
* @ignore
onKeyUp: _propTypes.default.func,
* The short hint displayed in the input before the user enters a value.
placeholder: _propTypes.default.string,
* @ignore
readOnly: _propTypes.default.bool,
* Number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
rows: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]),
* Maximum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
rowsMax: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]),
* Start `InputAdornment` for this component.
startAdornment: _propTypes.default.node,
* Type of the input element. It should be a valid HTML5 input type.
type: _propTypes.default.string,
* The input value, required for a controlled component.
value: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number, _propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]))])
} : {};
Input.muiName = 'Input';
Input.defaultProps = {
disableUnderline: false,
fullWidth: false,
multiline: false,
type: 'text'
Input.contextTypes = {
muiFormControl: _propTypes.default.object
Input.childContextTypes = {
muiFormControl: _propTypes.default.object
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiInput'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1361:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _Tooltip.default;
var _Tooltip = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1467));
/***/ }),
/***/ 1377:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
// load the styles
var content = __webpack_require__(1392);
if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
// Prepare cssTransformation
var transform;
var options = {"hmr":false}
options.transform = transform
// add the styles to the DOM
var update = __webpack_require__(294)(content, options);
if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1392:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(293)(true);
// imports
// module
exports.push([module.i, ".panel-comment_item .t_area{font-size:12px;color:#ccc}.panel-comment_item .orig_reply i{font-size:14px!important;margin-left:12px}.panel-comment_item ol.linenums{overflow:auto}.panel-comment_item .rewarded{color:#ff7500!important}.panel-comment_item .rewarded.normalUser{cursor:inherit}#tab_con_4 .-layout-v{overflow-y:auto}#tab_con_4 .rc-pagination{margin:12px auto 20px}.rc-pagination{width:-webkit-fit-content;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content}.comment_content img{max-width:23%!important}#mini_comment_section .df .ke-container{border-radius:15px}#mini_comment_section .df .buttons{width:70px;margin-bottom:5px}#mini_comment_section .buttons i{font-size:18px;color:#656565;vertical-align:baseline}#mini_comment_section i.newReplyIcon{color:#4dacff;cursor:pointer}#mini_comment_section .buttons{margin-bottom:10px}#mini_comment_section .buttons>p{margin-top:4px;display:none}#mini_comment_section .df .buttons>p{margin-top:14px;display:block}#mini_comment_section{height:auto;background-color:#fff;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-shadow:0 -3px 5px 0 rgba(76,172,255,.2);box-shadow:0 -3px 5px 0 rgba(76,172,255,.2);z-index:99}#mini_comment_section #editor_panel{margin-bottom:9px}#mini_comment_section #editor_panel>div:first-child{position:absolute;bottom:8px;right:88px}#mini_comment_section .ke-toolbar-icon-url{background-image:url(" + __webpack_require__(1393) + ");background-position:0 0;background-size:30px 30px;width:30px;height:30px}#mini_comment_section .ke-outline{height:30px;margin-bottom:-11px;width:30px;margin-right:-5px;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;top:-30px;left:-30px;left:-24px;z-index:999}#mini_comment_section i.replyIcon{font-size:20px}#shixun_comment_block .dot{height:4px;border-radius:2px;background-color:#4cacff;width:4px;position:relative;bottom:30px;left:18px;display:block}#mini_comment_section .ke-container{border-radius:6px;border-color:#eaeaea}.commentTxt{width:100%;height:95px;border:1px solid #eaeaea;border-radius:10px;padding-left:5px}#game_praise_tread{cursor:pointer}.commentsbtn{margin-top:2px}#shixun_comment_block{margin:0 10px;margin-bottom:-2px}.panel-comment_item a.task-btn-orange{background:#4cacff}.childrenCommentsView{background:#f4f4f4;border-radius:4px;margin-bottom:6px;position:relative;margin-top:6px}.childrenCommentsView .trangle{position:absolute;border-color:#000;width:0;height:0;border-left:5px solid transparent;border-right:5px solid transparent;border-bottom:5px solid #f4f4f4;left:13px;top:-9px;border-bottom:10px solid #f4f4f4}.childComment{padding:2px 8px}.childComment .iconfont.icon-jiangli{margin-top:2px}.childComment:hover{background:#ebebeb}.childComment .iconfont{display:none}.childComment p.orig_reply{margin-bottom:0}.childComment:hover .iconfont{display:inline}.blink{animation:blink-animation 3s steps(5,start) infinite;-webkit-animation:blink-animation 3s steps(5,start) infinite}@keyframes blink-animation{to{visibility:hidden}}@-webkit-keyframes blink-animation{to{visibility:hidden}}.J_Comment_Reply img.emoji{width:24px}.noCommentTitle{text-align:center;margin-top:20px;font-size:16px;height:100px;line-height:100px}.break_word_comments{word-break:break-word;width:100%;word-wrap:break-word;margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:4px}.childComment .break_word_comments{line-height:22px}form.df .tips{display:none}.loadMoreChildComments{text-align:center;height:24px;background:#f1f1f1;cursor:pointer}.loadMoreChildComments i.icon-xiajiantou{position:relative;bottom:5px}", "", {"version":3,"sources":["/Users/hs/edu/educoder/public/react/src/modules/comment/Comment.css"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAKA,4BACC,eAAgB,AACb,UAAe,CAClB,AACD,kCACI,yBAA2B,AAC3B,gBAAkB,CACrB,AAEG,gCACI,aAAe,CAClB,AACD,8BACI,uBAAwB,CAC3B,AACD,yCACI,cAAgB,CACnB,AACL,sBACC,eAAiB,CACjB,AACD,0BACI,qBAAkB,CAIrB,AACD,eACI,0BAA2B,AAC3B,uBAAwB,AACxB,iBAAmB,CACtB,AAED,qBACI,uBAA0B,CAC7B,AAKD,wCACI,kBAAoB,CAEvB,AACD,mCACI,WAAY,AACX,iBAAmB,CACvB,AACG,iCACI,eAAgB,AAChB,cAAe,AACf,uBAAyB,CAC5B,AACD,qCACI,cAAe,AACf,cAAgB,CACnB,AACD,+BACI,kBAAoB,CACvB,AACD,iCACI,eAAgB,AAChB,YAAc,CACjB,
// exports
/***/ }),
/***/ 1393:
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = ""
/***/ }),
/***/ 1436:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _Input.default;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "InputAdornment", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _InputAdornment.default;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "InputLabel", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _InputLabel.default;
var _Input = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1346));
var _InputAdornment = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1478));
var _InputLabel = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1479));
/***/ }),
/***/ 1447:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var styles = {
root: {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
flexWrap: 'wrap'
row: {
flexDirection: 'row'
* `FormGroup` wraps controls such as `Checkbox` and `Switch`.
* It provides compact row layout.
* For the `Radio`, you should be using the `RadioGroup` component instead of this one.
exports.styles = styles;
function FormGroup(props) {
var classes = props.classes,
className = props.className,
children = props.children,
row = props.row,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(props, ["classes", "className", "children", "row"]);
return _react.default.createElement("div", (0, _extends2.default)({
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, classes.row, row), className)
}, other), children);
FormGroup.propTypes = false ? {
* The content of the component.
children: _propTypes.default.node,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* Display group of elements in a compact row.
row: _propTypes.default.bool
} : {};
FormGroup.defaultProps = {
row: false
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiFormGroup'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1467:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _objectSpread2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(23));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _getPrototypeOf = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(19));
var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(14));
var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(15));
var _possibleConstructorReturn2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(20));
var _inherits2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(21));
var _assertThisInitialized2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(22));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _reactDom = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(4));
var _reactEventListener = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(93));
var _debounce = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(110));
var _warning = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(32));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _reactPopper = __webpack_require__(1468);
var _helpers = __webpack_require__(78);
var _RootRef = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(335));
var _Portal = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(336));
var _common = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(331));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
/* eslint-disable react/no-multi-comp, no-underscore-dangle */
var styles = function styles(theme) {
return {
// Will be gone once we drop React 15.x support.
root: {
display: 'inline-block',
flexDirection: 'inherit' // Makes the wrapper more transparent.
popper: {
zIndex: theme.zIndex.tooltip,
pointerEvents: 'none',
'&$open': {
pointerEvents: 'auto'
open: {},
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[700],
borderRadius: 2,
color: _common.default.white,
fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
opacity: 0,
transform: 'scale(0)',
transition: theme.transitions.create(['opacity', 'transform'], {
duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest,
easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeIn
minHeight: 0,
padding: "".concat(theme.spacing.unit / 2, "px ").concat(theme.spacing.unit, "px"),
fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(10),
lineHeight: "".concat(theme.typography.round(14 / 10), "em"),
'&$open': {
opacity: 0.9,
transform: 'scale(1)',
transition: theme.transitions.create(['opacity', 'transform'], {
duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest,
easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
touch: {
padding: "".concat(theme.spacing.unit, "px ").concat(theme.spacing.unit * 2, "px"),
fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(14),
lineHeight: "".concat(theme.typography.round(16 / 14), "em")
tooltipPlacementLeft: (0, _defineProperty2.default)({
transformOrigin: 'right center',
margin: "0 ".concat(theme.spacing.unit * 3, "px")
}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
margin: '0 14px'
tooltipPlacementRight: (0, _defineProperty2.default)({
transformOrigin: 'left center',
margin: "0 ".concat(theme.spacing.unit * 3, "px")
}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
margin: '0 14px'
tooltipPlacementTop: (0, _defineProperty2.default)({
transformOrigin: 'center bottom',
margin: "".concat(theme.spacing.unit * 3, "px 0")
}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
margin: '14px 0'
tooltipPlacementBottom: (0, _defineProperty2.default)({
transformOrigin: 'center top',
margin: "".concat(theme.spacing.unit * 3, "px 0")
}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
margin: '14px 0'
exports.styles = styles;
function flipPlacement(placement) {
switch (placement) {
case 'bottom-end':
return 'bottom-start';
case 'bottom-start':
return 'bottom-end';
case 'top-end':
return 'top-start';
case 'top-start':
return 'top-end';
return placement;
var Tooltip =
function (_React$Component) {
(0, _inherits2.default)(Tooltip, _React$Component);
function Tooltip(props, context) {
var _this;
(0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, Tooltip);
_this = (0, _possibleConstructorReturn2.default)(this, (Tooltip.__proto__ || (0, _getPrototypeOf.default)(Tooltip)).call(this, props, context));
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "state", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: {}
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "enterTimer", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "leaveTimer", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "touchTimer", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "closeTimer", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "isControlled", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "popper", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "children", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "ignoreNonTouchEvents", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: false
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleResize", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: (0, _debounce.default)(function () {
if (_this.popper) {
}, 166)
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleEnter", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
var _this$props = _this.props,
children = _this$props.children,
enterDelay = _this$props.enterDelay;
var childrenProps = children.props;
if (event.type === 'focus' && childrenProps.onFocus) {
if (event.type === 'mouseover' && childrenProps.onMouseOver) {
if (_this.ignoreNonTouchEvents && event.type !== 'touchstart') {
if (enterDelay) {
_this.enterTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, enterDelay);
} else {
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleOpen", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
if (!_this.isControlled) {
open: true
if (_this.props.onOpen) {
_this.props.onOpen(event, true);
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleLeave", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
var _this$props2 = _this.props,
children = _this$props2.children,
leaveDelay = _this$props2.leaveDelay;
var childrenProps = children.props;
if (event.type === 'blur' && childrenProps.onBlur) {
if (event.type === 'mouseleave' && childrenProps.onMouseLeave) {
if (leaveDelay) {
_this.leaveTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, leaveDelay);
} else {
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleClose", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
if (!_this.isControlled) {
open: false
if (_this.props.onClose) {
_this.props.onClose(event, false);
_this.closeTimer = setTimeout(function () {
_this.ignoreNonTouchEvents = false;
}, _this.props.theme.transitions.duration.shortest);
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleTouchStart", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
_this.ignoreNonTouchEvents = true;
var _this$props3 = _this.props,
children = _this$props3.children,
enterTouchDelay = _this$props3.enterTouchDelay;
var childrenProps = children.props;
if (childrenProps.onTouchStart) {
_this.touchTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, enterTouchDelay);
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleTouchEnd", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
var _this$props4 = _this.props,
children = _this$props4.children,
leaveTouchDelay = _this$props4.leaveTouchDelay;
var childrenProps = children.props;
if (childrenProps.onTouchEnd) {
_this.leaveTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, leaveTouchDelay);
_this.isControlled = props.open != null;
if (!_this.isControlled) {
// not controlled, use internal state
_this.state.open = false;
return _this;
(0, _createClass2.default)(Tooltip, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function componentDidMount() {
false ? (0, _warning.default)(!this.children || !this.children.disabled || !this.children.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'button', ['Material-UI: you are providing a disabled `button` child to the Tooltip component.', 'A disabled element does not fire events.', "Tooltip needs to listen to the child element's events to display the title.", '', 'Place a `div` container on top of the element.'].join('\n')) : void 0;
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function componentWillUnmount() {
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _this2 = this;
var _props = this.props,
children = _props.children,
classes = _props.classes,
className = _props.className,
disableFocusListener = _props.disableFocusListener,
disableHoverListener = _props.disableHoverListener,
disableTouchListener = _props.disableTouchListener,
enterDelay = _props.enterDelay,
enterTouchDelay = _props.enterTouchDelay,
id = _props.id,
leaveDelay = _props.leaveDelay,
leaveTouchDelay = _props.leaveTouchDelay,
onClose = _props.onClose,
onOpen = _props.onOpen,
openProp = _props.open,
placementProp = _props.placement,
_props$PopperProps = _props.PopperProps;
_props$PopperProps = _props$PopperProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$PopperProps;
var PopperClassName = _props$PopperProps.className,
PopperProps = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(_props$PopperProps, ["className"]),
theme = _props.theme,
title = _props.title,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(_props, ["children", "classes", "className", "disableFocusListener", "disableHoverListener", "disableTouchListener", "enterDelay", "enterTouchDelay", "id", "leaveDelay", "leaveTouchDelay", "onClose", "onOpen", "open", "placement", "PopperProps", "theme", "title"]);
var placement = theme.direction === 'rtl' ? flipPlacement(placementProp) : placementProp;
var open = this.isControlled ? openProp : this.state.open;
var childrenProps = {
'aria-describedby': id
}; // There is no point at displaying an empty tooltip.
