class Attachment < ApplicationRecord include BaseModel include Publicable include Publishable include Lockable belongs_to :container, polymorphic: true, optional: true belongs_to :author, class_name: "User", foreign_key: :author_id belongs_to :course, foreign_key: :container_id, optional: true has_many :attachment_group_settings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :attachment_histories, -> { order(version: :desc) }, :dependent => :destroy # 二级目录 belongs_to :course_second_category, optional: true scope :by_filename_or_user_name, -> (keywords) { joins(:author).where("filename like :search or LOWER(concat(users.lastname, users.firstname)) LIKE :search", :search => "%#{keywords.split(" ").join('|')}%") unless keywords.blank? } scope :by_keywords, -> (keywords) { where("filename LIKE ?", "%#{keywords.split(" ").join('|')}%") unless keywords.blank? } scope :ordered, -> (opts = {}) { order("#{opts[:sort_type]} #{opts[:sort] == 1 ? 'asc': 'desc'}") } scope :by_course_second_category_id, -> (course_second_category_id = 0) { where(course_second_category_id: course_second_category_id) } scope :contains_only_course, -> { where(container_type: 'Course') } scope :contains_only_project, -> { where(container_type: 'Project') } scope :contains_course_and_project, -> { contains_only_course.or(contains_only_project) } scope :mine, -> (author_id) { where(author_id: author_id) } scope :simple_columns, -> { select(:id, :filename, :filesize, :created_on, :cloud_url, :author_id, :content_type) } scope :search_by_container, -> (ids) {where(container_id: ids)} scope :unified_setting, -> {where("unified_setting = ? ", 1)} validates_length_of :description, maximum: 100 DCODES = %W(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c f e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) def diskfile File.join(File.join(Rails.root, "files"), disk_directory.to_s, disk_filename.to_s) end def title title = filename if container && container.is_a?(StudentWork) && author_id != course = container&.homework_common&.course unless User.current.teacher_of_course?(course) title = "#{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_#{DCODES.sample(8).join}" + File.extname(filename) end end title end def downloads_count downloads end def quotes_count quotes.nil? ? 0 : quotes end def self.associate_container(ids, container_id, container_type, attachtype=1) return false if ids.blank? || !ids.is_a?(Array) ids.each do |id| attachment = Attachment.find id attachment.update_attributes(container_id: container_id, container_type: container_type, attachtype: attachtype) end end # Returns an unsaved copy of the attachment def copy(attributes=nil) copy = copy.attributes = self.attributes.dup.except("id", "downloads", "quotes") copy.attributes = attributes if attributes copy end def set_publish_time(publish_time) self.unified_setting = 1 if publish_time.blank? self.publish_time = self.is_publish = 1 else self.is_publish = publish_time.to_s > (format_time ? 0 : 1 self.publish_time = publish_time.to_s > (format_time ? publish_time : end end def set_course_group_publish_time(course, course_group_publish_times) self.unified_setting = 0 min_publish_time = "" course_group_publish_times.each do |obj| if obj && obj[:course_group_id] publish_time = obj[:publish_time] if !publish_time.blank? && publish_time < min_publish_time min_publish_time = publish_time elsif publish_time.blank? publish_time = end attachment_group_setting = self.attachment_group_settings.where(course_group_id: obj[:course_group_id], course_id: if attachment_group_setting.present? attachment_group_setting.update_columns(publish_time: publish_time) else self.attachment_group_settings.create( :course_group_id => obj[:course_group_id], :course_id =>, :publish_time => publish_time ) end end end self.is_publish = min_publish_time > (format_time ? 0 : 1 self.publish_time = min_publish_time > (format_time ? min_publish_time : self.created_on end def become_history history = self.attachment_histories.first new_attachment_history ="id", "resource_bank_id", "unified_setting", "course_second_category_id", "delay_publish").merge( attachment_id:, version: history.nil? ? 1 : history.version + 1, )) new_attachment_history end def copy_attributes_from_new_attachment(new_attachment) self.attributes = new_attachment.attributes.dup.except("id","container_id","container_type","is_public","downloads", "quotes",'is_publish','publish_time', "delay_publish") end def set_public(is_public) if is_public == true is_public = 1 elsif is_public == false is_public = 0 end end #判断是否为pdf文件 def is_pdf? is_pdf = false file_content_type = content_type file_ext_type = File.extname(filename).strip.downcase[1..-1] if (file_content_type.present? && file_content_type.downcase.include?("pdf")) || (file_ext_type.present? && file_ext_type.include?("pdf")) is_pdf = true end is_pdf end end