class CollegesController < ApplicationController
include PaginateHelper
# layout 'college'
before_action :require_login
before_action :check_college_present!
before_action :check_manage_permission!
helper_method :current_school , :current_college
def statistics
# 教师、学生总数
count_statistic = UserExtension . where ( school_id : current_school . id )
. select ( 'SUM(IF(identity=0, 1, 0)) AS teachers_count, SUM(IF(identity=1, 1, 0)) AS students_count' ) . first
@teachers_count = count_statistic [ 'teachers_count' ]
@students_count = count_statistic [ 'students_count' ]
# 课堂总数
@courses_count = Course . where ( school_id : current_school . id , is_delete : 0 ) . where . not ( id : 1309 ) . count
# 实训总数
@shixuns_count = Shixun . visible . joins ( 'left join user_extensions on user_extensions.user_id = shixuns.user_id' )
. where ( user_extensions : { school_id : current_school . id } ) . count
render json : { teachers_count : @teachers_count , students_count : @students_count , courses_count : @courses_count , shixuns_count : @shixuns_count , school : current_school . name }
def shixun_time
time_sum = Game . joins ( 'left join user_extensions on user_extensions.user_id = games.user_id' )
. where ( user_extensions : { school_id : current_school . id } ) . sum ( :cost_time )
shixun_time_sum = ( time_sum / ( 24 * 60 * 60 . 0 ) ) . ceil
render json : { shixun_time : shixun_time_sum }
def shixun_report_count
shixun_report_count = StudentWork . where ( work_status : [ 1 , 2 ] ) . where ( 'myshixun_id != 0' )
. joins ( 'left join user_extensions on user_extensions.user_id = student_works.user_id' )
. where ( user_extensions : { school_id : current_school . id } ) . count
render json : { shixun_report_count : shixun_report_count }
def teachers
@teachers = User . find_by_sql ( " SELECT, users.login, users.lastname, users.firstname, users.nickname, IFNULL((SELECT count( FROM shixuns where shixuns.user_id group by shixuns.user_id), 0) AS publish_shixun_count,
( SELECT count ( c . id ) FROM courses c , course_members m WHERE c . id != 1309 and m . course_id = c . id AND m . user_id = users . id AND m . role in ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) and c . school_id = #{} AND c.is_delete = 0) as course_count
FROM ` users ` , user_extensions ue where ue . school_id = #{} and and ue.identity=0 ORDER BY publish_shixun_count desc, course_count desc, id desc LIMIT 10")
# ).order("publish_shixun_count desc, experience desc").limit(10)
# @teacher_count = UserExtension.where(school_id:
# .select('SUM(IF(identity=0, 1, 0)) AS teachers_count').first.teachers_count
@teachers =
@teachers . map do | teacher |
course_ids = Course . find_by_sql ( " SELECT FROM courses c, course_members m WHERE != 1309 and m.course_id = AND m.role in (1,2,3) AND m.user_id= #{ teacher . id } AND c.is_delete = 0 and c.school_id = #{ current_school . id } " )
course_count = course_ids . size
homeworks = HomeworkCommon . where ( :homework_type = > 4 , :course_id = > course_ids . map ( & :id ) )
un_shixun_work_count = homeworks . where ( " publish_time > ' #{ Time . now } ' or publish_time is null " ) . count
shixun_work_count = homeworks . size - un_shixun_work_count
student_count = StudentsForCourse . where ( :course_id = > course_ids . map ( & :id ) ) . count
myshixun_ids = StudentWork . select ( " myshixun_id " ) . where ( " homework_common_id in ( #{ homeworks . map ( & :id ) . join ( ',' ) . strip == " " ? - 1 : homeworks . map ( & :id ) . join ( ',' ) } ) and myshixun_id is not null " )
complete_myshixun = Myshixun . select ( " id " ) . where ( :status = > 1 , :id = > myshixun_ids . map ( & :myshixun_id ) ) . size
all_myshixun = Myshixun . select ( " id " ) . where ( :id = > myshixun_ids . map ( & :myshixun_id ) ) . size
complete_rate = all_myshixun == 0 ? 0 : ( ( complete_myshixun * 100 ) / all_myshixun ) . try ( :round , 2 ) . to_f
real_name = teacher . show_real_name
teacher = teacher . attributes . dup . merge ( {
real_name : real_name ,
course_count : course_count ,
shixun_work_count : shixun_work_count ,
un_shixun_work_count : un_shixun_work_count ,
student_count : student_count ,
complete_rate : complete_rate
} ) . to_json
JSON . parse ( teacher )
def shixun_chart_data
