diff --git a/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js b/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js
index 4e28af31f..d1092894a 100644
--- a/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js
+++ b/public/react/config/webpack.config.dev.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const env = getClientEnvironment(publicUrl);
 module.exports = {
   // You may want 'eval' instead if you prefer to see the compiled output in DevTools.
   // See the discussion in https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues/343.s
-	devtool: "cheap-module-eval-source-map",
+	//devtool: "cheap-module-eval-source-map",
   // 开启调试
 	//devtool: "source-map",  // 开启调试
   // These are the "entry points" to our application.
diff --git a/public/react/public/css/edu-all.css b/public/react/public/css/edu-all.css
index 0b7f126be..7bda233fe 100644
--- a/public/react/public/css/edu-all.css
+++ b/public/react/public/css/edu-all.css
@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ label.infolabel{display: block;float: left;width: 56px;text-align: right;margin-
 .task-colspan{min-width:25%;text-align: left;display: block;float: left;color: #999; }
 .colspan-grey{border-radius: 12px;background-color: #E6E6E6;padding: 3px 10px;color: #747A7F}
-.challenge_nav{padding: 40px 20px 0px 20px;border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;}
-.challenge_nav li{width: auto;float: left;margin-right: 40px;position: relative}
-.challenge_nav li.active:after{position: absolute;content: '';width: 50%;background-color: #4CACFF;height: 3px;border-radius: 2px;left: 25%;bottom: 0px;}
+.challenge_nav{padding: 20px 20px 0px 20px;border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;}
+.challenge_nav li{width: auto;float: left;margin-right: 20px;position: relative}
+.challenge_nav li.active:after{position: absolute;content: '';width: 76%;background-color: #4CACFF;height: 3px;border-radius: 2px;left: 25%;bottom: 0px;}
 .challenge_nav li a{display: block;width: 100%;padding-bottom: 20px;}
 .add_choose_type{width: 60px;height: 20px;line-height: 19px;border-radius: 2px;background-color: #eaeaea;color: #999!important;display: block;float: left;text-align: center;margin-top: 4px;}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js
index 14981c363..f79301be0 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMBanner.js
@@ -130,16 +130,19 @@ class TPMBanner extends Component {
         if(this.props.shixunsDetails&&this.props.shixunsDetails.shixun_status === 0 && this.props.identity < 5){
-          if(shixunopenprocess===undefined||shixunopenprocess===false||shixunopenprocess===null){
-            this.setState({
-              openknow:true
-            })
-          }else{
-            this.setState({
-              openknow:false
-            })
+          if(this.props.user&&this.props.user.user_id){
+            if(shixunopenprocess===undefined||shixunopenprocess===false||shixunopenprocess===null){
+              this.setState({
+                openknow:true
+              })
+            }else{
+              this.setState({
+                openknow:false
+              })
+            }
-        }
+          }
@@ -150,14 +153,16 @@ class TPMBanner extends Component {
         if(this.props.shixunsDetails&&this.props.shixunsDetails.shixun_status === 2 && this.props.shixunsDetails&&this.props.shixunsDetails.public===0 && this.props.identity < 5){
-          if(openopenpublictype===undefined||openopenpublictype===false||openopenpublictype===null){
-            this.setState({
-              openshowpublictype:true
-            })
-          }else{
-            this.setState({
-              openshowpublictype:false
-            })
+          if(this.props.user&&this.props.user.user_id) {
+            if (openopenpublictype === undefined || openopenpublictype === false || openopenpublictype === null) {
+              this.setState({
+                openshowpublictype: true
+              })
+            } else {
+              this.setState({
+                openshowpublictype: false
+              })
+            }
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js
index f7f73eabc..86d0e9637 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndex.js
@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@ const TPMchallengesnew = Loadable({
     loader: () => import('./challengesnew/TPMchallengesnew'),
     loading: Loading,
+// const TPMchallengesnew = Loadable({
+//   loader: () => import('./challengesnew/TpmTask/TpmTaskIndex'),
+//   loading: Loading,
+// })
 const TPMevaluation = Loadable({
@@ -383,6 +388,7 @@ class TPMIndex extends Component {
         let url = window.location.href;
         let flag = url.indexOf("add_file")>-1;
         return (
             <div className="newMain clearfix">
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndexHOC.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndexHOC.js
index fe760f372..01d617c78 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndexHOC.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/TPMIndexHOC.js
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ if (!window['indexHOCLoaded']) {
   // $('head').append($('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')
   //     .attr('href', `${_url_origin}/stylesheets/educoder/antd.min.css?1525440977`));
   $('head').append($('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')
-      .attr('href', `${_url_origin}/stylesheets/css/edu-common.css?8`));
+      .attr('href', `${_url_origin}/stylesheets/css/edu-common.css?2020`));
   $('head').append($('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')
-      .attr('href', `${_url_origin}/stylesheets/educoder/edu-main.css?8`));
+      .attr('href', `${_url_origin}/stylesheets/educoder/edu-main.css?2020`));
   // index.html有加载
 	$('head').append($('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')
-		.attr('href', `${_url_origin}/stylesheets/educoder/edu-all.css?8`));
+		.attr('href', `${_url_origin}/stylesheets/educoder/edu-all.css?2020`));
   // $('head').append($('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')
@@ -635,6 +635,18 @@ export function TPMIndexHOC(WrappedComponent) {
+			//跳转道描点的地方
+			scrollToAnchor = (anchorName) => {
+				if (anchorName) {
+					// 找到锚点
+					let anchorElement = document.getElementById(anchorName);
+					// 如果对应id的锚点存在,就跳转到锚点
+					if (anchorElement) {
+						anchorElement.scrollIntoView();
+					}
+				}
+			}
 	  	render() {
           let{Headertop,Footerdown, isRender, AccountProfiletype,AccountPhoneemailtype}=this.state;
           const common = {
@@ -670,7 +682,8 @@ export function TPMIndexHOC(WrappedComponent) {
             hideGlobalLoading: this.hideGlobalLoading,
-						MdifHasAnchorJustScorll:this.MdifHasAnchorJustScorll
+						MdifHasAnchorJustScorll:this.MdifHasAnchorJustScorll,
+						scrollToAnchor:this.scrollToAnchor
           // console.log("this.props.mygetHelmetapi");
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPManswer2.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPManswer2.js
index dfdc58db4..596dcc910 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPManswer2.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPManswer2.js
@@ -1,48 +1,21 @@
 import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import {Input, InputNumber, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Popconfirm, message, Modal, Tooltip} from 'antd';
+import {Input, InputNumber, Button, Tooltip} from 'antd';
 import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
-// import "antd/dist/antd.css";
-import { getImageUrl, toPath, getUrl } from 'educoder';
 import axios from 'axios';
-import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
 import TPMMDEditor from './TPMMDEditor';
+import Bottomsubmit from "../../modals/Bottomsubmit";
-let origin = getUrl();
-let path = getUrl("/editormd/lib/")
+import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
 const $ = window.$;
-let timeout;
-let currentValue;
-const Option = Select.Option;
-const RadioGroup = Radio.Group;
-// const testAnswers = [{
-//     "id": 4337,
-//     "name": "解题思路1",
-//     "contents": "答案的解题思路1",
-//     "level": 1,
-//     "score": 25
-// },
-// {
-//     "id": 4338,
-//     "name": "解题思路2",
-//     "contents": "答案的解题思路2",
-//     "level": 2,
-//     "score": 25
-// }]
 export default class TPManswer extends Component {
     constructor(props) {
@@ -94,7 +67,7 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
-                    answer:response.data.answer,
+                answer:response.data.answer,
                 power: response.data.power,
                 choice_url: newchoice_url,	//	导航中的新建选择题url
                 practice_url: newpractice_url,	//string	导航中新建实践题url
@@ -102,10 +75,11 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
                 position: response.data.position,	//int	关卡位置,导航栏中的第几关
                 prev_challenge: newprev_challenge,
                 next_challenge: next_challenge,
+                responsedata:response.data,
-                this.props.showSnackbar("没有权限修改");
+                this.props.showNotification("没有权限修改");
             // if(response.data.answer===undefined||response.data.answer===null){
             //     this.answerMD("", "answerMD");
@@ -133,7 +107,7 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
         // this.refs.md0
         const { answers } = this.state;
         const answersParams = answers.slice(0)
-      console.log(answersParams)
+      // console.log(answersParams)
         let isValidate = true;
         let totalScore = 0;
         answersParams.forEach( (item, index) => {
@@ -147,10 +121,10 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
             totalScore += item.score;
             delete item.id;
             if (!item.name) {
-                this.props.showSnackbar("请先填写参考答案名称");
+                this.props.showNotification("请先填写参考答案名称");
                 isValidate = false;
             } else if (!mdContnet) {
-                this.props.showSnackbar("请先填写参考答案内容");
+                this.props.showNotification("请先填写参考答案内容");
                 isValidate = false;                
             if (!isValidate) {
@@ -161,7 +135,7 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
         if (answersParams.length != 0 && totalScore != 100) {
-            this.props.showSnackbar("请先保证占比和为100%");            
+            this.props.showNotification("请先保证占比和为100%");
         let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
@@ -174,7 +148,7 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
         ).then((response) => {
             if (response.data) {
                 if (response.data.message) {
-                    this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.message);
+                    this.props.showNotification(response.data.message);
                 if (response.data.status == 1) {
@@ -233,12 +207,16 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
+    gotocheckpoint=(url)=>{
+        this.props.history.replace(url);
+    }
     render() {
         let {
-            go_back_url,
+            responsedata,
@@ -256,60 +234,51 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
         return (
                 <div className="educontent mt30 mb30 tpmAnswer">
-                    <div className="padding10-20 mb10 edu-back-white clearfix">
-                        <span className="fl ring-blue mr10 mt7">
-                            <img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/icon/code.svg")} data-tip-down="实训任务" className="fl mt2 ml2"/>
-                        </span>
-                        <span className="font-16 task-hide fl TPMtaskName">第{position}关</span>
-                        <Link to={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url}
-                              className="color-grey-6 fr font-15 mt3">返回</Link>
-                        {prev_challenge === undefined ? "" :
-                            <a href={prev_challenge} className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">上一关</a>
-                        }
-                        {next_challenge === undefined ? "" :
-                            <a href={next_challenge} className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">下一关</a>
-                        }
-                        <a href={practice_url === undefined ? "" : practice_url}
-                              className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
-                              style={{display:this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?'none':'block'}}
-                              data-tip-down="新增代码编辑类型的任务">+&nbsp;实践类型</a>
-                        <a href={choice_url === undefined ? "" : choice_url}
-                              className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
-                              style={{display:this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?'none':'block'}}
-                              data-tip-down="新增选择题类型的任务">+&nbsp;选择题类型</a>
+                    <div className="TPMchallengesnewtitles edu-back-white clearfix borderbottomf4">
+                        <span className="font-16 task-hide fl TPMtaskName">第{position}关:{responsedata&&responsedata.st === 0 ?"实践题":responsedata&&responsedata.st === 1?"选择题":""}</span>
+                        {this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"":<a href={practice_url === undefined ? "" : practice_url} className="fr ml15 mt13">
+                            <Button type="primary" className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  "
+                            >新增实践任务</Button></a>}
+                        {this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"":<Link to={choice_url === undefined ? "" : choice_url}
+                                                                                                                                       className="fr ml15 mt13">
+                            <Button type="primary"
+                                    className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5"
+                            >新增选择题任务</Button></Link>}
+                        {next_challenge===undefined?"":
+                          <Button type="primary" ghost onClick={()=>this.gotocheckpoint(next_challenge)}
+                                  className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5 fr ml15 mt13"
+                          >下一关</Button> }
+                        {prev_challenge===undefined?"":
+                          <Button type="primary" ghost onClick={()=>this.gotocheckpoint(prev_challenge)}
+                                  className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5 fr ml15 mt13"
+                          >上一关</Button>}
