diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/busyWork/NewWork.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/busyWork/NewWork.js
index 525e13922..09b029044 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/busyWork/NewWork.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/busyWork/NewWork.js
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import { Input, InputNumber, Form, Button, Checkbox, Upload, Icon, message, Moda
import axios from 'axios'
import '../css/busyWork.css'
import '../css/Courses.css'
-import { WordsBtn, getUrl, ConditionToolTip, appendFileSizeToUploadFile, appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll } from 'educoder'
-import TPMMDEditor from '../../tpm/challengesnew/TPMMDEditor';
+import { WordsBtn, getUrl, ConditionToolTip } from 'educoder'
import CBreadcrumb from '../common/CBreadcrumb'
+import NewWorkForm from './NewWorkForm'
-const confirm = Modal.confirm;
const $ = window.$
const MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 60;
class NewWork extends Component{
@@ -17,15 +17,6 @@ class NewWork extends Component{
this.answerMdRef = React.createRef();
- title_value:"",
- title_num: 0,
- contentFileList: [],
- answerFileList: [],
- workLoaded: false,
- base_on_project: true,
- category: {},
- min_num: 2,
- max_num: 10,
componentDidMount () {
@@ -50,7 +41,6 @@ class NewWork extends Component{
course_id: data.course_id,
course_name: data.course_name,
category: data.category,
@@ -65,129 +55,26 @@ class NewWork extends Component{
.then((response) => {
if (response.data.name) {
const data = response.data;
- const contentFileList = data.attachments.map(item => {
- return {
- id: item.id,
- uid: item.id,
- name: appendFileSizeToUploadFile(item),
- url: item.url,
- filesize: item.filesize,
- status: 'done'
- }
- })
- const answerFileList = data.ref_attachments.map(item => {
- return {
- id: item.id,
- uid: item.id,
- name: appendFileSizeToUploadFile(item),
- url: item.url,
- filesize: item.filesize,
- status: 'done'
- }
- })
- this.setState({
- ...data,
- // course_id: data.course_id,
- // course_name: data.course_name,
- // category: data.category,
- title_num: parseInt(data.name.length),
- workLoaded: true,
- init_min_num: data.min_num,
- init_max_num: data.max_num,
- // description: data.description,
- reference_answer: data.reference_answer,
- contentFileList,
- answerFileList,
- }, () => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.contentMdRef.current.setValue(data.description || '')
- this.answerMdRef.current.setValue(data.reference_answer || '')
- }, 2000)
- this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
- title: data.name,
- description: data.description || '',
- reference_answer: data.reference_answer || '',
- });
+ data.isEdit = true;
+ this.setState({
+ category: data.category,
+ course_id: data.course_id,
+ course_name: data.course_name,
+ this.newWorkFormRef.initValue(data);
.catch(function (error) {
- // 输入title
- changeTitle=(e)=>{
- console.log(e.target.value.length);
- this.setState({
- title_num: parseInt(e.target.value.length)
- })
- }
- handleSubmit = () => {
- const courseId = this.state.course_id || this.props.match.params.coursesId ;
- this.props.form.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, values) => {
- console.log(values)
- const mdContnet = this.contentMdRef.current.getValue().trim();
- console.log(mdContnet)
- values.description = mdContnet;
- // return;
- {/* max={has_commit ? init_min_num : null } */}
- {/* min={has_commit ? init_max_num : (min_num == undefined ? 2 : min_num + 1) } */}
- // 已有提交作品,人数范围只能扩大
- const { has_commit, max_num, init_max_num, min_num, init_min_num } = this.state;
- if (has_commit) {
- if (max_num < init_max_num || min_num > init_min_num) {
- this.props.showNotification(`已有提交作品,人数范围只能扩大(原设置为:${init_min_num} - ${init_max_num})`)
- return;
- }
- }
- // const errKeys = Object.keys(err); // || errKeys.length == 1 && errKeys[0] == 'content' && mdContnet
- if (!err) {
- if (this.isEdit) {
- this.doEdit(courseId, values)
- } else {
