ADD file via upload

m5cn9itjr 4 months ago
parent db72a26314
commit 6aa9b5abe8

@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
Copyright 2013 Google LLC All rights reserved.
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american fuzzy lop - map display utility
Written and maintained by Michal Zalewski <>
A very simple tool that runs the targeted binary and displays
the contents of the trace bitmap in a human-readable form. Useful in
scripts to eliminate redundant inputs and perform other checks.
Exit code is 2 if the target program crashes; 1 if it times out or
there is a problem executing it; or 0 if execution is successful.
#define AFL_MAIN
#include "android-ashmem.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "alloc-inl.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
static s32 child_pid; /* PID of the tested program */
static u8* trace_bits; /* SHM with instrumentation bitmap */
static u8 *out_file, /* Trace output file */
*doc_path, /* Path to docs */
*target_path, /* Path to target binary */
*at_file; /* Substitution string for @@ */
static u32 exec_tmout; /* Exec timeout (ms) */
static u64 mem_limit = MEM_LIMIT; /* Memory limit (MB) */
static s32 shm_id; /* ID of the SHM region */
static u8 quiet_mode, /* Hide non-essential messages? */
edges_only, /* Ignore hit counts? */
cmin_mode, /* Generate output in afl-cmin mode? */
binary_mode, /* Write output as a binary map */
keep_cores; /* Allow coredumps? */
static volatile u8
stop_soon, /* Ctrl-C pressed? */
child_timed_out, /* Child timed out? */
child_crashed; /* Child crashed? */
/* Classify tuple counts. Instead of mapping to individual bits, as in
afl-fuzz.c, we map to more user-friendly numbers between 1 and 8. */
static const u8 count_class_human[256] = {
[0] = 0,
[1] = 1,
[2] = 2,
[3] = 3,
[4 ... 7] = 4,
[8 ... 15] = 5,
[16 ... 31] = 6,
[32 ... 127] = 7,
[128 ... 255] = 8
static const u8 count_class_binary[256] = {
[0] = 0,
[1] = 1,
[2] = 2,
[3] = 4,
[4 ... 7] = 8,
[8 ... 15] = 16,
[16 ... 31] = 32,
[32 ... 127] = 64,
[128 ... 255] = 128
static void classify_counts(u8* mem, const u8* map) {
u32 i = MAP_SIZE;
if (edges_only) {
while (i--) {
if (*mem) *mem = 1;
} else {
while (i--) {
*mem = map[*mem];
/* Get rid of shared memory (atexit handler). */
static void remove_shm(void) {
shmctl(shm_id, IPC_RMID, NULL);
/* Configure shared memory. */
static void setup_shm(void) {
u8* shm_str;
shm_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, MAP_SIZE, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0600);
if (shm_id < 0) PFATAL("shmget() failed");
shm_str = alloc_printf("%d", shm_id);
setenv(SHM_ENV_VAR, shm_str, 1);
trace_bits = shmat(shm_id, NULL, 0);
if (trace_bits == (void *)-1) PFATAL("shmat() failed");
/* Write results. */
static u32 write_results(void) {
s32 fd;
u32 i, ret = 0;
u8 cco = !!getenv("AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"),
caa = !!getenv("AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY");
if (!strncmp(out_file, "/dev/", 5)) {
fd = open(out_file, O_WRONLY, 0600);
if (fd < 0) PFATAL("Unable to open '%s'", out_file);
} else if (!strcmp(out_file, "-")) {
fd = dup(1);
if (fd < 0) PFATAL("Unable to open stdout");
} else {
unlink(out_file); /* Ignore errors */
fd = open(out_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
if (fd < 0) PFATAL("Unable to create '%s'", out_file);
if (binary_mode) {
for (i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE; i++)
if (trace_bits[i]) ret++;
ck_write(fd, trace_bits, MAP_SIZE, out_file);
} else {
FILE* f = fdopen(fd, "w");
if (!f) PFATAL("fdopen() failed");
for (i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE; i++) {
if (!trace_bits[i]) continue;
if (cmin_mode) {
if (child_timed_out) break;
if (!caa && child_crashed != cco) break;
fprintf(f, "%u%u\n", trace_bits[i], i);
} else fprintf(f, "%06u:%u\n", i, trace_bits[i]);
return ret;
/* Handle timeout signal. */
static void handle_timeout(int sig) {
child_timed_out = 1;
if (child_pid > 0) kill(child_pid, SIGKILL);
/* Execute target application. */
static void run_target(char** argv) {
static struct itimerval it;
int status = 0;
if (!quiet_mode)
SAYF("-- Program output begins --\n" cRST);
child_pid = fork();
if (child_pid < 0) PFATAL("fork() failed");
if (!child_pid) {
struct rlimit r;
if (quiet_mode) {
s32 fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0 || dup2(fd, 1) < 0 || dup2(fd, 2) < 0) {
*(u32*)trace_bits = EXEC_FAIL_SIG;
PFATAL("Descriptor initialization failed");
if (mem_limit) {
r.rlim_max = r.rlim_cur = ((rlim_t)mem_limit) << 20;
#ifdef RLIMIT_AS
setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &r); /* Ignore errors */
setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &r); /* Ignore errors */
#endif /* ^RLIMIT_AS */
if (!keep_cores) r.rlim_max = r.rlim_cur = 0;
else r.rlim_max = r.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &r); /* Ignore errors */
if (!getenv("LD_BIND_LAZY")) setenv("LD_BIND_NOW", "1", 0);
execv(target_path, argv);
*(u32*)trace_bits = EXEC_FAIL_SIG;
/* Configure timeout, wait for child, cancel timeout. */
if (exec_tmout) {
child_timed_out = 0;
it.it_value.tv_sec = (exec_tmout / 1000);
it.it_value.tv_usec = (exec_tmout % 1000) * 1000;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
if (waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0) <= 0) FATAL("waitpid() failed");
child_pid = 0;
it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
it.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
/* Clean up bitmap, analyze exit condition, etc. */
if (*(u32*)trace_bits == EXEC_FAIL_SIG)
FATAL("Unable to execute '%s'", argv[0]);
classify_counts(trace_bits, binary_mode ?
