/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/input/AsciiMath/jax.js * * An Input Jax for AsciiMath notation * (see http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/mathml/asciimath.html). * * Originally adapted for MathJax by David Lippman. * Additional work done by Davide P. Cervone. * * The current development repository for AsciiMathML is * https://github.com/mathjax/asciimathml * * A portion of this file is taken from * ASCIIMathML.js Version 2.2 Mar 3, 2014, (c) Peter Jipsen http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen * and is used by permission of Peter Jipsen, who has agreed to allow us to * release it under the Apache2 license (see below). That portion is indicated * via comments. * * The remainder falls under the copyright that follows. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2012-2018 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function (ASCIIMATH) { var MML; // Filled in later // // Make a documentFragment work-alike that uses MML objects // rather than DOM objects. // var DOCFRAG = MathJax.Object.Subclass({ firstChild: null, lastChild: null, Init: function () { this.childNodes = []; }, appendChild: function (node) { if (node.parent) {node.parent.removeChild(node)} if (this.lastChild) {this.lastChild.nextSibling = node} if (!this.firstChild) {this.firstChild = node} this.childNodes.push(node); node.parent = this; this.lastChild = node; return node; }, removeChild: function (node) { for (var i = 0, m = this.childNodes.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.childNodes[i] === node) break} if (i === m) return; this.childNodes.splice(i,1); if (node === this.firstChild) {this.firstChild = node.nextSibling} if (node === this.lastChild) { if (!this.childNodes.length) {this.lastChild = null} else {this.lastChild = this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length-1]} } if (i) {this.childNodes[i-1].nextSibling = node.nextSibling} node.nextSibling = node.parent = null; return node; }, replaceChild: function (node,old) { for (var i = 0, m = this.childNodes.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.childNodes[i] === old) break} if (i) {this.childNodes[i-1].nextSibling = node} else {this.firstChild = node} if (i >= m-1) {this.lastChild = node} this.childNodes[i] = node; node.nextSibling = old.nextSibling; old.nextSibling = old.parent = null; return old; }, hasChildNodes: function (node) { return (this.childNodes.length>0); }, toString: function () {return "{"+this.childNodes.join("")+"}"} }); var INITASCIIMATH = function () { MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml; var MBASEINIT = MML.mbase.prototype.Init; // // Make MML elements looks like DOM elements (add the // methods that AsciiMath needs) // MML.mbase.Augment({ firstChild: null, lastChild: null, nodeValue: null, nextSibling: null, Init: function () { var obj = MBASEINIT.apply(this,arguments) || this; obj.childNodes = obj.data; obj.nodeName = obj.type; return obj; }, appendChild: function (node) { if (node.parent) {node.parent.removeChild(node)} var nodes = arguments; if (node.isa(DOCFRAG)) { nodes = node.childNodes; node.data = node.childNodes = []; node.firstChild = node.lastChild = null; } for (var i = 0, m = nodes.length; i < m; i++) { node = nodes[i]; if (this.lastChild) {this.lastChild.nextSibling = node} if (!this.firstChild) {this.firstChild = node} this.Append(node); this.lastChild = node; } return node; }, removeChild: function (node) { for (var i = 0, m = this.childNodes.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.childNodes[i] === node) break} if (i === m) return; this.childNodes.splice(i,1); if (node === this.firstChild) {this.firstChild = node.nextSibling} if (node === this.lastChild) { if (!this.childNodes.length) {this.lastChild = null} else {this.lastChild = this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length-1]} } if (i) {this.childNodes[i-1].nextSibling = node.nextSibling} node.nextSibling = node.parent = null; return node; }, replaceChild: function (node,old) { for (var i = 0, m = this.childNodes.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.childNodes[i] === old) break} // FIXME: make this work with DOCFRAG's? if (i) {this.childNodes[i-1].nextSibling = node} else {this.firstChild = node} if (i >= m-1) {this.lastChild = node} this.SetData(i,node); node.nextSibling = old.nextSibling; old.nextSibling = old.parent = null; return old; }, hasChildNodes: function (node) { return (this.childNodes.length>0); }, setAttribute: function (name,value) {this[name] = value} }); }; // // Set up to isolate ASCIIMathML.js // var window = {}; // hide the true window // // Hide the true document, and add functions that // use and produce MML objects instead of DOM objects // var document = { getElementById: true, createElementNS: function (ns,type) { var node = MML[type](); if (type === "mo" && ASCIIMATH.config.useMathMLspacing) {node.useMMLspacing = 0x80} return node; }, createTextNode: function (text) {return MML.chars(text).With({nodeValue:text})}, createDocumentFragment: function () {return DOCFRAG()} }; var navigator = {appName: "MathJax"}; // hide the true navigator object /****************************************************************** * * The following section is ASCIIMathML.js Version 2.2 * (c) Peter Jipsen, used with permission. * * Some sections are commented out to save space in the * minified version (but that is not strictly necessary). * ******************************************************************/ /* ASCIIMathML.js ============== This file contains JavaScript functions to convert ASCII math notation and (some) LaTeX to Presentation MathML. The conversion is done while the HTML page