diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/ShixunhomeWorkItem.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/ShixunhomeWorkItem.js
index b63e210ef..aaf02498b 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/ShixunhomeWorkItem.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/ShixunhomeWorkItem.js
@@ -346,8 +346,19 @@ class ShixunhomeWorkItem extends Component{
- {this.props.isAdmin?
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/Workquestionandanswer.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/Workquestionandanswer.js
index 35b9d7de7..fe6d68c77 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/Workquestionandanswer.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/Workquestionandanswer.js
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ class Workquestionandanswer extends Component {
- this.state.code_review===true?
+ this.state.code_review===false?
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunHomework.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunHomework.js
index c3be53486..e9c6103e1 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunHomework.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunHomework.js
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ class ShixunHomework extends Component{
+ this.props.updataleftNavfun()
.catch(function (error) {
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ class ShixunHomework extends Component{
- Modalstopval:"已提交作品将全部被删除,不可恢复,",
+ Modalstopval:"已提交作品将全部被删除,不可恢复",
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ class ShixunHomework extends Component{
- {this.props.isAdmin()===true?datas&&datas.category_name===undefined||datas&&datas.category_name===null?
+ {this.props.isAdmin()===true?datas&&datas.category_name===undefined||datas&&datas.category_name===null?
@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ class ShixunHomework extends Component{
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/ConclusionEvaluation.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/ConclusionEvaluation.js
index ec9bf974b..5e922d7eb 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/ConclusionEvaluation.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/ConclusionEvaluation.js
@@ -1,103 +1,109 @@
-import React, {Component} from "react";
-import {WordsBtn} from 'educoder';
-import {Table} from "antd";
-import {Link,Switch,Route,Redirect} from 'react-router-dom';
-class ConclusionEvaluation extends Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.state = {
- }
- }
- componentDidMount() {
- }
- render() {
- let {data}=this.props;
- let columns=[{
- title: '总评',
- dataIndex: 'type',
- key: 'type',
- render: (text, record) => (
- ),
- }, {
- title: '获得经验值',
- dataIndex: 'empirical',
- key: 'empirical',
- render: (text, record) => (
- {record.empirical.minute}/{record.empirical.total}
- ),
- }, {
- title: '作业成绩',
- dataIndex: 'grade',
- key: 'grade',
- render: (text, record) => (
- {record.grade.minute}/{record.grade.minute}
- ),
- }, {
- title: '耗时',
- key: 'elapsed',
- dataIndex: 'elapsed',
- render: (text, record) => (
- {record.elapsed}
- ),
- }, {
- title: '评测次数',
- key: 'time',
- dataIndex: 'time',
- render: (text, record) => (
- {record.time}
- ),
- }];
- let datas=[];
- datas.push({
- type: data&&data.overall_appraisal,
- empirical: {minute:data&&data.myself_experience,total:data&&data.total_experience},
- grade: {minute:data&&data.work_score,total:data&&data.all_work_score},
- elapsed: data&&data.time_consuming,
- time:data&&data.evaluate_count
- })
- return (
- {/*{data===undefined?"":""}*/}
- )
- }
+import React, {Component} from "react";
+import {WordsBtn} from 'educoder';
+import {Table,Tooltip,} from "antd";
+import {Link,Switch,Route,Redirect} from 'react-router-dom';
+class ConclusionEvaluation extends Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = {
+ }
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ }
+ render() {
+ let {data}=this.props;
+ let columns=[{
+ title: '总评',
+ dataIndex: 'type',
+ key: 'type',
+ render: (text, record) => (
+ ),
+ }, {
+ title: '获得经验值',
+ dataIndex: 'empirical',
+ key: 'empirical',
+ render: (text, record) => (
+ {record.empirical.minute}/{record.empirical.total}
+ ),
+ }, {
+ title: '作业成绩',
+ dataIndex: 'grade',
+ key: 'grade',
+ render: (text, record) => (
+ 分数:{record.grade.minute}/总分:{record.grade.total}
+ }>
+ {record.grade.minute}/{record.grade.total}
+ ),
+ }, {
+ title: '耗时',
+ key: 'elapsed',
+ dataIndex: 'elapsed',
+ render: (text, record) => (
+ {record.elapsed}
+ ),
+ }, {
+ title: '评测次数',
+ key: 'time',
+ dataIndex: 'time',
+ render: (text, record) => (
+ {record.time}
+ ),
+ }];
+ let datas=[];
+ datas.push({
+ type: data&&data.overall_appraisal,
+ empirical: {minute:data&&data.myself_experience,total:data&&data.total_experience},
+ grade: {minute:data&&data.work_score,total:data&&data.all_work_score},
+ elapsed: data&&data.time_consuming,
+ time:data&&data.evaluate_count
+ })
+ return (
+ {/*{data===undefined?"":""}*/}
+ )
+ }
export default ConclusionEvaluation;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Coursesshixundetails.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Coursesshixundetails.js
index 56b3ff9a2..529a4646b 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Coursesshixundetails.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Coursesshixundetails.js
@@ -1,73 +1,74 @@
-import React, {Component} from "react";
-import {WordsBtn} from 'educoder';