- this.doNew(courseId, values)
- }
- } else {
- $("html").animate({ scrollTop: $('html').scrollTop() - 100 })
- }
- })
- }
- doEdit = (courseId, values) => {
+ doEdit = (params) => {
const workId = this.props.match.params.workId
const newUrl = `/homework_commons/${workId}.json`
- let attachment_ids = this.state.contentFileList.map(item => {
- return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
- })
- let reference_attachment_ids = this.state.answerFileList.map(item => {
- return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
- })
- const { min_num, max_num, base_on_project, category } = this.state
const isGroup = this.props.isGroup()
- axios.put(newUrl, {
- type: isGroup ? 3 : 1,
- name: values.title,
- description: values.description,
- reference_answer: values.reference_answer,
- attachment_ids,
- reference_attachment_ids,
- min_num,
- max_num,
- base_on_project
- })
+ axios.put(newUrl, params)
.then((response) => {
if (response.data.status == 0) {
@@ -198,30 +85,11 @@ class NewWork extends Component{
- doNew = (courseId, values) => {
+ doNew = (params) => {
+ const courseId = this.props.match.params.coursesId ;
const newUrl = `/courses/${courseId}/homework_commons.json`
- let attachment_ids = this.state.contentFileList.map(item => {
- return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
- })
- let reference_attachment_ids = this.state.answerFileList.map(item => {
- return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
- })
- const isGroup = this.props.isGroup()
- const { min_num, max_num, base_on_project, category } = this.state
- axios.post(newUrl, {
- type: isGroup ? 3 : 1,
- name: values.title,
- description: values.description,
- reference_answer: values.reference_answer,
- attachment_ids,
- reference_attachment_ids,
- min_num,
- max_num,
- base_on_project
- })
+ axios.post(newUrl, params)
.then((response) => {
if (response.data.status == 0) {
@@ -232,144 +100,26 @@ class NewWork extends Component{
- handleContentUploadChange = (info) => {
- let contentFileList = info.fileList;
- this.setState({ contentFileList: appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll(contentFileList) });
- }
- handleAnswerUploadChange = (info) => {
- let answerFileList = info.fileList;
- this.setState({ answerFileList: appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll(answerFileList) });
- }
- onAttachmentRemove = (file, stateName) => {
- this.props.confirm({
- content: '是否确认删除?',
- onOk: () => {
- this.deleteAttachment(file, stateName)
- },
- onCancel() {
- console.log('Cancel');
- },
- });
- return false;
- }
- deleteAttachment = (file, stateName) => {
- // 初次上传不能直接取uid
- const url = `/attachments/${file.response ? file.response.id : file.uid}.json`
- axios.delete(url, {
- })
- .then((response) => {
- if (response.data) {
- const { status } = response.data;
- if (status == 0) {
- console.log('--- success')
- this.setState((state) => {
- const index = state[stateName].indexOf(file);
- const newFileList = state[stateName].slice();
- newFileList.splice(index, 1);
- return {
- [stateName]: newFileList,
- };
- });
- }
- }
- })
- .catch(function (error) {
- console.log(error);
- });
- }
- max_num_change = (val) => {
- if (val < 2) {
- this.setState({
- max_num: 2,
- })
- return;
- }
- const { min_num } = this.state;
- this.setState({
- max_num: val,
- min_num: val <= min_num ? val - 1 : min_num
- })
- }
- min_num_change = (val) => {
- this.setState({ min_num: val })
- }
- base_on_project_change = () => {
- this.setState({ base_on_project: !this.state.base_on_project })
- }
let {typeId,coursesId,pageType}=this.props.match.params;
- const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
const isGroup = this.props.isGroup()
const moduleName = !isGroup? "普通作业":"分组作业";
const moduleEngName = this.props.getModuleName()
- title_value, contentFileList, answerFileList, max_num, min_num, base_on_project,
- init_max_num, init_min_num,
- title_num, course_name, category, has_commit, has_project
+ category
const { current_user } = this.props
