
24 lines
1010 B

class ExerciseBank < ApplicationRecord
# container_type: Poll 问卷; Exercise试卷
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :course_list
has_many :exercise_bank_questions, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :polls, dependent: :nullify
has_many :exercises, dependent: :nullify
# def course_list_name
# self.course_list ? : ""
# end
scope :myself, -> (user_id){where(user_id: user_id)}
scope :find_by_container, lambda { |id,type| where(container_id: id,container_type:type)}
scope :find_by_c_type, lambda { |keywords| where(container_type: keywords) unless keywords.blank?}
scope :public_exercises, -> {where(is_public: true)}
scope :exercise_bank_search, lambda { |keywords|
where("name LIKE ?", "%#{keywords}%") unless keywords.blank?}
validates :name, length: { maximum: 60, too_long: "60 characters is the maximum allowed" }
validates :description, length: { maximum: 100, too_long: "100 characters is the maximum allowed" }