From 83e28112b2f3c231222e87c4645571d567a035a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E6=9D=A8=E6=A0=91=E6=9E=97?= <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 18:45:35 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E8=B0=83=E6=95=B4?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 public/react/src/App.js                       |  22 +-
 .../courses/coursesPublic/NewShixunModel.js   |  13 +-
 .../courses/coursesPublic/Newshixunmodel.css  |  21 +-
 public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js     |   7 +-
 public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMChallenge.js  | 115 +++---
 public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMDataset.js    | 268 +++++++++++++
 public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js      |  37 +-
 .../react/src/modules/tpm/component/TPMNav.js |   4 +
 .../Challenges/Challengesjupyter.js           | 354 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../Collaborators/Collaborators.css           | 124 +++++-
 .../Collaborators/Collaborators.js            | 121 ++++--
 .../shixunchild/shixunchildCss/Challenges.css |  42 ++-
 .../src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunCard.js     |  31 ++
 .../src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunsIndex.js   |   2 +-
 .../src/modules/tpm/tpmmodel/tpmmodel.css     | 121 ++++++
 public/react/src/search/SearchPage.js         |  36 +-
 public/react/src/search/searchc.css           |  43 ++-
 17 files changed, 1227 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMDataset.js
 create mode 100644 public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Challenges/Challengesjupyter.js
 create mode 100644 public/react/src/modules/tpm/tpmmodel/tpmmodel.css

diff --git a/public/react/src/App.js b/public/react/src/App.js
index 2fa9e0765..0d24db7c2 100644
--- a/public/react/src/App.js
+++ b/public/react/src/App.js
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class App extends Component {
 	disableVideoContextMenu = () => {
 		window.$( "body" ).on( "mousedown", "video",  function(event) {
 			if(event.which === 3) {
@@ -577,14 +577,14 @@ class App extends Component {
 								<Route path="/users/:username"
 										(props) => {
 											return (<InfosIndex {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state} />)
 								<Route path="/banks"
-										(props) => {										
+										(props) => {
 											return (<BanksIndex {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state} />)
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ class App extends Component {
 								<Route path="/shixuns/:shixunId" component={TPMIndexComponent}>
-								{/*列表页*/}
+								{/*列表页 实训项目列表*/}
 								<Route path="/shixuns" component={TPMShixunsIndexComponent}/>
@@ -637,8 +637,8 @@ class App extends Component {
 								<Route path="/moop_cases"render={
 										(props) => (<MoopCases {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state} />)
-								<Route path="/forums" 
+								<Route path="/forums"
 										(props)=>(<ForumsIndexComponent {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state}></ForumsIndexComponent>)
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ class App extends Component {
 												(props)=>(<Ecs {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state}></Ecs>)
-								<Route path="/problems/new/:id?" 
+								<Route path="/problems/new/:id?"
 										(props) => {
 											return (<NewOrEditTask {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state} />)
@@ -679,11 +679,11 @@ class App extends Component {
-									path="/problems/:id/edit" 
+									path="/problems/:id/edit"
 										(props) => (<NewOrEditTask {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state} />)
 									} />
-								<Route path="/myproblems/record_detail/:id" 
+								<Route path="/myproblems/record_detail/:id"
 										(props) => (<RecordDetail  {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state} />)
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ class App extends Component {
 												(props)=>(<ShixunsHome {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state}></ShixunsHome>)
-								<Route component={Shixunnopage}/>							
+								<Route component={Shixunnopage}/>
@@ -825,4 +825,4 @@ moment.defineLocale('zh-cn', {
 		doy: 4  // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
-export default SnackbarHOC()(App) ;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default SnackbarHOC()(App) ;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/NewShixunModel.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/NewShixunModel.js
index 99a8ad232..f5dfc089a 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/NewShixunModel.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/NewShixunModel.js
@@ -536,6 +536,17 @@ class NewShixunModel extends Component{
 													className="fl task-hide edu-txt-left mt3"
+												{
+													this.props.type==='shixuns'?
+														<div className="myysljupyter fl ml15 mt3 intermediatecenter">
+															<p className="myysljupytertest">
+																Jupyter
+															</p>
+														</div>
+														:""
+												}
 												<a target="_blank" href={this.props.type==='shixuns'?`/shixuns/${item.identifier}/challenges`:`/paths/${}`} className="ml15 fl font-16  color-dark maxwidth1100"
 													 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: item.title}}
@@ -681,4 +692,4 @@ export default NewShixunModel;
 // 			<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: item}}>{}</span>
 // 		)
 // 	})}
-// </div>}
\ No newline at end of file
+// </div>}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/Newshixunmodel.css b/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/Newshixunmodel.css
index 42595bf29..2bf7b363f 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/Newshixunmodel.css
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/coursesPublic/Newshixunmodel.css
@@ -384,4 +384,23 @@
     margin: 0 auto;
\ No newline at end of file
+    width:48px;
+    height:22px;
+    background:#FF6802;
+    border-radius:2px 10px 10px 2px;
+    width:39px;
+    height:16px;
+    font-size:12px;
+    color:#FFFFFF;
+    line-height:16px;
+     display: flex;
+     flex-direction: column;
+     align-items: center;
+     justify-content: center;
+ }
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js
index b660001c6..d025443cf 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js
@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ class TPMBanner extends Component {
           Forkvisibletype: false,
-				  Senttothevcaluetype:false
-      }
+				  Senttothevcaluetype:false,
+				  jupyterbool:false,
+			}
     // star_info:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
@@ -656,7 +657,7 @@ class TPMBanner extends Component {
                         {/*<span className="mt10">{shixunsDetails.experience}</span>*/}
-                        <span>难度系数</span>
+                        <span>难度级别</span>