- const courseId = this.state.course_id || this.props.match.params.coursesId ;
+ const courseId = this.props.match.params.coursesId ;
const isEdit = this.isEdit;
- if ((isEdit == undefined || isEdit) && !this.state.workLoaded) {
- return ''
- }
- const uploadProps = {
- width: 600,
- fileList: contentFileList,
- multiple: true,
- // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/15505
- // showUploadList={false},然后外部拿到 fileList 数组自行渲染列表。
- // showUploadList: false,
- action: `${getUrl()}/api/attachments.json`,
- onChange: this.handleContentUploadChange,
- onRemove: (file) => this.onAttachmentRemove(file, 'contentFileList'),
- beforeUpload: (file) => {
- console.log('beforeUpload', file.name);
- const isLt150M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 150;
- if (!isLt150M) {
- message.error('文件大小必须小于150MB!');
- }
- return isLt150M;
- },
- };
- const answerUploadProps = {
- width: 600,
- fileList: answerFileList,
- multiple: true,
- // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/15505
- // showUploadList={false},然后外部拿到 fileList 数组自行渲染列表。
- // showUploadList: false,
- action: `${getUrl()}/api/attachments.json`,
- onChange: this.handleAnswerUploadChange,
- onRemove: (file) => this.onAttachmentRemove(file, 'answerFileList'),
- beforeUpload: (file) => {
- console.log('beforeUpload', file.name);
- const isLt150M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 150;
- if (!isLt150M) {
- message.error('文件大小必须小于150MB!');
- }
- return isLt150M;
- },
- };
- {/*
- {course_name}
- >
- {typeId==1 ?"普通作业":"分组作业"}
- >
- {pageType==="new"?"新建":"编辑"}
- {/* onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} */}
- {getFieldDecorator('title', {
- rules: [{
- required: true, message: '请输入标题'
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {
- {getFieldDecorator('description', {
- rules: [{
- required: true, message: '请输入作业内容和要求'
- }],
- })(
- )}
- }
- (单个文件150M以内)
- { isGroup &&
- {getFieldDecorator('personNum', {
- rules: [{
- required: false
- // required: true, message: '请输入最小人数和最大人数'
- }],
- })(
- {/* max={has_commit ? init_min_num : null } */}
- ~
- {/* min={has_commit ? init_max_num : (min_num == undefined ? 2 : min_num + 1) } */}
- 基于项目实施
- )}
- }
- {getFieldDecorator('reference_answer', {
- rules: [{
- required: false
- }],
- })(
- )}
- (单个文件150M以内)
{this.newWorkFormRef = ref}}
+ {...this.props}
+ onSave={this.onSave}
+ doNew={this.doNew}
+ doEdit={this.doEdit}
+ >
-const WrappedBoardsNew = Form.create({ name: 'NewWork' })(NewWork);
-export default WrappedBoardsNew;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default NewWork;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/busyWork/NewWorkForm.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/busyWork/NewWorkForm.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a79aa74dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/busyWork/NewWorkForm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+import React,{ Component } from "react";
+import { Input, InputNumber, Form, Button, Checkbox, Upload, Icon, message, Modal } from "antd";
+import axios from 'axios'
+import '../css/busyWork.css'
+import '../css/Courses.css'
+import { WordsBtn, getUrl, ConditionToolTip, appendFileSizeToUploadFile, appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll } from 'educoder'
+import TPMMDEditor from '../../tpm/challengesnew/TPMMDEditor';
+import CBreadcrumb from '../common/CBreadcrumb'
+const confirm = Modal.confirm;
+const $ = window.$
+const MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 60;
+class NewWorkForm extends Component{
+ constructor(props){
+ super(props);
+ this.contentMdRef = React.createRef();
+ this.answerMdRef = React.createRef();
+ this.state={
+ title_value:"",
+ title_num: 0,
+ contentFileList: [],
+ answerFileList: [],
+ workLoaded: false,
+ base_on_project: true,
+ category: {},
+ min_num: 2,
+ max_num: 10,
+ }
+ }
+ initValue = (data) => {
+ if (data.isEdit) {
+ const contentFileList = data.attachments.map(item => {
+ return {
+ id: item.id,
+ uid: item.id,
