diff --git a/app/controllers/admins/examination_authentications_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admins/examination_authentications_controller.rb
index 8045644e1..c68c062b6 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admins/examination_authentications_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admins/examination_authentications_controller.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class Admins::ExaminationAuthenticationsController < Admins::BaseController
     ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
       exam = ExaminationBank.find current_apply.container_id
       current_apply.update!(status: 1)
-      exam.update!(public: 0)
+      exam.update!(public: 1)
diff --git a/app/controllers/admins/item_authentications_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admins/item_authentications_controller.rb
index 88d833ee9..8da9b232f 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admins/item_authentications_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admins/item_authentications_controller.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Admins::ItemAuthenticationsController < Admins::BaseController
     ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
       item = ItemBank.find current_apply.container_id
       current_apply.update!(status: 1)
-      item.update!(public: 0)
+      item.update!(public: 1)
diff --git a/app/controllers/examination_banks_controller.rb b/app/controllers/examination_banks_controller.rb
index 9ffbd6630..251cd197f 100644
--- a/app/controllers/examination_banks_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/examination_banks_controller.rb
@@ -50,8 +50,11 @@ class ExaminationBanksController < ApplicationController
   def destroy
-    @exam.destroy!
-    render_ok
+    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+      ApplyAction.where(container_type: "ExaminationBank", container_id: @exam.id).destroy_all
+      @exam.destroy!
+      render_ok
+    end
   def set_public
diff --git a/app/controllers/examination_intelligent_settings_controller.rb b/app/controllers/examination_intelligent_settings_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4dcc1535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/controllers/examination_intelligent_settings_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+class ExaminationIntelligentSettingsController < ApplicationController
+  before_action :require_login
+  before_action :find_exam, only: [:exchange_one_item, :exchange_items, :save_exam]
+  def optinal_items
+    sub_discipline_id = params[:sub_discipline_id]
+    tag_discipline_id = params[:tag_discipline_id]
+    difficulty = params[:difficulty]
+    source = params[:source]
+    items = OptionalItemQuery.call(sub_discipline_id, tag_discipline_id, difficulty, source)
+    @single_question_count = items.select{ |item| item.item_type == "SINGLE" }.size
+    @multiple_question_count = items.select{ |item| item.item_type == "MULTIPLE" }.size
+    @judgement_question_count = items.select{ |item| item.item_type == "JUDGMENT" }.size
+    @program_question_count = items.select{ |item| item.item_type == "PROGRAM" }.size
+  end
+  def create
+    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+      exam = ExaminationIntelligentSetting.new(user: current_user)
+      # 保存试卷基础信息
+      exam = ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveSettingService.call(exam, form_params)
+      render_ok({exam_setting_id: exam.id})
+    end
+  rescue ApplicationService::Error => ex
+    render_error(ex.message)
+  end
+  def save_exam
+    new_exam = ExaminationBank.new(user: current_user)
+    # 保存试卷基础信息
+    ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveExaminationService.call(new_exam, save_params, @exam)
+    render_ok
+  rescue ApplicationService::Error => ex
+    render_error(ex.message)
+  end
+  def exchange_one_item
+    item = @exam.item_baskets.find_by!(id: params[:item_id])
+    exam_type_setting = @exam.examination_type_settings.find_by!(item_type: item.item_type)
+    # 获取可选的题
+    items = OptionalItemQuery.call(@exam.sub_discipline_id, @exam.tag_discipline_containers.pluck(:tag_discipline_id), @exam.difficulty, @exam.public)
+    type_items = items.select{ |t_item| t_item.item_type == item.item_type }
+    # 如果可选的题数小于等于设置的题数则提示无可换的题
+    tip_exception("无可换的题") if type_items.size <= exam_type_setting.count
+    # 可选题中去掉已组卷的同题型试题
+    optional_item_ids = type_items.pluck(:id) - @exam.item_baskets.where(item_type: item.item_type).pluck(:item_bank_id)
+    new_item = ItemBank.find optional_item_ids.sample(1).first
+    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+      @exam.item_baskets << ItemBasket.new(item_bank_id: new_item.id, position: item.position, score: item.score, item_type: new_item.item_type)
+      item.destroy!
+    end
+    render_ok
+  end
+  def exchange_items
+    exam_type_setting = @exam.examination_type_settings.find_by!(item_type: params[:item_type])
+    choosed_items = @exam.item_baskets.where(item_type: params[:item_type])
+    # 获取可选的题
+    items = OptionalItemQuery.call(@exam.sub_discipline_id, @exam.tag_discipline_containers.pluck(:tag_discipline_id), @exam.difficulty, @exam.public)
+    type_items = items.select{ |t_item| t_item.item_type == params[:item_type] }
+    # 如果可选的题数小于等于设置的题数则提示无可换的题
+    tip_exception("无可换的题") if type_items.size <= exam_type_setting.count
+    # 可选题中去掉已组卷的同题型试题
+    choosed_item_ids = choosed_items.pluck(:item_bank_id)
+    optional_item_ids = type_items.pluck(:id) - choosed_item_ids
+    # 如果可选题数小于设置的题数n,则在原来的选题中随机选n个,确保换题时能选到新的题
+    if optional_item_ids.size < exam_type_setting.count
+      absence_count = exam_type_setting.count - optional_item_ids.size
+      optional_item_ids = optional_item_ids + choosed_item_ids.sample(absence_count)
+    end
+    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+      # 取试题分数
+      score = choosed_items.first&.score || (params[:item_type] == "PROGRAM" ? 10 : 5)
+      choosed_items.destroy_all
+      optional_item_ids.sample(exam_type_setting.count).each_with_index do |item_id, index|
+        new_item = ItemBank.find item_id
+        @exam.item_baskets << ItemBasket.new(item_bank_id: new_item.id, position: index+1, score: score, item_type: new_item.item_type)
+      end
+    end
+    render_ok
+  end
+  private
+  def find_exam
+    @exam = ExaminationIntelligentSetting.find_by!(id: params[:id])
+    tip_exception(403,"无权限编辑") unless current_user.admin_or_business? || @exam.user_id == current_user.id
+  end
+  def form_params
+    params.permit(:discipline_id, :sub_discipline_id, :difficulty, :source, tag_discipline_id: [], question_settings: %i[item_type count])
+  end
+  def save_params
+    params.permit(:name, :duration)
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/controllers/item_banks_controller.rb b/app/controllers/item_banks_controller.rb
index 24d9c44a9..a0abffe6c 100644
--- a/app/controllers/item_banks_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/item_banks_controller.rb
@@ -9,7 +9,14 @@ class ItemBanksController < ApplicationController
     @items_count = items.size
     @items = paginate items.includes(:item_analysis, :user, :container)
     exam = ExaminationBank.find_by(id: params[:exam_id]) if params[:exam_id].present?
-    @item_basket_ids = exam ? exam.examination_items.pluck(:item_bank_id) : current_user.item_baskets.pluck(:item_bank_id)
+    exam_setting = ExaminationIntelligentSetting.find_by(id: params[:exam_setting_id]) if params[:exam_setting_id].present?
+    @item_basket_ids = if exam
+                         exam.examination_items.pluck(:item_bank_id)
+                       elsif exam_setting
+                         exam_setting.item_baskets.pluck(:item_bank_id)
+                       else
+                         current_user.item_baskets.pluck(:item_bank_id)
+                       end
   def create
@@ -32,8 +39,11 @@ class ItemBanksController < ApplicationController
   def destroy
-    @item.destroy!
-    render_ok
+    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+      ApplyAction.where(container_type: "ItemBank", container_id: @item.id).destroy_all
+      @item.destroy!
+      render_ok
+    end
   def set_public
diff --git a/app/controllers/item_baskets_controller.rb b/app/controllers/item_baskets_controller.rb
index 21203346b..dc5367378 100644
--- a/app/controllers/item_baskets_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/item_baskets_controller.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class ItemBasketsController < ApplicationController
   helper_method :current_basket
   def index
-    @item_baskets = current_user.item_baskets
+    @item_baskets = basket_items
     @single_questions = @item_baskets.where(item_type: "SINGLE")
     @multiple_questions = @item_baskets.where(item_type: "MULTIPLE")
     @judgement_questions = @item_baskets.where(item_type: "JUDGMENT")
@@ -22,41 +22,41 @@ class ItemBasketsController < ApplicationController
   def create
-    ItemBaskets::SaveItemBasketService.call(current_user, create_params)
+    ItemBaskets::SaveItemBasketService.call(current_user, create_params, exam_setting)
   rescue ApplicationService::Error => ex
   def destroy
-    item = current_user.item_baskets.find_by!(item_bank_id: params[:id])
+    item = basket_items.find_by!(item_bank_id: params[:id])
     ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
-      current_user.item_baskets.where(item_type: item.item_type).where("position > #{item.position}").update_all("position = position -1")
+      basket_items.where(item_type: item.item_type).where("position > #{item.position}").update_all("position = position -1")
   def delete_item_type
-    baskets = ItemBasket.where(item_type: params[:item_type])
+    baskets = basket_items.where(item_type: params[:item_type])
   def set_score
     current_basket.update_attributes!(score: params[:score])
-    @questions_score = current_user.item_baskets.where(item_type: current_basket.item_type).pluck(:score).sum
-    @all_score = current_user.item_baskets.pluck(:score).sum
+    @questions_score = basket_items.where(item_type: current_basket.item_type).pluck(:score).sum
+    @all_score = basket_items.pluck(:score).sum
   def batch_set_score
-    current_user.item_baskets.where(item_type: params[:item_type]).update_all(score: params[:score])
-    @questions_score = current_user.item_baskets.where(item_type: params[:item_type]).pluck(:score).sum
-    @all_score = current_user.item_baskets.pluck(:score).sum
+    basket_items.where(item_type: params[:item_type]).update_all(score: params[:score])
+    @questions_score = basket_items.where(item_type: params[:item_type]).pluck(:score).sum
+    @all_score = basket_items.pluck(:score).sum
   def adjust_position
-    same_items = current_user.item_baskets.where(item_type: current_basket.item_type)
+    same_items = basket_items.where(item_type: current_basket.item_type)
     max_position = same_items.size
     tip_exception("position超出范围") unless params[:position].present? && params[:position].to_i <= max_position && params[:position].to_i >= 1
     ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
@@ -79,8 +79,19 @@ class ItemBasketsController < ApplicationController
     params.permit(item_ids: [])
+  def exam_setting
+    @_exam_setting = ExaminationIntelligentSetting.find_by(id: params[:exam_setting_id])
+  end
+  def basket_items
+    @_items = params[:exam_setting_id] ? exam_setting.item_baskets : current_user.item_baskets
+  end
   def current_basket
-    @_current_basket = current_user.item_baskets.find_by!(id: params[:id])
+    @_current_basket = ItemBasket.find_by!(id: params[:id])
+    tip_exception(403, "无权限编辑") unless current_user.admin_or_business? || @_current_basket.user_id.to_i == current_user.id ||
+      @_current_basket.examination_intelligent_setting&.user_id.to_i == current_user.id
+    @_current_basket
   def validate_score
diff --git a/app/forms/examination_intelligent_settings/save_exam_form.rb b/app/forms/examination_intelligent_settings/save_exam_form.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec4f17ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/forms/examination_intelligent_settings/save_exam_form.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+class ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveExamForm
+  include ActiveModel::Model
+  attr_accessor :name, :duration
+  validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 60 }
+  validate :validate_duration
+  def validate_duration
+    raise '时长应为大于0的整数' if duration.present? && duration.to_i < 1
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/forms/examination_intelligent_settings/save_exam_setting_form.rb b/app/forms/examination_intelligent_settings/save_exam_setting_form.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbfb9eee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/forms/examination_intelligent_settings/save_exam_setting_form.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+class ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveExamSettingForm
+  include ActiveModel::Model
+  attr_accessor :discipline_id, :sub_discipline_id, :source, :difficulty, :tag_discipline_id, :question_settings
+  validates :discipline_id, presence: true
+  validates :sub_discipline_id, presence: true
+  validates :source, presence: true
+  validates :difficulty, presence: true, inclusion: {in: 1..3}, numericality: { only_integer: true }
+  validates :question_settings, presence: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/forms/item_banks/save_item_form.rb b/app/forms/item_banks/save_item_form.rb
index 7e788067e..d6d3a3e28 100644
--- a/app/forms/item_banks/save_item_form.rb
+++ b/app/forms/item_banks/save_item_form.rb
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ class ItemBanks::SaveItemForm
     return unless errors.blank?
     choices.each { |item| SubForm.new(item).validate! } if  %W(SINGLE MULTIPLE JUDGMENT).include?(item_type)
     return unless errors.blank?
-    if [0, 2].include?(item_type) && choices.pluck(:is_answer).select{|item| item == 1}.length > 1
+    if ["SINGLE", "JUDGMENT"].include?(item_type) && choices.pluck(:is_answer).select{|item| item == 1}.length > 1
-    elsif item_type == 1 && choices.pluck(:is_answer).select{|item| item == 1}.length <= 1
+    elsif item_type == "MULTIPLE" && choices.pluck(:is_answer).select{|item| item == 1}.length <= 1
diff --git a/app/models/examination_bank.rb b/app/models/examination_bank.rb
index f7b7cc0bf..824f0bb69 100644
--- a/app/models/examination_bank.rb
+++ b/app/models/examination_bank.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ class ExaminationBank < ApplicationRecord
   has_many :examination_items, -> {order(position: :asc)}, dependent: :destroy
+  def apply?
+    !public && ApplyAction.where(container_type: "ExaminationBank", container_id: id, status: 0).exists?
+  end
   def question_count
diff --git a/app/models/examination_intelligent_setting.rb b/app/models/examination_intelligent_setting.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38c7fbe4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/examination_intelligent_setting.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class ExaminationIntelligentSetting < ApplicationRecord
+  belongs_to :sub_discipline
+  belongs_to :user
+  has_many :examination_type_settings, dependent: :destroy
+  has_many :tag_discipline_containers, as: :container, dependent: :destroy
+  has_many :item_baskets, dependent: :destroy
diff --git a/app/models/examination_type_setting.rb b/app/models/examination_type_setting.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30f3e80b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/examination_type_setting.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+class ExaminationTypeSetting < ApplicationRecord
+  belongs_to :examination_intelligent_setting
diff --git a/app/models/item_bank.rb b/app/models/item_bank.rb
index dcc0007e2..840f488d8 100644
--- a/app/models/item_bank.rb
+++ b/app/models/item_bank.rb
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ class ItemBank < ApplicationRecord
+  def apply?
+    !public && ApplyAction.where(container_type: "ItemBank", container_id: id, status: 0).exists?
+  end
   def type_string
     result = case item_type
              when "SINGLE"
diff --git a/app/models/item_basket.rb b/app/models/item_basket.rb
index a3ff865ba..eb849d403 100644
--- a/app/models/item_basket.rb
+++ b/app/models/item_basket.rb
@@ -2,13 +2,6 @@ class ItemBasket < ApplicationRecord
   belongs_to :item_bank
-  belongs_to :user
-  def all_score
-    User.current.item_baskets.map(&:score).sum
-  end
-  def question_count
-    User.current.item_baskets.size
-  end
+  belongs_to :user, optional: true
+  belongs_to :examination_intelligent_setting, optional: true
diff --git a/app/models/user.rb b/app/models/user.rb
index f1b8c3d23..2af43b6f5 100644
--- a/app/models/user.rb
+++ b/app/models/user.rb
@@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ class User < ApplicationRecord
   # 题库
   has_many :item_banks, dependent: :destroy
   has_many :item_baskets,  -> { order("item_baskets.position ASC") }, dependent: :destroy
+  has_many :examination_banks, dependent: :destroy
+  has_many :examination_intelligent_settings, dependent: :destroy
   # Groups and active users
   scope :active, lambda { where(status: STATUS_ACTIVE) }
diff --git a/app/queries/optional_item_query.rb b/app/queries/optional_item_query.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54cd0eed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/queries/optional_item_query.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+class OptionalItemQuery < ApplicationQuery
+  attr_reader :sub_discipline_id, :tag_discipline_id, :difficulty, :source
+  def initialize(sub_discipline_id, tag_discipline_id, difficulty, source)
+    @sub_discipline_id = sub_discipline_id
+    @tag_discipline_id = tag_discipline_id
+    @difficulty = difficulty
+    @source = source
+  end
+  def call
+    items = ItemBank.all
+    if tag_discipline_id.present? && sub_discipline_id.present?
