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        <title>Emoji - Editor.md examples</title>
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                <h1>Emoji 表情</h1>
                <ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 18px;">
                    <li>Github emoji : <a href="http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/" target="_blank">http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/</a></li>
                    <li>Twitter Emoji(Twemoji) : <a href="http://twitter.github.io/twemoji/preview.html" target="_blank">http://twitter.github.io/twemoji/preview.html</a></li>
                    <li>FontAwesome icon font emoji : <a href="http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/" target="_blank">http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/</a></li>
                    <li>Editor.md logo icon font emoji</li>
            <div id="test-editormd">                
                <textarea style="display:none;">### Emoji 表情 :smiley:


### Emoji

Emoji cheat sheet for Campfire and GitHub.




:heart: :smiley: :+1: :-1: :black_large_square: :waxing_gibbous_moon: :moon: :crescent_moon:

### Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)



:tw-1f504: :tw-30-20e3: :tw-31-20e3: :tw-32-20e3: :tw-33-20e3: :tw-34-20e3: :tw-35-20e3: :tw-36-20e3: :tw-37-20e3: :tw-38-20e3: :tw-39-20e3: :tw-1f51f:


### Fortawesome icons




:fa-wifi: :fa-twitter: :fa-google-plus: :fa-git-square: :fa-github-alt: :fa-external-link-square:

### Editor.md logos



:editormd-logo: :editormd-logo-1x: :editormd-logo-2x: :editormd-logo-3x: :editormd-logo-4x: :editormd-logo-5x: :editormd-logo-6x: :editormd-logo-7x: :editormd-logo-8x:

### Mixed tests

&gt; Blockquotes :star:

@pandao dasfsadfasdf:fa-edit: :warning: :smiley:dsafsdfsad\:fdsfdf\:f dfdf:   :fa-save::fa-star:  :fa-truck:
**fdfasd:smiley:dsfsdfsfd** ~~fsdfds:smiley:dfsdfsdf :fa-info:~~ @pandao

:fa-weixin: :fa-qq: :fa-weibo: :fa-tencent-weibo: :fa-github: :fa-git:


___Emphasis :fa-gear: Italic:smiley:___  __Emphasis:smiley:__
# H1 dsfdfsfd:smiley:dsfsfdsfd:smiley:dsfdf:fa-star:
## H2 dsfd:fa-star:fsfd:smiley:dsfsfdsfd:smiley:dsfdf:fa-star:
### H3 dsfdfsfd@pandao :smiley:dsfsfdsfd:smiley:dsfdf:fa-edit: fdsfsdf:fa-save:dsfsdf @pandao
#### H4 dsfdfsfd@pandao :smiley:dsfsfdsfd:smiley:dsfdf:fa-edit: fdsfsdf:fa-save:dsfsdf
##### H5 dsfdfsfd:smiley:dsfsfd @pandao sfd:smiley:dsfdf:fa-edit: fdsfsdf:fa-save:dsfsdf
###### H6 dsfdfsfd:smiley:dsfsfdsfd:smiley:dsfdf:fa-edit: fdsfsdf:fa-star:dsfsdf

[:smiley:](http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/ "link + emoji") link + emoji
- dafs@pandao sdfsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf
- dafssdfsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf    @pandao  
    - dafssdfsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf
    - dafss:fa-truck:dfsdaf:smiley:dfsd @pandao fsdf
- dafssd:  :fa-truck:fsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf :fa-star::  :fa-truck:
    + dafssdfsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf @pandao
    + dafs@pandao s:fa-truck:dfsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf

1. :smiley:第一行:fa-truck:fsdaf:smiley:dfs@pandao dfsdf :fa-save::  :fa-truck:
    - dafssdfsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf @pandao
    - dafss:fa-truck:dfsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf
2. :smiley:第二行:fa-truck:fsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf :fa-star::  :fa-truck:
3. 第三行:fa-truck:fsdaf:smiley:dfsdfsdf :fa-save::  :fa-truck:

&gt; Blockquotes @pandao

&gt; dd:smiley:引用文本(Blockquotes:smiley:)fdasfad :fa-star:: dfd :fa-truck: @pandao

#### Datetime test


2015-03-12 02:21:47  

### In table

|:100: First Header  | Second:smiley: Header:smiley: |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content:fa-truck: Cell  | :smiley:Content Cell :smiley: |
| Con:fa-truck:tent Cell:bangbang:  | Content Cell dfsdfsdf :fa-star: :dfdf  :fa-truck: |

### Editor.md logo emoji

:fa-heart:fasdfsdfsfddffd:editormd-logo: :editormd-logo: :editormd-logo-4x:


This is an H1 :editormd-logo-4x: @pandao

@pandao This  :fa-save::  :fa-truck:is an H2 :100:

### GFM task lists  :editormd-logo-5x:

- [x] :smiley: @mentions, :smiley: #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported :editormd-logo:;
- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported) :editormd-logo-3x:;
- [x] [ ] :smiley: this is a complete item :smiley:;
- [ ] []this is an incomplete item [test link](#) :fa-star: @pandao; 
- [ ] [ ]this is an incomplete item;
    - [ ] :smiley: this is an incomplete item [test link](#);
    - [ ] :smiley: this is an incomplete item [test link](#);

        <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="../editormd.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var testEditor;
            $(function() {

                // You can custom Emoji's graphics files url path
                editormd.emoji     = {
                    path  : "http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/graphics/emojis/",
                    ext   : ".png"
                // Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)  graphics files url path    
                editormd.twemoji = {
                    path : "http://twemoji.maxcdn.com/72x72/",
                    ext  : ".png"
                testEditor = editormd("test-editormd", {
                    width  : "90%",
                    height : 720,
                    toc : true,
                    emoji : true,       // Support Github emoji, Twitter Emoji(Twemoji), fontAwesome, Editor.md logo emojis.
                    taskList : true,
                    path   : '../lib/'