                         <span className="shixunsdiffcult mt10">{shixunsDetails.diffcult}</span>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMChallenge.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMChallenge.js
index 847e8b965..630a233fd 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMChallenge.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMChallenge.js
@@ -1,54 +1,61 @@
-import React, { Component } from 'react';
-import { Redirect } from 'react-router';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import { CircularProgress } from 'material-ui/Progress';
-import './TPMShixunDiscuss.css'
-import Challenges from './shixunchild/Challenges/Challenges'
-import TPMRightSection from './component/TPMRightSection'
-import TPMNav from './component/TPMNav'
-class TPMChallenge extends Component {
-    constructor(props) {
-      super(props)
-    }
-    render() {
-      const { loadingContent, shixun, user, match
-       } = this.props;
-      return (
-        <React.Fragment>
-          <div className="educontent clearfix mt30 mb80">
-            <div className="with65 fl edu-back-white" >
-                <TPMNav
-                    match={match}
-                    user={user}
-                    shixun={shixun}
-                    {...this.props}
-                ></TPMNav>
-              <Challenges
-               {...this.props}
-              />
-            </div>
-            <div className="with35 fr pl20">
-                  <TPMRightSection
-                      {...this.props}
-                  />
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </React.Fragment>
-      );
-    }
-export default TPMChallenge;
+import React, { Component } from 'react';
+import { Redirect } from 'react-router';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { CircularProgress } from 'material-ui/Progress';
+import './TPMShixunDiscuss.css'
+import Challenges from './shixunchild/Challenges/Challenges'
+import Challengesjupyter from './shixunchild/Challenges/Challengesjupyter'
+import TPMRightSection from './component/TPMRightSection'
+import TPMNav from './component/TPMNav'
+class TPMChallenge extends Component {
+    constructor(props) {
+      super(props)
+    }
+    render() {
+      const { loadingContent, shixun, user, match,jupyterbool
+       } = this.props;
+      return (
+        <React.Fragment>
+          <div className="educontent clearfix mt30 mb80">
+            <div className="with65 fl edu-back-white" >
+                <TPMNav
+                    match={match}
+                    user={user}
+                    shixun={shixun}
+                    {...this.props}
+                ></TPMNav>
+							{
+								jupyterbool===true?
+									<Challengesjupyter
+										{...this.props}
+									/>
+									: <Challenges
+										{...this.props}
+									/>
+							}
+            </div>
+            <div className="with35 fr pl20">
+                  <TPMRightSection
+                      {...this.props}
+                  />
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </React.Fragment>
+      );
+    }
+export default TPMChallenge;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMDataset.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMDataset.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf35744fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMDataset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+import React, {Component} from 'react';
+import {Redirect} from 'react-router';
+import {List, Typography, Tag, Modal, Radio, Checkbox, Table, Pagination} from 'antd';
+import {  NoneData } from 'educoder'
+import TPMRightSection from './component/TPMRightSection';
+import TPMNav from './component/TPMNav';
+import axios from 'axios';
+import './tpmmodel/tpmmodel.css'
+class TPMDataset extends Component {
+	constructor(props) {
+		super(props)
+		this.state = {
+			datas: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+			value: undefined,
+			columns: [
+				{
+					title: '文件',
+					dataIndex: 'number',
+					key: 'number',
+					align: 'left',
+					className: " font-14 wenjiantit",
+					width: '300px',
+					render: (text, record) => (
+						<div>
+							文件名字
+						</div>
+					)
+				},
+				{
+					title: '最后修改时间',
+					dataIndex: 'number',
+					key: 'number',
+					align: 'center',
+					className: "edu-txt-center font-14 zuihoushijian",
+					width: '125px',
+					render: (text, record) => (
+						<div>
+							2019-08-12 12:30
+						</div>
+					)
+				},
+				{
+					title: '最后修改人',
+					dataIndex: 'number',
+					key: 'number',
+					align: 'center',
+					className: "edu-txt-center font-14 ",
+					render: (text, record) => (
+						<div>
+							张大大
+						</div>
+					)
+				},
+				{
+					title: '文件大小',
+					dataIndex: 'number',
+					key: 'number',
+					align: 'center',
+					className: "edu-txt-center font-14 ",
+					render: (text, record) => (
+						<div>
+							1.88kb
+						</div>
+					)
+				},
+			],
+			page: 1,
+			limit: 5,
+			selectedRowKeys: [],
+			mylistansum:30,
+		}
+	}
+	componentDidMount() {
+		this.getdatas()
+	}
+	mysonChange = (e) => {
+		console.log(`全选checked = ${}`);
+		if ( === true) {
+			this.setState({
+				selectedRowKeys: this.state.datas,
+			})
+		} else {
+			this.setState({
+				selectedRowKeys: [],
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	getdatas = () => {
+	}
+	showModal = (id, status) => {
+	};
+	handleOk = (id, editid) => {
+	};
+	handleCancel = (e) => {
+	};
+	paginationonChanges = (pageNumber) => {
+		// //console.log('Page: ');
+		this.setState({
+			page: pageNumber,
+		})
+	}
+	onSelectChange = (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
+		console.log(`selectedRowKeys: ${selectedRowKeys}`, 'selectedRows: ', selectedRows);
+		this.setState(
+			{
+				selectedRowKeys
+			}
+		);
+	}
+	rowClassName = (record, index) => {
+		let className = 'light-row';
+		if (index % 2 === 1) className = 'dark-row';
+		return className;
+	}
+	render() {
+		const {tpmLoading, shixun, user, match} = this.props;
+		const {columns, datas, page, limit, selectedRowKeys,mylistansum} = this.state;
+		const rowSelection = {
+			selectedRowKeys,
+			onChange: this.onSelectChange,
+		};
+		// getCheckboxProps: record => ({
+		// 	disabled: === 'Disabled User', // Column configuration not to be checked
+		// 	name:,
+		// }),
+		return (
+			<React.Fragment>
+				<div className="tpmComment educontent clearfix mt30 mb80">
+					<div className="with65 fl edu-back-white commentsDelegateParent">
+						<TPMNav
+							match={match}
+							user={user}
+							shixun={shixun}
+							{...this.props}
+						></TPMNav>
+						<div className="padding20 edu-back-white mt20 " style={{minHeight: '463px'}}>
+							<div className="sortinxdirection">
+								<div className="tpmwidth"><Checkbox onChange={this.mysonChange}>全选</Checkbox></div>
+								<div className="tpmwidth xaxisreverseorder">
+									<div className="deletebuttom intermediatecenter "><p className="deletebuttomtest">上传文件</p></div>
+									{
+										mylistansum>0?
