
323 lines
14 KiB

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

// 记录手动加到js_min_all.js中的脚本
// js_min_all_2是js_min_all的混淆后版本
// codemirror 已经加载了codemirror会有插件重复加载会使得之前加载的插件失效
// editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "codemirror/codemirror.min", function() {
// codemirror 已经加载了
// editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/codemirror.min");
// active-line application.js部分 弹框 ke自动保存等
// ----------------------------- ----------------------------- active-line.js
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
var WRAP_CLASS = "CodeMirror-activeline";
var BACK_CLASS = "CodeMirror-activeline-background";
var GUTT_CLASS = "CodeMirror-activeline-gutter";
CodeMirror.defineOption("styleActiveLine", false, function(cm, val, old) {
var prev = old == CodeMirror.Init ? false : old;
if (val == prev) return
if (prev) {"beforeSelectionChange", selectionChange);
delete cm.state.activeLines;
if (val) {
cm.state.activeLines = [];
updateActiveLines(cm, cm.listSelections());
cm.on("beforeSelectionChange", selectionChange);
function clearActiveLines(cm) {
for (var i = 0; i < cm.state.activeLines.length; i++) {
cm.removeLineClass(cm.state.activeLines[i], "wrap", WRAP_CLASS);
cm.removeLineClass(cm.state.activeLines[i], "background", BACK_CLASS);
cm.removeLineClass(cm.state.activeLines[i], "gutter", GUTT_CLASS);
function sameArray(a, b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
function updateActiveLines(cm, ranges) {
var active = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
var range = ranges[i];
var option = cm.getOption("styleActiveLine");
if (typeof option == "object" && option.nonEmpty ? range.anchor.line != range.head.line : !range.empty())
var line = cm.getLineHandleVisualStart(range.head.line);
if (active[active.length - 1] != line) active.push(line);
if (sameArray(cm.state.activeLines, active)) return;
cm.operation(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < active.length; i++) {
cm.addLineClass(active[i], "wrap", WRAP_CLASS);
cm.addLineClass(active[i], "background", BACK_CLASS);
cm.addLineClass(active[i], "gutter", GUTT_CLASS);
cm.state.activeLines = active;
function selectionChange(cm, sel) {
updateActiveLines(cm, sel.ranges);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
// ----------------------------- ----------------------------- active-line.js END
// ------------------------------------------- application.js到最底部
var editor2;
function elocalStorage(editor,mdu,id){
if (window.sessionStorage){
editor2 = editor;
var oc = window.sessionStorage.getItem('content'+mdu);
if(oc !== null ){
var h = '您上次有已保存的数据,是否<a style="cursor: pointer;" class="color-orange05" onclick="rec_data(\'content\',\''+ mdu + '\',\'' + id + '\')">恢复</a> ? / <a style="cursor: pointer;" class="color-orange05" onclick="clear_data(\'content\',\''+ mdu + '\',\'' + id + '\')">不恢复</a>';
setInterval(function() {
d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
var m = d.getMinutes();
var s = d.getSeconds();
h = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h;
m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
s = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s;
var id1 = "#e_tip_"+id;
var id2 = "#e_tips_"+id;
$(id1).html(" 数据已于 " + h + ':' + m + ':' + s +" 保存 ");
function add_data(k,mdu,d){
// 公共弹框样式
// 建议左右栏的Width460Height190
// 建议宽屏对应值Width760Height500
function pop_box_new(value, Width, Height){
if($("#popupAll").length > 0){
w = ($(window).width() - Width)/2;
h = ($(window).height() - Height)/2;
var html="<div class=\"popupAll none\" id='popupAll'><div class=\"pr\"><div id=\"popupWrap\"></div></div></div>";
$('#popupWrap').css({"top": h+"px","left": w+"px","padding":"0","border":"none","position":"fixed","z-index":"99999","background-color":"#fff","border-radius":"10px"});
// w = ($(window).width() - Width)/2;
// h = ($(window).height() - Height)/2;
// $("#ajax-modal").html(value);
// showModal('ajax-modal', Width + 'px');
// $('#ajax-modal').siblings().remove();
// $('#ajax-modal').parent().css({"top": h+"px","left": w+"px","padding":"0","border":"none","position":"fixed"});
// $('#ajax-modal').parent().removeClass("resourceUploadPopup popbox_polls popbox");
// $('#ajax-modal').css({"padding":"0","overflow":"hidden"});
// $('#ajax-modal').parent().attr("id","popupWrap");
function Drag(id) {
this.div = document.getElementById(id);
if (this.div) { = "move"; = "fixed";
this.disX = 0;
this.disY = 0;
var _this = this;
this.div.onmousedown = function (evt) {
document.onmousemove = function (evt) {
_this.div.onmouseup = function () {
Drag.prototype.getDistance = function (evt) {
var oEvent = evt || event;
this.disX = oEvent.clientX - this.div.offsetLeft;
this.disY = oEvent.clientY - this.div.offsetTop;
Drag.prototype.setPosition = function (evt) {
var oEvent = evt || event;
var l = oEvent.clientX - this.disX;
var t = oEvent.clientY - this.disY;
if (l <= 0) {
l = 0;
else if (l >= document.documentElement.clientWidth - this.div.offsetWidth) {
l = document.documentElement.clientWidth - this.div.offsetWidth;
if (t <= 0) {