+ name: appendFileSizeToUploadFile(item),
+ url: item.url,
+ filesize: item.filesize,
+ status: 'done'
+ }
+ })
+ const answerFileList = data.ref_attachments.map(item => {
+ return {
+ id: item.id,
+ uid: item.id,
+ name: appendFileSizeToUploadFile(item),
+ url: item.url,
+ filesize: item.filesize,
+ status: 'done'
+ }
+ })
+ this.setState({
+ ...data,
+ // course_id: data.course_id,
+ // course_name: data.course_name,
+ // category: data.category,
+ title_num: parseInt(data.name.length),
+ workLoaded: true,
+ init_min_num: data.min_num,
+ init_max_num: data.max_num,
+ // description: data.description,
+ reference_answer: data.reference_answer,
+ contentFileList,
+ answerFileList,
+ }, () => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.contentMdRef.current.setValue(data.description || '')
+ this.answerMdRef.current.setValue(data.reference_answer || '')
+ }, 2000)
+ this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
+ title: data.name,
+ description: data.description || '',
+ reference_answer: data.reference_answer || '',
+ });
+ })
+ } else { // new
+ }
+ }
+ // 输入title
+ changeTitle=(e)=>{
+ console.log(e.target.value.length);
+ this.setState({
+ title_num: parseInt(e.target.value.length)
+ })
+ }
+ handleSubmit = () => {
+ const courseId = this.state.course_id || this.props.match.params.coursesId ;
+ this.props.form.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, values) => {
+ console.log(values)
+ const mdContnet = this.contentMdRef.current.getValue().trim();
+ console.log(mdContnet)
+ values.description = mdContnet;
+ // return;
+ {/* max={has_commit ? init_min_num : null } */}
+ {/* min={has_commit ? init_max_num : (min_num == undefined ? 2 : min_num + 1) } */}
+ // 已有提交作品,人数范围只能扩大
+ const { has_commit, max_num, init_max_num, min_num, init_min_num } = this.state;
+ if (has_commit) {
+ if (max_num < init_max_num || min_num > init_min_num) {
+ this.props.showNotification(`已有提交作品,人数范围只能扩大(原设置为:${init_min_num} - ${init_max_num})`)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // const errKeys = Object.keys(err); // || errKeys.length == 1 && errKeys[0] == 'content' && mdContnet
+ if (!err) {
+ if (this.isEdit) {
+ this.doEdit(courseId, values)
+ } else {
+ this.doNew(courseId, values)
+ }
+ } else {
+ $("html").animate({ scrollTop: $('html').scrollTop() - 100 })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ doEdit = (courseId, values) => {
+ let attachment_ids = this.state.contentFileList.map(item => {
+ return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
+ })
+ let reference_attachment_ids = this.state.answerFileList.map(item => {
+ return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
+ })
+ const { min_num, max_num, base_on_project, category } = this.state
+ const isGroup = this.props.isGroup()
+ const params = {
+ type: isGroup ? 3 : 1,
+ name: values.title,
+ description: values.description,
+ reference_answer: values.reference_answer,
+ attachment_ids,
+ reference_attachment_ids,
+ min_num,
+ max_num,
+ base_on_project
+ }
+ this.props.doEdit && this.props.doEdit(params)
+ }
+ doNew = (courseId, values) => {
+ let attachment_ids = this.state.contentFileList.map(item => {
+ return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
+ })
+ let reference_attachment_ids = this.state.answerFileList.map(item => {
+ return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
+ })
+ const isGroup = this.props.isGroup()
+ const { min_num, max_num, base_on_project, category } = this.state
+ const params = {
+ type: isGroup ? 3 : 1,
+ name: values.title,
+ description: values.description,
+ reference_answer: values.reference_answer,
+ attachment_ids,
+ reference_attachment_ids,
+ min_num,
+ max_num,
+ base_on_project
+ }
+ this.props.doNew && this.props.doNew(params)
+ }
+ handleContentUploadChange = (info) => {
+ let contentFileList = info.fileList;
+ this.setState({ contentFileList: appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll(contentFileList) });
+ }
+ handleAnswerUploadChange = (info) => {
+ let answerFileList = info.fileList;