                     <div className="challenge_nav clearfix edu-back-white">
-                            <Link to={tab1url}>本关任务</Link>
+                            <Link to={tab1url}>1、本关任务 </Link>
+                        {tab2url === "" ? "":<li> > </li>}
                         <li >
-                            <Link to={tab2url}>评测设置</Link>
+                            <Link to={tab2url} >2、评测设置</Link>
+                        {tab3url === "" ? "":<li> > </li>}
                         <li className="active">
-                            <Link to={tab3url}>参考答案</Link>
+                            <Link to={tab3url} className={"color-blue"}>  3、参考答案</Link>
                     <div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
                         <div className="padding30-20">
-                            <p className=" font-12" style={{ paddingBottom: '5px'
-                                , color: '#666666'}}>
-                                可以将参考答案分级设置,让学员自行选择级别,每级查看后按照比例扣分值(学员已完成任务再查看,则不影响原因已获得的成绩)
+                            <p className=" font-14" style={{ paddingBottom: '5px'
+                                , color: '#333'}}>
+                                可以将参考答案分级设置,让学员自行选择级别,每级查看后按照比例扣分值(学员已完成任务再查看,则不影响学员已获得的成绩)
-                            <p className=" font-12 " 
-                                style={{ maxWidth: "782px"
-                                    , color: '#999999'}}>
-                                示例:级别1,扣减分值占比25%;级别2,扣减分值占比35%;级别3,扣减分值占比40%;则学员选择查看级别1的答案,将被扣减25%的分值;
-                                选择查看级别2的答案,将被扣减60%的分值;选择查看级别3的答案,将被扣减100%的分值。
+                            <p className=" font-14 mt15 "
+                                style={{   color: '#888'}}>
+                                <div>示例:级别1,扣减分值占比25%;级别2,扣减分值占比35%;级别3,扣减分值占比40%;</div>
+                                <div className={"mt5 ml41"}>若学员选择查看级别1的答案,将被扣减25%的分值;选择查看级别2的答案,将被扣减60%的分值;选择查看级别3的答案,将被扣减100%的分值。</div>
@@ -320,25 +289,31 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
                                 answers.map((answer, index) => {
-                                    return <div className="levelSection" id={`levelSection${index}`} style={{ clear: 'both' }}>
+                                    return <div className="levelSection mt30" id={`levelSection${index}`} style={{ clear: 'both' }}>
                                         <span className="mr4 color-orange pt10">*</span>
-                                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30 mt10" style={{ display: "inline" }}>级别{index + 1}</p>
+                                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30 mt10" style={{ display: "inline" }}>级别:{index + 1}</p>
                                         <Tooltip title="删除">
-                                        <a className="fr sample_icon_remove mr30 mt8" onClick={()=>this.delanswers(index)}>
-                                            <i  className="fa fa-times-circle color-grey-c font-16 fl"  ></i>
+                                        <a className="fr sample_icon_remove mr10 mt8" onClick={()=>this.delanswers(index)}>
+                                            <i className={"iconfont icon-shanchu_Hover font-16 fl"}></i>
-                                        <div className=" color-grey-6 font-16" style={{ marginLeft: "9px", margin: '8px 9px'}}>
+                                        <div className=" color-grey-6 font-16 bortopeeetpm pt20 mt20" style={{ marginLeft: "9px", margin: '8px 9px'}}>
                                             <div className=" ">
-                                                <span>名称:</span>
-                                                <Input value={answer.name} onChange={(e) => this.onNameChange(e, index)}></Input>
-                                                <span style={{ marginLeft: "20px"}} >扣减分值占比:</span>
-                                                <InputNumber className="score" step={1} min={1} max={100} defaultValue={answer.score}
-                                                    onChange={(e) => this.onScoreChange(e, index)} ></InputNumber>%
+                                                <div className={"wind500height45"}>
+                                                    <div className={"fl"} style={{'width':'240px'}}>名称:</div>
+                                                    <div  className={"fl"}  style={{ marginLeft: "20px"}} >扣减分值占比:</div>
+                                                </div>
+                                                <div className={"wind500height45"}>
+                                                    <Input value={answer.name} onChange={(e) => this.onNameChange(e, index)}></Input>
+                                                    <InputNumber className="score" step={1} min={1} max={100} defaultValue={answer.score}
+                                                                 style={{ marginLeft: "32px"}}
+                                                                 onChange={(e) => this.onScoreChange(e, index)} ></InputNumber> %
+                                                </div>
                                             <div className="mt10">
-                                                <span>参考答案:</span>
+                                                <span>内容:</span>
                                                 <TPMMDEditor ref={`md${index}`} mdID={index} initValue={answer.contents} 
                                                         onChange={(val) => this.answerOnChange(val, index)}></TPMMDEditor>
@@ -348,19 +323,28 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
                             <div className="clearfix mt20" style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||power===false?"none":"block"}}>
-                                <a href={"javascript:void(0)"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl" onClick={this.addAnswer}>新增</a>
+                                {/*<a href={"javascript:void(0)"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl" >新增参考答案</a>*/}
+                                <Button type="primary" ghost className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn mt20 mb20 newaddswermargin" onClick={this.addAnswer}>新增参考答案</Button>
-                    <div className="clearfix mt20" style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||power===false?"none":"block"}}>
-                        <a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20"
-                           onClick={this.challenge_answer_submit}>提交</a>
-                        <a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>
-                    </div>
+                {this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||power===false?"":<div className="clearfix mt20"  >
+                    {/*<a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20"  onClick={this.challenge_answer_submit}>提交</a>*/}
+                    {/*/!*<a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*!/*/}
+                    {/*<Link to={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className={"defalutCancelbtn fl"}>取消</Link>*/}
+                    <Bottomsubmit url={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"}
+                                  bottomvalue={"提交"}
+                                  onSubmits={this.challenge_answer_submit}
+                                  {...this.props}
+                                  {...this.state}
+                                  loadings={false}
+                    />
+                </div>}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMchallengesnew.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMchallengesnew.js
index f6bac13a5..70fb5d306 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMchallengesnew.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMchallengesnew.js
@@ -1,35 +1,30 @@
 import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import {Input, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Popconfirm, message, Modal} from 'antd';
+import {Input, Select, Radio, Badge, message, Button} from 'antd';
-import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
-// import "antd/dist/antd.css";
+import {Link} from "react-router-dom";
 import TPMMDEditor from '../../tpm/challengesnew/TPMMDEditor';
+import Bottomsubmit from "../../modals/Bottomsubmit";
 import axios from 'axios';
 import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
-import { getImageUrl, toPath } from 'educoder';
-import {getUrl} from 'educoder';
-let origin = getUrl();
-let path = getUrl("/editormd/lib/")
 const $ = window.$;
-let timeout;
-let currentValue;
 const Option = Select.Option;
 const RadioGroup = Radio.Group;
+function isNulltpm( str ){
+    if ( str == "" ) return true;
+    var regu = "^[ ]+$";
+    var re = new RegExp(regu);
+    return re.test(str);
 export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
     constructor(props) {
@@ -40,12 +35,12 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
             go_back_url: undefined,
             task_pass_default: undefined,
             submit_url: undefined,
-            shixunCreatePracticeGroup: 1,
+            shixunCreatePracticeGroup: undefined,
             setopen: false,
             shixunCreatePractice: undefined,
-            onshixunsmarkvalue: 100,
+            onshixunsmarkvalue: undefined,
             shixunsskillvalue: undefined,
             shixunsskillvaluelist: [],
             tab2url: "",
@@ -59,12 +54,13 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
-					  shixunExec_timeType:false
+					  shixunExec_timeType:false,
+            onshixunsmarkvaluetype:false,
+            shixunCreatePracticeGrouptype:false
-    componentDidMount() {
+    getdatas=()=>{
         let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
         let checkpointId=this.props.match.params.checkpointId;
@@ -83,10 +79,11 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
                     task_pass_default: response.data.task_pass_default,
                     submit_url: response.data.submit_url,
-									exercisememoMDRefval:response.data.task_pass_default
+                    exercisememoMDRefval:response.data.task_pass_default,
+                    responsedata:response.data
-							this.exercisememoMDRef.current.setValue(response.data.task_pass_default||'')
+                this.exercisememoMDRef.current.setValue(response.data.task_pass_default||'')
             }).catch((error) => {
@@ -133,16 +130,18 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
-									  exec_time:response.data.exec_time,
                     tab2url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=2",
                     tab3url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=3",
-									exercisememoMDRefval:response.data.task_pass
+                    exercisememoMDRefval:response.data.task_pass,
+                    responsedata:response.data
+                // exec_time:response.data.exec_time,
-                    this.props.showSnackbar("你没有权限修改");
+                    this.props.showNotification("你没有权限修改");
-							this.exercisememoMDRef.current.setValue(response.data.task_pass||'')
+                this.exercisememoMDRef.current.setValue(response.data.task_pass||'')
             }).catch((error) => {
@@ -150,8 +149,24 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
+    componentDidUpdate=(prevProps, prevState)=>{
+        if(prevProps!=this.props){
+            this.getdatas()
+        }
+    }
+    componentDidMount() {
+      this.getdatas()
+    }
     onshixunCreatePracticeChange = (e) => {
+        if(e.target.value===undefined||e.target.value=== ""||e.target.value=== null){
+        }else{
+            this.setState({
+                shixunCreatePracticeGrouptype:false,
+                onshixunsmarkvaluetype:false
+            })
+        }
         let optionsum;
         let onshixunsmark;
@@ -172,62 +187,134 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
     shixunCreatePractice = (e) => {
+        if (e.target.value === undefined|| e.target.value== ""){
+        }else{
+            this.setState({
+                shixunCreatePracticetype:false
+            })
+        }
             shixunCreatePractice: e.target.value
     CreatePracticesend = () => {
+       const exercise_editormdvalue = this.exercisememoMDRef.current.getValue().trim();
-            this.props.showSnackbar("该实训已经发布不能新建")
+            this.props.showNotification("该实训已经发布不能新建")
         let {shixunCreatePractice, shixunCreatePracticeGroup, onshixunsmarkvalue, shixunsskillvaluelist,exec_time} = this.state;
         if (shixunCreatePractice === undefined||shixunCreatePractice=="") {
-                shixunCreatePracticetype: true
+                shixunCreatePracticetype: true,
+                CreatePracticesendtype:false
-            this.props.showSnackbar("任务名称为空")
-                $('html').animate({
+           $('html').animate({
                 scrollTop: 10
             }, 1000);
-          this.setState({
-            CreatePracticesendtype:false
-          })
+        if (shixunCreatePractice.match(/^[ ]*$/)) {
+            this.props.showNotification("任务名称为空,请勿输入空格");
+            this.setState({
+                shixunCreatePracticetype: true,
+                CreatePracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            $('html').animate({
+                scrollTop: 10
+            }, 1000);
+            return
+        }
+        if (exercise_editormdvalue === undefined||exercise_editormdvalue==""||exercise_editormdvalue===null) {
+            this.setState({
+                tpmcourseMessageMDType:true,
+                CreatePracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("tpmcourseMessageMD");
+            return
+        }
+        if(isNulltpm(exercise_editormdvalue)){
+            this.setState({
+                tpmcourseMessageMDType:true,
+                CreatePracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("tpmcourseMessageMD");
+            return
+        }
+        if(shixunCreatePracticeGroup===undefined){
+            this.setState({
+                shixunCreatePracticeGrouptype:true,
+                CreatePracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("shixunCreatePracticeGroupid");
+            return
+        }
+        if(onshixunsmarkvalue===undefined){
+            this.setState({
+                onshixunsmarkvaluetype:true,
+                CreatePracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("input_task_tag");
+            return
+        }
         if (shixunsskillvaluelist.length === 0) {
                 shixunsskillvaluelisttype: true,
-              CreatePracticesendtype:false