loads, and should work with Firefox and other browsers that can render MathML. Just add the next line to your HTML page with this file in the same folder: Version 2.2 Mar 3, 2014. Latest version at https://github.com/mathjax/asciimathml If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to jipsen@chapman.edu Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Jipsen and other ASCIIMathML.js contributors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ //var asciimath = {}; //(function(){ var mathcolor = "blue"; // change it to "" (to inherit) or another color //var mathfontsize = "1em"; // change to e.g. 1.2em for larger math //var mathfontfamily = "serif"; // change to "" to inherit (works in IE) // or another family (e.g. "arial") //var automathrecognize = false; // writing "amath" on page makes this true //var checkForMathML = true; // check if browser can display MathML //var notifyIfNoMathML = true; // display note at top if no MathML capability //var alertIfNoMathML = false; // show alert box if no MathML capability //var translateOnLoad = true; // set to false to do call translators from js //var translateASCIIMath = true; // false to preserve `..` var displaystyle = true; // puts limits above and below large operators var showasciiformulaonhover = true; // helps students learn ASCIIMath var decimalsign = "."; // change to "," if you like, beware of `(1,2)`! //var AMdelimiter1 = "`", AMescape1 = "\\\\`"; // can use other characters //var AMdocumentId = "wikitext" // PmWiki element containing math (default=body) var fixphi = true; //false to return to legacy phi/varphi mapping /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ var isIE = (navigator.appName.slice(0,9)=="Microsoft"); /* var noMathML = false, translated = false; if (isIE) { // add MathPlayer info to IE webpages document.write(""); document.write(""); } // Add a stylesheet, replacing any previous custom stylesheet (adapted from TW) function setStylesheet(s) { var id = "AMMLcustomStyleSheet"; var n = document.getElementById(id); if(document.createStyleSheet) { // Test for IE's non-standard createStyleSheet method if(n) n.parentNode.removeChild(n); // This failed without the   document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd"," "); } else { if(n) { n.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(s),n.firstChild); } else { n = document.createElement("style"); n.type = "text/css"; n.id = id; n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n); } } } setStylesheet("#AMMLcloseDiv \{font-size:0.8em; padding-top:1em; color:#014\}\n#AMMLwarningBox \{position:absolute; width:100%; top:0; left:0; z-index:200; text-align:center; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; padding:0.5em 0 0.5em 0; color:#ffc; background:#c30\}"); function init(){ var msg, warnings = new Array(); if (document.getElementById==null){ alert("This webpage requires a recent browser such as Mozilla Firefox"); return null; } if (checkForMathML && (msg = checkMathML())) warnings.push(msg); if (warnings.length>0) displayWarnings(warnings); if (!noMathML) initSymbols(); return true; } function checkMathML(){ if (navigator.appName.slice(0,8)=="Netscape") if (navigator.appVersion.slice(0,1)>="5") noMathML = null; else noMathML = true; else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,9)=="Microsoft") try { var ActiveX = new ActiveXObject("MathPlayer.Factory.1"); noMathML = null; } catch (e) { noMathML = true; } else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,5)=="Opera") if (navigator.appVersion.slice(0,3)>="9.5") noMathML = null; else noMathML = true; //noMathML = true; //uncomment to check if (noMathML && notifyIfNoMathML) { var msg = "To view the ASCIIMathML notation use Internet Explorer + MathPlayer or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later."; if (alertIfNoMathML) alert(msg); else return msg; } } function hideWarning(){ var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; body.removeChild(document.getElementById('AMMLwarningBox')); body.onclick = null; } function displayWarnings(warnings) { var i, frag, nd = createElementXHTML("div"); var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; body.onclick=hideWarning; nd.id = 'AMMLwarningBox'; for (i=0; i<", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C9", tex:"ltimes", ttype:CONST}, {input:"><|", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CA", tex:"rtimes", ttype:CONST}, {input:"|><|", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C8", tex:"bowtie", ttype:CONST}, {input:"-:", tag:"mo", output:"\u00F7", tex:"div", ttype:CONST}, {input:"divide", tag:"mo", output:"-:", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION}, {input:"@", tag:"mo", output:"\u2218", tex:"circ", ttype:CONST}, {input:"o+", tag:"mo", output:"\u2295", tex:"oplus", ttype:CONST}, {input:"ox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2297", tex:"otimes", ttype:CONST}, {input:"o.", tag:"mo", output:"\u2299", tex:"odot", ttype:CONST}, {input:"sum", tag:"mo", output:"\u2211", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"prod", tag:"mo", output:"\u220F", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"^^", tag:"mo", output:"\u2227", tex:"wedge", ttype:CONST}, {input:"^^^", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C0", tex:"bigwedge", ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"vv", tag:"mo", output:"\u2228", tex:"vee", ttype:CONST}, {input:"vvv", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C1", tex:"bigvee", ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"nn", tag:"mo", output:"\u2229", tex:"cap", ttype:CONST}, {input:"nnn", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C2", tex:"bigcap", ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"uu", tag:"mo", output:"\u222A", tex:"cup", ttype:CONST}, {input:"uuu", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C3", tex:"bigcup", ttype:UNDEROVER}, //binary relation symbols {input:"!