if (title === '') {
open = false;
if (!disableTouchListener) {
childrenProps.onTouchStart = this.handleTouchStart;
childrenProps.onTouchEnd = this.handleTouchEnd;
if (!disableHoverListener) {
childrenProps.onMouseOver = this.handleEnter;
childrenProps.onMouseLeave = this.handleLeave;
if (!disableFocusListener) {
childrenProps.onFocus = this.handleEnter;
childrenProps.onBlur = this.handleLeave;
false ? (0, _warning.default)(!children.props.title, ['Material-UI: you have been providing a `title` property to the child of <Tooltip />.', "Remove this title property `".concat(children.props.title, "` or the Tooltip component.")].join('\n')) : void 0;
return _react.default.createElement(_reactPopper.Manager, (0, _extends2.default)({
tag: _reactDom.default.createPortal ? false : 'div',
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, className)
}, other), _react.default.createElement(_reactEventListener.default, {
target: "window",
onResize: this.handleResize
}), _react.default.createElement(_reactPopper.Target, null, function (_ref) {
var targetProps = _ref.targetProps;
return _react.default.createElement(_RootRef.default, {
rootRef: function rootRef(node) {
_this2.children = node;
}, _react.default.cloneElement(children, childrenProps));
}), _react.default.createElement(_Portal.default, null, _react.default.createElement(_reactPopper.Popper, (0, _extends2.default)({
placement: placement,
eventsEnabled: open,
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.popper, (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, classes.open, open), PopperClassName),
ref: function ref(node) {
_this2.popper = node;
}, PopperProps), function (_ref2) {
var popperProps = _ref2.popperProps,
restProps = _ref2.restProps;
var actualPlacement = (popperProps['data-placement'] || placement).split('-')[0];
return _react.default.createElement("div", (0, _extends2.default)({}, popperProps, restProps, {
style: (0, _objectSpread2.default)({}, popperProps.style, {
top: popperProps.style.top || 0,
left: popperProps.style.left || 0
}, restProps.style)
}), _react.default.createElement("div", {
id: id,
role: "tooltip",
"aria-hidden": !open,
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.tooltip, (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, classes.open, open), (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, classes.touch, _this2.ignoreNonTouchEvents), classes["tooltipPlacement".concat((0, _helpers.capitalize)(actualPlacement))])
}, title));
return Tooltip;
Tooltip.propTypes = false ? {
* Tooltip reference element.
children: _propTypes.default.element.isRequired,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* Do not respond to focus events.
disableFocusListener: _propTypes.default.bool,
* Do not respond to hover events.
disableHoverListener: _propTypes.default.bool,
* Do not respond to long press touch events.
disableTouchListener: _propTypes.default.bool,
* The number of milliseconds to wait before showing the tooltip.
* This property won't impact the enter touch delay (`enterTouchDelay`).
enterDelay: _propTypes.default.number,
* The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before showing the tooltip.
enterTouchDelay: _propTypes.default.number,
* The relationship between the tooltip and the wrapper component is not clear from the DOM.
* By providing this property, we can use aria-describedby to solve the accessibility issue.
id: _propTypes.default.string,
* The number of milliseconds to wait before hiding the tooltip.
* This property won't impact the leave touch delay (`leaveTouchDelay`).
leaveDelay: _propTypes.default.number,
* The number of milliseconds after the user stops touching an element before hiding the tooltip.
leaveTouchDelay: _propTypes.default.number,
* Callback fired when the tooltip requests to be closed.
* @param {object} event The event source of the callback
onClose: _propTypes.default.func,
* Callback fired when the tooltip requests to be open.
* @param {object} event The event source of the callback
onOpen: _propTypes.default.func,
* If `true`, the tooltip is shown.
open: _propTypes.default.bool,
* Tooltip placement
placement: _propTypes.default.oneOf(['bottom-end', 'bottom-start', 'bottom', 'left-end', 'left-start', 'left', 'right-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'top-end', 'top-start', 'top']),
* Properties applied to the `Popper` element.
PopperProps: _propTypes.default.object,
* @ignore
theme: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* Tooltip title. Zero-length titles string are never displayed.
title: _propTypes.default.node.isRequired
} : {};
Tooltip.defaultProps = {
disableFocusListener: false,
disableHoverListener: false,
disableTouchListener: false,
enterDelay: 0,
enterTouchDelay: 1000,
leaveDelay: 0,
leaveTouchDelay: 1500,
placement: 'bottom'
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiTooltip',
withTheme: true
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1468:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Manager__ = __webpack_require__(1469);
/* harmony reexport (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Manager", function() { return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Manager__["a"]; });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__Target__ = __webpack_require__(1470);
/* harmony reexport (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Target", function() { return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__Target__["a"]; });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Popper__ = __webpack_require__(1471);
/* harmony reexport (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Popper", function() { return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Popper__["a"]; });
/* harmony reexport (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "placements", function() { return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Popper__["b"]; });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Arrow__ = __webpack_require__(1473);
/* harmony reexport (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Arrow", function() { return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Arrow__["a"]; });
/***/ }),
/***/ 1469:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__);
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var Manager = function (_Component) {
_inherits(Manager, _Component);
function Manager() {
var _ref;
var _temp, _this, _ret;
_classCallCheck(this, Manager);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (_ref = Manager.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Manager)).call.apply(_ref, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this._setTargetNode = function (node) {
_this._targetNode = node;
}, _this._getTargetNode = function () {
return _this._targetNode;
}, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret);
_createClass(Manager, [{
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function getChildContext() {
return {
popperManager: {
setTargetNode: this._setTargetNode,
getTargetNode: this._getTargetNode
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
tag = _props.tag,
children = _props.children,
restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_props, ['tag', 'children']);
if (tag !== false) {
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__["createElement"])(tag, restProps, children);
} else {
return children;
return Manager;
Manager.childContextTypes = {
popperManager: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.object.isRequired
Manager.propTypes = {
tag: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.string, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.bool]),
children: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.node, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func])
Manager.defaultProps = {
tag: 'div'
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Manager);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1470:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__);
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }
var Target = function Target(props, context) {
var _props$component = props.component,
component = _props$component === undefined ? 'div' : _props$component,
innerRef = props.innerRef,
children = props.children,
restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ['component', 'innerRef', 'children']);
var popperManager = context.popperManager;
var targetRef = function targetRef(node) {
if (typeof innerRef === 'function') {
if (typeof children === 'function') {
var targetProps = { ref: targetRef };
return children({ targetProps: targetProps, restProps: restProps });
var componentProps = _extends({}, restProps);
if (typeof component === 'string') {
componentProps.ref = targetRef;
} else {
componentProps.innerRef = targetRef;
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__["createElement"])(component, componentProps, children);
Target.contextTypes = {
popperManager: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.object.isRequired
Target.propTypes = {
component: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.node, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func]),
innerRef: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func,
children: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.node, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func])
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Target);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1471:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return placements; });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_popper_js__ = __webpack_require__(1472);
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var placements = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_popper_js__["a" /* default */].placements;
var Popper = function (_Component) {
_inherits(Popper, _Component);
function Popper() {
var _ref;
var _temp, _this, _ret;
_classCallCheck(this, Popper);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (_ref = Popper.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Popper)).call.apply(_ref, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.state = {}, _this._setArrowNode = function (node) {
_this._arrowNode = node;
}, _this._getTargetNode = function () {
if (_this.props.target) {
return _this.props.target;
} else if (!_this.context.popperManager || !_this.context.popperManager.getTargetNode()) {
throw new Error('Target missing. Popper must be given a target from the Popper Manager, or as a prop.');
return _this.context.popperManager.getTargetNode();
}, _this._getOffsets = function (data) {
return Object.keys(data.offsets).map(function (key) {
return data.offsets[key];
}, _this._isDataDirty = function (data) {
if (_this.state.data) {
return JSON.stringify(_this._getOffsets(_this.state.data)) !== JSON.stringify(_this._getOffsets(data));
} else {
return true;
}, _this._updateStateModifier = {
enabled: true,
order: 900,
fn: function fn(data) {
if (_this._isDataDirty(data)) {
_this.setState({ data: data });
return data;
}, _this._getPopperStyle = function () {
var data = _this.state.data;
if (!_this._popper || !data) {
return {
position: 'absolute',
pointerEvents: 'none',
opacity: 0
return _extends({
position: data.offsets.popper.position
}, data.styles);
}, _this._getPopperPlacement = function () {
return _this.state.data ? _this.state.data.placement : undefined;
}, _this._getPopperHide = function () {
return !!_this.state.data && _this.state.data.hide ? '' : undefined;
}, _this._getArrowStyle = function () {
if (!_this.state.data || !_this.state.data.offsets.arrow) {
return {};
} else {
var _this$state$data$offs = _this.state.data.offsets.arrow,
top = _this$state$data$offs.top,
left = _this$state$data$offs.left;
return { top: top, left: left };
}, _this._handlePopperRef = function (node) {
_this._popperNode = node;
if (node) {
} else {
if (_this.props.innerRef) {
}, _this._scheduleUpdate = function () {
_this._popper && _this._popper.scheduleUpdate();
}, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret);
_createClass(Popper, [{
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function getChildContext() {
return {
popper: {
setArrowNode: this._setArrowNode,
getArrowStyle: this._getArrowStyle
}, {
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function componentDidUpdate(lastProps) {
if (lastProps.placement !== this.props.placement || lastProps.eventsEnabled !== this.props.eventsEnabled || lastProps.target !== this.props.target) {
if (lastProps.children !== this.props.children) {
}, {
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function componentWillUnmount() {
}, {
key: '_createPopper',
value: function _createPopper() {
var _this2 = this;
var _props = this.props,
placement = _props.placement,
eventsEnabled = _props.eventsEnabled,
positionFixed = _props.positionFixed;
var modifiers = _extends({}, this.props.modifiers, {
applyStyle: { enabled: false },
updateState: this._updateStateModifier
if (this._arrowNode) {
modifiers.arrow = _extends({}, this.props.modifiers.arrow || {}, {
element: this._arrowNode
this._popper = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_popper_js__["a" /* default */](this._getTargetNode(), this._popperNode, {
placement: placement,
positionFixed: positionFixed,
eventsEnabled: eventsEnabled,
modifiers: modifiers
// TODO: look into setTimeout scheduleUpdate call, without it, the popper will not position properly on creation
setTimeout(function () {
return _this2._scheduleUpdate();
}, {
key: '_destroyPopper',
value: function _destroyPopper() {
if (this._popper) {
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props2 = this.props,
component = _props2.component,
innerRef = _props2.innerRef,
placement = _props2.placement,
eventsEnabled = _props2.eventsEnabled,
positionFixed = _props2.positionFixed,
modifiers = _props2.modifiers,
children = _props2.children,
restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_props2, ['component', 'innerRef', 'placement', 'eventsEnabled', 'positionFixed', 'modifiers', 'children']);
var popperStyle = this._getPopperStyle();
var popperPlacement = this._getPopperPlacement();
var popperHide = this._getPopperHide();
if (typeof children === 'function') {
var popperProps = {
ref: this._handlePopperRef,
style: popperStyle,
'data-placement': popperPlacement,
'data-x-out-of-boundaries': popperHide
return children({
popperProps: popperProps,
restProps: restProps,
scheduleUpdate: this._scheduleUpdate
var componentProps = _extends({}, restProps, {
style: _extends({}, restProps.style, popperStyle),
'data-placement': popperPlacement,
'data-x-out-of-boundaries': popperHide
if (typeof component === 'string') {
componentProps.ref = this._handlePopperRef;
} else {
componentProps.innerRef = this._handlePopperRef;
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__["createElement"])(component, componentProps, children);
return Popper;
Popper.contextTypes = {
popperManager: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.object
Popper.childContextTypes = {
popper: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.object.isRequired
Popper.propTypes = {
component: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.node, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func]),
innerRef: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func,
placement: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOf(placements),
eventsEnabled: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.bool,
positionFixed: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.bool,
modifiers: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.object,
children: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.node, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func]),
target: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([
// the following check is needed for SSR
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.instanceOf(typeof Element !== 'undefined' ? Element : Object), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.shape({
getBoundingClientRect: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func.isRequired,
clientWidth: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.number.isRequired,
clientHeight: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.number.isRequired
Popper.defaultProps = {
component: 'div',
placement: 'bottom',
eventsEnabled: true,
positionFixed: false,
modifiers: {}
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Popper);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1472:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/**!