+                CreatePracticesendtype:false
-            this.props.showSnackbar("技能标签为空")
+            // this.props.showNotification("技能标签为空")
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("input_task_tag");
-			if(exec_time===null||exec_time===undefined||exec_time===""){
-				this.setState({
-					shixunExec_timeType:false
-				})
-				return
-			}
-        const exercise_editormdvalue = this.exercisememoMDRef.current.getValue().trim();
-        let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+			// if(exec_time===null||exec_time===undefined||exec_time === ""){
+			// 	this.setState({
+			// 	  	shixunExec_timeType:true,
+      //       CreatePracticesendtype:false
+			// 	})
+      //   this.props.scrollToAnchor("exec_time");
+			// 	return
+			// }
+        // if (exec_time.match(/^[ ]*$/)) {
+        //     this.props.showNotification("评测时限,请勿输入空格");
+        //     this.setState({
+        //         shixunExec_timeType:true,
+        //         CreatePracticesendtype:false
+        //     })
+        //     this.props.scrollToAnchor("exec_time");
+        //     return
+        // }
-        let url = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges.json";
+        let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+        let url = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges.json";
+        // exec_time:exec_time
         axios.post(url, {
             subject: shixunCreatePractice,
@@ -236,12 +323,12 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
             score: onshixunsmarkvalue,
             challenge_tag: shixunsskillvaluelist,
             st: 0,
-					  exec_time:exec_time
         }).then((response) => {
             if (response.data.status === 1) {
 						// $("html").animate({ scrollTop: 0 })
-							window.location.href=`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${response.data.challenge_id}/tab=2`;
+						// 	window.location.href=`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${response.data.challenge_id}/tab=2`;
+                this.props.history.replace(`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${response.data.challenge_id}/tab=2`);
 							// this.setState({
 							// 		setopen: true,
 							// 		CreatePracticesendtype:false,
@@ -250,7 +337,7 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
 							// })
-					// this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.messages);
+					// this.props.showNotification(response.data.messages);
         }).catch((error) => {
@@ -287,6 +374,12 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
          let list = shixunsskillvaluelist;
+        if (list.length> 0) {
+            this.setState({
+                shixunsskillvaluelisttype: false,
+            })
+        }
             shixunsskillvaluelist: list,
             shixunsskillvalue: ""
@@ -303,51 +396,103 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
         let {shixunCreatePractice, shixunCreatePracticeGroup, onshixunsmarkvalue, shixunsskillvaluelist,checkpointId,exec_time} = this.state;
-			const exercise_editormdvalue = this.exercisememoMDRef.current.getValue().trim();
         let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
         let url = "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/"+checkpointId+".json";
+		  	const exercise_editormdvalue = this.exercisememoMDRef.current.getValue().trim();
         if (shixunCreatePractice === undefined||shixunCreatePractice=="") {
-            // this.setState({
-            //     shixunCreatePracticetype: true
-            // })
-            this.props.showSnackbar("任务名称为空")
+            this.setState({
+                shixunCreatePracticetype: true,
+                editPracticesendtype:false
+              })
+            // this.props.showNotification("任务名称为空")
                 scrollTop: 10
             }, 1000);
+            return
+        }
+        if (shixunCreatePractice.match(/^[ ]*$/)) {
+            this.props.showNotification("任务名称为空,请勿输入空格");
-              editPracticesendtype:false
+                shixunCreatePracticetype: true,
+                editPracticesendtype:false
+            $('html').animate({
+                scrollTop: 10
+            }, 1000);
-        if (shixunsskillvaluelist.length === 0) {
-            // this.setState({
-            //     shixunsskillvaluelisttype: true
-            // })
-            this.props.showSnackbar("技能标签为空")
+        if (exercise_editormdvalue === undefined||exercise_editormdvalue==""||exercise_editormdvalue===null) {
-              editPracticesendtype:false
+                tpmcourseMessageMDType:true,
+                editPracticesendtype:false
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("tpmcourseMessageMD");
-        if(exec_time===null||exec_time===undefined||exec_time===""){
+        if(isNulltpm(exercise_editormdvalue)){
+            this.setState({
+                tpmcourseMessageMDType:true,
+                editPracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("tpmcourseMessageMD");
+            this.props.showNotification("过关任务,请勿输入空格");
+            return
+        }
-					this.setState({
-						shixunExec_timeType:false
-					})
-					return
-				}
+        if(shixunCreatePracticeGroup===undefined){
+            this.setState({
+                shixunCreatePracticeGrouptype:true,
+                editPracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("shixunCreatePracticeGroupid");
+            return
+        }
+        if(onshixunsmarkvalue===undefined){
+            this.setState({
+                onshixunsmarkvaluetype:true,
+                editPracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("input_task_tag");
+            return
+        }
+        if (shixunsskillvaluelist.length === 0) {
+            this.setState({
+               shixunsskillvaluelisttype: true,
+               editPracticesendtype:false,
+            })
+            this.props.scrollToAnchor("input_task_tag");
+            return
+        }
+        // if(exec_time===null||exec_time===undefined||exec_time === ""){
+				// 	this.setState({
+				// 		shixunExec_timeType:true,
+        //     editPracticesendtype:false
+				// 	})
+        //   this.props.scrollToAnchor("exec_time");
+				// 	return
+				// }
+        // if (exec_time.match(/^[ ]*$/)) {
+        //     this.props.showNotification("评测时限,请勿输入空格");
+        //     this.setState({
+        //         shixunExec_timeType:true,
+        //         editPracticesendtype:false
+        //     })
+        //     this.props.scrollToAnchor("exec_time");
+        //     return
+        // }
+        //					  exec_time:exec_time
         axios.put(url, {
@@ -357,19 +502,19 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
                 task_pass: exercise_editormdvalue,
                 difficulty: shixunCreatePracticeGroup,
                 score: onshixunsmarkvalue,
-							  exec_time:exec_time
         }).then((response) => {
-            this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.messages);
+            this.props.showNotification(response.data.messages);
             if (response.data.status === 1) {
-						  	window.location.href=`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${checkpointId}/tab=2`;
+						  	// window.location.href=`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${checkpointId}/tab=2`;
                     setopen: true,
                     tab2url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=2",
                     tab3url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=3",
+                this.props.history.replace(`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${checkpointId}/tab=2`);
                 // window.location.href = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+response.data.challenge_id+"/tab=2"
         }).catch((error) => {
@@ -396,12 +541,16 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
+    gotocheckpoint=(url)=>{
+        this.props.history.replace(url);
+    }
     render() {
         let shixuntype = this.props.match.params.type;
-        let {marktype,
+        let {responsedata,
             shixunCreatePracticetype, shixunsskillvaluelisttype,
             choice_url, practice_url, go_back_url, position, task_pass_default, submit_url, setopen,checkpointId,prev_challenge,next_challenge,power,
             shixunCreatePractice, shixunCreatePracticeGroup, onshixunsmarkvalue, shixunsskillvalue, shixunsskillvaluelist, tab2url, tab3url,optionsums,
@@ -417,142 +566,146 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
+        // console.log(this.props)
+        // console.log(this.state)
+    //a console.log(shixunCreatePractice)
         return (
                 <div className="educontent mt30 mb30">
-                    <div className="padding10-20 mb10 edu-back-white clearfix">
-                        <span className="fl ring-blue mr10 mt7">
-                            <img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/icon/code.svg")} data-tip-down="实训任务" className="fl mt2 ml2"/>
-                        </span>
-                        <span className="font-16 task-hide fl TPMtaskName">第{position}关</span>
-                        <Link to={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url}
-                              className="color-grey-6 fr font-15 mt3">返回</Link>
-											  { next_challenge===undefined?"":
-													<a href={next_challenge}className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">下一关</a>
-												}
-                        { prev_challenge===undefined?"":
-                            <a href={prev_challenge} className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">上一关</a>
-                        }
-                        <a href={practice_url === undefined ? "" : practice_url}
-                           className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
-                           style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"none":'block'}}
-                           data-tip-down="新增代码编辑类型的任务">+&nbsp;实践类型</a>
-                        <a href={choice_url === undefined ? "" : choice_url}
-                           className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
-                           style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"none":'block'}}
-                           data-tip-down="新增选择题类型的任务">+&nbsp;选择题类型</a>
+                    <div className="TPMchallengesnewtitles edu-back-white clearfix borderbottomf4">
+                        <span className="font-16 task-hide fl TPMtaskName">第{position}关:{responsedata&&responsedata.st === 0 ?"实践题":responsedata&&responsedata.st === 1?"选择题":""}</span>
+                        {this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"":<a href={practice_url === undefined ? "" : practice_url} className="fr ml15 mt13">
+                            <Button type="primary" className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  "
+                            >新增实践任务</Button></a>}
+                        {this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"":<Link to={choice_url === undefined ? "" : choice_url}
+                           className="fr ml15 mt13">
+                            <Button type="primary"
+                               className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5"
+                            >新增选择题任务</Button></Link>}
+                        {next_challenge===undefined?"":
+                            <Button type="primary" ghost onClick={()=>this.gotocheckpoint(next_challenge)}
+                                    className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5 fr ml15 mt13"
+                            >下一关</Button> }
+                        {prev_challenge===undefined?"":
+                            <Button type="primary" ghost onClick={()=>this.gotocheckpoint(prev_challenge)}
+                                    className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5 fr ml15 mt13"
+                            >上一关</Button>}
                     <div className="challenge_nav clearfix edu-back-white">
                         <li className="active">
-                            <a>本关任务</a>
+                            <a className={"color-blue"}>1、本关任务 </a>
+                        {tab2url === "" ? "":<li> > </li>}
                         <li className="">
-                            {tab2url === "" ? <span>评测设置</span> : <Link to={tab2url}>评测设置</Link>}
+                            {tab2url === "" ? <span></span> : <Link to={tab2url}>2、评测设置</Link>}
+                        {tab3url === "" ? "":<li> > </li>}
                         <li className="">
-                            {tab3url === "" ? <span>参考答案</span> : <Link to={tab3url}>参考答案</Link>}
+                            {tab3url === "" ? <span></span> : <Link to={tab3url}>  3、参考答案</Link>}
-                    <div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-                        <div className="padding40-20">
-                            <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">任务名称</p>
-                            <div className="df">
-                                <span className="mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
-                                <div className="flex1 mr20">
-                                    <input type="text"
-                                           // className="input-100-45 greyInput"
-                                           className={shixunCreatePracticetype===true?"input-100-45 greyInpus wind100":"input-100-45 greyInput "}
-                                           maxLength="50"
-                                           name="challenge[subject]"
-                                           value={shixunCreatePractice}
+                    <div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+                        <div className="newpadding1020">
+                            <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb10">  <span className="mr5 color-red">*</span>名称</p>
+                            <div>
+                                <div className="flex1">
+                                    <Input placeholder="请输入任务名称,最大限制60个字符;此信息将在实训发布后展示给学员,例:计算学生的课程成绩绩点"
+                                           maxLength="60"
+                                           className={shixunCreatePracticetype === true ? "bor-red":"newViewAfter"}
-                                           placeholder="请输入任务名称(此信息将提前展示给学员),例:计算学生的课程成绩绩点"/>
+                                           value={shixunCreatePractice}
+                                           addonAfter={`${String(!shixunCreatePractice? 0 : shixunCreatePractice.length)}/${60}`}
+                                            />