+ this.setState({ answerFileList: appendFileSizeToUploadFileAll(answerFileList) });
+ }
+ onAttachmentRemove = (file, stateName) => {
+ this.props.confirm({
+ content: '是否确认删除?',
+ onOk: () => {
+ this.deleteAttachment(file, stateName)
+ },
+ onCancel() {
+ console.log('Cancel');
+ },
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ deleteAttachment = (file, stateName) => {
+ // 初次上传不能直接取uid
+ const url = `/attachments/${file.response ? file.response.id : file.uid}.json`
+ axios.delete(url, {
+ })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data) {
+ const { status } = response.data;
+ if (status == 0) {
+ console.log('--- success')
+ this.setState((state) => {
+ const index = state[stateName].indexOf(file);
+ const newFileList = state[stateName].slice();
+ newFileList.splice(index, 1);
+ return {
+ [stateName]: newFileList,
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(function (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ }
+ max_num_change = (val) => {
+ if (val < 2) {
+ this.setState({
+ max_num: 2,
+ })
+ return;
+ }
+ const { min_num } = this.state;
+ this.setState({
+ max_num: val,
+ min_num: val <= min_num ? val - 1 : min_num
+ })
+ }
+ min_num_change = (val) => {
+ this.setState({ min_num: val })
+ }
+ base_on_project_change = () => {
+ this.setState({ base_on_project: !this.state.base_on_project })
+ }
+ render(){
+ let {typeId,coursesId,pageType}=this.props.match.params;
+ const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
+ const isGroup = this.props.isGroup()
+ const moduleName = !isGroup? "普通作业":"分组作业";
+ const moduleEngName = this.props.getModuleName()
+ let{
+ title_value, contentFileList, answerFileList, max_num, min_num, base_on_project,
+ init_max_num, init_min_num,
+ title_num, course_name, category, has_commit, has_project,
+ isEdit
+ }=this.state
+ const { current_user } = this.props
+ const courseId = this.state.course_id || this.props.match.params.coursesId ;
+ if ((isEdit) && !this.state.workLoaded) {
+ return ''
+ }
+ const uploadProps = {
+ width: 600,
+ fileList: contentFileList,
+ multiple: true,
+ // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/15505
+ // showUploadList={false},然后外部拿到 fileList 数组自行渲染列表。
+ // showUploadList: false,
+ action: `${getUrl()}/api/attachments.json`,
+ onChange: this.handleContentUploadChange,
+ onRemove: (file) => this.onAttachmentRemove(file, 'contentFileList'),
+ beforeUpload: (file) => {
+ console.log('beforeUpload', file.name);
+ const isLt150M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 150;
+ if (!isLt150M) {
+ message.error('文件大小必须小于150MB!');
+ }
+ return isLt150M;
+ },
+ };
+ const answerUploadProps = {
+ width: 600,
+ fileList: answerFileList,
+ multiple: true,
+ // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/15505
+ // showUploadList={false},然后外部拿到 fileList 数组自行渲染列表。
+ // showUploadList: false,
+ action: `${getUrl()}/api/attachments.json`,
+ onChange: this.handleAnswerUploadChange,
+ onRemove: (file) => this.onAttachmentRemove(file, 'answerFileList'),
+ beforeUpload: (file) => {
+ console.log('beforeUpload', file.name);
+ const isLt150M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 150;
+ if (!isLt150M) {
+ message.error('文件大小必须小于150MB!');
+ }
+ return isLt150M;
+ },
+ };
+ return(
+ {getFieldDecorator('title', {
+ rules: [{
+ required: true, message: '请输入标题'
+ }],
+ })(
+ )}
+ {
+ {getFieldDecorator('description', {
+ rules: [{
+ required: true, message: '请输入作业内容和要求'
+ }],
+ })(
+ )}
+ }
+ (单个文件150M以内)
+ { isGroup &&
+ {getFieldDecorator('personNum', {
+ rules: [{
+ required: false
+ // required: true, message: '请输入最小人数和最大人数'
+ }],
+ })(
+ {/* max={has_commit ? init_min_num : null } */}
+ ~
+ {/* min={has_commit ? init_max_num : (min_num == undefined ? 2 : min_num + 1) } */}
+ 基于项目实施
+ )}
+ }
+ {getFieldDecorator('reference_answer', {
+ rules: [{
+ required: false
+ }],
+ })(
+ )}
+ (单个文件150M以内)
+ )
+ }
+const WrappedWorkForm = Form.create({ name: 'NewWorkForm' })(NewWorkForm);
+export default WrappedWorkForm;
\ No newline at end of file