class Poll < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :course, counter_cache: true belongs_to :user belongs_to :exercise_bank, optional: true # belongs_to :exercise_bank has_many :poll_questions,dependent: :delete_all has_many :poll_users, -> { where("is_delete != 1") }, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :users, :through => :poll_users #该文件被哪些用户提交答案过 has_many :poll_group_settings, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :course_acts, class_name: 'CourseActivity', as: :course_act, dependent: :delete_all has_many :tidings, as: :container, dependent: :delete_all scope :publish_or_not, -> { where("polls_status > ? ",1)} scope :only_public, -> {where("is_public = ?",true)} scope :public_or_unset, -> { where("unified_setting = ?",true) } scope :poll_by_ids, lambda { |ids| where(id: ids) unless ids.blank? } scope :poll_by_status, lambda { |s| where(polls_status: s) unless s.blank? } scope :poll_group_ended, -> {where("end_time is NOT NULL AND end_time <= ?",} scope :poll_search, lambda { |keywords| where("polls_name LIKE ?", "%#{keywords}%") unless keywords.blank?} validates :polls_name, length: { maximum: 60, too_long: "60 characters is the maximum allowed" } after_create :create_polls_list def create_polls_list str = "" self.course.students.find_each do |student| str += "," if str != "" str += "(#{student.user_id},#{}, 0, '#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}', '#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}')" end if str != "" sql = "insert into poll_users (user_id, poll_id, commit_status, created_at, updated_at) values" + str ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute sql end end #获取学生视角的试卷用户 def get_poll_exercise_users if unified_setting #试卷统一设置 poll_users else ex_group_setting_ids = poll_group_settings.poll_group_published.pluck(:course_group_id) poll_users.where(user_id: course.students.where(course_group_id:ex_group_setting_ids).pluck(:user_id).uniq) end end # 统一设置,为当前老师有权限的分班学生,分班设置,也为当前老师有权限的分班的学生 def all_poll_users(user_id) poll_all_users = poll_users group_ids = poll_published_ids(user_id) if group_ids.present? poll_all_users = poll_all_users.where(user_id: course.students.where(course_group_id: group_ids).select(:user_id).pluck(:user_id).uniq) end poll_all_users end #当前用户已发布的班级id和试卷分组已发布的班级id的交集 def poll_published_ids(user_id) current_user_groups = course.teacher_course_ids(user_id) if unified_setting if course.none_group_count > 0 #有未分班的,则发布到未发布 un_group_ids = [0] else un_group_ids = [] end (current_user_groups + un_group_ids).uniq #统一设置时,为当前用户的分班id else ex_group_setting ="course_group_id").uniq ex_group_setting & current_user_groups #当前用户有权限的已发布的分班id #非统一设置时,为当前用户有权限的且已发布分班的id end end def get_poll_status(user) if user.student_of_course?(course) ex_time = get_poll_times(user_id,false) pb_time = ex_time[:publish_time] ed_time = ex_time[:end_time] if pb_time.present? && ed_time.present? && pb_time <= && ed_time > status = 2 elsif ed_time.present? && ed_time <= status = 3 else status = 1 end else status = polls_status end status end #获取问卷的发布时间和截止时间。teacher 为boolean,当为true时,表示的是当前为老师 def get_poll_times(user_id,teacher) if unified_setting || teacher pb_time = publish_time en_time = end_time else poll_group_setting = poll_group_settings user_group = course.course_members.where(user_id: user_id).select(:course_group_id) if user_group.exists? user_group_id = user_group.first&.course_group_id user_p_group_setting = poll_group_setting.where(course_group_id: user_group_id).select(:publish_time,:end_time) pb_time = user_p_group_setting.first&.publish_time en_time = user_p_group_setting.first&.end_time else pb_time = nil en_time = nil end end { "publish_time":pb_time, "end_time":en_time } end #判断当前用户的答题状态 def check_user_votes_status(user) poll_answer_user = poll_users.where(user_id:,:end_at,:commit_status) user_status = 2 if poll_answer_user.exists? && (poll_answer_user.first&.start_at.present? || poll_answer_user.first&.end_at.present?) #学生有过答题的,或者立即截止,但学生未做试卷的 user_status = poll_answer_user.commit_status end user_status end end