+      items = items.joins(:tag_discipline_containers).where(tag_discipline_containers: {tag_discipline_id: tag_discipline_id})
+      hacks = Hack.joins(:tag_discipline_containers).where(tag_discipline_containers: {tag_discipline_id: tag_discipline_id})
+    elsif sub_discipline_id.present?
+      items = items.where(sub_discipline_id: sub_discipline_id)
+      hacks = Hack.where(sub_discipline_id: sub_discipline_id)
+    end
+    if hacks.present?
+      items = ItemBank.where(container_id: hacks.pluck(:id), container_type: "Hack").or(ItemBank.where(id: items.pluck(:id)))
+    end
+    # 来源
+    public = source.present? ? source.to_i : 1
+    public = public == 2 ? [0, 1] : public
+    items = items.where(public: public)
+    # 难度
+    difficulty = difficulty ? difficulty.to_i : 1
+    items = items.where(difficulty: difficulty)
+    items
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/services/examination_intelligent_settings/save_examination_service.rb b/app/services/examination_intelligent_settings/save_examination_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6f5e7406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/examination_intelligent_settings/save_examination_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+class ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveExaminationService < ApplicationService
+  attr_reader :exam, :params, :exam_setting
+  def initialize(exam, params, exam_setting)
+    @exam = exam
+    @params = params
+    @exam_setting = exam_setting
+  end
+  def call
+    ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveExamForm.new(params).validate!
+    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+      exam.name = params[:name].to_s.strip
+      exam.difficulty = exam_setting.difficulty
+      exam.duration = params[:duration].present? ? params[:duration].to_i : nil
+      exam.sub_discipline_id = exam_setting.sub_discipline_id
+      exam.intelligent = 1
+      exam.save!
+      # 知识点的创建
+      exam_setting.tag_discipline_containers.each do |tag|
+        exam.tag_discipline_containers << TagDisciplineContainer.new(tag_discipline_id: tag.tag_discipline_id)
+      end
+      # 试题的复制
+      exam_setting.item_baskets.includes(:item_bank).each do |basket|
+        item = basket.item_bank
+        if item.present?
+          new_item = ExaminationItem.new
+          new_item.new_item(item, exam, basket.score, basket.position)
+        end
+      end
+      exam_setting.destroy!
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/services/examination_intelligent_settings/save_setting_service.rb b/app/services/examination_intelligent_settings/save_setting_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af22b3234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/examination_intelligent_settings/save_setting_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+class ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveSettingService < ApplicationService
+  attr_reader :exam, :params
+  def initialize(exam, params)
+    @exam = exam
+    @params = params
+  end
+  def call
+    ExaminationIntelligentSettings::SaveExamSettingForm.new(params).validate!
+    items = OptionalItemQuery.call(params[:sub_discipline_id], params[:tag_discipline_id], params[:difficulty], params[:source])
+    params[:question_settings].each do |setting|
+      raise "超出可选题数范围" if items.select{ |item| item.item_type == setting[:item_type] }.size.to_i < setting[:count].to_i
+    end
+    exam.difficulty = params[:difficulty]
+    exam.sub_discipline_id = params[:sub_discipline_id]
+    exam.public = params[:source].present? ? params[:source].to_i : 1
+    exam.save!
+    # 知识点的创建
+    params[:tag_discipline_id].each do |tag_id|
+      exam.tag_discipline_containers << TagDisciplineContainer.new(tag_discipline_id: tag_id)
+    end
+    # 智能选题的设置
+    params[:question_settings].each do |setting|
+      if setting[:count].to_i > 0
+        exam.examination_type_settings << ExaminationTypeSetting.new(item_type: setting[:item_type], count: setting[:count].to_i)
+      end
+    end
+    # 选题
+    choose_question items
+    exam
+  end
+  private
+  def choose_question items
+    exam.examination_type_settings.each do |setting|
+      questions = items.select{ |item| item.item_type == setting.item_type }
+      questions.pluck(:id).sample(setting.count).each_with_index do |item_id, index|
+        item = ItemBank.find item_id
+        exam.item_baskets << ItemBasket.new(item_bank_id: item.id, position: index+1, score: item_score(item.item_type), item_type: item.item_type)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def item_score item_type
+    score =
+      case item_type
+      when "SINGLE", "MULTIPLE", "JUDGMENT"
+        5
+      when "PROGRAM"
+        10
+      else
+        5
+      end
+    score
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/services/item_baskets/save_item_basket_service.rb b/app/services/item_baskets/save_item_basket_service.rb
index cf6d3738b..debc7e2ed 100644
--- a/app/services/item_baskets/save_item_basket_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/item_baskets/save_item_basket_service.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 class ItemBaskets::SaveItemBasketService < ApplicationService
-  attr_reader :user, :params
+  attr_reader :user, :params, :exam_setting
-  def initialize(user, params)
+  def initialize(user, params, exam_setting)
     @user = user
     @params = params
+    @exam_setting = exam_setting
   def call
@@ -13,9 +14,14 @@ class ItemBaskets::SaveItemBasketService < ApplicationService
     items = ItemBank.where(public: 1).or(ItemBank.where(user_id: user.id))
     # 已选到过试题篮的不重复选用
-    item_ids = params[:item_ids] - user.item_baskets.pluck(:item_bank_id)
+    item_ids = params[:item_ids] - basket_items.pluck(:item_bank_id)
     items.where(id: item_ids).each do |item|
-      new_item = ItemBasket.new(user_id: user.id, item_bank_id: item.id, item_type: item.item_type)
+      new_item = ItemBasket.new(item_bank_id: item.id, item_type: item.item_type)
+      if exam_setting.present?
+        new_item.examination_intelligent_setting_id = exam_setting.id
+      else
+        new_item.user_id = user.id
+      end
       new_item.score = item_score item.item_type
       new_item.position = item_position item.item_type
@@ -25,8 +31,8 @@ class ItemBaskets::SaveItemBasketService < ApplicationService
   def item_score item_type
-    if user.item_baskets.where(item_type: item_type).last.present?
-      score = user.item_baskets.where(item_type: item_type).last.score
+    if basket_items.where(item_type: item_type).last.present?
+      score = basket_items.where(item_type: item_type).last.score
       score =
         case item_type
@@ -42,6 +48,10 @@ class ItemBaskets::SaveItemBasketService < ApplicationService
   def item_position item_type
-    user.item_baskets.where(item_type: item_type).last&.position.to_i + 1
+    basket_items.where(item_type: item_type).last&.position.to_i + 1
+  end
+  def basket_items
+    exam_setting.present? ? exam_setting.item_baskets : user.item_baskets
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/examination_banks/index.json.jbuilder b/app/views/examination_banks/index.json.jbuilder
index 75bd006fe..ae24a377c 100644
--- a/app/views/examination_banks/index.json.jbuilder
+++ b/app/views/examination_banks/index.json.jbuilder
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 json.exams @exams.each do |exam|
-  json.(exam, :id, :name, :difficulty, :quotes)
+  json.(exam, :id, :name, :difficulty, :quotes, :public)
   json.question_count exam.question_count
   json.total_score exam.total_score
   json.update_time exam.updated_at&.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+  json.apply exam.apply?
   json.author do
     json.login exam.user&.login
     json.name exam.user&.full_name
diff --git a/app/views/examination_intelligent_settings/optinal_items.json.jbuilder b/app/views/examination_intelligent_settings/optinal_items.json.jbuilder
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d8ec7381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/examination_intelligent_settings/optinal_items.json.jbuilder
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+json.single_question_count @single_question_count
+json.multiple_question_count @multiple_question_count
+json.judgement_question_count @judgement_question_count
+json.program_question_count @program_question_count
diff --git a/app/views/item_banks/index.json.jbuilder b/app/views/item_banks/index.json.jbuilder
index 50a3e063c..c1695b866 100644
--- a/app/views/item_banks/index.json.jbuilder
+++ b/app/views/item_banks/index.json.jbuilder
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ json.items @items.each do |item|
   json.partial! "item_banks/item", locals: {item: item}
   json.update_time item.updated_at&.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
   json.choosed @item_basket_ids.include?(item.id)
+  json.apply item.apply?
   json.author do
     json.login item.user&.login
     json.name item.user&.full_name
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index 08df77eb9..a63776d44 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -96,6 +96,18 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+    resources :examination_intelligent_settings do
+      collection do
+        get :optinal_items
+      end
+      member do
+        post :save_exam
+        post :exchange_one_item
+        post :exchange_items
+      end
+    end
     resources :hacks, path: :problems,  param: :identifier do
       collection do
         get :unpulished_list
diff --git a/db/migrate/20200107091630_create_examination_intelligent_settings.rb b/db/migrate/20200107091630_create_examination_intelligent_settings.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f00f19c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20200107091630_create_examination_intelligent_settings.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class CreateExaminationIntelligentSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
+  def change
+    create_table :examination_intelligent_settings do |t|
+      t.references :sub_discipline
+      t.integer :public, default: 1
+      t.integer :difficulty, default: 1
+      t.timestamps
+    end
+    add_index :examination_intelligent_settings, :sub_discipline_id, name: "index_on_sub_discipline_id"
+  end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20200107091836_create_examination_type_settings.rb b/db/migrate/20200107091836_create_examination_type_settings.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2eb50e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20200107091836_create_examination_type_settings.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class CreateExaminationTypeSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
+  def change
+    create_table :examination_type_settings do |t|
+      t.references :examination_intelligent_setting, index: false
+      t.integer :item_type
+      t.integer :count
+      t.timestamps
+    end
+    add_index :examination_type_settings, :examination_intelligent_setting_id, name: "index_on_examination_intelligent_setting"
+  end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20200108030930_add_user_id_to_intelligent_settings.rb b/db/migrate/20200108030930_add_user_id_to_intelligent_settings.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83d3b96b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20200108030930_add_user_id_to_intelligent_settings.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+class AddUserIdToIntelligentSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
+  def change
+    add_column :examination_intelligent_settings, :user_id, :integer, index: true
+  end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20200108061139_add_intelligent_setting_id_to_item_baskets.rb b/db/migrate/20200108061139_add_intelligent_setting_id_to_item_baskets.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9de17ee48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20200108061139_add_intelligent_setting_id_to_item_baskets.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+class AddIntelligentSettingIdToItemBaskets < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
+  def change
+    add_column :item_baskets, :examination_intelligent_setting_id, :integer, index: true
+  end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20200109021528_add_intelligent_to_exam.rb b/db/migrate/20200109021528_add_intelligent_to_exam.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa4b16dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20200109021528_add_intelligent_to_exam.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+class AddIntelligentToExam < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
+  def change
+    add_column :examination_banks, :intelligent, :boolean, default: false
+  end
diff --git a/public/react/src/AppConfig.js b/public/react/src/AppConfig.js
index d8f642db3..535b19a94 100644
--- a/public/react/src/AppConfig.js
+++ b/public/react/src/AppConfig.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if (isDev) {
 // 老师
 // 学生
  function railsgettimes(proxy) {
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export function initAxiosInterceptors(props) {
-      // proxy="https://test-jupyterweb.educoder.net"
+      //proxy="https://test-jupyterweb.educoder.net"
     // 在这里使用requestMap控制,避免用户通过双击等操作发出重复的请求;
diff --git a/public/react/src/common/quillForEditor/README.md b/public/react/src/common/quillForEditor/README.md
index 75b403590..c9c53b902 100644
--- a/public/react/src/common/quillForEditor/README.md
+++ b/public/react/src/common/quillForEditor/README.md
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
   ### 使用
+    编辑模式是放不大图片的
     import QuillForEditor from 'xxx';
     // 指定需要显示的工具栏信息, 不指定加载全部
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/exercise/new/SingleEditor.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/exercise/new/SingleEditor.js
index 0b1b7599a..8585e0a82 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/exercise/new/SingleEditor.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/exercise/new/SingleEditor.js
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import {
 import TPMMDEditor from '../../../tpm/challengesnew/TPMMDEditor';
 import axios from 'axios'
 import update from 'immutability-helper'
 import {getUrl, ActionBtn, DMDEditor, ConditionToolTip} from 'educoder';
+import QuillForEditor from "../../../../common/quillForEditor";
 const { TextArea } = Input;
 const confirm = Modal.confirm;
 const $ = window.$
@@ -47,6 +48,9 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
       question_title: this.props.question_title || '',
       question_type: this.props.question_type || 0,
       question_score: this.props.question_score || this.props.init_question_score,
+      choice_editor: 'md',
+      quill_question_title: '',
+      quill_default_title: ''
   addOption = () => {
@@ -205,8 +209,33 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
   toShowMode = () => {
+  // 切换编辑器
+  handleChangeEditor = (e) => {
+    const {quill_question_title} = this.state;
+    const value = e.target.value
+    if (value === 'quill') {
+      const _val = quill_question_title ? JSON.parse(quill_question_title) : '';
+      this.setState({
+        quill_default_title: _val
+      })
+    }
+    this.setState({
+      choice_editor: value
+    });
+  }
+  // quill编辑器内容变化时调用此接口
+  handleCtxChange = (ctx) => {
+    console.log('编辑器内容', ctx);
+    // 保存编辑器内容
+    this.setState({
+      quill_question_title: JSON.stringify(ctx)
+    });
+  }
   render() {
-    let { question_title, question_score, question_type, question_choices, standard_answers } = this.state;
+    let { question_title, question_score, question_type, question_choices, standard_answers, choice_editor, quill_default_title } = this.state;
     let { question_id, index, exerciseIsPublish,
       // question_title,
       // question_type,
@@ -245,18 +274,51 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
                 max-width: 1056px;
+              .editor_area{
+                display: inline-block;
+                float: right;
+                // line-height: 30px;
+                // height: 30px;
+              }
+              .editor_txt{
+                margin-right: 10px;
+                font-size: 12px;
+                color: #999;
+              }
+              .radio_style{
+                display: inline-block;
+                vertical: center;
+              }
             <p className="mb10 clearfix">
               {/* {!question_id ? '新建' : '编辑'} */}
                 <span className="color-blue font-16 mr20 fl">选择题</span>
                 <span className="color-grey-9 font-12 fl">(客观题,由系统自动评分,请设置标准答案)</span>
+                {/* <Switch checkedChildren="MD" unCheckedChildren="Quill"></Switch> */}
+                {/* <div className="editor_area">
+                  <span className="editor_txt">切换编辑器:</span>
+                  <Radio.Group style={{ float: 'right' }} value={choice_editor} onChange={this.handleChangeEditor}>
+                    <Radio className="radio_style" value={'md'}>MD</Radio>
+                    <Radio className="radio_style" value={'quill'}>Quill</Radio>
+                  </Radio.Group>
+                </div> */}
-            <TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber} placeholder="请您输入题目" height={155} className="mb20"
-              initValue={question_title} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_title: val})}
-              ref="titleEditor"
+            {choice_editor === 'md'
+              ? <TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber} placeholder="请您输入题目" height={155} className="mb20"
+                  initValue={question_title} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_title: val})}
+                  ref="titleEditor"
+                ></TPMMDEditor>
-            ></TPMMDEditor>
+              : <QuillForEditor
+                  wrapStyle={{ marginBottom: '35px' }}
+                  style={{ height: '109px' }}
+                  options={['code', 'image', 'formula']}
+                  placeholder="请您输入题目"
+                  value={quill_default_title}
+                  onContentChange={this.handleCtxChange}
+                ></QuillForEditor>
+            }
           {question_choices.map( (item, index) => {
               const bg = standard_answers[index] ? 'check-option-bg' : ''
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/NewMyShixunModel.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/NewMyShixunModel.js
index 9db5d242f..b300156b7 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/NewMyShixunModel.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/NewMyShixunModel.js
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			placement: 'right',
 			modalsType: false,
-			titilesm: "设为公开后,所有成员均可使用试题",
+			titilesm: "在平台审核后,所有成员均可使用试题",
 			titiless: "是否设置为公开?",
 			titbool: false,
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			page: this.state.page,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			page: 1,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			page: 1,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			public: defaultActiveKey,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			page: 1,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			page: pageNumber,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			modalsType: true,
-			titilesm: "设为公开后,所有成员均可使用试题",
+			titilesm: "在平台审核后,所有成员均可使用试题",
 			titiless: "是否设置为公开?",
 			titbool: true,
 			timuid: id
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			page: this.state.page,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 						keywords: this.state.keywords,
 						page: this.state.page,
-						item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+						exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 						keywords: this.state.keywords,
 						page: this.state.page,
-						item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+						exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 						keywords: this.state.keywords,
 						page: this.state.page,
-						item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+						exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -678,34 +678,57 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 		let url="";
+			axios.delete(url)
+				.then((result) => {
+					if (result.data.status == 0) {
+						// this.props.showNotification(`撤销成功`);
+						var data = {
