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962 lines
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962 lines
34 KiB
6 years ago
* mj-page-svg.js
* Implements an API to MathJax in node.js so that MathJax can be
* used server-side to generate SVG, MathML, or images (the latter
* requires an external library, batik, to do the svg to png
* conversion). This API accepts HTML snippets that have their
* math content converted to SVG's.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var url = require('url');
var fmt = require('util').format;
var jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom;
var execFile = require('child_process').execFile;
var speech = require('speech-rule-engine');
var os = require('os');
require('./patch/jsdom.js').patch(jsdom); // Fix some bugs in jsdom
var displayMessages = false; // don't log Message.Set() calls
var displayErrors = true; // show error messages on the console
var undefinedChar = false; // unknown characters are not saved in the error array
var extensions = ''; // no additional extensions used
var fontURL = ''; // location of web fonts for CHTML
var defaults = {
ex: 6, // ex-size in pixels
width: 100, // width of container (in ex) for linebreaking and tags
useFontCache: true, // use <defs> and <use> in svg output?
useGlobalCache: true, // use common <defs> for all equations?
linebreaks: false, // do linebreaking?
equationNumbers: "none", // or "AMS" or "all"
singleDollars: true, // allow single-dollar delimiter for inline TeX?
html: "", // the HTML snippet to process
xmlns: "mml", // the namespace to use for MathML
inputs: ["AsciiMath","TeX","MathML"], // the inputs formats to support
renderer: "SVG", // the output format
// ("SVG", "NativeMML", "IMG", "PNG", or "None")
dpi: 144, // dpi for png image
addPreview: false, // turn turn into a MathJax preview, and keep the jax
removeJax: true, // remove MathJax <script> tags?
speakText: false, // add spoken annotations to svg output?
speakRuleset: "mathspeak", // set speech ruleset (default (chromevox rules), mathspeak)
speakStyle: "default", // set speech style (mathspeak: default, brief, sbrief)
timeout: 60 * 1000, // 60 second timeout before restarting MathJax
// The MathJax server states
var STATE = {
STOPPED: 1, // no DOM or MathJax available
STARTED: 2, // DOM loaded, MathJax starting up
READY: 3, // MathJax initialized and ready to process math
BUSY: 4 // MathJax currently processing math
// The MathJaxPath is normaized against file:/// so that Windows paths are correct
var MathJaxPath = url.resolve("file:///","file:"+require.resolve('mathjax/unpacked/MathJax'));
var BatikRasterizerPath = path.resolve(__dirname,'..','batik/batik-rasterizer.jar');
var MathJaxConfig; // configuration for when starting MathJax
var MathJax; // filled in once MathJax is loaded
var serverState = STATE.STOPPED; // nothing loaded yet
var timer; // used to reset MathJax if it runs too long
var tmpfile = os.tmpdir() + "/mj-single-svg" +; // file name prefix to use for temp files
var document, window, content, html; // the DOM elements
var queue = []; // queue of typesetting requests of the form [data,callback]
var data, callback; // the current queue item
var errors = []; // errors collected durring the typesetting
var SELECTOR = {
TeX: ["math/tex","math/tex; mode=display"],
MathML: ["math/mml"],
AsciiMath: ["math/asciimath"]
var SVGSTYLES; // filled in when SVG is loaded
var CHTMLSTYLES; // filled in when CommonHTML is loaded
// Create the DOM window and set up the console wtihin it
// Add an error handler to trap unexpected errors (requires
// modifying jsdom)
// Add a <div> where we can put the math to be typeset
// and typeset math in the three formats we use (to force
// the jax to be loaded completely)
function GetWindow() {
document = jsdom();
html = document.firstChild;
window = document.defaultView;
window.console = console;
window.addEventListener("error",function (event) {
AddError("Error: "+event.message+"\n stack: "+event.error.stack);
content = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
| = "MathJax_Content";
content.innerHTML = "$x$ `x` <math><mi>x</mi></math>";
// Node's url.resolve() has a problem with resolving a file:// URL when
// the base URL is "about:blank", so force it to be something else (HACK)
// since jsdom 3.x sets the base to "about:blank".
