diff --git a/db/migrate/20190806062209_second_mofidy_ke_contents_for_md.rb b/db/migrate/20190806062209_second_mofidy_ke_contents_for_md.rb
index 3ba6f67f5..c8068e049 100644
--- a/db/migrate/20190806062209_second_mofidy_ke_contents_for_md.rb
+++ b/db/migrate/20190806062209_second_mofidy_ke_contents_for_md.rb
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
class SecondMofidyKeContentsForMd < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
def change
- def ke_transform_to_md content
- return content if content.blank?
- s_contents = sanitize(content, tags: %w(img a span table td tr tbody pre), attributes: %w(src href target style))
- s_contents.gsub(">\n<", "><").gsub(/^\n/, "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(\n)+/, "
- .gsub("\t", " ").gsub("\n", "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(
)+/, "
- end
- # 作业
- HomeworkCommon.find_each do |hc|
- description = ke_transform_to_md hc.description
- reference_answer = ke_transform_to_md hc.reference_answer
- explanation = ke_transform_to_md hc.explanation
- hc.update_attributes(description: description, reference_answer: reference_answer, explanation: explanation)
- end
- # 作业题库
- HomeworkBank.find_each do |hb|
- description = ke_transform_to_md hb.description
- reference_answer = ke_transform_to_md hb.reference_answer
- hb.update_attributes(description: description, reference_answer: reference_answer)
- end
- # 毕业任务
- GraduationTask.find_each do |gt|
- description = ke_transform_to_md gt.description
- gt.update_column(:description, description)
- end
- # 毕设选题
- GraduationTopic.find_each do |gt|
- description = ke_transform_to_md gt.description
- gt.update_column(:description, description)
- end
- # 毕设作品
- GraduationWork.find_each do |gw|
- description = ke_transform_to_md gw.description
- gw.update_column(:description, description)
- end
- # 毕设任务题库
- GtaskBank.find_each do |gb|
- description = ke_transform_to_md gb.description
- gb.update_column(:description, description)
- end
- # 毕设选题题库
- GtopicBank.find_each do |gb|
- description = ke_transform_to_md gb.description
- gb.update_column(:description, description)
- end
- # 交流问答
- Memo.find_each do |m|
- content = ke_transform_to_md m.content
- m.update_column(:content, content)
- end
+ # def ke_transform_to_md content
+ # return content if content.blank?
+ # s_contents = sanitize(content, tags: %w(img a span table td tr tbody pre), attributes: %w(src href target style))
+ # s_contents.gsub(">\n<", "><").gsub(/^\n/, "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(\n)+/, "
+ # .gsub("\t", " ").gsub("\n", "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(
)+/, "
+ #
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 作业
+ # HomeworkCommon.find_each do |hc|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md hc.description
+ # reference_answer = ke_transform_to_md hc.reference_answer
+ # explanation = ke_transform_to_md hc.explanation
+ # hc.update_attributes(description: description, reference_answer: reference_answer, explanation: explanation)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 作业题库
+ # HomeworkBank.find_each do |hb|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md hb.description
+ # reference_answer = ke_transform_to_md hb.reference_answer
+ # hb.update_attributes(description: description, reference_answer: reference_answer)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 毕业任务
+ # GraduationTask.find_each do |gt|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md gt.description
+ # gt.update_column(:description, description)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 毕设选题
+ # GraduationTopic.find_each do |gt|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md gt.description
+ # gt.update_column(:description, description)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 毕设作品
+ # GraduationWork.find_each do |gw|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md gw.description
+ # gw.update_column(:description, description)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 毕设任务题库
+ # GtaskBank.find_each do |gb|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md gb.description
+ # gb.update_column(:description, description)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 毕设选题题库
+ # GtopicBank.find_each do |gb|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md gb.description
+ # gb.update_column(:description, description)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 交流问答
+ # Memo.find_each do |m|
+ # content = ke_transform_to_md m.content
+ # m.update_column(:content, content)
+ # end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20190806063903_third_modify_ke_for_student_work.rb b/db/migrate/20190806063903_third_modify_ke_for_student_work.rb
index 7af64bac1..0b1be8d00 100644
--- a/db/migrate/20190806063903_third_modify_ke_for_student_work.rb
+++ b/db/migrate/20190806063903_third_modify_ke_for_student_work.rb
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
class ThirdModifyKeForStudentWork < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
def change
- def ke_transform_to_md content
- return content if content.blank?
- s_contents = sanitize(content, tags: %w(img a span table td tr tbody pre), attributes: %w(src href target style))
- s_contents.gsub(">\n<", "><").gsub(/^\n/, "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(\n)+/, "
- .gsub("\t", " ").gsub("\n", "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(
)+/, "
- end
- # 学生的作品 过滤掉一些描述的ke图片的作品
- StudentWork.where("description is not null and LENGTH(description) < 1000000").find_each do |sw|
- description = ke_transform_to_md sw.description
- sw.update_column(:description, description)
- end
+ # def ke_transform_to_md content
+ # return content if content.blank?
+ # s_contents = sanitize(content, tags: %w(img a span table td tr tbody pre), attributes: %w(src href target style))
+ # s_contents.gsub(">\n<", "><").gsub(/^\n/, "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(\n)+/, "
+ # .gsub("\t", " ").gsub("\n", "").gsub(" ", " ").gsub(/(
)+/, "
+ # end
+ #
+ # # 学生的作品 过滤掉一些描述的ke图片的作品
+ # StudentWork.where("description is not null and LENGTH(description) < 1000000").find_each do |sw|
+ # description = ke_transform_to_md sw.description
+ # sw.update_column(:description, description)
+ # end