+							discipline_id:this.state.discipline_id,
+							sub_discipline_id:this.state.sub_discipline_id,
+							tag_discipline_id:this.state.tag_discipline_id,
+							public: this.state.defaultActiveKey,
+							difficulty: this.state.difficulty,
+							item_type: this.state.item_type,
+							keywords: this.state.keywords,
+							page: this.state.page,
+							per_page:10,
+							exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+						};
+						this.getdatasy(data);
+						this.getbasket_listdata();
+					}
+				}).catch((error) => {
+				//console.log(error);
+			})
-			url=`/examination_banks/${id}/revoke_item.json`;
+			url=`/examination_banks/${this.props.exam_id}/revoke_item.json`;
+			axios.delete(url,{ data: {
+						item_id:id===undefined?"":parseInt(id),
+					}})
+				.then((result) => {
+					if (result.data.status == 0) {
+						// this.props.showNotification(`撤销成功`);
+						var data = {
+							discipline_id:this.state.discipline_id,
+							sub_discipline_id:this.state.sub_discipline_id,
+							tag_discipline_id:this.state.tag_discipline_id,
+							public: this.state.defaultActiveKey,
+							difficulty: this.state.difficulty,
+							item_type: this.state.item_type,
+							keywords: this.state.keywords,
+							page: this.state.page,
+							per_page:10,
+							exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+						};
+						this.getdatasy(data);
+						this.getbasket_listdata();
+					}
+				}).catch((error) => {
+				//console.log(error);
+			})
-		axios.delete(url,{ data: {
-				item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
-				}})
-			.then((result) => {
-				if (result.data.status == 0) {
-					// this.props.showNotification(`撤销成功`);
-					var data = {
-						discipline_id:this.state.discipline_id,
-						sub_discipline_id:this.state.sub_discipline_id,
-						tag_discipline_id:this.state.tag_discipline_id,
-						public: this.state.defaultActiveKey,
-						difficulty: this.state.difficulty,
-						item_type: this.state.item_type,
-						keywords: this.state.keywords,
-						page: this.state.page,
-						per_page:10,
-						item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
-					};
-					this.getdatasy(data);
-					this.getbasket_listdata();
-				}
-			}).catch((error) => {
-			//console.log(error);
-		})
@@ -739,7 +762,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 		const data={
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -768,7 +791,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 						keywords: this.state.keywords,
 						page: this.state.page,
-						item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+						exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
@@ -806,7 +829,7 @@ class NewMyShixunModel extends Component {
 			page: this.state.page,
-			item_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+			exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_item.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_item.js
index 9112aa248..a9747e8c2 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_item.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_item.js
@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ class Paperreview_item extends Component {
 					<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
 						<div className="w70s sortinxdirection">
-							<p className="questionstishu lh34">题数:{this.props.all_score}</p>
-							<p className="ml58 questionstotal lh34">总分:{this.props.all_questions_count}</p>
+							<p className="questionstishu lh34">题数:{this.props.all_questions_count}</p>
+							<p className="ml58 questionstotal lh34">总分:{this.props.all_score}</p>
 						<div className="w30s xaxisreverseorder">
 							<div className="jixuxuanti xiaoshou" onClick={() => this.props.setnewmyshixunmodelbool(true)}>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_items.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_items.js
index 81ec320b5..8e86c514a 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_items.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_items.js
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ class Paperreview_items extends Component {
 		let {paperreviewsingleindex,paperreviewsinglename,typenames,indexs,object,typenamesn}=this.props;
 		// console.log(object);
-		console.log("Paperreview_items");
-		console.log(object.item_id);
+		// console.log("Paperreview_items");
+		// console.log(object.item_id);
 		return (
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_single.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_single.js
index 5b64372a8..fdc9ff095 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_single.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/Paperreview_single.js
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Itembankstop from "./component/Itembankstop";
 import NoneData from './component/NoneData';
 import './questioncss/questioncom.css';
 import '../tpm/newshixuns/css/Newshixuns.css';
+import QuillForEditor from "../../common/quillForEditor";
 const tagArray = [
 	'A.', 'B.', 'C.', 'D.', 'E.', 'F.', 'G.', 'H.', 'I.',
@@ -69,13 +70,42 @@ class Paperreview_single extends Component {
 	render() {
 		let {questions, totalscore, total, items} = this.state;
 		let {objectsingle, indexx, paperreviewsingleindex, indexxy,name} = this.props;
+		var itemssname="";
+		try {
+			itemssname= JSON.parse(objectsingle.name);
+		}catch (e) {
+		}
+		if(itemssname===undefined){
+			itemssname=objectsingle.name
+		}
 		return (
 			<div key={indexxy}
 					 className={ "w100s borderwdswuh   mb20  pd20 "}
 					 onMouseEnter={() => this.props.showparagraphs(indexxy,name)} style={{
 				minHeight: "114px",
+				<style>{
+					`
+						.programquill .ql-editor{
+							    padding: 0px;
+						}
+						.programquill .ql-editor p{
+						line-height: 28px;
+						}
+						.programquills .ql-editor{
+							    padding: 0px;
+						}
+						.programquills .ql-editor p{
+						line-height: 20px;
+						}
+					`
+				}</style>
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection ">
 					<div className=" sortinxdirection ">
@@ -99,9 +129,35 @@ class Paperreview_single extends Component {
-					<div className=" lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
-							 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(`(${objectsingle.score}分) ` + objectsingle.name).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}>
-					</div>
+					{
+						objectsingle.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
+						   <div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
+								 <div className=" tites lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist " style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+								 >
+									 ({objectsingle.score}分)
+								 </div>
+								 <div className="ml10 lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist " style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+											dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(objectsingle.name).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}>
+								 </div>
+							 </div>
+							:
+							<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
+								<div className="tites  lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist " style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+								>
+									({objectsingle.score}分)
+								</div>
+							<div className="ml10 lh28 listjihetixingstit  cretitlecolrlist programquill" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+		          >
+								<QuillForEditor
+									readOnly={true}
+									value={itemssname}
+								/>
+							</div>
+							</div>
+					}
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
@@ -114,7 +170,7 @@ class Paperreview_single extends Component {
 									objectsingle === undefined || objectsingle === null ? "" : objectsingle.choices.map((object, index) => {
 										return (
 											<p className={index === 1 ? "sortinxdirection  ml10" : "sortinxdirection  "}>
-												<Radio checked={object.is_answer}>
+												<Radio  disabled={false}>
@@ -126,8 +182,17 @@ class Paperreview_single extends Component {
 							objectsingle.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
 								<p className="w100s listjihetixingstitssy sortinxdirection ">
 									<p className={"sortinxdirection  mt15"}>
-										<p style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
-											 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(objectsingle.program_attr.description).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}></p>
+										{
+											objectsingle&&objectsingle.program_attr&&objectsingle.program_attr.description?
+										<p className="programquill" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+										>
+										<QuillForEditor
+											readOnly={true}
+											value={JSON.parse(objectsingle.program_attr.description)}
+										/>
+									</p>
+											:
+												""}
@@ -137,8 +202,21 @@ class Paperreview_single extends Component {
 											return (
 												<p className={index === 0 ? "sortinxdirection" : "sortinxdirection  mt15"}>
-													<p style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
-														 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(object.choice_text).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}></p>
+													<p className="programquills" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}>
+														{object ?
+															object.choice_text === undefined || object.choice_text=== null || object.choice_text === "" ?
+																""
+																:
+																object.choice_text.length>0?
+																	<QuillForEditor
+																		readOnly={true}
+																		value={JSON.parse(object.choice_text)}
+																	/>
+																	:""
+															:
+															""
+														}
+													</p>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/Question.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/Question.js
index 171a2f2d7..3264c52fa 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/Question.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/Question.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class Question extends Component {
 			placement: 'right',
 			modalsType: false,
-			titilesm: "设为公开后,所有成员均可使用试题",
+			titilesm: "在平台审核后,所有成员均可使用试题",
 			titiless: "是否设置为公开?",
 			titbool: false,
@@ -66,9 +66,28 @@ class Question extends Component {
 			isVisible: false,
+			chakanjiexiboolindex:"无",
+	chakanjiexibool=(index)=>{
+		debugger
+		if(this.state.chakanjiexiboolindex===index){
+			this.setState({
+				chakanjiexiboolindex:"无",
+			})
+			return
+		}
+		this.setState({
+			chakanjiexiboolindex:index,
+		})
+	}
+	setmychakanjiexibool=(str)=>{
+		this.setState({
+			chakanjiexiboolindex:str,
+		})
+	}
@@ -338,6 +357,8 @@ class Question extends Component {
+		this.setmychakanjiexibool("无")
 	showDrawer = () => {
@@ -378,7 +399,7 @@ class Question extends Component {
 			modalsType: true,
-			titilesm: "设为公开后,所有成员均可使用试题",
+			titilesm: "在平台审核后,所有成员均可使用试题",
 			titiless: "是否设置为公开?",
 			titbool: true,
 			timuid: id
@@ -882,6 +903,8 @@ class Question extends Component {
 				<Contentpart {...this.state} {...this.props}
+										 chakanjiexiboolindex={this.state.chakanjiexiboolindex}
+										 chakanjiexibool={(e)=>this.chakanjiexibool(e)}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/ChoquesEditor.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/ChoquesEditor.js
index 99a713d7f..93283c307 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/ChoquesEditor.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/ChoquesEditor.js
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import axios from 'axios'
 import update from 'immutability-helper'
 import './../questioncss/questioncom.css';
 import {getUrl, ActionBtn, DMDEditor, ConditionToolTip} from 'educoder';
+import QuillForEditor from '../../../common/quillForEditor';
 const { TextArea } = Input;
 const confirm = Modal.confirm;
 const $ = window.$
@@ -70,10 +71,13 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 		this.state = {
 			question_choices: _question_choices || ['', '', '', ''],
 			standard_answers: _standard_answers || [false, false, false, false],
-			question_title: this.props.question_title || '',
+			question_title: this.props.question_title!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.question_title):"",
 			question_type: this.props.question_type || 0,
 			question_score: this.props.question_score || this.props.init_question_score,
-			question_titles:this.props.question_titles||'',
+			question_titles: this.props.question_titles!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.question_titles):"",
+			question_titlesysl:this.props.question_titlesysl||'',
+			question_titleysl:this.props.question_title || '',
+			item_banksedit:[],
 	addOption = () => {
@@ -122,38 +126,33 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 	onSave = () => {
 		var editordata=[];
-		const {question_title, question_score, question_type,question_titles, question_choices, standard_answers } = this.state;
+		const {question_title, question_score,question_titleysl,question_titlesysl, question_type,question_titles, question_choices, standard_answers } = this.state;
 		const { question_id_to_insert_after, question_id } = this.props
 		// TODO check
 		const answerArray = standard_answers.map((item, index) => { return item == true ? index+1 : -1 }).filter(item => item != -1);
-		if(!question_title) {
-			this.refs['titleEditor'].showError()
+		if(!question_titleysl) {
 			return editordata;
-		if(!answerArray || answerArray.length == 0) {
-			this.props.showNotification('请先点击选择本选择题的正确选项');
-			return editordata;
-		}
-		if(!answerArray || answerArray.length < 2) {
-			this.props.showNotification('多选题最小正确选项为2个');
-			return editordata;
-		}
 		for(let i = 0; i < question_choices.length; i++) {
 			if (!question_choices[i]) {
-				this.refs[`optionEditor${i}`].showError()
 				this.props.showNotification(`请先输入 ${tagArray[i]} 选项的内容`);
 				return editordata;
-		if(!question_titles) {
-			this.refs['titleEditor2'].showError()
-			this.props.showNotification('请您输入题目解析');
+		if(!answerArray || answerArray.length == 0) {
+			this.props.showNotification('请先点击选择本选择题的正确选项');
+			return editordata;
+		}
+		if(!answerArray || answerArray.length < 2) {
+			this.props.showNotification('多选题最小正确选项为2个');
 			return editordata;
+		// if(!question_titlesysl) {
+		// 	this.props.showNotification('请您输入题目解析');
+		// 	return editordata;
+		// }
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
-		editordata=[question_title,answerArray,question_choices,question_titles];
+		editordata=[question_titleysl,answerArray,question_choices,question_titlesysl];
 		// question_title,
 		// question_type: answerArray.length > 1 ? 1 : 0,
 		// question_score,
@@ -186,8 +185,10 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 		try {
-				question_title:this.props.item_banksedit.name,
-				question_titles:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis,
+				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.name):"",
+				question_titleysl:this.props.item_banksedit.name|| '',
+				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.analysis):"",
+				question_titlesysl:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis||'',
@@ -205,8 +206,10 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 		if(prevProps.item_banksedit !== this.props.item_banksedit) {
 				item_banksedit: this.props.item_banksedit,
-				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name,
-				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis,
+				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.name):"",
+				question_titleysl:this.props.item_banksedit.name|| '',
+				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.analysis):"",
+				question_titlesysl:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis||'',
 				mychoicess: this.props.item_banksedit.choices,
@@ -217,15 +220,34 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 		standard_answers[index] = !standard_answers[index]
 		this.setState({ standard_answers })
-	onOptionContentChange = (value, index) => {
+	onOptionContentChange = (value,quill,index) => {
 		if (index >= this.state.question_choices.length) {
 			// TODO 新建,然后删除CD选项,再输入题干,会调用到这里,且index是3
+		var texts;
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			texts="";
+		} else {
+			if(_text.length>=301){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,300);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+				value =  JSON.stringify(value);
+				texts=value;
+			}
+		}
 		let question_choices = this.state.question_choices.slice(0);
-		question_choices[index] = value;
-		this.setState({ question_choices })
+		question_choices[index] = texts;
+		console.log(question_choices);
+		this.setState({ question_choices });
 	on_question_score_change = (e) => {
 		this.setState({ question_score: e })
@@ -241,6 +263,57 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 	toShowMode = () => {
+	onContentChange=(value,quill)=>{
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			this.setState({
+				question_titleysl:""
+			})
+		} else {
+			// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+			var texts="";
+			if(_text.length>=1001){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,1000);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				value =  JSON.stringify(value)
+				texts=value;
+			}
+			this.setState({
+				question_titleysl:texts
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	onContentChanges=(value,quill)=>{
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			this.setState({
+				question_titlesysl:""
+			})
+		} else {
+			// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+			var texts="";
+			if(_text.length>=1001){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,1000);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				value =  JSON.stringify(value)
+				texts=value;
+			}
+			this.setState({
+				question_titlesysl:texts
+			})
+		}
+	}
 	render() {
 		let { question_title, question_score, question_type, question_choices, standard_answers,question_titles} = this.state;
 		let { question_id, index, exerciseIsPublish,
@@ -271,7 +344,7 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
               .optionRow {
-                margin:0px!important;
+                  /* margin:0px!important; */
                 /* margin-bottom: 20px!important; */
               .signleEditor .content_editorMd_show{
@@ -291,21 +364,26 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 					<span className="xingtigan  fl">题干:</span>
-				<TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber} placeholder="请您输入题干" height={155} className=" mt10"
-										 initValue={question_title} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_title: val})}
-										 ref="titleEditor"
+				<QuillForEditor
+					autoFocus={true}
+					imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+					style={{ height: '155px'}}
+					placeholder="请您输入题干"
+					options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+					value={question_title}
+					onContentChange={this.onContentChange}
-				></TPMMDEditor>
+				/>
 				<div className="mb10 sortinxdirection">
 					{/* {!question_id ? '新建' : '编辑'} */}
 					<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4">*</span>
-					<span className="xingtigans  fl"><span className="xingtigan">答案选项:</span>点击答案可设置正确答案</span>
+					<span className="xingtigans  fl"><span className="xingtigan">答案选项:</span>点击选项可设置正确答案</span>
 				{question_choices.map( (item, index) => {
 					const bg = standard_answers[index] ? 'check-option-bg' : ''
-					return <div className="df optionRow " >
+					return <div className={index>0?"df optionRow mt15": "df optionRow"}  >
 						{/* 点击设置答案 */}
 						{/* TODO 加了tooltip后,会丢失掉span的class */}
 						{/* <Tooltip title={standard_answers[index] ? '点击取消标准答案设置' : '点击设置为标准答案'}> */}
@@ -317,13 +395,30 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
 						{/* </Tooltip> */}
 						<div style={{ flex: '0 0 1038px'}}>
-							<DMDEditor
-								ref={`optionEditor${index}`}
-								toMDMode={this.toMDMode} toShowMode={this.toShowMode}
-								height={166} className={'optionMdEditor'} noStorage={true}
-								mdID={qNumber + index} placeholder="" onChange={(value) => this.onOptionContentChange(value, index)}
-								initValue={item}
-							></DMDEditor>
+							{
+								item===undefined||item===null||item===""?