shixun_ids = HomeworkCommonsShixun . joins ( homework_common : :course ) . where ( courses : { school_id : current_school . id , is_delete : 0 } ) . where ( ' != 1309' ) . pluck ( 'distinct shixun_id' )
shixun_count_map = ShixunTagRepertoire . joins ( :tag_repertoire ) . where ( shixun_id : shixun_ids ) . group ( '' ) . order ( 'count_shixun_id desc' ) . count ( :shixun_id )
names = [ ]
data = [ ]
shixun_count_map . each do | name , count |
break if names . size == 9
names << name
data << { value : count , name : name }
if shixun_count_map . keys . size > 9
other_count = shixun_count_map . values [ 9 .. - 1 ] . reduce ( :+ )
names << 'Others'
data << { name : 'Others' , value : other_count }
render json : { names : names , data : data }
# 在线课堂
def course_statistics
courses = Course . where ( school_id : current_school . id , is_delete : 0 ) . where . not ( id : 1309 )
@course_count = courses . size
courses = courses . left_joins ( practice_homeworks : { student_works : { myshixun : :games } } )
. select ( ',, courses.is_end, IFNULL(sum(games.evaluate_count), 0) evaluating_count' )
. group ( '' ) . order ( 'is_end asc, evaluating_count desc' )
@courses = paginate courses
course_ids = @courses . map ( & :id )
@student_count = CourseMember . where ( course_id : course_ids , role : 4 ) . group ( :course_id ) . count
@shixun_work_count = HomeworkCommon . where ( homework_type : 4 , course_id : course_ids ) . group ( :course_id ) . count
@attachment_count = Attachment . where ( container_id : course_ids , container_type : 'Course' ) . group ( :container_id ) . count
@message_count = Message . joins ( :board ) . where ( boards : { parent_id : 0 , course_id : course_ids } ) . group ( 'boards.course_id' ) . count
@active_time = CourseActivity . where ( course_id : course_ids ) . group ( :course_id ) . maximum ( :created_at )
@exercise_count = Exercise . where ( course_id : course_ids ) . group ( :course_id ) . count
@poll_count = Poll . where ( course_id : course_ids ) . group ( :course_id ) . count
@other_work_count = HomeworkCommon . where ( homework_type : [ 1 , 3 ] , course_id : course_ids ) . group ( :course_id ) . count
# 学生实训
def student_shixun
# @student_count = User.joins(:user_extension).where(user_extensions: { school_id:, identity: 1 }).count
@students = User . joins ( :user_extension ) . where ( user_extensions : { school_id : current_school . id , identity : 1 } ) . includes ( :user_extension ) . order ( 'experience desc' ) . limit ( 10 )
student_ids = @students . map ( & :id )
@shixun_count = Myshixun . where ( user_id : student_ids ) . group ( :user_id ) . count
@study_shixun_count = Myshixun . where ( user_id : student_ids , status : 0 ) . group ( :user_id ) . count
def student_hot_evaluations
games = Game . joins ( :myshixun ) . joins ( 'join shixun_tag_repertoires str on str.shixun_id = myshixuns.shixun_id' )
games = games . joins ( 'join tag_repertoires tr on = str.tag_repertoire_id' )
games = games . joins ( " join user_extensions ue on ue.user_id = myshixuns.user_id and ue.school_id = #{ current_school . id } " )
evaluate_count_map = games . group ( '' ) . reorder ( 'sum_games_evaluate_count desc' ) . limit ( 10 ) . sum ( 'games.evaluate_count' )
render json : { names : evaluate_count_map . keys , values : evaluate_count_map . values }
def require_login
return if User . current . logged?
redirect_to " /login?back_url= #{ CGI :: escape ( request . fullpath ) } "
def check_college_present!
return if current_college . present?
redirect_to '/404'
def check_manage_permission!
return if can_manage_college?
redirect_to '/403'
def can_manage_college?
return true if current_user . admin_or_business? # 超级管理员|运营
return true if current_college . is_a? ( Department ) && current_college . member? ( current_user ) # 部门管理员
return true if current_user . is_teacher? && current_user . school_id == current_school . id # 学校老师
# return true if current_school.customers.exists? && current_user.partner&.partner_customers&.exists?(customer_id: current_school.customer_id)
def current_school
current_college . is_a? ( School ) ? current_college : current_college . school
def current_college
@_current_college || = begin
Department . find_by ( identifier : params [ :id ] ) || School . find_by ( id : params [ :id ] )