You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

17 lines
595 B

json.shixuns_count @total_count
json.shixun_list do
json.array! @shixuns.with_highlights(multiple: true) do |obj, highlights|
puts obj
json.merge! obj.to_searchable_json
json.challenge_names obj.challenges.pluck(:subject)
json.title highlights.delete(:name)&.join('...') || obj.searchable_title
# json.description highlights.values[0,5].each { |arr| arr.is_a?(Array) ? arr.join('...') : arr }.join('<br/>')
json.content highlights
json.level level_to_s(obj.trainee)
json.subjects obj.subjects.uniq do |subject|
json.(subject, :id, :name)