# bundle exec rake sync:public_message args=149,2903 namespace :sync do task :public_message => :environment do subject_id = ENV['args'].split(",")[0] # 对应课程的id board_id = ENV['args'].split(",")[1] message_id = ENV['args'].split(",")[2] status = ENV['args'].split(",")[3] # 表示相应的期数 if status.to_i == 1 start_time = '2018-12-16' end_time = '2019-04-01' elsif status.to_i == 2 start_time = '2019-04-07' end_time = '2019-07-28' else # 这种情况是取所有的 start_time = '2015-01-01' end_time = '2022-07-28' end shixun_ids = Shixun.find_by_sql("select shixun_id from stage_shixuns where stage_id in (select id from stages where subject_id=#{subject_id}) ").map(&:shixun_id) discusses = Discuss.where(dis_id: shixun_ids).where("created_at >? and created_at :environment do shixun_id = ENV['args'].split(",")[0] # 对应课程的id board_id = ENV['args'].split(",")[1] message_id = ENV['args'].split(",")[2] status = ENV['args'].split(",")[3] # 表示相应的期数 if status.to_i == 1 start_time = '2018-12-16' end_time = '2019-04-01' elsif status.to_i == 2 start_time = '2019-04-07' end_time = '2019-07-28' else # 这种情况是取所有的 start_time = '2015-01-01' end_time = '2022-07-28' end discusses = Discuss.where(dis_id: shixun_id).where("parent_id is null and created_at >? and created_at parent_time large_time = random_time(start_time, end_time) end large_time end end end