+											<div
+												className={selectedRowKeys.length > 0 ? "deletebutomtextcode  intermediatecenter mr21" : "deletebutom intermediatecenter mr21"}>
+												<p className="deletebutomtext">删除</p></div>
+											:""
+									}
+								</div>
+							</div>
+							<div className="mt24">
+								<style>{`
+              	          .ant-spin-nested-loading > div > .ant-spin .ant-spin-dot {
+																			top: 72%;}
+						                }
+						                .edu-table .ant-table-tbody > tr > td {
+														height: 42px;
+															}
+														.edu-table .ant-table-thead > tr > th{
+																 	height: 42px;
+														 }
+						                			.ysltableowss .ant-table-thead > tr > th{
+																 	height: 42px;
+														 }
+														 	.ysltableowss .ant-table-tbody > tr > td{
+																 	height: 42px;
+														 }
+														 .ysltableowss .ant-table-thead > tr > th, .ant-table-tbody > tr > td {
+													 padding: 9px;
+															}
+															.mysjysltable4 .ant-table-thead > tr > th, .ant-table-tbody > tr > td {
+													 padding: 0px;
+															}
+															.ant-table-thead .ant-table-selection-column  span{
+															visibility:hidden;
+															}
+															.ant-table-thead > tr > th {
+															    background:#FFFFFF !important;
+															}
+															.ant-table table {
+																width: 100%;
+																text-align: left;
+																border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
+																border-collapse: separate;
+																border-spacing: 0;
+																  border-left: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+																   border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+																    border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+														}
+																`}</style>
+								{mylistansum===0?
+									<style>
+										{
+											`
+											.ant-table-tbody{
+											display:none;
+											}
+						         	.ant-table table {
+											 border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee  !important;
+											}
+											`
+										}
+									</style>
+									:""
+								}
+								<div className="edu-table edu-back-white  ysltableowss">
+									<Table
+										dataSource={datas}
+										columns={columns}
+										pagination={false}
+										className="mysjysltable4"
+										rowSelection={rowSelection}
+										rowClassName={this.rowClassName}
+									/>
+								</div>
+								{
+									mylistansum>5?
+									<div className="edu-txt-center mt40 mb20">
+									<Pagination showQuickJumper current={page}
+									onChange={this.paginationonChanges} pageSize={limit}
+									total={mylistansum}
+									></Pagination>
+									</div>
+										:""
+								}
+								{	mylistansum===0?
+									<NoneData style={{width: '100%'}}></NoneData>:""
+								}
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+					<div className="with35 fr pl20">
+						<TPMRightSection
+							{...this.props}
+						/>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+			</React.Fragment>
+		);
+	}
+export default TPMDataset;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js
index 7fd389197..9c82e987d 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import TPMPropaedeuticsComponent from './TPMPropaedeuticsComponent';
 import TPMRanking_listComponent from './TPMRanking_listContainer';
 import TPMCollaboratorsComponent from './TPMCollaboratorsContainer';
 import Audit_situationComponent from './Audit_situationComponent';
+import TPMDataset from './TPMDataset';
 import '../page/tpiPage.css'
 const $ = window.$
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
           PropaedeuticsList: undefined,
+				  tpmindexjupyterbool:false,
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
         }).catch((error) => {
@@ -259,8 +260,8 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
       this.tpmContentResponseInterceptor = null;
     setLoadingContent = (isLoadingContent) => {
         this.setState({ loadingContent: isLoadingContent })
@@ -270,20 +271,29 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
     // }
   	render() {
         let url = window.location.href;
         let flag = url.indexOf("add_file")>-1;
         return (
             <div className="newMain clearfix">
+							  {/*头部*/}
-                    !flag && 
+                    !flag &&
+                   {/*筛选*/}
+							  {/*{*/}
+								{/*	tpmindexjupyterbool===false?*/}
+								{/*		:""*/}
+								{/*}*/}
+							{/*	*/}
                   <Switch {...this.props}>
                   <Route path="/shixuns/:shixunId/repository/:repoId/commits" render={
                       (props) => (<TPMRepositoryCommits {...this.props} {...this.state} {...props}
@@ -294,7 +304,7 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
                     <Route exact path="/shixuns/:shixunId/challenges" render={
-                      (props) => (<TPMChallengeComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} {...props}
+                      (props) => (<TPMChallengeComponent {...this.props} jupyterbool={true} {...this.state} {...props}
@@ -311,7 +321,7 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
                         (props) => (<TPMRepositoryComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} {...props} secret_repository_tab={true}
                     {/* <Route exact path="/shixuns/:shixunId/propaedeutics" component={TPMPropaedeuticsComponent}></Route> */}
                     <Route exact path="/shixuns/:shixunId/propaedeutics" render={
@@ -325,7 +335,7 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
                     {/* <Route exact path="/shixuns/:shixunId/repository/:shixunId/" component={TPMRepositoryComponent}></Route> */}
@@ -342,12 +352,17 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
                       (props) => (<TPMsettings {...this.props} {...this.state} {...props} />)
+                     {/*实训项目条目塞选*/}
                     <Route exact path="/shixuns/:shixunId/ranking_list" render={