-import {Table} from "antd";
-import {Link,Switch,Route,Redirect} from 'react-router-dom';
-class Coursesshixundetails extends Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.state = {
- loadingstate:true
- }
- }
- componentDidMount() {
- }
- render() {
- let {data}=this.props;
- let columns=[{
- title: '评测次数',
- dataIndex: 'number',
- width:"127px",
- key: 'number',
- render: (text, record) => (
- {record.number}
- ),
- }, {
- title: '详细信息',
- dataIndex: 'name',
- key: 'name',
- render: (text, record) => (
- {record.name}
- ),
- }];
- let datas=[];
- data&&data.forEach((item,key)=>{
- datas.push({
- number: item.position,
- name: item.output_detail
- })
- })
- return (
- )
- }
+import React, {Component} from "react";
+import {WordsBtn} from 'educoder';
+import {Table} from "antd";
+import {Link,Switch,Route,Redirect} from 'react-router-dom';
+class Coursesshixundetails extends Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = {
+ loadingstate:true
+ }
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ }
+ render() {
+ let {data}=this.props;
+ // console.log(data)
+ let columns=[{
+ title: '评测次数',
+ dataIndex: 'number',
+ width:"127px",
+ key: 'number',
+ render: (text, record) => (
+ {record.number}
+ ),
+ }, {
+ title: '详细信息',
+ dataIndex: 'name',
+ key: 'name',
+ render: (text, record) => (
+ {record.name}
+ ),
+ }];
+ let datas=[];
+ data&&data.forEach((item,key)=>{
+ datas.push({
+ number: item.position,
+ name: item.output_detail
+ })
+ })
+ return (
+ {data&&data? data.length===0?"":
+ )
+ }
export default Coursesshixundetails;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Shixunechart.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Shixunechart.js
index 99b9d5748..dcb10a301 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Shixunechart.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/shixunHomework/shixunreport/Shixunechart.js
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function startechart(data){
yAxis: [
type : "value",
- name : " 实训总得分/实训总耗时",
+ name : " 实训总得分/实训总耗时",
nameGap: 20,
nameTextStyle: {
color: '#000',
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js
index f43991599..4af1aa6ef 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/NewHeader.js
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ submittojoinclass=(value)=>{
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js
index 1c55700ae..73262de74 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js
@@ -1,1112 +1,1115 @@
-import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import {Input, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Popconfirm, message, Modal,Button,Icon,Tooltip} from 'antd';
-import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
-// import "antd/dist/antd.css";
-import axios from 'axios';
-import { getImageUrl, toPath } from 'educoder';
-import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
-import {getUrl} from 'educoder';
-let origin = getUrl();
-let path = getUrl("/editormd/lib/")
-const $ = window.$;
-let timeout;
-let currentValue;
-const Option = Select.Option;
-const RadioGroup = Radio.Group;
-function create_editorMD(id, width, high, placeholder, imageUrl, callback) {
- var editorName = window.editormd(id, {
- width: width,
- height: high,
- path: path, // "/editormd/lib/"
- syncScrolling: "single",
- tex: true,
- tocm: true,
- emoji: true,
- taskList: true,
- codeFold: true,
- searchReplace: true,
- htmlDecode: "style,script,iframe",
- sequenceDiagram: true,
- autoFocus: false,
- toolbarIcons: function () {
- // Or return editormd.toolbarModes[name]; // full, simple, mini
- // Using "||" set icons align right.
- return ["bold", "italic", "|", "list-ul", "list-ol", "|", "code", "code-block", "|", "testIcon", "testIcon1", '|', "image", "table", '|', "watch", "clear"]
- },
- toolbarCustomIcons: {
- testIcon: "",
- testIcon1: ""
- },
- //这个配置在simple.html中并没有,但是为了能够提交表单,使用这个配置可以让构造出来的HTML代码直接在第二个隐藏的textarea域中,方便post提交表单。
- saveHTMLToTextarea: true,
- // 用于增加自定义工具栏的功能,可以直接插入HTML标签,不使用默认的元素创建图标
- dialogMaskOpacity: 0.6,
- placeholder: placeholder,
- imageUpload: true,
- imageFormats: ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp", "JPG", "JPEG", "GIF", "PNG", "BMP", "WEBP"],
- imageUploadURL: imageUrl,//url
- onload: function () {
- // this.previewing();
- $("#" + id + " [type=\"latex\"]").bind("click", function () {
- editorName.cm.replaceSelection("```latex");
- editorName.cm.replaceSelection("\n");
- editorName.cm.replaceSelection("\n");
- editorName.cm.replaceSelection("```");
- var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
- editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line - 1, 0);
- });
- $("#" + id + " [type=\"inline\"]").bind("click", function () {
- editorName.cm.replaceSelection("$$$$");
- var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
- editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line, __Cursor.ch - 2);
- editorName.cm.focus();
- });
- $("[type=\"inline\"]").attr("title", "行内公式");
- $("[type=\"latex\"]").attr("title", "多行公式");
- window.md_elocalStorage(editorName, `exercise__${id}`, "Memochallengesnew");
- callback && callback()
- }
- });
- return editorName;
-export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props)
- this.state = {
- choice_url: undefined,
- practice_url: undefined,
- go_back_url: undefined,
- task_pass_default: undefined,
- submit_url: undefined,
- value: 1,
- evaluationlist:[],
- shixunId:undefined,
- power:false,
- shixunfilepath:undefined,