+									<QuillForEditor
+										autoFocus={false}
+										imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+										style={{ height: '166px'}}
+										placeholder="请您输入题干"
+										options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+										value={item}
+										onContentChange={(value,quill) => this.onOptionContentChange(value,quill,index)}
+									/>
+									:
+									<QuillForEditor
+										autoFocus={false}
+										imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+										style={{ height: '166px'}}
+										placeholder="请您输入题干"
+										options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+										value={JSON.parse(item)}
+										onContentChange={(value,quill) => this.onOptionContentChange(value,quill,index)}
+									/>
+							}
 						{exerciseIsPublish || index<=2?
 							<i className=" font-18  ml15 mr20"></i>
@@ -346,32 +441,21 @@ class ChoquesEditor extends Component{
-					<p className="mb10 clearfix">
+					<p className="mb10 mt10 clearfix">
 						{/* {!question_id ? '新建' : '编辑'} */}
-						<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4">*</span>
+						<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4"></span>
 						<span className="xingtigan  fl">题目解析:</span>
-					<style>{`
-              .optionMdEditor {
-                flex:1
-              }
-              .optionRow {
-                margin:0px!important;
-                /* margin-bottom: 20px!important; */
-              }
-              .signleEditor .content_editorMd_show{
-                display: flex;
-                margin-top:0px!important;
-                border-radius:2px;
-                max-width: 1056px;
-                word-break:break-all;
-              }
-            `}</style>
-					<TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber+question_choices.length} placeholder="请您输入题目解析" height={155} className=" mt10"
-											 initValue={question_titles} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_titles: val})}
-											 ref="titleEditor2"
-					></TPMMDEditor>
+					<div className="mt10"></div>
+					<QuillForEditor
+						autoFocus={false}
+						imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+						style={{height: '166px' }}
+						placeholder="请您输入题目解析"
+						options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+						value={question_titles}
+						onContentChange={this.onContentChanges}
+					/>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Contentpart.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Contentpart.js
index 2c3ea6f36..da85ce0f7 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Contentpart.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Contentpart.js
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ class Contentpart extends Component {
 		this.state = {
-			chakanjiexiboolindex:"无",
@@ -35,18 +34,51 @@ class Contentpart extends Component {
-		debugger
-		if(this.state.chakanjiexiboolindex===index){
-			this.setState({
-				chakanjiexiboolindex:"无",
-			})
-			return
-		}
-			this.setState({
-				chakanjiexiboolindex:index,
-			})
+   this.props.chakanjiexibool(index);
+	xinzenw=(e)=>{
+		var urls="?";
+		 if(this.props.discipline_id){
+			 if(urls==="?"){
+				 urls=urls+`discipline_id=${this.props.discipline_id}`
+			 }else {
+				 urls=urls+`&discipline_id=${this.props.discipline_id}`
+			 }
+		 }
+		if(this.props.sub_discipline_id){
+			if(urls==="?"){
+				urls=urls+`sub_discipline_id=${this.props.sub_discipline_id}`
+			}else {
+				urls=urls+`&sub_discipline_id=${this.props.sub_discipline_id}`
+			}
+		}
+		if(this.props.tag_discipline_id){
+			if(urls==="?"){
+				urls=urls+`sub_discipline_id=${this.props.tag_discipline_id}`
+			}else {
+				urls=urls+`&sub_discipline_id=${this.props.tag_discipline_id}`
+			}
+		}
+		if(this.props.difficulty){
+			if(urls==="?"){
+				urls=urls+`difficulty=${this.props.difficulty}&`
+			}else {
+				urls=urls+`&difficulty=${this.props.difficulty}`
+			}
+		}
+		if(this.props.item_type){
+			if(urls==="?"){
+				urls=urls+`item_type=${this.props.item_type}`
+			}else {
+				urls=urls+`&item_type=${this.props.item_type}`
+			}
+		}
+		this.props.history.push("/question/newitem"+urls);
+	}
 	render() {
 		let {page}=this.state;
 		let {defaultActiveKey,item_type,booljupyterurls}=this.props;
@@ -149,7 +181,7 @@ class Contentpart extends Component {
 						 <div className="xaxisreverseorder">
-									 <a href={'/question/newitem'}>
+									 <a onClick={(e)=>this.xinzenw(e)}>
 									 <div className="newbutoon">
 										 <p className="newbutoontes" >新增</p>
@@ -230,6 +262,7 @@ class Contentpart extends Component {
 							: this.props.Contentdata.items.map((object, index) => {
 							return (
 								<Listjihe {...this.state} {...this.props}
+													chakanjiexiboolindex={this.props.chakanjiexiboolindex}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Headplugselections.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Headplugselections.js
index 3cff40cc2..206b556e9 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Headplugselections.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Headplugselections.js
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class Headplugselections extends Component {
-							<Menu.Item >
+							<Menu.Item key={k}>
 								<div className="mt5 subshaicontent-part" key={k}>
 									<a style={{ height: '20px' }} className={ "mb15 shixun_repertoire color-dark intermediatecenterysls textcen "}  name={list.id} id={list.id} onClick={()=>this.getshixunchildValue(list.id,id)}>{list.name}</a>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Itembankstop.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Itembankstop.js
index 5192eca4e..046565356 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Itembankstop.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Itembankstop.js
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import './../questioncss/questioncom.css';
 import Newknledpots from './Newknledpots'
 const InputGroup = Input.Group;
 const {Option} = Select;
+const queryString = require('query-string');
 const options = [
 		value: '方向',
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ const options = [
 class Itembankstop extends Component {
 	constructor(props) {
@@ -53,12 +55,23 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 			knowledgepoints: [],
 			options: [],
-			NewknTypedel:false
+			NewknTypedel:false,
+			boolred:false,
+	setboolred=(bool)=>{
+		this.setState({
+			boolred:bool
+		})
+	}
 	componentDidMount() {
 		try {
 		} catch (e) {
@@ -68,7 +81,53 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 			options: this.props.disciplmy,
+		console.log("数据");
+		console.log(this.props);
+		const parsed = queryString.parse(this.props.location.search);
+		console.log(parsed);
+		try {
+			if(JSON.stringify(parsed)==={}||JSON.stringify(parsed)==="{}"){
+			}else {
+				if(parsed.discipline_id){
+					if(parsed.sub_discipline_id){
+						this.setState({
+							rbkc:[parseInt(parsed.discipline_id),parseInt(parsed.sub_discipline_id)]
+						})
+						this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
+							rbkc: [parseInt(parsed.discipline_id),parseInt(parsed.sub_discipline_id)],
+						});
+						this.getdatasmyss(parseInt(parsed.discipline_id),parseInt(parsed.sub_discipline_id));
+					}
+				}
+				if(parsed.item_type){
+					this.setState({
+						rbtx:parsed.item_type,
+					})
+					this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
+						rbtx:parsed.item_type,
+					});
+					this.props.setitem_type(parsed.item_type);
+				}
+				if(parsed.difficulty){
+					this.setState({
+						rbnd:parsed.difficulty,
+					})
+					this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
+						rbnd:parsed.difficulty,
+					});
+				}
+			}
+		}catch (e) {
+		}
 	componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
@@ -79,6 +138,7 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 		if(prevProps.disciplinesdata!== this.props.disciplinesdata){
+			console.log("新增开始加载了")
 			try {
 				if(this.props.item_banksedit.discipline &&this.props.item_banksedit.sub_discipline){
 					const didata = this.props.disciplinesdata;
@@ -110,6 +170,27 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 						knowledgepoints2: _result,
+				try {
+					const parsed = queryString.parse(this.props.location.search);
+					if(JSON.stringify(parsed)==={}||JSON.stringify(parsed)==="{}"){
+					}else {
+						if(parsed.discipline_id){
+							if(parsed.sub_discipline_id){
+								this.setState({
+									rbkc:[parseInt(parsed.discipline_id),parseInt(parsed.sub_discipline_id)]
+								})
+								this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
+									rbkc: [parseInt(parsed.discipline_id),parseInt(parsed.sub_discipline_id)],
+								});
+								this.getdatasmyss(parseInt(parsed.discipline_id),parseInt(parsed.sub_discipline_id));
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}catch (e) {
+				}
 			}catch (e) {
@@ -125,6 +206,7 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 			try {
+				//初始化课程
 			}catch (e) {
@@ -175,7 +257,42 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
+	getdatasmyss=(id,ids)=>{
+		if(this.props.disciplinesdata){
+			try {
+				if(id &&ids){
+					var didata = this.props.disciplinesdata;
+					var knowledgepointsdata = [];
+					for (var i = 0; i < didata.length; i++) {
+						//方向
+						if (id === didata[i].id) {
+							const fxdidata = didata[i].sub_disciplines;
+							for (var j = 0; j < fxdidata.length; j++) {
+								//课程
+								if (ids === fxdidata[j].id) {
+									const zsddata = fxdidata[j].tag_disciplines;
+									for (var k = 0; k < zsddata.length; k++) {
+										//知识点
+										knowledgepointsdata.push(zsddata[k]);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					this.setState({
+						knowledgepoints:knowledgepointsdata,
+						knowledgepoints2: knowledgepointsdata,
+					})
+				}else{
+				}
+			}catch (e) {
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	handdisciplinesChange =(name,title)=>{
@@ -413,6 +530,10 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
+		if(this.state.rbkc===undefined || this.state.rbkc===null || this.state.rbkc===""){
+			this.props.showNotification(`请选择课程方向`);
+			return;
+		}
@@ -420,21 +541,34 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
+		var knowledgepointmys=	this.state.knowledgepoints;
+		var konwbool=null;
+		for(let myda of knowledgepointmys) {
+		   if(myda.name===value){
+				 konwbool="yes"
+		   	break;
+			 }
+		}
+		if(konwbool!=null){
+			this.props.showNotification(`重复的知识点`);
+			this.setboolred(true);
+			return
+		}
+			this.setboolred(true);
+			this.setboolred(true);
-		if(this.state.rbkc===undefined || this.state.rbkc===null || this.state.rbkc===""){
-			this.props.showNotification(`请选择课程方向`);
-			return;
-		}
      var data={
@@ -448,19 +582,37 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 						id: result.data.tag_discipline_id,
-					this.state.knowledgepoints.push(leydata);
-					const _result =[];
-					this.state.knowledgepoints.filter(item => {
-						if (this.state.Knowpoints.findIndex(t => t.id === item.id) === -1) {
-							_result.push(item);
-						}
-					});
-					this.setState({
-						Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
-						knowledgepoints:	this.state.knowledgepoints,
-						knowledgepoints2: _result,
-					})
+					if(this.state.Knowpoints.length>=5){
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.push(leydata);
+						const _result =[];
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.filter(item => {
+							if (this.state.Knowpoints.findIndex(t => t.id === item.id) === -1) {
+								_result.push(item);
+							}
+						});
+						this.setState({
+							Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
+							knowledgepoints:	this.state.knowledgepoints,
+							knowledgepoints2: _result,
+						})
+					}else{
+						this.state.Knowpoints.push(leydata);
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.push(leydata);
+						const _result =[];
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.filter(item => {
+							if (this.state.Knowpoints.findIndex(t => t.id === item.id) === -1) {
+								_result.push(item);
+							}
+						});
+						this.setState({
+							Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
+							knowledgepoints:	this.state.knowledgepoints,
+							knowledgepoints2: _result,
+						})
+					}
 			}).catch((error) => {
@@ -476,6 +628,11 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 		let {page, options,NewknTypedel,knowledgepoints,knowledgepoints2,Knowpoints} = this.state;
 		const {getFieldDecorator} = this.props.form;
+		console.log("this.state.rbkc");
+		console.log(this.state.rbkc);
+		console.log(options);
 		return (
 			<div className=" clearfix  educontent Contentquestionbankstyle w100s w1200fpx mt19">
@@ -512,6 +669,8 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 						<Newknledpots {...this.state} {...this.props}
+													boolred={this.state.boolred}
+													setboolred={(bool)=>this.setboolred(bool)}
@@ -555,32 +714,34 @@ class Itembankstop extends Component {
 								<img className=" ml22 zjzsdian xiaoshou"  src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/zjzsd.png")} onClick={()=>this.NewknTypedeldel(true)}/>
-								<div className="sortinxdirection" style={{
-									height: "33px",
-									lineHeight: "28px",
-								}}>
+							</div>
+						)}
+					</Form.Item>
-									{this.state.Knowpoints === undefined ? "" : this.state.Knowpoints.map((object, index) => {
-										return (
-											<div key={index} className="mytags" style={{
-												position: "relative",
-											}}>
-												<p className="w100s  stestcen lh32">{object.name}</p>
+					<div className="sortinxdirection huanhan w100s mt15" style={{
+						minHeight: "33px",
+						lineHeight: "28px",
-												<img className=" ml7 zjzsdian xiaoshou icondowncolorssy"  onClick={() => this.deletesobject(object, index)} src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/bzucha.png")}/>
+					}}>
-											</div>
-										)
-									})}
+						{this.state.Knowpoints === undefined ? "" : this.state.Knowpoints.map((object, index) => {
+							return (
+								<div key={index} className={index===0?"mytags mb20":"mytags"} style={{
+									position: "relative",
+								}}>
+									<p className="w100s  stestcen lh32">{object.name}</p>
+									<img className=" ml7 zjzsdian xiaoshou icondowncolorssy"  onClick={() => this.deletesobject(object, index)} src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/bzucha.png")}/>
+								</div>
+							)
+						})}
-								</div>
-							</div>
-						)}
-					</Form.Item>
+					</div>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/JudquestionEditor.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/JudquestionEditor.js
index ff491125c..5888efeb0 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/JudquestionEditor.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/JudquestionEditor.js
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import axios from 'axios'
 import update from 'immutability-helper'
 import './../questioncss/questioncom.css';
 import {getUrl, ActionBtn, DMDEditor, ConditionToolTip} from 'educoder';
+import QuillForEditor from '../../../common/quillForEditor';
 const { TextArea } = Input;
 const confirm = Modal.confirm;
 const $ = window.$
@@ -46,10 +48,12 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
 		this.state = {
 			question_choices: _question_choices || ['', '', '', ''],
 			standard_answers: _standard_answers || [false, false, false, false],
-			question_title: this.props.question_title || '',
+			question_title: this.props.question_title!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.question_title):"",
 			question_type: this.props.question_type || 0,
 			question_score: this.props.question_score || this.props.init_question_score,
-			question_titles:this.props.question_titles||'',
+			question_titles: this.props.question_titles!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.question_titles):"",
+			question_titlesysl:this.props.question_titlesysl||'',
+			question_titleysl:this.props.question_title || '',
@@ -99,12 +103,11 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
 	onSave = () => {
 		var editordata=[];
-		const {question_title, question_score, question_type,question_titles, zqda,question_choices, standard_answers } = this.state;