if (document._URL === "about:blank") document._URL = "file:///blank.html";
// Set up a Mathjax configuration within the window
function ConfigureMathJax() {
window.MathJax = {
// Load all input jax and preprocessors
// Load AMS extensions and the autoload extension for TeX
// Allow $...$ delimiters and don't create previews for any preprocessor,
// Create stand-alone SVG elements with font caches by default
// (users can override that)
jax: ["input/TeX", "input/MathML", "input/AsciiMath", "output/SVG", "output/NativeMML", "output/CommonHTML"],
extensions: ["tex2jax.js","mml2jax.js","asciimath2jax.js","toMathML.js"],
TeX: {extensions: window.Array("AMSmath.js","AMSsymbols.js","autoload-all.js")},
tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'],['\\(','\\)']], preview:"none"},
mml2jax: {preview:"none"},
asciimath2jax: {preview:"none"},
SVG: {useFontCache: true, useGlobalCache: false, EqnChunk: 1000000, EqnDelay: 0},
CommonHTML: {EqnChunk: 1000000, EqnDelay: 0, undefinedFamily:"monospace"},
// This gets run before MathJax queues any actions
AuthorInit: function () {
MathJax = window.MathJax;
delete MathJax.Hub.config.styles; // don't need any styles
MathJax.Hub.Startup.MenuZoom = function () {}; // don't load menu or zoom code
MathJax.Extension.MathEvents = {
Event:{}, Touch:{}, Hover:{} // fake structure to avoid errors
MathJax.Ajax.loaded[MathJax.Ajax.fileURL("[MathJax]/extensions/MathEvents.js")] = true;
// When creating stylesheets, no need to wait for them
// to become active, so just do the callback
MathJax.Ajax.timer.create = function (callback,node) {
callback = MathJax.Callback(callback);
return callback;
// Use the console for messages, if we are requesting them
MathJax.Message.Set = function (text,n,delay) {
if (displayMessages && n !== 0) {
if (text instanceof window.Array)
{text = MathJax.Localization._.apply(MathJax.Localization,text)}
MathJax.Message.Clear = function () {};
MathJax.Message.Remove = function () {};
MathJax.Message.Init = function () {};
// Trap Math Processing Errors
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("Math Processing Error",function (message) {
AddError("Math Processing Error",message[2].message);
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("SVG Jax - unknown char",function (message) {
AddError("Unknown character","U+"+message[1].toString(16).toUpperCase()+
" in "+(message[2].fonts||["unknown"]).join(","),!undefinedChar);
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("MathML Jax - unknown node type",function (message) {
AddError("MathML unknown node type",message[1]);
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("MathML Jax - parse error",function (message) {
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("AsciiMath Jax - parse error",function (message) {
AddError("AsciiMath parse error",message[1]);
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("TeX Jax - parse error",function (message) {
AddError("TeX parse error",message[1]);
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("file load error",function (message) {
AddError("File load error",message[1]);
// Set the delays to 0 (we don't need to update the screen)
MathJax.Hub.processSectionDelay = 0;
MathJax.Hub.processUpdateTime = 10000000; // don't interrupt processing of output
MathJax.Hub.processUpdateDelay = 0;
// Adjust the SVG output jax
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("SVG Jax Config",function () {
var SVG = MathJax.OutputJax.SVG, HTML = MathJax.HTML;
// Don't need these styles
SVGSTYLES = SVG.config.styles;
delete SVGSTYLES["#MathJax_SVG_Tooltip"];
delete SVGSTYLES[".MathJax_SVG_Processing"];
delete SVGSTYLES[".MathJax_SVG_Processed"];
delete SVGSTYLES[".MathJax_SVG_ExBox"];
SVGSTYLES = MathJax.Ajax.StyleString(SVGSTYLES);
delete SVG.config.styles
// Set up the default ex-size and width
InitializeSVG: function () {
this.defaultEx = 6;
this.defaultWidth = 100;
// Adjust preTranslate() to not try to find the ex-size or
// the container widths.
