diff --git a/lib/tasks/public_course_sync.rake b/lib/tasks/public_course_sync.rake
index 928cd9113..caa207c52 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/public_course_sync.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/public_course_sync.rake
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# 执行示例  bundle exec rake public_course:student args=149,2903
+# 执行示例  RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake public_classes:student args=3,3056,'2019-03-01','2019-03-31',10,1
 # args 第一个参数是subject_id,第二个参数是课程course_id
 # 第一期时间:2018-12-16 至2019-03-31
 # 第二期时间:2019-04-07 至2019-07-28
@@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ namespace :public_classes do
   task :student => :environment do
     puts "subject_id is #{subject_id}"
     puts "course_id is #{course_id}"
+    puts "start time is #{start_time}"
+    puts "end time is #{end_time}"
+    puts "limt is #{limit}"
-    user_ids = Myshixun.find_by_sql("select distinct(user_id) from myshixuns where created_at between #{start_time} and #{end_time} and shixun_id in (select shixun_id from stage_shixuns
+    user_ids = Myshixun.find_by_sql("select distinct(user_id) from myshixuns where created_at between '#{start_time}' and '#{end_time}' and shixun_id in (select shixun_id from stage_shixuns
                                      where stage_id in (select id from stages where subject_id=#{subject_id})) limit #{limit}").map(&:user_id)
-    puts user_ids
+    puts "user_ids count is #{user_ids.count}"
     if user_ids.present?
       user_ids.each do |user_id|
         puts user_id
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/page/component/WebSSHTimer.js b/public/react/src/modules/page/component/WebSSHTimer.js
index b1e67f0be..844c29785 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/page/component/WebSSHTimer.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/page/component/WebSSHTimer.js
@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ class WebSSHTimer extends Component {
 	// 重置命令行的时候调用的接口,会删pod
 	closeWebssh = (callback) => {
+		// 先关socket
+		this.closeWebsshSocket()
 		const { game } = this.props;
 		// const url = `/api/v1/games/${game.identifier}/close_webssh`
 		const url = `/tasks/${game.identifier}/close_webssh.json`