- evaluationvisible:false,
- trees:undefined,
- path:"",
- main:[],
- saveshixunfilepath:undefined,
- selectpath:undefined,
- shixunfilepathplay:undefined,
- shixunfileexpectpicturepath:undefined,
- shixunfilestandardpicturepath:undefined,
- shixunfilepicturepath:undefined,
- pathoptionvalue:-1,
- showrepositoryurltiptype: false,
- prev_challenge: undefined,
- next_challenge: undefined,
- StudentTaskPapers:false,
- StudentTaskDocs:false,
- selectpatharr:[],
- handpathopt:false,
- scorevalue:false,
- markvalue:true,
- scoretype:undefined
- }
- }
- exerciseMD(initValue, id) {
- this.contentChanged = false;
- const placeholder = "";
-// amp;
-// 编辑时要传memoId
- const imageUrl = `/api/attachments.json`;
-// 创建editorMd
- const exercise_editormd = create_editorMD(id, '100%', 400, placeholder, imageUrl, () => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- exercise_editormd.resize()
- exercise_editormd.cm && exercise_editormd.cm.refresh()
- }, 500)
- if (initValue != undefined) {
- exercise_editormd.setValue(initValue)
- }
- exercise_editormd.cm.on("change", (_cm, changeObj) => {
- console.log('....contentChanged')
- this.contentChanged = true;
- })
- });
- this.exercise_editormd = exercise_editormd;
- window.exercise_editormd = exercise_editormd;
- }
- componentDidMount() {
- let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
- let checkpointId=this.props.match.params.checkpointId;
- this.setState({
- shixunId:id,
- checkpointId:checkpointId
- })
- let newchoice_url= "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/newquestion";
- let newpractice_url= "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/new";
- let newgo_back_url="/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges";
- let url = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + checkpointId + "/edit.json?tab=1";
- axios.get(url).then((response) => {
- let newprev_challenge = response.data.prev_challenge;
- let next_challenge = response.data.next_challenge;
- if (newprev_challenge != undefined) {
- if(newprev_challenge.st===0){
- newprev_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + newprev_challenge.id + "/editcheckpoint";
- }else{
- newprev_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + newprev_challenge.id + "/editquestion";
- }
- }
- if (next_challenge != undefined) {
- if(next_challenge.st===0){
- next_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + next_challenge.id+ "/editcheckpoint";
- }else{
- next_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + next_challenge.id+ "/editquestion";
- }
- }
- let newevaluationlist=[]
- if(response.data.test_sets.length===0){
- let newlist=[
- {hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:50},
- {hidden:1,input:"",output:"",score:50}
- ]
- newevaluationlist=newlist
- }else{
- newevaluationlist=response.data.test_sets
- }
- this.setState({
- power: response.data.power,
- evaluationlist:newevaluationlist,
- shixunfilepath:response.data.path,
- shixunfilepathplay:response.data.exec_path,
- pathoptionvalue:response.data.show_type,
- shixunfileexpectpicturepath:response.data.original_picture_path,
- shixunfilestandardpicturepath:response.data.expect_picture_path,
- shixunfilepicturepath:response.data.picture_path,
- prev_challenge: newprev_challenge,
- next_challenge: next_challenge,
- choice_url: newchoice_url, // 导航中的新建选择题url
- practice_url: newpractice_url, //string 导航中新建实践题url
- go_back_url: newgo_back_url, //string 导航中的返回url
- position: response.data.position, //int 关卡位置,导航栏中的第几关
- scorevalue:response.data.test_set_score,
- markvalue:response.data.test_set_average,
- })
- this.evaluationoninputvalueonload();
- if(response.data.power===false){
- this.props.showSnackbar("你没有权限修改");
- }
- if(response.data.answer===undefined){
- this.answerMD("", "answerMD");
- }else{
- this.answerMD(response.data.answer, "answerMD");
- }
- }).catch((error) => {
- console.log(error)
- });
- }
- setevaluationlist=(newevaluationlist)=>{
- this.setState({
- evaluationlist:newevaluationlist
- })
- }
- addevaluationon=()=>{
- let {evaluationlist,markvalue}=this.state;
- let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
- newevaluationlist.push({hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:0});
- newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,markvalue);
- this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
- }
- del_test_array=(key)=>{
- let {evaluationlist,markvalue}=this.state;
- let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
- newevaluationlist.splice(key,1);
- newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,markvalue);
- this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
- }
- getfilepath=(e,shixunfilepath)=>{
- this.setState({
- evaluationvisible: true,
- selectpath:e.target.value,
- selectpatharr:[],
- });
- let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
- let url ="/shixuns/"+id+"/repository.json";
- axios.post(url,{
- path: ""
- }).then((response) => {
- if (response.data.status === 403||response.data.status === 401||response.data.status === 500) {
- }else{
- this.setState({
- trees:response.data.trees,
- saveshixunfilepath:shixunfilepath,
- path:"",
- main:[],
- })
- }
- }).catch((error) => {
- console.log(error)
- });
- }
- sendgetfilepath=(newpath,type)=>{
- let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
- let{path,main}=this.state;
- let ary=main;
- let paths=path;
- this.setState({
- selectpatharr:[],
- })
- if(paths===""&&type==="tree"){
- newpath=newpath+"/";
- paths="";
