diff --git a/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js b/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js
index e504d2fb6..7990f9557 100644
--- a/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js
+++ b/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module.exports = {
// See the discussion in https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues/343.s
// devtool: "cheap-module-eval-source-map",
// 开启调试
- devtool: "eval-source-map", // 开启调试
+ // devtool: "eval-source-map", // 开启调试
// These are the "entry points" to our application.
// This means they will be the "root" imports that are included in JS bundle.
// The first two entry points enable "hot" CSS and auto-refreshes for JS.
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/style.css b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/style.css
index c704a9c93..cf438a6a4 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/style.css
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/style.css
@@ -43,3 +43,14 @@
.TopicDetailTable .bottomBody li{border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;clear: both;}
.TopicDetailTable .bottomBody li:last-child{border-bottom: none;}
+ width: 40px;
+ height: 24px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ /* border: 1px solid rgba(76,172,255,1); */
+ /* color: #4CACFF!important; */
+ float: left;
+ /* border-radius: 4px; */
+ text-align: center;
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/tasks/GraduationAcross.js b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/tasks/GraduationAcross.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98cb883d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/courses/graduation/tasks/GraduationAcross.js
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+import React, { Component } from 'react';
+import { Modal , Radio , Table , Pagination , Select ,Divider ,Icon , Input,Checkbox } from "antd";
+import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'
+import axios from 'axios';
+import '../style.css'
+const RadioGroup = Radio.Group;
+const { Option } = Select;
+const $ = window.$;
+const bindTableColumn=(that)=>{
+ let { course_groups }=that.state
+ const filter=course_groups && course_groups.map((i,key)=>{
+ let list={
+ value: i.id,
+ text: i.name
+ }
+ return list;
+ })
+ const columns = [
+ {
+ title: '序号',
+ dataIndex: 'index',
+ key: 'index',
+ width:"50px",
+ className:"edu-txt-center",
+ render: (id, student, index) => {
+ return (that.state.page - 1) * that.state.limit + index + 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: '姓名',
+ dataIndex: 'user_name',
+ key: 'user_name',
+ render: (user_name, line, index) => {
+ return(
+ {user_name}
+ )
+ }
+ },{
+ title: '学号',
+ dataIndex: 'student_id',
+ key: 'student_id',
+ render: (student_id, line, index) => {
+ return(
+ {student_id}
+ )
+ }
+ },{
+ title: '分班',
+ dataIndex: 'course_group_name',
+ key: 'course_group_name',
+ filters:filter,
+ render: (course_group_name, line, index) => {
+ return(
+ {course_group_name}
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ ];
+ if(that.state.comment_status == 2){
+ columns.push({
+ title: '交叉评阅老师',
+ dataIndex: 'cross_teachers',
+ key: 'cross_teachers',
+ width:"200px",
+ render: (cross_teachers, line, index) => {
+ return(
+ {cross_teachers}
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ }else{
+ columns.push({
+ title: '答辩组',
+ dataIndex: 'cross_groups',
+ key: 'cross_groups',
+ width:"200px",
+ render: (cross_groups, line, index) => {
+ return(
+ {cross_groups}
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if(course_groups&&course_groups.length===0){
+ columns.some((item,key)=> {
+ if (item.title === "分班") {
+ columns.splice(key, 1)
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return columns;
+class GraduationAcross extends Component{
+ constructor(props){
+ super(props);
+ this.state={
+ comment_status:2,
+ page:1,
+ limit:7,
+ group_ids:undefined,
+ users:undefined,
+ user_count:undefined,
+ graduation_groups:undefined,
+ course_groups:undefined,
+ teachers:undefined,
+ tableLoading:false,
+ chooseCount:0,
+ chooseId:undefined,
+ AcrossTeamIds:undefined,
+ searchValue:undefined,
+ showflag:false
+ }
+ }
+ // 根据分班筛选
+ filterByGroup=(value,record)=>{
+ console.log(value);
+ console.log(record)
+ }
+ // 切换分配方式
+ funcommentstatus = (e) =>{
+ this.setState({
+ comment_status:e.target.value,
+ chooseCount:0,
+ chooseId:[],
+ AcrossTeamIds:undefined,
+ searchValue:undefined,
+ showflag:false,
+ page:1
+ })
+ let { group_ids }=this.state;
+ this.getList(1,group_ids,e.target.value);
+ }
+ componentDidMount =()=>{
+ let { comment_status }=this.props;
+ let { page,group_ids }=this.state;
+ this.setState({
+ comment_status
+ })
+ this.getList(page,group_ids,comment_status);
+ window.addEventListener('click', this.clickOther)
+ }
+ clickOther = (e) =>{
+ if(e.target && e.target.matches('#acrossContent') || e.target.matches(".ant-modal-body")
+ || e.target.matches(".acrossfoot") || e.target.matches(".acrossHead") || e.target.matches ('.ant-radio-wrapper') ||
+ e.target.matches("th") || e.target.matches("td")) {
+ this.setState({
+ showflag:false