+		const {question_title, question_score,question_titleysl,question_titlesysl, question_type,question_titles, zqda,question_choices, standard_answers } = this.state;
 		const { question_id_to_insert_after, question_id } = this.props
 		// TODO check
 		const answerArray = standard_answers.map((item, index) => { return item == true ? index+1 : -1 }).filter(item => item != -1);
-		if(!question_title) {
-			this.refs['titleEditor'].showError()
+		if(!question_titleysl) {
 			return editordata;
@@ -116,12 +119,11 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
-		if(!question_titles) {
-			this.refs['titleEditor2'].showError()
-			this.props.showNotification('请您输入题目解析');
-			return editordata;
-		}
+		//
+		// if(!question_titlesysl) {
+		// 	this.props.showNotification('请您输入题目解析');
+		// 	return editordata;
+		// }
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
-		editordata=[question_title,zqda,question_titles];
+		editordata=[question_titleysl,zqda,question_titlesysl];
 		// question_title,
 		// question_type: answerArray.length > 1 ? 1 : 0,
 		// question_score,
@@ -156,10 +158,11 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
 		try {
-				question_title:this.props.item_banksedit.name,
-				question_titles:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis,
+				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.name):"",
+				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.analysis):"",
+				question_titleysl:this.props.item_banksedit.name|| '',
+				question_titlesysl:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis||'',
@@ -194,9 +197,11 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
 		if(prevProps.item_banksedit !== this.props.item_banksedit){
-				question_title:this.props.item_banksedit.name,
-				question_titles:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis,
+				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.name):"",
+				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.analysis):"",
+				question_titleysl:this.props.item_banksedit.name|| '',
+				question_titlesysl:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis||'',
@@ -275,6 +280,55 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
+	onContentChange=(value,quill)=>{
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			this.setState({
+				question_titleysl:""
+			})
+		} else {
+			// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+			var texts="";
+			if(_text.length>=1001){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,1000);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				value =  JSON.stringify(value)
+				texts=value;
+			}
+			this.setState({
+				question_titleysl:texts
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	onContentChanges=(value,quill)=>{
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			this.setState({
+				question_titlesysl:""
+			})
+		} else {
+			// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+			var texts="";
+			if(_text.length>=1001){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,1000);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				value =JSON.stringify(value);
+				texts=value;
+			}
+			this.setState({
+				question_titlesysl:texts
+			})
+		}
+	}
 	render() {
 		let { question_title, question_score, question_type, question_choices, standard_answers,question_titles} = this.state;
 		let { question_id, index, exerciseIsPublish,
@@ -325,16 +379,21 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
 					<span className="xingtigan  fl">题干:</span>
-				<TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber} placeholder="请您输入题干" height={155} className=" mt10"
-										 initValue={question_title} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_title: val})}
-										 ref="titleEditor"
+				<QuillForEditor
+					autoFocus={true}
+					imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+					style={{ height: '155px'}}
+					placeholder="请您输入题干"
+					options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+					value={question_title}
+					onContentChange={this.onContentChange}
-				></TPMMDEditor>
+				/>
 				<div className="mb10 sortinxdirection">
 					{/* {!question_id ? '新建' : '编辑'} */}
 					<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4">*</span>
-					<span className="xingtigans  fl"><span className="xingtigan">答案选项:</span>点击答案可设置正确答案</span>
+					<span className="xingtigans  fl"><span className="xingtigan">答案选项:</span>点击选项可设置正确答案</span>
@@ -363,36 +422,25 @@ class JudquestionEditor extends Component{
+					<div className="mt10">
 					<p className="mb10 clearfix">
 						{/* {!question_id ? '新建' : '编辑'} */}
-						<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4">*</span>
+						<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4"></span>
 						<span className="xingtigan  fl">题目解析:</span>
-					<style>{`
-              .optionMdEditor {
-                flex:1
-              }
-              .optionRow {
-                margin:0px!important;
-                /* margin-bottom: 20px!important; */
-              }
-              .signleEditor .content_editorMd_show{
-                display: flex;
-                margin-top:0px!important;
-                border-radius:2px;
-                max-width: 1056px;
-                word-break:break-all;
-              }
-            `}</style>
-					<TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber+question_choices.length} placeholder="请您输入题目解析" height={155} className=" mt10"
-											 initValue={question_titles} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_titles: val})}
-											 ref="titleEditor2"
-					></TPMMDEditor>
+					<QuillForEditor
+						autoFocus={false}
+						imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+						style={{height: '166px' }}
+						placeholder="请您输入题目解析"
+						options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+						value={question_titles}
+						onContentChange={this.onContentChanges}
+					/>
+				</div>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Listjihe.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Listjihe.js
index f796a3f45..54cc82784 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Listjihe.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Listjihe.js
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
 import React, {Component} from "react";
 import {Link, NavLink} from 'react-router-dom';
-import {WordsBtn, ActionBtn,SnackbarHOC,getImageUrl,markdownToHTML} from 'educoder';
+import {WordsBtn, ActionBtn, SnackbarHOC, getImageUrl, markdownToHTML} from 'educoder';
 import axios from 'axios';
 import {
-	Radio
+	Radio,
+	Tooltip
 } from "antd";
 import './../questioncss/questioncom.css';
+import QuillForEditor from "../../../common/quillForEditor";
 const tagArray = [
 	'A.', 'B.', 'C.', 'D.', 'E.', 'F.', 'G.', 'H.', 'I.',
 	'J.', 'K.', 'L.', 'M.', 'N.', 'O.', 'P.', 'Q.', 'R.',
@@ -20,97 +23,144 @@ const tagArrays = [
 	'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R',
 	'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
 class Listjihe extends Component {
 	constructor(props) {
 		this.state = {
-			page:1,
-			name:"单选题",
-			nd:"简单",
+			page: 1,
+			name: "单选题",
+			nd: "简单",
-	componentDidMount(){
+	componentDidMount() {
-	Selectingpracticaltraining=(id)=>{
-		let data={}
-			if(this.props.exam_id===undefined){
-		    data={
-				item_ids:[id]
+	Selectingpracticaltraining = (id) => {
+		let data = {}
+		if (this.props.exam_id === undefined) {
+			data = {
+				item_ids: [id]
-		  }else{
-			 data={
-				item_ids:[id],
-				exam_id:this.props.exam_id===undefined?"":parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
+		} else {
+			data = {
+				item_ids: [id],
+				exam_id: this.props.exam_id === undefined ? "" : parseInt(this.props.exam_id),
-		  }
+		}
-	Selectingpracticaltrainings=(id)=>{
+	Selectingpracticaltrainings = (id) => {
 	render() {
-		let {page,name,nd}=this.state;
-		let {defaultActiveKey,items,listjihe,chakanjiexiboolindex,keindex}=this.props;
+		let {page, name, nd} = this.state;
+		let {defaultActiveKey, items, listjihe, chakanjiexiboolindex, keindex} = this.props;
 		// 编程答案
-		var rightkey=null
-		if(items){
-			if(items.item_type){
-				if(items.item_type==="PROGRAM"){
-				}else{
-					if(items.item_type==="JUDGMENT") {
-						if(items.choices){
-							if(items.choices.length>0){
-								var arr= items.choices;
-								for(let data of arr) {
-									if(data.is_answer===true){
-										rightkey=data.choice_text;
-										break;
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}else {
+		var rightkey = null
+		var MULTIPLEkey = null;
+		if (items) {
+			if (items.item_type) {
+				if (items.item_type === "PROGRAM") {
+				} else {
+					if (items.item_type === "JUDGMENT") {
+             //多选题
 						if (items.choices) {
 							if (items.choices.length > 0) {
 								var arr = items.choices;
-								for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
-									if (arr[i].is_answer === true) {
-										rightkey = i;
+								for (let data of arr) {
+									if (data.is_answer === true) {
+										rightkey = data.choice_text;
+					} else {
+						// 单选题和判断题
+						if(items.item_type === "MULTIPLE"){
+							if (items.choices) {
+								if (items.choices.length > 0) {
+									var arr = items.choices;
+									for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+										if (arr[i].is_answer === true) {
+											if(MULTIPLEkey===null){
+												MULTIPLEkey = tagArrays[i];
+											}else{
+												MULTIPLEkey =MULTIPLEkey+ tagArrays[i];
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}else{
+							if (items.choices) {
+								if (items.choices.length > 0) {
+									var arr = items.choices;
+									for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+										if (arr[i].is_answer === true) {
+											rightkey = i;
+											break;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+		var itemssname="";
+		try {
+			itemssname= JSON.parse(items.name);
+		}catch (e) {
+		}
+		if(itemssname===undefined){
+			itemssname=items.name
+		}
 		return (
-			<div key={keindex} className={chakanjiexiboolindex===keindex?"w100s borderwds283  pd20 mb20 listjihecolors":"w100s borderwds  pd20 mb20 listjihecolors"}>
+			<div key={keindex}
+					 className={chakanjiexiboolindex === keindex ? "w100s borderwds283  pd20 mb20 listjihecolors" : "w100s borderwds  pd20 mb20 listjihecolors"}>
+				<style>
+					{
+						`	.markdown-body .ql-editor{
+								padding-left: 0px;
+						}
+						.markdown-body .ql-editor p{
+						line-height: 0px;
+						}
+						.programquill .ql-editor{
+								padding-left: 0px;
+						}
+						.programquill .ql-editor p{
+						line-height: 0px;
+						}
+						`
+					}
+				</style>
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
 					<div className="listjihetixingstitsy">
@@ -120,39 +170,89 @@ class Listjihe extends Component {
 					<div className="listjihetixingstitsy">
-					<div className="ml10 w100s listjihetixingstit markdown-body"  style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(items&&items.name).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}>
-					</div>
+					{
+						items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
+							<a href={`/problems/${items.program_attr.identifier}/edit`}>
+							<div className="ml10 w100s listjihetixingstit markdown-body"  style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(items&&items.name).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}></div>
+							</a>
+						:
+							<div className="ml10 w100s listjihetixingstit markdown-body" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}>
+								{	items===undefined||items===null||items===""?"":
+									items.name === undefined || items.name === null || items.name === "" ?
+										""
+										:
+										items.name.length>0?
+											<QuillForEditor
+												readOnly={true}
+												value={itemssname}
+											/>
+											:""
+								}
+							</div>
+					}
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection ">
-					{items.item_type==="JUDGMENT"?
-						<p className="w100s listjihetixingstits sortinxdirection ">
+					{items.item_type === "JUDGMENT" ?
+						<p className="w100s listjihetixingstitsp sortinxdirection ">
-								items === undefined ||items === null? "" : items.choices.map((object, index) => {
+								items === undefined || items === null ? "" : items.choices.map((object, index) => {
 									return (
-										<p className={index===1? "sortinxdirection  ml10":"sortinxdirection  " }  >
-											<Radio disabled={false}>
+										<p className={index === 1 ? "sortinxdirection  ml10" : "sortinxdirection  "}>
+											<Radio disabled={false} disabled={true} >
-						</p>:
-						items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
+						</p> :
+						items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
 							<p className="w100s listjihetixingstitssy sortinxdirection ">
-								<p className={"sortinxdirection  mt15"} >
-									<p style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(items.program_attr.description).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}></p>
+								<p className={"sortinxdirection  mt15"}>
+									{
+										items&&items.program_attr&&items.program_attr.description?
+											<p className="programquill" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+											>
+												<QuillForEditor
+													readOnly={true}
+													value={JSON.parse(items.program_attr.description)}
+												/>
+											</p>
+											:""
+									}
-							<p className="w100s listjihetixingstits verticallayout ">
+							<p className="w100s listjihetixingstitsp verticallayout ">
-									items === undefined ||items === null? "" : items.choices.map((object, index) => {
+									items === undefined || items === null ? "" : items.choices.map((object, index) => {
 										return (
-											<p className={index===0?"sortinxdirection":"sortinxdirection  mt15"} >
-												{tagArray[index]}
-												<p style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(object.choice_text).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}></p>
+											<p className={index === 0 ? "sortinxdirection " : "sortinxdirection  mt15 "}>
+												<p className="lh26">{tagArray[index]}</p>
+												<p className="programquill" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}>
+													{object ?
+														object.choice_text === undefined || object.choice_text=== null || object.choice_text === "" ?
+															""
+															:
+															object.choice_text.length>0?
+																<QuillForEditor
+																	readOnly={true}
+																	value={JSON.parse(object.choice_text)}
+																/>
+																:""
+														:
+														""
+													}
+												</p>
@@ -163,91 +263,98 @@ class Listjihe extends Component {
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection mt10">
-					<p className="listjihetixing">难度:<span >{items.difficulty===1?"简单":items.difficulty===2?"适中":items.difficulty===3?"困难":""}</span></p>
-					<p className="ml30 listjihetixing">题型:<span >{items.item_type==="SINGLE"?"单选题":items.item_type==="MULTIPLE"?"多选题":items.item_type==="JUDGMENT"?"判断题":items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?"编程题":""}</span></p>
+					<p
+						className="listjihetixing">难度:<span>{items.difficulty === 1 ? "简单" : items.difficulty === 2 ? "适中" : items.difficulty === 3 ? "困难" : ""}</span>
+					</p>
+					<p
+						className="ml30 listjihetixing">题型:<span>{items.item_type === "SINGLE" ? "单选题" : items.item_type === "MULTIPLE" ? "多选题" : items.item_type === "JUDGMENT" ? "判断题" : items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ? "编程题" : ""}</span>
+					</p>
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
 					<div className="w50s listjihetixingstit sortinxdirection">
 						<p className="updatetimes lh30">更新时间:{items.update_time}</p>
-							this.props.defaultActiveKey==="0"||this.props.defaultActiveKey===0?
+							this.props.defaultActiveKey === "0" || this.props.defaultActiveKey === 0 ?
 								<p className="updatetimes lh30 ml45">创建者:{items.author.name}</p>
-							items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
+							items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
 								<p className="updatetimes lh30 ml45">编程语言:{items.program_attr.language}</p>
-								:""
+								: ""
-							items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
-								items.program_attr.status===0?