- if(main.length===0){
- ary.push({val:"根目录/",path:""},{val:newpath,path:paths+newpath})
- }else{
- ary.push({val:newpath,path:paths+newpath})
- }
- }else if(paths!=""&&type==="tree"){
- newpath=newpath+"/";
- ary.push({val:newpath,path:paths+newpath})
- }
- let url ="/shixuns/"+id+"/repository.json";
- if(type==="tree"){
- axios.post(url,{
- path: paths+newpath
- }).then((response) => {
- if (response.data.status === 403||response.data.status === 401||response.data.status === 500) {
- }else{
- this.setState({
- trees:response.data.trees,
- path:paths+newpath,
- main:ary,
- // selectpath:""
- })
- }
- }).catch((error) => {
- console.log(error)
- });
- }
- }
- goblakepath=(path,key)=>{
- let {main,selectpath} =this.state;
- let newmain=[]
- for(var i=0;i<=key;i++){
- newmain.push(main[i])
- }
- let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
- let url ="/shixuns/"+id+"/repository.json";
- axios.post(url,{
- path: path
- }).then((response) => {
- if (response.data.status === 403||response.data.status === 401||response.data.status === 500) {
- }else {
- this.setState({
- trees: response.data.trees,
- path: path,
- main: newmain,
- // selectpath:selectpath
- })
- }
- }).catch((error) => {
- console.log(error)
- });
- }
- // delesavegetfilepath=(value)=>{
- // let {selectpatharr} = this.state
- // let newarr =selectpatharr;
- // let newselectpath="";
- // for(var i=0; i{
- let {selectpath} = this.state
- // let newarr =selectpatharr;
- // let arrtype=false;
- // let arrsum=0;
- // let newselectpath="";
- // newarr.push(value)
- // if(newarr.length>1&&arrtype===false){
- // for(var i=0; i{
- let {saveshixunfilepath,selectpath}=this.state;
- this.setState({
- evaluationvisible: false,
- [saveshixunfilepath]:selectpath
- });
- }
- evaluationhideModal=()=>{
- this.setState({
- evaluationvisible: false,
- });
- }
- handpathoptionvalue=(value)=>{
- this.setState({
- pathoptionvalue:value
- })
- }
- showrepositoryurltip=(type)=>{
- if(type===1){
- this.setState({
- showrepositoryurltiptype:true
- })
- }else{
- this.setState({
- showrepositoryurltiptype:false
- })
- }
- }
- evaluationonChange=(e,key)=>{
- let {evaluationlist}=this.state;
- let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
- let newtype;
- if(e===1){
- newtype=0;
- }else{
- newtype=1;
- }
- // newevaluationlist[key].is_public=newtype;
- // for(var i=0; i{
- let {evaluationlist,scoretype}=this.state;
- if(scoretype===key){
- this.setState({
- scoretype:undefined
- })
- }
- let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
- let sum =parseInt(e.target.value);
- if(isNaN(sum)){
- sum=0
- }
- newevaluationlist[key].score=sum;
- this.setState({
- evaluationlist:newevaluationlist,
- markvalue:false
- })
- this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
- }
- evaluationoninputvalue=(e,key,type)=>{
- $.fn.autoHeight = function(){
- function autoHeight(elem){
- elem.style.height = 'auto';
- elem.style.maxHeight = '140px';
- elem.scrollTop = 0; //防抖动
- elem.style.height = elem.scrollHeight + 'px';
- }
- this.each(function(){
- autoHeight(this);
- $(this).on('keyup', function(){
- autoHeight(this);
- });
- });
- }
- $('textarea[autoHeight]').autoHeight();
- let {evaluationlist}=this.state;
- let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
- if(type==="sr"){
- newevaluationlist[key].input=e.target.value
- }else if(type==="yq"){
- newevaluationlist[key].output=e.target.value
- }
- this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
- }
- evaluationoninputvalueonload=()=>{
- $.fn.autoHeight = function(){
- function autoHeight(elem){
- elem.style.height = 'auto';
- elem.style.maxHeight = '140px';
- elem.scrollTop = 0; //防抖动
- elem.style.height = elem.scrollHeight + 'px';
- }
- this.each(function(){
- autoHeight(this);
- $(this).on('keyup', function(){
- autoHeight(this);
- });
- });
- }
- $('textarea[autoHeight]').autoHeight();
- }
- submitarbitrationevaluation=()=>{
- let{evaluationlist,shixunfilepath,shixunfilepathplay,shixunfileexpectpicturepath,shixunfilestandardpicturepath,shixunfilepicturepath,pathoptionvalue,scorevalue,markvalue}=this.state;
- let newscorevalue;
- if(scorevalue===false){
- newscorevalue=false
- }else{
- //判断占比
- newscorevalue=true
- let sum=0;
- for(var i=0; i100){
- this.props.showSnackbar("测试集的评分占比不能大于100");
- this.setState({
- scoretype:i
- })
- return
- }
- sum=sum+evaluationlist[i].score
- }
- if(sum>100||sum<100){
- this.props.showSnackbar("测试集的评分占比之和必须等于100");
- return
- }
- }
- if(shixunfilepath===undefined||shixunfilepath===""||shixunfilepath===null){
- this.props.showSnackbar("学员任务文件路径为空");
- this.setState({
- StudentTaskPapers:true
- })
- $('html').animate({
- scrollTop: 120
- }, 1000);
- return
- }
- if(shixunfilepathplay===undefined||shixunfilepathplay===""||shixunfilepathplay===null){
- this.props.showSnackbar("评测执行文件路径为空");
- this.setState({
- StudentTaskDocs:true
- })
- $('html').animate({
- scrollTop: 130
- }, 1000);
- return
- }
- if(evaluationlist.length===0){
- this.props.showSnackbar("测试集不能为空");
- return
- }
- let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
- let{checkpointId}=this.state;
- let url = "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/"+checkpointId+".json";
- axios.put(url,{
- tab:1,
- challenge:{
- path:shixunfilepath,
- exec_path:shixunfilepathplay,
- show_type:pathoptionvalue,
- original_picture_path:shixunfileexpectpicturepath,
- expect_picture_path:shixunfilestandardpicturepath,
- picture_path:shixunfilepicturepath,
- test_set_score:newscorevalue,