preTranslate: function (state) {
var scripts = state.jax[], i, m = scripts.length,
script, prev, span, div, jax, ex, em,
maxwidth = 100000, relwidth = false, cwidth,
linebreak = this.config.linebreaks.automatic,
width = this.config.linebreaks.width;
// Loop through the scripts
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue;
// Remove any existing output
prev = script.previousSibling;
if (prev && String(prev.className).match(/^MathJax(_SVG)?(_Display)?( MathJax(_SVG)?_Processing)?$/))
// Add the span, and a div if in display mode,
// then set the role and mark it as being processed
jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue;
jax.SVG = {display: (jax.root.Get("display") === "block")}
span = div = HTML.Element("span",{
style: {"font-size": this.config.scale+"%", display:"inline-block"},
className:"MathJax_SVG", id:jax.inputID+"-Frame", isMathJax:true,
if (jax.SVG.display) {
div = HTML.Element("div",{className:"MathJax_SVG_Display"});
div.className += " MathJax_SVG_Processing";
// Set SVG data for jax
jax.SVG.ex = ex = (data||defaults).ex;
jax.SVG.em = em = ex / SVG.TeX.x_height * 1000; // scale ex to x_height
jax.SVG.cwidth = width / em * 1000;
jax.SVG.lineWidth = (linebreak ? width / em *1000 : SVG.BIGDIMEN);
// Set state variables used for displaying equations in chunks
state.SVGeqn = state.SVGlast = 0; state.SVGi = -1;
state.SVGchunk = this.config.EqnChunk;
state.SVGdelay = false;
// TEXT boxes use getBBox, which isn't implemented, so
// use a monspace font and fake the size. Since these
// are used only for error messages and undefined characters,
// this should be good enough for now.
Init: function (scale,text,def) {
if (!def) {def = {}}; def.stroke = "none";
if (def["font-style"] === "") delete def["font-style"];
if (def["font-weight"] === "") delete def["font-weight"];
var bbox = {width: text.length * 8.5, height: 18, y: -12};
scale *= 1000/SVG.em;
this.element.setAttribute("transform","scale("+scale+") matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)");
this.w = this.r = bbox.width*scale; this.l = 0;
this.h = this.H = -bbox.y*scale;
this.d = this.D = (bbox.height + bbox.y)*scale;
// Adjust the CommonHTML output jax
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("CommonHTML Jax Config",function () {
var CHTML = MathJax.OutputJax.CommonHTML, HTML = MathJax.HTML;
// Don't need these styles
var STYLES = CHTML.config.styles;
delete STYLES["#MathJax_CHTML_Tooltip"];
delete STYLES[".MJXc-processing"];
delete STYLES[".MJXc-processed"];
delete STYLES[".mjx-chartest"];
delete STYLES[".mjx-chartest .mjx-char"];
delete STYLES[".mjx-chartest .mjx-box"];
delete STYLES[".mjx-test"];
delete STYLES[".mjx-ex-boxtest"];
webfontDir: fontURL,
// Set up the default ex-size and width
getDefaultExEm: function () {
var styles = document.head.getElementsByTagName("style");
CHTMLSTYLES = styles[styles.length-1].innerHTML;
this.pxPerInch = 96;
this.defaultEx = 6;
this.defaultEm = 6 / CHTML.TEX.x_height * 1000;
this.defaultWidth = 100;
// Adjust preTranslate() to not try to find the ex-size or
// the container widths.
preTranslate: function (state) {
var scripts = state.jax[], i, m = scripts.length,
script, prev, node, jax, ex, em,
maxwidth = 100000, relwidth = false, cwidth = 0,
linebreak = this.config.linebreaks.automatic,
width = this.config.linebreaks.width;
// Loop through the scripts
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue;
// Remove any existing output
prev = script.previousSibling;
if (prev && prev.className && String(prev.className).substr(0,9) === "mjx-chtml")
// Add the node for the math and mark it as being processed
jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue;
jax.CHTML = {display: (jax.root.Get("display") === "block")}
node = CHTML.Element("mjx-chtml",{
id:jax.inputID+"-Frame", isMathJax:true,
if (jax.CHTML.display) {
// Zoom box requires an outer container to get the positioning right.
var NODE = CHTML.Element("mjx-chtml",{className:"MJXc-display",isMathJax:false});
NODE.appendChild(node); node = NODE;
// Mark math for screen readers
// (screen readers don't know about role="math" yet, so use "textbox" instead)
node.className += " MJXc-processing";
// Set CHTML data for jax
jax.CHTML.ex = ex = (data||defaults).ex;
jax.CHTML.em = em = ex / CHTML.TEX.x_height; // scale ex to x_height
jax.CHTML.cwidth = width / em;
jax.CHTML.lineWidth = (linebreak ? width / em : CHTML.BIGDIMEN);
jax.CHTML.scale = 1; jax.CHTML.fontsize = "100%";
// Set state variables used for displaying equations in chunks
state.CHTMLeqn = state.CHTMLlast = 0; state.CHTMLi = -1;
state.CHTMLchunk = this.config.EqnChunk;
state.CHTMLdelay = false;
// We are using a monospaced font, so fake the size
getHDW: function (c,name,styles) {
return {h:.8, d:.2, w:c.length*.5};
// A dummy output jax that does nothing (no output).