                       (props) => (<TPMRanking_listComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} {...props}
+										<Route exact path="/shixuns/:shixunId/dataset" render={
+											(props) => (<TPMDataset {...this.props} {...this.state} {...props}
+											/>)
+										}></Route>
 										<Route exact path="/shixuns/:shixunId/audit_situation" render={
 											(props) => (<Audit_situationComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} {...props}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/component/TPMNav.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/component/TPMNav.js
index ff8f57aa5..9696f49c6 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/component/TPMNav.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/component/TPMNav.js
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ class TPMNav extends Component {
 		        <Link to={`/shixuns/${shixunId}/collaborators`}
 		        	className={`${match.url.indexOf('collaborators') != -1 ? 'active' : ''} fl mr40`}>合作者</Link>
+						 {/*jupyter*/}
+						<Link to={`/shixuns/${shixunId}/dataset`}
+									className={`${match.url.indexOf('dataset') != -1 ? 'active' : ''} fl mr40`}>数据集</Link>
 		        <Link to={`/shixuns/${shixunId}/shixun_discuss`}
 		        	className={`${match.url.indexOf('shixun_discuss') != -1 ? 'active' : ''} fl mr40`}>评论</Link>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Challenges/Challengesjupyter.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Challenges/Challengesjupyter.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b7abf44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Challenges/Challengesjupyter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react';
+import { Redirect } from 'react-router';
+import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import classNames from 'classnames';
+import { getImageUrl ,markdownToHTML, configShareForCustom} from 'educoder'
+import { CircularProgress } from 'material-ui/Progress';
+import { Modal, Spin, Tooltip ,message,Icon} from 'antd';
+import 'antd/lib/pagination/style/index.css';
+import '../shixunchildCss/Challenges.css'
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import axios from 'axios';
+import AccountProfile from"../../../user/AccountProfile";
+const $ = window.$;
+class Challengesjupyter extends Component {
+	constructor(props) {
+		super(props)
+		this.state = {
+			ChallengesDataList: undefined,
+			operate: true,
+			startbtns: false,
+			iFrameHeight: '0px'
+		}
+	}
+	ChallengesList = () => {
+		let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+		let ChallengesURL = `/shixuns/` + id + `/challenges.json`;
+		axios.get(ChallengesURL).then((response) => {
+			if (response.status === 200) {
+				if ( === 403|| === 401|| === 500) {
+				}else{
+					configShareForCustom(,
+					this.setState({
+						ChallengesDataList:,
+						sumidtype: false,
+					});
+				}
+			}
+		}).catch((error) => {
+			console.log(error)
+		});
+	}
+	componentDidMount() {
+		setTimeout(this.ChallengesList(), 1000);
+		// var iframe =
+		// 	document.getElementById('ifr1');
+		// console.log("iframe||||||||");
+		// console.log(iframe);
+		// if(iframe){
+		// 	// var headertest=test.contentWindow.document.getElementById('header');
+		// 	// console.log(headertest);
+		// 	var iwindow = iframe.contentWindow;
+		// 	var idoc = iwindow.document;
+		// 	console.log("window",iwindow);//获取iframe的window对象
+		// 	console.log("windowwindow",iwindow.document.getElementById('header'));//获取iwindow.document对象
+		// 	console.log("document",idoc);  //获取iframe的document
+		// 	console.log("documentdocument",idoc.getElementById('header'));
+		// 	console.log("html",idoc.documentElement);//获取iframe的html
+		// 	console.log("head",idoc.head);  //获取head
+		// 	console.log("body",idoc.body);  //获取body
+		// }
+	}
+	updatamakedown = (id) => {
+	}
+	// 关卡的上移下移操作
+	operations = (sumid, type) => {
+	}
+	delOperations = (sumid) => {
+	}
+	clonedelOperationss = () => {
+	}
+	delOperationss = () => {
+	}
+	startgameid=(id)=>{
+	}
+	hidestartshixunsreplace=(url)=>{
+	}
+	//编辑实训题目选择题
+	EditTraining=(type, ids, path)=>{
+	}
+	//开始实战按钮
+	startshixunCombat = (type, ids, id) => {
+	}
+	hidestartshixunCombattype=()=>{
+	}
+	hideAccountProfile=()=>{
+	};
+	modifyjupyter=()=>{
+		// var ifr =window.parent.frames["frame"].document;
+		// console.log(ifr);
+		var ifr = window.document.getElementById("ifr1");
+		console.log("modifyjupyter");
+		console.log(ifr);
+		const iframe = window.document.getElementById('ifr1');
+		console.log("modifyjupyter");
+		const frameWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
+		console.log(frameWindow);
+		const frameDocument = frameWindow.document;
+		console.log(frameDocument);
+		// window.addEventListener('load', () => {
+		// 	console.log('12313页面加载好了');
+		// 	const iframe = document.getElementById('ifr1');
+		// 	if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow && this.props.iframe_src) {
+		// 		console.log('32131231yes mounted');
+		// 		console.log(iframe.contentWindow);
+		// 	} else {
+		// 		console.log('3242242not mounted')
+		// 	}
+		// });
+		// var editor;
+		// editor = document.getElementById("ifr1").contentWindow;
+		// console.log(editor);
+		// window.onload = () => {
+		// 	var testwindow =
+		// 		document.getElementById('ifr1').contentWindow;
+		//
+		// }
+		// var iframe=window.frames["ifr1"];
+		// 	// var title =${'ifr1'}
+		// console.log("iframe");
+		// console.log(iframe);
+		// var frames = window.frames; // 或 // var frames = window.parent.frames;
+		// for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
+		// 	// 在这对frames的一个frame做点什么
+		// 	// frames[i] = "red";
+		// 	console.log(frames[i]);
+		//
+		// }
+		// var idoc = iframe.document;
+	 // console.log(idoc);
+		// var iwindow = title.contentWindow;
+		// console.log("iwindow");
+		// console.log(iwindow);
+		// var idoc = iwindow.document;
+		// console.log(idoc);
+		// window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessageFromParent, false);
+		//
+		// let messageButton = document.getElementById('message_button');
+		// /* console.log('msg button', messageButton); annoataion cannot use \/\/  */
+		// messageButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
