@ -23,19 +23,14 @@ class SubjectsController < ApplicationController
# 最热排序
if reorder == " myshixun_count "
subjects = Subject . joins ( :shixuns ) . where ( subjects : { hidden : 0 , status : 2 } )
if select
@subjects = Subject . find_by_sql ( " SELECT subjects.id, subjects.user_id, subjects.name, subjects.stages_count, subjects.repertoire_id, subjects.status,
subjects . shixuns_count , subjects . excellent , sum ( shixuns . myshixuns_count ) AS myshixun_member_count FROM subjects join stage_shixuns
on stage_shixuns . subject_id = subjects . id join shixuns on shixuns . id = stage_shixuns . shixun_id where
subjects . hidden = 0 AND subjects . status = 2 AND subjects . name like '%#{search}%'
AND subjects . repertoire_id = #{select} GROUP BY subjects.id ORDER BY myshixun_member_count DESC")
@subjects = Subject . find_by_sql ( " SELECT subjects.id, subjects.user_id, subjects.name, subjects.stages_count, subjects.repertoire_id, subjects.status,
subjects . shixuns_count , subjects . excellent , sum ( shixuns . myshixuns_count ) AS myshixun_member_count FROM subjects join stage_shixuns
on stage_shixuns . subject_id = subjects . id join shixuns on shixuns . id = stage_shixuns . shixun_id where
subjects . hidden = 0 AND subjects . status = 2 AND subjects . name like '%#{search}%'
GROUP BY subjects . id ORDER BY myshixun_member_count DESC " )
subjects = subjects . where ( subjects : { repertoire_id : select } )
if search
subjects = subjects . where ( " subjects.name like ? " , " % #{ search } % " )
@subjects = subjects . select ( " subjects.*, sum(shixuns.myshixuns_count) AS myshixun_member_count " ) . group_by ( " subjects.id " ) . order ( " myshixun_member_count DESC " )
# 我的路径
if reorder == " mine "
@ -51,7 +46,6 @@ class SubjectsController < ApplicationController
@subjects = Subject . visible . unhidden
# 类型
if select
@subjects = @subjects . where ( repertoire_id : select )