* @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements.
* @version 1.16.1
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
var isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator !== 'undefined';
var timeoutDuration = function () {
var longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];
for (var i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {
if (isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
function microtaskDebounce(fn) {
var called = false;
return function () {
if (called) {
called = true;
window.Promise.resolve().then(function () {
called = false;
function taskDebounce(fn) {
var scheduled = false;
return function () {
if (!scheduled) {
scheduled = true;
setTimeout(function () {
scheduled = false;
}, timeoutDuration);
var supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser && window.Promise;
* Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred
* but called in the minimum time possible.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Function} fn
* @returns {Function}
var debounce = supportsMicroTasks ? microtaskDebounce : taskDebounce;
* Check if the given variable is a function
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Any} functionToCheck - variable to check
* @returns {Boolean} answer to: is a function?
function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
var getType = {};
return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';
* Get CSS computed property of the given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Eement} element
* @argument {String} property
function getStyleComputedProperty(element, property) {
if (element.nodeType !== 1) {
return [];
// NOTE: 1 DOM access here
var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
var css = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
return property ? css[property] : css;
* Returns the parentNode or the host of the element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Element} parent
function getParentNode(element) {
if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
return element;
return element.parentNode || element.host;
* Returns the scrolling parent of the given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Element} scroll parent
function getScrollParent(element) {
// Return body, `getScroll` will take care to get the correct `scrollTop` from it
if (!element) {
return document.body;
switch (element.nodeName) {
case 'HTML':
case 'BODY':
return element.ownerDocument.body;
case '#document':
return element.body;
// Firefox want us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well
var _getStyleComputedProp = getStyleComputedProperty(element),
overflow = _getStyleComputedProp.overflow,
overflowX = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowX,
overflowY = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowY;
if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) {
return element;
return getScrollParent(getParentNode(element));
* Returns the reference node of the reference object, or the reference object itself.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Element|Object} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)
* @returns {Element} parent
function getReferenceNode(reference) {
return reference && reference.referenceNode ? reference.referenceNode : reference;
var isIE11 = isBrowser && !!(window.MSInputMethodContext && document.documentMode);
var isIE10 = isBrowser && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent);
* Determines if the browser is Internet Explorer
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Number} version to check
* @returns {Boolean} isIE
function isIE(version) {
if (version === 11) {
return isIE11;
if (version === 10) {
return isIE10;
return isIE11 || isIE10;
* Returns the offset parent of the given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Element} offset parent
function getOffsetParent(element) {
if (!element) {
return document.documentElement;
var noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;
// NOTE: 1 DOM access here
var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || null;
// Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent
while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {
offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;
var nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;
if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;
// .offsetParent will return the closest TH, TD or TABLE in case
// no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...
if (['TH', 'TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 && getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);
return offsetParent;
function isOffsetContainer(element) {
var nodeName = element.nodeName;
if (nodeName === 'BODY') {
return false;
return nodeName === 'HTML' || getOffsetParent(element.firstElementChild) === element;
* Finds the root node (document, shadowDOM root) of the given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} node
* @returns {Element} root node
function getRoot(node) {
if (node.parentNode !== null) {
return getRoot(node.parentNode);
return node;
* Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element1
* @argument {Element} element2
* @returns {Element} common offset parent
function findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {
// This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {
return document.documentElement;
// Here we make sure to give as "start" the element that comes first in the DOM
var order = element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING;
var start = order ? element1 : element2;
var end = order ? element2 : element1;
// Get common ancestor container
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(start, 0);
range.setEnd(end, 0);
var commonAncestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;
// Both nodes are inside #document
if (element1 !== commonAncestorContainer && element2 !== commonAncestorContainer || start.contains(end)) {
if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {
return commonAncestorContainer;
return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);
// one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one
var element1root = getRoot(element1);
if (element1root.host) {
return findCommonOffsetParent(element1root.host, element2);
} else {
return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);
* Gets the scroll value of the given element in the given side (top and left)
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @argument {String} side `top` or `left`
* @returns {number} amount of scrolled pixels
function getScroll(element) {
var side = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'top';
var upperSide = side === 'top' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';
var nodeName = element.nodeName;
if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
var scrollingElement = element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || html;
return scrollingElement[upperSide];
return element[upperSide];
* Sum or subtract the element scroll values (left and top) from a given rect object
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Object} rect - Rect object you want to change
* @param {HTMLElement} element - The element from the function reads the scroll values
* @param {Boolean} subtract - set to true if you want to subtract the scroll values
* @return {Object} rect - The modifier rect object
function includeScroll(rect, element) {
var subtract = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
var modifier = subtract ? -1 : 1;
rect.top += scrollTop * modifier;
rect.bottom += scrollTop * modifier;
rect.left += scrollLeft * modifier;
rect.right += scrollLeft * modifier;
return rect;
* Helper to detect borders of a given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles
* Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element
* @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`
* @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis
function getBordersSize(styles, axis) {
var sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';
var sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';
return parseFloat(styles['border' + sideA + 'Width']) + parseFloat(styles['border' + sideB + 'Width']);
function getSize(axis, body, html, computedStyle) {
return Math.max(body['offset' + axis], body['scroll' + axis], html['client' + axis], html['offset' + axis], html['scroll' + axis], isIE(10) ? parseInt(html['offset' + axis]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Top' : 'Left')]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')]) : 0);
function getWindowSizes(document) {
var body = document.body;
var html = document.documentElement;
var computedStyle = isIE(10) && getComputedStyle(html);
return {
height: getSize('Height', body, html, computedStyle),
width: getSize('Width', body, html, computedStyle)
var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var createClass = function () {
function defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var descriptor = props[i];
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
descriptor.configurable = true;
if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
return Constructor;
var defineProperty = function (obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
* Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Object} offsets
* @returns {Object} ClientRect like output
function getClientRect(offsets) {
return _extends({}, offsets, {
right: offsets.left + offsets.width,
bottom: offsets.top + offsets.height
* Get bounding client rect of given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @return {Object} client rect
function getBoundingClientRect(element) {
var rect = {};
// IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't
// considered in DOM in some circumstances...
// This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11
try {
if (isIE(10)) {
rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
rect.top += scrollTop;
rect.left += scrollLeft;
rect.bottom += scrollTop;
rect.right += scrollLeft;
} else {
rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
} catch (e) {}
var result = {
left: rect.left,
top: rect.top,
width: rect.right - rect.left,
height: rect.bottom - rect.top
// subtract scrollbar size from sizes
var sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument) : {};
var width = sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.width;
var height = sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.height;
var horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;
var vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;
// if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`
// we make this check conditional for performance reasons
if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {
var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);
horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');
vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');
result.width -= horizScrollbar;
result.height -= vertScrollbar;
return getClientRect(result);
function getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent) {
var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
var isIE10 = isIE(10);
var isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';
var childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);
var parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);
var scrollParent = getScrollParent(children);
var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);
var borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth);
var borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth);
// In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc
if (fixedPosition && isHTML) {
parentRect.top = Math.max(parentRect.top, 0);
parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);
var offsets = getClientRect({
top: childrenRect.top - parentRect.top - borderTopWidth,
left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,
width: childrenRect.width,
height: childrenRect.height
offsets.marginTop = 0;
offsets.marginLeft = 0;
// Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent
// we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves
// differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in
// the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.
if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {
var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop);
var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft);
offsets.top -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
// Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them
offsets.marginTop = marginTop;
offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;
if (isIE10 && !fixedPosition ? parent.contains(scrollParent) : parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY') {
offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);
return offsets;
function getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(element) {
var excludeScroll = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
var relativeOffset = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(element, html);
var width = Math.max(html.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
var height = Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
var scrollTop = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html) : 0;
var scrollLeft = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html, 'left') : 0;
var offset = {
top: scrollTop - relativeOffset.top + relativeOffset.marginTop,
left: scrollLeft - relativeOffset.left + relativeOffset.marginLeft,
width: width,
height: height
return getClientRect(offset);
* Check if the given element is fixed or is inside a fixed parent
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @argument {Element} customContainer
* @returns {Boolean} answer to "isFixed?"
function isFixed(element) {
var nodeName = element.nodeName;
if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
return false;
if (getStyleComputedProperty(element, 'position') === 'fixed') {
return true;
var parentNode = getParentNode(element);
if (!parentNode) {
return false;
return isFixed(parentNode);
* Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement
function getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {
// This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {
return document.documentElement;
var el = element.parentElement;
while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {
el = el.parentElement;
return el || document.documentElement;
* Computed the boundaries limits and return them
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {HTMLElement} popper
* @param {HTMLElement} reference
* @param {number} padding
* @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries
* @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode
* @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries
function getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement) {
var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
// NOTE: 1 DOM access here
var boundaries = { top: 0, left: 0 };
var offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));
// Handle viewport case
if (boundariesElement === 'viewport') {
boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);
} else {
// Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries
var boundariesNode = void 0;
if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {
boundariesNode = getScrollParent(getParentNode(reference));
if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {
boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
} else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {
boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
} else {
boundariesNode = boundariesElement;
var offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(boundariesNode, offsetParent, fixedPosition);
// In case of HTML, we need a different computation
if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {
var _getWindowSizes = getWindowSizes(popper.ownerDocument),
height = _getWindowSizes.height,
width = _getWindowSizes.width;
boundaries.top += offsets.top - offsets.marginTop;
boundaries.bottom = height + offsets.top;
boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;
boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;
} else {
// for all the other DOM elements, this one is good
boundaries = offsets;
// Add paddings
padding = padding || 0;
var isPaddingNumber = typeof padding === 'number';
boundaries.left += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.left || 0;
boundaries.top += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.top || 0;
boundaries.right -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.right || 0;
boundaries.bottom -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.bottom || 0;
return boundaries;
function getArea(_ref) {
var width = _ref.width,
height = _ref.height;
return width * height;
* Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more
* available space.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function computeAutoPlacement(placement, refRect, popper, reference, boundariesElement) {
var padding = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 0;
if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {
return placement;
var boundaries = getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement);
var rects = {
top: {
width: boundaries.width,
height: refRect.top - boundaries.top
right: {
width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,
height: boundaries.height
bottom: {
width: boundaries.width,
height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom
left: {
width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,
height: boundaries.height
var sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects).map(function (key) {
return _extends({
key: key
}, rects[key], {
area: getArea(rects[key])
}).sort(function (a, b) {
return b.area - a.area;
var filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(function (_ref2) {
var width = _ref2.width,
height = _ref2.height;
return width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight;
var computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0 ? filteredAreas[0].key : sortedAreas[0].key;
var variation = placement.split('-')[1];
return computedPlacement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
* Get offsets to the reference element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Object} state
* @param {Element} popper - the popper element
* @param {Element} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)
* @param {Element} fixedPosition - is in fixed position mode
* @returns {Object} An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
function getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference) {
var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;
var commonOffsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));
return getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(reference, commonOffsetParent, fixedPosition);
* Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties
function getOuterSizes(element) {
var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
var x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom || 0);
var y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight || 0);
var result = {
width: element.offsetWidth + y,
height: element.offsetHeight + x
return result;
* Get the opposite placement of the given one
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {String} placement
* @returns {String} flipped placement
function getOppositePlacement(placement) {
var hash = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };
return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (matched) {
return hash[matched];
* Get offsets to the popper
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied
* @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element
* @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)
* @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options
* @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
function getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {
placement = placement.split('-')[0];
// Get popper node sizes
var popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);
// Add position, width and height to our offsets object
var popperOffsets = {
width: popperRect.width,
height: popperRect.height
// depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently
var isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
var mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';
var secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';
var measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
var secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
popperOffsets[mainSide] = referenceOffsets[mainSide] + referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 - popperRect[measurement] / 2;
if (placement === secondarySide) {
popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];
} else {
popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[getOppositePlacement(secondarySide)];
return popperOffsets;
* Mimics the `find` method of Array
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Array} arr
* @argument prop
* @argument value
* @returns index or -1
function find(arr, check) {
// use native find if supported
if (Array.prototype.find) {
return arr.find(check);
// use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`
return arr.filter(check)[0];
* Return the index of the matching object
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Array} arr
* @argument prop
* @argument value
* @returns index or -1
function findIndex(arr, prop, value) {
// use native findIndex if supported
if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {
return arr.findIndex(function (cur) {
return cur[prop] === value;
// use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported
var match = find(arr, function (obj) {
return obj[prop] === value;
return arr.indexOf(match);
* Loop trough the list of modifiers and run them in order,
* each of them will then edit the data object.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {dataObject} data
* @param {Array} modifiers
* @param {String} ends - Optional modifier name used as stopper
* @returns {dataObject}
function runModifiers(modifiers, data, ends) {
var modifiersToRun = ends === undefined ? modifiers : modifiers.slice(0, findIndex(modifiers, 'name', ends));
modifiersToRun.forEach(function (modifier) {
if (modifier['function']) {
// eslint-disable-line dot-notation
console.warn('`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!');
var fn = modifier['function'] || modifier.fn; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
if (modifier.enabled && isFunction(fn)) {
// Add properties to offsets to make them a complete clientRect object
// we do this before each modifier to make sure the previous one doesn't
// mess with these values
data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
data.offsets.reference = getClientRect(data.offsets.reference);
data = fn(data, modifier);
return data;
* Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying
* the new style.<br />
* Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
function update() {
// if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update
if (this.state.isDestroyed) {
var data = {
instance: this,
styles: {},
arrowStyles: {},
attributes: {},
flipped: false,
offsets: {}
// compute reference element offsets
data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed);
// compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
// modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
// and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(this.options.placement, data.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding);
// store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`
data.originalPlacement = data.placement;
data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;
// compute the popper offsets
data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(this.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement);