+		// 	console.log('iframe send msg');
+		// 	console.log('parent', window.parent);
+		// 	console.log('top container',;
+		// 	window.parent.postMessage('This is child', '*');
+		// }, false);
+		// var iframe = $('#ifr1');
+		// console.log(iframe.context.find('#save-notbook'));
+		// console.log("iframe");
+		// console.log(iframe)
+		// title.window.say();  //myFrame.say();也可
+		//
+		// title.window.document.getElementById("button").value="保存并检查";
+		//find button inside iframe
+		// let button = iframe.contents().find('#save-notbook');
+		// //trigger button click
+		// button.trigger("click");
+			// console.log("iframe||||||||");
+			// if(iframe){
+			// 	var iwindow = iframe.contentWindow;
+			// 	var idoc = iwindow.document;
+			// 	console.log("window",iwindow);//获取iframe的window对象
+			// 	console.log("document",idoc);  //获取iframe的document
+			// 	console.log("html",idoc.documentElement);//获取iframe的html
+			// 	console.log("head",idoc.head);  //获取head
+			// 	console.log("body",idoc.body);  //获取body
+			// }
+		// var test =
+		// 	document.getElementById('ifr1').contentWindow.document.getElementById('header');
+		// = "#333";
+	}
+	render() {
+		let{ChallengesDataList}=this.state;
+		let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+// 		var deptObjs=document.getElementById("IFRAMEID").contentWindow.document.getElementById("TAGID");
+// //判断此元素是否存在
+// 		if(deptObjs!=null){
+// 			//设置该元素的样式或其他属性
+// 			deptObjs.setAttribute('style',' height: 20px !important;'); //!important用来提升指定样式条目的应用优先权
+// 		}
+// 		var submitObj = document.getElementById('submit');
+// 		if(submitObj){
+// = 'green';
+// 		}
+// 		const dom = document.getElementById('shutdown');
+// 		ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(dom)
+// 		// window.$('#picture_display').hide();
+// 		window.$('.data-tip-right').hide()
+// 		window.onload=()=>{
+// 			debugger
+// 			var _iframe = document.getElementById('header');
+// 			console.log(_iframe);
+// 			// 	.contentWindow.document.getElementById('shutdown_widget')   //get iframe下的id
+// 			// "none";  //修改样式
+// 		}
+		return (
+			<React.Fragment>
+				<div className="mt30 pl20 pr20" >
+					<p className="clearfix mb20">
+						<span className="font-16 fl">简介</span>
+						<Tooltip placement="bottom" title={"编辑"}>
+							<a style={{ display: this.props.identity < 5 && ChallengesDataList&&ChallengesDataList.shixun_status < 3 ? "block" : 'none' }}
+								 href={"/shixuns/" + id + "/settings?edit=1"} className="ring-green fr">
+								<img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/icon/edit.svg")} className="fl mt3 ml2" />
+							</a>
+						</Tooltip>
+					</p>
+					<div className="justify break_full_word new_li "
+							 id="challenge_editorMd_description">
+						<p id="ReactMarkdown" style={{overflow:'hidden'}}>
+							{ChallengesDataList === undefined ? "" :ChallengesDataList&&ChallengesDataList.description===null?"":
+								<div className={"markdown-body"} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: markdownToHTML(ChallengesDataList.description).replace(/▁/g,"▁▁▁")}}></div>
+							}
+						</p>
+						<style>
+							{
+								`
+								.intermediatecenter{
+								display: flex;
+								flex-direction: column;
+								align-items: center;
+								justify-content: center;
+								}
+								.sortinxdirection{
+									display: flex;
+									flex-direction:row;
+									}
+									.xaxisreverseorder{
+									display: flex;
+									flex-direction:row-reverse;
+									}
+								`
+							}
+						</style>
+						<div className="sortinxdirection mt60">
+							<div className="renwuxiangssi sortinxdirection">
+								<div><p className="renwuxiangqdiv">任务详情</p></div> <div><p className="renwuxiangqdivtest ml24">示例</p></div>
+							</div>
+							<div  className="renwuxiangssit xaxisreverseorder"><div className="challenbaocun" onClick={()=>this.modifyjupyter()}><p className="challenbaocuntest">保存</p></div></div>
+						</div>
+						<style>
+							{
+								`
+								iframe {
+									border-width: 0px;
+									border-style: inset;
+									border-color: initial;
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+							iframe {
+								  border-left: 1px solid #eeeeee;
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+									border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+									border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+							}
+							#header{
+							visibility:hidden;
+							}
+								`
+							}
+						</style>
+						<div className="mt35">
+							{/**/}
+							<div className="pb47">
+						<iframe src="" scrolling="no" id="ifr1" name="frame" width="100%" height="700" frameborder="0"
+						></iframe>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+			</React.Fragment>
+		)
+	}
+export default Challengesjupyter;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.css b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.css
index 31917086f..4c45f581d 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.css
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.css
@@ -6,4 +6,126 @@
     line-height: 27px;
     vertical-align: 1px;
\ No newline at end of file
+/* 中间居中 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+/* 简单居中 */
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-around;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+/* 头顶部居中 */
+    display: -webkit-flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+/* x轴正方向排序 */
+/* 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:row;
+/* x轴反方向排序 */
+/* 八    七   六  五   四  三  二 一 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:row-reverse;
+/* 垂直布局 正方向*/
+/* 一
+ 二
+ 三
+ 四
+ 五
+ 六
+ 七
+ 八 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:column;
+/* 垂直布局 反方向*/
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:column-reverse;
+    width: 50%;
+    width: 90%;
+    width: 10%;
+    width: 110px;
+    color: #A8A8A8;
+    font-size:16px;
+    color: #000000;
+    font-size: 18px;
+    width:60px;
+    height:28px;
+    border-radius:3px;
+    border:1px solid #F38B03;
+    width:60px;
+    height:28px;
+    font-size:16px;
+    color:#F38B03;
+    line-height:28px;
+    text-align: center;
+    width: 18px;
+    width: 150px;
+    max-width: 150px;