-                                <div style={{width: '57px'}}>
-                                <span
-                                className={shixunCreatePracticetype === true ? "color-orange mt8 fl  block" : "color-orange mt8 fl none"}
-                                id="new_shixun_name"><i
-                                className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+                                <div>
+                                <span className={shixunCreatePracticetype === true ? "color-red mt8 fl  block" : "color-red mt8 fl none"}  id="new_shixun_name">必填项:不能为空</span>
-                    <div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
+                    <div className="edu-back-white newpadding02020">
-                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">过关任务</p>
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb10"  id={"tpmcourseMessageMD"}><span className="mr5 color-red">*</span>过关任务</p>
+                        <style>
+                            {
+                                `
+                           .markdown-body img {
+                                    max-width: 80%; 
+                                    margin: 0 auto;
+                                    display: block;
+                                    width: auto;  
+                                    height: auto;  
+                                    max-height: 80%;
+                                }
+                                `
+                            }
+                        </style>
+											  <TPMMDEditor ref={this.exercisememoMDRef} placeholder="请输入选择题的题干内容" mdID={'exercisememoMD'} refreshTimeout={1500}
-											<TPMMDEditor ref={this.exercisememoMDRef} placeholder="请输入选择题的题干内容" mdID={'exercisememoMD'} refreshTimeout={1500}
-																	 watch={true}  className="courseMessageMD" initValue={this.state.exercisememoMDRefval} height={700}></TPMMDEditor>
+																	 watch={true}  className="courseMessageMD" initValue={this.state.exercisememoMDRefval} height={800}></TPMMDEditor>
                         <p id="e_tip_Memochallengesnew" className="edu-txt-right color-grey-cd font-12"></p>
                         <p id="e_tips_Memochallengesnew" className="edu-txt-right color-grey-cd font-12"></p>
-                    </div>
+                        {this.state.tpmcourseMessageMDType===true?<div className="color-red mt7 ml5 font-14" >必填项:不能为空</div>:""}
+                    </div>
-                    <div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
-                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">难度系数</p>
-                        <div className="clearfix mb40">
-                            <RadioGroup value={shixunCreatePracticeGroup} className="fl mr40"
-                                        disabled={this.props.status===2?true:false}
-                                        onChange={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunCreatePracticeChange}>
+                    <div className="edu-back-white newpadding02020">
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">
+                            <span className="fl color-red mr5">*</span>
+                            难度系数:
+                            <RadioGroup value={shixunCreatePracticeGroup}
+                                        className={"ml10"}
+                                  id={"shixunCreatePracticeGroupid"}
+                                  disabled={this.props.status===2?true:false}
+                                  onChange={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunCreatePracticeChange}>
                                 <Radio value={1}>简单</Radio>
                                 <Radio value={2}>中等</Radio>
                                 <Radio value={3}>困难</Radio>
-                        </div>
-                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">奖励经验值</p>
-                        <div className="clearfix"
-														 // onMouseLeave={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunsmarkss}
-												>
-                            <span className="fl mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
-                            <Select style={{width: 120}} className="winput-240-40 fl"
+                            {this.state.shixunCreatePracticeGrouptype===true?<div className="color-red mt7 ml5 font-14" id="ex_value_notice">
+                                必选项:不能为空</div>:""}
+                        </p>
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb10"> <span className="fl mr5 color-red">*</span> 奖励经验值:<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}> (如果学员答题正确,将获得相应的经验值;如果学员成功得到经验值,那么将同时获得等值的金币奖励,如:+100经验值、+100金币)</span></p>
+                        <div className="clearfix">
+                            {this.state.onshixunsmarkvaluetype===true?<style>
+                                {
+                                    `
+                                   .ant-select-selection{
+                                        border:1px solid red;
+                                   }
+                                    `
+                                }
+                            </style>:""}
+                            <Select style={{width: 252}}
+                                    className={"winput-240-40 ml3"}
-                                    // onMouseEnter={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunsmarks}
-                                    // open={marktype}
                                     getPopupContainer={triggerNode => triggerNode.parentNode}
-                            <p className="fl color-grey-9 font-12 ml20">
-                                如果学员答题错误,则不能得到相应的经验值<br/>
-                                如果学员成功得到经验值,那么将同时获得等值的金币奖励,如:+10经验值、+10金币
-                            </p>
-                            <span className="color-orange mt7 fl ml20 none" id="ex_value_notice"><i
-                                className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+                            {this.state.onshixunsmarkvaluetype===true?<div className="color-red mt7 ml5" id="ex_value_notice">
+                                必选项:不能为空</div>:""}
-                    <div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
-                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">技能标签</p>
-                        <div className="clearfix df">
-                            <span className="mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
+                    <div className="edu-back-white newpadding02020">
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb10"><span className="mr5 color-red">*</span>技能标签:<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}> (学员答题正确将获得技能,否则不能获得技能)</span></p>
+                        <div className="clearfix">
                             <div className="flex1">
                                 <Input type="text"
-                                       className="winput-240-40 fl mr20 winput-240-40s"
+                                       className={shixunsskillvaluelisttype === true ?"winput-240-40 fl mr20 winput-240-40s ml10 bor-red":"winput-240-40 fl mr20 winput-240-40s ml10"}
@@ -560,54 +713,59 @@ export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
-                                {/*<a className="white-btn orange-btn fl mt1 use_scope-btn ml20 mt5 mr20"*/}
-                                   {/*onClick={this.clickshixunsskill}>+ 添加</a>*/}
-                                <div className="ml15 color-grey-9 mt5">学员答题正确将获得技能,否则不能获得技能</div>
+                                <div className="ml15 color-grey-9 pt5 font-14">(回车添加标签)</div>
                                 <div className="mt20 clearfix" id="task_tag_content">
 																			shixunsskillvaluelist===undefined?"":shixunsskillvaluelist.length === 0 ? "" : shixunsskillvaluelist.map((itme, key) => {
                                             return (
-                                                <li className="task_tag_span" key={key}><span>{itme}</span>
-                                                    <a onClick={() => this.delshixunsskilllist(key)}>×</a>
-                                                </li>
+                                              <li key={key} className={"fl ml10 mr10"}>
+                                                <Badge className={"tpmpointer"} count={"x"} onClick={(key) => this.delshixunsskilllist(key)}>
+                                                    <Button type="primary" ghost className={"Permanentban "}>
+                                                     {itme}
+                                                    </Button>
+                                                </Badge>
+                                            </li>
-                            <span
-                                className={shixunsskillvaluelisttype === true ? "color-orange mt7 fl ml20 block" : " color-orange mt7 fl ml20 none"}
-                                id="stage_name_notice">
-                        <i className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+                            <div className={shixunsskillvaluelisttype === true ? "color-red ml10 mt5 block" : "none"}
+                                id="stage_name_notice">必选项:不能为空</div>
-										<div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
-											<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">服务配置</p>
-											<div className="clearfix mb5">
-												<span className="color-orange pt10 fl">*</span>
-												<label className="panel-form-label fl">评测时限(S):</label>
-												<div className="pr fl with80 status_con">
-													<input  value={this.state.exec_time} className="panel-box-sizing task-form-100 task-height-40" placeholder="请输入类别名称" onInput={this.setexec_time}/>
-												</div>
-												<span
-													className={this.state.shixunExec_timeType === true ? "color-orange mt8 fl block ml20" : "color-orange mt8 fl none"}
-													id="new_shixun_name"><i className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
-												<div className="cl"></div>
-											</div>
-										</div>
-                    <div className="clearfix mt30"
-                         style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined?"none":'block'}}
-                    >
-                       {checkpointId===undefined?<a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={CreatePracticesendtype===true?"":this.CreatePracticesend}>提交</a>:
-                       <a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={editPracticesendtype===true?"":this.editPracticesend}>提交</a>}
-                       <a href={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>
-                    </div>
+										{/*<div className="edu-back-white newpadding02020">*/}
+										{/*	<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20"> <span className="color-orange mr5 fl">*</span> 服务配置:评测时限(S)</p>*/}
+										{/*	<div className="clearfix mb5 ml10">*/}
+										{/*		<div className="pr status_con" id={"exec_timeid"}>*/}
+                    {/*        /!*<label className="panel-form-label fl"></label>*!/*/}
+										{/*		   	<input  value={this.state.exec_time}*/}
+                    {/*                className={this.state.shixunExec_timeType === true ?"panel-box-sizing task-form-100 task-height-40 bor-red":"panel-box-sizing task-form-100 task-height-40" }*/}
+                    {/*                placeholder="请输入类别名称" onInput={this.setexec_time}/>*/}
+										{/*		</div>*/}
+										{/*		<div*/}
+										{/*			className={this.state.shixunExec_timeType === true ? "color-red mt8  block ml5" : " none"}*/}
+										{/*			id="new_shixun_name">必填项:不能为空</div>*/}
+										{/*	</div>*/}
+										{/*</div>*/}
+                {this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined?"":<div className="clearfix mt30"
+                     // style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined?"none":'block'}}
+                >
+                    {/*{checkpointId===undefined?<a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={CreatePracticesendtype===true?"":this.CreatePracticesend}>提交</a>:*/}
+                    {/*<a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={editPracticesendtype===true?"":this.editPracticesend}>提交</a>}*/}
+                    {/*<a href={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*/}
+                    {/*<Link to={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url} className={"defalutCancelbtn fl"}>取消</Link>*/}
+                    <Bottomsubmit url={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url}
+                                  {...this.props}
+                                  {...this.state}
+                                  bottomvalue={"提交"}
+                                  onSubmits={checkpointId===undefined?()=>this.CreatePracticesend():()=>this.editPracticesend()}
+                                  loadings={CreatePracticesendtype===true?true:editPracticesendtype===true?true:false}/>
+                </div>}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js
index 34eb1a075..7ff0942cc 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPMevaluation.js
@@ -1,97 +1,32 @@
 import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import {Input, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Popconfirm, message, Modal,Button,Icon,Tooltip} from 'antd';
+import {Input, Select, Radio, Checkbox,  Modal,Button,Tooltip} from 'antd';
-import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
-// import "antd/dist/antd.css";
+import { Link} from "react-router-dom";
 import axios from 'axios';
-import { getImageUrl, toPath } from 'educoder';
-import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
+import Bottomsubmit from "../../modals/Bottomsubmit";
-import {getUrl} from 'educoder';
+import { getImageUrl } from 'educoder';
-let origin = getUrl();
-let path = getUrl("/editormd/lib/")
+import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
 const $ = window.$;
-let timeout;
-let currentValue;
 const Option = Select.Option;
 const RadioGroup = Radio.Group;
 const { TextArea } = Input;
-function create_editorMD(id, width, high, placeholder, imageUrl, callback) {
-	var editorName = window.editormd(id, {
-		width: width,
-		height: high,
-		path: path,   // "/editormd/lib/"
-		syncScrolling: "single",
-		tex: true,
-		tocm: true,
-		emoji: true,
-		taskList: true,
-		codeFold: true,
-		searchReplace: true,
-		htmlDecode: "style,script,iframe",
-		sequenceDiagram: true,
-		autoFocus: false,
-		toolbarIcons: function () {
-			// Or return editormd.toolbarModes[name]; // full, simple, mini
-			// Using "||" set icons align right.
