diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/topics/GraduateTopicNew.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/topics/GraduateTopicNew.js
index 329cd169b..8eeae8095 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/topics/GraduateTopicNew.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/topics/GraduateTopicNew.js
@@ -1,28 +1,19 @@
import React,{ Component } from "react";
-import {
- Form, Input, InputNumber, Switch, Radio,
- Slider, Button, Upload, Icon, Rate, Checkbox, message,
- Row, Col, Select, Modal,Cascader
-} from 'antd';
-import TPMMDEditor from '../../../tpm/challengesnew/TPMMDEditor';
+import { Select, Modal } from 'antd';
import axios from 'axios'
-import {getUrl} from 'educoder';
import "../../common/formCommon.css"
import '../style.css'
import '../../css/Courses.css'
-import { WordsBtn, City } from 'educoder'
+import { WordsBtn } from 'educoder'
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'
-// import City from './City'
-// import './board.css'
-// import { RouteHOC } from './common.js'
+import GraduateTopicNewFrom from './GraduateTopicNewFrom'
-const confirm = Modal.confirm;
const $ = window.$
-const { Option } = Select;
-const NAME_COUNT=60;
// 新建毕设选题
// https://lanhuapp.com/web/#/item/project/board/detail?pid=a3bcd4b1-99ce-4e43-8ead-5b8b0a410807&project_id=a3bcd4b1-99ce-4e43-8ead-5b8b0a410807&image_id=c6d9b36f-7701-4035-afdb-62404681108c
class GraduateTopicNew extends Component{
@@ -33,14 +24,12 @@ class GraduateTopicNew extends Component{
this.state = {
fileList: [],
- boards: [],
- attachments:undefined,
@@ -53,21 +42,11 @@ class GraduateTopicNew extends Component{
- teacherList:result.data.teacher_list,
- left_banner_name:result.data.left_banner_name,
- topic_property_first:result.data.topic_property_first,
- topic_property_second:result.data.topic_property_second,
- topic_repeat:result.data.topic_repeat,
- topic_source:result.data.topic_source,
- topic_type:result.data.topic_type
- })
- console.log("sdfds");
- console.log(this.props.current_user && this.props.current_user.user_id);
- this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
- tea_id:this.props.current_user && this.props.current_user.user_id
+ left_banner_name:result.data.left_banner_name
+ this.GraduateTopicNewFromRef.initNewInfo(result);
@@ -94,229 +73,64 @@ class GraduateTopicNew extends Component{
- left_banner_name:result.data.left_banner_name,
- teacherList:result.data.teacher_list,
- topic_property_first:result.data.topic_property_first,
- topic_property_second:result.data.topic_property_second,
- topic_repeat:result.data.topic_repeat,
- topic_source:result.data.topic_source,
- topic_type:result.data.topic_type,
- attachments:result.data.attachments,
- addonAfter:parseInt(result.data.selected_data.name.length)
- })
- this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
- tea_id:result.data.selected_data.tea_id,
- name:result.data.selected_data.name,
- city: [result.data.selected_data.province,result.data.selected_data.city],
- topic_type:result.data.selected_data.topic_type || undefined,
- topic_source:result.data.selected_data.topic_source || undefined,
- topic_property_first:result.data.selected_data.topic_property_first || undefined,
- topic_property_second:result.data.selected_data.topic_property_second || undefined,
- source_unit:result.data.selected_data.source_unit,
- topic_repeat:result.data.selected_data.topic_repeat || undefined
- });
- this.mdRef.current.setValue(result.data.selected_data.description)
- const _fileList = result.data.attachments.map(item => {
- return {
- id: item.id,
- uid: item.id,
- name: item.title,
- url: item.url,
- status: 'done'
- }
+ left_banner_name:result.data.left_banner_name
- this.setState({ fileList: _fileList, cityDefaultValue: [result.data.selected_data.province,result.data.selected_data.city] })
+ this.GraduateTopicNewFromRef.initValue(result);
- handleSubmit = (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
