You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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export default validate;
export type JSONSchema4 = import('json-schema').JSONSchema4;
export type JSONSchema6 = import('json-schema').JSONSchema6;
export type JSONSchema7 = import('json-schema').JSONSchema7;
export type ErrorObject = Ajv.ErrorObject;
export type Schema =
| import('json-schema').JSONSchema4
| import('json-schema').JSONSchema6
| import('json-schema').JSONSchema7;
export type SchemaUtilErrorObject = Ajv.ErrorObject & {
children?: Ajv.ErrorObject[] | undefined;
export type PostFormatter = (
formattedError: string,
error: Ajv.ErrorObject & {
children?: Ajv.ErrorObject[] | undefined;
) => string;
export type ValidationErrorConfiguration = {
name?: string | undefined;
baseDataPath?: string | undefined;
postFormatter?: PostFormatter | undefined;
* @param {Schema} schema
* @param {Array<object> | object} options
* @param {ValidationErrorConfiguration=} configuration
* @returns {void}
declare function validate(
| import('json-schema').JSONSchema4
| import('json-schema').JSONSchema6
| import('json-schema').JSONSchema7,
options: any,
configuration?: ValidationErrorConfiguration | undefined
): void;
declare namespace validate {
export { ValidationError };
export { ValidationError as ValidateError };
import Ajv from 'ajv';
import ValidationError from './ValidationError';