-			return ["bold", "italic", "|", "list-ul", "list-ol", "|", "code", "code-block", "|", "testIcon", "testIcon1", '|', "image", "table", '|', "watch", "clear"]
-		},
-		toolbarCustomIcons: {
-			testIcon: "<a type=\"inline\" class=\"latex\" ><div class='zbg'></div></a>",
-			testIcon1: "<a type=\"latex\" class=\"latex\" ><div class='zbg_latex'></div></a>"
-		},
-		//这个配置在simple.html中并没有,但是为了能够提交表单,使用这个配置可以让构造出来的HTML代码直接在第二个隐藏的textarea域中,方便post提交表单。
-		saveHTMLToTextarea: true,
-		// 用于增加自定义工具栏的功能,可以直接插入HTML标签,不使用默认的元素创建图标
-		dialogMaskOpacity: 0.6,
-		placeholder: placeholder,
-		imageUpload: true,
-		imageFormats: ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp", "JPG", "JPEG", "GIF", "PNG", "BMP", "WEBP"],
-		imageUploadURL: imageUrl,//url
-		onload: function () {
-			// this.previewing();
-			$("#" + id + " [type=\"latex\"]").bind("click", function () {
-				editorName.cm.replaceSelection("```latex");
-				editorName.cm.replaceSelection("\n");
-				editorName.cm.replaceSelection("\n");
-				editorName.cm.replaceSelection("```");
-				var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
-				editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line - 1, 0);
-			});
-			$("#" + id + " [type=\"inline\"]").bind("click", function () {
-				editorName.cm.replaceSelection("`$$$$`");
-				var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
-				editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line, __Cursor.ch - 3);
-				editorName.cm.focus();
-			});
-			$("[type=\"inline\"]").attr("title", "行内公式");
-			$("[type=\"latex\"]").attr("title", "多行公式");
-			window.md_elocalStorage(editorName, `exercise__${id}`, "Memochallengesnew");
-			callback && callback()
-		}
-	});
-	return editorName;
+function isNulltpm( str ){
+	if ( str == "" ) return true;
+	var regu = "^[ ]+$";
+	var re = new RegExp(regu);
+	return re.test(str);
 export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 	constructor(props) {
@@ -127,39 +62,11 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-			web_route:null
+			web_route:null,
+			exec_time:undefined
-	exerciseMD(initValue, id) {
-		this.contentChanged = false;
-		const placeholder = "";
-// amp;
-// 编辑时要传memoId
-		const imageUrl = `/api/attachments.json`;
-// 创建editorMd
-		const exercise_editormd = create_editorMD(id, '100%', 400, placeholder, imageUrl, () => {
-			setTimeout(() => {
-				exercise_editormd.resize()
-				exercise_editormd.cm && exercise_editormd.cm.refresh()
-			}, 500)
-			if (initValue != undefined) {
-				exercise_editormd.setValue(initValue)
-			}
-			exercise_editormd.cm.on("change", (_cm, changeObj) => {
-				console.log('....contentChanged')
-				this.contentChanged = true;
-			})
-		});
-		this.exercise_editormd = exercise_editormd;
-		window.exercise_editormd = exercise_editormd;
-	}
 	componentDidMount() {
 		let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
 		let checkpointId=this.props.match.params.checkpointId;
@@ -193,8 +100,7 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 			let newevaluationlist=[]
 				let newlist=[
-					{hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:50},
-					{hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:50}
+					{hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:100},
@@ -219,18 +125,16 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-				has_web_route:response.data.has_web_route
+				has_web_route:response.data.has_web_route,
+				responsedata:response.data,
+				exec_time:response.data.exec_time,
-				this.props.showSnackbar("你没有权限修改");
-			}
-			if(response.data.answer===undefined){
-				this.answerMD("", "answerMD");
-			}else{
-				this.answerMD(response.data.answer, "answerMD");
+				this.props.showNotification("你没有权限修改");
 		}).catch((error) => {
@@ -249,7 +153,7 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 		let {evaluationlist,markvalue}=this.state;
 		let newevaluationlist=evaluationlist;
-		newevaluationlist.push({hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:0});
+		newevaluationlist.push({hidden:0,input:"",output:"",score:0,match_rule:"full"});
@@ -379,34 +283,6 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-	// delesavegetfilepath=(value)=>{
-	//     let {selectpatharr} = this.state
-	//     let newarr =selectpatharr;
-	//     let newselectpath="";
-	//     for(var i=0; i<newarr.length;i++){
-	//         if(newarr[i]===value){
-	//
-	//             newarr.splice(i,1);
-	//             console.log(newarr)
-	//             console.log(value)
-	//         }
-	//     }
-	//
-	//
-	//
-	//
-	//     for(var z=0; z<newarr.length;z++){
-	//         newselectpath=newselectpath+newarr[z]+ ";"
-	//     }
-	//     this.setState({
-	//         selectpatharr:newarr,
-	//         selectpath: newselectpath
-	//     })
-	// }
 		let {selectpath,saveshixunfilepath,pathtype} = this.state
@@ -438,30 +314,6 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-		// let newarr =selectpatharr;
-		// let arrtype=false;
-		// let arrsum=0;
-		// let newselectpath="";
-		// newarr.push(value)
-		// if(newarr.length>1&&arrtype===false){
-		//     for(var i=0; i<newarr.length;i++){
-		//         if(newarr[i]===value){
-		//             arrsum=arrsum+1;
-		//             if(arrsum===2){
-		//                 newarr.splice(i,1);
-		//                 arrtype=true;
-		//             }
-		//         }
-		//     }
-		// }
-		// for(var z=0; z<newarr.length;z++){
-		//     newselectpath=newselectpath+newarr[z]+ ";"
-		// }
@@ -505,12 +357,6 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-		// newevaluationlist[key].is_public=newtype;
-		// for(var i=0; i<newevaluationlist.length; i++){
-		//     if(i===key){
-		//
-		//     }
-		// }
@@ -597,7 +443,7 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-		let{evaluationlist,shixunfilepath,shixunfilepathplay,shixunfileexpectpicturepath,shixunfilestandardpicturepath,shixunfilepicturepath,pathoptionvalue,scorevalue,markvalue,web_route}=this.state;
+		let{exec_time,evaluationlist,shixunfilepath,shixunfilepathplay,shixunfileexpectpicturepath,shixunfilestandardpicturepath,shixunfilepicturepath,pathoptionvalue,scorevalue,markvalue,web_route}=this.state;
 		let newscorevalue;
@@ -610,7 +456,7 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 			let sum=0;
 			for(var i=0; i<evaluationlist.length; i++){
-					this.props.showSnackbar("测试集的评分占比不能大于100");
+					this.props.showNotification("测试集的评分占比不能大于100");
@@ -620,36 +466,52 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-				this.props.showSnackbar("测试集的评分占比之和必须等于100");
+				this.props.showNotification("测试集的评分占比之和必须等于100");
+		if(exec_time===null||exec_time===undefined||exec_time === ""){
+			this.setState({
+			  	shixunExec_timeType:true,
+			})
+		  this.props.scrollToAnchor("exec_timeid");
+			return
+		}
+		if (isNulltpm(exec_time)) {
+		    this.props.showNotification("评测时长,请勿输入空格");
+		    this.setState({
+		        shixunExec_timeType:true,
+		    })
+		    this.props.scrollToAnchor("exec_timeid");
+		    return
+		}
-			this.props.showSnackbar("学员任务文件路径为空");
+			// this.props.showSnackbar("学员任务文件路径为空");
-			$('html').animate({
-				scrollTop: 120
-			}, 1000);
+			this.props.scrollToAnchor("Studenttaskfile");
-			this.props.showSnackbar("评测执行文件路径为空");
+			// this.props.showSnackbar("评测执行文件路径为空");
-			$('html').animate({
-				scrollTop: 130
-			}, 1000);
+			this.props.scrollToAnchor("Benchmarkexecutable");
+			this.props.scrollToAnchor("Thetestset");
 		let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
@@ -664,7 +526,8 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-			web_route:web_route===null?undefined:web_route
+			web_route:web_route===null?undefined:web_route,
+			exec_time:exec_time
@@ -672,7 +535,7 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 		).then((response) => {
-			this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.messages);
+			this.props.showNotification(response.data.messages);
 			// if(response.data.status===1){
 			//     window.location.href = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+response.data.challenge_id+"/tab=3"
@@ -681,16 +544,7 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-	handpathoptionvalues=()=>{
-		this.setState({
-			handpathopt:true
-		})
-	}
-	handpathoptionvaluess=()=>{
-		this.setState({
-			handpathopt:false
-		})
-	}
@@ -768,6 +622,24 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
+	gotocheckpoint=(url)=>{
+		this.props.history.replace(url);
+	}
+	setexec_time=(e)=>{
+		if(e.target.value===null||e.target.value===undefined||e.target.value === ""||e.target.value.match(/^[ ]*$/)){
+		}else{
+			this.setState({
+				shixunExec_timeType:false,
+			})
+		}
+		this.setState({
+			exec_time:e.target.value
+		})
+	}
 	render() {
 		let {
@@ -799,7 +671,8 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-			has_web_route
+			has_web_route,
+			responsedata
 		} = this.state;
 		let tab1url="/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/editcheckpoint";
@@ -812,64 +685,115 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 			lineHeight: '30px',
 			marginLeft: '20px',
 		return (
 				<div className="educontent mt30 mb30">
-					<div className="padding10-20 mb10 edu-back-white clearfix">
-                <span className="fl ring-blue mr10 mt7">
-                    <img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/icon/code.svg")} data-tip-down="实训任务" className="fl mt2 ml2"/>
-                </span>
-						<span className="font-16 task-hide fl TPMtaskName">第{position}关</span>
-						<Link to={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url}
-									className="color-grey-6 fr font-15 mt3">返回</Link>
-						{prev_challenge === undefined ? "" :
-							<a href={prev_challenge} className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">上一关</a>
-						}
-						{next_challenge === undefined ? "" :
-							<a href={next_challenge} className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">下一关</a>
-						}
-						<a href={practice_url === undefined ? "" : practice_url}
-									className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
-									style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1? "none":'block'}}
-									data-tip-down="新增代码编辑类型的任务">+&nbsp;实践类型</a>
-						<a href={choice_url === undefined ? "" : choice_url}
-									className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
-									style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"none":'block'}}
-									data-tip-down="新增选择题类型的任务">+&nbsp;选择题类型</a>
+					<div className="TPMchallengesnewtitles edu-back-white clearfix borderbottomf4">
+						<span className="font-16 task-hide fl TPMtaskName">第{position}关:{responsedata&&responsedata.st === 0 ?"实践题":responsedata&&responsedata.st === 1?"选择题":""}</span>
+						{this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"":<a href={practice_url === undefined ? "" : practice_url} className="fr ml15 mt13">
+							<Button type="primary" className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  "
+							>新增实践任务</Button></a>}
+						{this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"":<Link to={choice_url === undefined ? "" : choice_url}
+																																																													 className="fr ml15 mt13">
+							<Button type="primary"
+											className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5"
+							>新增选择题任务</Button></Link>}
+						{next_challenge===undefined?"":
+							<Button type="primary" ghost onClick={()=>this.gotocheckpoint(next_challenge)}
+											className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5 fr ml15 mt13"
+							>下一关</Button> }
+						{prev_challenge===undefined?"":
+							<Button type="primary" ghost onClick={()=>this.gotocheckpoint(prev_challenge)}
+											className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn  mr5 fr ml15 mt13"
+							>上一关</Button>}
 					<div className="challenge_nav clearfix edu-back-white">
-							<Link to={tab1url}>本关任务</Link>
+							<Link to={tab1url}>1、本关任务 </Link>
+						{tab2url === "" ? "":<li> > </li>}
 						<li className="active">
-							<Link to={tab2url}>评测设置</Link>
+							<Link to={tab2url} className={"color-blue"}>2、评测设置</Link>
+						{tab3url === "" ? "":<li> > </li>}
 						<li className="">
-							<Link to={tab3url}>参考答案</Link>
+							<Link to={tab3url}>  3、参考答案</Link>
-					<p className="color-orange-tip font-12 padding20">
-						请先上传本关任务的所有代码文件、标准图片等所有必要的文件到
-						<a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/repository"} className="color-bule-tip decoration" target="_blank">版本库</a>
+					<p className="color-orange-tip font-14 padding10 edu-back-white text-centers">
+						<div className={"bor25510211"}>
+							请先上传本关任务的所有代码文件、标准图片等所有必要的文件到
+							<a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/repository"} className="color-bule-tip decoration" target="_blank">版本库</a>
+						</div>
+					<div className="edu-back-white newpadding02020"  id={"exec_timeid"} >
+						<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20"> <span className="color-red mr5 fl">*</span> 评测时长限制<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(程序评测运行时间限制时长,单位:秒)</span></p>
+						<div className="clearfix mb5">
+							<div className="pr status_con" style={{'width':'233px'}}>
+								<Input  value={this.state.exec_time}
+												className={this.state.shixunExec_timeType === true ?"panel-box-sizing task-form-100 task-height-40 bor-red":"panel-box-sizing task-form-100 task-height-40" }
+												placeholder="请输入评测时长" onInput={this.setexec_time}/>
+							</div>
+							<div
+								className={this.state.shixunExec_timeType === true ? "color-red mt8  block ml5" : " none"}
+								id="new_shixun_name">必填项:不能为空</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
-					<div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">学员任务文件</p>
-							<div className="df">
-								<span className="mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
-								<div className="flex1 mr20">
-									<input type="text" className="input-100-45 greyInput change" id="shixun_file_path"
+					<div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb10">
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20"><span className="color-red mr5 fl">*</span> 评测效果展现方式<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(学员评测本关任务时,查看效果页上需要展现的文件类型)</span></p>
+							<div className="pr">
+								<Select className="winput-240-40"
+												value={pathoptionvalue}
+												onChange={this.handpathoptionvalue}>
+									<Option value={-1}>无</Option>
+									<Option value={1}>图片</Option>
+									<Option value={2}>apk/exe</Option>
+									<Option value={3}>txt</Option>
+									<Option value={4}>html</Option>
+									<Option value={5}>mp3</Option>
+									<Option value={6}>mp4</Option>
+								</Select>
+								<a className="ml10" onClick={()=>this.showrepositoryurltip(1)}><img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/problem.png")}/></a>
+								<div className="invite-tip clearfix repository_url_tippostion" style={{display:showrepositoryurltiptype===true?"block":"none"}} id="repository_url_tip"
+								>
+									<span className="top-black-trangleft"></span>
+									<div className="padding20 invitecontent clearfix">
+										<p className="font-12 edu-txt-left">
+											图片:处理或输出图片类型的任务,请选填此项<br/>