=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2260", tex:"ne", ttype:CONST}, {input:":=", tag:"mo", output:":=", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"lt", tag:"mo", output:"<", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"<=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", tex:"le", ttype:CONST}, {input:"lt=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", tex:"leq", ttype:CONST}, {input:"gt", tag:"mo", output:">", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:">=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", tex:"ge", ttype:CONST}, {input:"gt=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", tex:"geq", ttype:CONST}, {input:"-<", tag:"mo", output:"\u227A", tex:"prec", ttype:CONST}, {input:"-lt", tag:"mo", output:"\u227A", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:">-", tag:"mo", output:"\u227B", tex:"succ", ttype:CONST}, {input:"-<=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AAF", tex:"preceq", ttype:CONST}, {input:">-=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB0", tex:"succeq", ttype:CONST}, {input:"in", tag:"mo", output:"\u2208", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"!in", tag:"mo", output:"\u2209", tex:"notin", ttype:CONST}, {input:"sub", tag:"mo", output:"\u2282", tex:"subset", ttype:CONST}, {input:"sup", tag:"mo", output:"\u2283", tex:"supset", ttype:CONST}, {input:"sube", tag:"mo", output:"\u2286", tex:"subseteq", ttype:CONST}, {input:"supe", tag:"mo", output:"\u2287", tex:"supseteq", ttype:CONST}, {input:"-=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2261", tex:"equiv", ttype:CONST}, {input:"~=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2245", tex:"cong", ttype:CONST}, {input:"~~", tag:"mo", output:"\u2248", tex:"approx", ttype:CONST}, {input:"prop", tag:"mo", output:"\u221D", tex:"propto", ttype:CONST}, //logical symbols {input:"and", tag:"mtext", output:"and", tex:null, ttype:SPACE}, {input:"or", tag:"mtext", output:"or", tex:null, ttype:SPACE}, {input:"not", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AC", tex:"neg", ttype:CONST}, {input:"=>", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", tex:"implies", ttype:CONST}, {input:"if", tag:"mo", output:"if", tex:null, ttype:SPACE}, {input:"<=>", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", tex:"iff", ttype:CONST}, {input:"AA", tag:"mo", output:"\u2200", tex:"forall", ttype:CONST}, {input:"EE", tag:"mo", output:"\u2203", tex:"exists", ttype:CONST}, {input:"_|_", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A5", tex:"bot", ttype:CONST}, {input:"TT", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A4", tex:"top", ttype:CONST}, {input:"|--", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A2", tex:"vdash", ttype:CONST}, {input:"|==", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A8", tex:"models", ttype:CONST}, //grouping brackets {input:"(", tag:"mo", output:"(", tex:"left(", ttype:LEFTBRACKET}, {input:")", tag:"mo", output:")", tex:"right)", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET}, {input:"[", tag:"mo", output:"[", tex:"left[", ttype:LEFTBRACKET}, {input:"]", tag:"mo", output:"]", tex:"right]", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET}, {input:"{", tag:"mo", output:"{", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET}, {input:"}", tag:"mo", output:"}", tex:null, ttype:RIGHTBRACKET}, {input:"|", tag:"mo", output:"|", tex:null, ttype:LEFTRIGHT}, {input:":|:", tag:"mo", output:"|", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"|:", tag:"mo", output:"|", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET}, {input:":|", tag:"mo", output:"|", tex:null, ttype:RIGHTBRACKET}, //{input:"||", tag:"mo", output:"||", tex:null, ttype:LEFTRIGHT}, {input:"(:", tag:"mo", output:"\u2329", tex:"langle", ttype:LEFTBRACKET}, {input:":)", tag:"mo", output:"\u232A", tex:"rangle", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET}, {input:"<<", tag:"mo", output:"\u2329", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET}, {input:">>", tag:"mo", output:"\u232A", tex:null, ttype:RIGHTBRACKET}, {input:"{:", tag:"mo", output:"{:", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET, invisible:true}, {input:":}", tag:"mo", output:":}", tex:null, ttype:RIGHTBRACKET, invisible:true}, //miscellaneous symbols {input:"int", tag:"mo", output:"\u222B", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"dx", tag:"mi", output:"{:d x:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION}, {input:"dy", tag:"mi", output:"{:d y:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION}, {input:"dz", tag:"mi", output:"{:d z:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION}, {input:"dt", tag:"mi", output:"{:d t:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION}, {input:"oint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222E", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"del", tag:"mo", output:"\u2202", tex:"partial", ttype:CONST}, {input:"grad", tag:"mo", output:"\u2207", tex:"nabla", ttype:CONST}, {input:"+-", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B1", tex:"pm", ttype:CONST}, {input:"O/", tag:"mo", output:"\u2205", tex:"emptyset", ttype:CONST}, {input:"oo", tag:"mo", output:"\u221E", tex:"infty", ttype:CONST}, {input:"aleph", tag:"mo", output:"\u2135", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"...", tag:"mo", output:"...", tex:"ldots", ttype:CONST}, {input:":.", tag:"mo", output:"\u2234", tex:"therefore", ttype:CONST}, {input:":'", tag:"mo", output:"\u2235", tex:"because", ttype:CONST}, {input:"/_", tag:"mo", output:"\u2220", tex:"angle", ttype:CONST}, {input:"/_\\", tag:"mo", output:"\u25B3", tex:"triangle", ttype:CONST}, {input:"'", tag:"mo", output:"\u2032", tex:"prime", ttype:CONST}, {input:"tilde", tag:"mover", output:"~", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"\\ ", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"frown", tag:"mo", output:"\u2322", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"quad", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0\u00A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"qquad", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"cdots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EF", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"vdots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EE", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"ddots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22F1", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"diamond", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C4", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"square", tag:"mo", output:"\u25A1", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"|__", tag:"mo", output:"\u230A", tex:"lfloor", ttype:CONST}, {input:"__|", tag:"mo", output:"\u230B", tex:"rfloor", ttype:CONST}, {input:"|~", tag:"mo", output:"\u2308", tex:"lceiling", ttype:CONST}, {input:"~|", tag:"mo", output:"\u2309", tex:"rceiling", ttype:CONST}, {input:"CC", tag:"mo", output:"\u2102", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"NN", tag:"mo", output:"\u2115", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"QQ", tag:"mo", output:"\u211A", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"RR", tag:"mo", output:"\u211D", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"ZZ", tag:"mo", output:"\u2124", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"f", tag:"mi", output:"f", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"g", tag:"mi", output:"g", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, //standard functions {input:"lim", tag:"mo", output:"lim", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"Lim", tag:"mo", output:"Lim", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"sin", tag:"mo", output:"sin", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"cos", tag:"mo", output:"cos", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"tan", tag:"mo", output:"tan", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"sinh", tag:"mo", output:"sinh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"cosh", tag:"mo", output:"cosh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"tanh", tag:"mo", output:"tanh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"cot", tag:"mo", output:"cot", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"sec", tag:"mo", output:"sec", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"csc", tag:"mo", output:"csc", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"arcsin", tag:"mo", output:"arcsin", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"arccos", tag:"mo", output:"arccos", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"arctan", tag:"mo", output:"arctan", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"coth", tag:"mo", output:"coth", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"sech", tag:"mo", output:"sech", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"csch", tag:"mo", output:"csch", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"exp", tag:"mo", output:"exp", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"abs", tag:"mo", output:"abs", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, rewriteleftright:["|","|"]}, {input:"norm", tag:"mo", output:"norm", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, rewriteleftright:["\u2225","\u2225"]}, {input:"floor", tag:"mo", output:"floor", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, rewriteleftright:["\u230A","\u230B"]}, {input:"ceil", tag:"mo", output:"ceil", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, rewriteleftright:["\u2308","\u2309"]}, {input:"log", tag:"mo", output:"log", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"ln", tag:"mo", output:"ln", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"det", tag:"mo", output:"det", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"dim", tag:"mo", output:"dim", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"mod", tag:"mo", output:"mod", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"gcd", tag:"mo", output:"gcd", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"lcm", tag:"mo", output:"lcm", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"lub", tag:"mo", output:"lub", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"glb", tag:"mo", output:"glb", tex:null, ttype:CONST}, {input:"min", tag:"mo", output:"min", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"max", tag:"mo", output:"max", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER}, {input:"Sin", tag:"mo", output:"Sin", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Cos", tag:"mo", output:"Cos", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Tan", tag:"mo", output:"Tan", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Arcsin", tag:"mo", output:"Arcsin", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Arccos", tag:"mo", output:"Arccos", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Arctan", tag:"mo", output:"Arctan", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Sinh", tag:"mo", output:"Sinh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Cosh", tag:"mo", output:"Cosh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Tanh", tag:"mo", output:"Tanh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Cot", tag:"mo", output:"Cot", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Sec", tag:"mo", output:"Sec", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Csc", tag:"mo", output:"Csc", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Log", tag:"mo", output:"Log", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Ln", tag:"mo", output:"Ln", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true}, {input:"Abs", tag:"mo", output:"abs", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, notexcopy:true, rewriteleftright:["|","|"]}, //arrows {input:"uarr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2191", tex:"uparrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:"darr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2193", tex:"downarrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:"rarr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:"rightarrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:"->", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:"to", ttype:CONST}, {input:">->", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A3", tex:"rightarrowtail", ttype:CONST}, {input:"->>", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A0", tex:"twoheadrightarrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:">->>", tag:"mo", output:"\u2916", tex:"twoheadrightarrowtail", ttype:CONST}, {input:"|->", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A6", tex:"mapsto", ttype:CONST}, {input:"larr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", tex:"leftarrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:"harr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", tex:"leftrightarrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:"rArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", tex:"Rightarrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:"lArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", tex:"Leftarrow", ttype:CONST}, {input:"hArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", tex:"Leftrightarrow", ttype:CONST}, //commands with argument {input:"sqrt", tag:"msqrt", output:"sqrt", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, {input:"root", tag:"mroot", output:"root", tex:null, ttype:BINARY}, {input:"frac", tag:"mfrac", output:"/", tex:null, ttype:BINARY}, {input:"/", tag:"mfrac", output:"/", tex:null, ttype:INFIX}, {input:"stackrel", tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", tex:null, ttype:BINARY}, {input:"overset", tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", tex:null, ttype:BINARY}, {input:"underset", tag:"munder", output:"stackrel", tex:null, ttype:BINARY}, {input:"_", tag:"msub", output:"_", tex:null, ttype:INFIX}, {input:"^", tag:"msup", output:"^", tex:null, ttype:INFIX}, {input:"hat", tag:"mover", output:"\u005E", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"bar", tag:"mover", output:"\u00AF", tex:"overline", ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"vec", tag:"mover", output:"\u2192", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"dot", tag:"mover", output:".", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"ddot", tag:"mover", output:"..", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"overarc", tag:"mover", output:"\u23DC", tex:"overparen", ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"ul", tag:"munder", output:"\u0332", tex:"underline", ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, {input:"ubrace", tag:"munder", output:"\u23DF", tex:"underbrace", ttype:UNARYUNDEROVER, acc:true}, {input:"obrace", tag:"mover", output:"\u23DE", tex:"overbrace", ttype:UNARYUNDEROVER, acc:true}, {input:"text", tag:"mtext", output:"text", tex:null, ttype:TEXT}, {input:"mbox", tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", tex:null, ttype:TEXT}, {input:"color", tag:"mstyle", ttype:BINARY}, {input:"id", tag:"mrow", ttype:BINARY}, {input:"class", tag:"mrow", ttype:BINARY}, {input:"cancel", tag:"menclose", output:"cancel", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, AMquote, {input:"bb", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"bold", output:"bb", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, {input:"mathbf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"bold", output:"mathbf", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, {input:"sf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"sans-serif", output:"sf", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, {input:"mathsf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"sans-serif", output:"mathsf", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, {input:"bbb", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"double-struck", output:"bbb", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMbbb}, {input:"mathbb", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"double-struck", output:"mathbb", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMbbb}, {input:"cc", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"script", output:"cc", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMcal}, {input:"mathcal", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"script", output:"mathcal", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMcal}, {input:"tt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"monospace", output:"tt", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, {input:"mathtt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"monospace", output:"mathtt", tex:null, ttype:UNARY}, {input:"fr", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"fraktur", output:"fr", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMfrk}, {input:"mathfrak", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"fraktur", output:"mathfrak", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMfrk} ]; function