data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
// run the modifiers
data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);
// the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback
// the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback
if (!this.state.isCreated) {
this.state.isCreated = true;
} else {
* Helper used to know if the given modifier is enabled.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @returns {Boolean}
function isModifierEnabled(modifiers, modifierName) {
return modifiers.some(function (_ref) {
var name = _ref.name,
enabled = _ref.enabled;
return enabled && name === modifierName;
* Get the prefixed supported property name
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {String} property (camelCase)
* @returns {String} prefixed property (camelCase or PascalCase, depending on the vendor prefix)
function getSupportedPropertyName(property) {
var prefixes = [false, 'ms', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O'];
var upperProp = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
var prefix = prefixes[i];
var toCheck = prefix ? '' + prefix + upperProp : property;
if (typeof document.body.style[toCheck] !== 'undefined') {
return toCheck;
return null;
* Destroys the popper.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
function destroy() {
this.state.isDestroyed = true;
// touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled
if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {
this.popper.style.position = '';
this.popper.style.top = '';
this.popper.style.left = '';
this.popper.style.right = '';
this.popper.style.bottom = '';
this.popper.style.willChange = '';
this.popper.style[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';
// remove the popper if user explicitly asked for the deletion on destroy
// do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it
if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {
return this;
* Get the window associated with the element
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Window}
function getWindow(element) {
var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;
return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView : window;
function attachToScrollParents(scrollParent, event, callback, scrollParents) {
var isBody = scrollParent.nodeName === 'BODY';
var target = isBody ? scrollParent.ownerDocument.defaultView : scrollParent;
target.addEventListener(event, callback, { passive: true });
if (!isBody) {
attachToScrollParents(getScrollParent(target.parentNode), event, callback, scrollParents);
* Setup needed event listeners used to update the popper position
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @private
function setupEventListeners(reference, options, state, updateBound) {
// Resize event listener on window
state.updateBound = updateBound;
getWindow(reference).addEventListener('resize', state.updateBound, { passive: true });
// Scroll event listener on scroll parents
var scrollElement = getScrollParent(reference);
attachToScrollParents(scrollElement, 'scroll', state.updateBound, state.scrollParents);
state.scrollElement = scrollElement;
state.eventsEnabled = true;
return state;
* It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating
* position of the popper element when they are triggered.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
function enableEventListeners() {
if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {
this.state = setupEventListeners(this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate);
* Remove event listeners used to update the popper position
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @private
function removeEventListeners(reference, state) {
// Remove resize event listener on window
getWindow(reference).removeEventListener('resize', state.updateBound);
// Remove scroll event listener on scroll parents
state.scrollParents.forEach(function (target) {
target.removeEventListener('scroll', state.updateBound);
// Reset state
state.updateBound = null;
state.scrollParents = [];
state.scrollElement = null;
state.eventsEnabled = false;
return state;
* It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position
* when they are triggered. It also won't trigger `onUpdate` callback anymore,
* unless you call `update` method manually.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
function disableEventListeners() {
if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {
this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);
* Tells if a given input is a number
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {*} input to check
* @return {Boolean}
function isNumeric(n) {
return n !== '' && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
* Set the style to the given popper
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the style to
* @argument {Object} styles
* Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
function setStyles(element, styles) {
Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) {
var unit = '';
// add unit if the value is numeric and is one of the following
if (['width', 'height', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(prop) !== -1 && isNumeric(styles[prop])) {
unit = 'px';
element.style[prop] = styles[prop] + unit;
* Set the attributes to the given popper
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the attributes to
* @argument {Object} styles
* Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
function setAttributes(element, attributes) {
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (prop) {
var value = attributes[prop];
if (value !== false) {
element.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]);
} else {
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element
* @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The same data object
function applyStyle(data) {
// any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,
// in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it
// Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous
// lines of this modifier!
setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);
// any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,
// they will be set as HTML attributes of the element
setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);
// if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties
if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {
setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);
return data;
* Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used
* to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the
* correct popper offsets.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.modifiers
* @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
* @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper
* @param {Object} options - Popper.js options
function applyStyleOnLoad(reference, popper, options, modifierOptions, state) {
// compute reference element offsets
var referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);
// compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
// modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
// and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
var placement = computeAutoPlacement(options.placement, referenceOffsets, popper, reference, options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, options.modifiers.flip.padding);
popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);
// Apply `position` to popper before anything else because
// without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations
setStyles(popper, { position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' });
return options;
* @function
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Boolean} shouldRound - If the offsets should be rounded at all
* @returns {Object} The popper's position offsets rounded
* The tale of pixel-perfect positioning. It's still not 100% perfect, but as
* good as it can be within reason.
* Discussion here: https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/pull/715
* Low DPI screens cause a popper to be blurry if not using full pixels (Safari
* as well on High DPI screens).
* Firefox prefers no rounding for positioning and does not have blurriness on
* high DPI screens.
* Only horizontal placement and left/right values need to be considered.
function getRoundedOffsets(data, shouldRound) {
var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
popper = _data$offsets.popper,
reference = _data$offsets.reference;
var round = Math.round,
floor = Math.floor;
var noRound = function noRound(v) {
return v;
var referenceWidth = round(reference.width);
var popperWidth = round(popper.width);
var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(data.placement) !== -1;
var isVariation = data.placement.indexOf('-') !== -1;
var sameWidthParity = referenceWidth % 2 === popperWidth % 2;
var bothOddWidth = referenceWidth % 2 === 1 && popperWidth % 2 === 1;
var horizontalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : isVertical || isVariation || sameWidthParity ? round : floor;
var verticalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : round;
return {
left: horizontalToInteger(bothOddWidth && !isVariation && shouldRound ? popper.left - 1 : popper.left),
top: verticalToInteger(popper.top),
bottom: verticalToInteger(popper.bottom),
right: horizontalToInteger(popper.right)
var isFirefox = isBrowser && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function computeStyle(data, options) {
var x = options.x,
y = options.y;
var popper = data.offsets.popper;
// Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2
var legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
return modifier.name === 'applyStyle';
if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {
console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');
var gpuAcceleration = legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined ? legacyGpuAccelerationOption : options.gpuAcceleration;
var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
var offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);
// Styles
var styles = {
position: popper.position
var offsets = getRoundedOffsets(data, window.devicePixelRatio < 2 || !isFirefox);
var sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';
var sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
// if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,
// we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we
// automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed
var prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
// now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)
// If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it
// may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content
// overflowing its reference element
// To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow
// the consumer to define the offset origin.
// If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set
// `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of
// its bottom.
var left = void 0,
top = void 0;
if (sideA === 'bottom') {
// when offsetParent is <html> the positioning is relative to the bottom of the screen (excluding the scrollbar)
// and not the bottom of the html element
if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
top = -offsetParent.clientHeight + offsets.bottom;
} else {
top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;
} else {
top = offsets.top;
if (sideB === 'right') {
if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
left = -offsetParent.clientWidth + offsets.right;
} else {
left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;
} else {
left = offsets.left;
if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {
styles[prefixedProperty] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)';
styles[sideA] = 0;
styles[sideB] = 0;
styles.willChange = 'transform';
} else {
// othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties
var invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;
var invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;
styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;
styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;
styles.willChange = sideA + ', ' + sideB;
// Attributes
var attributes = {
'x-placement': data.placement
// Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles
data.attributes = _extends({}, attributes, data.attributes);
data.styles = _extends({}, styles, data.styles);
data.arrowStyles = _extends({}, data.offsets.arrow, data.arrowStyles);
return data;
* Helper used to know if the given modifier depends from another one.<br />
* It checks if the needed modifier is listed and enabled.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Array} modifiers - list of modifiers
* @param {String} requestingName - name of requesting modifier
* @param {String} requestedName - name of requested modifier
* @returns {Boolean}
function isModifierRequired(modifiers, requestingName, requestedName) {
var requesting = find(modifiers, function (_ref) {
var name = _ref.name;
return name === requestingName;
var isRequired = !!requesting && modifiers.some(function (modifier) {
return modifier.name === requestedName && modifier.enabled && modifier.order < requesting.order;
if (!isRequired) {
var _requesting = '`' + requestingName + '`';
var requested = '`' + requestedName + '`';
console.warn(requested + ' modifier is required by ' + _requesting + ' modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before ' + _requesting + '!');
return isRequired;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function arrow(data, options) {
var _data$offsets$arrow;
// arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work
if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {
return data;
var arrowElement = options.element;
// if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector
if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {
arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);
// if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier
if (!arrowElement) {
return data;
} else {
// if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the
// provided DOM node is child of its popper node
if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {
console.warn('WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!');
return data;
var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
popper = _data$offsets.popper,
reference = _data$offsets.reference;
var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
var len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';
var sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';
var side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();
var altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
var opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';
var arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];
// extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its
// reference have enough pixels in conjunction
// top/left side
if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {
data.offsets.popper[side] -= popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);
// bottom/right side
if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {
data.offsets.popper[side] += reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];
data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
// compute center of the popper
var center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;
// Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets
// take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available
var css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);
var popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css['margin' + sideCapitalized]);
var popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css['border' + sideCapitalized + 'Width']);
var sideValue = center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;
// prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper
sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);
data.arrowElement = arrowElement;
data.offsets.arrow = (_data$offsets$arrow = {}, defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, side, Math.round(sideValue)), defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, altSide, ''), _data$offsets$arrow);
return data;
* Get the opposite placement variation of the given one
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {String} placement variation
* @returns {String} flipped placement variation
function getOppositeVariation(variation) {
if (variation === 'end') {
return 'start';
} else if (variation === 'start') {
return 'end';
return variation;
* List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.<br />
* Valid placements are:
* - `auto`
* - `top`
* - `right`
* - `bottom`
* - `left`
* Each placement can have a variation from this list:
* - `-start`
* - `-end`
* Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right
* written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`
* is right.<br />
* Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.
* Some valid examples are:
* - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)
* - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)
* - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)
* - `auto-end` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)
* @static
* @type {Array}
* @enum {String}
* @readonly
* @method placements
* @memberof Popper
var placements = ['auto-start', 'auto', 'auto-end', 'top-start', 'top', 'top-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'right-end', 'bottom-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'left-end', 'left', 'left-start'];
// Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`
var validPlacements = placements.slice(3);
* Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements
* clockwise (or counter-clockwise).
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)
* @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise
* @returns {Array} placements including their variations
function clockwise(placement) {
var counter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
var index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);
var arr = validPlacements.slice(index + 1).concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));
return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;
FLIP: 'flip',
CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',
COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise'
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function flip(data, options) {
// if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier
if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {
return data;
if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {
// seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides
return data;
var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, options.boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
var placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
var variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';
var flipOrder = [];
switch (options.behavior) {
flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];
flipOrder = clockwise(placement);
flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);
flipOrder = options.behavior;
flipOrder.forEach(function (step, index) {
if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {
return data;
placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
var popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;
var refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;
// using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here
var floor = Math.floor;
var overlapsRef = placement === 'left' && floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left) || placement === 'right' && floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right) || placement === 'top' && floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(refOffsets.top) || placement === 'bottom' && floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(refOffsets.bottom);
var overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);
var overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);
var overflowsTop = floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(boundaries.top);
var overflowsBottom = floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);
var overflowsBoundaries = placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft || placement === 'right' && overflowsRight || placement === 'top' && overflowsTop || placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom;
// flip the variation if required
var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
// flips variation if reference element overflows boundaries
var flippedVariationByRef = !!options.flipVariations && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom);
// flips variation if popper content overflows boundaries
var flippedVariationByContent = !!options.flipVariationsByContent && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsRight || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsLeft || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsBottom || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsTop);
var flippedVariation = flippedVariationByRef || flippedVariationByContent;
if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {
// this boolean to detect any flip loop
data.flipped = true;
if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {
placement = flipOrder[index + 1];
if (flippedVariation) {
variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);
data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
// this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with
// any additional property we may add in the future
data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, data.offsets.popper, getPopperOffsets(data.instance.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement));
data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');
return data;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function keepTogether(data) {
var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
popper = _data$offsets.popper,
reference = _data$offsets.reference;
var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
var floor = Math.floor;
var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
var side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';
var opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {
data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];
if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {
data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);
return data;
* Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number
* @function
* @memberof {modifiers~offset}
* @private
* @argument {String} str - Value + unit string
* @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`
* @argument {Object} popperOffsets
* @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
* @returns {Number|String}
* Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted
function toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {
// separate value from unit
var split = str.match(/((?:\-|\+)?\d*\.?\d*)(.*)/);
var value = +split[1];
var unit = split[2];
// If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess
if (!value) {
return str;
if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {
var element = void 0;
switch (unit) {
case '%p':
element = popperOffsets;
case '%':
case '%r':
element = referenceOffsets;
var rect = getClientRect(element);
return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;
} else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {
// if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport
var size = void 0;
if (unit === 'vh') {
size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
} else {
size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
return size / 100 * value;
} else {
// if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value
// if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value
return value;
* Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.