+											可以通过设置图片路径和学员答案文件路径,展示代码对应的图片效果<br/><br/>
+											apk/exe:写可执行文件的任务,请选填此项<br/>
+											可以通过设置学员答案文件路径,展示二维码以供扫码下载<br/><br/>
+											txt:输出txt文档类型的任务,请选填此项<br/>
+											可以通过学员答案文件路径设置,展示txt文件内容<br/><br/>
+											html:web类型的任务,请选填此项<br/>
+											可以通过Web路由设置,展示html效果预览页<br/><br/>
+											mp3/mp4:mp3/mp4文件类型的任务,请选填此项<br/>
+											可以通过学员答案文件路径设置,展示mp3/mp4文件内容<br/><br/>
+										</p></div>
+									<p className="inviteTipbtn with100"><a onClick={()=>this.showrepositoryurltip(2)}
+									>知道了</a>
+									</p>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+					<div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb10" id={"Studenttaskfile"}>
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20"><span className="color-red mr5 fl">*</span> 学员任务文件<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(该文件将直接显示给学生,需要学生在其中填写代码)</span></p>
+							<div>
+								<div className="flex1">
+									<input type="text"
+												 className={StudentTaskPapers===true?"input-100-45 greyInput change bor-red":"input-100-45 greyInput change"}
+												 id="shixun_file_path"
 												 name="challenge[path]" autoComplete="off"
 												 placeholder="请选择版本库中的代码文件。例: src/step1/HelloWorld.java"
@@ -877,15 +801,16 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-									<p className="color-grey-9 mt15">该文件将直接显示给学生,需要学生在其中填写代码</p>
-								<div style={{width: '57px'}}>
-                                    <span className={StudentTaskPapers===true?"color-orange mt8 fl":"color-orange mt8 fl none"} id="student_task_name"><i
-																			className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+								<div>
+										<span className={StudentTaskPapers===true?"color-red mt8 fl":" none"} id="student_task_name"> 必选项:不能为空</span>
@@ -914,9 +839,6 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 														{path+item.name}</a>:<a data-remote="true">
 														<i className="iconfont icon-zuoye color-blue mr2"></i>
 														<span onClick={()=>this.savegetfilepath(path+item.name,item.type)}>{path+item.name}</span>
-														{/*<Tooltip placement="bottom" title={"点击删除下方所选文件路径"}>*/}
-														{/*<Icon className={"fr mt4"} type="close-circle" onClick={()=>this.delesavegetfilepath(path+item.name)}/>*/}
-														{/*</Tooltip>*/}
@@ -942,13 +864,12 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-					<div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">评测执行文件</p>
-							<div className="df">
-								<span className="mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
-								<div className="flex1 mr20">
-									<input type="text" className="input-100-45 greyInput" id="shixun_file_path_play"
+					<div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb10" id={"Benchmarkexecutable"}>
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20"><span className="color-red mr5 fl">*</span>评测执行文件<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(若执行平台脚本,请输入学员任务文件路径;若使用自己设计的脚本测试学生代码,请输入设计的脚本文件路径)</span></p>
+							<div>
+								<div className="flex1">
+									<input type="text" className={StudentTaskDocs===true?"bor-red input-100-45 greyInput":"input-100-45 greyInput"} id="shixun_file_path_play"
 												 name="challenge[exec_path]" autoComplete="off"
@@ -956,59 +877,19 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-									<p className="color-grey-9 mt15">该文件由平台执行,用来测试平台学员代码是否正确</p>
-								</div>
-								<div style={{width: '57px'}}>
-                                    <span className={StudentTaskDocs===true?"color-orange mt8 fl":"color-orange mt8 fl none"} id="student_task_name"><i
-																			className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-					<div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">效果展现方式</p>
-							<div className="pr">
-								<Select className="winput-240-40"
-												value={pathoptionvalue}
-												onChange={this.handpathoptionvalue}>
-									<Option value={-1}>请选择效果展现方式</Option>
-									<Option value={1}>图片</Option>
-									<Option value={2}>apk/exe</Option>
-									<Option value={3}>txt</Option>
-									<Option value={4}>html</Option>
-									<Option value={5}>mp3</Option>
-									<Option value={6}>mp4</Option>
-								</Select>
-								<a className="ml10" onClick={()=>this.showrepositoryurltip(1)}><img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/problem.png")}/></a>
-								<div className="invite-tip clearfix repository_url_tippostion" style={{display:showrepositoryurltiptype===true?"block":"none"}} id="repository_url_tip"
-								>
-									<span className="top-black-trangleft"></span>
-									<div className="padding20 invitecontent clearfix">
-										<p className="font-12 edu-txt-left">
-											图片:处理或输出图片类型的任务,请选填此项<br/>
-											可以通过设置图片路径和学员答案文件路径,展示代码对应的图片效果<br/><br/>
-											apk/exe:写可执行文件的任务,请选填此项<br/>
-											可以通过设置学员答案文件路径,展示二维码以供扫码下载<br/><br/>
-											txt:输出txt文档类型的任务,请选填此项<br/>
-											可以通过学员答案文件路径设置,展示txt文件内容<br/><br/>
-											html:web类型的任务,请选填此项<br/>
-											可以通过Web路由设置,展示html效果预览页
-										</p></div>
-									<p className="inviteTipbtn with100"><a onClick={()=>this.showrepositoryurltip(2)}
-									>知道了</a>
-									</p>
+								<div>
+										<span className={StudentTaskDocs===true?"color-red mt8 fl":"none"} id="student_task_name">
+												必选项:不能为空
+										</span>
-							<p className="color-grey-9 mt15">该选项用来配置学员评测本关任务时,查看效果页上需要展现的文件类型</p>
-					{pathoptionvalue===4&&web_route!=null||pathoptionvalue===4&&has_web_route===true?<div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">Web路由</p>
+					{pathoptionvalue===4&&web_route!=null||pathoptionvalue===4&&has_web_route===true?<div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb10">
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">Web路由<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(请注意将服务器程序的端口号映射到8080端口)</span></p>
 							<div className="df">
 								<div className="flex1 mr20">
 									<input type="text" className="input-100-45 change" autoComplete="off"
@@ -1021,9 +902,9 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-					{pathoptionvalue===1||pathoptionvalue===5||pathoptionvalue===6?<div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">待处理文件路径</p>
+					{pathoptionvalue===1||pathoptionvalue===5||pathoptionvalue===6?<div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb10">
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">待处理文件路径<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为原始文件显示在查看效果页,供学员参考;请注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开)</span></p>
 							<div className="df">
 								<div className="flex1 mr20">
 									<input type="text" className="input-100-45" autoComplete="off"
@@ -1033,9 +914,6 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-									<p className="color-grey-9 mt15">
-										该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为原始文件显示在查看效果页,供学员参考;任务为文件处理时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开。
-									</p>
@@ -1043,9 +921,9 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-					{pathoptionvalue===1||pathoptionvalue===5||pathoptionvalue===6? <div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">标准答案文件路径</p>
+					{pathoptionvalue===1||pathoptionvalue===5||pathoptionvalue===6? <div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb10">
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">标准答案文件路径<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为参考答案显示在查看效果页,供学员参考;请注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开)</span></p>
 							<div className="df">
 								<div className="flex1 mr20">
 									<input type="text" className="input-100-45" autoComplete="off"
@@ -1055,9 +933,6 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-									<p className="color-grey-9 mt15">
-										该路径下的文件将在学员评测本关任务时,作为参考答案显示在查看效果页,供学员参考;任务输出结果为文件时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开。
-									</p>
@@ -1065,9 +940,9 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-					{pathoptionvalue===-1?"":<div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">学员答案文件路径</p>
+					{pathoptionvalue===-1?"":<div className="edu-back-white clearfix">
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb10">
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb20">学员答案文件路径<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(学员评测本关任务时生成的文件将保存在该路径下,并作为实际输出显示在查看效果页,供学员确认;请注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开)</span></p>
 							<div className="df">
 								<div className="flex1 mr20">
 									<input type="text" className="input-100-45 change" autoComplete="off"
@@ -1076,9 +951,6 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-									<p className="color-grey-9 mt15">
-										学员评测本关任务时生成的文件将保存在该路径下,并作为实际输出显示在查看效果页,供学员确认;任务输出结果为文件时请指定该路径,并注意与程序文件所在文件夹分开。
-									</p>
@@ -1086,10 +958,10 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-					<div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
-						<div className="padding40-20">
+					<div className="edu-back-white clearfix" id={"Thetestset"}>
+						<div className="padding1020tpms mb20">
 							{/*<p className="color-grey-6 font-16">测试集</p>*/}
-							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16">测试集和系统评分规则</p>
+							<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 height40pxtpm borbottomeeetpm">测试集和系统评分规则</p>
 							<p className="color-grey-9  mt20"
@@ -1132,9 +1004,9 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-												<div className="test_array_item mt30" key={key}>
+												<div className="test_array_item mt30 borbottomeeetpm pb20" key={key}>
 													<p className="clearfix pr mb20">
-														<span className="fl mt5 mr10 color-orange">*</span>
+														<span className="fl mr10 color-red">*</span>
 														<span className="color-blue font-16 fl" name="sample_inputs_label">组{key+1}</span>
 														<span className="fl ml20 color-grey-6">
@@ -1143,19 +1015,19 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 																		 style={{width: '25%',display:scorevalue===true?'inline-block':'none'}}
 																		 value={item.score} />
-                                                        <span className="mr15"
+                                                        <span className="mr15 ml10"
-                                                    <Checkbox onChange={()=>this.evaluationonChange(item.hidden,key)}  checked={item.hidden===1?true:false}>隐藏</Checkbox>
+                                                    <Checkbox onChange={()=>this.evaluationonChange(item.hidden,key)}  checked={item.hidden===1?true:false}>隐藏<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(选中则对学员隐藏本测试集内容)</span></Checkbox>
 														<Tooltip placement="bottom" title={"删除"}>
-															<a className="fr del_array sample_icon_remove mr30" style={{display:key===0?"none":"block"}}
+															<div className="fr sample_icon_remove " style={{display:key===0?"none":"block"}}
-																<i className="fa fa-times-circle color-grey-c font-16 fl"></i>
-															</a>
+																<i className={"iconfont icon-shanchu_Hover font-16 fl"}></i>
+															</div>
 													<TextArea className="textareavalue mb15" name="test_set[input][]"
@@ -1174,11 +1046,11 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
-													<div className="clearfix lineh-30">
+													<div className="clearfix lineh-30 mt20">
 														<span className="fl mr10 color-grey-6">匹配规则:</span>
 														<RadioGroup className="fl" value={item.match_rule} onChange={(e)=>this.changeEvaluationRule(e,key)}>
-															<Radio value='full'>完全匹配</Radio>
-															<Radio value='last'>末尾匹配</Radio>
+															<Radio value='full'>完全匹配<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(实际输出与预期输出完全相同)</span></Radio>
+															<Radio value='last'>末尾匹配<span className={"color-grey-8 font-14"}>(实际输出的末尾内容与预期输出完全相同)</span></Radio>
@@ -1189,23 +1061,28 @@ export default class TPMevaluation extends Component {
 								<p className="clearfix" onClick={this.addevaluationon}>
-									<a className="fl edu-default-btn edu-greyline-btn mt20 mb20 sample_icon_add">
-										新增测试集
-									</a>
+										<Button type="primary" ghost className="edu-default-btn edu-greenback-btn mt20 mb20">新增测试集</Button>
-								<p className="color-grey-9">温馨提示:建议公开测试集和隐藏测试集结合使用,降低作弊的几率;隐藏测试集,在“提交评测”时也将被自动检测</p>
+								<p className="color-grey-9">温馨提示:公开测试集和隐藏测试集结合使用,可以降低作弊的几率;隐藏测试集,在“提交评测”时也将被系统自动检测</p>
-					<div className="clearfix mt30" style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||power===false?"none":"block"}}>
-						<a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={this.submitarbitrationevaluation}>提交</a>
-						<a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>
-					</div>
+				{this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||power===false?"":<div className="clearfix mt30">
+					{/*<a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={this.submitarbitrationevaluation}>提交</a>*/}
+					{/*/!*<a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*!/*/}
+					{/*<Link to={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</Link>*/}
+					<Bottomsubmit url={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"}
+												bottomvalue={"提交"}
+												onSubmits={this.submitarbitrationevaluation}
+												{...this.props}
+												{...this.state}
+												loadings={false}
+					/>
+				</div>}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionEdit.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionEdit.js
index d0e6f98bd..5e90c1f3d 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionEdit.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionEdit.js
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ export default class TpmQuestionEdit extends Component {
 				<div className="clearfix mt30" style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.power===false?"none":"block"}}>
 					<a   className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20"
-					<a href={this.props.go_back_url}
-						 className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>
+					{/*<a href={this.props.go_back_url}*/}
+					{/*	 className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*/}
+          <Link to={this.props.go_back_url}  className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</Link>
 					<a  onClick={()=>this.delecbtns()}
 						 className="delectshixuncdbtn fr">删除</a>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionMain.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionMain.js
index 614842ab8..c4008f89c 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionMain.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionMain.js
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ export default class TpmQuestionMain extends Component {
 								style={{display: this.props.identity > 4 || this.props.identity === undefined || this.props.power === false ? "none" : "block"}}>
 						 <a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20"
 								onClick={this.props.sumittype === true ? "" : this.props.clickquestionsumit}>提交</a>
-						 <a href={this.props.go_back_url}