compareNames(s1,s2) { if (s1.input > s2.input) return 1 else return -1; } var AMnames = []; //list of input symbols function initSymbols() { var i; var symlen = AMsymbols.length; for (i=0; i=n where str appears or would be inserted // assumes arr is sorted if (n==0) { var h,m; n = -1; h = arr.length; while (n+1> 1; if (arr[m]=str } function AMgetSymbol(str) { //return maximal initial substring of str that appears in names //return null if there is none var k = 0; //new pos var j = 0; //old pos var mk; //match pos var st; var tagst; var match = ""; var more = true; for (var i=1; i<=str.length && more; i++) { st = str.slice(0,i); //initial substring of length i j = k; k = position(AMnames, st, j); if (k=AMnames[k]; } AMpreviousSymbol=AMcurrentSymbol; if (match!=""){ AMcurrentSymbol=AMsymbols[mk].ttype; return AMsymbols[mk]; } // if str[0] is a digit or - return maxsubstring of digits.digits AMcurrentSymbol=CONST; k = 1; st = str.slice(0,1); var integ = true; while ("0"<=st && st<="9" && k<=str.length) { st = str.slice(k,k+1); k++; } if (st == decimalsign) { st = str.slice(k,k+1); if ("0"<=st && st<="9") { integ = false; k++; while ("0"<=st && st<="9" && k<=str.length) { st = str.slice(k,k+1); k++; } } } if ((integ && k>1) || k>2) { st = str.slice(0,k-1); tagst = "mn"; } else { k = 2; st = str.slice(0,1); //take 1 character tagst = (("A">st || st>"Z") && ("a">st || st>"z")?"mo":"mi"); } if (st=="-" && AMpreviousSymbol==INFIX) { AMcurrentSymbol = INFIX; //trick "/" into recognizing "-" on second parse return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:UNARY, func:true}; } return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:CONST}; } function AMremoveBrackets(node) { var st; if (!node.hasChildNodes()) { return; } if (node.firstChild.hasChildNodes() && (node.nodeName=="mrow" || node.nodeName=="M:MROW")) { st = node.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; if (st=="(" || st=="[" || st=="{") node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } if (node.lastChild.hasChildNodes() && (node.nodeName=="mrow" || node.nodeName=="M:MROW")) { st = node.lastChild.firstChild.nodeValue; if (st==")" || st=="]" || st=="}") node.removeChild(node.lastChild); } } /*Parsing ASCII math expressions with the following grammar v ::= [A-Za-z] | greek letters | numbers | other constant symbols u ::= sqrt | text | bb | other unary symbols for font commands b ::= frac | root | stackrel binary symbols l ::= ( | [ | { | (: | {: left brackets r ::= ) | ] | } | :) | :} right brackets S ::= v | lEr | uS | bSS Simple expression I ::= S_S | S^S | S_S^S | S Intermediate expression E ::= IE | I/I Expression Each terminal symbol is translated into a corresponding mathml node.*/ var AMnestingDepth,AMpreviousSymbol,AMcurrentSymbol; function AMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr] var symbol, node, result, i, st,// rightvert = false, newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0); symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); //either a token or a bracket or empty if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET && AMnestingDepth > 0) { return [null,str]; } if (symbol.ttype == DEFINITION) { str = symbol.output+AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); } switch (symbol.ttype) { case UNDEROVER: case CONST: str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag, //its a constant document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str]; case LEFTBRACKET: //read (expr+) AMnestingDepth++; str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); result = AMparseExpr(str,true); AMnestingDepth--; if (typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible) node = createMmlNode("mrow",result[0]); else { node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)); node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); node.appendChild(result[0]); } return [node,result[1]]; case TEXT: if (symbol!=AMquote) str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); if (str.charAt(0)=="{") i=str.indexOf("}"); else if (str.charAt(0)=="(") i=str.indexOf(")"); else if (str.charAt(0)=="[") i=str.indexOf("]"); else if (symbol==AMquote) i=str.slice(1).indexOf("\"")+1; else i = 0; if (i==-1) i = str.length; st = str.slice(1,i); if (st.charAt(0) == " ") { node = createMmlNode("mspace"); node.setAttribute("width","1ex"); newFrag.appendChild(node); } newFrag.appendChild( createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(st))); if (st.charAt(st.length-1) == " ") { node = createMmlNode("mspace"); node.setAttribute("width","1ex"); newFrag.appendChild(node); } str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,i+1); return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str]; case UNARYUNDEROVER: case UNARY: str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); result = AMparseSexpr(str); if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag, document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str]; if (typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) { // functions hack st = str.charAt(0); if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st=="/" || st=="|" || st=="," || (symbol.input.length==1 && symbol.input.match(/\w/) && st!