- test_set_average:markvalue
- },
- test_set:evaluationlist
- }
- ).then((response) => {
- this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.messages);
- // if(response.data.status===1){
- // window.location.href = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+response.data.challenge_id+"/tab=3"
- // }
- }).catch((error) => {
- console.log(error)
- });
- }
- handpathoptionvalues=()=>{
- this.setState({
- handpathopt:true
- })
- }
- handpathoptionvaluess=()=>{
- this.setState({
- handpathopt:false
- })
- }
- saveselectpath=(e)=>{
- this.setState({
- selectpath:e.target.value
- })
- }
- updatepath=(e,name)=>{
- this.setState({
- [name]:e.target.value
- })
- }
- oneditevaluationlist=(newevaluationlist,markvalue)=>{
- if(markvalue===true){
- if(100%newevaluationlist.length===0){
- let sum=100/newevaluationlist.length;
- for(var i=0; i{
- let {markvalue,evaluationlist}=this.state;
- let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
- if(e.target.value===true){
- newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,markvalue)
- }
- this.setState({
- scorevalue: e.target.value,
- evaluationlist:newevaluationlist
- });
- this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
- }
- //均匀比例
- onChangemarkvalue=(e)=>{
- let {evaluationlist}=this.state;
- if(e.target.value===true){
- let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
- newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,e.target.value);
- this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
- }
- this.setState({
- markvalue: e.target.value,
- });
- }
- render() {
- let {
- choice_url,
- practice_url,
- go_back_url,
- position,
- evaluationlist,
- shixunId,
- checkpointId,
- power,
- shixunfileexpectpicturepath,
- shixunfilestandardpicturepath,
- shixunfilepicturepath,
- shixunfilepath,
- evaluationvisible,
- trees,
- path,
- main,
- selectpath,
- shixunfilepathplay,
- pathoptionvalue,
- showrepositoryurltiptype,
- prev_challenge,
- next_challenge,
- StudentTaskPapers,
- StudentTaskDocs,
- handpathopt,
- scorevalue,
- markvalue,
- scoretype
- } = this.state;
- let tab1url="/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/editcheckpoint";
- let tab2url="/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=2";
- let tab3url="/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=3";
- // console.log(this.props)
- const radioStyle = {
- display: 'block',
- height: '30px',
- lineHeight: '30px',
- marginLeft: '20px',
- };
- return (
- {prev_challenge === undefined ? "" :
- }
- {next_challenge === undefined ? "" :
- }
3||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1? "none":'block'}}
- data-tip-down="新增代码编辑类型的任务">+ 实践类型
- data-tip-down="新增选择题类型的任务">+ 选择题类型
- 本关任务
- -
- 评测设置
- -
- 参考答案
- 请先上传本关任务的所有代码文件、标准图片等所有必要的文件到
- 版本库
- onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilepath")}
- />
- 必填项
- onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilepathplay")}
- />
- 必填项
- 图片:处理或输出图片类型的任务,请选题此项
- 可以通过设置图片路径和学员答案文件路径,展示代码对应的图片效果
- apk/exe:写可执行文件的任务,请选填此项
- 可以通过设置学员答案文件路径,展示二维码以供扫码下载
- txt:输出txt文档类型的任务,请选填此项
- 可以通过学员答案文件路径设置,展示txt文件内容
- html:web类型的任务,请选填此项
- 可以通过Web路由设置,展示html效果预览页
- >知道了
- onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfileexpectpicturepath")}
- />
- 该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为原始图片显示在查看效果页,供学员参考,任务为图片处理时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开
- onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilestandardpicturepath")}
- />
- 该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为参考答案显示在查看效果页,供学员参考任务输出结果为文件时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开
- onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilepicturepath")}
- placeholder="请在版本库中指定用来保存学员代码实际输出结果的路径。例:src/step1/outputimages"/>
- 学员评测本关任务时生成的文件将保存在该路径下,并作为实际输出显示在查看效果页,供学员确认任务输出结果为文件时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开
- {/*
- 得分规范:
- 通过全部测试集
- (学员评测,仅当所有测试集都正确时,才获得一次性奖励)
- 通过部分测试集
- (学员评测,当至少有一组测试集正确时,即可获得其对应比例的奖励)
- 系统评分占比:
- 均分比例
- 自定义比例
- {evaluationlist===undefined?"":evaluationlist.length===0?"":evaluationlist.map((item,key)=>{
- return(
- *
- 组{key+1}
- {/*checked={item.is_public===1?false:true}*/}
- this.editpercentage(e,key)}
- value={item.score} />
- %
- this.evaluationonChange(item.hidden,key)} checked={item.hidden===1?true:false}>隐藏
- this.del_test_array(key)}>
- )
- })}
- 新增测试集
- )
- }
+import React, {Component} from 'react';
+import {Input, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Popconfirm, message, Modal,Button,Icon,Tooltip} from 'antd';
+import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
+// import "antd/dist/antd.css";
+import axios from 'axios';
+import { getImageUrl, toPath } from 'educoder';
+import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
+import {getUrl} from 'educoder';
+let origin = getUrl();
+let path = getUrl("/editormd/lib/")
+const $ = window.$;
+let timeout;
+let currentValue;
+const Option = Select.Option;
+const RadioGroup = Radio.Group;
+function create_editorMD(id, width, high, placeholder, imageUrl, callback) {
+ var editorName = window.editormd(id, {
+ width: width,
+ height: high,
+ path: path, // "/editormd/lib/"
+ syncScrolling: "single",
+ tex: true,
+ tocm: true,
+ emoji: true,
+ taskList: true,
+ codeFold: true,
+ searchReplace: true,
+ htmlDecode: "style,script,iframe",
+ sequenceDiagram: true,
+ autoFocus: false,
+ toolbarIcons: function () {
+ // Or return editormd.toolbarModes[name]; // full, simple, mini
+ // Using "||" set icons align right.