count_class_binary : count_class_human);
if (!quiet_mode)
SAYF(cRST "-- Program output ends --\n");
if (!child_timed_out && !stop_soon && WIFSIGNALED(status))
child_crashed = 1;
if (!quiet_mode) {
if (child_timed_out)
SAYF(cLRD "\n+++ Program timed off +++\n" cRST);
else if (stop_soon)
SAYF(cLRD "\n+++ Program aborted by user +++\n" cRST);
else if (child_crashed)
SAYF(cLRD "\n+++ Program killed by signal %u +++\n" cRST, WTERMSIG(status));
/* Handle Ctrl-C and the like. */
static void handle_stop_sig(int sig) {
stop_soon = 1;
if (child_pid > 0) kill(child_pid, SIGKILL);
/* Do basic preparations - persistent fds, filenames, etc. */
static void set_up_environment(void) {
setenv("ASAN_OPTIONS", "abort_on_error=1:"
"allocator_may_return_null=1", 0);
setenv("MSAN_OPTIONS", "exit_code=" STRINGIFY(MSAN_ERROR) ":"
"msan_track_origins=0", 0);
if (getenv("AFL_PRELOAD")) {
setenv("LD_PRELOAD", getenv("AFL_PRELOAD"), 1);
setenv("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES", getenv("AFL_PRELOAD"), 1);
/* Setup signal handlers, duh. */
static void setup_signal_handlers(void) {
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = NULL;
sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
sa.sa_sigaction = NULL;
/* Various ways of saying "stop". */
sa.sa_handler = handle_stop_sig;
sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
/* Exec timeout notifications. */
sa.sa_handler = handle_timeout;
sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL);
/* Detect @@ in args. */
static void detect_file_args(char** argv) {
u32 i = 0;
u8* cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0);
if (!cwd) PFATAL("getcwd() failed");
while (argv[i]) {
u8* aa_loc = strstr(argv[i], "@@");
if (aa_loc) {
u8 *aa_subst, *n_arg;
if (!at_file) FATAL("@@ syntax is not supported by this tool.");
/* Be sure that we're always using fully-qualified paths. */
if (at_file[0] == '/') aa_subst = at_file;
else aa_subst = alloc_printf("%s/%s", cwd, at_file);
/* Construct a replacement argv value. */
*aa_loc = 0;
n_arg = alloc_printf("%s%s%s", argv[i], aa_subst, aa_loc + 2);
argv[i] = n_arg;
*aa_loc = '@';
if (at_file[0] != '/') ck_free(aa_subst);
free(cwd); /* not tracked */
/* Show banner. */
static void show_banner(void) {
SAYF(cCYA "afl-showmap " cBRI VERSION cRST " by <>\n");
/* Display usage hints. */
static void usage(u8* argv0) {
SAYF("\n%s [ options ] -- /path/to/target_app [ ... ]\n\n"
"Required parameters:\n\n"
" -o file - file to write the trace data to\n\n"
"Execution control settings:\n\n"
" -t msec - timeout for each run (none)\n"
" -m megs - memory limit for child process (%u MB)\n"
" -Q - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)\n\n"
"Other settings:\n\n"
" -q - sink program's output and don't show messages\n"
" -e - show edge coverage only, ignore hit counts\n"
" -c - allow core dumps\n"
" -V - show version number and exit\n\n"
"This tool displays raw tuple data captured by AFL instrumentation.\n"
"For additional help, consult %s/README.\n\n" cRST,
argv0, MEM_LIMIT, doc_path);
/* Find binary. */
static void find_binary(u8* fname) {
u8* env_path = 0;
struct stat st;
if (strchr(fname, '/') || !(env_path = getenv("PATH"))) {
target_path = ck_strdup(fname);
if (stat(target_path, &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ||
!(st.st_mode & 0111) || st.st_size < 4)
FATAL("Program '%s' not found or not executable", fname);
} else {
while (env_path) {
u8 *cur_elem, *delim = strchr(env_path, ':');
if (delim) {
cur_elem = ck_alloc(delim - env_path + 1);
memcpy(cur_elem, env_path, delim - env_path);
} else cur_elem = ck_strdup(env_path);
env_path = delim;
if (cur_elem[0])
target_path = alloc_printf("%s/%s", cur_elem, fname);
target_path = ck_strdup(fname);