MathJax.OutputJax.None = MathJax.OutputJax({
id: "None",
version: "1.0",
preProcess: function () {},
Process: function () {},
postProcess: function () {}
MathJax.Ajax.loaded[MathJax.Ajax.fileURL("/None/config.js")] = 1;
MathJax.Ajax.loaded[MathJax.Ajax.fileURL("/None/jax.js")] = 1;
// Start the typesetting queue when MathJax is ready
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End",function () {
if (!MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings.semantics) {
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX Jax Ready", function () {
MathJax.InputJax.TeX.annotationEncoding = null;
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("AsciiMath Jax Ready", function () {
MathJax.InputJax.AsciiMath.annotationEncoding = null;
serverState = STATE.READY;
if (extensions) {
// Parse added extensions list and add to standard ones
var extensionList = extensions.split(/s*,\s*/);
for (var i = 0; i < extensionList.length; i++) {
var matches = extensionList[i].match(/^(.*?)(\.js)?$/);
window.MathJax.extensions.push(matches[1] + '.js');
// Turn arrays into jsdom window arrays
// (so "instanceof Array" will identify them properly)
var adjustArrays = function (obj) {
for (var id in obj) {if (obj.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
if (obj[id] instanceof Array) {
var A = window.Array();
obj[id] = A.concat.apply(A,obj[id]);
} else if (typeof obj[id] === "object") {
if (MathJaxConfig) {
if (MathJaxConfig.AuthorInit) MathJaxConfig.AuthorInit();
// Insert one objects into another
function Insert(dst,src) {
for (var id in src) {if (src.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
// allow for concatenation of arrays?
if (typeof src[id] === 'object' && !(src[id] instanceof Array) &&
(typeof dst[id] === 'object' || typeof dst[id] === 'function'))
{Insert(dst[id],src[id])} else {dst[id] = src[id]}
return dst;
// Load MathJax into the DOM
function StartMathJax() {
serverState = STATE.STARTED;
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = MathJaxPath;
script.onerror = function () {AddError("Can't load MathJax.js from "+MathJaxPath)}
// Return an error value (and report it to console)
function ReportError(message,currentCallback) {
(currentCallback||callback)({errors: errors});
// Add an error to the error list and display it on the console
function AddError(prefix,message,nopush) {
if (message != null) {
if (MathJax && MathJax.ElementJax) {
var n = MathJax.ElementJax.ID + 1;
if (prefix !== "") {prefix += " ("+n+"): "}
message = prefix+message;
} else {
message = prefix;
if (displayErrors) console.error(message);
if (!nopush) errors.push(message);
// Start typesetting the queued expressions
function StartQueue() {
data = callback = null; // clear existing equation, if any
errors = []; // clear any errors
if (!queue.length) return // return if nothing to do
serverState = STATE.BUSY;
var result = {}, $$ = window.Array, HUB = MathJax.Hub;
// Get the math data and callback and set the content
var item = queue.shift();
data = item[0]; callback = item[1];
content.innerHTML = data.html; // %%% disable <script> tags?
// Initialize speech engine
if (data.speakText)
speech.setupEngine({semantics:true, domain:data.speakRuleset, style:data.speakStyle});
// Set up MathJax
// Set up a timeout timer to restart MathJax if it runs too long,
// Then push the functions to set the renderer, perform the typesetting,
// and process the results.