+							items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
+								items.program_attr.status === 0 ?
 									<p className="updatetimes lh30 ml45 nofabu mt5">未发布</p>
-									:""
-								:""
+									: ""
+								: ""
 					<div className="w50s xaxisreverseorder">
-							items.choosed===true?
-								<p className="selectionss  xiaoshou" onClick={()=>this.Selectingpracticaltrainings(items.id)}>
+							items.choosed === true ?
+								<p className="selectionss  xiaoshou" onClick={() => this.Selectingpracticaltrainings(items.id)}>
 									<i className="iconfont icon-jianhao font-12 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolor mr5"></i>
 									<span className="mr15 lh30">撤销</span></p>
-								items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
-									items.program_attr.status===0?
-										<p className="selectionys  jinzhixiaoshou" >
-											<i className="iconfont icon-tianjiadaohang font-12 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolor mr5"></i>
-											<span className="mr15 lh30">选用</span>
-										</p>
+								items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
+									items.program_attr.status === 0 ?
+										<Tooltip placement="top" title={"编程题未发布,不能选用!"}>
+											<p className="selectionys  jinzhixiaoshou">
+												<i className="iconfont icon-tianjiadaohang font-12 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolor mr5"></i>
+												<span className="mr15 lh30">选用</span>
+											</p>
+										</Tooltip>
-										<p className="selection  xiaoshou" onClick={()=>this.Selectingpracticaltraining(items.id)}>
+										<p className="selection  xiaoshou" onClick={() => this.Selectingpracticaltraining(items.id)}>
 											<i className="iconfont icon-tianjiadaohang font-12 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolor mr5"></i>
 											<span className="mr15 lh30">选用</span>
-									<p className="selection  xiaoshou" onClick={()=>this.Selectingpracticaltraining(items.id)}>
+									<p className="selection  xiaoshou" onClick={() => this.Selectingpracticaltraining(items.id)}>
 										<i className="iconfont icon-tianjiadaohang font-12 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolor mr5"></i>
 										<span className="mr15 lh30">选用</span>
-							defaultActiveKey===0||defaultActiveKey==="0"?
+							defaultActiveKey === 0 || defaultActiveKey === "0" ?
 								<div className="xaxisreverseorder">
-									<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={()=>this.props.showmodelysl(items.id)}>
+									<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={() => this.props.showmodelysl(items.id)}>
 										<i className="iconfont icon-shanchu1 font-17 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolors mr5"></i>
-										items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
+										items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
 											<a href={`/problems/${items.program_attr.identifier}/edit`}>
-												<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" >
+												<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25">
 													<i className="iconfont icon-bianji2 font-17 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolors mr5"></i>
 											<a href={`/question/edit/${items.id}`}>
-												<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" >
+												<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25">
 													<i className="iconfont icon-bianji2 font-17 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolors mr5"></i>
-										items.public===false?
-											items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
-												items.program_attr.status===0?
+										items.public === false ?
+											items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
+												items.program_attr.status === 0 ?
-													<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={()=>this.props.showmodels(items.id)}>
+													<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={() => this.props.showmodels(items.id)}>
 														<i className="iconfont icon-gongkai font-17 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolors mr5"></i>
-												<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={()=>this.props.showmodels(items.id)}>
+												<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={() => this.props.showmodels(items.id)}>
 													<i className="iconfont icon-gongkai font-17 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolors mr5"></i>
@@ -256,54 +363,73 @@ class Listjihe extends Component {
-								:""
+								: ""
-							items.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
+							items.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
-								<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={()=>this.props.chakanjiexibool(keindex)}>
+								<p className="viewparsings  xiaoshou mr25" onClick={() => this.props.chakanjiexibool(keindex)}>
 									<i className="iconfont icon-jiexi font-17 lg ml7 lh30 icontianjiadaohangcolors mr5"></i>
-					chakanjiexiboolindex===keindex?<div>
+					chakanjiexiboolindex === keindex ? <div>
 						<div className="w100s questiontypeheng mt23">
-						<div className=" sortinxdirection mt15 yldxtit" >
+						<div className=" sortinxdirection mt15 yldxtit">
-								items.item_type==="SINGLE" || items.item_type==="MULTIPLE"?
+								items.item_type === "SINGLE"  ?
+									<p className=" testfondex yldxtit"
+										 style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+										 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML("答案:" + tagArrays[rightkey]).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}
+									>
+									</p>
+									: items.item_type === "MULTIPLE"?
 									<p className=" testfondex yldxtit"
-										 style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML("答案:"+tagArrays[rightkey]).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}
+										 style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+										 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML("答案:" + MULTIPLEkey).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}
 									<p className=" testfondex yldxtit"
-										 style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML("答案:"+rightkey).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}
+										 style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+										 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML("答案:" + rightkey).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}
-						{
-							items&&items.analysis?
-								""
-								:""
-						}
-						<div className=" sortinxdirection mt15 yldxtit" >
-							<p className=" testfondex yldxtit"
-								 style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML("解析:"+items.analysis).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}
+						<div className=" sortinxdirection mt15 yldxtit">
+							<p className=" testfondex yldxtit programquill"
+								 style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+								{items ?
+									items.analysis=== undefined || items.analysis=== null || items.analysis === "" ?
+										""
+										:
+										items.analysis.length>0?
+											<QuillForEditor
+												imgAttrs={{width: '60px', height: '30px'}}
+												readOnly={true}
+												value={JSON.parse(items.analysis)}
+											/>
+											:
+									""
+									:
+									""
+								}
-					</div>:""
+					</div> : ""
@@ -313,4 +439,5 @@ class Listjihe extends Component {
 export default Listjihe;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Newknledpots.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Newknledpots.js
index a097b7d79..4668c5e5a 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Newknledpots.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/Newknledpots.js
@@ -14,10 +14,35 @@ class PaperDeletModel extends Component {
-		this.setState({
-			newkntypeinput:	e.target.value
-		})
+		// this.setState({
+		// 				newkntypeinput:	e.target.value
+		// 			})
+		// console.log(e.target.value);
+		// console.log(e.target.value.length);
+						this.setState({
+							newkntypeinput:	e.target.value
+						})
+		 this.props.setboolred(false);
+		//
+		// debugger
+		// console.log(e);
+		//
+		// if(e.target.value.length>0){
+		// 	if(e.target.value.length>=16){
+		// 		var result = e.target.value.substring(0,15);
+		// 		this.setState({
+		// 			newkntypeinput:	result
+		// 		})
+		// 	}
+		// }
+	}
+	mysinputOnBlur=(e)=>{
+		console.log("失去焦点了");
+	}
+	inputOnFocus=(e)=>{
+		console.log("获取焦点");
 	render() {
@@ -34,8 +59,8 @@ class PaperDeletModel extends Component {
 				<div className="educouddiv">
-					<div className={"tabeltext-alignleft mt10"}>
-						<Input onInput={this.handleChange}  />
+					<div className={this.props.boolred===true?"tabeltext-alignleft mt10 inpustred":"tabeltext-alignleft mt10"}>
+						<Input onInput={this.handleChange}  maxLength={16} onBlur={this.mysinputOnBlur } onFocus={this.inputOnFocus }/>
 					<div className="clearfix mt30 edu-txt-center">
 						<a className="task-btn mr30 w80" onClick={()=>this.props.NewknTypedeldel(false)}>取消</a>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/SingleEditor.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/SingleEditor.js
index c111aa41b..36f9bc93a 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/component/SingleEditor.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/component/SingleEditor.js
@@ -75,10 +75,12 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
 		this.state = {
 			question_choices: _question_choices || ['', '', '', ''],
 			standard_answers: _standard_answers || [false, false, false, false],
-			question_title: this.props.question_title || '',
+			question_title: this.props.question_title!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.question_title):"",
 			question_type: this.props.question_type || 0,
 			question_score: this.props.question_score || this.props.init_question_score,
-			question_titles:this.props.question_titles||'',
+			question_titles: this.props.question_titles!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.question_titles):"",
+			question_titlesysl:this.props.question_titlesysl||'',
+			question_titleysl:this.props.question_title || '',
@@ -121,35 +123,44 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
 	onSave = () => {
 		var editordata=[];
-		const {question_title, question_score, question_type,question_titles, question_choices, standard_answers } = this.state;
+		const {question_title, question_titleysl,question_score, question_type,question_titles,question_titlesysl, question_choices, standard_answers } = this.state;
 		const { question_id_to_insert_after, question_id } = this.props
 		// TODO check
 		const answerArray = standard_answers.map((item, index) => { return item == true ? index+1 : -1 }).filter(item => item != -1);
-		if(!question_title) {
-			this.refs['titleEditor'].showError()
-			this.props.showNotification('请您输入题干');
-			return editordata;
-		}
-		if(!answerArray || answerArray.length == 0) {
-			this.props.showNotification('请先点击选择本选择题的正确选项');
+		// const _text = quill.getText();
+		// const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		// if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+		// 	// 处理编辑器内容为空
+		// } else {
+		// 	// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+		// 	value =  JSON.stringify(value)
+		// }
+		if(!question_titleysl) {
+			// this.refs['titleEditor'].showError()
+			this.props.showNotification('请您输入题干');
 			return editordata;
 		for(let i = 0; i < question_choices.length; i++) {
 			if (!question_choices[i]) {
-				this.refs[`optionEditor${i}`].showError()
+				// this.refs[`optionEditor${i}`].showError()
 				this.props.showNotification(`请先输入 ${tagArray[i]} 选项的内容`);
 				return editordata;
-		if(!question_titles) {
-			this.refs['titleEditor2'].showError()
-			this.props.showNotification('请您输入题目解析');
+		if(!answerArray || answerArray.length == 0) {
+			this.props.showNotification('请先点击选择本选择题的正确选项');
 			return editordata;
+		// if(!question_titlesysl) {
+		// 	this.props.showNotification('请您输入题目解析');
+		// 	return editordata;
+		// }
@@ -158,7 +169,7 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
-		editordata=[question_title,answerArray,question_choices,question_titles];
+		editordata=[question_titleysl,answerArray,question_choices,question_titlesysl];
 				// question_title,
 				// question_type: answerArray.length > 1 ? 1 : 0,
 				// question_score,
@@ -184,8 +195,10 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
 		try {
-				question_title:this.props.item_banksedit.name,
-				question_titles:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis,
+				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.name):"",
+				question_titleysl:this.props.item_banksedit.name|| '',
+				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.analysis):"",
+				question_titlesysl:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis||'',
@@ -204,8 +217,10 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
 		if(prevProps.item_banksedit !== this.props.item_banksedit) {
 				item_banksedit: this.props.item_banksedit,
-				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name,
-				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis,
+				question_title: this.props.item_banksedit.name!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.name):"",
+				question_titleysl:this.props.item_banksedit.name|| '',
+				question_titles: this.props.item_banksedit.analysis!==undefined?JSON.parse(this.props.item_banksedit.analysis):"",
+				question_titlesysl:this.props.item_banksedit.analysis||'',
 				mychoicess: this.props.item_banksedit.choices,
@@ -229,14 +244,31 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
 		// standard_answers[index] = !standard_answers[index];
 		this.setState({ standard_answers })
-	onOptionContentChange = (value, index) => {
+	onOptionContentChange = (value,quill,index) => {
 		if (index >= this.state.question_choices.length) {
 			// TODO 新建,然后删除CD选项,再输入题干,会调用到这里,且index是3
+    var texts;
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			texts="";
+		} else {
+			if(_text.length>=301){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,300);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+				value =  JSON.stringify(value)
+				texts=value;
+			}
+		}
 		let question_choices = this.state.question_choices.slice(0);
-		question_choices[index] = value;
-		this.setState({ question_choices })
+		question_choices[index] = texts;
+		this.setState({ question_choices });
 	on_question_score_change = (e) => {
 		this.setState({ question_score: e })
@@ -254,11 +286,61 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
-	onContentChange=(e)=>{
-		console.log(e);
+	onContentChange=(value,quill)=>{
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			this.setState({
+				question_titleysl:""
+			})
+		} else {
+			// 提交到后台的内容需要处理一下;
+			var texts="";
+			if(_text.length>=1001){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,1000);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				value =  JSON.stringify(value)
+				texts=value;
+			}
+			this.setState({
+				question_titleysl:texts
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	onContentChanges=(value,quill)=>{
+		const _text = quill.getText();
+		const reg = /^[\s\S]*.*[^\s][\s\S]*$/;
+		if (!reg.test(_text)) {
+			// 处理编辑器内容为空
+			this.setState({
+				question_titlesysl:""
+			})
+		} else {
+			var texts="";
+			if(_text.length>=1001){
+				var result = _text.substring(0,1000);
+				texts={"ops":[{"insert":result}]};
+				texts=JSON.stringify(texts);
+			}else {
+				value =  JSON.stringify(value)
+				texts=value;
+			}
+			this.setState({
+				question_titlesysl:texts
+			})
+		}
+	handleShowImage = (url) => {
+		console.log("点击了图片放大");
+		console.log(url);
+		alert(url);
+	}
 	render() {
-		let { question_title, question_score, question_type, question_choices, standard_answers,question_titles} = this.state;
+		let { question_title, question_score, question_type, question_choices, standard_answers,question_titles,question_titlesysl} = this.state;
 		let { question_id, index, exerciseIsPublish,
 			// question_title,
 			// question_type,
@@ -279,7 +361,6 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
 		// ////console.log("xuanzheshijuan");
 		// ////console.log(answerTagArray);
 		// ////console.log(!exerciseIsPublish);
 			<div className="padding20-30  signleEditor danxuano" id={qNumber}>
@@ -287,7 +368,7 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
               .optionRow {
-                margin:0px!important;
+                  /* margin:0px!important; */
                 /* margin-bottom: 20px!important; */
               .signleEditor .content_editorMd_show{
@@ -307,47 +388,64 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
 					<span className="xingtigan  fl">题干:</span>
-				<TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber} placeholder="请您输入题干" height={155} className=" mt10"
-										 initValue={question_title} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_title: val})}
-										 ref="titleEditor"
-				></TPMMDEditor>
-				{/*<QuillForEditor*/}
-				{/*	style={{ height: '155px'}}*/}
-				{/*	placeholder="请您输入题干"*/}
-				{/*	value={question_title}*/}
-				{/*	options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}*/}
-				{/*	onContentChange={this.onContentChange}*/}
-				{/*/>*/}
-				<div className="mb10 sortinxdirection">
+				<QuillForEditor
+					autoFocus={true}
+					imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+					style={{ height: '155px'}}
+					placeholder="请您输入题干"
+					options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+					value={question_title}
+					onContentChange={this.onContentChange}
+				/>
+				<div className="mb10 mt10 sortinxdirection">
 					{/* {!question_id ? '新建' : '编辑'} */}
 					<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4">*</span>
-					<span className="xingtigans  fl"><span className="xingtigan">答案选项:</span>点击答案可设置正确答案</span>
+					<span className="xingtigans  fl"><span className="xingtigan">答案选项:</span>点击选项可设置正确答案</span>
 				{question_choices.map( (item, index) => {
 					const bg = standard_answers[index] ? 'check-option-bg' : ''
-					return <div className="df optionRow " >
+					return <div className={index>0?"df optionRow mt15": "df optionRow"} key={index} >
 						{/* 点击设置答案 */}
 						{/* TODO 加了tooltip后,会丢失掉span的class */}
 						{/* <Tooltip title={standard_answers[index] ? '点击取消标准答案设置' : '点击设置为标准答案'}> */}
-						<span class={`option-item fr mr10 color-grey select-choice ${bg} `}
+						<span className={`option-item fr mr10 color-grey select-choice ${bg} `}
 									name="option_span" onClick={() => this.onOptionClick(index)} style={{flex: '0 0 38px'}}>
-                      <ConditionToolTip title={standard_answers[index] ? '' : '点击设置为标准答案'} placement="left" condition={true}>
+                      <ConditionToolTip key={index} title={'点击设置为标准答案'} placement="left" condition={true}>
                         <div style={{width: '100%', height: '100%'}}>{tagArray[index]}</div>
 						{/* </Tooltip> */}
 						<div style={{ flex: '0 0 1038px'}}>
-							<DMDEditor
-								ref={`optionEditor${index}`}
-								toMDMode={this.toMDMode} toShowMode={this.toShowMode}
-								height={166} className={'optionMdEditor'} noStorage={true}
-								mdID={qNumber + index} placeholder="" onChange={(value) => this.onOptionContentChange(value, index)}
-								initValue={item}
-							></DMDEditor>
+							{
+								item===undefined||item===null||item===""?