+    overflow:hidden;
+    text-overflow:ellipsis;
+    white-space:nowrap;
+    cursor: default;
+    color: #000000;
+    font-size: 16px;
+    color: #4CACFF;
+    font-size: 16px;
+    border-left: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+    border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+    border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.js
index d67599bf1..51e56a601 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/Collaborators/Collaborators.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import React, { Component } from 'react';
 import { Redirect } from 'react-router';
-import {Modal, Button, Radio, Input, Checkbox,message,Spin, Icon} from 'antd';
+import {Modal, Button, Radio, Input, Checkbox,message,Spin, Icon,Pagination} from 'antd';
 import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ class Collaborators extends Component {
-					  useristrue:false
+					  useristrue:false,
+					  mylistansum:6,
+					  limit:20,
     componentDidMount() {
@@ -434,7 +436,10 @@ class Collaborators extends Component {
-				  	useristrue
+				  	useristrue,
+					  mylistansum,
+					  page,
+					  limit
         } = this.state;
         let {loadingContent} = this.props;
         const radioStyle = {
@@ -448,18 +453,26 @@ class Collaborators extends Component {
 		return (
-                <p className="clearfix mt30"
-                   style={{display:this.props.identity<5?"block":"none"}}
+                <p className=" mt30 sortinxdirection"
+                   style={{display:this.props.identity<5?"flex":"none"}}
-                    <a onClick={() => this.showCollaboratorsvisible("cooperation")}
-                       className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn fr mr20 height40"
-                       data-remote="true">
-                        <span className={"line27"}>+ </span>添加合作者
-                    </a>
-                    <a onClick={() => this.showCollaboratorsvisible("admin")}
-                       style={{display:this.props.identity===1?"block":"none"}}
-                       data-remote="true"
-                       className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn fr mr20 height40">更换管理员</a>
+									<div className="yslwushiwidth">
+										<p  className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  ml20 height40 yslwushiwidthcolortest">共12人</p>
+									</div>
+									<div className="yslwushiwidth xaxisreverseorder">
+										<a onClick={() => this.showCollaboratorsvisible("cooperation")}
+											 className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr20 height40 yslwushiwidthbuton"
+											 data-remote="true">
+											<span className={"line27"}>+ </span>添加合作者
+										</a>
+										<a onClick={() => this.showCollaboratorsvisible("admin")}
+											 style={{display:this.props.identity===1?"flex":"none"}}
+											 data-remote="true"
+											 className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr20 height40 yslwushiwidthbuton">更换管理员</a>
+									</div>
@@ -537,6 +550,8 @@ class Collaborators extends Component {
 									<span className="fl edu-txt-w100 task-hide font-bd">职业</span>
 									<span className="fl edu-txt-w180 task-hide font-bd ml80">单位</span>
 								<div className="mt5" style={{background: '#f7f9fd'}}>
 									<Spin indicator={antIcon} spinning={this.state.spinnings}>
 										<div className="clearfix">
@@ -584,39 +599,58 @@ class Collaborators extends Component {
 										 onClick={() => this.submit_add_collaborators_form()}>确定</a>
+							<style>
+								{
+									`
+									.collaborators-item-middles{width: 100% !important;    margin-left: 20px;}
+									.ysltithead{
+									    padding-bottom: 20px;
+									}
+									`
+								}
+							</style>
                 <div  className="pl20" id="collaborators_list_info">
-                                <div className="collaborators-item clearfix" key={key}>
-                                    <a href={item.user.user_url} target="_blank" className="mr20 fl">
-                                        <img alt="用户头像" className="radius" height="80" src={getImageUrl("images/"+item.user.image_url)} width="80"/></a>
-                                    <div className="fl collaborators-item-middle">
-                                        <p className="mb10">
-                                            <a href={item.user.user_url} target="_blank">{}</a>
-                                            <span className="ml20"  style={{display:this.props.power===false?"none":"inline-block"}}>{item.user.shixun_manager === true ? "(管理员)" : ""}</span>
-                                        </p>
+                                <div className="collaborators-item clearfix sortinxdirection ysltithead" key={key}>
+                                <a href={item.user.user_url} target="_blank" className="mr20 fl">
+                                   <img alt="用户头像" className="radius" height="80" src={getImageUrl("images/"+item.user.image_url)} width="80"/></a>
-                                        <p className="color-grey-B2 font-12 mb10"><span className="mr20">{item.user.identity}</span><span>{item.user.school_name}</span></p>
-                                        <p className="mb10">
-                                            <span className="mr20">发布&nbsp;&nbsp;{item.user.user_shixuns_count}</span>
-                                            {/*<span>粉丝&nbsp;&nbsp;*/}
-                                            {/*<span id="user_h_fan_count">{item.user.fans_count}</span>*/}
-                                            {/*</span>*/}
-                                        </p>
+																	<div className="fl collaborators-item-middles">
+                                        <p className="mb10 ">
+                                            <a href={item.user.user_url} target="_blank" className="yslusername">{}</a>
-                                        {/* <p className="color-grey-B2 task-hide">{item.user.brief_introduction}</p> */}
+																					<span className={item&&item.user&&item.user.shixun_manager === true?"ml20 yslusercjz ":"ml20"}  style={{display:this.props.power===false?"none":"inline-block"}}><p className="yslusercjztest">{item.user.shixun_manager === true ? "创建者" : ""}</p></span>