+ return ["bold", "italic", "|", "list-ul", "list-ol", "|", "code", "code-block", "|", "testIcon", "testIcon1", '|', "image", "table", '|', "watch", "clear"]
+ },
+ toolbarCustomIcons: {
+ testIcon: "",
+ testIcon1: ""
+ },
+ //这个配置在simple.html中并没有,但是为了能够提交表单,使用这个配置可以让构造出来的HTML代码直接在第二个隐藏的textarea域中,方便post提交表单。
+ saveHTMLToTextarea: true,
+ // 用于增加自定义工具栏的功能,可以直接插入HTML标签,不使用默认的元素创建图标
+ dialogMaskOpacity: 0.6,
+ placeholder: placeholder,
+ imageUpload: true,
+ imageFormats: ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp", "JPG", "JPEG", "GIF", "PNG", "BMP", "WEBP"],
+ imageUploadURL: imageUrl,//url
+ onload: function () {
+ // this.previewing();
+ $("#" + id + " [type=\"latex\"]").bind("click", function () {
+ editorName.cm.replaceSelection("```latex");
+ editorName.cm.replaceSelection("\n");
+ editorName.cm.replaceSelection("\n");
+ editorName.cm.replaceSelection("```");
+ var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
+ editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line - 1, 0);
+ });
+ $("#" + id + " [type=\"inline\"]").bind("click", function () {
+ editorName.cm.replaceSelection("$$$$");
+ var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
+ editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line, __Cursor.ch - 2);
+ editorName.cm.focus();
+ });
+ $("[type=\"inline\"]").attr("title", "行内公式");
+ $("[type=\"latex\"]").attr("title", "多行公式");
+ window.md_elocalStorage(editorName, `exercise__${id}`, "Memochallengesnew");
+ callback && callback()
+ }
+ });
+ return editorName;
+export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props)
+ this.state = {
+ choice_url: undefined,
+ practice_url: undefined,
+ go_back_url: undefined,
+ task_pass_default: undefined,
+ submit_url: undefined,
+ value: 1,
+ evaluationlist:[],
+ shixunId:undefined,
+ power:false,
+ shixunfilepath:undefined,
+ evaluationvisible:false,
+ trees:undefined,
+ path:"",
+ main:[],
+ saveshixunfilepath:undefined,
+ selectpath:undefined,
+ shixunfilepathplay:undefined,
+ shixunfileexpectpicturepath:undefined,
+ shixunfilestandardpicturepath:undefined,
+ shixunfilepicturepath:undefined,
+ pathoptionvalue:-1,
+ showrepositoryurltiptype: false,
+ prev_challenge: undefined,
+ next_challenge: undefined,
+ StudentTaskPapers:false,
+ StudentTaskDocs:false,
+ selectpatharr:[],
+ handpathopt:false,
+ scorevalue:false,
+ markvalue:true,
+ scoretype:undefined
+ }
+ }
+ exerciseMD(initValue, id) {
+ this.contentChanged = false;
+ const placeholder = "";
+// amp;
+// 编辑时要传memoId
+ const imageUrl = `/api/attachments.json`;
+// 创建editorMd
+ const exercise_editormd = create_editorMD(id, '100%', 400, placeholder, imageUrl, () => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ exercise_editormd.resize()
+ exercise_editormd.cm && exercise_editormd.cm.refresh()
+ }, 500)
+ if (initValue != undefined) {
+ exercise_editormd.setValue(initValue)
+ }
+ exercise_editormd.cm.on("change", (_cm, changeObj) => {
+ console.log('....contentChanged')
+ this.contentChanged = true;
+ })
+ });
+ this.exercise_editormd = exercise_editormd;
+ window.exercise_editormd = exercise_editormd;
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+ let checkpointId=this.props.match.params.checkpointId;
+ this.setState({
+ shixunId:id,
+ checkpointId:checkpointId
+ })
+ let newchoice_url= "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/newquestion";
+ let newpractice_url= "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/new";
+ let newgo_back_url="/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges";
+ let url = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + checkpointId + "/edit.json?tab=1";
+ axios.get(url).then((response) => {
+ let newprev_challenge = response.data.prev_challenge;
+ let next_challenge = response.data.next_challenge;
+ if (newprev_challenge != undefined) {
+ if(newprev_challenge.st===0){
+ newprev_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + newprev_challenge.id + "/editcheckpoint";
+ }else{
+ newprev_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + newprev_challenge.id + "/editquestion";
+ }
+ }
+ if (next_challenge != undefined) {
+ if(next_challenge.st===0){
+ next_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + next_challenge.id+ "/editcheckpoint";
+ }else{
+ next_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + next_challenge.id+ "/editquestion";
+ }
+ }
+ let newevaluationlist=[]
+ if(response.data.test_sets.length===0){
+ let newlist=[
+ {hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:50},
+ {hidden:1,input:"",output:"",score:50}
+ ]
+ newevaluationlist=newlist
+ }else{
+ newevaluationlist=response.data.test_sets
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ power: response.data.power,
+ evaluationlist:newevaluationlist,
+ shixunfilepath:response.data.path,
+ shixunfilepathplay:response.data.exec_path,
+ pathoptionvalue:response.data.show_type,
+ shixunfileexpectpicturepath:response.data.original_picture_path,
+ shixunfilestandardpicturepath:response.data.expect_picture_path,
+ shixunfilepicturepath:response.data.picture_path,
+ prev_challenge: newprev_challenge,
+ next_challenge: next_challenge,
+ choice_url: newchoice_url, // 导航中的新建选择题url
+ practice_url: newpractice_url, //string 导航中新建实践题url
+ go_back_url: newgo_back_url, //string 导航中的返回url
+ position: response.data.position, //int 关卡位置,导航栏中的第几关
+ scorevalue:response.data.test_set_score,
+ markvalue:response.data.test_set_average,
+ })
+ this.evaluationoninputvalueonload();
+ if(response.data.power===false){
+ this.props.showSnackbar("你没有权限修改");
+ }
+ if(response.data.answer===undefined){
+ this.answerMD("", "answerMD");
+ }else{
+ this.answerMD(response.data.answer, "answerMD");
+ }
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error)
+ });
+ }
+ setevaluationlist=(newevaluationlist)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ evaluationlist:newevaluationlist