t = 0;
else if (t >= document.documentElement.clientHeight - this.div.offsetHeight) {
t = document.documentElement.clientHeight - this.div.offsetHeight;
} = l + "px"; = t + "px";
Drag.prototype.clearEvent = function () {
this.div.onmouseup = null;
document.onmousemove = null;
new Drag("popupWrap");
$("#popupWrap input, #popupWrap textarea, #popupWrap ul, #popupWrap a").mousedown(function(event){
new Drag("popupWrap");
function sure_box_redirect_btn(url, str,btnstr){
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:480px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix"><h3 class="fl color-grey3">提示</h3></div>'+
'<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-OK clearfix">'+
'<a href="'+ url +'" class="task-btn task-btn-orange" onclick="hideModal();" target="_blank">'+btnstr+'</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 480, 160);
function sure_box_redirect_btn2(url, str, btnstr){
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:500px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix"><h3 class="fl color-grey3">提示</h3><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pop_close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle font-18 link-color-grey fr mt5"></i></a></div>'+
'<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix" style="width: 150px"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>'+
'<a href="'+ url +'" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" target="_blank" onclick="hideModal();">'+btnstr+'</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 578, 205);
function op_confirm_box_loading(url, str){
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:578px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix"><h3 class="fl color-grey3">提示</h3><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pop_close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle font-18 link-color-grey fr mt5"></i></a></div>'+
'<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16 pt15">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>'+
'<a href="'+ url +'" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" onclick="hideModal();$(\'.loading_all\').show();">确定</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 578, 205);
//点击删除时的确认弹框: 走destroy方法,remote为true
function delete_confirm_box_2(url, str){
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:480px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix"><h3 class="fl color-grey3">提示</h3><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pop_close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle font-18 link-color-grey fr mt5"></i></a></div>'+
'<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>'+
'<a href="'+ url +'" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr pop_close" data-method="delete" data-remote="true">确定</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 480, 160);
//<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="pop_close"><i class="fa fa-times-circle font-18 link-color-grey fr mt5"></i></a>
function notice_box(str){
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:480px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix"><h3 class="fl color-grey3">提示</h3></div>'+
'<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-sure clearfix">'+
'<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="task-btn task-btn-orange" onclick="hideModal();">确定</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 480, 160);
function hideModal(el) {
if($("#popupAll").length > 0){
var modal;
if (el) {
modal = $(el).parents('.ui-dialog-content');
} else {
modal = $('#ajax-modal');
// --------------------------------------------
function is_cdn_link(contents){
if(contents.indexOf("http") != -1
|| contents.indexOf("com") != -1
|| contents.indexOf("net") != -1
|| contents.indexOf("org") != -1
|| contents.indexOf("cdn") != -1){
return true;
return false;
// 渲染用户的HTML的CODE。
function tpi_html_show(){
var contents = editor_CodeMirror.getValue();
var $htmlForm = $("#html_form");
var src = contents;
var arrCSS =[];
var arrSript = [];
var patternLink = /<link(?:.*?)href=[\"\](.+?)[\"\](?!<)(?:.*)\>(?:[\n\r\s]*?)(?:<\/link>)*/im;
var patternScript = /<script(?:.*?)src=[\"\](.+?)[\"\](?!<)(?:.*)\>(?:[\n\r\s]*?)(?:<\/script>)*/im;
var arrayMatchesLink = patternLink.exec(src);
var arrayMatchesScript = patternScript.exec(src);
// css部分
while(arrayMatchesLink != null){
src = src.replace(arrayMatchesLink[0], arrayMatchesLink[0].replace(/link/, "edulink"));
src = src.replace(patternLink, "EDUCODERCSS");
arrayMatchesLink = patternLink.exec(src);
// js部分
while(arrayMatchesScript != null){
src = src.replace(arrayMatchesScript[0], arrayMatchesScript[0].replace(/script/g,"w3scrw3ipttag"));
src = src.replace(patternScript, "EDUCODERJS");
arrayMatchesScript = patternScript.exec(src);
// html部分 为了防止xss攻击先将敏感字符转换
src = src.replace(/=/gi,"w3equalsign").replace(/script/gi,"w3scrw3ipttag");
$htmlForm.attr("action", "/iframes/html_content?gpid="+ __myshixun.gpid );
// 渲染用户的HTML的CODE。--------------------------------------------END