class AddExerciseUserUpdate < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]

  # include ExercisesHelper
  # def change
  #   #2019,8,22添加
  #   two_months = - 2.months
  #   exs = Exercise.all.is_exercise_published.where("publish_time > ?",two_months).includes(:exercise_questions,:exercise_users)
  #   exs.each do |ex|
  #     if ex.exercise_questions.where("created_at < ?", - 1.month).pluck(:question_type).include?(1)  #含有多选题,且是1个月前创建的才更新
  #       ex_users = ex.exercise_users.exercise_user_committed.where("end_at is not null and end_at > ?",two_months)
  #       if ex_users.exists?
  #         ex_users.each do |ex_user|
  #           calculate_score = calculate_student_score(ex,ex_user.user)[:total_score]
  #           subjective_score = ex_user.subjective_score
  #           total_score_subjective_score = subjective_score < 0.0 ? 0.0 : subjective_score
  #           total_score = calculate_score + total_score_subjective_score
  #           ex_user.update_attributes(score:total_score,objective_score:calculate_score)
  #           puts
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  #   end
  #   #1936的试卷成绩有问题。
  #   # #
  #   ex_special = Exercise.find_by_id(1936)
  #   ex_special_users = ex_special.exercise_users.exercise_user_committed.where("end_at is not null and end_at > ?",two_months)
  #   if ex_special.present? && ex_special_users.exists?
  #     ex_special_users.each do |ex_user|
  #       calculate_score = calculate_student_score(ex_special,ex_user.user)[:total_score]
  #       subjective_score = ex_user.subjective_score
  #       total_score_subjective_score = subjective_score < 0.0 ? 0.0 : subjective_score
  #       total_score = calculate_score + total_score_subjective_score
  #       ex_user.update_attributes(score:total_score,objective_score:calculate_score)
  #       puts
  #     end
  #   end
  # end