+ })
+ }
+ addevaluationon=()=>{
+ let {evaluationlist,markvalue}=this.state;
+ let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
+ newevaluationlist.push({hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:0});
+ newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,markvalue);
+ this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
+ }
+ del_test_array=(key)=>{
+ let {evaluationlist,markvalue}=this.state;
+ let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
+ newevaluationlist.splice(key,1);
+ newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,markvalue);
+ this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
+ }
+ getfilepath=(e,shixunfilepath)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ evaluationvisible: true,
+ selectpath:e.target.value,
+ selectpatharr:[],
+ });
+ let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+ let url ="/shixuns/"+id+"/repository.json";
+ axios.post(url,{
+ path: ""
+ }).then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.status === 403||response.data.status === 401||response.data.status === 500) {
+ }else{
+ this.setState({
+ trees:response.data.trees,
+ saveshixunfilepath:shixunfilepath,
+ path:"",
+ main:[],
+ })
+ }
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error)
+ });
+ }
+ sendgetfilepath=(newpath,type)=>{
+ let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+ let{path,main}=this.state;
+ let ary=main;
+ let paths=path;
+ this.setState({
+ selectpatharr:[],
+ })
+ if(paths===""&&type==="tree"){
+ newpath=newpath+"/";
+ paths="";
+ if(main.length===0){
+ ary.push({val:"根目录/",path:""},{val:newpath,path:paths+newpath})
+ }else{
+ ary.push({val:newpath,path:paths+newpath})
+ }
+ }else if(paths!=""&&type==="tree"){
+ newpath=newpath+"/";
+ ary.push({val:newpath,path:paths+newpath})
+ }
+ let url ="/shixuns/"+id+"/repository.json";
+ if(type==="tree"){
+ axios.post(url,{
+ path: paths+newpath
+ }).then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.status === 403||response.data.status === 401||response.data.status === 500) {
+ }else{
+ this.setState({
+ trees:response.data.trees,
+ path:paths+newpath,
+ main:ary,
+ // selectpath:""
+ })
+ }
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ goblakepath=(path,key)=>{
+ let {main,selectpath} =this.state;
+ let newmain=[]
+ for(var i=0;i<=key;i++){
+ newmain.push(main[i])
+ }
+ let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+ let url ="/shixuns/"+id+"/repository.json";
+ axios.post(url,{
+ path: path
+ }).then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.status === 403||response.data.status === 401||response.data.status === 500) {
+ }else {
+ this.setState({
+ trees: response.data.trees,
+ path: path,
+ main: newmain,
+ // selectpath:selectpath
+ })
+ }
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error)
+ });
+ }
+ // delesavegetfilepath=(value)=>{
+ // let {selectpatharr} = this.state
+ // let newarr =selectpatharr;
+ // let newselectpath="";
+ // for(var i=0; i{
+ let {selectpath} = this.state
+ // let newarr =selectpatharr;
+ // let arrtype=false;
+ // let arrsum=0;
+ // let newselectpath="";
+ // newarr.push(value)
+ // if(newarr.length>1&&arrtype===false){
+ // for(var i=0; i{
+ let {saveshixunfilepath,selectpath}=this.state;
+ this.setState({
+ evaluationvisible: false,
+ [saveshixunfilepath]:selectpath
+ });
+ }
+ evaluationhideModal=()=>{
+ this.setState({
+ evaluationvisible: false,
+ });
+ }
+ handpathoptionvalue=(value)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ pathoptionvalue:value
+ })
+ }
+ showrepositoryurltip=(type)=>{
+ if(type===1){
+ this.setState({
+ showrepositoryurltiptype:true
+ })
+ }else{
+ this.setState({
+ showrepositoryurltiptype:false
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ evaluationonChange=(e,key)=>{
+ let {evaluationlist}=this.state;
+ let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
+ let newtype;
+ if(e===1){
+ newtype=0;
+ }else{
+ newtype=1;
+ }
+ // newevaluationlist[key].is_public=newtype;
+ // for(var i=0; i{
+ let {evaluationlist,scoretype}=this.state;
+ if(scoretype===key){
+ this.setState({
+ scoretype:undefined
+ })
+ }
+ let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
+ let sum =parseInt(e.target.value);
+ if(isNaN(sum)){
+ sum=0
+ }
+ newevaluationlist[key].score=sum;
+ this.setState({
+ evaluationlist:newevaluationlist,
+ markvalue:false
+ })
+ this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
+ }
+ evaluationoninputvalue=(e,key,type)=>{
+ $.fn.autoHeight = function(){
+ function autoHeight(elem){
+ elem.style.height = 'auto';
+ elem.style.maxHeight = '140px';
+ elem.scrollTop = 0; //防抖动
+ elem.style.height = elem.scrollHeight + 'px';
+ }
+ this.each(function(){
+ autoHeight(this);
+ $(this).on('keyup', function(){
+ autoHeight(this);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ $('textarea[autoHeight]').autoHeight();
+ let {evaluationlist}=this.state;
+ let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
+ if(type==="sr"){
+ newevaluationlist[key].input=e.target.value
+ }else if(type==="yq"){
+ newevaluationlist[key].output=e.target.value
+ }
+ this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
+ }
+ evaluationoninputvalueonload=()=>{
+ $.fn.autoHeight = function(){
+ function autoHeight(elem){
+ elem.style.height = 'auto';
+ elem.style.maxHeight = '140px';
+ elem.scrollTop = 0; //防抖动
+ elem.style.height = elem.scrollHeight + 'px';
+ }
+ this.each(function(){
+ autoHeight(this);
+ $(this).on('keyup', function(){
+ autoHeight(this);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ $('textarea[autoHeight]').autoHeight();
+ }
+ submitarbitrationevaluation=()=>{
+ let{evaluationlist,shixunfilepath,shixunfilepathplay,shixunfileexpectpicturepath,shixunfilestandardpicturepath,shixunfilepicturepath,pathoptionvalue,scorevalue,markvalue}=this.state;
+ let newscorevalue;
+ if(scorevalue===false){
