=============== Sister projects =============== This doc lists some of the projects that are inspired by, derived from, designed for, or meant to integrate with AFL. See README for the general instruction manual. ------------------------------------------- Support for other languages / environments: ------------------------------------------- Python AFL (Jakub Wilk) ----------------------- Allows fuzz-testing of Python programs. Uses custom instrumentation and its own forkserver. http://jwilk.net/software/python-afl Go-fuzz (Dmitry Vyukov) ----------------------- AFL-inspired guided fuzzing approach for Go targets: https://github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz afl.rs (Keegan McAllister) -------------------------- Allows Rust features to be easily fuzzed with AFL (using the LLVM mode). https://github.com/kmcallister/afl.rs OCaml support (KC Sivaramakrishnan) ----------------------------------- Adds AFL-compatible instrumentation to OCaml programs. https://github.com/ocamllabs/opam-repo-dev/pull/23 http://canopy.mirage.io/Posts/Fuzzing AFL for GCJ Java and other GCC frontends (-) -------------------------------------------- GCC Java programs are actually supported out of the box - simply rename afl-gcc to afl-gcj. Unfortunately, by default, unhandled exceptions in GCJ do not result in abort() being called, so you will need to manually add a top-level exception handler that exits with SIGABRT or something equivalent. Other GCC-supported languages should be fairly easy to get working, but may face similar problems. See https://gcc.gnu.org/frontends.html for a list of options. AFL-style in-process fuzzer for LLVM (Kostya Serebryany) -------------------------------------------------------- Provides an evolutionary instrumentation-guided fuzzing harness that allows some programs to be fuzzed without the fork / execve overhead. (Similar functionality is now available as the "persistent" feature described in ../llvm_mode/README.llvm.) http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html AFL fixup shim (Ben Nagy) ------------------------- Allows AFL_POST_LIBRARY postprocessors to be written in arbitrary languages that don't have C / .so bindings. Includes examples in Go. https://github.com/bnagy/aflfix TriforceAFL (Tim Newsham and Jesse Hertz) ----------------------------------------- Leverages QEMU full system emulation mode to allow AFL to target operating systems and other alien worlds: https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2016/june/project-triforce-run-afl-on-everything/ WinAFL (Ivan Fratric) --------------------- As the name implies, allows you to fuzz Windows binaries (using DynamoRio). https://github.com/ivanfratric/winafl Another Windows alternative may be: https://github.com/carlosgprado/BrundleFuzz/ ---------------- Network fuzzing: ---------------- Preeny (Yan Shoshitaishvili) ---------------------------- Provides a fairly simple way to convince dynamically linked network-centric programs to read from a file or not fork. Not AFL-specific, but described as useful by many users. Some assembly required. https://github.com/zardus/preeny ------------------------------------------- Distributed fuzzing and related automation: ------------------------------------------- roving (Richo Healey) --------------------- A client-server architecture for effortlessly orchestrating AFL runs across a fleet of machines. You don't want to use this on systems that face the Internet or live in other untrusted environments. https://github.com/richo/roving Distfuzz-AFL (Martijn Bogaard) ------------------------------ Simplifies the management of afl-fuzz instances on remote machines. The author notes that the current implementation isn't secure and should not be exposed on the Internet. https://github.com/MartijnB/disfuzz-afl AFLDFF (quantumvm) ------------------ A nice GUI for managing AFL jobs. https://github.com/quantumvm/AFLDFF afl-launch (Ben Nagy) --------------------- Batch AFL launcher utility with a simple CLI. https://github.com/bnagy/afl-launch AFL Utils (rc0r) ---------------- Simplifies the triage of discovered crashes, start parallel instances, etc. https://github.com/rc0r/afl-utils Another crash triage tool: https://github.com/floyd-fuh/afl-crash-analyzer afl-fuzzing-scripts (Tobias Ospelt) ----------------------------------- Simplifies starting up multiple parallel AFL jobs. https://github.com/floyd-fuh/afl-fuzzing-scripts/ afl-sid (Jacek Wielemborek) --------------------------- Allows users to more conveniently build and deploy AFL via Docker. https://github.com/d33tah/afl-sid Another Docker-related project: https://github.com/ozzyjohnson/docker-afl afl-monitor (Paul S. Ziegler) ----------------------------- Provides more detailed and versatile statistics about your running AFL jobs. https://github.com/reflare/afl-monitor ----------------------------------------------------------- Crash triage, coverage analysis, and other companion tools: ----------------------------------------------------------- afl-crash-analyzer (Tobias Ospelt) ---------------------------------- Makes it easier to navigate and annotate crashing test cases. https://github.com/floyd-fuh/afl-crash-analyzer/ Crashwalk (Ben Nagy) -------------------- AFL-aware tool to annotate and sort through crashing test cases. https://github.com/bnagy/crashwalk afl-cov (Michael Rash) ---------------------- Produces human-readable coverage data based on the output queue of afl-fuzz. https://github.com/mrash/afl-cov afl-sancov (Bhargava Shastry) ----------------------------- Similar to afl-cov, but uses clang sanitizer instrumentation. https://github.com/bshastry/afl-sancov RecidiVM (Jakub Wilk) --------------------- Makes it easy to estimate memory usage limits when fuzzing with ASAN or MSAN. http://jwilk.net/software/recidivm aflize (Jacek Wielemborek) -------------------------- Automatically build AFL-enabled versions of Debian packages. https://github.com/d33tah/aflize afl-ddmin-mod (Markus Teufelberger) ----------------------------------- A variant of afl-tmin that uses a more sophisticated (but slower) minimization algorithm. https://github.com/MarkusTeufelberger/afl-ddmin-mod afl-kit (Kuang-che Wu) ---------------------- Replacements for afl-cmin and afl-tmin with additional features, such as the ability to filter crashes based on stderr patterns. https://github.com/kcwu/afl-kit ------------------------------- Narrow-purpose or experimental: ------------------------------- Cygwin support (Ali Rizvi-Santiago) ----------------------------------- Pretty self-explanatory. As per the author, this "mostly" ports AFL to Windows. Field reports welcome! https://github.com/arizvisa/afl-cygwin Pause and resume scripts (Ben Nagy) ----------------------------------- Simple automation to suspend and resume groups of fuzzing jobs. https://github.com/bnagy/afl-trivia Static binary-only instrumentation (Aleksandar Nikolich) -------------------------------------------------------- Allows black-box binaries to be instrumented statically (i.e., by modifying the binary ahead of the time, rather than translating it on the run). Author reports better performance compared to QEMU, but occasional translation errors with stripped binaries. https://github.com/vrtadmin/moflow/tree/master/afl-dyninst AFL PIN (Parker Thompson) ------------------------- Early-stage Intel PIN instrumentation support (from before we settled on faster-running QEMU). https://github.com/mothran/aflpin AFL-style instrumentation in llvm (Kostya Serebryany) ----------------------------------------------------- Allows AFL-equivalent instrumentation to be injected at compiler level. This is currently not supported by AFL as-is, but may be useful in other projects. https://code.google.com/p/address-sanitizer/wiki/AsanCoverage#Coverage_counters AFL JS (Han Choongwoo) ---------------------- One-off optimizations to speed up the fuzzing of JavaScriptCore (now likely superseded by LLVM deferred forkserver init - see llvm_mode/README.llvm). https://github.com/tunz/afl-fuzz-js AFL harness for fwknop (Michael Rash) ------------------------------------- An example of a fairly involved integration with AFL. https://github.com/mrash/fwknop/tree/master/test/afl Building harnesses for DNS servers (Jonathan Foote, Ron Bowes) -------------------------------------------------------------- Two articles outlining the general principles and showing some example code. https://www.fastly.com/blog/how-to-fuzz-server-american-fuzzy-lop https://goo.gl/j9EgFf Fuzzer shell for SQLite (Richard Hipp) -------------------------------------- A simple SQL shell designed specifically for fuzzing the underlying library. http://www.sqlite.org/src/artifact/9e7e273da2030371 Support for Python mutation modules (Christian Holler) ------------------------------------------------------ https://github.com/choller/afl/blob/master/docs/mozilla/python_modules.txt Support for selective instrumentation (Christian Holler) -------------------------------------------------------- https://github.com/choller/afl/blob/master/docs/mozilla/partial_instrumentation.txt Kernel fuzzing (Dmitry Vyukov) ------------------------------ A similar guided approach as applied to fuzzing syscalls: https://github.com/google/syzkaller/wiki/Found-Bugs https://github.com/dvyukov/linux/commit/33787098ffaaa83b8a7ccf519913ac5fd6125931 http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/AFL%20filesystem%20fuzzing%2C%20Vault%202016_0.pdf Android support (ele7enxxh) --------------------------- Based on a somewhat dated version of AFL: https://github.com/ele7enxxh/android-afl CGI wrapper (floyd) ------------------- Facilitates the testing of CGI scripts. https://github.com/floyd-fuh/afl-cgi-wrapper Fuzzing difficulty estimation (Marcel Boehme) --------------------------------------------- A fork of AFL that tries to quantify the likelihood of finding additional paths or crashes at any point in a fuzzing job. https://github.com/mboehme/pythia