class MemosController < ApplicationController before_action :require_login, except: [:show, :index] before_action :check_account, only: [:new, :create] before_action :set_memo, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :sticky_or_cancel, :hidden, :more_reply] before_action :validate_memo_params, only: [:create, :update] before_action :owner_or_admin, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] before_action :require_business, only: [:sticky_or_cancel, :hidden] include ApplicationHelper # GET /memos # GET /memos.json def index @user = current_user @memos = Memo.all s_order = (params[:order] == "replies_count" ? "all_replies_count" : params[:order]) || "updated_at" # @tidding_count = unviewed_tiddings(current_user) if current_user.present? page = params[:page] || 1 limit = params[:limit] || 15 search = params[:search] forum_id = params[:forum] tag_repertoire_id = params[:tag_repertoire_id] sql = if forum_id !search.blank? ? "forum_id = #{forum_id} and root_id is null and subject like '%#{search}%'" : "forum_id = #{forum_id} and root_id is null" elsif !search.blank? "forum_id in(3, 5, 16) and root_id is null and subject like '%#{search}%'" else "forum_id in(3, 5, 16) and root_id is null" end if tag_repertoire_id memo_ids = MemoTagRepertoire.where(tag_repertoire_id: tag_repertoire_id).pluck(:memo_id) memo_ids = memo_ids ? memo_ids.join(",") : -1 sql += " and #{Memo.table_name}.id in(#{memo_ids})" end if params[:order] == "updated_at" sql += " and all_replies_count != 0" end memos = Memo.field_for_list.where("#{sql}") @memos_count = memos.length @memos = memos.order("sticky = 1 desc, #{Memo.table_name}.#{s_order} desc").page(page).per(limit) @memos = @memos.includes(:praise_treads, :tag_repertoires, author: :user_extension) # @my_memos_count = Memo.user_posts(current_user.try(:id)).count @tags_info = MemoTagRepertoire.find_by_sql("SELECT tag_repertoire_id,, count(*) cnt FROM memo_tag_repertoires mtr join tag_repertoires tr on = mtr.tag_repertoire_id group by tag_repertoire_id order by cnt desc, tag_repertoire_id desc limit 9") @hot_memos = @recommend_shixuns = end # GET /memos/1.json def show # tidding_count = unviewed_tiddings(current_user) if current_user @user = current_user @memo.update_column(:viewed_count, @memo.viewed_count+1) @memos = @memo.reply_for_memo.includes(:praise_treads, author: :user_extension).order("created_at desc").limit(10) @attachments = @memo.attachments @recommend_shixuns = end # GET /memos/new def new @tag_list = TagRepertoire.field_for_list.order("name asc") end # GET /memos/1/edit def edit @tag_list = TagRepertoire.field_for_list.order("name asc") @memo_tags = @memo.tag_repertoires.field_for_list @attachments = @memo.attachments end # POST /memos.json def create ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin @memo = = current_user! Attachment.associate_container(params[:attachment_ids],, params[:tags].each do |tag| MemoTagRepertoire.create!(memo_id:, tag_repertoire_id: tag) end render :json => {memo_id:, status: 0, message: "帖子创建成功"} rescue Exception => e tip_exception("帖子创建失败,原因:#{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end # PATCH/PUT /memos/1.json def update ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin @memo.update_attributes!(memo_params) Attachment.associate_container(params[:attachment_ids],, @memo.memo_tag_repertoires.destroy_all params[:tags].each do |tag| MemoTagRepertoire.create!(memo_id:, tag_repertoire_id: tag) end normal_status("帖子更新成功") rescue Exception => e tip_exception("帖子更新失败,原因:#{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end # DELETE /memos/1 # DELETE /memos/1.json def destroy @memo.destroy normal_status("删除成功") end def sticky_or_cancel tip_exception("只能对主贴进行置顶操作") unless @memo.parent_id.nil? begin @memo.update_attributes!(sticky: !@memo.sticky) normal_status("更新成功") rescue Exception => e tip_exception("更新失败,原因:#{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end def hidden tip_exception("不能对主贴进行隐藏操作") if @memo.parent_id.nil? begin @memo.update_attributes!(hidden: @memo.hidden == 0 ? 1 : 0) normal_status("更新成功") rescue Exception => e tip_exception("更新失败,原因:#{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end def reply tip_exception("parent_id不能为空") if params[:parent_id].blank? tip_exception("content不能为空") if params[:content].blank? tip_exception("内容不能超过2000字符") if params[:content].length > 2000 ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin memo = Memo.find_by!(id: params[:parent_id]) @reply = @reply.content = params[:content] = current_user @reply.forum_id = memo.forum_id @reply.subject = memo.subject @reply.root_id = memo.root_id || memo.children << @reply m = Memo.find_by!(id: @reply.root_id) m.update_attributes!(all_replies_count: m.all_replies_count + 1) rescue Exception => e tip_exception("回复失败,原因:#{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def more_reply @user = current_user page = params[:page] || 2 limit = params[:limit] || 10 offset = (page.to_i - 1) * limit @memos_count = Memo.where(parent_id: @memos = Memo.limit(limit).where(parent_id:, :praise_treads).order("created_at desc").offset(offset) end private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_memo @memo = Memo.find(params[:id]) end def owner_or_admin tip_exception(403, "无权限操作") unless == current_user || current_user.admin? || end # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through. def memo_params params.require(:memo).permit(:subject, :content, :forum_id) end def validate_memo_params tip_exception("话题名称不能为空") if params[:subject].blank? tip_exception("话题内容不能为空") if params[:content].blank? tip_exception("话题类型不能为空") if params[:forum_id].blank? tip_exception("技术标签不能为空") if params[:forum_id].to_i == 5 && params[:tags].blank? end end