if (!stat(target_path, &st) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) &&
(st.st_mode & 0111) && st.st_size >= 4) break;
target_path = 0;
if (!target_path) FATAL("Program '%s' not found or not executable", fname);
/* Fix up argv for QEMU. */
static char** get_qemu_argv(u8* own_loc, char** argv, int argc) {
char** new_argv = ck_alloc(sizeof(char*) * (argc + 4));
u8 *tmp, *cp, *rsl, *own_copy;
/* Workaround for a QEMU stability glitch. */
setenv("QEMU_LOG", "nochain", 1);
memcpy(new_argv + 3, argv + 1, sizeof(char*) * argc);
new_argv[2] = target_path;
new_argv[1] = "--";
/* Now we need to actually find qemu for argv[0]. */
tmp = getenv("AFL_PATH");
if (tmp) {
cp = alloc_printf("%s/afl-qemu-trace", tmp);
if (access(cp, X_OK))
FATAL("Unable to find '%s'", tmp);
target_path = new_argv[0] = cp;
return new_argv;
own_copy = ck_strdup(own_loc);
rsl = strrchr(own_copy, '/');
if (rsl) {
*rsl = 0;
cp = alloc_printf("%s/afl-qemu-trace", own_copy);
if (!access(cp, X_OK)) {
target_path = new_argv[0] = cp;
return new_argv;
} else ck_free(own_copy);
if (!access(BIN_PATH "/afl-qemu-trace", X_OK)) {
target_path = new_argv[0] = BIN_PATH "/afl-qemu-trace";
return new_argv;
FATAL("Unable to find 'afl-qemu-trace'.");
/* Main entry point */
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
s32 opt;
u8 mem_limit_given = 0, timeout_given = 0, qemu_mode = 0;
u32 tcnt;
char** use_argv;
doc_path = access(DOC_PATH, F_OK) ? "docs" : DOC_PATH;
while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"+o:m:t:A:eqZQbcV")) > 0)
switch (opt) {
case 'o':
if (out_file) FATAL("Multiple -o options not supported");
out_file = optarg;
case 'm': {
u8 suffix = 'M';
if (mem_limit_given) FATAL("Multiple -m options not supported");
mem_limit_given = 1;
if (!strcmp(optarg, "none")) {
mem_limit = 0;
if (sscanf(optarg, "%llu%c", &mem_limit, &suffix) < 1 ||
optarg[0] == '-') FATAL("Bad syntax used for -m");
switch (suffix) {
case 'T': mem_limit *= 1024 * 1024; break;
case 'G': mem_limit *= 1024; break;
case 'k': mem_limit /= 1024; break;
case 'M': break;
default: FATAL("Unsupported suffix or bad syntax for -m");
if (mem_limit < 5) FATAL("Dangerously low value of -m");
if (sizeof(rlim_t) == 4 && mem_limit > 2000)
FATAL("Value of -m out of range on 32-bit systems");
case 't':
if (timeout_given) FATAL("Multiple -t options not supported");
timeout_given = 1;
if (strcmp(optarg, "none")) {
exec_tmout = atoi(optarg);
if (exec_tmout < 20 || optarg[0] == '-')
FATAL("Dangerously low value of -t");
case 'e':
if (edges_only) FATAL("Multiple -e options not supported");
edges_only = 1;
case 'q':
if (quiet_mode) FATAL("Multiple -q options not supported");
quiet_mode = 1;
case 'Z':
/* This is an undocumented option to write data in the syntax expected
by afl-cmin. Nobody else should have any use for this. */
cmin_mode = 1;
quiet_mode = 1;
case 'A':
/* Another afl-cmin specific feature. */
at_file = optarg;
case 'Q':
if (qemu_mode) FATAL("Multiple -Q options not supported");
if (!mem_limit_given) mem_limit = MEM_LIMIT_QEMU;
qemu_mode = 1;
case 'b':
/* Secret undocumented mode. Writes output in raw binary format
similar to that dumped by afl-fuzz in <out_dir/queue/fuzz_bitmap. */
binary_mode = 1;
case 'c':
if (keep_cores) FATAL("Multiple -c options not supported");
keep_cores = 1;
case 'V':
if (optind == argc || !out_file) usage(argv[0]);
if (!quiet_mode) {
ACTF("Executing '%s'...\n", target_path);
detect_file_args(argv + optind);
if (qemu_mode)
use_argv = get_qemu_argv(argv[0], argv + optind, argc - optind);
use_argv = argv + optind;
tcnt = write_results();
if (!quiet_mode) {
if (!tcnt) FATAL("No instrumentation detected" cRST);
OKF("Captured %u tuples in '%s'." cRST, tcnt, out_file);
exit(child_crashed * 2 + child_timed_out);