You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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6 years ago
<td class="shixun-line-no"><%= page_no %></td>
<td><%= shixun.identifier %></td>
<td class="text-left">
<%= link_to overflow_hidden_span(,width:160), "/shixuns/#{shixun.identifier}", :target => "_blank", :title => %>
6 years ago
6 years ago
<%= display_text shixun.shixun_main_name %>
6 years ago
<% status_options = [['超级管理员', '0'], ["合作团队", "1"]] %>
<%= select_tag(:use_scope, options_for_select(status_options,shixun.use_scope),class:"form-control shixun-setting-form",data:{}) %>
6 years ago
<%= select_tag(:tag_repertoires, options_for_select(@shixun_tags,shixun.tag_repertoires.pluck(:id)),multiple:true,class:"form-control shixun-setting-form",data:{},id:"tags-chosen-#{}") %>
6 years ago
<td class="shixun-setting-image">
<% imageExists = File.exist?(disk_filename("Shixun", %>
<% imageUrl = imageExists ? '/' + url_to_avatar(shixun) + "?#{}" : '' %>
<%= image_tag(imageUrl, width: 60, height: 40, class: "preview-image shixun-image-#{}", data: { toggle: 'tooltip', title: '点击预览' }, style: imageExists ? '' : 'display:none') %>
<%= javascript_void_link imageExists ? '重新上传' : '上传图片', class: 'action upload-shixun-image-action', data: { source_id:, source_type: 'Shixun', toggle: 'modal', target: '.admin-upload-file-modal' } %>
6 years ago
6 years ago
<td><%= link_to shixun.owner.try(:real_name),"/users/#{shixun.owner.login}",target:'_blank' %></td>
6 years ago
6 years ago
<% if shixun.status.to_i < 3 %>
<%= link_to "关闭", admins_shixun_setting_path(shixun,status:3,page_no:page_no),method: :put, :class => "", :remote => true %>
6 years ago
<% else %>
6 years ago
6 years ago
<% end %>
6 years ago
<%= check_box_tag :can_copy,!shixun.can_copy,shixun.can_copy,remote:true,data:{},class:"shixun-setting-form" %>
6 years ago
6 years ago
<input name="excute_time" value="<%= shixun.excute_time %>" class="form-control shixun-setting-form" data-id="<%= %>">
6 years ago
<td class="operate">
<%= check_box_tag :webssh,(shixun.webssh == 1 ? 0 : 1),(shixun.webssh == 1 ? true : false),remote:true,data:{,toggle:"tooltip",placement:"top"},class:"shixun-setting-form",title:"ssh" %>
<%= check_box_tag :hidden,!shixun.hidden,shixun.hidden,remote:true,data:{,toggle:"tooltip",placement:"top"},class:"shixun-setting-form" ,title:"隐藏"%>
<%= check_box_tag :homepage_show,!shixun.homepage_show,shixun.homepage_show,remote:true,data:{,toggle:"tooltip",placement:"top"},class:"shixun-setting-form",title:"首页" %>
<%= check_box_tag :task_pass,!shixun.task_pass,shixun.task_pass,remote:true,data:{,toggle:"tooltip",placement:"top"},class:"shixun-setting-form" ,title:"跳关"%>
<%= check_box_tag :code_hidden,!shixun.code_hidden,shixun.code_hidden,remote:true,data:{,toggle:"tooltip",placement:"top"},class:"shixun-setting-form" ,title:"隐藏目录"%>
6 years ago
6 years ago
$("#tags-chosen-<%= %>").select2({
multiple: true,
maximumSelectionLength: 3,
placeholder: '请选择技术体系'});