+ // 编辑保存
+ editSave = (params,topicId) =>{
const cid = this.props.match.params.coursesId
- const topicId = this.props.match.params.topicId
- // console.log(this.props);
- this.props.form.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, values) => {
- if (!err) {
- console.log('Received values of form: ', values);
- if (topicId !=undefined) {
- const editTopic = this.editTopic
- const editUrl = `/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics/${topicId}.json`
- let attachment_ids = undefined
- if (this.state.fileList) {
- attachment_ids = this.state.fileList.map(item => {
- return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
- })
- }
- axios.put(editUrl, {
- graduation_topic:{
- ...values,
- province: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[0],
- city: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[1],
- },
- attachment_ids
- }).then((response) => {
- if (response.status == 200) {
- const { id } = response.data;
- if (id) {
- this.props.showNotification('保存成功!');
- this.props.history.push(`/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics/${this.state.left_banner_id}`);
- }
- }
- }).catch(function (error) {
- console.log(error);
- });
- } else {
- const url = `/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics.json`
- let attachment_ids = undefined
- if (this.state.fileList) {
- attachment_ids = this.state.fileList.map(item => {
- return item.response.id
- })
- }
- axios.post(url, {
- graduation_topic:{
- ...values,
- province: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[0],
- city: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[1],
- },
- attachment_ids,
- }).then((response) => {
- if (response.data) {
- const { id } = response.data;
- if (id) {
- this.props.showNotification('提交成功!');
- this.props.history.push(`/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics/${this.state.left_banner_id}`);
- }
- }
- })
- .catch(function (error) {
- console.log(error);
- });
+ const editUrl = `/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics/${topicId}.json`
+ axios.put(editUrl, params).then((response) => {
+ if (response.status == 200) {
+ const { id } = response.data;
+ if (id) {
+ this.props.showNotification('保存成功!');
+ this.props.history.push(`/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics/${this.state.left_banner_id}`);
- } else {
- $("html").animate({ scrollTop: $('html').scrollTop() - 100 })
+ }).catch(function (error) {
+ console.log(error);
- // 选择省市
- ChangeCity=(value, selectedOptions)=>{
- console.log(selectedOptions);
- }
- // 附件相关 START
- handleChange = (info) => {
- let fileList = info.fileList;
- this.setState({ fileList });
- }
- onAttachmentRemove = (file) => {
- confirm({
- title: '确定要删除这个附件吗?',
- okText: '确定',
- cancelText: '取消',
- // content: 'Some descriptions',
- onOk: () => {
- this.deleteAttachment(file)
- },
- onCancel() {
- console.log('Cancel');
- },
- });
- return false;
- }
- deleteAttachment = (file) => {
- console.log(file);
- let id=file.response ==undefined ? file.id : file.response.id
- const url = `/attachments/${id}.json`
- axios.delete(url, {
- })
- .then((response) => {
- if (response.data) {
- const { status } = response.data;
- if (status == 0) {
- console.log('--- success')
- this.setState((state) => {
- const index = state.fileList.indexOf(file);
- const newFileList = state.fileList.slice();
- newFileList.splice(index, 1);
- return {
- fileList: newFileList,
- };
- });
- }
+ // 新建提交
+ newSubmit = (params,topicId) =>{
+ const cid = this.props.match.params.coursesId
+ const url = `/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics.json`
+ axios.post(url, params).then((response) => {
+ if (response.data) {
+ const { id } = response.data;
+ if (id) {
+ this.props.showNotification('提交成功!');
+ this.props.history.push(`/courses/${cid}/graduation_topics/${this.state.left_banner_id}`);
- })
- .catch(function (error) {
- console.log(error);
- });