+									<QuillForEditor
+										autoFocus={false}
+										imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+										style={{ height: '166px'}}
+										placeholder="请您输入题干"
+										options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+										value={item}
+										onContentChange={(value,quill) => this.onOptionContentChange(value,quill,index)}
+									/>
+									:
+									<QuillForEditor
+										autoFocus={false}
+										imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+										style={{ height: '166px'}}
+										placeholder="请您输入题干"
+										options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+										value={JSON.parse(item)}
+										onContentChange={(value,quill) => this.onOptionContentChange(value,quill,index)}
+									/>
+							}
 						{exerciseIsPublish || index<=1?
 							<i className=" font-18  ml15 mr20"></i>
@@ -366,36 +464,22 @@ class SingleEditor extends Component{
-				<div>
-					<p className="mb10 clearfix">
+				<div className="mt10">
+					<p className="mb10  clearfix">
 						{/* {!question_id ? '新建' : '编辑'} */}
-						<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4">*</span>
+						<span className="xingcolor font-16 fl mr4"></span>
 						<span className="xingtigan  fl">题目解析:</span>
-					<style>{`
-              .optionMdEditor {
-                flex:1
-              }
-              .optionRow {
-                margin:0px!important;
-                /* margin-bottom: 20px!important; */
-              }
-              .signleEditor .content_editorMd_show{
-                display: flex;
-                margin-top:0px!important;
-                border-radius:2px;
-                max-width: 1056px;
-                word-break:break-all;
-              }
-            `}</style>
-					<TPMMDEditor mdID={qNumber+question_choices.length} placeholder="请您输入题目解析" height={155} className=" mt10"
-											 initValue={question_titles} onChange={(val) => this.setState({ question_titles: val})}
-											 ref="titleEditor2"
-					></TPMMDEditor>
+					<div className="mt10"></div>
+					<QuillForEditor
+						autoFocus={false}
+						imgAttrs={{width: '146px', height: '136px'}}
+						style={{height: '166px' }}
+						placeholder="请您输入题目解析"
+						options={['code-block', 'image', 'formula']}
+						value={question_titles}
+						onContentChange={this.onContentChanges}
+					/>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/comthetestpaper/Comthetestpapers.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/comthetestpaper/Comthetestpapers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f482471..000000000
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/comthetestpaper/Comthetestpapers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-import React, {Component} from "react";
-import {Link, NavLink} from 'react-router-dom';
-import {WordsBtn, ActionBtn, SnackbarHOC, getImageUrl} from 'educoder';
-import axios from 'axios';
-import {
-	notification,
-	Spin,
-	Table,
-	Pagination,
-	Radio,
-	Checkbox,
-	Form,
-	Input,
-	Select,
-	Cascader,
-	AutoComplete,
-	Col, Row, InputNumber, DatePicker, Button, Tag
-} from "antd";
-import './../questioncss/questioncom.css';
-const InputGroup = Input.Group;
-const {Option} = Select;
-class Comthetestpapers extends Component {
-	constructor(props) {
-		super(props);
-		this.contentMdRef = React.createRef()
-		this.state = {
-			page: 1,
-			Knowpoints: [],
-			rbtx: undefined,
-			rbkc: undefined,
-			knowledgepoints: [],
-			options: [],
-		}
-	}
-	//初始化
-	componentDidMount() {
-		try {
-			this.props.getcontentMdRef(this);
-		} catch (e) {
-		}
-		this.setState({
-			options: this.props.disciplmy,
-			knowledgepoints: this.props.knowledgepoints,
-		})
-	}
-	handdisciplinesChange =(name,title)=>{
-		this.setState({
-			rbkc:[name.id,title.id]
-		})
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			rbkc: [name.id,title.id],
-		});
-		if(this.props.item_banksedit.tag_disciplines.length===0){
-			const didata = this.props.disciplinesdata;
-			const knowledgepointsdata = [];
-			for (var i = 0; i < didata.length; i++) {
-				//方向
-				if (name.id === didata[i].id) {
-					const fxdidata = didata[i].sub_disciplines;
-					for (var j = 0; j < fxdidata.length; j++) {
-						//课程
-						if (title.id === fxdidata[j].id) {
-							const zsddata = fxdidata[j].tag_disciplines;
-							for (var k = 0; k < zsddata.length; k++) {
-								//知识点
-								knowledgepointsdata.push(zsddata[k]);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			this.setState({
-				Knowpoints: [],
-				knowledgepoints: knowledgepointsdata,
-			})
-		}
-	}
-	handletag_disciplinesChange = (data) => {
-		try {
-			var sju=data[data.length-1].name;
-			this.setState({
-				rbzsd:sju,
-				Knowpoints:data,
-			})
-			this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-				rbzsd: sju,
-			});
-		}catch (e) {
-		}
-	}
-	onChange = (e) => {
-	}
-	Getdatas = () => {
-		return this.handleSubmits();
-	}
-	handleSubmits = () => {
-		var data = [];
-		this.props.form.validateFields((err, values) => {
-			data = [];
-			if (!err) {
-				data.push({
-					rbnd: parseInt(values.rbnd)
-				})
-				data.push({
-					rbtx: values.rbtx
-				})
-				data.push({
-					rbzsd: this.state.Knowpoints
-				})
-				data.push({
-					rbkc: values.rbkc
-				})
-				data.push({
-					classroom:values.classroom
-				})
-				data.push({
-					kssc:values.kssc
-				})
-			}
-		});
-		return data;
-	}
-	handleSubmit = (e) => {
-		e.preventDefault();
-		this.props.form.validateFields((err, values) => {
-			if (!err) {
-				////console.log("获取的form 数据");
-				////console.log(values);
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	handleFormLayoutChange = (value) => {
-		//难度塞选
-		////console.log("难度塞选");
-		////console.log(value);
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			rbnd: value + "",
-		});
-		this.setState({
-			rbnd: value + "",
-		})
-	}
-	handleFormkechen = (value) => {
-		//课程
-		////console.log("课程");
-		////console.log(value);
-		var valuename = undefined;
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			rbzsd: value,
-		});
-		var arr = this.state.knowledgepoints;
-		for (let data of arr) {
-			if (data.id === value) {
-				this.state.Knowpoints.push(data);
-				valuename = data.name;
-			}
-		}
-		var tmp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.knowledgepoints));
-		for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
-			if (tmp[i].id === value) {
-				this.state.knowledgepoints.splice(i, 1);
-			}
-		}
-		this.setState({
-			rbzsd: valuename,
-			Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
-			knowledgepoints: this.state.knowledgepoints,
-		})
-	}
-	handleFormzhishidian = (value) => {
-		console.log("handleFormzhishidian 课程");
-		console.log(value);
-		//课程
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			rbkc: value,
-		});
-		this.setState({
-			rbkc:value,
-		})
-		// console.log("handleFormzhishidian");
-		// console.log(this.props.disciplinesdata);
-		const didata = this.props.disciplinesdata;
-		const knowledgepointsdata = [];
-		for (var i = 0; i < didata.length; i++) {
-			//方向
-			if (value[0] === didata[i].id) {
-				const fxdidata = didata[i].sub_disciplines;
-				for (var j = 0; j < fxdidata.length; j++) {
-					//课程
-					if (value[1] === fxdidata[j].id) {
-						const zsddata = fxdidata[j].tag_disciplines;
-						for (var k = 0; k < zsddata.length; k++) {
-							//知识点
-							knowledgepointsdata.push(zsddata[k]);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		this.setState({
-			Knowpoints: [],
-			knowledgepoints: knowledgepointsdata,
-		})
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			rbzsd: undefined,
-		});
-		this.setState({
-			rbzsd: undefined,
-		})
-	}
-	handleFormtixing = (value) => {
-		//题型
-		//console.log("题型");
-		//console.log(value);
-		this.setState({
-			rbtx: value + "",
-		})
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			rbtx: value + "",
-		});
-		this.props.setitem_type(value);
-	}
-	preventDefault = (e) => {
-		e.preventDefault();
-		////console.log('Clicked! But prevent default.');
-	}
-	deletesobject = (item, index) => {
-		var arr = this.state.Knowpoints;
-		for (let data of arr) {
-			if (data.id === item.id) {
-				this.state.knowledgepoints.push(data);
-			}
-		}
-		var tmp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.Knowpoints));
-		for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
-			if (i >= index) {
-				var pos = this.state.Knowpoints.indexOf(tmp[i]);
-				this.state.Knowpoints.splice(pos, 1);
-			}
-		}
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			rbzsd: this.state.Knowpoints,
-		});
-		this.setState({
-			Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
-		})
-		if (this.state.Knowpoints.length === 0) {
-			this.setState({
-				rbzsd: undefined,
-			})
-		} else if (this.state.Knowpoints.length > 0) {
-			try {
-				const myknowda = this.state.Knowpoints;
-				this.setState({
-					rbzsd: myknowda[this.state.Knowpoints.length - 1].name,
-				})
-			} catch (e) {
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	handleSearch=(value)=>{
-		if(value!=""){
-			this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-				classroom:value,
-				// course:value
-			});
-			// this.Searchvalue(value)
-		}
-	};
-	handleChange=(e)=>{
-		console.log(e);
-		this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
-			// course:value,
-			classroom:e.target.value,
-		})
-		if(e.target.value){
-			if(e.target.value.length>60){
-				this.setState({
-					bordebool:true,
-				})
-			}else if(e.target.value.length===0){
-				this.setState({
-					bordebool:true,
-				})
-			}else{
-				this.setState({
-					bordebool:false,
-				})
-			}
-		}else{
-			this.setState({
-				bordebool:true
-			})
-		}
-	};
-	render() {
-		let {page,options} = this.state;
-		const {getFieldDecorator} = this.props.form;
-		const optionss = this.state.searchlist && this.state.searchlist.map(d => <Option key={d.name} value={d.name}>{d.name}</Option>);
-		var addonAfterthree=this.props.form&&this.props.form.getFieldValue('classroom');
-		var addonAfteronelens3=0;
-		if(addonAfterthree){
-			addonAfteronelens3=String(addonAfterthree).length;
-		}
-		return (
-			<div className=" clearfix  educontent Contentquestionbankstyle w100s w1200fpx mt19">
-				<style>
-					{
-						`
-						.ant-form-item{
-						 margin-bottom: 0px !important;
-						}
-						.ant-form-explain{
-						padding-left:0px !important;
-						margin-top: 3px !important;
-						}
-					.ant-select-selection{
-					height: 33px !important;
-					}
-					.kechen .ant-input-group{
-					  width:258px !important;
-					} 
-						.zsdd .ant-input-group{
-					  width:258px !important;
-					} 
-					.sjmc .ant-input-group{
-					  width:258px !important;
-					} 
-					.kssc .ant-input-group{
-					  width:258px !important;
-					} 
-						.rbndclass .ant-input-group{
-					  width:258px !important;
-					} 
-					.ant-input {
-					height: 33px !important;
-					}
-					.ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(.ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled):focus-within {
-    outline: 0px solid rgba(24, 144, 255, 0.06) !important;
-						`
-					}
-				</style>
-				<div className="h12"></div>
-				<Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
-					<div className="kechen">
-				<Form.Item
-					label="课程:"
-				>
-					{getFieldDecorator("rbkc",
-						{
-							rules: [{required: true, message: '请选择课程'}],
-						}
-					)(
-						<div className="sortinxdirection">
-							<InputGroup compact>
-								<Cascader style={{width: '258px'}} value={this.state.rbkc} options={options} onChange={this.handleFormzhishidian}
-													placeholder="请选择..."/>
-							</InputGroup>
-						</div>
-					)}
-				</Form.Item>
-					</div>
-					<div className="zsdd">
-					<Form.Item
-						label="知识点:"
-					>
-						{getFieldDecorator("rbzsd"
-						)(
-							<div className="sortinxdirection">
-								<InputGroup compact>
-									<Select style={{width: '258px'}} value={this.state.rbzsd} onChange={this.handleFormkechen}
-													placeholder="请选择...">
-										{this.state.knowledgepoints && this.state.knowledgepoints.map((object, index) => {
-											return (
-												<Option value={object.id}>{object.name}</Option>
-											)
-										})}
-									</Select>
-								</InputGroup>
-								<div className="sortinxdirection" style={{
-									height: "33px",
-									lineHeight: "28px",
-								}}>
-									{this.state.Knowpoints === undefined ? "" : this.state.Knowpoints.map((object, index) => {
-										return (
-											<div className="mytags" style={{
-												position: "relative",
-											}}>
-												<p className="w100s  stestcen lh32">{object.name}</p>
-												<i className="iconfont icon-roundclose font-25 lg ml7 icondowncolorss"
-													 onClick={() => this.deletesobject(object, index)}></i>
-											</div>
-										)
-									})}
-								</div>
-							</div>
-						)}
-					</Form.Item>
-					</div>
-					<style>
-						{
-							`
-										.ml19{
-											margin-left:19px;
-											}
-										`
-						}
-					</style>
-					<div className="stud-class-set    ">
-						<style>{
-							`
-										.yslzxueshis .ant-input{
-										border-right: none !important;
-										height: 38px !important;
-										width: 970px !important;
-										}
-										 .yslzxueshisy span .ant-input-group-addon{
-											width: 65px !important;
-											background-color: #fafafa!important;
-										 }
-										.yslzxueshisy .ant-input-group-addon{
-											width: 65px !important;
-											background-color: #fafafa!important;
-										 }
-										`
-						}</style>
-						<div className="sjmc">
-						<Form.Item label="试卷名称:">
-							{getFieldDecorator('classroom', {
-								rules:  [{required: true, message: "不能为空"}],
-							})(
-								<AutoComplete
-									onSearch={this.handleSearch}
-									className={"fl construction yslzxueshis "}
-									dataSource={optionss}
-								>
-									<Input className="yslzxueshisy " placeholder="例如:数据结构" onInput={this.handleChange}  addonAfter={String(addonAfteronelens3)+"/60"}  maxLength={60} />
-								</AutoComplete>
-							)}
-							<div id='isclassroom'></div>
-						</Form.Item>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-					<style>
-						{
-							`
-							.kssc .ant-form-item-label{
-							    line-height: 38px !important;
-							}
-							`
-						}
-					</style>
-					<div className="kssc">
-					<Form.Item label="考试时长:">
-						{getFieldDecorator('kssc')(<InputNumber
-							min={0}
-							step={0.1}
-						></InputNumber>)}
-						<span className="ant-form-text"> 分钟</span>
-					</Form.Item>
-					</div>
-					{/*<div className="tixing">*/}
-					{/*<Form.Item*/}
-					{/*	label="题型:"*/}
-					{/*>*/}
-					{/*	{getFieldDecorator("rbtx",*/}
-					{/*		{*/}
-					{/*			rules: [{required: true, message: '请选择题型'}],*/}
-					{/*		}*/}
-					{/*	)(*/}
-					{/*		<InputGroup compact>*/}
-					{/*			<Select style={{width: '258px'}} value={this.state.rbtx} onChange={this.handleFormtixing}*/}
-					{/*							placeholder="请选择...">*/}
-					{/*				<Option value="SINGLE">单选题</Option>*/}
-					{/*				<Option value="MULTIPLE">多选题</Option>*/}
-					{/*				<Option value="JUDGMENT">判断题</Option>*/}
-					{/*				<Option value="PROGRAM">编程题</Option>*/}
-					{/*			</Select>*/}
-					{/*		</InputGroup>*/}
-					{/*	)}*/}
-					{/*</Form.Item>*/}
-					{/*</div>*/}
-					<style>
-						{
-							`
-							.rbndclass .ant-radio-button-wrapper{
-							width:106px !important;
-							height:33px !important;
-							background:#EEEEEE;
-							border-radius:17px !important;
-							color:#333333; 
-							text-align: center !important;
-							border:0px !important;
-							margin-right: 27px !important;
-							    margin-top: 6px !important;
-							}
-							.rbndclass .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked {
-						    width: 106px !important;
-								height: 33px !important;
-								background: #4CACFF !important;
-								border-radius: 17px !important;
-								text-align: center !important;
-								border:0px !important;
-								color: #ffffff !important;
-								margin-right: 27px !important;
-								    margin-top: 6px!important;
-							}
-							.rbndclass .ant-radio-button-wrapper:not(:first-child)::before{
-								border:0px !important;