* @function
* @memberof {modifiers~offset}
* @private
* @argument {String} offset
* @argument {Object} popperOffsets
* @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
* @argument {String} basePlacement
* @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers
function parseOffset(offset, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets, basePlacement) {
var offsets = [0, 0];
// Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width
// in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one
// will use the other one
var useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
// Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands
// The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)
var fragments = offset.split(/(\+|\-)/).map(function (frag) {
return frag.trim();
// Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one
// they could be separated by comma or space
var divider = fragments.indexOf(find(fragments, function (frag) {
return frag.search(/,|\s/) !== -1;
if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {
console.warn('Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.');
// If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide
// them by ofset X and Y.
var splitRegex = /\s*,\s*|\s+/;
var ops = divider !== -1 ? [fragments.slice(0, divider).concat([fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[0]]), [fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[1]].concat(fragments.slice(divider + 1))] : [fragments];
// Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations
ops = ops.map(function (op, index) {
// Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper
var measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight) ? 'height' : 'width';
var mergeWithPrevious = false;
return op
// This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators
// e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]
.reduce(function (a, b) {
if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {
a[a.length - 1] = b;
mergeWithPrevious = true;
return a;
} else if (mergeWithPrevious) {
a[a.length - 1] += b;
mergeWithPrevious = false;
return a;
} else {
return a.concat(b);
}, [])
// Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)
.map(function (str) {
return toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets);
// Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations
ops.forEach(function (op, index) {
op.forEach(function (frag, index2) {
if (isNumeric(frag)) {
offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);
return offsets;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0
* The offset value as described in the modifier description
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function offset(data, _ref) {
var offset = _ref.offset;
var placement = data.placement,
_data$offsets = data.offsets,
popper = _data$offsets.popper,
reference = _data$offsets.reference;
var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
var offsets = void 0;
if (isNumeric(+offset)) {
offsets = [+offset, 0];
} else {
offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);
if (basePlacement === 'left') {
popper.top += offsets[0];
popper.left -= offsets[1];
} else if (basePlacement === 'right') {
popper.top += offsets[0];
popper.left += offsets[1];
} else if (basePlacement === 'top') {
popper.left += offsets[0];
popper.top -= offsets[1];
} else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {
popper.left += offsets[0];
popper.top += offsets[1];
data.popper = popper;
return data;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function preventOverflow(data, options) {
var boundariesElement = options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
// If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to
// go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to
// avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken
if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {
boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);
// NOTE: DOM access here
// resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding
// the size of the popper element itself
var transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
var popperStyles = data.instance.popper.style; // assignment to help minification
var top = popperStyles.top,
left = popperStyles.left,
transform = popperStyles[transformProp];
popperStyles.top = '';
popperStyles.left = '';
popperStyles[transformProp] = '';
var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
// NOTE: DOM access here
// restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed
popperStyles.top = top;
popperStyles.left = left;
popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;
options.boundaries = boundaries;
var order = options.priority;
var popper = data.offsets.popper;
var check = {
primary: function primary(placement) {
var value = popper[placement];
if (popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);
return defineProperty({}, placement, value);
secondary: function secondary(placement) {
var mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';
var value = popper[mainSide];
if (popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
value = Math.min(popper[mainSide], boundaries[placement] - (placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height));
return defineProperty({}, mainSide, value);
order.forEach(function (placement) {
var side = ['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';
popper = _extends({}, popper, check[side](placement));
data.offsets.popper = popper;
return data;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function shift(data) {
var placement = data.placement;
var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
var shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];
// if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier
if (shiftvariation) {
var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
reference = _data$offsets.reference,
popper = _data$offsets.popper;
var isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
var side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
var shiftOffsets = {
start: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side]),
end: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement])
data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, popper, shiftOffsets[shiftvariation]);
return data;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function hide(data) {
if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {
return data;
var refRect = data.offsets.reference;
var bound = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
return modifier.name === 'preventOverflow';
if (refRect.bottom < bound.top || refRect.left > bound.right || refRect.top > bound.bottom || refRect.right < bound.left) {
// Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
if (data.hide === true) {
return data;
data.hide = true;
data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';
} else {
// Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
if (data.hide === false) {
return data;
data.hide = false;
data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;
return data;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
function inner(data) {
var placement = data.placement;
var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
popper = _data$offsets.popper,
reference = _data$offsets.reference;
var isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
var subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;
popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] = reference[basePlacement] - (subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);
data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);
data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);
return data;
* Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned
* to its `fn` property.<br />
* These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must
* make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.
* @function ModifierFn
* @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified
* Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.<br />
* Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities
* needed by the library.
* Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.
* All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.
* @namespace modifiers
var modifiers = {
* Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference
* element.<br />
* It will read the variation of the `placement` property.<br />
* It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
shift: {
/** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 100,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: shift
* The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.
* It accepts the following units:
* - `px` or unit-less, interpreted as pixels
* - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element
* - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element
* - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit
* - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit
* For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.<br />
* This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the
* `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the `height`.
* You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values
* as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.<br />
* The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be
* removed in v2.<br />
* Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.
* Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.
* Valid examples are:
* ```
* 10
* '10%'
* '10, 10'
* '10%, 10'
* '10 + 10%'
* '10 - 5vh + 3%'
* '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'
* ```
* > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap
* > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.
* > You can read more on this at this [issue](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/issues/373).
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
offset: {
/** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 200,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: offset,
/** @prop {Number|String} offset=0
* The offset value as described in the modifier description
offset: 0
* Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.
* A scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.<br />
* We can say it has "escaped the boundaries" — or just "escaped".<br />
* In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:
* - detach from the reference and remain "trapped" in the boundaries, or
* - if it should ignore the boundary and "escape with its reference"
* When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely
* outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)
* the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
preventOverflow: {
/** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 300,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: preventOverflow,
* @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]
* Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,
* then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`
priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],
* @prop {number} padding=5
* Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries
* and the popper. This makes sure the popper always has a little padding
* between the edges of its container
padding: 5,
* @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'
* Boundaries used by the modifier. Can be `scrollParent`, `window`,
* `viewport` or any DOM element.
boundariesElement: 'scrollParent'
* Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near each other
* without leaving any gap between the two. Especially useful when the arrow is
* enabled and you want to ensure that it points to its reference element.
* It cares only about the first axis. You can still have poppers with margin
* between the popper and its reference element.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
keepTogether: {
/** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 400,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: keepTogether
* This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make
* sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.
* It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many
* pixels of conjunction are needed.
* It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
arrow: {
/** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 500,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: arrow,
/** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */
element: '[x-arrow]'
* Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its
* reference element.
* Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
* **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will
* restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
flip: {
/** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 600,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: flip,
* @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'
* The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of
* `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid
* placements (with optional variations)
behavior: 'flip',
* @prop {number} padding=5
* The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`
padding: 5,
* @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'
* The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position.
* The popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries
* (except if `keepTogether` is enabled)
boundariesElement: 'viewport',
* @prop {Boolean} flipVariations=false
* The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
* the reference element overlaps its boundaries.
* The original placement should have a set variation.
flipVariations: false,
* @prop {Boolean} flipVariationsByContent=false
* The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
* the popper element overlaps its reference boundaries.
* The original placement should have a set variation.
flipVariationsByContent: false
* Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.
* By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside
* the reference element.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
inner: {
/** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 700,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: false,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: inner
* Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the
* popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can
* be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is
* out of boundaries.
* Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
hide: {
/** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 800,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: hide
* Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets
* properly positioned.
* Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles
* so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful
* in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.
* This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility
* with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method
* to change in future major versions of the library.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
computeStyle: {
/** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 850,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: computeStyle,
* @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
* If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
* Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
gpuAcceleration: true,
* @prop {string} [x='bottom']
* Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.
* Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`
x: 'bottom',
* @prop {string} [x='left']
* Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.
* Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`
y: 'right'
* Applies the computed styles to the popper element.
* All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case
* you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you
* want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.
* Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element
* has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!
* Just disable this modifier and define your own to achieve the desired effect.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
applyStyle: {
/** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 900,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: applyStyle,
/** @prop {Function} */
onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,
* @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier
* @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
* If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
* Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
gpuAcceleration: undefined
* The `dataObject` is an object containing all the information used by Popper.js.
* This object is passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.
* @name dataObject
* @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance
* @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper
* @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init
* @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier
* @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper
* @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier
* @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
* @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
* @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries
* @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements
* @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
* @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
* @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0
* Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.<br />
* These can be overridden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.<br />
* To override an option, simply pass an object with the same
* structure of the `options` object, as the 3rd argument. For example:
* ```
* new Popper(ref, pop, {
* modifiers: {
* preventOverflow: { enabled: false }
* }
* })
* ```
* @type {Object}
* @static
* @memberof Popper
var Defaults = {
* Popper's placement.
* @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'
placement: 'bottom',
* Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode
* @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false
positionFixed: false,
* Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled.
* @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true
eventsEnabled: true,
* Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when
* you call the `destroy` method.
* @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false
removeOnDestroy: false,
* Callback called when the popper is created.<br />
* By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
* Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
* @prop {onCreate}
onCreate: function onCreate() {},
* Callback called when the popper is updated. This callback is not called
* on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent
* updates.<br />
* By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
* Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
* @prop {onUpdate}
onUpdate: function onUpdate() {},
* List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.
* They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js.
* @prop {modifiers}
modifiers: modifiers
* @callback onCreate
* @param {dataObject} data
* @callback onUpdate
* @param {dataObject} data
// Utils
// Methods
var Popper = function () {
* Creates a new Popper.js instance.
* @class Popper
* @param {Element|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
* @param {Element} popper - The HTML / XML element used as the popper
* @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)
* @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance
function Popper(reference, popper) {
var _this = this;
var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
classCallCheck(this, Popper);
this.scheduleUpdate = function () {
return requestAnimationFrame(_this.update);
// make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick
this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this));
// with {} we create a new object with the options inside it
this.options = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults, options);
// init state
this.state = {
isDestroyed: false,
isCreated: false,
scrollParents: []
// get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)
this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;
this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;
// Deep merge modifiers options
this.options.modifiers = {};
Object.keys(_extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers, options.modifiers)).forEach(function (name) {
_this.options.modifiers[name] = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}, options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {});
// Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)
this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers).map(function (name) {
return _extends({
name: name
}, _this.options.modifiers[name]);
// sort the modifiers by order
.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.order - b.order;
// modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited
// such code is executed in the same order of its modifier
// they could add new properties to their options configuration
// BE AWARE: don't add options to `options.modifiers.name` but to `modifierOptions`!
this.modifiers.forEach(function (modifierOptions) {
if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {
modifierOptions.onLoad(_this.reference, _this.popper, _this.options, modifierOptions, _this.state);
// fire the first update to position the popper in the right place
var eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;
if (eventsEnabled) {
// setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations
this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;
// We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the
// class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs
createClass(Popper, [{
key: 'update',
value: function update$$1() {
return update.call(this);
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy$$1() {
return destroy.call(this);
}, {
key: 'enableEventListeners',
value: function enableEventListeners$$1() {
return enableEventListeners.call(this);
}, {
key: 'disableEventListeners',
value: function disableEventListeners$$1() {
return disableEventListeners.call(this);
* Schedules an update. It will run on the next UI update available.
* @method scheduleUpdate
* @memberof Popper
* Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.
* Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you
* include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.
* **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated
* and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.
* Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't
* guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!
* @static
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @deprecated since version 1.8
* @member Utils
* @memberof Popper
return Popper;
* The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js
* and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.<br />
* You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates
* in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.
* ```
* new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);
* ```
* NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10.
* @name referenceObject
* @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect
* A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.
* @property {number} data.clientWidth
* An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.
* @property {number} data.clientHeight
* An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.