+ newscorevalue=false
+ }else{
+ //判断占比
+ newscorevalue=true
+ let sum=0;
+ for(var i=0; i100){
+ this.props.showSnackbar("测试集的评分占比不能大于100");
+ this.setState({
+ scoretype:i
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ sum=sum+evaluationlist[i].score
+ }
+ if(sum>100||sum<100){
+ this.props.showSnackbar("测试集的评分占比之和必须等于100");
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if(shixunfilepath===undefined||shixunfilepath===""||shixunfilepath===null){
+ this.props.showSnackbar("学员任务文件路径为空");
+ this.setState({
+ StudentTaskPapers:true
+ })
+ $('html').animate({
+ scrollTop: 120
+ }, 1000);
+ return
+ }
+ if(shixunfilepathplay===undefined||shixunfilepathplay===""||shixunfilepathplay===null){
+ this.props.showSnackbar("评测执行文件路径为空");
+ this.setState({
+ StudentTaskDocs:true
+ })
+ $('html').animate({
+ scrollTop: 130
+ }, 1000);
+ return
+ }
+ if(evaluationlist.length===0){
+ this.props.showSnackbar("测试集不能为空");
+ return
+ }
+ let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+ let{checkpointId}=this.state;
+ let url = "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/"+checkpointId+".json";
+ axios.put(url,{
+ tab:1,
+ challenge:{
+ path:shixunfilepath,
+ exec_path:shixunfilepathplay,
+ show_type:pathoptionvalue,
+ original_picture_path:shixunfileexpectpicturepath,
+ expect_picture_path:shixunfilestandardpicturepath,
+ picture_path:shixunfilepicturepath,
+ test_set_score:newscorevalue,
+ test_set_average:markvalue
+ },
+ test_set:evaluationlist
+ }
+ ).then((response) => {
+ this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.messages);
+ // if(response.data.status===1){
+ // window.location.href = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+response.data.challenge_id+"/tab=3"
+ // }
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error)
+ });
+ }
+ handpathoptionvalues=()=>{
+ this.setState({
+ handpathopt:true
+ })
+ }
+ handpathoptionvaluess=()=>{
+ this.setState({
+ handpathopt:false
+ })
+ }
+ saveselectpath=(e)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ selectpath:e.target.value
+ })
+ }
+ updatepath=(e,name)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ [name]:e.target.value
+ })
+ }
+ oneditevaluationlist=(newevaluationlist,markvalue)=>{
+ if(markvalue===true){
+ if(100%newevaluationlist.length===0){
+ let sum=100/newevaluationlist.length;
+ for(var i=0; i{
+ let {markvalue,evaluationlist}=this.state;
+ let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
+ if(e.target.value===true){
+ newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,markvalue)
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ scorevalue: e.target.value,
+ evaluationlist:newevaluationlist
+ });
+ this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
+ }
+ //均匀比例
+ onChangemarkvalue=(e)=>{
+ let {evaluationlist}=this.state;
+ if(e.target.value===true){
+ let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
+ newevaluationlist=this.oneditevaluationlist(newevaluationlist,e.target.value);
+ this.setevaluationlist(newevaluationlist);
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ markvalue: e.target.value,
+ });
+ }
+ render() {
+ let {
+ choice_url,
+ practice_url,
+ go_back_url,
+ position,
+ evaluationlist,
+ shixunId,
+ checkpointId,
+ power,
+ shixunfileexpectpicturepath,
+ shixunfilestandardpicturepath,
+ shixunfilepicturepath,
+ shixunfilepath,
+ evaluationvisible,
+ trees,
+ path,
+ main,
+ selectpath,
+ shixunfilepathplay,
+ pathoptionvalue,
+ showrepositoryurltiptype,
+ prev_challenge,
+ next_challenge,
+ StudentTaskPapers,
+ StudentTaskDocs,
+ handpathopt,
+ scorevalue,
+ markvalue,
+ scoretype
+ } = this.state;
+ let tab1url="/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/editcheckpoint";
+ let tab2url="/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=2";
+ let tab3url="/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=3";
+ // console.log(this.props)
+ const radioStyle = {
+ display: 'block',
+ height: '30px',
+ lineHeight: '30px',
+ marginLeft: '20px',
+ };
+ return (
+ {prev_challenge === undefined ? "" :
+ }
+ {next_challenge === undefined ? "" :
+ }
3||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1? "none":'block'}}
+ data-tip-down="新增代码编辑类型的任务">+ 实践类型
+ data-tip-down="新增选择题类型的任务">+ 选择题类型
+ 本关任务
+ -
+ 评测设置
+ -
+ 参考答案
+ 请先上传本关任务的所有代码文件、标准图片等所有必要的文件到
+ 版本库
+ onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilepath")}
+ />
+ 必填项
+ onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilepathplay")}
+ />
+ 必填项
+ 图片:处理或输出图片类型的任务,请选题此项
+ 可以通过设置图片路径和学员答案文件路径,展示代码对应的图片效果
+ apk/exe:写可执行文件的任务,请选填此项
+ 可以通过设置学员答案文件路径,展示二维码以供扫码下载
+ txt:输出txt文档类型的任务,请选填此项
+ 可以通过学员答案文件路径设置,展示txt文件内容
+ html:web类型的任务,请选填此项
+ 可以通过Web路由设置,展示html效果预览页
+ >知道了
+ onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfileexpectpicturepath")}
+ />
+ 该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为原始图片显示在查看效果页,供学员参考,任务为图片处理时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开
+ onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilestandardpicturepath")}
+ />
+ 该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为参考答案显示在查看效果页,供学员参考任务输出结果为文件时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开
+ onClick={(e)=>this.getfilepath(e,"shixunfilepicturepath")}
+ placeholder="请在版本库中指定用来保存学员代码实际输出结果的路径。例:src/step1/outputimages"/>
+ 学员评测本关任务时生成的文件将保存在该路径下,并作为实际输出显示在查看效果页,供学员确认任务输出结果为文件时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开
+ {/*
+ 得分规范:
+ 通过全部测试集
+ (学员评测,仅当所有测试集都正确时,才获得一次性奖励)
+ 通过部分测试集
+ (学员评测,当至少有一组测试集正确时,即可获得其对应比例的奖励)
+ 系统评分占比:
+ 均分比例
+ 自定义比例
+ {evaluationlist===undefined?"":evaluationlist.length===0?"":evaluationlist.map((item,key)=>{
+ return(
+ *
+ 组{key+1}
+ {/*checked={item.is_public===1?false:true}*/}
+ this.editpercentage(e,key)}
+ value={item.score} />
+ %
+ this.evaluationonChange(item.hidden,key)} checked={item.hidden===1?true:false}>隐藏
+ this.del_test_array(key)}>
+ )
+ })}
+ 新增测试集
+ )
+ }