timer = setTimeout(RestartMathJax,data.timeout);
// Set the SVG, CHTML, and TeX parameters
// according to the requested data
function ConfigureTypeset() {
var CHTML = MathJax.OutputJax.CommonHTML,
SVG = MathJax.OutputJax.SVG,
TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX,
MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
HUB = MathJax.Hub,
EXT = MathJax.Extension,
$$ = window.Array;
// Configure SVG and TeX
SVG.defaultEx = CHTML.defaultEx = data.ex;
SVG.defaultWidth = CHTMLdefaultWidth = data.width * data.ex;
SVG.config.linebreaks.automatic = CHTML.config.linebreaks.automatic = data.linebreaks;
SVG.config.linebreaks.width = CHTML.config.linebreaks.width = data.width * data.ex;
SVG.config.useFontCache = data.useFontCache;
SVG.config.useGlobalCache = data.useGlobalCache &&
data.renderer !== "IMG" && data.renderer !== "PNG";
TEX.config.equationNumbers.autoNumber = data.equationNumbers;
// Set the TeX delimiters
var delimiters = $$($$('$','$'),$$('\\(','\\)'));
if (!data.singleDollars) {delimiters.shift()}
HUB.Config({tex2jax: {inlineMath: delimiters}});
// Reset the MathJax counters for things
if (TEX.resetEquationNUmbers) TEX.resetEquationNumbers();
// Register the preprocessors and get the jax selector
var INPUT = {
TeX: [$$("PreProcess",EXT.tex2jax)],
AsciiMath: [$$("PreProcess",EXT.asciimath2jax)],
MathML: [$$("PreProcess",EXT.mml2jax),5]
HUB.preProcessors.hooks = [];
for (var i = 0, m = data.inputs.length; i < m; i++) {
if (INPUT[data.inputs[i]]) HUB.Register.PreProcessor.apply(null,INPUT[data.inputs[i]]);
// Set the MathJax renderer
function SetRenderer(renderer) {
if (renderer === "IMG" || renderer === "PNG") renderer = "SVG";
return MathJax.Hub.setRenderer(renderer);
// Clear the timeout and clean up
function TypesetDone() {
if (timer) {clearTimeout(timer); timer = null}
if (data.renderer === "None") {content.innerHTML = "<p></p>"}
// Clean up the SVG for use in a page without MathJax.
function AdjustSVG() {
var nodes, i, callback;
if (data.renderer === "SVG" || data.renderer === "IMG" || data.renderer === "PNG") {
// Fix missing xlink namespace on href's
nodes = document.querySelectorAll(".MathJax_SVG use[href]");
for (i = nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Add speech text, if needed
if (data.speakText) {callback = GetSpeech()}
if (data.renderer === "SVG") {
// Copy global SVG glyph defs into content
if (data.useGlobalCache) {
var defs = document.getElementById("MathJax_SVG_glyphs").parentNode.cloneNode(true);
| = "none";
// Add styles
var styles = document.createElement("style");
styles.innerHTML = SVGSTYLES;
return callback;
// Clean up the HTML for use in a page without MathJax.
function AdjustHTML() {
var nodes, i, callback;
if (data.renderer === "CommonHTML") {
// Add styles
var styles = document.createElement("style");
styles.innerHTML = CHTMLSTYLES;
return callback;
// Add the speech text and mark the SVG appropriately
function GetSpeech() {
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(".MathJax_SVG svg"), queue;
var SPEAK = function (svg) {
var jax = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(svg), id = jax.inputID, mml;
try {mml = jax.root.toMathML('',jax)} catch(err) {
if (!err.restart) {throw err;} // an actual error
if (!queue) {queue = MathJax.Callback.Queue()}
return queue.Push(err.restart,window.Array(SPEAK,svg));
jax.speech = speech.processExpression(mml);
svg.setAttribute("aria-labelledby",id+"-Title "+id+"-Desc");
for (var i = 0, m = svg.childNodes.length; i < m; i++)
var node = MathJax.HTML.Element("desc",{id:id+"-Desc"},[jax.speech]);
node = MathJax.HTML.Element("title",{id:id+"-Title"},["Equation"]);
for (var i = nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) SPEAK(nodes[i]);
if (queue) return queue.Push(function () {}); // wait for all the queue entries to finish
// Clean up the MathML for use in a page without MathJax.