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ window.removeEventListener('click', this.clickOther);
+ }
+ getList=(page,group_ids,comment_status)=>{
+ let { limit }=this.state;
+ let { task_Id }=this.props;
+ this.setState({
+ tableLoading:true
+ })
+ let url=`/graduation_tasks/${task_Id}/cross_comment_setting.json`;
+ axios.get((url),{params:{
+ page,limit,group_ids,comment_status
+ }}).then((result)=>{
+ if(result){
+ this.setState({
+ users:result.data.work_users && result.data.work_users.map((item,key)=>{
+ let list = {
+ key:item.work_id,
+ course_group_name:item.course_group_name,
+ cross_teachers: item.cross_teachers,
+ student_id:item.student_id,
+ user_name:item.user_name,
+ work_id:item.work_id
+ }
+ return list;
+ }),
+ user_count:result.data.user_count,
+ graduation_groups:result.data.graduation_groups,
+ course_groups:result.data.course_groups,
+ teachers:result.data.teachers,
+ tableLoading:false,
+ // AcrossTeamIds:result.data
+ })
+ }
+ }).catch((error)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ tableLoading:false
+ })
+ console.log(error);
+ })
+ }
+ // 切换分页
+ onPageChange=(page)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ page,
+ showflag:false
+ })
+ let{group_ids,comment_status}=this.state;
+ this.getList(page,group_ids,comment_status);
+ }
+ // 下拉切换
+ changeSelect = (AcrossTeamIds) =>{
+ console.log(AcrossTeamIds)
+ this.setState({
+ AcrossTeamIds
+ })
+ }
+ // 重置
+ clearSelect =()=>{
+ this.setState({
+ AcrossTeamIds:undefined,
+ searchValue:undefined
+ })
+ }
+ // 确定分配
+ sureAcross=()=>{
+ let { AcrossTeamIds , chooseId , group_ids , comment_status,page }=this.state;
+ let { task_Id }=this.props;
+ let type = comment_status == 2 ? "user_ids" : "graduation_group_ids";
+ let url=`/graduation_tasks/${task_Id}/assign_works.json`;
+ if(!AcrossTeamIds || (AcrossTeamIds && AcrossTeamIds.length==0)){
+ this.props.showNotification(`请先选择${ comment_status == 2 ? "老师": "答辩组" }!`);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!chooseId || (chooseId && chooseId.length==0)){
+ this.props.showNotification("请先选择毕设作品!");
+ return;
+ }
+ axios.post((url),{
+ [type]:AcrossTeamIds,
+ work_ids:chooseId
+ }).then((result)=>{
+ if(result){
+ this.props.showNotification(result.data.message);
+ this.getList(page,group_ids,comment_status);
+ this.setState({
+ showflag:false,
+ AcrossTeamIds:undefined,
+ chooseCount:0,
+ chooseId:[]
+ })
+ }
+ }).catch((error)=>{
+ console.log(error);
+ })
+ }
+ // 筛选
+ handleTableChange =(pagination, filters, sorter)=>{
+ console.log(filters.course_group_name)
+ // if(filters.course_group_name.length > 0){
+ this.setState({
+ page:1,
+ group_ids:filters.course_group_name
+ })
+ let { comment_status }= this.state;
+ this.getList(1,filters.course_group_name,comment_status);
+ // }
+ }
+ // 下拉搜索
+ changeSearchValue=(e)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ searchValue:e.target.value
+ })
+ }
+ // 显示下拉
+ changeFlag=(flag)=>{
+ this.setState({
+ showflag:flag
+ })
+ }
+ checkonChange=(e,list)=>{
+ let newlist=[]
+ // AcrossTeamIds
+ let {comment_status}=this.state;
+ if(e.target.checked===true){
+ if(comment_status===2){
+ list.map((item,key)=>{
+ newlist.push(String(item.user_id))
+ })
+ this.setState({
+ AcrossTeamIds:newlist
+ })
+ }else{
+ list.map((item,key)=>{
+ newlist.push(String(item.id))
+ })
+ this.setState({
+ AcrossTeamIds:newlist
+ })
+ }
+ }else{
+ this.setState({
+ AcrossTeamIds:undefined
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ render(){
+ let {
+ comment_status,
+ users,
+ user_count,
+ graduation_groups,
+ course_groups,
+ teachers,
+ page,
+ limit,
+ tableLoading,
+ chooseCount,
+ chooseId,
+ AcrossTeamIds,
+ searchValue,showflag
+ } = this.state;
+ let { modalVisible } = this.props;
+ let courseId = this.props.match.params.coursesId;
+ const radioStyle = {
+ display: 'block',
+ height: '30px',
+ lineHeight: '30px',
+ marginRight:'0px'
+ };
+ const rowSelection = {
+ // 选中行的key,选中行
+ onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
+ this.setState({
+ chooseId:selectedRowKeys,
+ chooseCount:selectedRowKeys.length,
+ showflag:false
+ })
+ console.log(selectedRowKeys);
+ },
+ selectedRowKeys:chooseId,
+ getCheckboxProps: record => ({
+ disabled: record.name === 'Disabled User', // Column configuration not to be checked
+ name: record.name,
+ }),
+ };
+ // 筛选下拉列表
+ const teacherList = searchValue ? teachers&&teachers.filter(e=>e.user_name.indexOf(searchValue)>-1) : teachers;
+ const course_groupsList = searchValue ? course_groups&&course_groups.filter(e=>e.name.indexOf(searchValue)>-1) : course_groups;
+ return(
{questionslist.course_name} > @@ -436,7 +468,7 @@ class GraduationTaskDetail extends Component{ {/*项目在线质量检测*/} { this.props.isAdmin() ? questionslist.status===1 ? { this.end()} }>立即截止 : "" : "" } { this.props.isAdmin() ? questionslist.status===0 ? { this.publish()} }>立即发布 : "" : "" } - + { this.props.isAdmin() && questionslist.cross_comment ? 交叉评阅设置 : "" } { this.props.isAdmin() ? 编辑任务 : "" }
{tag.name} -
this.showModulationtype(tag.id):tag.name==="分配"?taskslistdata&&taskslistdata.cross_comment===true?"":()=>this.showAllocationModal(tag.id):""}> + {tag.name==="分配"?taskslistdata&&taskslistdata.cross_comment===true?"":tag.name:tag.name} +