+ }
+ }).catch(function (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+ });
- // 附件相关 ------------ END
- changeTopicName=(e)=>{
- // let num= 60 - parseInt(e.target.value.length);
- this.setState({
- addonAfter:e.target.value.length
- })
- }
render() {
let {
- fileList,
- teacherList,
- topic_property_first,
- topic_property_second,
- topic_repeat,
- topic_source,
- topic_type,
- addonAfter,
} = this.state;
const { current_user } = this.props
- const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
let{ topicId,coursesId }=this.props.match.params
- // console.log(this.props);
- const formItemLayout = {
- labelCol: {
- xs: { span: 24 },
- // sm: { span: 8 },
- sm: { span: 24 },
- },
- wrapperCol: {
- xs: { span: 24 },
- // sm: { span: 16 },
- sm: { span: 24 },
- },
- };
- const uploadProps = {
- width: 600,
- fileList,
- multiple: true,
- // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/15505
- // showUploadList={false},然后外部拿到 fileList 数组自行渲染列表。
- // showUploadList: false,
- action: `${getUrl()}/api/attachments.json`,
- onChange: this.handleChange,
- onRemove: this.onAttachmentRemove,
- beforeUpload: (file) => {
- console.log('beforeUpload', file.name);
- const isLt150M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 150;
- if (!isLt150M) {
- message.error('文件大小必须小于150MB!');
- }
- return isLt150M;
- },
- };
- // console.log("dfsf");
- // console.log(this.props);
+ const common={
+ handleSubmit:this.handleSubmit,
+ editSave:this.editSave,
+ newSubmit:this.newSubmit
+ }
- {getFieldDecorator('name', {
- rules: [{
- required: true, message: '请输入选题名称',
- }, {
- max: 60, message: '最大限制为60个字符',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {getFieldDecorator('description', {
- rules: [{
- required: true, message: '请输入选题简介',
- }, {
- max: 10000, message: '最大限制为10000个字符',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {
- getFieldDecorator('file',{
- rules:[{
- required:false
- }]
- })(
- (单个文件150M以内)
- )
- }
- {getFieldDecorator('topic_type', {
- rules: [{
- required: false, message: '',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {getFieldDecorator('topic_source', {
- rules: [{
- required: false, message: '',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {getFieldDecorator('topic_property_first', {
- rules: [{
- required: false, message: '',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {getFieldDecorator('topic_property_second', {
- rules: [{
- required: false, message: '',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {getFieldDecorator('source_unit', {
- rules: [{
- required: false, message: '',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {getFieldDecorator('topic_repeat', {
- rules: [{
- required: false, message: '',
- }],
- })(
- )}
- {getFieldDecorator('city', {
- rules: [{
- initialValue: this.state.cityDefaultValue,
- type: 'array',
- required: false, message: '',
- }],
- })(
- )}
+ this.GraduateTopicNewFromRef = ref}
+ topicId={topicId}
+ >
-const WrappedGraduateTopicNew = Form.create({ name: 'topicPostWorksNew' })(GraduateTopicNew);
+// const WrappedGraduateTopicNew = Form.create({ name: 'topicPostWorksNew' })(GraduateTopicNew);
// RouteHOC()
-export default (WrappedGraduateTopicNew);
\ No newline at end of file
+export default GraduateTopicNew;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/topics/GraduateTopicNewFrom.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/topics/GraduateTopicNewFrom.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9802084fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/topics/GraduateTopicNewFrom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+import React,{ Component } from "react";
+import {
+ Form, Input, Button, Upload, Icon , message, Select
+} from 'antd';
+import TPMMDEditor from '../../../tpm/challengesnew/TPMMDEditor';
+import axios from 'axios'
+import {getUrl} from 'educoder';
+import { City } from 'educoder'
+const NAME_COUNT=60;