="(")) { return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag, document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str]; } else { node = createMmlNode("mrow", createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output))); node.appendChild(result[0]); return [node,result[1]]; } } AMremoveBrackets(result[0]); if (symbol.input == "sqrt") { // sqrt return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]),result[1]]; } else if (typeof symbol.rewriteleftright != "undefined") { // abs, floor, ceil node = createMmlNode("mrow", createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.rewriteleftright[0]))); node.appendChild(result[0]); node.appendChild(createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.rewriteleftright[1]))); return [node,result[1]]; } else if (symbol.input == "cancel") { // cancel node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]); node.setAttribute("notation","updiagonalstrike"); return [node,result[1]]; } else if (typeof symbol.acc == "boolean" && symbol.acc) { // accent node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]); var accnode = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)); if (symbol.input=="vec" && ( (result[0].nodeName=="mrow" && result[0].childNodes.length==1 && result[0].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue !== null && result[0].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.length==1) || (result[0].firstChild.nodeValue !== null && result[0].firstChild.nodeValue.length==1) )) { accnode.setAttribute("stretchy",false); } node.appendChild(accnode); return [node,result[1]]; } else { // font change command if (!isIE && typeof symbol.codes != "undefined") { for (i=0; i64 && st.charCodeAt(j)<91) newst = newst + symbol.codes[st.charCodeAt(j)-65]; else if (st.charCodeAt(j)>96 && st.charCodeAt(j)<123) newst = newst + symbol.codes[st.charCodeAt(j)-71]; else newst = newst + st.charAt(j); if (result[0].nodeName=="mi") result[0]=createMmlNode("mo"). appendChild(document.createTextNode(newst)); else result[0].replaceChild(createMmlNode("mo"). appendChild(document.createTextNode(newst)), result[0].childNodes[i]); } } node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]); node.setAttribute(symbol.atname,symbol.atval); return [node,result[1]]; } case BINARY: str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); result = AMparseSexpr(str); if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo", document.createTextNode(symbol.input)),str]; AMremoveBrackets(result[0]); var result2 = AMparseSexpr(result[1]); if (result2[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo", document.createTextNode(symbol.input)),str]; AMremoveBrackets(result2[0]); if (['color', 'class', 'id'].indexOf(symbol.input) >= 0) { // Get the second argument if (str.charAt(0)=="{") i=str.indexOf("}"); else if (str.charAt(0)=="(") i=str.indexOf(")"); else if (str.charAt(0)=="[") i=str.indexOf("]"); st = str.slice(1,i); // Make a mathml node node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result2[0]); // Set the correct attribute if (symbol.input === "color") node.setAttribute("mathcolor", st) else if (symbol.input === "class") node.setAttribute("class", st) else if (symbol.input === "id") node.setAttribute("id", st) return [node,result2[1]]; } if (symbol.input=="root" || symbol.output=="stackrel") newFrag.appendChild(result2[0]); newFrag.appendChild(result[0]); if (symbol.input=="frac") newFrag.appendChild(result2[0]); return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,newFrag),result2[1]]; case INFIX: str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); return [createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str]; case SPACE: str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); node = createMmlNode("mspace"); node.setAttribute("width","1ex"); newFrag.appendChild(node); newFrag.appendChild( createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output))); node = createMmlNode("mspace"); node.setAttribute("width","1ex"); newFrag.appendChild(node); return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str]; case LEFTRIGHT: // if (rightvert) return [null,str]; else rightvert = true; AMnestingDepth++; str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); result = AMparseExpr(str,false); AMnestingDepth--; st = ""; if (result[0].lastChild!=null) st = result[0].lastChild.firstChild.nodeValue; if (st == "|" && str.charAt(0)!==",") { // its an absolute value subterm node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)); node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); node.appendChild(result[0]); return [node,result[1]]; } else { // the "|" is a \mid so use unicode 2223 (divides) for spacing node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u2223")); node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); return [node,str]; } default: //alert("default"); str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag, //its a constant document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str]; } } function AMparseIexpr(str) { var symbol, sym1, sym2, node, result, underover; str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0); sym1 = AMgetSymbol(str); result = AMparseSexpr(str); node = result[0]; str = result[1]; symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && symbol.input != "/") { str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); // if (symbol.input == "/") result = AMparseIexpr(str); else ... result = AMparseSexpr(str); if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1")); else AMremoveBrackets(result[0]); str = result[1]; // if (symbol.input == "/") AMremoveBrackets(node); underover = (sym1.ttype == UNDEROVER || sym1.ttype == UNARYUNDEROVER); if (symbol.input == "_") { sym2 = AMgetSymbol(str); if (sym2.input == "^") { str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,sym2.input.length); var res2 = AMparseSexpr(str); AMremoveBrackets(res2[0]); str = res2[1]; node = createMmlNode((underover?"munderover":"msubsup"),node); node.appendChild(result[0]); node.appendChild(res2[0]); node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); // so sum does not stretch } else { node = createMmlNode((underover?"munder":"msub"),node); node.appendChild(result[0]); } } else if (symbol.input == "^" && underover) { node = createMmlNode("mover",node); node.appendChild(result[0]); } else { node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node); node.appendChild(result[0]); } if (typeof sym1.func != 'undefined' && sym1.func) { sym2 = AMgetSymbol(str); if (sym2.ttype != INFIX && sym2.