Popper.Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global).PopperUtils;
Popper.placements = placements;
Popper.Defaults = Defaults;
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Popper);
//# sourceMappingURL=popper.js.map
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(__webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__(31)))
/***/ }),
/***/ 1473:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__ = __webpack_require__(1);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types__);
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }
var Arrow = function Arrow(props, context) {
var _props$component = props.component,
component = _props$component === undefined ? 'span' : _props$component,
innerRef = props.innerRef,
children = props.children,
restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ['component', 'innerRef', 'children']);
var popper = context.popper;
var arrowRef = function arrowRef(node) {
if (typeof innerRef === 'function') {
var arrowStyle = popper.getArrowStyle();
if (typeof children === 'function') {
var arrowProps = {
ref: arrowRef,
style: arrowStyle
return children({ arrowProps: arrowProps, restProps: restProps });
var componentProps = _extends({}, restProps, {
style: _extends({}, arrowStyle, restProps.style)
if (typeof component === 'string') {
componentProps.ref = arrowRef;
} else {
componentProps.innerRef = arrowRef;
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__["createElement"])(component, componentProps, children);
Arrow.contextTypes = {
popper: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.object.isRequired
Arrow.propTypes = {
component: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.node, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func]),
innerRef: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func,
children: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.node, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_prop_types___default.a.func])
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Arrow);
/***/ }),
/***/ 1474:
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"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_antd_lib_input_number_style_css__ = __webpack_require__(1080);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_antd_lib_input_number_style_css___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_antd_lib_input_number_style_css__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_antd_lib_input_number__ = __webpack_require__(1081);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_antd_lib_input_number___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_antd_lib_input_number__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_react__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_react___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_react__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_material_ui_Dialog__ = __webpack_require__(115);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_material_ui_Dialog___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_material_ui_Dialog__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_material_ui_Button__ = __webpack_require__(325);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_material_ui_Button___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_material_ui_Button__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_material_ui_Tooltip__ = __webpack_require__(1361);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_material_ui_Tooltip___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_material_ui_Tooltip__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_rc_pagination__ = __webpack_require__(863);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_rc_pagination_assets_index_css__ = __webpack_require__(1475);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_rc_pagination_assets_index_css___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7_rc_pagination_assets_index_css__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_educoder__ = __webpack_require__(5);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9_material_ui_Input__ = __webpack_require__(1436);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9_material_ui_Input___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9_material_ui_Input__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10_material_ui_Form__ = __webpack_require__(1327);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10_material_ui_Form___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10_material_ui_Form__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__CommentItemKEEditor__ = __webpack_require__(1484);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__CommentItemMDEditor__ = __webpack_require__(1485);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Comment_css__ = __webpack_require__(1377);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Comment_css___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Comment_css__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__modals_Modals__ = __webpack_require__(169);
var _createClass=function(){function defineProperties(target,props){for(var i=0;i<props.length;i++){var descriptor=props[i];descriptor.enumerable=descriptor.enumerable||false;descriptor.configurable=true;if("value"in descriptor)descriptor.writable=true;Object.defineProperty(target,descriptor.key,descriptor);}}return function(Constructor,protoProps,staticProps){if(protoProps)defineProperties(Constructor.prototype,protoProps);if(staticProps)defineProperties(Constructor,staticProps);return Constructor;};}();function _classCallCheck(instance,Constructor){if(!(instance instanceof Constructor)){throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");}}function _possibleConstructorReturn(self,call){if(!self){throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");}return call&&(typeof call==="object"||typeof call==="function")?call:self;}function _inherits(subClass,superClass){if(typeof superClass!=="function"&&superClass!==null){throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not "+typeof superClass);}subClass.prototype=Object.create(superClass&&superClass.prototype,{constructor:{value:subClass,enumerable:false,writable:true,configurable:true}});if(superClass)Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass,superClass):subClass.__proto__=superClass;}/*
-------------------------- 样式相关
class 改成 className
style 需要传入json对象 style="margin:0px"> -> style={{ margin:"0px" }}>
margin-top -> marginTop
onclick -> onClick 驼峰
-------------------------- 模板语法相关
rails模板的 if等逻辑改成js实现
客户端需要能判断 User.current.manager_of_shixun?(comment.dis_id)
-------------------------- 现有ui控件的使用方式
方案1: 换成对应的react组件,然后再调用(控件简单时推荐)
方案2: 在react环境中使用若干jquery插件(控件复杂,又无react环境下的替代方案时考虑使用)
需要服务端提供对应的rest api
*/var _origin=window.location.origin;/*
注意不同模块使用时的参数的不同 usingAntdModal onlySuperAdminCouldHide isChildCommentPagination等等
user user_url image_url
buttonText 发送按钮 显示文本
showRewardButton 是否显示奖励按钮
showHiddenButton 是否显示隐藏按钮
onlySuperAdminCouldHide 只有超级管理员才显示隐藏、取消隐藏
isChildCommentPagination 是否子回复分页
loadMoreChildComments function 加载所有子回复
usingAntdModal 是否使用antd的弹框
deleteComment 删除
onPaginationChange 翻页变化
commentPraise 点赞
hiddenComment 隐藏
rewardCode 奖励
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var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(14));
var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(15));
var _possibleConstructorReturn2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(20));
var _inherits2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(21));
var _assertThisInitialized2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(22));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _debounce = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(110));
var _reactEventListener = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(93));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var ROWS_HEIGHT = 19;
var styles = {
root: {
position: 'relative',
// because the shadow has position: 'absolute',
width: '100%'
textarea: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
resize: 'none',
font: 'inherit',
padding: 0,
cursor: 'inherit',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
lineHeight: 'inherit',
border: 'none',
outline: 'none',
background: 'transparent'
shadow: {
resize: 'none',
// Overflow also needed to here to remove the extra row
// added to textareas in Firefox.
overflow: 'hidden',
// Visibility needed to hide the extra text area on ipads
visibility: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute',
height: 'auto',
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap'
* @ignore - internal component.
exports.styles = styles;
var Textarea =
function (_React$Component) {
(0, _inherits2.default)(Textarea, _React$Component);
function Textarea(props, context) {
var _this;
(0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, Textarea);
_this = (0, _possibleConstructorReturn2.default)(this, (Textarea.__proto__ || (0, _getPrototypeOf.default)(Textarea)).call(this, props, context)); // <Input> expects the components it renders to respond to 'value'
// so that it can check whether they are filled.
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "state", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: {
height: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "shadow", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "singlelineShadow", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "input", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "value", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: null
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleResize", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: (0, _debounce.default)(function () {
}, 166)
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleRefInput", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(node) {
_this.input = node;
if (_this.props.textareaRef) {
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleRefSinglelineShadow", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(node) {
_this.singlelineShadow = node;
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleRefShadow", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(node) {
_this.shadow = node;
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleChange", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
_this.value = event.target.value;
if (typeof _this.props.value === 'undefined' && _this.shadow) {
// The component is not controlled, we need to update the shallow value.
_this.shadow.value = _this.value;
if (_this.props.onChange) {
_this.value = props.value || props.defaultValue || '';
_this.state = {
height: Number(props.rows) * ROWS_HEIGHT
return _this;
(0, _createClass2.default)(Textarea, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function componentDidMount() {
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function componentDidUpdate() {
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function componentWillUnmount() {
}, {
key: "syncHeightWithShadow",
// Corresponds to 10 frames at 60 Hz.
value: function syncHeightWithShadow() {
var props = this.props;
if (!this.shadow || !this.singlelineShadow) {
} // The component is controlled, we need to update the shallow value.
if (typeof props.value !== 'undefined') {
this.shadow.value = props.value == null ? '' : String(props.value);
var lineHeight = this.singlelineShadow.scrollHeight;
var newHeight = this.shadow.scrollHeight; // Guarding for jsdom, where scrollHeight isn't present.
// See https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom/issues/1013
if (newHeight === undefined) {
if (Number(props.rowsMax) >= Number(props.rows)) {
newHeight = Math.min(Number(props.rowsMax) * lineHeight, newHeight);
newHeight = Math.max(newHeight, lineHeight); // Need a large enough different to update the height.
// This prevents infinite rendering loop.
if (Math.abs(this.state.height - newHeight) > 1) {
height: newHeight
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
classes = _props.classes,
className = _props.className,
defaultValue = _props.defaultValue,
onChange = _props.onChange,
rows = _props.rows,
rowsMax = _props.rowsMax,
textareaRef = _props.textareaRef,
value = _props.value,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(_props, ["classes", "className", "defaultValue", "onChange", "rows", "rowsMax", "textareaRef", "value"]);
return _react.default.createElement("div", {
className: classes.root,
style: {
height: this.state.height
}, _react.default.createElement(_reactEventListener.default, {
target: "window",
onResize: this.handleResize
}), _react.default.createElement("textarea", {
ref: this.handleRefSinglelineShadow,
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.shadow, classes.textarea),
tabIndex: -1,
rows: "1",
readOnly: true,
"aria-hidden": "true",
value: ""
}), _react.default.createElement("textarea", {
ref: this.handleRefShadow,
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.shadow, classes.textarea),
tabIndex: -1,
rows: rows,
"aria-hidden": "true",
readOnly: true,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
value: value
}), _react.default.createElement("textarea", (0, _extends2.default)({
rows: rows,
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.textarea, className),
defaultValue: defaultValue,
value: value,
onChange: this.handleChange,
ref: this.handleRefInput
}, other)));
return Textarea;
Textarea.propTypes = false ? {
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* @ignore
defaultValue: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]),
* @ignore
disabled: _propTypes.default.bool,
* @ignore
onChange: _propTypes.default.func,
* Number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
rows: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]),
* Maximum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
rowsMax: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]),
* Use that property to pass a ref callback to the native textarea element.
textareaRef: _propTypes.default.func,
* @ignore
value: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number])
} : {};
Textarea.defaultProps = {
rows: 1
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles)(Textarea);
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1478:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _Typography = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(113));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var styles = function styles(theme) {
return {
root: {
display: 'flex',
maxHeight: '2em',
alignItems: 'center'
positionStart: {
marginRight: theme.spacing.unit
positionEnd: {
marginLeft: theme.spacing.unit
exports.styles = styles;
function InputAdornment(props) {
var _classNames;
var children = props.children,
Component = props.component,
classes = props.classes,
className = props.className,
disableTypography = props.disableTypography,
position = props.position,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(props, ["children", "component", "classes", "className", "disableTypography", "position"]);
return _react.default.createElement(Component, (0, _extends2.default)({
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.positionStart, position === 'start'), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.positionEnd, position === 'end'), _classNames), className)
}, other), typeof children === 'string' && !disableTypography ? _react.default.createElement(_Typography.default, {
color: "textSecondary"
}, children) : children);
InputAdornment.propTypes = false ? {
* The content of the component, normally an `IconButton` or string.
children: _propTypes.default.node.isRequired,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* The component used for the root node.
* Either a string to use a DOM element or a component.
component: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.func]),
* If children is a string then disable wrapping in a Typography component.
disableTypography: _propTypes.default.bool,
* The position this adornment should appear relative to the `Input`.
position: _propTypes.default.oneOf(['start', 'end'])
} : {};
InputAdornment.defaultProps = {
component: 'div',
disableTypography: false
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiInputAdornment'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1479:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var _Form = __webpack_require__(1327);
// @inheritedComponent FormLabel
var styles = function styles(theme) {
return {
root: {
transformOrigin: 'top left'
formControl: {
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
top: 0,
// slight alteration to spec spacing to match visual spec result
transform: "translate(0, ".concat(theme.spacing.unit * 3, "px) scale(1)")
marginDense: {
// Compensation for the `Input.inputDense` style.
transform: "translate(0, ".concat(theme.spacing.unit * 2.5 + 1, "px) scale(1)")
shrink: {
transform: 'translate(0, 1.5px) scale(0.75)',
transformOrigin: 'top left'
animated: {
transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter,
easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
exports.styles = styles;
function InputLabel(props, context) {
var _classNames;
var children = props.children,
classes = props.classes,
classNameProp = props.className,
disableAnimation = props.disableAnimation,
FormLabelClasses = props.FormLabelClasses,
marginProp = props.margin,
shrinkProp = props.shrink,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "disableAnimation", "FormLabelClasses", "margin", "shrink"]);
var muiFormControl = context.muiFormControl;
var shrink = shrinkProp;
if (typeof shrink === 'undefined' && muiFormControl) {
shrink = muiFormControl.filled || muiFormControl.focused || muiFormControl.adornedStart;
var margin = marginProp;
if (typeof margin === 'undefined' && muiFormControl) {
margin = muiFormControl.margin;
var className = (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.formControl, muiFormControl), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.animated, !disableAnimation), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.shrink, shrink), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.marginDense, margin === 'dense'), _classNames), classNameProp);
return _react.default.createElement(_Form.FormLabel, (0, _extends2.default)({
"data-shrink": shrink,
className: className,
classes: FormLabelClasses
}, other), children);
InputLabel.propTypes = false ? {
* The contents of the `InputLabel`.
children: _propTypes.default.node,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* If `true`, the transition animation is disabled.
disableAnimation: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, apply disabled class.
disabled: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the label will be displayed in an error state.
error: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the input of this label is focused.
focused: _propTypes.default.bool,
* `classes` property applied to the `FormLabel` element.
FormLabelClasses: _propTypes.default.object,
* If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
* FormControl.
margin: _propTypes.default.oneOf(['dense']),
* if `true`, the label will indicate that the input is required.
required: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the label is shrunk.
shrink: _propTypes.default.bool
} : {};
InputLabel.defaultProps = {
disableAnimation: false
InputLabel.contextTypes = {
muiFormControl: _propTypes.default.object
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiInputLabel'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1480:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var styles = function styles(theme) {
return {
root: {
fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(16),
lineHeight: 1,
padding: 0,
'&$focused': {
color: theme.palette.primary[theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light']
'&$disabled': {
color: theme.palette.text.disabled
'&$error': {
color: theme.palette.error.main
focused: {},
disabled: {},
error: {},
asterisk: {
'&$error': {
color: theme.palette.error.main
exports.styles = styles;
function FormLabel(props, context) {
var _classNames;
var children = props.children,
classes = props.classes,
classNameProp = props.className,
Component = props.component,
disabledProp = props.disabled,
errorProp = props.error,
focusedProp = props.focused,
requiredProp = props.required,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "component", "disabled", "error", "focused", "required"]);
var muiFormControl = context.muiFormControl;
var required = requiredProp;
var focused = focusedProp;
var disabled = disabledProp;
var error = errorProp;
if (muiFormControl) {
if (typeof required === 'undefined') {
required = muiFormControl.required;
if (typeof focused === 'undefined') {
focused = muiFormControl.focused;
if (typeof disabled === 'undefined') {
disabled = muiFormControl.disabled;
if (typeof error === 'undefined') {
error = muiFormControl.error;
var className = (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.focused, focused), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.disabled, disabled), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.error, error), _classNames), classNameProp);
return _react.default.createElement(Component, (0, _extends2.default)({
className: className
}, other), children, required && _react.default.createElement("span", {
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.asterisk, (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, classes.error, error))
}, "\u2009*"));
FormLabel.propTypes = false ? {
* The content of the component.
children: _propTypes.default.node,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* The component used for the root node.
