From 61d21be98cb525c892c77c2c3b85410418ca7e94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: guange <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 15:11:38 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] .

 app/controllers/jupyters_controller.rb |   2 +
 app/controllers/shixuns_controller.rb  |  18 +---
 app/services/jupyter_service.rb        | 115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 app/views/shixuns/show.json.jbuilder   |   2 +
 4 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 app/services/jupyter_service.rb

diff --git a/app/controllers/jupyters_controller.rb b/app/controllers/jupyters_controller.rb
index 9e137946f..5d3f05cb4 100644
--- a/app/controllers/jupyters_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/jupyters_controller.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ require 'net/http'
 class JupytersController < ApplicationController
+    include JupyterService
     before_action :shixun
     def open
diff --git a/app/controllers/shixuns_controller.rb b/app/controllers/shixuns_controller.rb
index b410db0e2..ccb8ee511 100644
--- a/app/controllers/shixuns_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/shixuns_controller.rb
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ class ShixunsController < ApplicationController
 	include ApplicationHelper
 	include ElasticsearchAble
 	include CoursesHelper
+	include JupyterService
 	before_action :require_login, :check_auth, except: [:download_file, :index, :menus, :show, :show_right, :ranking_list,
 																											:discusses, :collaborators, :fork_list, :propaedeutics]
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ class ShixunsController < ApplicationController
-	helper_method :jupyter_url
+	helper_method :jupyter_url_with_shixun, :jupyter_port_with_shixun
 	## 获取课程列表
   def index
@@ -532,22 +533,7 @@ class ShixunsController < ApplicationController
 		# @evaluate_scirpt = @shixun.evaluate_script || "无"
-	def jupyter_url(shixun)
-		#打开tpm - juypter接口
-		if shixun.is_jupyter?
-		  shixun_tomcat = edu_setting('cloud_bridge')
-		  uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/jupyter/get"
-		  tpiID = "tpm#{}"
-		  params = {tpiID: tpiID, :containers => "#{Base64.urlsafe_encode64(shixun_container_limit(shixun))}"}
- "test_juypter: uri->#{uri}, params->#{params}"
-		  res = uri_post uri, params
- "test_juypter: #{res}"
-		  return "https://#{res['port']}{tpiID}/01.ipynb"
-		end
-	end
 	# 获取脚本内容
 	def get_script_contents
diff --git a/app/services/jupyter_service.rb b/app/services/jupyter_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c1e07c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/jupyter_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+module JupyterService
+    def _open_shixun_jupyter(shixun)
+        if shixun.is_jupyter?
+            shixun_tomcat = edu_setting('cloud_bridge')
+            uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/jupyter/get"
+            tpiID = "tpm#{}"
+            params = {tpiID: tpiID, :containers => "#{Base64.urlsafe_encode64(shixun_container_limit(shixun))}"}
+   "test_juypter: uri->#{uri}, params->#{params}"
+            res = uri_post uri, params
+   "test_juypter: #{res}"
+            @shixun_jupyter_port = res['port']
+            return "https://#{res['port']}{tpiID}/01.ipynb"
+        end
+    end
+    def jupyter_url_with_shixun(shixun)
+        #打开tpm - juypter接口
+        _open_shixun_jupyter(shixun)
+    end
+    def jupyter_port_with_shixun(shixun)
+        if @shixun_jupyter_port.to_i <=0 
+            _open_shixun_jupyter(shixun)
+        end
+        @shixun_jupyter_port
+    end
+    def jupyter_url_with_game(game)
+        ## 打开tpi
+        shixun = game.myshixun.shixun
+        if shixun.is_jupyter?
+            shixun_tomcat = edu_setting('cloud_bridge')
+            uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/jupyter/get"
+            tpiID =
+            params = {tpiID: tpiID, :containers => "#{Base64.urlsafe_encode64(shixun_container_limit(shixun))}"}
+            res = uri_post uri, params
+   "test_juypter: #{res}"
+            if res && res['code'].to_i != 0
+                raise("实训云平台繁忙(繁忙等级:99)")
+            end
+            repo_save_path = game.myshixun.repo_save_path
+            "https://#{res['port']}{tpiID}/#{repo_save_path}/01.ipynb"
+        end
+    end
+    def jupyter_save_with_shixun(shixun,jupyter_port)
+        author_name = current_user.real_name
+        author_email = current_user.git_mail
+        message = "User submitted"
+        tpiID = "tpm#{}"
+        #
+        src_url = URI("https://#{jupyter_port}{tpiID}/01.ipynb?download=true")
+        response = Net::HTTP.get_response(src_url)
+        if response.code.to_i != 200
+            raise("获取文件内容失败:#{response.code}")
+        end
+        content = response.body
+        c = GitService.update_file(repo_path: @shixun.repo_path,
+            file_path: "01.ipynb",
+            message: message,
+            content: content,
+            author_name: author_name,
+            author_email: author_email)
+        return c.size
+    end
+    def jupyter_save_with_game(game,jupyter_port)
+        author_name = current_user.real_name
+        author_email = current_user.git_mail
+        message = "User submitted"
+        tpiID =
+        repo_save_path = game.myshixun.repo_save_path
+        src_url = URI("https://#{jupyter_port}{tpiID}/#{repo_save_path}/01.ipynb?download=true")
+        response = Net::HTTP.get_response(src_url)
+        if response.code.to_i != 200
+            raise("获取文件内容失败:#{response.code}")
+        end
+        content = response.body
+        c = GitService.update_file(repo_path: game.myshixun.repo_path,
+            file_path: "01.ipynb",
+            message: message,
+            content: content,
+            author_name: author_name,
+            author_email: author_email)
+        return c.size
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/shixuns/show.json.jbuilder b/app/views/shixuns/show.json.jbuilder
index 4a0c3ebd6..93647cda7 100644
--- a/app/views/shixuns/show.json.jbuilder
+++ b/app/views/shixuns/show.json.jbuilder
@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ json.identity User.current.shixun_identity(@shixun)
 json.power @power
 json.partial! 'shixuns/top', locals: { shixun: @shixun, current_myshixun: @current_myshixun }
 json.secret_repository @shixun.shixun_secret_repository.present?
+json.jupyter_url jupyter_url_with_shixun(@shixun)
+json.jupyter_port jupyter_port_with_shixun(@shixun)
\ No newline at end of file