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET) { result = AMparseIexpr(str); node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); node.appendChild(result[0]); str = result[1]; } } } return [node,str]; } function AMparseExpr(str,rightbracket) { var symbol, node, result, i, newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); do { str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0); result = AMparseIexpr(str); node = result[0]; str = result[1]; symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && symbol.input == "/") { str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); result = AMparseIexpr(str); if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1")); else AMremoveBrackets(result[0]); str = result[1]; AMremoveBrackets(node); node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node); node.appendChild(result[0]); newFrag.appendChild(node); symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); } else if (node!=undefined) newFrag.appendChild(node); } while ((symbol.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET && (symbol.ttype != LEFTRIGHT || rightbracket) || AMnestingDepth == 0) && symbol!=null && symbol.output!=""); if (symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET || symbol.ttype == LEFTRIGHT) { // if (AMnestingDepth > 0) AMnestingDepth--; var len = newFrag.childNodes.length; if (len>0 && newFrag.childNodes[len-1].nodeName == "mrow" && newFrag.childNodes[len-1].lastChild && newFrag.childNodes[len-1].lastChild.firstChild ) { //matrix //removed to allow row vectors: //&& len>1 && //newFrag.childNodes[len-2].nodeName == "mo" && //newFrag.childNodes[len-2].firstChild.nodeValue == "," var right = newFrag.childNodes[len-1].lastChild.firstChild.nodeValue; if (right==")" || right=="]") { var left = newFrag.childNodes[len-1].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; if (left=="(" && right==")" && symbol.output != "}" || left=="[" && right=="]") { var pos = []; // positions of commas var matrix = true; var m = newFrag.childNodes.length; for (i=0; matrix && i1) matrix = pos[i].length == pos[i-2].length; } matrix = matrix && (pos.length>1 || pos[0].length>0); var columnlines = []; if (matrix) { var row, frag, n, k, table = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (i=0; i(-,-,...,-,-) n = node.childNodes.length; k = 0; node.removeChild(node.firstChild); //remove ( for (j=1; j2) { newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove ) newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove , } table.appendChild(createMmlNode("mtr",row)); } node = createMmlNode("mtable",table); node.setAttribute("columnlines", columnlines.join(" ")); if (typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible) node.setAttribute("columnalign","left"); newFrag.replaceChild(node,newFrag.firstChild); } } } } str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); if (typeof symbol.invisible != "boolean" || !symbol.invisible) { node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)); newFrag.appendChild(node); } } return [newFrag,str]; } function parseMath(str,latex) { var frag, node; AMnestingDepth = 0; //some basic cleanup for dealing with stuff editors like TinyMCE adds str = str.replace(/ /g,""); str = str.replace(/>/g,">"); str = str.replace(/</g,"<"); frag = AMparseExpr(str.replace(/^\s+/g,""),false)[0]; node = createMmlNode("mstyle",frag); if (mathcolor != "") node.setAttribute("mathcolor",mathcolor); if (mathfontsize != "") { node.setAttribute("fontsize", mathfontsize); node.setAttribute("mathsize", mathfontsize); } if (mathfontfamily != "") { node.setAttribute("fontfamily", mathfontfamily); node.setAttribute("mathvariant", mathfontfamily); } if (displaystyle) node.setAttribute("displaystyle","true"); node = createMmlNode("math",node); if (showasciiformulaonhover) //fixed by djhsu so newline node.setAttribute("title",str.replace(/\s+/g," "));//does not show in Gecko return node; } /* function strarr2docFrag(arr, linebreaks, latex) { var newFrag=document.createDocumentFragment(); var expr = false; for (var i=0; i,\\|!:;'~]|\\.(?!(?:\x20|$))|"+ambigAMtoken+englishAMtoken+simpleAMtoken; var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)((("+token+")\\s?)(("+token+secondenglishAMtoken+")\\s?)+)([,.?]?(?=\\s|$))","g"); str = str.replace(re," `$2`$7"); var arr = str.split(AMdelimiter1); var re1 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)([b-zB-HJ-Z+*<>]|"+texcommand+ambigAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+")(\\s|\\n|$)","g"); var re2 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)([a-z]|"+texcommand+ambigAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+")([,.])","g"); // removed |\d+ for now for (i=0; i1 || mtch) { if (!noMathML) { frg = strarr2docFrag(arr,n.nodeType==8,latex); var len = frg.childNodes.length; n.parentNode.replaceChild(frg,n); return len-1; } else return 0; } } } else return 0; } else if (n.nodeName!="math") { for (i=0; i