+                                        </p>
+                                        <p className="color-grey-B2 font-12 mb10 sortinxdirection mt14">
+																					<p className="yslwushiwidth90 sortinxdirection">
+																						<p className="mr20 font-16 w70">{item.user.identity}</p>
+																						<p className={item.user.school_name===null||item.user.school_name===""?"":"mr40 font-16 maxnamewidth150"}>{item.user.school_name}</p>
+																						<p className="fabushixunwidth">发布实训项目&nbsp;&nbsp;<span className="fabushixunwidthcolor ml2">{item.user.user_shixuns_count}</span></p>
+																					</p>
+																					<div className="xaxisreverseorder yslwushiwidth10">
+																						{item.user.shixun_manager === true ? "" :
+																							<i className="iconfont icon-shanchu newbianji1 color-grey-c   font-16 w40"
+																								 style={{display: this.props.power === false ? "none" : "block"}}
+																								 onClick={() => this.collaborators_delete(item.user.user_id)}>
+																							</i>
+																						}
+																					</div>
+                                        </p>
+                                        {/*<p className="mb10">*/}
+                                        {/*  */}
+                                        {/*    /!*<span>粉丝&nbsp;&nbsp;*!/*/}
+                                        {/*    /!*<span id="user_h_fan_count">{item.user.fans_count}</span>*!/*/}
+                                        {/*    /!*</span>*!/*/}
+                                        {/*</p>*/}
+                                        {/* <p className="color-grey-B2 task-hide">{item.user.brief_introduction}</p> */}
-                                    {item.user.shixun_manager === true ? "" : <a className="fr color-grey-c mr40 mt35 font-16"
-                                                                                 style={{display: this.props.power === false ? "none" : "block"}}
-                                                                                 onClick={() => this.collaborators_delete(item.user.user_id)}>删除</a>}
                                     {/*<a href="/watchers/unwatch?object_id=3039&amp;object_type=user&amp;shixun_id=61&amp;target_id=3039" className="fr user_default_btn user_private_btn mt30 font-16 mr20" data-method="post" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow">取消关注</a>*/}
@@ -646,8 +680,19 @@ class Collaborators extends Component {
                 style={{textAlign:'center',borderTop:'1px solid #eee'}}>
-                <a className="loadMore" onClick={this.loadMore}>加载更多</a>
-              </div>
+                {/*<a className="loadMore" onClick={this.loadMore}>加载更多</a>*/}
+								{
+									mylistansum>5?
+										<div className="edu-txt-center mt40 mb40">
+											<Pagination showQuickJumper current={page}
+																	onChange={this.paginationonChanges} pageSize={limit}
+																	total={mylistansum}
+											></Pagination>
+										</div>
+										:""
+								}
+							</div>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/shixunchildCss/Challenges.css b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/shixunchildCss/Challenges.css
index 493a95301..1fe5bf652 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/shixunchildCss/Challenges.css
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixunchild/shixunchildCss/Challenges.css
@@ -25,4 +25,44 @@
     height: 27px;
     line-height: 25px;
\ No newline at end of file
+    width:80px;
+    height:30px;
+    background:#29BD8B;
+    border-radius:3px;
+    width:80px;
+    height:30px;
+    font-size:16px;
+    color:#FFFFFF;
+    text-align: center;
+    line-height:30px;
+    width:72px;
+    height:30px;
+    font-size:18px;
+    color:#000000;
+    line-height:30px;
+    width:32px;
+    height:30px;
+    font-size:16px;
+    font-family:MicrosoftYaHei;
+    color:#4CACFF;
+    line-height:30px;
+    width: 30%;
+    width: 70%;
+    padding-bottom: 47px;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunCard.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunCard.js
index 9f62ed6b7..19908d0dd 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunCard.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunCard.js
@@ -95,6 +95,33 @@ class ShixunCard extends Component {
 														left: 10px;
 														bottom: 125px;
+												.tag-org{
+													position: absolute;
+														left: 0px;
+														top: 20px;
+												}
+												.tag-org-name{
+												width:66px;
+												height:28px;
+												background:#FF6802;
+												width:66px;
+												height:28px;
+												border-radius:0px 20px 20px 0px;
+												}
+												.tag-org-name-test{
+												width:45px;
+												height:23px;
+												font-size:14px;
+												color:#FFFFFF;
+												line-height:19px;
+                        margin-right: 6px;
+												}
+												.intermediatecenter{
+														display: flex;
+														flex-direction: column;
+														align-items: center;
+														justify-content: center;
+												}
@@ -105,6 +132,10 @@ class ShixunCard extends Component {
                           {/*<img style={{display:'block',height: '28px'}} src={require(`./shixunCss/tag2.png`)}/>*/}
+												<div className="tag-org">
+													<p className="tag-org-name intermediatecenter"> <span className="tag-org-name-test">Jupyter</span></p>
+													{/*<img style={{display:'block',height: '28px'}} src={require(`./shixunCss/tag2.png`)}/>*/}
+												</div>
                     <div className={item.power === false ? "closeSquare" : "none"}>
                       <img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/icon/lockclose.svg")}
                            className="mt80 mb25"/>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunsIndex.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunsIndex.js
index 15579610d..581301766 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunsIndex.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/shixuns/ShixunsIndex.js
