<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Custom keyboard shortcuts - Editor.md examples</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/editormd.css" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> </head> <body> <div id="layout"> <header> <h1>Custom keyboard shortcuts</h1> </header> <div id="test-editormd"> <textarea style="display:none;">#### Default > If Editor.md code editor is on focus, you can use keyboard shortcuts. > Editor.md have the default keyboard shortcuts handle. Plaese open the help dialog, can see all default keyboard shortcuts. #### Example ```javascript var testEditor = editormd("test-editormd", { width: "90%", height: 720, path : '../lib/', disabledKeyMaps : [ "Ctrl-B", "F11", "F10" // disable some default keyboard shortcuts handle ], onload : function() { var keyMap = { "Ctrl-S": function(cm) { alert("Ctrl+S"); }, "Ctrl-A": function(cm) { // default Ctrl-A selectAll // custom alert("Ctrl+A"); cm.execCommand("selectAll"); } }; // setting signle key var keyMap2 = { "Ctrl-T": function(cm) { alert("Ctrl+T"); } }; this.addKeyMap(keyMap); this.addKeyMap(keyMap2); this.removeKeyMap(keyMap2); // remove signle key } }); ``` </textarea> </div> </div> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="../editormd.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var testEditor; $(function() { var widgets = []; testEditor = editormd("test-editormd", { width: "90%", height: 720, path : '../lib/', disabledKeyMaps : [ "Ctrl-B", "F11", "F10" // disable some default keyboard shortcuts handle ], onchange : function() { $("#test").remove(); var cm = this.cm; var cursor = cm.getCursor(); //cm.replaceSelection("@"); widgets.push(cm.addWidget({line : cursor.line, ch : cursor.ch}, $("<p style='z-index:100000;background:red;color:#fff;padding:5px;' id='test'>fsdfsdfsdf</p>")[0], true)); console.log(cm.getCursor(), cm.getLine(cursor.line), cm.getLineTokens(cursor.line)); }, onload : function() { var keyMap = { "Ctrl-S": function(cm) { alert("Ctrl+S"); //return false; }, "Ctrl-A": function(cm) { // default Ctrl-A selectAll // custom alert("Ctrl+A"); cm.execCommand("selectAll"); }, //"Shift-2" : function(cm){ //} }; this.cm.on("keyup", function(cm){ //$("#test").remove(); }); // setting signle key var keyMap2 = { "Ctrl-T": function(cm) { alert("Ctrl+T"); } }; this.addKeyMap(keyMap); this.addKeyMap(keyMap2); this.removeKeyMap(keyMap2); // remove signle key } }); }); </script> </body> </html>