-									width:0px !important;
-							}
-							.rbndclass .ant-radio-button-wrapper{
-								border:0px !important;
-							}
-							.rbndclass .ant-radio-group{
-								border:0px !important;
-							}
-							.rbndclass .ant-radio-group label{
-								border:0px !important;
-							}
-							.rbndclass .ant-radio-group span{
-								border:0px !important;
-							}
-							ant-radio-button-wrapper:focus-within {
-									outline: 0px solid #ffffff;
-							}
-							`
-						}
-					</style>
-					<div className="rbndclass">
-						<Form.Item label="难度:">
-							{getFieldDecorator('rbnd',
-								{
-									rules: [{required: true, message: '请选择难度'}],
-								}
-							)(
-								<Radio.Group value={this.state.rbnd} onChange={this.handleFormLayoutChange}>
-									<Radio.Button value="1">简单</Radio.Button>
-									<Radio.Button value="2">适中</Radio.Button>
-									<Radio.Button value="3">困难</Radio.Button>
-								</Radio.Group>,
-							)}
-						</Form.Item>
-					</div>
-				</Form>
-				<div className="h20"></div>
-			</div>
-		)
-	}
-const Comthetestpaperss = Form.create({name: 'Itembankstops'})(Comthetestpapers);
-export default Comthetestpaperss;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/comthetestpaper/Comthetestpaperst.js b/public/react/src/modules/question/comthetestpaper/Comthetestpaperst.js
index 88d5b9725..50d2bb85f 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/comthetestpaper/Comthetestpaperst.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/comthetestpaper/Comthetestpaperst.js
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const options = [
+//Itembankstop 题库的
 class Comthetestpaperst extends Component {
 	constructor(props) {
@@ -54,10 +54,16 @@ class Comthetestpaperst extends Component {
 			knowledgepoints: [],
 			options: [],
-			NewknTypedel:false
+			NewknTypedel:false,
+			boolred:false,
+	setboolred=(bool)=>{
+		this.setState({
+			boolred:bool
+		})
+	}
 	componentDidMount() {
 		try {
@@ -495,19 +501,32 @@ class Comthetestpaperst extends Component {
+		var knowledgepointmys=	this.state.knowledgepoints;
+		for(let myda of knowledgepointmys) {
+			if(myda.name===value){
+				this.props.showNotification(`重复的知识点`);
+				this.setboolred(true);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+			this.setboolred(true);
+			this.setboolred(true);
 		if(this.state.rbkc===undefined || this.state.rbkc===null || this.state.rbkc===""){
+			this.setboolred(true);
 		var data={
@@ -523,19 +542,36 @@ class Comthetestpaperst extends Component {
 						id: result.data.tag_discipline_id,
-					this.state.knowledgepoints.push(leydata);
-					const _result =[];
-					this.state.knowledgepoints.filter(item => {
-						if (this.state.Knowpoints.findIndex(t => t.id === item.id) === -1) {
-							_result.push(item);
-						}
-					});
-					this.setState({
-						Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
-						knowledgepoints:	this.state.knowledgepoints,
-						knowledgepoints2: _result,
-					})
+					if(this.state.Knowpoints.length>=5){
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.push(leydata);
+						const _result =[];
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.filter(item => {
+							if (this.state.Knowpoints.findIndex(t => t.id === item.id) === -1) {
+								_result.push(item);
+							}
+						});
+						this.setState({
+							Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
+							knowledgepoints:	this.state.knowledgepoints,
+							knowledgepoints2: _result,
+						})
+					}else{
+						this.state.Knowpoints.push(leydata);
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.push(leydata);
+						const _result =[];
+						this.state.knowledgepoints.filter(item => {
+							if (this.state.Knowpoints.findIndex(t => t.id === item.id) === -1) {
+								_result.push(item);
+							}
+						});
+						this.setState({
+							Knowpoints: this.state.Knowpoints,
+							knowledgepoints:	this.state.knowledgepoints,
+							knowledgepoints2: _result,
+						})
+					}
 			}).catch((error) => {
@@ -609,6 +645,8 @@ class Comthetestpaperst extends Component {
 						<Newknledpots {...this.state} {...this.props}
+													boolred={this.state.boolred}
+													setboolred={(bool)=>this.setboolred(bool)}
@@ -656,32 +694,33 @@ class Comthetestpaperst extends Component {
 								<img className=" ml22 zjzsdian xiaoshou"  src={getImageUrl("/images/educoder/zjzsd.png")} onClick={()=>this.NewknTypedeldel(true)}/>
-								<div className="sortinxdirection" style={{
-									height: "33px",
-									lineHeight: "28px",
-								}}>
+							</div>
+						)}
+					</Form.Item>
+					</div>
+					<div className="sortinxdirection huanhan w100s mt15" style={{
+						height: "33px",
+						lineHeight: "28px",
-									{this.state.Knowpoints === undefined ? "" : this.state.Knowpoints.map((object, index) => {
-										return (
-											<div key={index} className="mytags" style={{
-												position: "relative",
-											}}>
-												<p className="w100s  stestcen lh32">{object.name}</p>
+					}}>
-												<img className=" ml7 zjzsdian xiaoshou icondowncolorssy"  onClick={() => this.deletesobject(object, index)} src={getImageUrl("/images/educoder/bzucha.png")}/>
+						{this.state.Knowpoints === undefined ? "" : this.state.Knowpoints.map((object, index) => {
+							return (
+								<div key={index} className="mytags" style={{
+									position: "relative",
+								}}>
+									<p className="w100s  stestcen lh32">{object.name}</p>
-											</div>
-										)
-									})}
+									<img className=" ml7 zjzsdian xiaoshou icondowncolorssy"  onClick={() => this.deletesobject(object, index)} src={getImageUrl("/images/educoder/bzucha.png")}/>
+								</div>
+							)
+						})}
-								</div>
-							</div>
-						)}
-					</Form.Item>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/question/questioncss/questioncom.css b/public/react/src/modules/question/questioncss/questioncom.css
index 5d37aeccd..84a663217 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/question/questioncss/questioncom.css
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/question/questioncss/questioncom.css
@@ -332,6 +332,12 @@
     margin-top: 19px;
+    color: #333333;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    line-height:19px;
+    margin-top: 10px;
     color: #333333;
     font-size: 14px;
@@ -518,11 +524,11 @@
     margin-top: 19px;
-    width:106px;
+    min-width:106px;
     border:1px solid #DDDDDD;
-    margin-left: 20px;
+    margin-right: 20px;
     line-height: 32px;
@@ -939,3 +945,28 @@
     width: 347px !important;
+    line-height: 26px !important;
+    color: #888888 !important;
+    padding: 0px !important;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    margin-bottom: 20px;
+.inpustred .ant-input{
+    border: 1px solid #f30707;
+    border-radius: 5px;
+    margin-top: 15px;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/Paperlibraryeditid.js b/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/Paperlibraryeditid.js
index 1b3ee95ef..efcb45496 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/Paperlibraryeditid.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/Paperlibraryeditid.js
@@ -258,17 +258,24 @@ class Paperlibraryeditid extends Component {
 						<div className=" clearfix  educontent Contentquestionbankstyle w100s w1200wuh mt19">
+							<style>
+								{
+									`
+									.seeoagertitscss .jixuxuanti{
+									background:#4CACFF;
+									}
+									`
+								}
+							</style>
+							<div className={"seeoagertitscss"}>
 								all_score={paperlibrartdata && paperlibrartdata.exam && paperlibrartdata.exam.all_questions_count}
 								all_questions_count={paperlibrartdata && paperlibrartdata.exam && paperlibrartdata.exam.all_score}
 								difficulty={paperlibrartdata && paperlibrartdata.exam && paperlibrartdata.exam.difficulty}
+							</div>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/component/Paperlibraryseeid_items.js b/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/component/Paperlibraryseeid_items.js
index 1ab987ba0..0a6a718c3 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/component/Paperlibraryseeid_items.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/component/Paperlibraryseeid_items.js
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {
 } from "antd";
 import '../testioncss/testioncss.css';
 import '../../tpm/newshixuns/css/Newshixuns.css';
+import QuillForEditor from "../../../common/quillForEditor";
 const tagArray = [
 	'A.', 'B.', 'C.', 'D.', 'E.', 'F.', 'G.', 'H.', 'I.',
@@ -67,15 +68,42 @@ class Paperlibraryseeid_items extends Component {
 	render() {
 		let {questions, totalscore, total, items} = this.state;
 		let {objectsingle, indexx, paperreviewsingleindex, indexxy,name} = this.props;
-		// console.log("objectsingle");
-		// console.log(objectsingle);
+		var itemssname="";
+		try {
+			itemssname= JSON.parse(objectsingle.name);
+		}catch (e) {
+		}
+		if(itemssname===undefined){
+			itemssname=objectsingle.name
+		}
 		return (
 			<div key={indexxy}
 					 className={ "w100s borderwdswuh   mb20  pd20 "}
 				minHeight: "114px",
+				<style>{
+					`
+						.programquill .ql-editor{
+							    padding: 0px;
+						}
+						.programquill .ql-editor p{
+						line-height: 28px;
+						}
+						.programquills .ql-editor{
+							    padding: 0px;
+						}
+						.programquills .ql-editor p{
+						line-height: 20px;
+						}
+					`
+				}</style>
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection ">
 					<div className=" sortinxdirection ">
@@ -100,29 +128,46 @@ class Paperlibraryseeid_items extends Component {
-						this.props.typenames==="PROGRAM"?
-							<div className=" lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
-						dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML( objectsingle.name).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}>
-						</div>
+						objectsingle.item_type==="PROGRAM"?
+							<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
+								<div className=" tites lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist " style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+								>
+									({objectsingle.score}分)
+								</div>
+								<div className="ml10 lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist " style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+										 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(objectsingle.name).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}>
+								</div>
+							</div>
-							<div className=" lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
-									 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(`(${objectsingle.score}分) ` + objectsingle.name).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}>
+							<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
+								<div className="tites  lh28 listjihetixingstit markdown-body cretitlecolrlist " style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+								>
+									({objectsingle.score}分)
+								</div>
+								<div className="ml10 lh28 listjihetixingstit  cretitlecolrlist programquill" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+								>
+									<QuillForEditor
+										readOnly={true}
+										value={itemssname}
+									/>
+								</div>
 				<div className="w100s sortinxdirection">
 						objectsingle.item_type === "JUDGMENT" ?
 							<p className="w100s listjihetixingstits sortinxdirection ">
 									objectsingle === undefined || objectsingle === null ? "" : objectsingle.choices.map((object, index) => {
 										return (
-											<p className={index === 1 ? "sortinxdirection  ml10" : "sortinxdirection  "} key={index}>
-												<Radio checked={object.is_answer}>
+											<p className={index === 1 ? "sortinxdirection  ml10" : "sortinxdirection  "}>
+												<Radio  disabled={false}>
@@ -134,8 +179,17 @@ class Paperlibraryseeid_items extends Component {
 							objectsingle.item_type === "PROGRAM" ?
 								<p className="w100s listjihetixingstitssy sortinxdirection ">
 									<p className={"sortinxdirection  mt15"}>
-										<p style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
-											 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(objectsingle.program_attr.description).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}></p>
+										{
+											objectsingle&&objectsingle.program_attr&&objectsingle.program_attr.description?
+												<p className="programquill" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
+												>
+													<QuillForEditor
+														readOnly={true}
+														value={JSON.parse(objectsingle.program_attr.description)}
+													/>
+												</p>
+												:
+												""}
@@ -143,10 +197,23 @@ class Paperlibraryseeid_items extends Component {
 										objectsingle === undefined || objectsingle === null ? "" : objectsingle.choices.map((object, index) => {
 											return (
-												<p className={index === 0 ? "sortinxdirection" : "sortinxdirection  mt15"} key={index}>
+												<p className={index === 0 ? "sortinxdirection" : "sortinxdirection  mt15"}>
-													<p style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}
-														 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(object.choice_text).replace(/▁/g, "▁▁▁")}}></p>
+													<p className="programquills" style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}>
+														{object ?
+															object.choice_text === undefined || object.choice_text=== null || object.choice_text === "" ?
+																""
+																:
+																object.choice_text.length>0?
+																	<QuillForEditor
+																		readOnly={true}
+																		value={JSON.parse(object.choice_text)}
+																	/>
+																	:""
+															:
+															""
+														}
+													</p>
@@ -154,7 +221,6 @@ class Paperlibraryseeid_items extends Component {
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/testioncss/testioncss.css b/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/testioncss/testioncss.css
index a1de362d1..c22c93f8a 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/testioncss/testioncss.css
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/testpaper/testioncss/testioncss.css
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
     border:1px solid #DDDDDD;
-    margin-left: 20px;
+    margin-right: 20px;
     line-height: 32px;
@@ -892,3 +892,6 @@
     width: 39px;
     height: 44px;
+    color: #888888 !important;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js
index 64787c72b..71b597747 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js
@@ -948,6 +948,13 @@ submittojoinclass=(value)=>{
     return (
       <div className="newHeaders" id="nHeader"  >
+				<style>{
+					`
+					 body .questionbanks .ant-popover-inner-content {
+						 padding:0px !important;
+					 }
+					`
+				}</style>
@@ -1039,6 +1046,17 @@ submittojoinclass=(value)=>{
+										<li className={`pr  questionbanks`}>
+											<Popover   placement="bottom"  content={contents} trigger="click" >
+												<div className=" sortinxdirection mr10">
+													<div style={{
+														color:"#fff"
+													}}>
+														题库
+													</div>
+												</div>
+											</Popover>
+										</li>
 										{/*<li className={`pr  questionbanks`}>*/}
 										{/*	<Popover   placement="bottom"  content={contents} trigger="click" >*/}
 										{/*		<div className=" sortinxdirection mr10">*/}
diff --git a/spec/models/examination_intelligent_setting_spec.rb b/spec/models/examination_intelligent_setting_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb82f86ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/models/examination_intelligent_setting_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+RSpec.describe ExaminationIntelligentSetting, type: :model do
+  pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
diff --git a/spec/models/examination_type_setting_spec.rb b/spec/models/examination_type_setting_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..916cb367d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/models/examination_type_setting_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+RSpec.describe ExaminationTypeSetting, type: :model do
+  pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"