function AdjustMML() {
if (data.renderer === "NativeMML") {
var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("MathJax_MathML");
for (var i = nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var math = nodes[i].getElementsByTagName("math")[0]
var alttext = speech.processExpression(math.outerHTML.replace(/ /g,"\u00A0"));
if (data.speakText) math.setAttribute("alttext",alttext);
// Create IMG node and the associated data URL for the svg image
function MakeIMG() {
if (data.renderer === "IMG") {
var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("MathJax_SVG");
for (var i = nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var svg = nodes[i].getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
var w = svg.getAttribute("width"), h = svg.getAttribute("height");
var css =" width:"+w+"; height:"+h;
| = ""; // this will be handled by the <img> tag instead
svg = svg.outerHTML.replace(/><([^/])/g,">\n<$1").replace(/(<\/[a-z]*>)(?=<\/)/g,"$1\n");
svg = new Buffer(svg).toString("base64"); // encode svg as base64
var img = MathJax.HTML.Element("img",{
src:"data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+svg, style:{cssText:css},
className: "MathJax_SVG_IMG",
if (data.speakText) img.setAttribute("alt",MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(nodes[i]).speech);
// Make PNG images and attach them to IMG tags
function MakePNG() {
if (data.renderer === "PNG") {
var synch = MathJax.Callback(function () {}); // for synchronization with MathJax
var batikCommands = ['-jar', BatikRasterizerPath, '-dpi', data.dpi, tmpfile + '.svg'];
var tmpSVG = tmpfile+".svg", tmpPNG = tmpfile+".png";
var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("MathJax_SVG");
var check = function (err) {if (err) {AddError(err.message); return true}}
var PNG = function (i) {
if (i < 0) return synch(); // signal everything is done
var svg = nodes[i].getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
var w = svg.getAttribute("width"), h = svg.getAttribute("height");
var css =" width:"+w+"; height:"+h;
| = ""; // this will be handled by the <img> tag instead
svg = [
'<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>',
'<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">',
fs.writeFile(tmpSVG,svg,function (err) {
if (check(err)) return PNG(i-1);
execFile('java', batikCommands, function (err,stdout,stderr) {
if (check(err)) {fs.unlinkSync(tmpSVG); return PNG(i-1)}
fs.readFile(tmpPNG,null,function (err,buffer) {
if (!check(err)) {
var img = MathJax.HTML.Element("img",{
style:{cssText:css}, className: "MathJax_PNG_IMG",
if (data.speakText) img.setAttribute("alt",MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(nodes[i]).speech);
fs.unlinkSync(tmpSVG); fs.unlinkSync(tmpPNG);
return synch;
// Move the MathJax output to a MathJax_Preview node preceeding the
// node's script element, and remove any previous preview.
// Remove the ID's so that they dont' confuse MathJax when it
// re-processes the math on the page.
function MakePreviews() {
if (data.addPreview) {
var jax = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax();
for (var i = jax.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var script = jax[i].SourceElement(); script.removeAttribute("id");
var frame = script.previousSibling;
frame.removeAttribute("id"); frame.firstChild.removeAttribute("id");
var type = (frame.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "div" ||
frame.getAttribute("display") === "block" ? "div" : "span");
var preview = MathJax.HTML.Element(type,{className:"MathJax_Preview"});
if (script.previousSibling && script.previousSibling.className === "MathJax_Preview")
// Remove the MathJax <script> tags
function RemoveScripts() {
if (data.removeJax && !data.addPreview) {
var HUB = MathJax.Hub, jax = HUB.getAllJax();
for (var i = jax.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var node = jax[i].SourceElement();
// Get the resulting HTML and return it
function ReturnResults(result) {
result.html = content.innerHTML;
if (errors.length) {result.errors = errors}
serverState = STATE.READY;
// If MathJax times out, discard the DOM
// and load a new one (get a fresh MathJax)
function RestartMathJax() {
if (timer) {
MathJax.Hub.queue.queue = []; // clear MathJax queue, so pending operations won't fire
MathJax = timer = window = document = html = content = null;
ReportError("Timeout waiting for MathJax: restarting");
serverState = STATE.STOPPED;
// The API call to typeset a page
// %%% check data for correctness
exports.typeset = function (data,callback) {
if (!callback || typeof(callback) !== "function") {
if (displayErrors) console.error("Missing callback");
var options = {};
for (var id in defaults) {if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
options[id] = (data.hasOwnProperty(id) ? data[id]: defaults[id]);
if (serverState == STATE.STOPPED) {RestartMathJax()}
if (serverState == STATE.READY) StartQueue();
// Manually start MathJax (this is done automatically
// when the first typeset() call is made)
exports.start = function () {RestartMathJax()}
// Configure MathJax and the API
// You can pass additional configuration options to MathJax using the
// MathJax property, and can set displayErrors and displayMessages
// that control the display of error messages, and extensions to add
// additional MathJax extensions to the base or to sub-categories.
// E.g.
// mjAPI.config({
// MathJax: {SVG: {font: "STIX-Web"}},
// displayErrors: false
// extensions: 'Safe,TeX/noUndefined'
// });
exports.config = function (config) {
if (config.displayMessages != null) {displayMessages = config.displayMessages}
if (config.displayErrors != null) {displayErrors = config.displayErrors}
if (config.undefinedCharError != null) {undefinedChar = config.undefinedCharError}
if (config.extensions != null) {extensions = config.extensions}
if (config.fontURL != null) {fontURL = config.fontURL}
if (config.MathJax) {MathJaxConfig = config.MathJax}