+class GraduateTopicNewForm extends Component{
+ constructor(props){
+ super(props);
+ this.mdRef = React.createRef();
+ this.state = {
+ fileList: [],
+ teacherList:[],
+ topic_property_first:[],
+ topic_property_second:[],
+ topic_repeat:[],
+ topic_source:[],
+ topic_type:[],
+ addonAfter:0,
+ cityDefaultValue:undefined
+ }
+ }
+ // init编辑信息
+ initValue=(result)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ teacherList:result.data.teacher_list,
+ topic_property_first:result.data.topic_property_first,
+ topic_property_second:result.data.topic_property_second,
+ topic_repeat:result.data.topic_repeat,
+ topic_source:result.data.topic_source,
+ topic_type:result.data.topic_type,
+ addonAfter:parseInt(result.data.selected_data.name.length)
+ })
+ this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
+ tea_id:result.data.selected_data.tea_id,
+ name:result.data.selected_data.name,
+ city: [result.data.selected_data.province,result.data.selected_data.city],
+ topic_type:result.data.selected_data.topic_type || undefined,
+ topic_source:result.data.selected_data.topic_source || undefined,
+ topic_property_first:result.data.selected_data.topic_property_first || undefined,
+ topic_property_second:result.data.selected_data.topic_property_second || undefined,
+ source_unit:result.data.selected_data.source_unit,
+ topic_repeat:result.data.selected_data.topic_repeat || undefined
+ });
+ this.mdRef.current.setValue(result.data.selected_data.description)
+ const _fileList = result.data.attachments.map(item => {
+ return {
+ id: item.id,
+ uid: item.id,
+ name: item.title,
+ url: item.url,
+ status: 'done'
+ }
+ })
+ this.setState({ fileList: _fileList, cityDefaultValue: [result.data.selected_data.province,result.data.selected_data.city] })
+ }
+ //init新建信息
+ initNewInfo=(result)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ teacherList:result.data.teacher_list,
+ topic_property_first:result.data.topic_property_first,
+ topic_property_second:result.data.topic_property_second,
+ topic_repeat:result.data.topic_repeat,
+ topic_source:result.data.topic_source,
+ topic_type:result.data.topic_type
+ })
+ this.props.form.setFieldsValue({
+ tea_id:this.props.current_user && this.props.current_user.user_id
+ })
+ }
+ // 附件相关 START
+ handleChange = (info) => {
+ let fileList = info.fileList;
+ this.setState({ fileList });
+ }
+ onAttachmentRemove = (file) => {
+ confirm({
+ title: '确定要删除这个附件吗?',
+ okText: '确定',
+ cancelText: '取消',
+ // content: 'Some descriptions',
+ onOk: () => {
+ this.deleteAttachment(file)
+ },
+ onCancel() {
+ console.log('Cancel');
+ },
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ deleteAttachment = (file) => {
+ console.log(file);
+ let id=file.response ==undefined ? file.id : file.response.id
+ const url = `/attachments/${id}.json`
+ axios.delete(url, {
+ })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data) {
+ const { status } = response.data;
+ if (status == 0) {
+ console.log('--- success')
+ this.setState((state) => {
+ const index = state.fileList.indexOf(file);
+ const newFileList = state.fileList.slice();
+ newFileList.splice(index, 1);
+ return {
+ fileList: newFileList,
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(function (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ }
+ changeTopicName=(e)=>{
+ // let num= 60 - parseInt(e.target.value.length);
+ this.setState({
+ addonAfter:e.target.value.length
+ })
+ }
+ handleSubmit = (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const topicId = this.props.match.params.topicId
+ this.props.form.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, values) => {
+ if (!err) {
+ if (topicId !=undefined) {
+ // 编辑
+ // const editTopic = this.editTopic
+ let attachment_ids = undefined
+ if (this.state.fileList) {
+ attachment_ids = this.state.fileList.map(item => {
+ return item.response ? item.response.id : item.id
+ })
+ }
+ const param = {
+ graduation_topic:{
+ ...values,
