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See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var conf = { comments: { lineComment: '//', blockComment: ['/*', '*/'], }, brackets: [ ['{', '}'], ['[', ']'], ['(', ')'] ], autoClosingPairs: [ { open: '[', close: ']' }, { open: '{', close: '}' }, { open: '(', close: ')' }, { open: '\'', close: '\'', notIn: ['string', 'comment'] }, { open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ['string'] }, ], surroundingPairs: [ { open: '{', close: '}' }, { open: '[', close: ']' }, { open: '(', close: ')' }, { open: '"', close: '"' }, { open: '\'', close: '\'' }, ], folding: { markers: { start: new RegExp("^\\s*#pragma\\s+region\\b"), end: new RegExp("^\\s*#pragma\\s+endregion\\b") } } }; var language = { defaultToken: '', tokenPostfix: '.cpp', brackets: [ { token: 'delimiter.curly', open: '{', close: '}' }, { token: 'delimiter.parenthesis', open: '(', close: ')' }, { token: 'delimiter.square', open: '[', 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[/"([^"\\]|\\.)*$/, 'string.invalid'], [/"/, 'string', '@string'], // characters [/'[^\\']'/, 'string'], [/(')(@escapes)(')/, ['string', 'string.escape', 'string']], [/'/, 'string.invalid'] ], whitespace: [ [/[ \t\r\n]+/, ''], [/\/\*\*(?!\/)/, 'comment.doc', '@doccomment'], [/\/\*/, 'comment', '@comment'], [/\/\/.*$/, 'comment'], ], comment: [ [/[^\/*]+/, 'comment'], [/\*\//, 'comment', '@pop'], [/[\/*]/, 'comment'] ], //Identical copy of comment above, except for the addition of .doc doccomment: [ [/[^\/*]+/, 'comment.doc'], [/\*\//, 'comment.doc', '@pop'], [/[\/*]/, 'comment.doc'] ], string: [ [/[^\\"]+/, 'string'], [/@escapes/, 'string.escape'], [/\\./, 'string.escape.invalid'], [/"/, 'string', '@pop'] ], raw: [ [/(.*)(\))(?:([^ ()\\\t]*))(\")/, { cases: { '$3==$S2': ['string.raw', 'string.raw.end', 'string.raw.end', { token: 'string.raw.end', next: '@pop' }], '@default': ['string.raw', 'string.raw', 'string.raw', 'string.raw'] } } ], [/.*/, 'string.raw'] ], include: [ 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