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ class ShixunsIndex extends Component {
+                     {/*下方图片*/}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/tpmmodel/tpmmodel.css b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/tpmmodel/tpmmodel.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b45f9e6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/tpmmodel/tpmmodel.css
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    border: 1px solid;
+/* 中间居中 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+/* 简单居中 */
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-around;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+/* 头顶部居中 */
+    display: -webkit-flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+/* x轴正方向排序 */
+/* 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:row;
+/* x轴反方向排序 */
+/* 八    七   六  五   四  三  二 一 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:row-reverse;
+/* 垂直布局 正方向*/
+/* 一
+ 二
+ 三
+ 四
+ 五
+ 六
+ 七
+ 八 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:column;
+/* 垂直布局 反方向*/
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:column-reverse;
+    width:85px;
+    height:30px;
+    background:#C4C4C4;
+    border-radius:3px;
+    width:28px;
+    height:19px;
+    font-size:14px;
+    color:#FFFFFF;
+    line-height:19px;
+    width:85px;
+    height:30px;
+    background:#29BD8B;
+    border-radius:3px;
+    width:56px;
+    height:19px;
+    font-size:14px;
+    color:#FFFFFF;
+    line-height:19px;
+    width: 50%;
+    margin-right: 21px;
+    width: 300px;
+    width: 125px;
+    width: 70px;
+    width: 56px;
+    width:85px;
+    height:30px;
+    background:#FF5555;
+    border-radius:3px;
+    background: #F7F7F8;
+    background: #FFFFFF;
diff --git a/public/react/src/search/SearchPage.js b/public/react/src/search/SearchPage.js
index 1bf1d83d4..1a2b43440 100644
--- a/public/react/src/search/SearchPage.js
+++ b/public/react/src/search/SearchPage.js
@@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
+			jupyterbool:false,
-		// course 课堂,	shixun 开发社区  subject 实践课程  memo 交流问答
+		// course 2 课堂,	shixun 0 实训项目  subject  1 实践课程  memo  3交流问答
    let types ="";
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
 		}).then((response) => {
 			this.setState({ loading: false })
 			if(response === undefined){
@@ -193,10 +194,23 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
 												<div className={"font-16 color-dark fl "} style={{width:"100%"}} >
-													<span className={"markdown-body fonttext"}
-															 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:item.title}}/>
+													<div className="sortinxdirection jupytertextheig" style={{width:"100%"}}>
+														{
+															type==="shixun"?
+																<div className="jupytertext intermediatecenter "><p className="jupytertextp">Jupyter</p></div>
+																:""
+														}
+														<span className={"markdown-body fonttext ml9"}
+																	dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:item.title}}/>
+													</div>
 													{item.content.content === undefined || item.content.content===0?"":, key4) => {
 														return (
 															<span className={"markdown-body magr11 fontextcolor"}
@@ -221,8 +235,8 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
 													{item.content.challenge_names === undefined || item.content.challenge_names===0?"":, key5) => {
 														return (
 															<div className={"df"}>
@@ -269,13 +283,13 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
 														{/* <span className="ziticor">
 															<i className="fa fa-user ziticor"></i><span className="ml10">主讲:{item.author_name}</span>
-														<span className="ml10 ziticor "><span>{item.author_school_name}</span></span>  
+														<span className="ml10 ziticor "><span>{item.author_school_name}</span></span>
 														<span className="ml20 ziticor">
 															<i className="iconfont icon-shixunguanqia ziticor"></i>
 																<span className="ml10 ziticor">{item.challenges_count===undefined?0:item.challenges_count}</span>
-														</span> 
+														</span>
 														<span className="ml20 ziticor">
 															<i className="iconfont icon-chengyuan ziticor"></i>
@@ -287,7 +301,7 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
 															{/* <i className="fa fa-user ziticor"></i> */}
 															<span className="">{item.author_name}</span></span>
 															<span className="ml10 ziticor "><span>{item.author_school_name}</span>
-														</span>  
+														</span>
 														{!!item.challenges_count && <span className="ml20 ziticor">
 															{/* <i className="iconfont icon-shixunguanqia ziticor"></i> */}
@@ -325,7 +339,7 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
 															{/* <i className="iconfont icon-huifu1 ziticor"></i> */}
 															<span>回复数:<span className="ml10 ziticor">{item.all_replies_count}</span></span>
 														</span> }
 														{/* <span className="ml20 ziticor">
 															<i className="iconfont icon-chengyuan ziticor"></i>
@@ -368,4 +382,4 @@ class SearchPage extends Component{
-export default SnackbarHOC() (TPMIndexHOC  ( SearchPage ));
\ No newline at end of file
+export default SnackbarHOC() (TPMIndexHOC  ( SearchPage ));
diff --git a/public/react/src/search/searchc.css b/public/react/src/search/searchc.css
index 15c34650b..f2fb9ce85 100644
--- a/public/react/src/search/searchc.css
+++ b/public/react/src/search/searchc.css
@@ -131,4 +131,45 @@
     margin-top: 20px;
     display: flex;
\ No newline at end of file
+    width:54px;
+    height:24px;
+    background:#FF6802;
+    border-radius:2px 10px 10px 2px;
+    margin-top: 2px;
+    text-align: center;
+    width:39px;
+    height:16px;
+    font-size:12px;
+    color:#FFFFFF;
+    line-height:16px;
+/* x轴正方向排序 */
+/* 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:row;
+/* x轴反方向排序 */
+/* 八    七   六  五   四  三  二 一 */
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction:row-reverse;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+    height: 32px;
+    line-height: 32px;
+    margin-left: 9px;