198 lines
6.7 KiB
198 lines
6.7 KiB
'use strict';
var OpenElementStack = require('./open_element_stack'),
Tokenizer = require('../tokenization/tokenizer'),
HTML = require('../common/html');
function setEndLocation(element, closingToken, treeAdapter) {
var loc = element.__location;
if (!loc)
if (!loc.startTag) {
loc.startTag = {
start: loc.start,
end: loc.end
if (closingToken.location) {
var tn = treeAdapter.getTagName(element),
// NOTE: For cases like <p> <p> </p> - First 'p' closes without a closing tag and
// for cases like <td> <p> </td> - 'p' closes without a closing tag
isClosingEndTag = closingToken.type === Tokenizer.END_TAG_TOKEN &&
tn === closingToken.tagName;
if (isClosingEndTag) {
loc.endTag = {
start: closingToken.location.start,
end: closingToken.location.end
loc.end = closingToken.location.end;
//NOTE: patch open elements stack, so we can assign end location for the elements
function patchOpenElementsStack(stack, parser) {
var treeAdapter = parser.treeAdapter;
stack.pop = function () {
setEndLocation(this.current, parser.currentToken, treeAdapter);
stack.popAllUpToHtmlElement = function () {
for (var i = this.stackTop; i > 0; i--)
setEndLocation(this.items[i], parser.currentToken, treeAdapter);
stack.remove = function (element) {
setEndLocation(element, parser.currentToken, treeAdapter);
OpenElementStack.prototype.remove.call(this, element);
exports.assign = function (parser) {
//NOTE: obtain Parser proto this way to avoid module circular references
var parserProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(parser),
treeAdapter = parser.treeAdapter;
//NOTE: patch _reset method
parser._reset = function (html, document, fragmentContext) {
parserProto._reset.call(this, html, document, fragmentContext);
this.attachableElementLocation = null;
this.lastFosterParentingLocation = null;
this.currentToken = null;
patchOpenElementsStack(this.openElements, parser);
parser._processTokenInForeignContent = function (token) {
this.currentToken = token;
parserProto._processTokenInForeignContent.call(this, token);
parser._processToken = function (token) {
this.currentToken = token;
parserProto._processToken.call(this, token);
//NOTE: <body> and <html> are never popped from the stack, so we need to updated
//their end location explicitly.
if (token.type === Tokenizer.END_TAG_TOKEN &&
(token.tagName === $.HTML ||
(token.tagName === $.BODY && this.openElements.hasInScope($.BODY)))) {
for (var i = this.openElements.stackTop; i >= 0; i--) {
var element = this.openElements.items[i];
if (this.treeAdapter.getTagName(element) === token.tagName) {
setEndLocation(element, token, treeAdapter);
parser._setDocumentType = function (token) {
parserProto._setDocumentType.call(this, token);
var documentChildren = this.treeAdapter.getChildNodes(this.document),
cnLength = documentChildren.length;
for (var i = 0; i < cnLength; i++) {
var node = documentChildren[i];
if (this.treeAdapter.isDocumentTypeNode(node)) {
node.__location = token.location;
parser._attachElementToTree = function (element) {
//NOTE: _attachElementToTree is called from _appendElement, _insertElement and _insertTemplate methods.
//So we will use token location stored in this methods for the element.
element.__location = this.attachableElementLocation || null;
this.attachableElementLocation = null;
parserProto._attachElementToTree.call(this, element);
parser._appendElement = function (token, namespaceURI) {
this.attachableElementLocation = token.location;
parserProto._appendElement.call(this, token, namespaceURI);
parser._insertElement = function (token, namespaceURI) {
this.attachableElementLocation = token.location;
parserProto._insertElement.call(this, token, namespaceURI);
parser._insertTemplate = function (token) {
this.attachableElementLocation = token.location;
parserProto._insertTemplate.call(this, token);
var tmplContent = this.treeAdapter.getChildNodes(this.openElements.current)[0];
tmplContent.__location = null;
parser._insertFakeRootElement = function () {
this.openElements.current.__location = null;
parser._appendCommentNode = function (token, parent) {
parserProto._appendCommentNode.call(this, token, parent);
var children = this.treeAdapter.getChildNodes(parent),
commentNode = children[children.length - 1];
commentNode.__location = token.location;
parser._findFosterParentingLocation = function () {
//NOTE: store last foster parenting location, so we will be able to find inserted text
//in case of foster parenting
this.lastFosterParentingLocation = parserProto._findFosterParentingLocation.call(this);
return this.lastFosterParentingLocation;
parser._insertCharacters = function (token) {
parserProto._insertCharacters.call(this, token);
var hasFosterParent = this._shouldFosterParentOnInsertion(),
parentingLocation = this.lastFosterParentingLocation,
parent = (hasFosterParent && parentingLocation.parent) ||
this.openElements.currentTmplContent ||
siblings = this.treeAdapter.getChildNodes(parent),
textNodeIdx = hasFosterParent && parentingLocation.beforeElement ?
siblings.indexOf(parentingLocation.beforeElement) - 1 :
siblings.length - 1,
textNode = siblings[textNodeIdx];
//NOTE: if we have location assigned by another token, then just update end position
if (textNode.__location)
textNode.__location.end = token.location.end;
textNode.__location = token.location;