-								className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>
+						 {/*<a href={this.props.go_back_url}*/}
+							{/*	className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*/}
+						<Link to={this.props.go_back_url} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</Link>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionNew.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionNew.js
index 861c4f879..c808fea61 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionNew.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmQuestionNew.js
@@ -205,8 +205,10 @@ export default class TpmQuestionNew extends Component {
 				<div className="clearfix mt30" style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.power===false?"none":"block"}}>
 					<a   className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20"
-					<a href={this.props.go_back_url}
-						 className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>
+					<Link to={this.props.go_back_url}
+								className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</Link>
+					{/*<a href={this.props.go_back_url}*/}
+					{/*	 className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*/}
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmTask/TpmTaskIndex.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmTask/TpmTaskIndex.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a64daf9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TpmTask/TpmTaskIndex.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import React, {Component} from 'react';
+import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
+import Loadable from 'react-loadable';
+import Loading from "../../../../Loading";
+import Bottomsubmit from "../../../modals/Bottomsubmit";
+const TPMchallengestask = Loadable({
+    loader: () => import('../../challengesnew/TPMchallengesnew'),
+    loading: Loading,
+export default class TpmTaskIndex extends Component {
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props)
+    this.state = {
+    }
+  }
+  componentDidMount() {
+  }
+  render() {
+    // console.log(a.indexOf("vnc"))
+    // console.log(b.indexOf("vnc"))
+    return (
+      <div>
+        <Switch {...this.props}>
+          {/*新建关卡*/}
+          <Route path="/shixuns/:shixunId/challenges/new" render={
+            (props) => (<TPMchallengestask {...this.props} {...props}  {...this.state}/>)
+          }></Route>
+          {/*编辑关卡*/}
+          <Route path="/shixuns/:shixunId/challenges/:checkpointId/editcheckpoint" render={
+            (props) => (<TPMchallengestask {...this.props} {...props} {...this.state} />)
+          }></Route>
+        </Switch>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/css/TPMchallengesnew.css b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/css/TPMchallengesnew.css
index 37a65ef97..a65c3b7fa 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/css/TPMchallengesnew.css
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/css/TPMchallengesnew.css
@@ -266,4 +266,66 @@ a{
     height: 32px;
     line-height: 20px;
     font-family: "微软雅黑","宋体";
+    border-bottom:1px solid #F4F4F4;
+    height: 76px;
+    line-height: 56px;
+    padding: 10px 20px;
+    padding: 20px 20px 20px;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    padding: 0px 20px 20px;
+.mb10 {
+    margin-bottom: 10px !important;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    width: 1180px;
+    height: 34px;
+    border: 1px solid rgba(255,102,1,1);
+    line-height: 34px;
+    padding: 10px 20px;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    border-top: 1px solid #eee;
+.borbottomeeetpm {
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+    height:40px
+    margin-left: 41px;
+    width: 500px;
+    height: 45px;
+    margin: 0 auto;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPManswer.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/old/TPManswer.js
similarity index 98%
rename from public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPManswer.js
rename to public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/old/TPManswer.js
index 9187e09b0..7d090c607 100644
--- a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/TPManswer.js
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/old/TPManswer.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { getImageUrl, toPath, getUrl } from 'educoder';
 import axios from 'axios';
-import './css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
+import '../css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
 let origin = getUrl();
@@ -355,7 +355,8 @@ export default class TPManswer extends Component {
                     <div className="clearfix mt20" style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||power===false?"none":"block"}}>
                         <a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20"
-                        <a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>
+                        {/*<a href={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*/}
+                        <Link to={"/shixuns/" + shixunId + "/challenges"} className={"defalutCancelbtn fl"}>取消</Link>
diff --git a/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/old/TPMchallengesnew.js b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/old/TPMchallengesnew.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6dfc04eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/react/src/modules/tpm/challengesnew/old/TPMchallengesnew.js
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+import React, {Component} from 'react';
+import {Input, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Popconfirm, message, Modal} from 'antd';
+import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Switch} from "react-router-dom";
+// import "antd/dist/antd.css";
+import TPMMDEditor from '../TPMMDEditor';
+import axios from 'axios';
+import '../css/TPMchallengesnew.css';
+import { getImageUrl, toPath } from 'educoder';
+import {getUrl} from 'educoder';
+let origin = getUrl();
+let path = getUrl("/editormd/lib/")
+const $ = window.$;
+let timeout;
+let currentValue;
+const Option = Select.Option;
+const RadioGroup = Radio.Group;
+export default class TPMchallengesnew extends Component {
+    constructor(props) {
+        super(props)
+			  this.exercisememoMDRef=React.createRef();
+        this.state = {
+            choice_url: undefined,
+            practice_url: undefined,
+            go_back_url: undefined,
+            task_pass_default: undefined,
+            submit_url: undefined,
+            shixunCreatePracticeGroup: 1,
+            optionsums:[100,200],
+            activetype:0,
+            setopen: false,
+            shixunCreatePractice: undefined,
+            onshixunsmarkvalue: 100,
+            shixunsskillvalue: undefined,
+            shixunsskillvaluelist: [],
+            tab2url: "",
+            tab3url: "",
+            prev_challenge:undefined,
+            next_challenge:undefined,
+            power: false,
+            shixunCreatePracticetype: false,
+            shixunsskillvaluelisttype: false,
+            marktype:false,
+            editPracticesendtype:false,
+            CreatePracticesendtype:false,
+					  exec_time:20,
+					  shixunExec_timeType:false
+        }
+    }
+    componentDidMount() {
+        let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+        let checkpointId=this.props.match.params.checkpointId;
+        let newchoice_url= "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/newquestion";
+        let newpractice_url= "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/new";
+        let newgo_back_url="/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges"
+        if(checkpointId===undefined){
+            //新建模式
+            let url = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/new.json"
+            axios.get(url).then((response) => {
+                this.setState({
+                    choice_url: newchoice_url,
+                    practice_url: newpractice_url,
+                    go_back_url: newgo_back_url,
+                    position: response.data.position,
+                    task_pass_default: response.data.task_pass_default,
+                    submit_url: response.data.submit_url,
+                    checkpointId:checkpointId,
+									exercisememoMDRefval:response.data.task_pass_default
+                })
+							this.exercisememoMDRef.current.setValue(response.data.task_pass_default||'')
+            }).catch((error) => {
+                console.log(error)
+            });
+        }else{
+            //编辑模式
+            let url="/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/"+checkpointId+".json?tab=0";
+            axios.get(url).then((response) => {
+                let optionsum;
+                if(response.data.difficulty===1){
+                    optionsum=[100,200];
+                }else if(response.data.difficulty===2){
+                    optionsum=[300,400,500,600];
+                }else if(response.data.difficulty===3){
+                    optionsum=[700,800,900,1000]
+                }
+                let newprev_challenge=response.data.prev_challenge;
+                let next_challenge=response.data.next_challenge;
+                if (newprev_challenge != undefined) {
+                    if(newprev_challenge.st===0){
+                        newprev_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + newprev_challenge.id + "/editcheckpoint";
+                    }else{
+                        newprev_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + newprev_challenge.id  + "/editquestion";
+                    }
+                }
+                if (next_challenge != undefined) {
+                    if(next_challenge.st===0){
+                        next_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + next_challenge.id+ "/editcheckpoint";
+                    }else{
+                        next_challenge = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/" + next_challenge.id+ "/editquestion";
+                    }
+                }
+                this.setState({
+                    power: response.data.power,
+                    prev_challenge:newprev_challenge,
+                    next_challenge:next_challenge,
+                    choice_url: newchoice_url,
+                    practice_url: newpractice_url,
+                    go_back_url: newgo_back_url,
+                    shixunCreatePractice:response.data.subject,
+                    position:response.data.position,
+                    shixunCreatePracticeGroup:response.data.difficulty,
+                    optionsums:optionsum,
+                    onshixunsmarkvalue:response.data.score,
+                    shixunsskillvaluelist:response.data.tags,
+                    checkpointId:checkpointId,
+									  exec_time:response.data.exec_time,
+                    tab2url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=2",
+                    tab3url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=3",
+									exercisememoMDRefval:response.data.task_pass
+                })
+                if(response.data.power===false){
+                    this.props.showSnackbar("你没有权限修改");
+                }
+							this.exercisememoMDRef.current.setValue(response.data.task_pass||'')
+            }).catch((error) => {
+                console.log(error)
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    onshixunCreatePracticeChange = (e) => {
+        let optionsum;
+        let onshixunsmark;
+        if(e.target.value===1){
+            optionsum=[100,200];
+            onshixunsmark=100;
+        }else if(e.target.value===2){
+            optionsum=[300,400,500,600];
+            onshixunsmark=300;
+        }else if(e.target.value===3){
+            optionsum=[700,800,900,1000]
+            onshixunsmark=700;
+        }
+        this.setState({
+            shixunCreatePracticeGroup: e.target.value,
+            optionsums:optionsum,
+            onshixunsmarkvalue:onshixunsmark
+        })
+    }
+    shixunCreatePractice = (e) => {
+        this.setState({
+            shixunCreatePractice: e.target.value
+        })
+    }
+    CreatePracticesend = () => {
+			this.setState({
+        CreatePracticesendtype:true
+      })
+        if(this.props.status===2){
+            this.props.showSnackbar("该实训已经发布不能新建")
+            this.setState({
+              CreatePracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            return
+        }
+        let {shixunCreatePractice, shixunCreatePracticeGroup, onshixunsmarkvalue, shixunsskillvaluelist,exec_time} = this.state;
+        if (shixunCreatePractice === undefined||shixunCreatePractice=="") {
+            this.setState({
+                shixunCreatePracticetype: true
+            })
+            this.props.showSnackbar("任务名称为空")
+                $('html').animate({
+                scrollTop: 10
+            }, 1000);
+          this.setState({
+            CreatePracticesendtype:false
+          })
+            return
+        }
+        if (shixunsskillvaluelist.length === 0) {
+            this.setState({
+                shixunsskillvaluelisttype: true,
+              CreatePracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            this.props.showSnackbar("技能标签为空")
+            return
+        }
+			if(exec_time===null||exec_time===undefined||exec_time===""){
+				this.setState({
+					shixunExec_timeType:false
+				})
+				return
+			}
+        const exercise_editormdvalue = this.exercisememoMDRef.current.getValue().trim();
+        let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+        let url = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges.json";
+        axios.post(url, {
+            identifier:id,
+            subject: shixunCreatePractice,
+            task_pass: exercise_editormdvalue,
+            difficulty: shixunCreatePracticeGroup,
+            score: onshixunsmarkvalue,
+            challenge_tag: shixunsskillvaluelist,
+            st: 0,
+					  exec_time:exec_time
+        }).then((response) => {
+            if (response.data.status === 1) {
+						// $("html").animate({ scrollTop: 0 })
+						//window.location.href=`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${response.data.challenge_id}/editcheckpoint?tab=2`;
+							window.location.href=`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${response.data.challenge_id}/tab=2`;
+							// this.setState({
+							// 		setopen: true,
+							// 		CreatePracticesendtype:false,
+							// 		tab2url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+response.data.challenge_id+"/tab=2",
+							// 		tab3url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+response.data.challenge_id+"/tab=3",
+							// })
+            }
+					// this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.messages);
+        }).catch((error) => {
+            console.log(error)
+        });
+    }
+    onshixunsmark = (value) => {
+        this.setState({
+            onshixunsmarkvalue: value
+        })
+    }
+    shixunsskill = (e) => {
+        this.setState({
+            shixunsskillvalue: e.target.value
+        })
+    }
+    clickshixunsskill = () => {
+        let {shixunsskillvalue, shixunsskillvaluelist} = this.state;
