#coding=utf-8 namespace :poll_publish do desc "publish poll and end poll" task :publish => :environment do puts "--------------------------------poll_publish start" # 统一设置发布时间的问卷 polls = Poll.includes(:poll_users).where("publish_time is not null and polls_status = 1 and publish_time <=?",Time.now) polls.each do |poll| poll.update_attributes(:polls_status => 2) course = poll.course tid_str = "" course.teachers.find_each do |member| tid_str += "," if tid_str != "" tid_str += "(#{member.user_id}, #{poll.user_id}, #{poll.id}, 'Poll', #{poll.id}, 'PollPublish', #{course.id}, 'Course', 0, 'Poll', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}')" end if poll.unified_setting course.students.find_each do |student| tid_str += "," if tid_str != "" tid_str += "(#{student.user_id}, #{poll.user_id}, #{poll.id}, 'Poll', #{poll.id}, 'PollPublish', #{course.id}, 'Course', 0, 'Poll', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}')" end end if tid_str != "" tid_sql = "insert into tidings (user_id, trigger_user_id, container_id, container_type, parent_container_id, parent_container_type, belong_container_id, belong_container_type, viewed, tiding_type, created_at, updated_at) values" + tid_str ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute tid_sql end if poll.poll_users.count == 0 str = "" course.students.find_each do |student| str += "," if str != "" str += "(#{student.user_id},#{poll.id}, 0, '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}')" end if str != "" sql = "insert into poll_users (user_id, poll_id, commit_status, created_at, updated_at) values" + str ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute sql end end if poll.course_acts.size == 0 poll.course_acts << CourseActivity.new(:user_id => poll.user_id,:course_id => poll.course_id) end end # 分组设置发布时间的问卷 poll_group_settings = PollGroupSetting.where("publish_time < ? and publish_time > ?", Time.now + 900, Time.now - 900) poll_group_settings.each do |poll_group| poll = poll_group.poll if poll.present? course = poll.course poll.update_attributes(:polls_status => 2) if poll.polls_status == 1 tid_str = "" members = course.course_members.where(:course_group_id => poll_group.course_group_id) members.find_each do |member| tid_str += "," if tid_str != "" tid_str += "(#{member.user_id},#{poll.user_id}, #{poll.id}, 'Poll', #{poll.id}, 'PollPublish', #{course.id}, 'Course', 0, 'Poll', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}')" end if tid_str != "" tid_sql = "insert into tidings (user_id, trigger_user_id, container_id, container_type, parent_container_id, parent_container_type, belong_container_id, belong_container_type, viewed, tiding_type, created_at, updated_at) values" + tid_str ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute tid_sql end end end puts "--------------------------------poll_publish end" end task :nearly_end => :environment do puts "--------------------------------poll_nearly_end start" # 统一设置发布时间的问卷 polls = Poll.includes(:poll_users).where("polls_status = 2 and unified_setting = 1 and end_time <=? and end_time > ?", Time.now + 86400, Time.now + 84600) polls.each do |poll| if poll.tidings.where(:parent_container_type => "NearlyEnd").count == 0 course = poll.course tid_str = "" poll.poll_users.where(:commit_status => 0).find_each do |user| tid_str += "," if tid_str != "" tid_str += "(#{user.user_id}, #{poll.user_id}, #{poll.id}, 'Poll', #{poll.id}, 'NearlyEnd', #{course.id}, 'Course', 0, 'Poll', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}')" end if tid_str != "" tid_sql = "insert into tidings (user_id, trigger_user_id, container_id, container_type, parent_container_id, parent_container_type, belong_container_id, belong_container_type, viewed, tiding_type, created_at, updated_at) values" + tid_str ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute tid_sql end end end # 分组设置发布时间的问卷 poll_group_settings = PollGroupSetting.where("end_time <=? and end_time > ?", Time.now + 86400, Time.now + 84600) poll_group_settings.each do |poll_group| poll = poll_group.poll if poll.present? course = poll.course members = course.course_members.where(:course_group_id => poll_group.course_group_id) if poll.tidings.where(:parent_container_type => "NearlyEnd", :user_id => members.map(&:user_id)).count == 0 tid_str = "" poll.poll_users.where(:commit_status => 0, :user_id => members.map(&:user_id)).find_each do |member| tid_str += "," if tid_str != "" tid_str += "(#{member.user_id},#{poll.user_id}, #{poll.id}, 'Poll', #{poll.id}, 'NearlyEnd', #{course.id}, 'Course', 0, 'Poll', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}', '#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}')" end if tid_str != "" tid_sql = "insert into tidings (user_id, trigger_user_id, container_id, container_type, parent_container_id, parent_container_type, belong_container_id, belong_container_type, viewed, tiding_type, created_at, updated_at) values" + tid_str ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute tid_sql end end end end puts "--------------------------------poll_nearly_end end" end task :end => :environment do polls = Poll.includes(:poll_users).where("polls_status = 2 and unified_setting = 1 and end_time <=?",Time.now) polls.each do |poll| poll.update_attributes(:polls_status => 3) poll.poll_users.each do |poll_user| if poll_user.commit_status == 0 && !poll_user.start_at.nil? poll_user.update_attributes(:commit_status => 1, :end_at => Time.now) end end end PollGroupSetting.where("end_time < ? and end_time > ?", Time.now + 1800, Time.now - 1800).each do |poll_setting| poll = poll_setting.poll poll.update_column('polls_status',3) users = poll.course.course_members.where(:course_group_id => poll_setting.course_group_id) poll_users = poll.poll_users.where(:user_id => users.map(&:user_id)) poll_users.each do |poll_user| if poll_user.commit_status == 0 && !poll_user.start_at.nil? poll_user.update_attributes(:commit_status => 1, :end_at => Time.now) end end end end end