+ province: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[0],
+ city: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[1],
+ },
+ attachment_ids
+ }
+ this.props.editSave(param,topicId);
+ } else {
+ // 新建
+ let attachment_ids = undefined
+ if (this.state.fileList) {
+ attachment_ids = this.state.fileList.map(item => {
+ return item.response.id
+ })
+ }
+ const param = {
+ graduation_topic:{
+ ...values,
+ province: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[0],
+ city: values.city==undefined?"":values.city[1],
+ },
+ attachment_ids,
+ }
+ this.props.newSubmit(param,topicId);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $("html").animate({ scrollTop: $('html').scrollTop() - 100 })
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // 附件相关 ------------ END
+ render(){
+ let{
+ fileList,
+ teacherList,
+ topic_property_first,
+ topic_property_second,
+ topic_repeat,
+ topic_source,
+ topic_type,
+ addonAfter,
+ cityDefaultValue
+ }=this.state;
+ const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
+ const formItemLayout = {
+ labelCol: {
+ xs: { span: 24 },
+ // sm: { span: 8 },
+ sm: { span: 24 },
+ },
+ wrapperCol: {
+ xs: { span: 24 },
+ // sm: { span: 16 },
+ sm: { span: 24 },
+ },
+ };
+ const uploadProps = {
+ width: 600,
+ fileList,
+ multiple: true,
+ // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/15505
+ // showUploadList={false},然后外部拿到 fileList 数组自行渲染列表。
+ // showUploadList: false,
+ action: `${getUrl()}/api/attachments.json`,
+ onChange: this.handleChange,
+ onRemove: this.onAttachmentRemove,
+ beforeUpload: (file) => {
+ console.log('beforeUpload', file.name);
+ const isLt150M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 150;
+ if (!isLt150M) {
+ message.error('文件大小必须小于150MB!');
+ }
+ return isLt150M;
+ },
+ };
+ let { topicId }=this.props;
+ return(
+ )
+ }
+const WrappedGraduateTopicNewForm = Form.create({ name: 'topicPostWorksNew' })(GraduateTopicNewForm);
+// RouteHOC()
+export default (WrappedGraduateTopicNewForm);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/user/usersInfo/banks/BanksIndex.js b/public/react/src/modules/user/usersInfo/banks/BanksIndex.js
index 16e99438e..b5c269681 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/user/usersInfo/banks/BanksIndex.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/user/usersInfo/banks/BanksIndex.js
@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ import { SnackbarHOC } from 'educoder';
import { TPMIndexHOC } from '../../../tpm/TPMIndexHOC';
import { CNotificationHOC } from '../../../courses/common/CNotificationHOC'
+import "../usersInfo.css"
+import "../../../courses/css/members.css"
+import "../../../courses/css/Courses.css"
import Loadable from 'react-loadable';
import Loading from '../../../../Loading';
@@ -20,6 +25,10 @@ const BanksTabIndex = Loadable({
loader: () => import('./BanksTabIndex'),
loading: Loading,
+const GtopicBanksEdit = Loadable({
+ loader: () => import('./GtopicBanksEdit'),
+ loading: Loading,
class BanksIndex extends Component{
@@ -59,11 +68,18 @@ class BanksIndex extends Component{
{crumbData && crumbData.title}
- crumbData && crumbData.is_public && 公开
+ crumbData && crumbData.is_public && {crumbData.is_public == true ? '公开':'私有'}
+ {
+ return ()
+ }
+ }>
+ let bankId = this.props.match.params.bankId
+ const crumbData={
+ title:'编辑',
+ is_public:true,
+ crumbArray:[
+ {to:`/banks/gtopic/${bankId}/edit`,content:'详情'},
+ {content:'编辑'}
+ ]
+ }
+ this.props.initPublic(crumbData);
+ this.initData(bankId);
+ }
+ initData = (bankId) =>{
+ let url = `/gtopic_banks/${bankId}/edit.json`;
+ axios.get(url).then((result)=>{
+ if(result){
+ this.GraduateTopicNewFromRef.initValue(result);
+ }
+ }).catch((error)=>{
+ console.log(error)
+ })
+ }
+ render(){
+ let { bankId } = this.props.match.params
+ const common = {
+ }
+ return(
+ this.GraduateTopicNewFromRef = ref}
+ topicId={bankId}
+ >
+ )
+ }
+export default GtopicBanksEdit;
\ No newline at end of file