+        if (shixunsskillvalue === "") {
+            return
+        } else if (shixunsskillvalue === undefined) {
+            return
+        }
+        if(shixunsskillvalue == "" || shixunsskillvalue == undefined || shixunsskillvalue == null || (shixunsskillvalue.length>0 && shixunsskillvalue.trim().length == 0)){
+            message.error("输入为空,不能保存!");
+            return
+        }
+         let list = shixunsskillvaluelist;
+        list.push(shixunsskillvalue);
+        this.setState({
+            shixunsskillvaluelist: list,
+            shixunsskillvalue: ""
+        })
+    }
+    delshixunsskilllist = (key) => {
+        let {shixunsskillvaluelist} = this.state;
+        let newshixunsskillvaluelist = shixunsskillvaluelist;
+        newshixunsskillvaluelist.splice(key, 1);
+        this.setState({
+            shixunsskillvaluelist: newshixunsskillvaluelist
+        })
+    }
+    editPracticesend=()=>{
+        this.setState({
+          editPracticesendtype:true
+        })
+        let {shixunCreatePractice, shixunCreatePracticeGroup, onshixunsmarkvalue, shixunsskillvaluelist,checkpointId,exec_time} = this.state;
+			const exercise_editormdvalue = this.exercisememoMDRef.current.getValue().trim();
+        let id = this.props.match.params.shixunId;
+        let url = "/shixuns/"+id+"/challenges/"+checkpointId+".json";
+        if (shixunCreatePractice === undefined||shixunCreatePractice=="") {
+            // this.setState({
+            //     shixunCreatePracticetype: true
+            // })
+            this.props.showSnackbar("任务名称为空")
+            $('html').animate({
+                scrollTop: 10
+            }, 1000);
+            this.setState({
+              editPracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            return
+        }
+        if (shixunsskillvaluelist.length === 0) {
+            // this.setState({
+            //     shixunsskillvaluelisttype: true
+            // })
+            this.props.showSnackbar("技能标签为空")
+            this.setState({
+              editPracticesendtype:false
+            })
+            return
+        }
+        if(exec_time===null||exec_time===undefined||exec_time===""){
+					this.setState({
+						shixunExec_timeType:false
+					})
+					return
+				}
+        axios.put(url, {
+            tab:0,
+            identifier:id,
+            id:checkpointId,
+            challenge:{
+                subject: shixunCreatePractice,
+                task_pass: exercise_editormdvalue,
+                difficulty: shixunCreatePracticeGroup,
+                score: onshixunsmarkvalue,
+							  exec_time:exec_time
+            },
+            challenge_tag:shixunsskillvaluelist
+        }).then((response) => {
+            this.props.showSnackbar(response.data.messages);
+            if (response.data.status === 1) {
+						  	window.location.href=`/shixuns/${id}/challenges/${checkpointId}/tab=2`;
+                this.setState({
+                    setopen: true,
+								  	editPracticesendtype:false,
+                    tab2url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=2",
+                    tab3url: "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+checkpointId+"/tab=3",
+                })
+                // window.location.href = "/shixuns/" + id + "/challenges/"+response.data.challenge_id+"/tab=2"
+            }
+        }).catch((error) => {
+            console.log(error)
+        });
+    }
+    onshixunsmarks=()=> {
+        this.setState({
+            marktype:true
+        })
+    }
+    onshixunsmarkss=()=> {
+        this.setState({
+            marktype:false
+        })
+    }
+		setexec_time=(e)=>{
+				this.setState({
+					exec_time:e.target.value
+				})
+		}
+    render() {
+        let shixuntype = this.props.match.params.type;
+        let {marktype,
+            shixunCreatePracticetype, shixunsskillvaluelisttype,
+            choice_url, practice_url, go_back_url, position, task_pass_default, submit_url, setopen,checkpointId,prev_challenge,next_challenge,power,
+            shixunCreatePractice, shixunCreatePracticeGroup, onshixunsmarkvalue, shixunsskillvalue, shixunsskillvaluelist, tab2url, tab3url,optionsums,
+            CreatePracticesendtype,editPracticesendtype
+        } = this.state;
+        let options;
+        if(optionsums!=undefined){
+					options = optionsums.map((d, k) => {
+						return (
+							<Option key={d} id={k}>{d}</Option>
+						)
+					})
+				}
+        return (
+            <React.Fragment>
+                <div className="educontent mt30 mb30">
+                    <div className="padding10-20 mb10 edu-back-white clearfix">
+                        <span className="fl ring-blue mr10 mt7">
+                            <img src={getImageUrl("images/educoder/icon/code.svg")} data-tip-down="实训任务" className="fl mt2 ml2"/>
+                        </span>
+                        <span className="font-16 task-hide fl TPMtaskName">第{position}关</span>
+                        <Link to={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url}
+                              className="color-grey-6 fr font-15 mt3">返回</Link>
+											  { next_challenge===undefined?"":
+													<a href={next_challenge}className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">下一关</a>
+												}
+                        { prev_challenge===undefined?"":
+                            <a href={prev_challenge} className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4">上一关</a>
+                        }
+                        <a href={practice_url === undefined ? "" : practice_url}
+                           className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
+                           style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"none":'block'}}
+                           data-tip-down="新增代码编辑类型的任务">+&nbsp;实践类型</a>
+                        <a href={choice_url === undefined ? "" : choice_url}
+                           className="fr color-blue mr15 mt4"
+                           style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined||this.props.status===2||this.props.status===1?"none":'block'}}
+                           data-tip-down="新增选择题类型的任务">+&nbsp;选择题类型</a>
+                    </div>
+                    <div className="challenge_nav clearfix edu-back-white">
+                        <li className="active">
+                            <a>本关任务</a>
+                        </li>
+                        <li className="">
+                            {tab2url === "" ? <span>评测设置</span> : <Link to={tab2url}>评测设置</Link>}
+                        </li>
+                        <li className="">
+                            {tab3url === "" ? <span>参考答案</span> : <Link to={tab3url}>参考答案</Link>}
+                        </li>
+                    </div>
+                    <div className="edu-back-white mb10 clearfix">
+                        <div className="padding40-20">
+                            <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">任务名称</p>
+                            <div className="df">
+                                <span className="mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
+                                <div className="flex1 mr20">
+                                    <input type="text"
+                                           // className="input-100-45 greyInput"
+                                           className={shixunCreatePracticetype===true?"input-100-45 greyInpus wind100":"input-100-45 greyInput "}
+                                           maxLength="50"
+                                           name="challenge[subject]"
+                                           value={shixunCreatePractice}
+                                           onInput={this.shixunCreatePractice}
+                                           placeholder="请输入任务名称(此信息将提前展示给学员),例:计算学生的课程成绩绩点"/>
+                                </div>
+                                <div style={{width: '57px'}}>
+                                <span
+                                className={shixunCreatePracticetype === true ? "color-orange mt8 fl  block" : "color-orange mt8 fl none"}
+                                id="new_shixun_name"><i
+                                className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">过关任务</p>
+											<TPMMDEditor ref={this.exercisememoMDRef} placeholder="请输入选择题的题干内容" mdID={'exercisememoMD'} refreshTimeout={1500}
+																	 watch={true}  className="courseMessageMD" initValue={this.state.exercisememoMDRefval} height={700}></TPMMDEditor>
+                        <p id="e_tip_Memochallengesnew" className="edu-txt-right color-grey-cd font-12"></p>
+                        <p id="e_tips_Memochallengesnew" className="edu-txt-right color-grey-cd font-12"></p>
+                    </div>
+                    <div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">难度系数</p>
+                        <div className="clearfix mb40">
+                            <RadioGroup value={shixunCreatePracticeGroup} className="fl mr40"
+                                        disabled={this.props.status===2?true:false}
+                                        onChange={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunCreatePracticeChange}>
+                                <Radio value={1}>简单</Radio>
+                                <Radio value={2}>中等</Radio>
+                                <Radio value={3}>困难</Radio>
+                            </RadioGroup>
+                        </div>
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">奖励经验值</p>
+                        <div className="clearfix"
+														 // onMouseLeave={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunsmarkss}
+												>
+                            <span className="fl mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
+                            <Select style={{width: 120}} className="winput-240-40 fl"
+                                    id="challenge_score"
+                                    onChange={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunsmark}
+                                    // onMouseEnter={this.props.status===2?"":this.onshixunsmarks}
+                                    disabled={this.props.status===2?true:false}
+                                    // open={marktype}
+                                    value={onshixunsmarkvalue}
+                                    getPopupContainer={triggerNode => triggerNode.parentNode}
+                            >
+                                {options}
+                            </Select>
+                            <p className="fl color-grey-9 font-12 ml20">
+                                如果学员答题错误,则不能得到相应的经验值<br/>
+                                如果学员成功得到经验值,那么将同时获得等值的金币奖励,如:+10经验值、+10金币
+                            </p>
+                            <span className="color-orange mt7 fl ml20 none" id="ex_value_notice"><i
+                                className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
+                        <p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">技能标签</p>
+                        <div className="clearfix df">
+                            <span className="mr30 color-orange pt10">*</span>
+                            <div className="flex1">
+                                <Input type="text"
+                                       className="winput-240-40 fl mr20 winput-240-40s"
+                                       id="input_task_tag"
+                                       placeholder="添加标签"
+                                       onInput={this.shixunsskill}
+                                       value={shixunsskillvalue}
+                                       onPressEnter={this.clickshixunsskill}
+                                       onBlur={this.clickshixunsskill}
+                                />
+                                {/*<a className="white-btn orange-btn fl mt1 use_scope-btn ml20 mt5 mr20"*/}
+                                   {/*onClick={this.clickshixunsskill}>+ 添加</a>*/}
+                                <div className="ml15 color-grey-9 mt5">学员答题正确将获得技能,否则不能获得技能</div>
+                                <div className="mt20 clearfix" id="task_tag_content">
+                                    {
+																			shixunsskillvaluelist===undefined?"":shixunsskillvaluelist.length === 0 ? "" : shixunsskillvaluelist.map((itme, key) => {
+                                            return (
+                                                <li className="task_tag_span" key={key}><span>{itme}</span>
+                                                    <a onClick={() => this.delshixunsskilllist(key)}>×</a>
+                                                </li>
+                                            )
+                                        })
+                                    }
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                            <span
+                                className={shixunsskillvaluelisttype === true ? "color-orange mt7 fl ml20 block" : " color-orange mt7 fl ml20 none"}
+                                id="stage_name_notice">
+                        <i className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+										<div className="edu-back-white padding40-20 mb20">
+											<p className="color-grey-6 font-16 mb30">服务配置</p>
+											<div className="clearfix mb5">
+												<span className="color-orange pt10 fl">*</span>
+												<label className="panel-form-label fl">评测时限(S):</label>
+												<div className="pr fl with80 status_con">
+													<input  value={this.state.exec_time} className="panel-box-sizing task-form-100 task-height-40" placeholder="请输入类别名称" onInput={this.setexec_time}/>
+												</div>
+												<span
+													className={this.state.shixunExec_timeType === true ? "color-orange mt8 fl block ml20" : "color-orange mt8 fl none"}
+													id="new_shixun_name"><i className="fa fa-exclamation-circle mr3"></i>必填项</span>
+												<div className="cl"></div>
+											</div>
+										</div>
+                    <div className="clearfix mt30"
+                         style={{display:this.props.identity>4||this.props.identity===undefined?"none":'block'}}
+                    >
+                       {checkpointId===undefined?<a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={CreatePracticesendtype===true?"":this.CreatePracticesend}>提交</a>:
+                       <a className="defalutSubmitbtn fl mr20" onClick={editPracticesendtype===true?"":this.editPracticesend}>提交</a>}
+                       {/*<a href={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url} className="defalutCancelbtn fl">取消</a>*/}
+                       <Link to={go_back_url === undefined ? "" : go_back_url} className={"defalutCancelbtn fl"}>取消</Link>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </React.Fragment>
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/educoder/edu-all.css b/public/stylesheets/educoder/edu-all.css
index 154be61be..4b663de87 100644
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+++ b/public/stylesheets/educoder/edu-all.css
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