* Either a string to use a DOM element or a component.
component: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.func]),
* If `true`, the label should be displayed in a disabled state.
disabled: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the label should be displayed in an error state.
error: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the input of this label is focused (used by `FormGroup` components).
focused: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the label will indicate that the input is required.
required: _propTypes.default.bool
} : {};
FormLabel.defaultProps = {
component: 'label'
FormLabel.contextTypes = {
muiFormControl: _propTypes.default.object
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiFormLabel'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1481:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _getPrototypeOf = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(19));
var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(14));
var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(15));
var _possibleConstructorReturn2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(20));
var _inherits2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(21));
var _assertThisInitialized2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(22));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var _Input = __webpack_require__(1346);
var _helpers = __webpack_require__(78);
var _reactHelpers = __webpack_require__(332);
var styles = function styles(theme) {
return {
root: {
display: 'inline-flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
position: 'relative',
// Reset fieldset default style
minWidth: 0,
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
border: 0
marginNormal: {
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit * 2,
marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit
marginDense: {
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit,
marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit / 2
fullWidth: {
width: '100%'
* Provides context such as filled/focused/error/required for form inputs.
* Relying on the context provides high flexibilty and ensures that the state always stay
* consitent across the children of the `FormControl`.
* This context is used by the following components:
* - FormLabel
* - FormHelperText
* - Input
* - InputLabel
exports.styles = styles;
var FormControl =
function (_React$Component) {
(0, _inherits2.default)(FormControl, _React$Component);
function FormControl(props, context) {
var _this;
(0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, FormControl);
_this = (0, _possibleConstructorReturn2.default)(this, (FormControl.__proto__ || (0, _getPrototypeOf.default)(FormControl)).call(this, props, context)); // We need to iterate through the children and find the Input in order
// to fully support server side rendering.
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "state", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: {
adornedStart: false,
filled: false,
focused: false
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleFocus", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
if (_this.props.onFocus) {
_this.setState(function (state) {
return !state.focused ? {
focused: true
} : null;
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleBlur", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value(event) {
// The event might be undefined.
// For instance, a child component might call this hook
// when an input is disabled but still having the focus.
if (_this.props.onBlur && event) {
_this.setState(function (state) {
return state.focused ? {
focused: false
} : null;
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleDirty", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value() {
if (!_this.state.filled) {
filled: true
Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), "handleClean", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: function value() {
if (_this.state.filled) {
filled: false
var children = _this.props.children;
if (children) {
_react.default.Children.forEach(children, function (child) {
if (!(0, _reactHelpers.isMuiElement)(child, ['Input', 'Select'])) {
if ((0, _Input.isFilled)(child.props, true)) {
_this.state.filled = true;
var input = (0, _reactHelpers.isMuiElement)(child, ['Select']) ? child.props.input : child;
if (input && (0, _Input.isAdornedStart)(input.props)) {
_this.state.adornedStart = true;
return _this;
(0, _createClass2.default)(FormControl, [{
key: "getChildContext",
value: function getChildContext() {
var _props = this.props,
disabled = _props.disabled,
error = _props.error,
required = _props.required,
margin = _props.margin;
var _state = this.state,
adornedStart = _state.adornedStart,
filled = _state.filled,
focused = _state.focused;
return {
muiFormControl: {
adornedStart: adornedStart,
disabled: disabled,
error: error,
filled: filled,
focused: focused,
margin: margin,
onBlur: this.handleBlur,
onEmpty: this.handleClean,
onFilled: this.handleDirty,
onFocus: this.handleFocus,
required: required
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _classNames;
var _props2 = this.props,
classes = _props2.classes,
className = _props2.className,
Component = _props2.component,
disabled = _props2.disabled,
error = _props2.error,
fullWidth = _props2.fullWidth,
margin = _props2.margin,
required = _props2.required,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(_props2, ["classes", "className", "component", "disabled", "error", "fullWidth", "margin", "required"]);
return _react.default.createElement(Component, (0, _extends2.default)({
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes["margin".concat((0, _helpers.capitalize)(margin))], margin !== 'none'), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.fullWidth, fullWidth), _classNames), className)
}, other, {
onFocus: this.handleFocus,
onBlur: this.handleBlur
return FormControl;
FormControl.propTypes = false ? {
* The contents of the form control.
children: _propTypes.default.node,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* The component used for the root node.
* Either a string to use a DOM element or a component.
component: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.func]),
* If `true`, the label, input and helper text should be displayed in a disabled state.
disabled: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the label should be displayed in an error state.
error: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, the component will take up the full width of its container.
fullWidth: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `dense` or `normal`, will adjust vertical spacing of this and contained components.
margin: _propTypes.default.oneOf(['none', 'dense', 'normal']),
* @ignore
onBlur: _propTypes.default.func,
* @ignore
onFocus: _propTypes.default.func,
* If `true`, the label will indicate that the input is required.
required: _propTypes.default.bool
} : {};
FormControl.defaultProps = {
component: 'div',
disabled: false,
error: false,
fullWidth: false,
margin: 'none',
required: false
FormControl.childContextTypes = {
muiFormControl: _propTypes.default.object
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiFormControl'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1482:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var styles = function styles(theme) {
return {
root: {
color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12),
textAlign: 'left',
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit,
lineHeight: '1em',
minHeight: '1em',
margin: 0,
'&$error': {
color: theme.palette.error.main
'&$disabled': {
color: theme.palette.text.disabled
error: {},
disabled: {},
marginDense: {
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit / 2
exports.styles = styles;
function FormHelperText(props, context) {
var _classNames;
var classes = props.classes,
classNameProp = props.className,
disabledProp = props.disabled,
errorProp = props.error,
marginProp = props.margin,
Component = props.component,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(props, ["classes", "className", "disabled", "error", "margin", "component"]);
var muiFormControl = context.muiFormControl;
var disabled = disabledProp;
var error = errorProp;
var margin = marginProp;
if (muiFormControl) {
if (typeof disabled === 'undefined') {
disabled = muiFormControl.disabled;
if (typeof error === 'undefined') {
error = muiFormControl.error;
if (typeof margin === 'undefined') {
margin = muiFormControl.margin;
var className = (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.disabled, disabled), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.error, error), (0, _defineProperty2.default)(_classNames, classes.marginDense, margin === 'dense'), _classNames), classNameProp);
return _react.default.createElement(Component, (0, _extends2.default)({
className: className
}, other));
FormHelperText.propTypes = false ? {
* The content of the component.
children: _propTypes.default.node,
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* The component used for the root node.
* Either a string to use a DOM element or a component.
component: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.func]),
* If `true`, the helper text should be displayed in a disabled state.
disabled: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `true`, helper text should be displayed in an error state.
error: _propTypes.default.bool,
* If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
* FormControl.
margin: _propTypes.default.oneOf(['dense'])
} : {};
FormHelperText.defaultProps = {
component: 'p'
FormHelperText.contextTypes = {
muiFormControl: _propTypes.default.object
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiFormHelperText'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1483:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.styles = void 0;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(8));
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(17));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6));
var _react = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(0));
var _propTypes = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1));
var _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3));
var _withStyles = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(16));
var _Typography = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(113));
/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/label-has-for */
var styles = function styles(theme) {
return {
root: {
display: 'inline-flex',
alignItems: 'center',
cursor: 'pointer',
// For correct alignment with the text.
verticalAlign: 'middle',
// Remove grey highlight
WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
marginLeft: -14,
marginRight: theme.spacing.unit * 2,
// used for row presentation of radio/checkbox
'&$disabled': {
cursor: 'default'
disabled: {},
label: {
'&$disabled': {
color: theme.palette.text.disabled
* Drop in replacement of the `Radio`, `Switch` and `Checkbox` component.
* Use this component if you want to display an extra label.
exports.styles = styles;
function FormControlLabel(props, context) {
var checked = props.checked,
classes = props.classes,
classNameProp = props.className,
control = props.control,
disabledProp = props.disabled,
inputRef = props.inputRef,
label = props.label,
name = props.name,
onChange = props.onChange,
value = props.value,
other = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2.default)(props, ["checked", "classes", "className", "control", "disabled", "inputRef", "label", "name", "onChange", "value"]);
var muiFormControl = context.muiFormControl;
var disabled = disabledProp;
if (typeof control.props.disabled !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof disabled === 'undefined') {
disabled = control.props.disabled;
if (muiFormControl) {
if (typeof disabled === 'undefined') {
disabled = muiFormControl.disabled;
var className = (0, _classnames.default)(classes.root, (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, classes.disabled, disabled), classNameProp);
return _react.default.createElement("label", (0, _extends2.default)({
className: className
}, other), _react.default.cloneElement(control, {
disabled: disabled,
checked: typeof control.props.checked === 'undefined' ? checked : control.props.checked,
name: control.props.name || name,
onChange: control.props.onChange || onChange,
value: control.props.value || value,
inputRef: control.props.inputRef || inputRef
}), _react.default.createElement(_Typography.default, {
component: "span",
className: (0, _classnames.default)(classes.label, (0, _defineProperty2.default)({}, classes.disabled, disabled))
}, label));
FormControlLabel.propTypes = false ? {
* If `true`, the component appears selected.
checked: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.bool, _propTypes.default.string]),
* Useful to extend the style applied to components.
classes: _propTypes.default.object.isRequired,
* @ignore
className: _propTypes.default.string,
* A control element. For instance, it can be be a `Radio`, a `Switch` or a `Checkbox`.
control: _propTypes.default.element,
* If `true`, the control will be disabled.
disabled: _propTypes.default.bool,
* Use that property to pass a ref callback to the native input component.
inputRef: _propTypes.default.func,
* The text to be used in an enclosing label element.
label: _propTypes.default.node,
* @ignore
name: _propTypes.default.string,
* Callback fired when the state is changed.
* @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
* You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.checked`.
* @param {boolean} checked The `checked` value of the switch
onChange: _propTypes.default.func,
* The value of the component.
value: _propTypes.default.string
} : {};
FormControlLabel.contextTypes = {
muiFormControl: _propTypes.default.object
var _default = (0, _withStyles.default)(styles, {
name: 'MuiFormControlLabel'
exports.default = _default;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1484:
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/***/ }),
/***/ 1485:
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/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_react_router_dom__ = __webpack_require__(45);
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/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_prop_types___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_prop_types__);
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/***/ }),
/***/ 1486:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
// load the styles
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if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
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var transform;
var options = {"hmr":false}
options.transform = transform
// add the styles to the DOM
var update = __webpack_require__(294)(content, options);
if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
/***/ }),
/***/ 1487:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(293)(true);
// imports
// module
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function noop() {}
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console.warn('Warning: You provided a `current` prop to a Pagination component without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only component.'); // eslint-disable-line
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value: function componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
// When current page change, fix focused style of prev item
// A hacky solution of https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/8948
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key: 'getValidValue',
value: function getValidValue(e) {
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return value;
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value: function render() {
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title: props.showTitle ? this.state.current + '/' + allPages : null,
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__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_react___default.a.createElement('input', {
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onChange: this.handleKeyUp,
size: '3'
{ className: prefixCls + '-slash' },
title: props.showTitle ? locale.next_page : null,
onClick: this.next,
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props.itemRender(nextPage, 'next', this.getItemIcon(props.nextIcon))
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onKeyPress: this.runIfEnter,
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itemRender: props.itemRender
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key: 'noPager',
page: allPages,
className: prefixCls + '-disabled'
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title: props.showTitle ? prevItemTitle : null,
key: 'prev',
onClick: this.jumpPrev,
tabIndex: '0',
onKeyPress: this.runIfEnterJumpPrev,
className: jumpPrevClassString
props.itemRender(this.getJumpPrevPage(), 'jump-prev', this.getItemIcon(props.jumpPrevIcon))
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title: props.showTitle ? nextItemTitle : null,
key: 'next',
tabIndex: '0',
onClick: this.jumpNext,
onKeyPress: this.runIfEnterJumpNext,
className: jumpNextClassString
props.itemRender(this.getJumpNextPage(), 'jump-next', this.getItemIcon(props.jumpNextIcon))
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last: true,
rootPrefixCls: prefixCls,
onClick: this.handleChange,
onKeyPress: this.runIfEnter,
key: allPages,
page: allPages,
active: false,
showTitle: props.showTitle,
itemRender: props.itemRender
firstPager = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_react___default.a.createElement(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__Pager__["a" /* default */], {
locale: props.locale,
rootPrefixCls: prefixCls,
onClick: this.handleChange,
onKeyPress: this.runIfEnter,
key: 1,
page: 1,
active: false,
showTitle: props.showTitle,
itemRender: props.itemRender
var left = Math.max(1, current - pageBufferSize);
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pagerList.push(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_react___default.a.createElement(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__Pager__["a" /* default */], {
locale: props.locale,
rootPrefixCls: prefixCls,
onClick: this.handleChange,
onKeyPress: this.runIfEnter,
key: _i,
page: _i,
active: _active,
showTitle: props.showTitle,
itemRender: props.itemRender
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className: prefixCls + '-item-after-jump-prev'
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className: prefixCls + '-item-before-jump-next'
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var totalText = null;
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{ className: prefixCls + '-total-text' },
props.showTotal(props.total, [props.total === 0 ? 0 : (current - 1) * pageSize + 1, current * pageSize > props.total ? props.total : current * pageSize])
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style: props.style,
unselectable: 'unselectable',
ref: this.savePaginationNode
}, dataOrAriaAttributeProps),
title: props.showTitle ? locale.prev_page : null,
onClick: this.prev,
tabIndex: prevDisabled ? null : 0,
onKeyPress: this.runIfEnterPrev,
className: (!prevDisabled ? '' : prefixCls + '-disabled') + ' ' + prefixCls + '-prev',
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props.itemRender(prevPage, 'prev', this.getItemIcon(props.prevIcon))
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onClick: this.next,
tabIndex: nextDisabled ? null : 0,
onKeyPress: this.runIfEnterNext,
className: (!nextDisabled ? '' : prefixCls + '-disabled') + ' ' + prefixCls + '-next',
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props.itemRender(nextPage, 'next', this.getItemIcon(props.nextIcon))
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_react___default.a.createElement(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Options__["a" /* default */], {
disabled: disabled,
locale: props.locale,
rootPrefixCls: prefixCls,
selectComponentClass: props.selectComponentClass,
selectPrefixCls: props.selectPrefixCls,
changeSize: this.props.showSizeChanger ? this.changePageSize : null,
current: this.state.current,
pageSize: this.state.pageSize,
pageSizeOptions: this.props.pageSizeOptions,
quickGo: this.shouldDisplayQuickJumper() ? this.handleChange : null,
goButton: goButton
}], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(props, prevState) {
var newState = {};
if ('current' in props) {
newState.current = props.current;
if (props.current !== prevState.current) {
newState.currentInputValue = newState.current;
if ('pageSize' in props && props.pageSize !== prevState.pageSize) {
var current = prevState.current;
var newCurrent = calculatePage(props.pageSize, prevState, props);
current = current > newCurrent ? newCurrent : current;
if (!('current' in props)) {
newState.current = current;
newState.currentInputValue = current;
newState.pageSize = props.pageSize;
return newState;
* computed icon node that need to be rendered.
* @param {React.ReactNode | React.ComponentType<PaginationProps>} icon received icon.
* @returns {React.ReactNode}
return Pagination;
Pagination.propTypes = {
disabled: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.bool,
prefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.string,
className: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.string,
current: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.number,
defaultCurrent: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.number,
total: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.number,
pageSize: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.number,
defaultPageSize: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.number,
onChange: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func,
hideOnSinglePage: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.bool,
showSizeChanger: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.bool,
showLessItems: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.bool,
onShowSizeChange: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func,
selectComponentClass: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func,
showPrevNextJumpers: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.bool,
showQuickJumper: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.bool, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.object]),
showTitle: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.bool,
pageSizeOptions: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.arrayOf(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.string),
showTotal: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func,
locale: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.object,
style: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.object,
itemRender: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func,
prevIcon: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.node]),
nextIcon: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.node]),
jumpPrevIcon: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.node]),
jumpNextIcon: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.func, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8_prop_types___default.a.node])
Pagination.defaultProps = {
defaultCurrent: 1,
total: 0,
defaultPageSize: 10,
onChange: noop,
className: '',
selectPrefixCls: 'rc-select',
prefixCls: 'rc-pagination',
selectComponentClass: null,
hideOnSinglePage: false,
showPrevNextJumpers: true,
showQuickJumper: false,
showSizeChanger: false,
showLessItems: false,
showTitle: true,
onShowSizeChange: noop,
locale: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__locale_zh_CN__["a" /* default */],
style: {},
itemRender: defaultItemRender
var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
var _this2 = this;
this.getJumpPrevPage = function () {
return Math.max(1, _this2.state.current - (_this2.props.showLessItems ? 3 : 5));
this.getJumpNextPage = function () {
return Math.min(calculatePage(undefined, _this2.state, _this2.props), _this2.state.current + (_this2.props.showLessItems ? 3 : 5));
this.getItemIcon = function (icon) {
var prefixCls = _this2.props.prefixCls;
var iconNode = icon || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_react___default.a.createElement('a', { className: prefixCls + '-item-link' });
if (typeof icon === 'function') {
iconNode = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_react___default.a.createElement(icon, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_extends___default()({}, _this2.props));
return iconNode;
this.savePaginationNode = function (node) {
_this2.paginationNode = node;
this.isValid = function (page) {
return isInteger(page) && page !== _this2.state.current;
this.shouldDisplayQuickJumper = function () {
var _props2 = _this2.props,
showQuickJumper = _props2.showQuickJumper,
pageSize = _props2.pageSize,
total = _props2.total;
if (total <= pageSize) {
return false;
return showQuickJumper;
this.handleKeyDown = function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ARROW_UP || e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ARROW_DOWN) {
this.handleKeyUp = function (e) {
var value = _this2.getValidValue(e);
var currentInputValue = _this2.state.currentInputValue;
if (value !== currentInputValue) {
currentInputValue: value
if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ENTER) {
} else if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ARROW_UP) {
_this2.handleChange(value - 1);
} else if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ARROW_DOWN) {
_this2.handleChange(value + 1);
this.changePageSize = function (size) {
var current = _this2.state.current;
var newCurrent = calculatePage(size, _this2.state, _this2.props);
current = current > newCurrent ? newCurrent : current;
// fix the issue:
// Once 'total' is 0, 'current' in 'onShowSizeChange' is 0, which is not correct.
if (newCurrent === 0) {
current = _this2.state.current;
if (typeof size === 'number') {
if (!('pageSize' in _this2.props)) {
pageSize: size
if (!('current' in _this2.props)) {
current: current,
currentInputValue: current
_this2.props.onShowSizeChange(current, size);
this.handleChange = function (p) {
var disabled = _this2.props.disabled;
var page = p;
if (_this2.isValid(page) && !disabled) {
var currentPage = calculatePage(undefined, _this2.state, _this2.props);
if (page > currentPage) {
page = currentPage;
} else if (page < 1) {
page = 1;
if (!('current' in _this2.props)) {
current: page,
currentInputValue: page
var pageSize = _this2.state.pageSize;
_this2.props.onChange(page, pageSize);
return page;
return _this2.state.current;
this.prev = function () {
if (_this2.hasPrev()) {
_this2.handleChange(_this2.state.current - 1);
this.next = function () {
if (_this2.hasNext()) {
_this2.handleChange(_this2.state.current + 1);
this.jumpPrev = function () {
this.jumpNext = function () {
this.hasPrev = function () {
return _this2.state.current > 1;
this.hasNext = function () {
return _this2.state.current < calculatePage(undefined, _this2.state, _this2.props);
this.runIfEnter = function (event, callback) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, restParams = Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {
restParams[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];
if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.charCode === 13) {
callback.apply(undefined, restParams);
this.runIfEnterPrev = function (e) {
_this2.runIfEnter(e, _this2.prev);
this.runIfEnterNext = function (e) {
_this2.runIfEnter(e, _this2.next);
this.runIfEnterJumpPrev = function (e) {
_this2.runIfEnter(e, _this2.jumpPrev);
this.runIfEnterJumpNext = function (e) {
_this2.runIfEnter(e, _this2.jumpNext);
this.handleGoTO = function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ENTER || e.type === 'click') {
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Pagination);
/***/ }),
/***/ 904:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__ = __webpack_require__(68);
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var Pager = function Pager(props) {
var _classNames;
var prefixCls = props.rootPrefixCls + '-item';
var cls = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_classnames___default()(prefixCls, prefixCls + '-' + props.page, (_classNames = {}, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_classNames, prefixCls + '-active', props.active), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_classNames, props.className, !!props.className), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty___default()(_classNames, prefixCls + '-disabled', !props.page), _classNames));
var handleClick = function handleClick() {
var handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(e) {
props.onKeyPress(e, props.onClick, props.page);
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_react___default.a.createElement(
title: props.showTitle ? props.page : null,
className: cls,
onClick: handleClick,
onKeyPress: handleKeyPress,
tabIndex: '0'
props.itemRender(props.page, 'page', __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_react___default.a.createElement(
Pager.propTypes = {
page: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.number,
active: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.bool,
last: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.bool,
locale: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.object,
className: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.string,
showTitle: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.bool,
rootPrefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.string,
onClick: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.func,
onKeyPress: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.func,
itemRender: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_prop_types___default.a.func
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Pager);
/***/ }),
/***/ 905:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
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/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass__ = __webpack_require__(44);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__ = __webpack_require__(12);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn__);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits__ = __webpack_require__(13);
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/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__KeyCode__ = __webpack_require__(838);
var Options = function (_React$Component) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3_babel_runtime_helpers_inherits___default()(Options, _React$Component);
function Options() {
var _ref;
var _temp, _this, _ret;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_helpers_classCallCheck___default()(this, Options);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return _ret = (_temp = (_this = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(this, (_ref = Options.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Options)).call.apply(_ref, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.state = {
goInputText: ''
}, _this.buildOptionText = function (value) {
return value + ' ' + _this.props.locale.items_per_page;
}, _this.changeSize = function (value) {
}, _this.handleChange = function (e) {
goInputText: e.target.value
}, _this.handleBlur = function (e) {
var _this$props = _this.props,
goButton = _this$props.goButton,
quickGo = _this$props.quickGo,
rootPrefixCls = _this$props.rootPrefixCls;
if (goButton) {
if (e.relatedTarget && (e.relatedTarget.className.indexOf(rootPrefixCls + '-prev') >= 0 || e.relatedTarget.className.indexOf(rootPrefixCls + '-next') >= 0)) {
}, _this.go = function (e) {
var goInputText = _this.state.goInputText;
if (goInputText === '') {
if (e.keyCode === __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__KeyCode__["a" /* default */].ENTER || e.type === 'click') {
goInputText: ''
}, _temp), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_babel_runtime_helpers_possibleConstructorReturn___default()(_this, _ret);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_createClass___default()(Options, [{
key: 'getValidValue',
value: function getValidValue() {
var _state = this.state,
goInputText = _state.goInputText,
current = _state.current;
return !goInputText || isNaN(goInputText) ? current : Number(goInputText);
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _this2 = this;
var _props = this.props,
pageSize = _props.pageSize,
pageSizeOptions = _props.pageSizeOptions,
locale = _props.locale,
rootPrefixCls = _props.rootPrefixCls,
changeSize = _props.changeSize,
quickGo = _props.quickGo,
goButton = _props.goButton,
selectComponentClass = _props.selectComponentClass,
buildOptionText = _props.buildOptionText,
selectPrefixCls = _props.selectPrefixCls,
disabled = _props.disabled;
var goInputText = this.state.goInputText;
var prefixCls = rootPrefixCls + '-options';
var Select = selectComponentClass;
var changeSelect = null;
var goInput = null;
var gotoButton = null;
if (!changeSize && !quickGo) {
return null;
if (changeSize && Select) {
var options = pageSizeOptions.map(function (opt, i) {
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
{ key: i, value: opt },
(buildOptionText || _this2.buildOptionText)(opt)
changeSelect = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
disabled: disabled,
prefixCls: selectPrefixCls,
showSearch: false,
className: prefixCls + '-size-changer',
optionLabelProp: 'children',
dropdownMatchSelectWidth: false,
value: (pageSize || pageSizeOptions[0]).toString(),
onChange: this.changeSize,
getPopupContainer: function getPopupContainer(triggerNode) {
return triggerNode.parentNode;
if (quickGo) {
if (goButton) {
gotoButton = typeof goButton === 'boolean' ? __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
type: 'button',
onClick: this.go,
onKeyUp: this.go,
disabled: disabled
) : __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
onClick: this.go,
onKeyUp: this.go
goInput = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
{ className: prefixCls + '-quick-jumper' },
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement('input', {
disabled: disabled,
type: 'text',
value: goInputText,
onChange: this.handleChange,
onKeyUp: this.go,
onBlur: this.handleBlur
return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4_react___default.a.createElement(
{ className: '' + prefixCls },
return Options;
Options.propTypes = {
disabled: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.bool,
changeSize: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
quickGo: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
selectComponentClass: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
current: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.number,
pageSizeOptions: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.arrayOf(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.string),
pageSize: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.number,
buildOptionText: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.func,
locale: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.object,
rootPrefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.string,
selectPrefixCls: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.string,
goButton: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.oneOfType([__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.bool, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_prop_types___default.a.node])
Options.defaultProps = {
pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '30', '40']
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Options);
/***/ }),
/***/ 906:
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = ({
// Options.jsx
items_per_page: '条/页',
jump_to: '跳至',
jump_to_confirm: '确定',
page: '页',
// Pagination.jsx
prev_page: '上一页',
next_page: '下一页',
prev_5: '向前 5 页',
next_5: '向后 5 页',
prev_3: '向前 3 页',
next_3: '向后 3 页'
/***/ })